A few years ago reflex camera Purchased for professional photography. Today is the time social networks, where everyone wants to stand out with beautiful photos, share photo reports from trips and walks. They often buy SLR camera. The variety of brands and models makes it much more difficult for beginners and amateurs to choose. In this article we will describe in detail what you should pay attention to and how to choose a camera in accordance with your intended purposes.

Is a DSLR really necessary?

Often, buying a DSLR (DSLR camera) seems like a good idea only until you purchase it. According to many newbie photographers, buying a camera is a 100% guarantee high-quality images. Let’s say you invited a photographer to an event, paid for an hour of work, and after a couple of weeks you received wonderful pictures without distortion, with an even complexion, “borders” in the background. And then a business plan emerges in my head, just an hour of time, such an amount, and I’m good at filming myself. The idea of ​​investing money in photographic equipment is ripening, the work is not dusty, and also how profitable!

Not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance. When buying a SLR camera, you are not only purchasing a device, but you are signing a sentence for yourself to purchase the whole system, which requires large investments. Undoubtedly, high-quality photographs are obtained with a semi-professional SLR camera, and even with a kit lens. However, there is also a “but” here: in order for the pictures to match in quality and performance, you need to know the theory. Studying all the nuances will not take a single day; understanding will come with experience in a month.

That is, when buying a SLR camera you should stock up on:
1. Finance(be prepared for additional costs).
2. Time(gaining photography experience, time to process photos).
3. Knowledge(it is important to understand at least the basics: composition, color combinations, volume, poses and angles, creating effects using various shooting modes, graphic editors).

What goals should you follow? when buying a camera and how this will affect your choice:

- Amateur photography for the family archive, photos of friends, children and relatives.
In this case, it is not necessary to consider top models. It is enough to limit yourself to a semi-professional camera (the manufacturers themselves position them as models for entry level, it is not difficult to distinguish them due to their low cost and more numbers in the name). Starter models are equipped with a universal lens marked KIT (kit lens). It is difficult for an amateur who does not have experience and a lot of knowledge to get decent pictures with this optics. If your plans are to develop yourself as a photographer, then at the initial stage a kit lens is enough to get the hang of shooting in manual mode. When a camera is needed only to take photos in family archive, and you have the finances, it would be more advisable to replace it with a higher quality and light-sensitive optics model.

- Professional and commercial photography.
This type of photography implies that the buyer is already a photographer with a certain amount of experience and has a wealth of knowledge, equipment and components.
Professional SLR cameras are far from a budget option (if you also take into account that the optics must correspond to the level of the camera, or even be an order of magnitude higher). Therefore, beginners and amateurs who are ready to buy a camera today and post an advertisement for commercial photography tomorrow are not recommended to purchase expensive models. Shooting with a DSLR requires a lot of thinking, and if the whole process happens in auto mode, then it's a waste of money.

DSLR Camera Options

A SLR camera has about fifty characteristics, but not all of them are important, as manufacturers assure. What should you pay attention to first?

Matrix size and megapixels

It is the matrix that is the main unit of the camera, a digital analogue of photographic film. Using the matrix, the light flow is converted into electrical signals - thus producing the picture that we see on the monitor. To put it simply, a matrix is ​​a microcircuit consisting of millions of light-sensitive sensors.

In addition to the name of the matrix, the characteristics always indicate the number of elements (sensors), which is more familiar to us in the wording megapixels. One megapixel (Mp) is equal to a million light sensors.

The number of megapixels is directly related to the resolution of the matrix; the quality of the photo, detail and noise level depend on it. A larger number of megapixels allows you to get a picture with high detail.

But such an indicator as megapixels should not come first. Initially, decide on the choice of the physical size of the matrix (matrix diagonal in centimeters or inches). The fact is that larger size pixel provides high degree photosensitivity, capturing more photons of light. Comparing several matrices with the same number of light-sensitive sensors, in case of insufficient illumination, a matrix with a larger diagonal will provide a lower level of noise.

You can often see digital compact cameras with 24 megapixels, but has any professional switched to a point-and-shoot camera just because it has more megapixels than an expensive DSLR? Of course not. Manufacturers are spurring demand for multi-pixel models, but the image quality is not getting any better. And all because the size of the matrix remains the same.

If we consider, for example, several matrices, from a compact camera and a SLR camera, then the difference in physical size is immediately evident, while the number of pixels in both cameras is the same. But the size of DSLR camera sensors is larger, therefore the light sensitivity is better.

What does a manufacturer do when they announce an increase in the number of pixels? Increases the physical size of the matrix? No it's expensive. The manufacturer places on the same small matrix not 12 megapixels, but 24 megapixels, for example. In the photograph this is reflected by an increase in sharpness and detail, but that’s where the advantages end. The area of ​​photosensitive sensors becomes several times smaller, photosensitivity decreases, and more digital noise appears.

In SLR cameras, the matrix size is indicated only in millimeters; in addition to physical dimensions, there is such a thing as crop factor.
The crop factor shows the difference between 35 mm film (the full-frame sensor has the same dimensions) and the size of the sensor installed in the camera. All entry-level and mid-level DSLR cameras are not full frame.

A full frame makes it easier to achieve the effect of blurring the background, using the full potential of the lens (the angle is wider, the light sensitivity is higher, focusing is easier).
From this we conclude that Full Frame matrices allow shooting in low-light conditions, produce an image with less digital noise and better color rendition.

Noise in photos – an undesirable defect, which is chaotically located multi-colored dots that appear in low light. Noise is clearly visible in photographs in objects that are darker or uniform in saturation and color (background out of focus, dark clothing, etc.). Yes, you can get rid of digital noise in professional graphic editors, in which case the problem would seem to be solved. By no means, getting rid of unwanted noise entails a loss of sharpness, a decrease in the detail of small objects and contrasting lines. In more expensive camera models, manufacturers introduce new noise reduction algorithms, but they only partially help.

Of course, any camera will produce noise, but it will only appear at different ISO values.

ISO – sensitivity of the matrix, indicated by a numerical value. ISO is one of the three parameters for setting the correct exposure. The higher the sensitivity is set in the camera settings, the wider the possibilities for shooting in the dark. However, it is still recommended not to work with high values ISO, this will lead to a loss in the quality of the final images. The optimal ISO values ​​are 50, 100, 400; when setting the parameters higher, noise and digital debris will appear in the photographs. So, focusing on buying a camera with a higher ISO is also not correct. If you plan to shoot in low light conditions, it is better to stock up on additional lighting equipment.

Everything described above should concern the buyer first. But, as practice shows, entry-level models different manufacturers similar in meaning and design features, so it will be important to study additional parameters of DSLRs. The following characteristics do not affect the quality of the image, however, they bring convenience to the shooting process.

Image stabilization

Almost all compact cameras are equipped with a stabilizer, but not always DSLRs. This is primarily due to the weight and size of the camera; small compacts are more susceptible to shaking in the hand, unlike large and heavy SLR cameras. A slight vibration of the hand leads to defocus and blurring of the image. DSLR cameras are easier to hold in position without shaking because... You need to hold them with both hands very close to your face. I would like to note that the presence of stabilization does not greatly affect the cost of the camera; there are both amateur models with stabilization and professional ones without it.

Stabilization is useful for:
- Shooting with a long-focus lens (the longer the focal length of the lens, the more difficult it is to focus; the oscillation distance increases exponentially as you approach).
- Shooting in low light conditions and at long shutter speeds (indoors, evening and night photography).

Stabilization systems:
- Optical. Implies automatic lens unit add-ons, technically this is quite complex look stabilization compared to digital.
- Digital. With digital stabilization, it is not the optics that move, but the matrix. Digital stabilization is less effective, so it is not advisable to focus on buying a camera with digital stabilization.

If you like a camera without built-in stabilization, don’t worry. In any case, the best stabilizer is a tripod; it’s rare that long-focus or long-shutter photography can be done without a tripod.


The undoubted advantage of SLR cameras over digital compacts is the ability to change optics. Depending on the goals set, the photographer needs to change and select lenses. Portrait and full-length photography is best done with medium focus, nature and the sky with wide-angle lenses. Unfortunately, universal optics “for both the feast and the world” have not yet been invented. In this regard, SLR cameras provide the ability to change lenses. The bayonet mount acts as a connecting element between the camera and the lens. The mount is made of metal with a rotating connection (until it clicks). There are contacts on the bayonet through which the lens is powered and information commands are exchanged.

Having chosen a camera, study in advance the compatibility of optics for this model. Each global manufacturer of photographic equipment has its own mounting standard.
In addition to the differences in mounts between manufacturers, you should take into account the difference in mounts for full-frame and cropped equipment. For full-frame cameras, each brand has its own separate line of lenses, in most cases with “astronomical” cost. Of course, it is always easy to find an adapter for “non-native” optics on sale, but this is a separate expense.

If you have friends who are photographers, then find out what mount they have, in case you have the opportunity to exchange or borrow a lens. For a popular type of mount it is easier to find an analogue of an expensive original lens. If you are on a budget, then the best choice for the most common bayonet mount.

Shutter life: forever together?

There is probably no amateur photographer who has not worried about the life of the camera shutter. Everyone knows that DSLR cameras have a mileage limit, but should we be afraid of this? When purchasing used equipment, the shutter life is almost the first parameter that is emphasized.

The numbers provided by manufacturers do not always correspond to reality; identical models of DSLRs fail at different mileages. For example, the manufacturer indicates a mileage of 50,000 frames; there is no guarantee that the shutter will work for exactly this period.

It all depends on the operating conditions. If the camera is located indoors or in a studio and is used in “greenhouse” conditions, then it is possible to extend the life of the shutter. Sometimes the mileage is two or three times higher. Taking photographs outdoors in highly dusty and windy weather will not benefit the camera.

Frequently changing lenses also has a detrimental effect on shutter life. To extend the shutter's production limit, it is sufficient to avoid situations where dust and debris enter the mechanism.

You can always return your camera to service center to replace the shutter and clean the matrix, the service is not cheap, but the price of a new device is several times higher.

In addition to the resource, the shutter is associated with such a parameter as excerpt .

Before purchasing, decide which photography style will be dominant when shooting.

A short shutter speed will allow you to capture moments from life, “freeze” water and moving objects. Long shutter speeds provide long-term light flow, which expands the boundaries of evening and night photography.

Built-in flash, is it really necessary?

The flash built in by the manufacturer is only suitable for amateurs who shoot in auto mode and don’t really think about the quality of the image. If your goals are to “click to make it happen,” then the built-in flash is for you. For development in photography, shooting three-dimensional images, the built-in flash is not suitable; its use often “negates” the full potential of the camera.

Cons of the built-in flash:
- shooting “head-on”, all the shadows on the face are highlighted or have hard transitions, because of this the effect of a flat image is created;
- red eyes and bright hard glare (overexposure) on reflective surfaces;
- there is no possibility to reduce the light intensity, therefore the exposure is not always set correctly;
- hard black falling shadows from objects;
- does not turn off during automatic and semi-automatic shooting, it works automatically depending on the lighting.

Despite the significant disadvantages, there are pros:
- the flash is absolutely free, when buying a camera with a built-in flash, you do not overpay. A built-in flash is rarely found on professional-level models, since only amateurs use it;
- compact dimensions. It is difficult to forget, lose or break.

If you seriously decide to take up photography and use a camera for commercial purposes, then think about buying external flash.

Viewfinder and LCD screen

One of important elements SLR camera - viewfinder. The viewfinder is the primary transmission of information from the camera to the photographer.
The viewfinder is not responsible for the quality of the photograph, but it does affect the photographer’s perception of the final image.

Modern SLR cameras include:
- Optic. It is a set of lenses built into the camera. The image is displayed with a certain error, making focus adjustment more difficult.

- Electronic. Allows you to see the image without distortion, you can immediately see whether the photo is correctly exposed and the white balance. Helps to accurately focus in manual mode. Displays shooting options.

LCD screen installed on all modern SLR cameras. Taking pictures in LiveView mode (looking at the LCD screen) is not recommended, but it is still a useful addition. Manufacturers equip the LCD display with a touchscreen and rotating mechanisms.

Buying a camera with a rotating display will make the photographer’s life easier in many ways and will protect new jeans from dirt and dust. How, you ask? Often it takes a long time to select a good angle for a successful shot; shooting from below has always been a winning option, but it’s not very pleasant to kneel down or lie down on the asphalt for the sake of a shot.

In LiveView mode, just rotate the screen and lower the camera to required level. Note that shooting in LiveView mode consumes power many times faster. To save energy, many models are equipped with a monochrome display. An additional display makes it easier to configure shooting parameters and displays basic indicators.

Video recording

This feature is not found on all cameras, and not every photographer needs it. Suitable for wedding photographers and videographers, for shooting semi-professional videos, and maintaining a personal blog. You can improve the recording quality with additional purchases: a microphone, a tripod. Modern models cameras support video recording in Full HD format, but this is still not enough for creating advertising or clips.

Let's sum it up

Choosing a DSLR camera puts not only beginners, but also professional photographers in a difficult position.

We recommend not focusing on a specific brand of camera, but based on the required characteristics. Having previously studied the information on the Internet, choose several suitable models and test them in the store. Pay attention not only to the characteristics and indicators of the “filling”, shape and weight also play a role important role. Cameras with a metal body are more reliable, but not every photographer can handle carrying a kilogram body in his hands, and add to this the weight of the lens and flash.

Hold several cameras in your hand, the ergonomic shape and rubber grips will be an additional step towards comfortable shooting.
If your budget does not allow for the purchase of a full-frame camera, then consider inexpensive crop camera models. The characteristics of DSLRs in the same price segment are similar, so take a closer look at the little things that make the shooting process easier.

Research the compatibility of accessories and configurations for your preferred camera in advance. Sometimes purchase little-known brand leads to problems in selecting non-branded accessories. Popular cameras are easier to find optional equipment at a lower cost, easier to resell.

The main mistake that novice photographers make is investing completely in the body of the camera. While the best option investment in the lens, and in addition the purchase of a mid-level body. A good lens unlocks the potential of the camera and the photographer. It is extremely difficult to achieve a professional level with a budget version of a kit lens.

Remember, 80% of success depends on the person operating the equipment, and not vice versa.

What types of cameras are there? Today we will talk to you about the most popular types of digital cameras. Perhaps this will help someone decide when buying a camera. And for the rest, I hope this information will be interesting and informative. Go!

Compact point-and-shoot cameras
What is a "soap box"? Many people have heard this word, but not everyone knows what type of cameras I call it. Essentially, a point-and-shoot camera is the simplest and cheapest compact digital camera. Prices this type cameras start at 2 thousand rubles. Most digital point-and-shoot cameras do not have manual shooting modes, a rather poor fixed lens with a variable focal length, but the saddest thing is that this type of camera has the smallest matrix among all. Because of this, the quality of the resulting images is the worst among all cameras.

What is a “point-and-shoot” in a nutshell: a small matrix, a poor built-in variable focal length lens, the absence of manual modes in most cases. But at the same time, compacts of this type have advantages: the smallest sizes among all digital cameras, the lowest price.

Sony Cyber-shot DSC-W730 is a typical representative of the point-and-shoot class

Compact ultrazoom cameras
What is "ultrasound"? Essentially, this is the same “soap box”, but larger. Usually, “ultrazooms” are more convenient than soap dishes from an ergonomic point of view. The main difference is the built-in lens with a universal high-power lens. Zoom from 20 to 50 is the norm for “ultrazooms”. As you may have guessed, the quality of photographs from this type of camera is no better than from a regular point-and-shoot camera. It's just that the camera itself is more versatile.

What is “ultrazoom” in a nutshell: it is a “point-and-shoot” with a large lens. Everything else does not distinguish this type of camera from the previously reviewed compacts.

"Ultrazoom" Olympus SP-820UZ

Advanced compact cameras
A compact camera is not always a bad camera. There is a number of evidence for this. This immediately brings to mind the excellent Fujifilm x100s compact. There is a matrix comparable in size to a crop DSLR, manual modes, and a fast lens. Distinctive feature Such cameras usually have a fixed focal length lens. In the case of Fuji, this is a lens with an equivalent focal length of 35mm (i.e. real 24mm or so). Today the leader among compacts is the full-frame Sony RX. The first compact with such a huge matrix. The price of this miracle is more than 100 thousand rubles.

What is an advanced compact in a nutshell: it is a small camera with a good matrix and optics. The main disadvantages are the inability to change lenses and high price. Some compacts at this level are more expensive than amateur-level SLR cameras.

Fujifilm X100S is an excellent compact camera priced at almost 50 thousand rubles

System (mirrorless) digital cameras (EVIL cameras) or “mirrorless” cameras
What is “mirrorless”? This is a digital camera with interchangeable optics, which does not have a mirror and an optical viewfinder, respectively. These are the main differences between these cameras and SLR cameras. Due to different technology, it was possible to achieve more compact camera sizes, despite the fact that the matrices in EVIL cameras correspond to the matrices of amateur “DSLRs”. And just recently, the full-length Sony A7r was released with a 36-megapixel matrix, which, according to test results from respected publications, is practically not inferior to the professional Nikon D800, which at one time surprised the public with its characteristics specifically in terms of the matrix.

What is a “mirrorless” camera in a nutshell: it is a small camera with excellent characteristics matrices, the ability to change lenses. Disadvantages in comparison with DSLRs: lack of optical VI, not big park optics, worst ergonomics.

Sony Alpha A7R is the best “mirrorless” camera today

SLR digital cameras or “DSLRs”
What is a "DSLR"? This is a camera with interchangeable lenses. Unlike “mirrorless” cameras, it has an optical viewfinder that displays a real (“live”) image of the object being photographed due to the design of the camera based on the transmission of light flux from the camera lens through the mirror directly to the viewfinder. During photography, the mirror rises and instead of the viewfinder, the image falls on the matrix, thus saving the image.

What is a “DSLR” in a nutshell: in the days of film, it was an exclusively professional technique, which, with the advent of digital technology, made its way to the masses. SLR cameras have a combination of properties that are superior to previously mentioned types of cameras: fast focusing, high-speed shooting, a large fleet of optics from popular manufacturers, excellent ergonomics.

Canon 1Dx - Canon's best DSLR

Digital cameras with translucent mirror
These cameras are sometimes referred to as “DSLRs.” Cameras with translucent mirrors are produced by Sony. Visually they are no different from mirror ones. The main difference is the absence of a lifting mirror. Instead, a translucent mirror is used. These cameras do not have an optical viewfinder - Sony cameras have an electronic one. This is one of the downsides of the camera from the point of view of many photographers. The second disadvantage is that part of the light is blocked by a translucent mirror.

What is a camera with a translucent mirror in a nutshell: these are cameras Sony, which are essentially similar to “DSLRs”, but differ in the technology of transmitting light flux from the lens to the matrix and viewfinder.

Sony Alpha SLT-A99 - full-frame camera with a translucent mirror

Rangefinder digital cameras or "rangefinders"
What are "rangefinders"? A fairly popular class of cameras in the film era, now represented by the elite Leica M9 and Leica M. These cameras have a full-format sensor. They are more compact than SLR cameras. The prices for the “rangefinders” themselves and optics are sky-high. The camera costs about 300 thousand rubles, lenses from 100 thousand rubles. Leica is like a Bentley, only a camera.

What is a “rangefinder” in a nutshell: today it is a very expensive fashion item. Only a few people buy these cameras. And many photographers sigh sadly when they hear “Leica M”...

Leica M is the most expensive modern rangefinder, the dream of many photographers

Medium format digital cameras
The medium format camera is the last thing we’ll talk about today. These are the most expensive digital cameras available today. They are superior to all others in terms of the final picture thanks to the medium format matrix, which is physically larger than the full-format one. These are cameras exclusively for professionals, they cost a lot of money, the lenses for them are also very high quality and expensive. For example: Leica S2P and Hasselblad H5D-60 cost more than a million rubles for the version without a lens. One of the cheapest medium format cameras, the Pentax 645D, costs about 300 thousand rubles.

What is a medium format camera in a nutshell: it is a very expensive camera for professionals, which surpasses all other types of cameras in terms of the quality of the resulting photographs.

The Hasselblad H5D-60 is a modern digital medium format camera. Couldn't be more professional

Bottom line
We looked at the most popular classes (types, types - call it what you want) of modern digital cameras. I hope this article helped you understand the variety of cameras that exist on the market today. Good choice and good shots to everyone!


Question: “Which should I choose: a DSLR or a simple digital camera?” plagues many beginning photographers. To make a choice between a fork, spoon or chopsticks, we need to know what kind of food we are using the device for. With a camera everything is similar, the choice is made based on what you want to shoot. Of course, it’s convenient when you can take both a point-and-shoot camera and a DSLR, depending on the situation in which you need to shoot. But if you have to choose one, read on.

The quality of the resulting photograph directly depends on the camera we use. The article discusses the advantages and disadvantages of a digital SLR camera. Knowing them, it will be easier to navigate in choosing the level of photographic equipment that will suit you.

SLR camera

If we compare a point-and-shoot camera with a DSLR camera, the latter has the following advantages:

  • Allows you to look “through” the camera without any processing and see a mirror image of what appears in the frame. The electronic viewfinder has a number of disadvantages, including image lag, difficulty focusing, and difficulty viewing the image in bright sunlight
  • The time between pressing the shutter button and releasing it (taking a photo) is almost imperceptible. To capture the moment you only need a good reaction. In soap dishes, the response time after pressing occurs with a noticeable delay, which complicates the shooting of fast moving objects.
  • We can blur the background the way we need it, and not the way it turns out
  • Natural, high-quality color reproduction
  • The ability to shoot in dark places without a head-on flash, as well as relatively well-lit photographs with a detachable flash
  • A large set of settings that open up more possibilities and shooting options. In conditions where a point-and-shoot camera will either do a terrible job or fail to capture the required frame, fine manual adjustments and high-aperture optics will squeeze the frame to the desired level.

Of the minuses it is worth noting:

  • The high cost of professional cameras and the high cost of their components (a beginner can purchase a minimum kit consisting of one lens and a camera for 15-25 thousand rubles)
  • Having to learn how to use all the adjustable settings, of which there are many, is truly a lot. All standard modes (auto, portrait, night portrait, landscape, etc.) are present, but many difficulties are solved fine settings for each specific situation.
  • The considerable weight (1-2 kg) and the size of the camera itself mean that it will require a suitable bag or backpack. A good flash and a pair of lenses that will help out in the most difficult situations, will add weight and take up quite a bit of space.


A simple compact digital camera has three significant advantages:

  • Ease
  • Mobility
  • Cheapness

As for the quality of the pictures, it is noticeably worse.


You should choose a camera based on your preferences, choosing the quality and beauty of photographs or the simplicity and cheapness of their production. What is more important to you should determine your choice.

Photography has become a part of life modern man. Despite the emergence of decent cameras in smartphones, the demand for cameras has not changed at all. Experienced users understand the characteristics of cameras, their functions and design, but novice photographers may get confused by the variety of models. Let's try to figure out what the difference is between a SLR and a digital camera.

First, it’s worth understanding that a SLR camera can be analog (film) or digital. A digital device, in turn, can be a DSLR or not. Below we will discuss what the difference is in the design and functions of cameras.

Even a purely visual SLR camera differs from a digital compact in its massiveness and serious lens. To understand exactly what the difference is between compact cameras and DSLRs, it’s worth looking inside the technology.

Reflex camera

This type of camera is more complex in terms of its structure and operating principle. This affects not only the functionality (it is wider), but also the size and weight of the camera. In addition, mirror models have more mechanical parts, which makes them vulnerable to shocks and falls. Cameras with mirrors consist of two parts:

  • camera (body or carcass);

  • removable lens.

Inside the lens is row of lenses and aperture- they let light through. The job of the aperture is to control the amount of light that enters the sensor. This affects the amount of noise, color rendition and overall image quality.

After light passes through the lens and diaphragm, it hits a translucent mirror, where the light flux is divided into two parts. The first part is sent through a system of mirrors and a convex lens to a pentaprism, where the image is inverted and enters the viewfinder. This is where the picture is accessible to the human eye.

Due to the fact that the entire process is based on the laws of physics, there is no distortion or loss of image quality. The photographer sees exactly what will appear in the final photo.

The second part of the stream from the translucent mirror is sent focusing system. Here, using special sensors, a calculation is made whether the object is in focus or not. After which the lenses are shifted so as to catch the focus. When the photographer is convinced that he is completely satisfied with the picture, he presses the shutter button, the mirror moves back and all the light falls on the matrix. The photo is taken.

A compact camera is much simpler in design. It consists of a one-piece body with a retractable lens. In this case it is not removed. The principle of operation is that light passes through the lenses, hits the matrix and after image processing by processor it turns out to be a photograph.

This is the key difference between cameras: on a DSLR the photographer sees the real image, but on a compact camera he sees what the processor sees.

Differences in the design of compacts and DSLRs

Based on the above, we can draw a conclusion regarding the differences in the design of a SLR camera from a digital compact camera.

  1. A DSLR camera has a removable lens, while a compact camera has a non-removable lens.
  2. In a DSLR, the focusing is optical (that is, achieved through optics, namely by shifting the lenses), in soap dishes it is electronic (the image is processed by a processor).
  3. The compact camera does not have a mirror system.

In general, due to the simplicity of their structure, compact cameras are smaller in size, but they also have a subtype, called "ultrasound". Externally, ultrazooms resemble mirror models, but they also do not have a removable lens, but fundamental difference lies in the ability to increase. Simple compacts cannot photograph distant objects; ultrazooms have 40, 50 and even 60x zoom.

DSLR cameras have best characteristics display, possibility connecting an external flash and an external microphone In addition, their battery lasts much longer. Most compact devices do not have connectivity additional accessories, the battery lasts for 200-300 pictures on average, provided that no one watches them on the device’s display. The display itself is much worse in terms of characteristics.

Another important point is that the optics of SLR cameras are made of glass. Compact cameras use plastic.

The matrix in SLR cameras is larger than that of point-and-shoot cameras. The size of the matrix directly affects how much light it will collect. The larger the size, the better photo. The full-size matrix has a size of 24 * 36 mm, and currently film and expensive professional cameras with a mirror have this size. In mirrored models of medium and lower level matrices can reach 13.5*18 mm or 22.7*15.1 mm. For compacts this figure does not exceed 8.8 * 6.6 mm, but it can be less.

Functionality of compacts and DSLRs

There has long been an opinion that compact cameras are devices that operate on the principle of “ pressed the button, received a photo" Here you don’t need to know the basics of photography, set the settings and think hard about the photo. Point-and-shoot cameras were created for people who do not need to take high-quality photographs or photographs, but just want to capture the frame. The only changes that can be made on a compact camera are to zoom in or out of the image, and also to apply filters programmed into the model.

Mirror models offer their owners a real field for experimentation. There is an automatic mode, but people who have at least a minimal understanding of shooting and want to get really interesting shots always set everything in manual mode. With a DSLR device, you can change the shutter speed, focus, or aperture size. All this affects the image. In other words, with a DSLR camera the photographer gets what he intended, but with a compact camera he gets what he gets.

The DSLR focuses much faster, which makes it possible to shoot continuously without losing quality. In addition, DSLR cameras have better color rendition. They can use light filters that allow you to take interesting pictures.

What is a mirrorless camera

A relatively new market trend and not yet widely used is a mirrorless camera. The main difference between a DSLR and a mirrorless camera is mirrors available.

Essentially, a mirrorless camera is a derivative of a DSLR and a compact. What remains from the compact is the size of the body and the principle of operation - light hits the matrix, the processor reads the information and displays the image on the screen in real time. This device does not have a viewfinder, mirrors, pentaprism or phase focusing.

A completely logical question arises: why is such a camera needed if it replicates the design of a compact? The fact is that such a camera uses mirror format matrices. Due to this, the quality of photos here is much better than in the compact. Besides mirrorless cameras are equipped removable lenses, which also makes the functionality wider and the shooting quality better.

Behind last years Mirrorless cameras have been proven to produce images that are as good as DSLR cameras. Despite the good performance of mirrorless models, they are practically not used in a professional environment.

Let's look at the pros and cons of these devices.

  • compact size;
  • fewer mechanical parts significantly improve reliability;
  • low cost compared to mirror devices;
  • In some cases, the display is more convenient to use than the viewfinder.
  • the picture is formed by the processor, this affects contrast and saturation;
  • the image is formed with a slight delay, since it takes time to process it by the processor;
  • the screen may glare in bright light;
  • Battery life is reduced due to the always-on display.


A comparison of the three types of cameras shows that the difference between a DSLR, a digital camera and a mirrorless device is the availability mirror and phase focusing systems. In terms of performance, DSLRs focus faster and deliver images more accurately, but they are larger. In addition, they are quite fragile. In some cases this is a problem.

In general, it can be noted that compact cameras are suitable for amateurs who do not aim to create masterpieces. DSLR and mirrorless cameras are more suitable for people who have interesting ideas and fantasy. With their help, you can take professional, high-quality photographs.

Professional cameras with interchangeable lenses, but how to choose?

So, having received hundreds of likes on Instagram, having played enough with point-and-shoot cameras and simple cameras, you finally decided to buy a serious, professional camera. One that will not only allow you to create beautiful photos, but it is also possible to build a business.

A few years ago there was not much choice - for professional photography you had to buy a SLR camera. But everything changed in 2009 when Olympus released its first mirrorless camera, the Pen E-P1.

True, not everything is limited by the number of megapixels, since the size of the matrix remains the most important factor in this regard. Full frame sensors are larger and generally offer better quality. APS-C will cost less, although it cannot be said that they are worse. Both types of sensor can be found on both types of cameras.

Micro 4/3, which is used on Panasonic and Olympus cameras, is smaller than APS-C, and both the cameras themselves and the lenses for them are smaller in size. Therefore, the question here is what is more important - size or chic quality.

  • Battery
  • Most DSLR cameras can shoot on average 600-800 frames without recharging. Top cameras can withstand more than 1000 frames (it is clear that they will be more expensive). Mirrorless cameras are weaker in this regard and are capable of shooting 300-400 frames per charge. If you need more frames from the camera, you will have to stock up on additional batteries.

    With such a large gap between the capabilities of DSLRs and mirrorless cameras, you need to clearly understand what is more important for the user. The Nikon D7200 DSLR and the Fuji X-T2 mirrorless DSLR have approximately the same parameters. But the first is capable of taking 1100 frames, and the second - 340 per charge. The performance among other “parallel” cameras will be very similar.

    Why exactly this happens is difficult to say; perhaps it has to do with mechanics, battery size and display operation.

    If we take the cheap segment, then a budget DSLR will provide more features than a similar mirrorless camera. So for those who want more and for less, a DSLR is still the best solution.

    An example is a Nikon D3300 DSLR camera from the budget segment, equipped with an APS-C matrix, an optical viewfinder, manual settings, a battery capable of withstanding 700 frames and a bayonet mount that allows access to all Nikon lenses.

    The similarly priced mirrorless Sony Alpha A6000 is equipped with almost the same 24MP APS-C matrix and has an electronic viewfinder. But you will need a spare battery.

    At the amateur and professional level, the differences are less noticeable. Smaller and lighter won't always equal cheaper, but it's worth remembering that only more expensive mirrorless cameras will have a viewfinder.

    It is impossible to make a final choice in favor of any type of camera. Here everything depends entirely on personal preferences and goals. If this is photography in the most serious sense, as a profession, it is best not to deviate from the classics for now and trust the choice of professionals - a SLR camera. For someone new to photography, similarly, a DSLR camera will provide more benefits. But when it comes to amateur photography or video shooting, it is still better to give mirrorless cameras a chance. At a minimum, they are much easier to transport.