In 1987, the entire USSR was shocked by the case of serial poisoner Tamara Ivanyutina, who poisoned 20 people with the most dangerous thallium. Among the dead were small children.

Tamara Antonovna Ivanyutina (maiden name Maslenko) (1941-1987).

The motives of the serial killer Tamara Ivanyutina were revenge and self-interest. She had grandiose fantasies about a thriving pigsty, “mountains of gold” and a black Volga. In addition, she did not want to “create poverty” - in the person of other people's children. Very modern and well-known “trends” to us.

Psychiatrists declared Ivanyutina absolutely sane. At the same time, three main features of her personality were identified: extremely inflated self-esteem, over-touchiness and vindictiveness. All these traits are characteristic of sociopaths, paranoids and narcissists.

Tamara was born into the family of Anton Mitrofanovich and Maria Fedorovna Maslenko and was the fourth child out of six in this large family. The main deity, the supreme idol and the main measure of success in the family was wealth.

The father did not hesitate to pour poison into a person he didn’t like, and the mother professed the following life wisdom: “You shouldn’t write complaints, but be friends with everyone and treat them. But adding poison to food is especially harmful.”

Maslenko’s old men, without hesitation, poisoned to death their neighbor in a communal apartment, who turned on the TV too loudly and interfered with sleep. And even a relative who reprimanded them about the puddle in the toilet. This is their way of “revenge for insults.” They added rat poison to the pilaf and pancakes prepared for the treat, stuffed oranges and gingerbread with poison... And at the same time they were very proud of their ingenuity.

How I “went to success”

Having matured, Tamara married a representative of one of the most successful professions of that time - a truck driver. People who lived in the USSR remember that “long-distance drivers,” along with sailors, were always extremely successful - it’s no joke, they traveled around all the republics of the Union, traveled to the CMEA countries, and sometimes, lo and behold, even to capitalist countries! Live and be happy! But that wasn't Tom's girlfriend. Money and an apartment - that's what she needed right now. And so she began to poison her husband. Little by little, but gradually increasing the dose.

As the investigation progressed, his partner described the last flight as follows. Tamara's husband became ill during the flight. His legs hurt badly; he couldn’t feel the pedals. I asked to replace him for an hour or two, but the poor fellow’s health was getting worse. Neither two nor three hours later the driver was able to get behind the wheel. Driving past a village stream, I asked my partner: “Maybe I should take a swim to cheer myself up? I’ll quickly douse myself with some water, get back to normal, and move on. Tomka prepared a clean towel for me..."

When the driver was drying his head, his partner was horrified to see that the entire towel was covered in hair. He refused to help himself to the sandwiches that his wife had provided him with: not because he suspected anything was wrong, but simply because he was afraid to doze off after a hearty snack while driving. Soon after returning from the flight, Tamara Ivanyutina’s first husband died of a heart attack.

Through a short time Tamara married Oleg Ivanyutin and took his last name. Having seen the house and plot of Ivanyutin’s parents, she immediately made a decision - use the old people, a plot for a small pig farm, pigs for meat and lard - and get rich, get rich, get rich.

One terrible day for the elderly, Tamara and her mother-in-law prepared dinner. We sat at the table together, but only in the evening the old man began to feel ill. The next morning, his mother called Oleg and said that something bad had happened to his father: his legs were losing weight, his feet were going numb. He says he can’t put on socks himself. And when the grandmother began to help him, he roared in pain, as if he were being cut into pieces. Oleg advised calling an ambulance, but at the emergency hospital, doctors examined my grandfather and said that polyarthritis had worsened. They prescribed meds and sent me home.

Tamara became very concerned about her father-in-law’s health and insisted on going to her parents immediately. She applied a heating pad to his feet and spoon-fed him soup. In general, Oleg praised her as the most caring daughter-in-law in the world... Apparently, she just splashed this liquid into the soup. That same night, my grandfather died in the hospital.

At her husband's funeral, the widow became ill with her heart. Oleg asked Tamara to bring medicine from home. She returned with a glass of Valocordin and a glass of water. As soon as she drank the medicine, the mother began to stagger. appeared on her lips white coating, and she immediately vomited. Panic began among those present. The widow began to cry out that she had been given poison. Some woman swore that she saw with her own eyes how Tamara dripped some liquid from a bottle into the medicine, taking it out of her jacket pocket. The men began to demand the police, someone suggested taking the contents of the glass for examination. And then Tamara threw both the glass of medicine and the glass of water to the ground. Oleg Ivanyutin shielded his wife from the angry crowd and began to calm his mother. Oleg’s mother began to have the same symptoms: her arms and legs hurt, her feet went numb. She could not move her tongue and almost did not speak. An ambulance took her away in the evening, and she died two days later.

The road to the personal pig farm was open. But where to get food? There is only one answer - at school!

School No. 16 of Minsk district of Kyiv

In March 1987, three sixth-graders and 11 employees were taken by ambulance from a Kyiv school to the hospital with a diagnosis of influenza. Everyone had the same symptoms: weakness, nausea, leg pain, baldness. Despite intensive treatment, two children - Sergei Panibrat and Andrei Kuzmenko - and two adults died almost immediately, the remaining nine people were in intensive care.

For that time, four deaths in a row was a real emergency. The prosecutor's office took over the case. Hospital doctors, summoned to an emergency meeting of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine, suggested that the cause of death was an unknown form of influenza, so standard treatment was ineffective. The following opinion was also voiced: people were poisoned by strong toxic substances through food or water. At first, this version was not even considered, but after the investigative authorities interviewed the victims, it turned out that they all ate what was left of lunch in the school canteen: chicken soup And chicken liver. Moreover, those who had lunch on time were not harmed.

Diet nurse Natalya Kukharenko.

The first to fall at the hands of Tamara was nurse Kukharenko, who had the imprudence to make comments to Ivanyutina, including for non-compliance with hygiene rules, rudeness and rudeness. Tamara did not skimp on comments to children and even teachers; she constantly hovered around the stove and looked into the pots. But it was difficult to find another dishwasher with a meager salary, so Ivanyutin was kept at work.

When Kukharenko was hospitalized, the patient complained of numbness and coldness in her legs, and doctors diagnosed her with heart failure. But just the day before the woman looked healthy, active and cheerful. Six months earlier, two schoolchildren and two teachers were hospitalized with the same symptoms. One of them told investigators that he had strangely gone bald, but the reason could not be determined.

All these facts showed that the “diseases” were not an accident. A decision was made to exhume Kukharenko’s remains. It was then that the presence of thallium in the tissues was discovered. But no one even thought about the deliberate use of this heavy metal for poisoning purposes. A request to the sanitary and epidemiological station to carry out measures to exterminate insects and rodents in the catering unit received a negative response. Experts checked all school premises, food, pots, containers for cereals and the buckwheat itself remaining in them. To no avail. But investigators paid attention to strange behavior dishwashers Ivanyutina. She obstructed the inspection in every possible way and was rude.

“I concluded that they don’t like us at this school,” recalled chemist expert Valentina Kalachikova. - The dishwasher Ivanyutina followed me on my heels like a warden. She probably decided that I would steal the pan from them or pour cereal into their pockets. It's a terrible feeling, honestly. The look is unkind, heavy... How was this vixen even allowed to work with children?”

The next step was to check all the personal files of the canteen workers. And then it turned out that Ivanyutina’s work book was false, since she had a criminal record for profiteering, which means she did not have the right to work in children’s institutions. This was the reason to study the life of a dishwasher in more detail. This is where the deaths of the first husband and the parents of the second came to light. They all complained of nausea and numbness in their limbs. Oleg himself had been ill for a long time (general weakness, joint pain, baldness), but doctors could not establish a diagnosis. Thus, Ivanyutina became suspect number one.


During a search in Ivanyutina’s house, the necessary thing was found literally at the last moment.

When they had examined everything that was possible, Valentina Petrovna Kalachikova suddenly approached the bedside table, which stood by the window, and asked to open the door. Ivanyutina, who watched everything that happened with contempt, took an uncertain step towards the bedside table:

This sewing machine, I got it from my mother-in-law. Will you take a look?

We'll take a look, open it, or give me the key, I'll open it myself.

Ivanyutina threw the keys on the floor and almost hissed: “Open it yourself, seamstress!”

Kalachikova examined the contents of the boxes. Bobbins with threads, needles in boxes, a set of tools for embroidery, a bottle of machine oil for lubricating mechanisms... She picked up the bottle and suddenly realized that the utensils were too heavy for oil. And she put the bottle in her pocket. Analysis in the laboratory showed that the container contained Clerici liquid - the so-called aqueous solution of thallium. It is used in geology to separate minerals by density. Therefore, first of all, all organizations of the Ministry of Geology of Ukraine were subjected to inspection. And almost immediately they found a supplier. One of the laboratory assistants of the geological exploration expedition regularly supplied the Maslenko family with thallium, allegedly for baiting rats. Over the entire period of time, they received about 500 mg of poison.

Her sister Nina Matsibora, who sent her to the next world, did not lag behind Tamara. legal spouse. Nina married a man much older than her. Having registered his young wife in his apartment, the elderly husband signed his own death sentence. A week after the wedding, he was admitted to the hospital complaining of weakness and pain in his legs. His death was attributed to age.

In November 1980, Tamara's mother Maria Fedorovna fell ill and went to the hospital. Her husband Anton Mitrofanovich was very worried about her health. At some point, the matchmaker decided to visit her. After the hospital, she went to Anton Mitrofanovich and expressed concerns about the matchmaker’s health. Like, she is the heaviest of the entire ward. It won't work. "That is?" - the matchmaker asked in bewilderment. “The truth is that there is little hope. We must prepare to have a human burial.” This phrase became a death sentence for her. Maslenko suggested that the matchmaker should not say nonsense, but rather drink to the health of his sick wife. While a relative was pouring moonshine and preparing food for the table, he seized the moment and poured poison into a glass. At night, the ambulance doctors, lost in conjecture, gave her injections - either for the heart or to lower the pressure, but all in vain - by the morning the woman died. By the way, the patient told the doctors that she was poisoned by a boiled egg. Like, when they were having a snack, Maslenko began to peel the egg, and it turned black right in his hands. He declared that the egg was spoiled and threw it aside. But when he left, the matchmaker felt sorry to throw him away, and she finished the egg. Unfortunately, the doctors considered it a dying delirium.

During the searches, no poison was found on Maslenko. But the poisoners gave themselves away. When Tamara was already in the pre-trial detention center, Maria Maslenko baked pancakes and went to treat her neighbor. She had a large disability pension, which was the subject of Maslenko’s black envy. But the neighbor did not eat the pancakes, because she had heard that the old woman’s daughter was suspected of poisoning. She threw one pancake to the cat, and by evening the animal began to convulse, and died three hours later. A neighbor reported this to the police, and the Maslenko couple were arrested. Just like Tamara, they told in detail and with gusto who, when, how and why they were poisoned.

Initially, Ivanyutina wrote a confession. The time has come for a psychopathic benefit performance. While in a state of grandiosity, she spoke in detail about her crimes. It turned out that she treated two sixth-graders to poison only because they refused to arrange tables and chairs. “I decided to punish them,” Tamara said.

Ivanyutina also said that she first tested the effect of the poison on her neighbor’s chickens and cats. She experimented with quantities - she knew what dose to give to make a person slightly ill, and what dose to make sure he died. At the same time, she did not care at all about the pain in which her victims died. “There should be no accidents in such a matter,” Ivanyutina explained smugly. - My friend almost got burned in the usual chicken egg. It’s good that the doctors turned out to be mugs...”

However, Ivanyutina later stated that she confessed under pressure from the investigation and refused to give further testimony. Apparently, when the “suckers” didn’t buy her “lots of gold,” she for the first time soberly assessed reality and realized that she was really in trouble.

But the whole picture of the crime was already clear to the investigation. So, in the fall of 1986, Ivanyutin poisoned the school party organizer to death - the woman prevented the theft of food from the canteen. Then Tamara treated two students in the first and fifth grades with thallium, who dared to ask her for the leftover cutlets for their dog. Fortunately, the guys survived, but such poisoning does not leave its mark on the body.

After the March death of dietitian Kukharenko, the head of the canteen, whose last name was Noga, sensed something was wrong and began locking the back room at night so that Ivanyutina would not have access to food. The presumptuous psychopath openly declared that “The Leg will follow Kukharenko.” Then the poisoner, using a syringe, filled the orange with a solution of thallium and treated the “enemy”, but he, fortunately, did not accept the offering. On that ill-fated March day when the children were poisoned, the liver with thallium was also intended for the manager. Just by chance, because of a meeting of the trade union committee, some school workers were late for lunch. As witnesses later said, Ivanyutina watched with a satisfied smile as innocent people consumed poisoned dishes.

The end of the Kyiv Borgia family: Lukyanovsky pre-trial detention center in Kyiv. There, under the USSR, death sentences were carried out.

In total, the family has 40 proven poisonings, 13 from fatal. Surprisingly, the entire family was found sane by the results of a forensic psychiatric examination. Tamara Ivanyutina was the most successful in terms of poisoning - 20 poisonings, 9 of which were fatal.

The trial of serial killers lasted several months. Husband Oleg reported in his testimony that every time Tamara brought more and more waste from school, while rejoicing that the children did not eat well. And the teachers got it precisely because they forced the children to finish their portions. This was not at all in the interests of the criminal, so she decided to poison especially persistent teachers. In addition, poisoning in the school cafeteria, in her opinion, should have caused distrust in school food and thereby increased the amount of waste for her pets.

Tamara Ivanyutina was sentenced to capital punishment and confiscation of property. Her father, mother and sister received 13, 10 and 15 years in prison respectively and an obligation to reimburse all victims for treatment costs.

When given the last word, she refused to admit guilt or ask for forgiveness from the relatives of her victims. “I didn’t have the right upbringing,” she said haughtily.

Tamara Ivanyutina was shot at the end of 1987 in the Lukyanovsky pre-trial detention center in Kyiv, she became the third and the last woman-a criminal officially sentenced to death penalty in USSR. The old killers died in custody, sister Nina, having served part of her sentence, was released in Independent Ukraine. Then her traces are lost.

In fact, this woman's name was Antonina Makarovna Parfenova. She was born in 1921 in the village of Malaya Volkovka near Smolensk, and went to school there. The teacher incorrectly wrote down the last name of the girl in the journal, who was embarrassed to say her name, and her classmates shouted: “Yes, she’s Makarova,” meaning that Antonina is Makar’s daughter. This is how Tonya Parfenova became Makarova. She graduated from school and went to Moscow to go to college. But the war began. Tonya Makarova volunteered for the front.

But nineteen-year-old nurse Makarova practically did not have time to serve her homeland: she ended up in the notorious Vyazma operation - the battle near Moscow, in which Soviet army suffered a crushing defeat. Of the entire unit, only Tonya and a soldier named Nikolai Fedchuk managed to survive and escape from captivity. For several months they wandered through the forests, trying to get to Fedchuk’s home village. Tonya had to become a soldier’s “travelling wife,” otherwise she would not have survived. However, as soon as Fedchuk got to the house, it turned out that he had a legal wife and lived here. Tonya went further alone and came to the village of Lokot, occupied by the German invaders. She decided to stay with the occupiers: maybe she had no other choice, or maybe she was so tired of wandering through the forests that the opportunity to eat and sleep normally under a roof became the decisive argument.

Now Tonya had to be a “camp wife” for many different men. In essence, Tonya was simply constantly raped, in return providing her with food and a roof over her head. But this did not last long. One day, the soldiers gave the girl a drink, and then, drunk, they put her in front of a Maxim machine gun and ordered her to shoot at the prisoners. Tonya, who before the front managed to take not only nursing courses, but also machine gunners, began shooting. In front of her stood not only men, but also women, old people, children, and drunken Tonya did not miss. From that day on, she became the Thin Machine Gunner, an executioner with an official salary of 30 marks.


Historians claim that Tonya’s childhood idol was Anka the machine gunner, and Makarova, becoming an executioner, fulfilled her childhood dream: it didn’t matter that Anka shot enemies, and Tonya shot partisans, and at the same time women, children and the elderly. But it is quite possible that Makarova, who received an official position, salary and her own bed, simply ceased to be the object of sexual violence. In any case, she did not refuse the new “job”.

According to official data, Tonka the Machine Gunner shot more than 1,500 people, but only 168 names were restored. As an incentive, Makarova was allowed to take the belongings of the dead, which, however, had to be washed off from the blood and bullet holes sewn up on them. Antonina shot the condemned with a machine gun, and then had to finish off the survivors with pistol shots. However, several children managed to survive: they were too short, and machine-gun bullets passed over their heads, and for some reason Makarova did not fire control shots. The surviving children were taken out of the village along with the corpses, and partisans rescued them at the burial sites. So rumors about Tonka the Machine Gunner as a cruel and bloodthirsty killer and traitor spread throughout the area. The partisans put a bounty on her head, but they were unable to get to Makarova. Until 1943, Antonina continued to shoot people.

And then Makarova was lucky: the Soviet army reached the Bryansk region, and Antonina would undoubtedly have died if she had not contracted syphilis from one of her lovers. The Germans sent her to the rear, where she ended up in a hospital under the guise of a Soviet nurse. Somehow, Antonina managed to obtain fake documents, and, having recovered, she got a job at the hospital as a nurse. There, in 1945, a wounded soldier, Viktor Ginzburg, fell in love with her. The young people got married, and Tonka the Machine Gunner disappeared forever. Instead, military nurse Antonina Ginzburg appeared.

After the end of the war, Antonina and Victor became exemplary Soviet family: We moved to Belarus, to the city of Lepel, worked at a garment factory, raised two daughters, and even came to schools as honored front-line soldiers to tell children about the war.

Meanwhile, the KGB continued to search for Tonka the Machine Gunner: the search continued for three decades, but the trace of the executioner’s woman was lost. Until one of Antonina’s relatives applied for permission to travel abroad. For some reason, Antonina Makarova (Ginsburg) was listed as citizen Parfenov’s sister in the list of relatives. Investigators began collecting evidence and got on the trail of Tonka the Machine Gunner. Several surviving witnesses identified her, and Antonina was arrested on her way home from work.

They say that during the trial Makarova remained calm: she believed that due to the passage of time, she would not be given a very harsh sentence. Meanwhile, her husband and daughters tried to achieve her release: the authorities did not say why exactly Makarova was arrested. As soon as the family learned what exactly their wife and mother would be tried for, they stopped trying to appeal the arrest and left Lepel.

Antonin Makarov was sentenced to death on November 20, 1978. She immediately submitted several petitions for clemency, but they were all rejected. On August 11, 1979, Tonka the Machine Gunner was shot.

Berta Borodkina

Berta Naumovna Borodkina, aka Iron Bella, was neither a ruthless killer nor an executioner. She was sentenced to capital punishment for systematic theft of socialist property on an especially large scale.

Berta Borodkina was born in 1927. The girl didn't like her own name and preferred to call herself Bella. She began her future dizzying career for a woman in the USSR as a barmaid and waitress in a Gelendzhik canteen. Soon the girl with a tough character was transferred to the position of canteen director. Borodkina coped with her duties so well that she became an Honored Worker of Trade and Catering of the RSFSR, and also headed a trust of restaurants and canteens in Gelendzhik.

In fact, this meant that in Iron Bella's restaurants party and government officials received ideal service - not at their own expense, but at the expense of visitors to inexpensive cafes and canteens: underfilling, underweight, the use of written-off products and banal calculation allowed Bella to release dizzying sums. She spent them on bribes and servicing officials at the highest level.

The scale of these acts allows us to call the Gelendzhik restaurant trust a real mafia: every bartender, waiter and director of a cafe or canteen had to give Borodkina a certain amount every month, otherwise the employees were simply fired. At the same time, connections with officials for a long time allowed Berta Borodkina to feel completely unpunished - no sudden checks and audits, no attempts to catch the head of the restaurant trust for theft. At this moment, Borodkina began to be called Iron Bella.

But in 1982, Bertha Borodkina was arrested on the basis of an anonymous statement from a certain citizen, who reported that in one of Borodkina’s restaurants, pornographic films were shown to selected visitors. This information, apparently, was not confirmed, but the investigation found that during the years of leading the trust, Borodkina stole more than a million rubles from the state - a completely incomprehensible amount at that time. During a search of Borodkina's house, they found furs, jewelry and huge sums of money hidden in the most unexpected places: in heating radiators, in rolled up cans and even in a pile of bricks near the house.

Borodkina was sentenced to death in the same 1982. Bertha’s sister said that in prison the defendant was tortured using psychotropic drugs. So Iron Bella broke down and began to confess. In August 1983, Berta Borodkina was shot.

Tamara Ivanyutina

Tamara Ivanyutina, nee Maslenko, was born in 1941 in Kyiv, into a large family. WITH early childhood her parents instilled in Tamara and her five brothers and sisters that the most important thing in life was material security. IN Soviet years The most profitable places were considered to be trade and catering, and at first Tamara chose trade for herself. But she fell for speculation and received a criminal record. It was almost impossible for a woman with a criminal record to get a job, so Ivanyutina got herself a fake work book and in 1986 she got a job as a dishwasher at school number 16 in the Minsk district of Kyiv. She later told investigators that she needed this work to provide livestock (chickens and pigs) with free food waste. But it turned out that Ivanyutina did not come to school for this at all.

On March 17 and 18, 1987, several students and school staff were hospitalized with signs of serious food poisoning. In the next few hours, two children and two adults died, another 9 people were in intensive care in serious condition. The version of an intestinal infection, which doctors suspected, was ruled out: the victims’ hair began to fall out. A criminal case was opened.

The investigation interviewed the surviving victims, and it turned out that all of them had lunch in the school cafeteria the day before and ate buckwheat porridge with liver. A few hours later, everyone felt a rapidly developing malaise. An inspection was carried out at the school, it turned out that the nurse who was responsible for the quality of food in the canteen died 2 weeks ago, according to the official conclusion - from cardiovascular disease. The circumstances of this death aroused suspicion among the investigators, and it was decided to exhume the body. The examination found that the nurse died from thallium poisoning. It is a highly toxic heavy metal, poisoning with which causes damage nervous system and internal organs, as well as total alopecia (complete hair loss). The investigation immediately organized a search of all employees of the school canteen and found “a small but very heavy jar” in Tamara Ivanyutina’s house. In the laboratory it turned out that the jar contained “Clerici liquid” - a highly toxic thallium-based solution. This solution is used in some branches of geology, and there was no way a school dishwasher would need it.

Ivanyutin was arrested, and she wrote a confession: according to her, she wanted to “punish” the sixth-graders who allegedly refused to place tables and chairs in the dining room. But Ivanyutina later stated that she confessed to the murders under pressure from the investigation and refused to give further testimony.

Meanwhile, investigators found out that the poisoning of children and school staff was not the first murder on Tamara Ivanyutina’s account. Moreover, it turned out that Tamara Ivanyutina herself and her family members (sister and parents) had been using thallium to commit poisoning for 11 years - since 1976. Moreover, both for selfish purposes, and in relation to people who, for some reason, family members simply did not like. They purchased the highly toxic Clerici liquid from a friend: the woman worked at a geological institute and was sure that she was selling thallium to her friends for baiting rats. Over all these years, she transferred the poisonous substance to the Maslenko family at least 9 times. And they used it every time.

First, Tamara Ivanyutina poisoned her first husband in order to inherit the apartment. Afterwards she remarried, but the relationship with her father-in-law and mother-in-law did not work out, and in the end they died within 2 days of each other. Ivanyutin also poisoned her husband herself, but with small portions of poison: the man began to get sick, and the killer hoped to soon become a widow and inherit a house and land plot. In addition, the episode of poisoning at school, it turns out, was not the first: earlier Ivanyutina poisoned school party organizer Ekaterina Shcherban (the woman died), a chemistry teacher (survived) and two children - first and fifth grade students. The children annoyed Ivanyutina by asking her for leftover cutlets for their pets.

At the same time Native sister Tamara Nina Matsibora poisoned her husband in order to take over his apartment, and the women’s parents, Maslenko’s wife, poisoned a neighbor in a communal apartment and a relative who reprimanded them. Tamara and Nina’s father also poisoned his relative from Tula when he came to visit her. Family members also poisoned neighbors' pets.

Already under investigation, in the pre-trial detention center Tamara Ivanyutina explained her life principles to her fellow inmates this way: “To achieve what you want, you don’t need to write complaints, but be friends with everyone, give them food. But adding poison to food is especially harmful.”

The court proved 40 episodes of poisoning committed by members of this family, 13 of which were fatal. When the verdict was announced, Tamara Ivanyutina refused to admit guilt and apologize to the relatives of the victims. She was sentenced to death. Ivanyutina’s sister Nina was sentenced to 15 years in prison, her father and mother to 10 and 13 years, respectively. The Maslenko couple died in prison; Nina’s further fate is unknown.

Tamara Ivanyutina, who never admitted her guilt, tried to bribe the investigator by promising him “a lot of gold.” After the court verdict was announced, she was shot.

The wave of thallium poisonings in Taganrog vividly recalled the story of the most brutal criminal of the post-war Soviet Union– Tamara Maslenko-Ivanyutina.

Ongoing Detective story, associated with mass thallium poisoning at the Taganrog Aviation Scientific and Technical Complex named after. Mr. M. Beriev, working mainly on orders from the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Ministry of Defense. For a long time employees of the enterprise were silent about what happened, but the demonstrative inaction of management and investigative authorities forced them to go to the media. At least 25 injured at a plant where thallium is not used in any production process- it is very serious. This is precisely what explains the cowardly behavior of the plant director Yuri Grudinin, who did everything to hide the emergency even from his immediate superiors. Either no one contacted the police, or people in uniform “wrapped up” these complaints - at least in the Investigative Committee Rostov region They claim that they have not heard anything about the poisoning. This, of course, is not true, such rumors spread instantly, but to begin investigative actions, first of all, statements from the victims are needed.

The most interesting character among the victims is the leading design engineer of the plant Konstantin Kolesnikov, who once even died from a 150-fold excess of thallium concentration in the body; fortunately, the doctors managed to pull him out of the condition clinical death. The remaining victims, 19 of whom are in hospitals, work mainly in the legal and economic departments.

The plant, part of the United Aircraft Corporation, which is now about to be transferred to the incredibly ineffective Rostec, refuses to even recognize the incident as an industrial injury or pay any compensation to its employees. Perhaps there is simply no money for this: the financial condition of the enterprise entrusted to Grudinin is terrible. And the employees suspect that they are still being poisoned with thallium...

Nothing's new

The Investigative Committee, of course, knows better, but all this is very similar to an attempt to murder Mr. Kolesnikov and the suppression of this fact by the management of the enterprise. Other employees apparently fell under the attack by accident - their departments are located next to Kolesnikov’s office. The leading engineer himself, however, finds it difficult to say who exactly he could cross the road with. Games big people– The Ministry of Defense, Rostec, UAC are incomprehensible to small sims, even if they occupy high positions.

Thallium itself is a soft metal; no one would think of chewing it, so for poisoning, an aqueous solution of thallium compounds, “Clerici liquid,” is usually used. Under normal conditions, this solution is used by geologists to determine the density of minerals - of course, with a lot of precautions, because Clerici liquid is extremely toxic. The Taganrog poisoner, undoubtedly, was guided by the success of the most famous thallium poisoner - Tamara Maslenko, better known as Ivanyutina, by the name of her second husband.

This lady was born in 1941, into a large family. Life then was, to put it mildly, not satisfying, and in order to somehow explain her crimes, Soviet criminologists concluded: from childhood, Tamara learned that the meaning of every day should be the fight for material well-being. In fact, selfish considerations were the reason for only a few episodes of the large-scale “Ivanyutina-Maslenko-Matsibora case.” At least since 1976, and most likely much earlier, Tamara’s family members had access to the aforementioned Clerici liquid - the poison was supplied to them by an acquaintance from the geological institute for baiting rats. Everyone who irritated the family in any way became “rats” in turn.

Trucker's heart attack

Tamara’s first husband was a truck driver - a very highly paid profession in the USSR, because there were several decades left before “Plato”: by that time he had not even gone to kindergarten, but apparently was not born at all. The partner of Tamara’s husband, Maslenko, recalled how his friend’s legs gradually lost weight, his hair fell out, and how he stopped feeling the pedals. Official cause of death – heart attack, although after the fact it is obvious that we have all the signs of thallium poisoning. Around the same time, Tamara received her first conviction - for speculation.

Father-in-law's polyarthritis

The criminal widow did not grieve for long, she married Oleg Ivanyutin from a family of wealthy peasants and took his last name. First of all, she dealt with her husband’s parents: after the dinner she had prepared, her father-in-law’s legs began to go numb, he could not put on socks himself... The doctors said it was an exacerbation of polyarthritis. Tamara did not leave the patient’s bedside, and he died that same night.

Valocordin for mother-in-law

At the funeral, the poisoner almost burned herself to death. When the mother-in-law drank the Valocordin offered by her daughter-in-law, the elderly woman immediately vomited. One of the guests shouted that Tamara had added something to the medicine, people began to demand that the police be called. “Shocked by the unfair accusation,” Ivanyutina Jr. threw the glass of medicine on the ground and rushed to the protection of her husband. Two days later he became an orphan, and Tamara became the sovereign mistress of a large personal plot, where the old Ivanyutins raised pigs.

Son-in-law stress

Tamara’s older sister Nina Matsibora took advantage of the useful experience - she married an elderly man, registered in his apartment... A week later he was admitted to the hospital with pain in his legs and soon died. Age, stress...

Egg for the matchmaker

All these murders were at least logically justified. But feeling impunity, the family simply began to poison people left and right. Nina and Tamara's father, offended by his matchmaker's careless phrase, poured poison into her moonshine. Apparently, a little thallium got on his fingers: when he peeled a boiled egg, it turned black before his eyes. Anton Mitrofanovich, caring for the health of the already poisoned woman, put it aside - they say, it was spoiled. But she ate it anyway - there’s no good way to waste it - and then at the hospital she told the doctors about strange egg. They chalked it up to dying delirium.

Communal squabbles

Maslenko’s parents are also responsible for the death of a neighbor in their communal apartment - he turned on the TV and disturbed his sleep. Another relative also died from thallium - she allowed herself to comment on the puddle that someone left in the Maslenko family’s toilet. All this went unnoticed by the competent authorities, although there were plenty of rumors around the elderly couple. But doctors did not find anything criminal in any of the deaths.

Lunches for pigs

But let's get back to the pigs. They are unpretentious animals, but you still need to feed them. Where can I get at least some scraps without paying? Perfect option- At school. Having falsified her work record (remember about her criminal record), Tamara Antonovna got a job as a dishwasher at school No. 16 in Kyiv. She was interested not so much in the penny salary as in access to leftover food - schoolchildren did not particularly lean on tasteless food from the canteen. It would seem that work and live for your own pleasure.

Party organizer's vigilance

But Ivanyutina had much less brains than Clerici fluid, so strange poisonings accompanied all her work. Just a couple of months after the new dishwasher was hired, the school’s party organizer, Ekaterina Shcherban, died - she noticed that Tamara was taking out leftover food in her bag, and in Soviet times it was common to fight against this.

Heart failure nurse

Further more. In March 1987, 14 people were immediately hospitalized - three children and 11 school employees. Two children and two adults died. Who should be responsible for this? That's right, a nurse and part-time nutritionist! It was only when the investigators wanted to talk to her that it turned out that Natalya Kukharenko had died two weeks before mass poisoning. Numbness, legs were swollen... “Heart failure.” She, you see, made too many comments to the untidy dishwasher.

Thallius takes the stage

The case of 14 poisoned people was about to be closed: it turned out that all the poisoned people had lunch separately from the rest of the children and school staff: they ate chicken soup and chicken liver, which, apparently, had spoiled during this time in the spring sun. But one of the investigators, upset by the inability to talk to the nurse, insisted on at least exhuming her body. Thallium was found in the tissues.

Poisoning with pesticides was a norm of life at that time; dozens of corpses with similar diagnoses were delivered to morgues every day: the Gorbachev-Ligachev anti-alcohol campaign forced people to drink everything that burned. But thallium was not classified as such a substance, and the sanitary and epidemiological station reported that no one had poisoned rats at the school for a very long time.

In a pre-trial detention center for prevention

And only then did wise Soviet investigators pay attention to Ivanyutina. Not because people were constantly dying around her - it was just that the rude dishwasher constantly interfered with searches, followed the policemen on their heels, and was rude to them for no reason. They began to check the personal files of school employees - and found signs of forgery in Ivanyutina’s documents. They searched her house and found nothing, but the lady was taken to a pre-trial detention center. So that at least it doesn’t interfere with work.

Apple from the apple tree

Unfortunately for Tamara Antonovna, she inherited her mother's brains - that is, practically emptiness. When Tamara was already taken to the police, her mother Maria Feodorovna couldn’t find anything smarter than poisoning her long-boring neighbor with pancakes (she received too much of a pension). The neighbor tested the gift on her cat - after three hours she had one less cat. The woman called the police, a decision was made to conduct a second search, and the can of Clerici liquid was finally found: the Maslenko-Ivanyutins disguised it as sewing machine lubricant, and the investigator was surprised by the unusually heavy weight of the can.

This begs the question: why did Ivanyutina poison so many people at once? Notice that they ate later than the others. Tamara already considered the food left over from lunch her own, and then people came and began to eat her pigs! The emotional Ukrainian woman could not stand this insult...

Not the right upbringing

Both she and her parents immediately confessed to all the crimes, and an examination declared them sane. But Ivanyutina, who enthusiastically talked about her “exploits,” stated at the trial that she testified under pressure. The proud dishwasher refused to admit guilt or talk about repentance because “she didn’t have the right upbringing.” However, it was too late: 20 attempted murders and 9 murders (another 20 and 4, respectively, fell on her parents and sister) turned out to be easy to prove: thallium remains in tissues and bones forever. And the court assessed the quality of Ivanyutina’s upbringing as 13 for her father, 10 for her mother, and 15 for her older sister.

After the death of Stalin, the 65th anniversary of which we celebrate today, only three women were executed by court order in the USSR and on the territory of new states. Antonina Makarova for war crimes, Berta Borodkina for speculation and Tamara Ivanyutina for the murder of nine people, including two children.

“The Ivanyutina case” is an indelible shame, a lifelong and now posthumous stigma for the investigative authorities and doctors of the USSR. Simple woman from Ukraine, with a pretty face, but dumb as a sheep (she clearly didn’t have the brains to match her pigs), without hiding at all, she did what she wanted for at least ten years.

There is no doubt that Ivanyutina would have gotten away with it if she had even a modicum of reason. Now she would be 77 years old - good age to retire in the status of, for example, the owner of vast agricultural lands and a Verkhovna Rada deputy from the Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc.

However, we also managed to build a society in which a good half of the population would gladly treat the evil half with thallium if they were confident in their impunity...

This high-profile case began with the fact that in 1987, 13 people from one school ended up in the hospital in extremely serious condition. Two children and two adults died almost immediately, the rest ended up in intensive care.

For a long time, doctors could not establish an accurate diagnosis, since the symptoms were atypical for known diseases. The first thing they thought was poisoning from poor-quality food, or E. coli, since everyone who was admitted to the hospital had previously dined in the school canteen. But an unusual symptom was that the patients began to lose hair, and this was the result of exposure to toxic substances. The police opened a criminal case.

A total inspection of the school revealed another death (a woman responsible for food quality, who, as it turned out after exhumation, died from thallium poisoning). After this, they began to look for the poisoner within the school walls. When the check reached the dishwasher Tamara Ivanyutina, the police found a container with an unknown substance in her house. After testing, it was determined that it was a solution of thallium (a toxin), which is widely used in geology.

Ivanyutina admitted her guilt and, as the reason for her behavior, indicated a hostile attitude towards her colleagues and students, who were very noisy. But later she retracted her words. As it turned out later, poisoning is a favorite method of solving problems in Tamara’s family (her older sister poisoned her husband with thallium; Tamara’s parents poisoned hated neighbors and animals). From an early age she was taught that material well-being is the basis of everything. Tamara became vindictive, touchy, envious, and with high self-esteem. Where did she get the poison? A friend who works at a geological institute told her that she wanted to poison mice.

She believed that there was no point in studying, the main thing was to get married successfully, especially since her appearance made it possible to find good game. The first time she married a rich man, who died very quickly, according to Ivanyutina - she simply poisoned him in order to stay in his apartment in the center of Kyiv. Then she married a wealthy man again, whom she gradually bullied along with his parents. So she also acquired a large country plot, which belonged to her father-in-laws.

Having got a job at the school, she immediately disliked many of the staff. From the beginning, she killed the school party organizer and wanted to poison the chemistry teacher who prevented her from stealing in the school cafeteria. The thing is that she had a dream - a black Volga car, which she wanted to buy by selling pig meat. To raise them, she stole from the school cafeteria. And that’s why she almost poisoned two children who asked for a cutlet for a stray cat.

In 1987, an unprecedented trial on a family matter serial killers, who chose a highly toxic aqueous solution based on thallium compounds as the weapon of crime.
This is a continuation of the story about female criminals, the first part is located
In the dock were Maria and Anton Maslenko and their daughters, Tamara Ivanyutina and Nina Matsibora. Most of the victims were 45-year-old Ivanyutina. She became the last woman in the USSR to be sentenced to extreme punishment by a court.

What was Tamara Ivanyutina like?

The woman’s biography before the start of the process is not distinguished by any outstanding events. Maiden name hers is Maslenko. She was born in 1942 into a family with six children. Parents have always instilled in their offspring that material security and prosperity are the main conditions for a normal life. This is exactly what serial poisoner Tamara Ivanyutina was striving for.
During the investigation of the poisoning case, it turned out that Ivanyutina had already been previously convicted of profiteering, and got a job at the school using a fake work book.
Since September 1986, she worked in the canteen of one of the schools in Kyiv. She was hired as a dishwasher. This work brought her considerable benefits. Tamara Ivanyutina kept a fairly large farm. Working in the canteen, she was able to provide her animals with free food, which was left over from schoolchildren with poor appetite. To make it even worse, Tamara Ivanyutina periodically added poison to the food. She also used toxic substances against those who, in her opinion, “behaved badly.” Ivanyutina’s victims included those who interfered with the theft of food from the school canteen, allowed themselves to make comments to her, and in general all those whom she did not like for one reason or another.


The story of Tamara Ivanyutina became known when several employees and students of school 16 in the Podolsk district of Kyiv were admitted to the hospital. Doctors diagnosed signs of food poisoning. This happened on March 16 and 17, 1987. At the same time, four (two adults and the same number of children) died almost immediately. There were nine victims in intensive care. Doctors initially diagnosed intestinal infection and flu. However, after some time, patients began to lose hair. This phenomenon is not typical for these diseases.
Law enforcement agencies quickly established that Tamara Antonovna Ivanyutina was involved in the poisonings. The investigation began as soon as it became known about the deaths of students and school staff. Criminal proceedings were initiated. The investigative team conducted interrogations of the surviving victims. It was established that they all became ill after they had lunch in the school cafeteria on March 16. At the same time, they all ate liver with buckwheat porridge. Investigators decided to find out who was responsible for the quality of food at the school. It turned out that nutritionist nurse Natalya Kukharenko died 2 weeks before the proceedings were initiated. According to official data, the woman died from cardiovascular disease. However, investigators doubted the reliability of this information. As a result, an exhumation was carried out. After a study, traces of thallium were found in the tissues of the corpse. Then searches began on everyone who had anything to do with the school canteen. We also paid attention to the house in which the dishwasher of the catering unit, Tamara Antonovna Ivanyutina, lived.


During the search of the dishwasher in the house, a “small but quite heavy container” was found. Naturally, its contents interested the investigative team. The container was confiscated and handed over to experts for examination. As it turned out, it contained Clerici liquid. It is a highly toxic solution based on thallium (used in a number of branches of geology). Tamara Ivanyutina was taken into custody. First, she turned herself in and confessed to all the episodes that occurred in the school cafeteria. She committed such a crime, as Tamara Ivanyutina explained, because the sixth-graders who were having lunch refused to arrange chairs and tables. She decided to punish them and poisoned them. However, she subsequently stated that the confession was made under pressure from investigators. She refused to testify.
The case of Tamara Ivanyutina has become resonant. During further operational activities, new facts emerged. Thus, the investigation established that not only Ivanyutina herself, but also members of her family (parents and sister) used a highly toxic solution for 11 years to deal with people they disliked. At the same time, they committed poisoning both for selfish reasons and to eliminate people who were unsympathetic to them for some reason. The family received Clerici liquid from a friend who was an employee of the geological institute. The poisoners explained that they needed thallium to fight rats. The acquaintance herself later admitted that over the course of 15 years she gave the toxic solution to Ivanyutina herself, as well as to her parents and sister, at least 9 times.
Tamara's criminal activity began with her first husband. She poisoned a man and took over his apartment. After the death of her first husband, Ivanyutina married again. In her new marriage, her husband’s parents became her victims. My father-in-law and mother-in-law died within two days of each other. The second husband himself also received small portions of thallium. So she kept his sexual activity at a low level. In addition, Ivanyutina hoped to get a house and land that belonged to her husband’s parents. In September 1986 she became a dishwasher in local school. In addition to the episodes described above, the victims were a school party organizer (died) and a chemistry teacher (survived). They prevented Ivanyutina from stealing food from the catering department. Pupils of the 1st and 5th grades who asked her for leftover cutlets for their pets were also poisoned. These children survived.
The investigation revealed that Nina Matsibora, the older sister of the main defendant in the case, was also active in criminal activities. In particular, using the same Clerici liquid, she poisoned her husband and obtained his apartment in Kyiv. The Maslenko spouses - Ivanyutina's parents - also committed numerous poisonings. Thus, a neighbor in a communal apartment and a relative who reprimanded them were killed with a highly toxic liquid. In addition, animals that belonged to “undesirable” people also became victims of poisoners. The geography of the family’s criminal activities was not limited to Ukraine alone. Thus, it was proven that a number of poisonings were committed by criminals in the RSFSR. For example, while in Tula, Maslenko Sr. killed his relative. He mixed Clerici's liquid into the moonshine.


It examined the case of 45-year-old Ivanyutina, her older sister Nina Antonovna and their parents - Maria Fedorovna and Anton Mitrofanovich Maslenko. They were charged with numerous poisonings, including fatal ones. The court found that for 11 years, the criminal family, for mercenary reasons, as well as out of personal hostility, committed murders and attempted intentional deprivation of life different persons using the so-called Clerici liquid - a highly toxic solution based on a potent toxic substance - thallium. According to the Deputy Chairman of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, who worked during the proceedings as a senior investigator for particularly important crimes in the Kiev prosecutor’s office, the identified episodes belong to the first criminal cases in which such a compound was used, recorded in the USSR. Total proven facts - 40. Of that number, 13 were fatal. Most murders (nine) and attempts (20) were personally committed by Tamara Ivanyutina. The process lasted about a year.
During the investigation, Ivanyutina tried to bribe the investigator several times. She promised the employee law enforcement"a lot of gold." The unusual thing about this case in criminal practice is that the main accused was a woman sentenced to death, and the punishment was carried out.
In his last word Ivanyutina did not admit her guilt in any of the episodes. While still in pre-trial detention, she stated: in order to achieve what you want, you don’t need to write any complaints. It is necessary to be friends with everyone and treat them. And add poison to especially evil people. Ivanyutina did not ask for forgiveness from the relatives of the victims, saying that her upbringing did not allow her to do this. She had only one regret. Her long-time dream was to buy a Volga car, but it never came true. Ivanyutin was declared sane and sentenced to death. The accomplices were given different prison terms. So, sister Nina was sentenced to 15 years. Her subsequent fate is unknown. The mother received 13, and the father - 10 years in prison. Parents died in prison. The year in which Tamara Ivanyutina was shot was 1987.