The two graduates of the show “House 2” disliked each other both during the never-ending television construction process and then when both fluttered into the secular world. The rivalry turned out to be fierce: both were presenters of television programs and appeared at social events, but Alena managed to get married a couple of times and appear in scandalous stories, and Vika - to win the heart of millionaire Smurfit, give birth to a daughter and settle in Monaco in anticipation of the wedding.

Timati and Philip Kirkorov

The culmination of this conflict was famous phrase Timati “Let’s see you goodbye!”, and it all started with the harmless MuzTV award in 2012. Philip Bedrosovich received the title of best singer of the decade, and the rapper, who was not nominated in any nomination, emotionally expressed on his social networks everything he thought about the adequacy of this choice. For quite a long time, colleagues on stage exchanged barbs and insults, and still do not like each other.

Elton John and Madonna

The confrontation between the two world stars lasted more than two years: at first the singer was sure that Madonna should not have received the Golden Globe for her song, and then publicly called her a “fair stripper.” In 2013, the stars made peace, as Elton John found the strength to admit that he was wrong in his assessments. We are happy for him!

Jennifer Aniston and Angelina Jolie

There really is a serious reason to hate each other. Brad Pitt's heart moved from one beauty to another so successfully on the set of the film "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" that the on-screen romance grew into a real and ideal (is it ideal?) marriage with six children. And although Aniston is also happily married, she tries not to meet her former rival - at all, never. And who knows?

Kanye West and Taylor Swift

In 2009, at the MTV Video Music Awards, the singer received a well-deserved award for best video, but some people were very upset by this. During his acceptance speech, Kanye simply snatched the microphone from Taylor’s hands and stated that he personally liked Beyoncé’s work better, and she deserved this award more than anyone else. This awkward situation was hushed up, but Taylor never accepted West’s apology. Yes, and rightly so.

Kelly Osbourne and Christina Aguilera

The conflict between these pop divas concerns appearance, more precisely, weight: Osborne has repeatedly noted that Aguilera is “fat,” and she did not remain in debt. I wonder how long the ridicule of each other's features can continue?

Alla Pugacheva and Irsen Kudikova

It seems that between celebrities there are possible either a good relationship and support, or general business. The prima donna and the aspiring star began a promising collaboration, founding private school creativity for gifted children with the most stellar teaching staff. After some time, the business was divided on principles of principle, and then the courts began, because Kudikova owed Alla Borisovna a large sum, which she still had not paid. Yes, making an enemy of the Prima Donna was a rash act!

Smart, beautiful and goodwill ambassador Angelina Jolie, of course, has something to dislike. This is especially true for close friends of Jennifer Aniston. They can't forgive Jolie for taking Pitt away from their friend.

TV presenter and actress Chelsea Handler does not mince words at all and has been actively expressing her position in relation to Angelina Jolie for a good ten years, starting with Jolie’s kiss with her brother after the Oscar ceremony in 2000.

“She can collect children from all over the world, but I won’t trust her one bit. In an interview she says that she doesn’t have any friends at all, it’s because she’s such a bitch!” – this is how Chelsea once described Angelina. Of course, Jolie is not happy with such loud accusations. And in turn, I also don’t have a high opinion of Handler.

“English roses” and thorns: Sharon Osbourne VS Madonna

The reason for the conflict between these two ladies is not known for certain, but it can be assumed that sometime during the time stormy youth Madonna spoke in an unflattering way about the Ozzy Osbourne. The musician apparently forgot to think about what happened, but his sharp-tongued wife has a less selective memory.

For example, about literary creativity Madonna, namely about the children’s book “English Roses,” Ms. Osborne responded literally as follows: “And she also writes these insanely stupid little books, and our children read them! If my mother came to me with similar works...” What follows in the quotation are statements that are not at all intended for publication.

It is worth noting that there were no comments in response from Madonna herself, only the singer’s representative stated that Madonna does not have the slightest idea why Sharon decided to make such caustic statements.

Conflicts- an integral part of human coexistence, which sometimes goes too far. As they say, from love to hate one step. This is especially noticeable among actors who are constantly cooking in the same pot.

Many of our idols can't stand each other, but some professionalism allows you to play a brilliant role on the same set with your opponent, and someone is never called together in the same film. After all, everyone has a couple of skeletons, unforgotten grievances and dramatic stories in their closet.

Courtney Love and Dave Grohl

Kurt Cobain's wife was unable to make friends with her husband's colleagues, especially the ex-drummer Nirvana Dave Grohl. After another period in a drug treatment clinic, Courtney declared that all rights to the group's recordings belonged to her. And later she began to spread rumors that supposedly Dave had always been in love with her daughter.

The musician himself has said more than once in interviews that not a single person in his life has caused him as much anger and indignation as Courtney Love. Although in Lately relationship between them started to get warmer.

Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny

The couple that became the symbol of the 90s actually can't stand each other. Although, more precisely, Jill really doesn’t like David, since they have completely different characters : she is a withdrawn introvert, and he is an incessant extrovert.

And according to rumors, Duchovny repeatedly tried to hit on his colleague, which only added minuses to his piggy bank. And another reason was, of course, money. Anderson was very annoyed that fees Mulder's agent is many times larger than her own.

Robert Downey Jr and Terrence Howard

Both had a contract for three films about Iron Man, but after the resounding success of the first film, Robert requested higher fee. The studio bosses thought and gave the star everything he asked for. And in order not to inflate the budget, Howard's fee was cut.

He, naturally, terribly offended and left the set. Although before that he tried to contact Robert so that he could help sort out the situation. Unsuccessfully.

Sylvester Stallone and Richard Gere

The men's relationship did not work out from the very beginning. Sly was terribly pissed off partner's face, who was the idol of millions of women. Since Stallone is a rather straightforward person, he did not hide his anger.

One day, Gere accidentally spilled sauce on his pants, and a fight ensued. It should have ended with Richard's broken forehead, but Sylvester insisted on dismissal. Since then, they have never been called into the same film.

Shia LaBeouf and Tom Hardy

And this couple disliked each other from the very start of filming. Hardy constantly joked with his partner and, according to LaBeouf, was focused on luxury, while Shia himself was ashamed of his money.

After another story about his Ferrari, LaBeouf could not stand it and attacked Hardy with his fists. He was so angry that was able to knock it out larger Hardy. Despite everything, they were able to finish the film and have been avoiding each other ever since.

Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger

They were most beautiful couple Hollywood, but disagreements over raising their daughter have created such a gap between them that they don’t even want to hear each other’s names.

Once Alec couldn’t get through to his daughter and sent her an SMS, after which she tried commit suicide. Kim could not understand and forgive such an act of her husband.

Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams

"Diary of member" considered one of the most romantic melodramas in history, few people did not dream of taking the place of the main characters. Ryan and Rachel managed to show incredible story love.

But, as it turns out, they actually hate each other fiercely. Sometimes their scandals reached such a scale that the director was ready to give up everything fire both of them and finally hire normal actors.

Philip Kirkorov and Timati

In 2012, Kirkorov was recognized best artist of the decade, which raised many questions from the rapper, who even questioned the adequacy of the jury members. The artist responded in his inimitable style, that is, extremely rudely and not for children.

Constant minor skirmishes continued until 2017, when suddenly the artists reconciled and even recorded a song together. “If someone had told me seven years ago that I would record a song with Philip Kirkorov, I would most likely have laughed in his face.”, Timati said then.

Basta and Decl

Suddenly, the rappers quarreled over the loud music that was coming from Basta's club "Gas holder" and interfered with Decl. This was followed by numerous mutual insults on the Internet.

Actually, Decl also did not sit idle and for all the insults he filed several lawsuits against total amount V 4 million rubles. It is worth noting that Basta still lost the trial.

Valeria and Ksenia Sobchak

The girls quarreled over different views for activities Pussy Riot, although basically all their feud was only on the Internet, where they showered each other with insults.

Valeria later received the title "People's Artist", which Ksenia could not ignore. But here, too, the story somehow ended with a sudden reconciliation, and the women seemed to have buried the hatchet.

If you think about it, there is nothing surprising in this, this happens all the time, just because of their profession, artists are under the constant gaze of the press. And besides, being someone’s idols, they should set a good example, and not beat and insult people. Although, situations are still different.

Do you think there are reasons that make people hate others all their lives? Share your opinion in the comments.

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Hollywood stars who hate each other.

Hollywood actors are on the other side of the screen from us, but while admiring them, we do not always remember that they are people just like us, subject to violent passions and experiencing the same simple human feelings: love and hate. Especially hatred.

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It's always sad when a couple, previously madly in love, begins to loudly and ugly insult each other.

Kim and Alec were one of the most beautiful families Hollywood, but due to disagreements in raising their grown-up daughter, their relationship grew colder and colder, until one fine day an angry Alec, unable to reach his daughter by phone, sent her an SMS with such vile content that the girl almost committed suicide . Kim did not forgive her husband for such an insensitive act, and this was the beginning of mutual hatred, burning so much that now these two cannot even be placed in the same room. A scandal with curses and assault will be guaranteed.

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Shannon is known in Hollywood not only for her quarrelsome character, for which, by the way, she paid for her leading role in the Beverly Hills 90210 project, but also for her greed for other people’s men, which has brought her trouble more than once.

As a matter of fact, the main role in "Charmed" was taken away from her for the same reason. A whirlwind romance broke out on the set between Alyssa Milano and Julian McMahon. Well, how could Shannon pass by and not participate? And she was not even embarrassed by the fact that Julian at that moment had already been taken away from his legal wife by Alyssa. That’s how poor McMahon became twice taken away, Milano has been trying to pounce on Doherty with his fists as soon as he sees it, and what McMahon’s legal wife thinks about all this is unknown.

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The story of hatred between these two handsome guys is as old as time. As one said famous pirate, “It was not alcohol that destroyed them, not the dichotomy of good and evil, but women.” It all started with the fact that Justin deigned to invite his wife Orlando on a date, and she, turning out to be a frivolous girl, agreed.

A few days later, Orlando repaid the offender by publishing racy photos of his girlfriend, which he took personally. How this story ended was witnessed by frightened visitors of a fashionable restaurant in Ibiza, when security pulled Orlando and Justin to different corners of the establishment, and the latter, wiping his broken nose, called Bloom “vile Legolas.” To which “Legolas” promised that someday he would rip off Bieber’s ears.

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Many of the fans of the film “The Notebook” have more than once wished to be in the shoes of the main characters and experience the same exciting and ardent love. But God forbid that we confuse our desires and end up in the place not of the heroes, but of the actors who played them.

In reality, Ryan and Rachel simply couldn't stomach each other. Moreover, this hostility reached such proportions that in the midst of filming, the producers even considered kicking them both out and hiring other actors. But fortunately, both Ryan and Rachel are professionals and played their roles so well that none of the viewers even guessed about their real feelings.

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It is difficult to assess this relationship as mutual hostility, because there are no bad actions on the part of Michael Bay towards Megan. But Megan, on the contrary, does not behave very nicely, periodically speaking about Michael in very bad terms.

The reason for her hatred was her dismissal from the Transformers project after she called Michael “a real Hitler.” Since then, she has been offended by Michael and does not even take into account the fact that it was not he himself who fired her, but Steven Spielberg, who was the executive producer of the project and was outraged by her behavior on the set.

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Sienna Guillory is an aspiring actress and there are still not enough stars from the Hollywood horizon. This fully explains her envy of already established actresses, but does not in any way justify her habit of constantly saying various nasty things about her colleagues. And if most women in the film business prefer not to react to her attacks, then Kate Beckinsale was very offended in response to Sienna’s statement that Kate allegedly has fake breasts. However, Kate did not humiliate herself to her level, but only modestly noted that instead of doing stupid things, it would be better if Sienna worked more on her acting skills, then she would be successful.

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Rupert, so to speak, practically gives Jennifer no rest, constantly criticizing her work. Relatively recently, for example, he spoke to the BBC television channel: “Actresses like Jennifer Aniston should not be on the A-list of actors.” Celebrities like her play the same characters year after year and receive large fees due to past achievements. At the same time, if such actors are on set, the whole world begins to revolve around them.” This sounds even more offensive when you consider that Rupert has never acted with Aniston and does not even know her personally.

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The enterprising Russian beauty Oksana Grigorieva has already shown herself in all her glory, winning Timothy Dalton, giving birth to his daughter and abandoning him. But Timothy was not at all offended and, according to rumors, was even happy.

Journalists around the world understood exactly what he was happy about a few years later, when the beauty began a noisy divorce from Mel Gibson, whom she took away from the family and to whom she also gave birth to a child. She exposed all of Gibson’s “dirty laundry” to the public, exposed him as a domestic tyrant and tyrant, and then sued for astronomical alimony and half his fortune. Mel did not remain in debt, suing her for disclosure intimate secrets, and sued for my money back. Now this couple remembers each other exclusively in obscene terms.

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Once, in an interview with a certain publication, Handler suddenly burst into an angry tirade about Angelina, ending it like this: “She can collect children from all over the world, but I won’t believe in her feelings for a penny. In an interview she says that she doesn’t have any friends at all, it’s because she’s such a bitch!”

It would seem, how could Angelina Jolie herself offend a little-known comedienne? The reason for the anger was revealed a little later, when everyone remembered that Chelsea is a close friend of Jennifer Aniston, who at one time had to “give up” her husband to Jolie. Well, now Angelina doesn’t miss the chance to tease her opponent.

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The feud between the former youth stars began over nothing. Both beauties have long been distinguished by intemperate behavior associated with various vicious addictions. They are both big fans of noisy sprees, various invigorating potions, and they both love to take a breeze along the highway after heavy libations. And if Lindsay was repeatedly punished for such hooliganism, then Amanda was somehow lucky.

One day, Amanda was caught red-handed drinking alcohol while driving her car. The court reprimanded her and then sent her home to think about her behavior. Lindsey broke down and wrote on her blog: “What the hell? I would have been imprisoned for this, but this, sorry, star is still free?” Amanda could not stand this, and now the stars are waging an active Internet war, and their subscribers are happy to take part in it and comment on the battles.

Everyone is used to positive ratings: “top of the best” married couples, top most famous mothers of many children, the top most beautiful and smartest stars." But in show business, not everything is so smooth, and next to the positive there is always back side- hatred. Many celebrities fiercely hate their colleagues. Sometimes hatred goes so far that filming is disrupted, producers suffer millions in losses, and destinies are ruined. Today we present a ranking of stars who can't stand each other.

Gwyneth Paltrow and Madonna: Female friendship doesn't exist?

It would seem that what can unite these artists? One is all so correct, sweet, aristocratic, acts in the right films, wears the right clothes. And the other is a provocative woman, the inimitable Madonna. She was never afraid to challenge society, she always created fashion and history herself. But these two stars for a long time were very good friends. Gwyneth even called Madonna hers older sister. But suddenly the ten-year history of friendship came to an abrupt end.

Today, ex-girlfriends can't stand each other. They try not to cross paths at social events and not to participate in projects together. None of them clarifies what caused this turn of events. But the friendship came to an end after Madonna's divorce from Guy Ricci. Earlier celebrity couples We were friends with our families, but after the divorce, friendly gatherings stopped. Apparently, in this situation, Gwyneth took Guy Ricci’s side.

Kim Basinger and Alec Baldwin: Love as a reason for hate

A beautiful couple, a happy family, a beautiful baby daughter - this is how it all began in the Baldwin/Basinger story. The star union lasted for 11 years, in which Island, blonde as her mother, grew up. The couple's family chronicle ended with loud trials, mutual accusations and washing dirty laundry in public. How this weight affected my daughter - only God knows. But since then, Basinger has become furious at the mention of the name of her ex-husband, let alone the communication between former lovers. Although more than ten years have passed since all the events, passions have not subsided, and the hatchet of war has not been buried. Baby Island has turned into an adult girl with complex character. Perhaps not last role Her parents, who hate each other, played a role in this.

Jennifer Aniston and Angelina Jolie: What is karma

Only the lazy person doesn’t know about the mutual hatred of these two beauties. Back in 2005, Jolie without hesitation took Brad Pitt away from his family, managed to give birth to three children, marry him and divorce him. All this time, Aniston followed the fate of the Brangelina couple and kept waiting for the boomerang that was supposed to overtake the beauty Angie, a hunter of other people's husbands. Although Aniston also managed to marry Justin Theroux, her life was not as eventful as that of her ex.

And then karma finally caught up with Jolie - she and Brad divorced, despite six children and universal love to their couple. Rumor has it that Jennifer began to communicate with her ex-husband, console him and give advice. Today Angie is nervously smoking on the sidelines, looking at how ex-husband increasingly appears in public with Aniston.

Sarah Jessica Parker and Kim Cattrall: Hate in the City

The Sex and the City stars played best friends on screen, but few people knew that behind the scenes they couldn't stand each other. That's what it means acting! Their far from warm relationship was previously unknown general public, but Kim Cattrall’s brother recently died, and Parker sent her public condolences. Kim's answer stunned everyone - she called Sarah a hypocrite and asked not to disturb her family anymore and not to try to publicize her grief. Cattrall also wrote on the page social network that Parker is not her friend and never has been.

Rumor has it that Kim Cattrall initially did not fit into the company - Kristin Davis, Sarah Jessica Parker and Cynthia Nixon. This happened due to the age difference, because Samantha is not only the oldest of her friends in the series, but in real life she is 10 years older than the other actresses from the four.

Johnny Depp and Amber Heard: From passionate love to fights

Johnny Depp was literally smitten by Amber Heard. Like a boy, he lost his head and plunged into a whirlpool of passion with his 24-year-younger Amber. And she twisted it as best she could. This beautiful blonde reminded Depp of himself in his youth, in those days when he went against everything, was a rebel and an unpredictable person. For the sake of the fatal Heard, he abandoned the sophisticated and faithful Vanessa Paradis, forgot about the calm family life and suddenly married the object of his passion. And this was precisely the passion that is often mistaken for love.

After just 15 months, the marriage ended. Amber filed for divorce, claiming that her husband regularly raised his hand to her in a drunken stupor. Of course, Depp denied everything, but his missus was convincing. She provided photo evidence of his assault in court and called witnesses. After such public humiliation ex-spouses there was simply no chance of maintaining even the slightest good relationship. Even today Depp does not want to hear anything about the beautiful Heard, calling their marriage a big mistake.

Amanda Bynes and Lindsay Lohan: Bad girls don't like their own kind

The fates of these two actresses are very similar: they both at one time were addicted to drugs, alcohol, started brawls and found themselves in ridiculous situations in an inadequate state. But the separations did not intersect with each other until a certain time. The thing is that Amanda Bynes wanted to throw a bucket of dirt at her colleagues in show business, and she gladly went through not only Lindsay, but also other celebrities.

Rihanna, Cher, Jay Z and others, who fell under the hot hand of the tireless Amanda, chose to ignore her attack. They knew that Amanda was probably not herself. But Lohan did not swallow the insults and expressed her bewilderment that Bynes was still at large. After all, the actress has been accused of drunk driving and other dangerous behavior more than once. Apparently Lindsay's prayers were answered and Amanda was sent to compulsory treatment to a psychiatric clinic.