"Oh my God! Photos that will fly around the world... the future Queen of England, as you have never seen her before... and will never see her again,” reads the loud headline on the cover of an as yet unpublished issue of the magazine published on the website

The possible publication of the French magazine has already been reported to William and Kate, who are on their ten-day tour of Far East, who in turn issued an official statement in which they noted that they were “saddened by the fact that their private
Global Look Press

French magazine editor Laurence Pugh says the exclusive issue will see the light of day, sneering that Prince Harry, whose naked photos have caused a stir, will feel "less lonely" when Closer publishes pictures of his daughter-in-law
The Daily Mail

British royal family, apparently, another scandal related to the publication of candid photographs awaits. The French magazine Closer has announced its new issue, which will allegedly feature exclusive photos Kate Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge, topless, reports BBC.

"Oh my God! Photos that will fly around the world... the future Queen of England, as you have never seen her before... and will never see her again,” reads the loud headline on the cover of an as yet unpublished issue of the magazine published on the website. The statement is illustrated by blurry, low-quality frames, according to apparently taken from a great distance and subsequently greatly enlarged. In the photo, however, one can guess the famous married couple. In the issue itself, as Closer promises, readers will find 12 more exclusive pictures on two spreads.

Scandalous photos of a young woman sunbathing by the pool were taken during a short vacation of Prince William and his wife at the French castle of the Queen's nephew Lord Lineley in Provence. It is clarified that the British media initially offered to buy them, but they refused the dubious deal.

The possible publication of the French magazine has already been reported to William and Kate, who are on their ten-day tour of the Far East, who in turn issued an official statement in which they noted that they were “saddened by the fact that their privacy".

Meanwhile, advisers to the royal family have already recognized the authenticity of the racy photographs and are now negotiating with lawyers and actively discussing all possible options for the development of events. “It is possible that the British royal court will try to impose an international ban on their distribution,” a source at St. James’s Palace, the London residence of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, told ITAR-TASS. However, it is also possible that Buckingham Palace will allow the publication to be published, leaving it to the public, representatives of the royal family emphasized.

“This is all very sad and takes us back 15 years (when Princess Diana died). We have always taken the position that the Duke and Duchess have the right to privacy, especially when they are on holiday in their own swimming pool,” the royal summed up representative.

Meanwhile, French magazine editor Laurence Pugh confidently claims that the exclusive issue will still see the light of day, while ironizing that Prince Harry, whose “naked” photos from a Las Vegas holiday caused a stir earlier this month, will feel “not so lonely" when Closer published pictures of his sister-in-law.

The Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton is now thirty-six years old. She has been together with Prince William for fifteen years. They officially registered their marriage only in 2011. However, as soon as it became known about the affair between Kate and the royal grandson, the girl attracted the attention of the press around the world. To fit high status, the girl changed her life very much.

Kate was not born a princess, and her childhood and adolescence were exactly the same as those of any average British teenager: school, university, discos and other fun of life.

Traveling by public transport

It's hard to imagine Elizabeth II on a bus or subway. She and all her children and grandchildren drive exclusively luxury cars. Well, or on a decorated precious stones carriage. But for Kate, before she met William, there was nothing wrong with this way of moving around the city.

Student parties

What student doesn't like parties? Have fun, dance - this is a real carefree life. But not for the royal family. Everything here is orderly and noble.

Fast food

Everyone loves hamburgers, hot dogs and other junk food from fast food joints. Especially when you are a student and have very little money. But when you are accepted into the royal family, please only eat what is served at Buckingham Palace.


Jeans are workers' clothing. Therefore, such clothing is taboo for the royal family. Especially if it is also a denim miniskirt. Before meeting the Queen's grandson, Kate could afford to go out in such an outfit. Now only formal dresses, costing several thousand pounds.

Born to rule?

It’s unlikely that when Kate entered the University of St. Andrews, she could have imagined that she would meet a prince here who would invite her to marry.

Sweet couple

The relationship was not without its disagreements. Youth, hot temper. But soon both young men realized that they could not live without each other and began to meet again.

Kate is the queen of sports

While studying at Marlborough College, the future Duchess was interested in different types sports: tennis, running, long jump. Kate loved field hockey most of all. She even thought about taking up this sport at a professional level.

Paparazzi will be everywhere

After it became known that everything was serious between Kate and William, the paparazzi began to constantly hunt for the girl. What can you do? This is the other side of the coin of fame. People want to know literally everything about you.


After the future spouses met at the university, they were constantly together. Even in class. They even chose the same items.


Another attribute of Kate's fun life that she had to forget about. The future Duchess of Cambridge loved roller skating parties. But all this remains only in old photographs.


Kate had a nickname as a child that can be translated as “Squeak.” Apparently, as a child the Duchess did not have the most pleasant voice.

Sleepless nights

Well, how could it be otherwise if you are a student? You have fun until the morning, and then you rush to the exam. That's how everyone learned.


It’s interesting, but the current trendsetter at the university was considered ugly. At least her classmates rated her appearance as a two on a scale of ten. But the prince apparently saw something.

On the pages of one of the French magazines, nee Kate Middleton appeared. A photographer waylaid a young lady while she was sunbathing on the terrace of a house in Provence. Kate and William spent their holidays there. The publication of the photographs in the UK has already been called a return to the 90s, when the paparazzi were chasing Princess Diana. NTV correspondent Anton Volsky reporting from London.

Buckingham Palace is furiously accusing French journalists of overstepping the bounds of professional ethics. The French magazine that published the photographs captioned them “ Future Queen like you've never seen her before."

However, the photo didn't turn out very well. good quality. A woman who looks like Kate Middleton and a man who looks like Prince William can be guessed. These people are not doing anything reprehensible. In one photo, Kate takes off her top part swimsuit, on the other she rubs cream on her husband’s back. It can't be compared to those scandalous photographs, which flew around the world after a drunken party in Las Vegas with the participation of Prince Harry.

Another thing angered Buckingham Palace. The photographs appear to have been taken in early September, when the Prince and Kate were vacationing in the south of France at a villa owned by cousin the father of Prince William, that is, the brother of Prince Charles, on private property. Buckingham Palace called this an interference in the private lives of members of the royal family. However Chief Editor magazine, which published the photographs, says: what is a scandal for England is a normal thing for France.

Lauren Pie, Closer Magazine: “Don't dramatize these photos. The reaction to them is a little disproportionate. What can the reader see on the cover of our magazine? A young couple, they are in love, they are beautiful. She is a princess of the 21st century. She goes out onto the balcony of the mansion topless, just as thousands of girls from all over the world appear on the beaches of southern France. It can be seen from the highway passing very nearby, along which hundreds of cars travel. It can be seen even from the street. There's nothing terrible about these photos. I don’t know of a single tabloid in the world that wouldn’t publish them if they got their hands on these materials.”

There is clearly a difference in worldviews, since, according to some sources, the authors of the photographs first tried to publish them in Great Britain. But not a single newspaper or magazine agreed to this. The fact is that for 15 years now, British journalists have had an unspoken rule prohibiting them from interfering in the private lives of members of the royal family. This rule was introduced after the death of Princess Diana, for which the paparazzi who followed the Mercedes with the princess were partly to blame.

More recently or a long time ago, or more precisely, in 2012, photos of Princess Kate Middleton appeared in some European media. Naturally, the royal family did not like this. Some representatives simply became furious))) These pictures are called

"Photo on the balcony"

The photos were taken on vacation in Provence, on an open balcony. And what can we call it an invasion of privacy if the Princess of Cambridge takes off her top on the balcony, I repeat, an open balcony, and then also changes her panties, and mind you, also on the balcony)))

And then there was an invasion of privacy and legal action, not even by the paparazzi who took extremely bad pictures, but by the publishing houses who published them.

The daughter of Silvio Berlusconi spoke about this even then

- In our work, we adhere to the principles of complete publishing freedom in all cases, even when it comes to top officials of states.

But it seems to me that Kate herself is to blame for this turn of events. She very often finds herself in such delicate situations. Here's a small selection of the Princess of Cambridge's joints. I think if you are a princess, then you need to watch yourself and think with your head like a royal.

The British Queen is concerned appearance Prince William's wife. Elizabeth II insisted that the Duchess Cambridge Kate Middleton abandoned short skirts in favor of more conservative outfits.

Photo during a visit to Australia. Again the wind, again the sparkle of the fifth point)))

In this photo, Kate Middleton returns from her bachelorette party. I'm happy to the point of madness, but I need to move my legs. I saw in the comments to this photo: Kate celebrated her bachelorette party secretly from the paparazzi. What kind of secret is there, there it is all))) Between the legs.

This photo of the princess's bottom with lace panties was taken in London on May 31, 2007. Well, why does it glow like that? Did the correspondents force you to do this?

This was also caught somewhere, but I think it’s just nosy paparazzi, Katya has nothing to do with it. The cunning bastards were caught, one moment and that was it. Run to sell the photo)))

Well, this too, only a side view))))

As the world media write at the flower-laying ceremony at the memorial in New Delhi The Marilyn Monroe effect happened to the Duchess, probably everyone remembers the film star on the ventilation grill?

By the way, such a case is not the first to be caught on camera lenses. Previously, Middleton had already unwittingly demonstrated her underwear in public several times. Which, according to rumors, Queen Elizabeth II is terribly angry about, promising to assign a special person to her daughter-in-law who will hold the hem of her dresses.

Well, why the hell would you wear such a dress in windy weather (I think I read this in the comments to the post) The dress is of such a cut that not only will the hem lift up, but you can even fly away.

The entire foreign press is literally buzzing with the news that photographs of the wife have been released British prince William Duchess Catherine topless. The British are shocked, and experts are already checking the pictures for authenticity.


The hype around naked photos has just died down. younger brother Prince William Harry, as the public again fell into shock from the antics of the large British royal family. Now the time has come to publish photographs of William's wife Kate Middleton, in which she is allegedly presented topless.

It turns out that the cunning paparazzi got hold of the treasured footage while William and Kate were vacationing in the south of France in Provence last month. The photographs were taken in the estate's swimming pool, owned by a member of the British royal family. The photographs were published in the French magazine Closer France, ITAR-TASS reports. They say that numerous fans Duchess Catherine, who until now literally personified the style and decorum of the British royal family, is already eagerly awaiting photographs.

Meanwhile, a special group of experts hired by the Royal British St. James's Palace is studying provocative photographs of Kate Middleton for authenticity. "If the photos are real, then it is possible that The British royal court will try to impose an international ban on their distribution", noted at St. James's Palace, the London residence of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, William and Catherine.

It is noteworthy that William and Kate have already responded to reports of erotic photos that are planned to be published in France. The statement released said they were "saddened by the violation of their privacy." Moreover, they say that Katherine is literally seething with indignation. After all, until this moment, the Duchess of Cambridge had never in her life found herself in such an awkward situation when her “uncomfortable” photographs could be seen by anyone anywhere in the world.

Already, many are saying that the published photographs could seriously damage Kate Middleton’s impeccable reputation. Others, however, suggest that provocative photographs will only increase Katherine’s popularity rating and give her a “spice”. One way or another, Harry, like no one else, can give Kate useful advice How to get out of this situation with your head held high.

A little bit later Buckingham Palace acknowledged the authenticity of the photographs, on which the Duke's wife Cambridge William Katherine pictured topless, reports