Askold Zapashny’s wife and children occupy all the time he has left from working in the arena. He, a representative of one of the most famous Russian circus dynasties, together with his brother Edgard, organized his own circus, the tours of which not only in our country, but also abroad are a huge success. Eldest daughter Eva, the artist’s wife Helen, gave birth in 2010, and a year later Zapashny became a father for the second time, and again a little daughter, whom they named Elsa.

With my future wife Askold Zapashny met during a tour in Minsk. Helen was best friend the wife of one of his circus friends. Helen is an Israeli citizen, and therefore was a student at the Faculty for Foreigners. Their romance developed rapidly, and immediately after the wedding they decided that their family must have many children.

In the photo - Askold Zapashny with his wife and children

The first daughter, Eva, was born in 2010, when Askold was thirty-three years old, and he was already old enough to take this responsibility responsibly important event. The decision to give birth to a second child in a year was also meaningful - the age difference between Askold and his brother Edgard is also a year, and this, according to the artist, best option for children.

Both of Askold’s daughters were born when he was performing in the arena, and each time he received a message from his wife via SMS, and it was very touching for him. Zapashny chose the names for his daughters himself, and approached this very responsibly - Askold wanted them to be beautiful, and at the same time not pretentious.

Helen is a doctor by training, graduated from the conservatory in piano, served in the Israeli army, and currently only cares about her family. Askold tried to help his wife as best he could when the daughters were very small - he got up at night, changed diapers, but his wife, if possible, tried to free her husband from these worries, understanding how tired he was at work.

Today, Askold Zapashny’s children Eva and Elsa have already grown up and are already performing in the arena. From their very birth, he said that his daughters would definitely become circus performers and continue the Zapashny dynasty, and for this they would not even have to study at a circus school - he would teach them all the wisdom himself, because he had a wealth of experience performing in the circus arena.

Outwardly, the eldest daughter looks more like her mother, and the youngest Elsa is a copy of Askold, and her relatives jokingly call her Askolda Askoldovna. Eva and Elsa have been traveling with the circus since birth, they know all the artists and animals, and in this their life is very similar to the life of Askold and his brother.

For the first time, the eldest daughter of Askold Zapashny entered the arena when she was three years old, and after that her father began to take her to bows after each of his performances. When Askold Zapashny’s wife was about to give birth to a second child, he dreamed that he would have a son, but it turned out that a daughter was born again. But Helen is sure that they will have more children, and she will definitely give birth to a boy. Askold is not against it, but to the question “how many children can Askold Zapashny have in the future?” replies that no more than four, and even if they are girls again, large quantity he doesn't agree.

Helen, realizing that frequent separations can negatively affect the relationship between spouses, is ready to endure all the inconveniences and difficulties in order to always be close to her husband, so they go on almost all tours with the whole family. She is accustomed to this way of life, and even when she stays at home, after a few weeks she asks Askold to take her and her daughters to his place. Helen understands that constant communication is necessary not only for her and her husband, but also for their children - with their dad. In addition, they love their uncle very much - Askold's older brother Edgard, who also adores his nieces.

For some time now, the wife won’t let the trainer go on tour alone

For some time now, the wife won’t let the trainer go on tour alone

Askold ZAPASHNY hides his family life from prying eyes. His wedding took place secretly, without much publicity in the press. On the eve of the appointment of Askold Zapashny as the chief artistic director of the Great Moscow Circus on Vernadsky Avenue, Express Gazeta met with his wife circus artist- Helen ZAPASHNOY - in her homeland in Israel.

Home on the shore Mediterranean Sea- to Haifa Helen Zapashnaya comes often. Her parents live here, and she herself is attached to the Holy Land with all her heart. While Askold travels with his brother Edgard on tour, Helen is raising two daughters in Israel - Eva and Elsa.
- Why did you and Askold have secret wedding?
- My parents opposed our relationship. His mother wanted a circus girl in the family. Firstly, she will not throw scandals at them about inconveniences or any hardships; she will go on tour with her husband. But my parents didn’t want Askold: they were afraid that I would quit studying at the medical institute in Minsk.
- Were you a fan of Zapashny’s work? How did you meet Askold?
- I studied in Minsk. Together with friends we came to the brothers' performance Zapashnykh. We had a nice evening and that's all. A couple of days later, our mutual friend Andrei calls: “Ellen, a circus performer, Askold, is asking for your phone number.” I thought: who is Askold? I didn’t look at the posters, so I couldn’t tell them apart. I refused my friend: “I have a boyfriend, then the guys will soon go on tour, why do I need this?” The thought was in my head: since he’s famous, it means he’s spoiled by female attention. But Askold did not give up. Andrey called me for a long time: “What are you pretending to be? Such a person wants to call you, and you?!”
- But you still gave me your phone number?
- Yes. I sent my first text message during a lecture at the institute, I smiled so brightly that even the teacher noticed it. It was so nice, even though the message was short: “Hello, this is Askold Zapashny, Let's meet". We started dating. Our first evening was great. Then Askold didn’t call or write to me for four days. I thought: “Here, so and so. They are all the same". But as it turns out, this is his trick to make a girl fall in love with him. I was all nervous, but he took the time. Not only us girls are cunning, but also guys.
- And so he went on tour...
- Since the guys toured for two months, we used any free time: if it’s night, then it’s night. Of course, I convinced myself that this relationship had no future. And my mother didn’t like the fact that instead of studying, I went on tour with them: Gomel, Bryansk... For two years we corresponded by text messages and talked on the phone.
- What did you say to your boyfriend whom you were dating?
- I broke up with him. I’m not a sinner, I honestly said at the beginning of our relationship that we have no future. For this he is now grateful to me.
- How did Askold propose? In the arena with tigers?
- First, after three months of dating, he confessed his love. We dreamed of getting married, made plans for the future, thought about children, even though the whole world was against us. I didn’t believe it until the very end, I slowed myself down so as not to completely lose my feelings. Askold had a hard time: persuading me, explaining that our relationship had moved to another stage. And after this conversation we began to call ourselves a couple. Then Askold met my parents in Israel. Everyone was very worried. Askold proposed in Jerusalem in the Holy Land: he gave a ring and said those very important words for a woman. I was so nervous that I didn't even say yes.

Edgard did not support his brother

- But despite this, you are raising two daughters together...
- December 19th with us wooden wedding. Everything worked out for us because we met as adults who clearly understood what they wanted. After two years of dating, we planned a wedding date. Only my mother flew in, and my mother-in-law Tatyana Vasilievna was on tour. My mother kept telling me until the very end: “Lenochka, come to your senses. Not too late". And I have to go to the registry office tomorrow. I won’t forget the night before the painting: the guys were on a hunt in some city, and Askold’s battery ran out. I’m sitting by the window, waiting for him, it’s night outside. Then my mother says: “You’ll just sit by the window like this: your husband isn’t there, but you’ll just sit there and wait for him. Or maybe he wanted to escape..."
- Maybe your mother didn’t like the fact that Askold wasn’t a Jew?
- There were also my relatives who tried to say this...
- They didn’t immediately find Tatyana Vasilievna mutual language?
- His mother was not there, as she was on tour far from Moscow. Immediately after the wedding, I left for Minsk, and Askold went to another city. I didn’t even have a white dress: I put on a suit. I think there is no need for this: many people do gorgeous wedding, and then disperse. And our relationship with Tatyana Vasilyevna improved when I got to know her better. Now I’m learning a lot from her and taking advice from her. She is the wisest woman. Tatyana Vasilievna, when she married Walter Mikhailovich, had a hard time: she was not accepted because she was not from a circus family. So, I need to go through all this. Life is a complicated thing. When granddaughter Eva appeared, Tatyana Vasilievna became softer. Now Askold’s and mine relatives understand that we need to live together peacefully.

- Did Edgard support his brother?
- At first he took the position of his mother. And this fact surprised my brother. Askold once said that Edgard brought a girl into the house and her mother didn’t like her: Edgard took the backpack and left the house. What did Askold do? Left with him. They were young, about 13 years old. Therefore, Askold expected that Edgard would also support him in relation to me. But no. But now we have great relationship: Edgard is the godfather of our eldest daughter Eva.
- You probably wanted a boy first?
- As Askold says: “We really wanted twin boys, so we have girls the same age.” Of course, I dream of raising a real man. We still have plans, we are trying... And here, if a boy is born, Askold and I have national differences: to circumcise or not. I think that from a hygiene point of view this is correct. But Askold has not given up yet.
- Why do girls have such names?
- Dad chose our names, this is completely his right. A woman bears a child, but the father does not immediately develop this feeling of involvement. My opinion is this: by giving a name to a child, a man understands that he has become a dad. Askold chose the name Eva because it was his first child and a girl. And he accidentally found a name for the youngest Elsa; I wanted Sofia. But my husband and I believe in signs, and if we don’t know whether to take a step or not, then we look for these signs. I remember last days before childbirth. Tatyana Vasilievna was against the name Elsa. He calls and says: “We must call names successful people" We are standing at a traffic light at this moment, it stops truck, and it says “Elsa” in huge letters. We just talked to my mom on the phone and saw this truck. Another coincidence: the actress died on her daughter’s birthday Elizabeth Taylor.

Tigers in the hands of the ZAPASHNY brothers are as obedient as kittens. Photo:

HAPPY PARENTSWhen did the circus appear in your life?

ASKOLD ZAPASHNY I don’t know the answer to this question, because I was “born in sawdust.” My brother Edgard and I are fourth-generation hereditary circus performers, and for us the circus and life began at the same time. And the circus was so natural that in childhood we perceived some ordinary phenomena as more unusual than those living nearby wild animals or the opportunity to ride a camel or elephant. We definitely played in the sandbox less often than our non-circus peers.

S.R. I wonder what is unusual and unusual for you, a circus artist, today?

ASKOLD Well, recently, for example, for the first time in my life, in the company of Olympic champions, I rode along the Olympic bobsleigh track in Sochi. It was a completely crazy feeling! Even despite the fact that the next day my back hurt like crazy, because while riding on such a bean, a person experiences loads in 5G. This is an amazing thing, very dangerous. But for me this was not even the main thing, but the opportunity to be among these people, among super-professionals. These are genuine emotions! And after that I went and jumped off the bridge into the abyss in a bungee. You can't imagine how happy I was! Yes, of course, I am not afraid of heights, in the circus I walk on a tightrope at 12 meters with partners on my shoulders, and I am responsible for their lives. But when you climb a bridge over a gorge 200 meters away and jump from there, it’s different. This is great! This is what it feels like outside the circus.

S.R. Having children didn't make you less risky?

ASKOLD I remember my mother, when my daughter first appeared, said: “Well, now you will be more careful, you must take care of yourself!” And she even raised her finger up. But I don't believe in being careful that something doesn't happen. I - rational person, but if something is destined by fate or something, someone else, so be it. I don’t think about it, because such thoughts can lead to paranoia... Just as, by the way, overprotection of children can turn into mania, and I know examples when parents, having forgotten about everything, become fixated on this care. And since this thing is instinctive and connected with psychology, they even always have a reason for this. This is how a dependent dunce grows up. But sooner or later he will want to do something himself? It is then that, being unprepared, he is capable of making serious mistakes. So my point of view is this: you need to take care of children as much as is really necessary, but it’s worth taking risks yourself when you mean some kind of noble risk, and at the same time getting the most out of life. Therefore, when they say: you must be careful, you have a family, responsibility, etc. (and at the same time I like to jump with a parachute or in open ocean descend to the sharks), I remember how dangerous it is to fly on an airplane or drive along serpentine roads with reckless drivers. And where is it more dangerous, where is it more risky, tell me? But for some reason no one remembers these daily risks. Yes, I’m exaggerating somewhat, but simply saying that you need to take more care of yourself if you have children is just a stereotype. And I don't like stereotypes.

S.R. Are Eva and Elsa like their dad in this craving for the unusual?

ASKOLD It’s hard to say, they are still small... Although this year I took the girls to Disneyland on purpose, I wanted to see how they react to certain attractions. There are not only children's swings and carousels... When for the first time Eva and I decided to ride a roller coaster with two loops, I even became scared for her. We walked to the slide, the music was playing so exciting, the atmosphere was a little tense, and I distracted Eva because I saw that she was worried. We sat down on the seat, they covered us with special holders, I took my daughter’s hand and felt how quickly her heart was beating. “Oh, what am I doing,” I thought then. Although even younger children are allowed to ride on this slide. So we went for a ride, and when it was all over, he jumped out of the carousel like crazy happy child shouting: “I want more!!! It was cool!!!" And this is great! But there were also paradoxes. For example, when both daughters went to the horror room, Eva threw such a tantrum right at the entrance that I had to take her out. And with my youngest I rode there as many as 9 times. And such things are unpredictable. I simply offered my daughters all the attractions, they agreed to some, refused others. For example, a falling elevator scared them. I am guided by a similar philosophy in raising them: if possible, come and look. And I’m always ready to test everything on myself first. After that, make your own decision.

S.R. Helen, tell me, did your girlish expectations turn out to be at least a little similar to your current family?

HELEN And I had absolutely no idea of ​​my future family, I didn’t think about it. Career came first. I grew up in Israel, and here girls first think about work. In addition, I have never experienced a shortage of young people, so there was nothing to worry about or dream about. In general, there was no goal in looking for a husband. The goal was to finish medical school in Minsk, where I studied, and quickly go home to continue the dynasty of doctors. I became a doctor, and now I work as a dermatologist-cosmetologist, but only in Moscow. Everything in my life was changed by a chance meeting with Askold in Minsk. While still studying there, I attended a performance by the brothers, where Askold saw me and secured a meeting... In general, in less than three months, he and I were already dreaming about what our family and children would be like.

S.R. Could you become a circus performer after meeting Askold?

HELEN You could. And Askold offered me this. But... I came to the circus when I was already thirty. In addition, unfortunately, I did not have the physical capabilities for acrobatics. It was also fundamentally important that, having started as an adult, I would never have been able to reach the professional level. Circus performers work their whole lives to get into the arena with their act. And I? Become a circus performer, performing in a ready-made act staged by others, for example, with dogs? And all just because she got married successfully? No, it wasn’t for me, I didn’t want to blush either in front of myself or in front of the circus people. Although I still had access to the arena. In Kazan, together with ballet girls. The dance, which lasted 15–20 seconds, seemed very simple to me... So, it took me a month to perfect it. Then there was a screening, the brothers and the whole team watched. The first time they didn’t approve, they allowed me to go into the arena only the second time. Just a 20 second dance!

S.R. Will Eva and Elsa be the fifth generation of circus in your family?

ASKOLD Of course! They already work in the circus. IN winter holidays the sisters can be seen at the performance of “Angel Y” in Luzhniki, where both play the main roles. And I began to build a career for them almost from birth: I brought them to the general bow in major projects. They even had special suits for each performance. For the first time, my daughters began running on stage in small roles three years ago. It was an experiment, I wanted to see how, firstly, they would cope with the stage, and secondly, and most importantly, whether they could work on a regular basis: come, put on makeup, dress - do their duty...

S.R. Could you?

ASKOLD Yes. And later they had the main roles in the play “The Messenger”. At first, Eva got the role because Elsa was too capricious, and here it was necessary to conduct a full performance. When the eldest began to rehearse, the younger one took a closer look at first. And suddenly she became jealous, she asked when she would rehearse. I was very happy and had an adult conversation with her, saying that this was not a game and if she was ready to work, then we could start. But don't give up. “Dad, I promise to do everything,” Elsa said. I took a risk and didn’t regret it - the girls worked hard for the full season.

S.R. That is, you don’t have any problems with education, with obedience?

ASKOLD No. Understand, I am a professional trainer who was caged with killers for forty years and survived. But the issue is not fear. I know how to discipline and educate. Training is simply the raising of creatures more dangerous than children with rather limited intelligence.

Advice from Elen Zapashna

I have two girls the same age, raised in absolutely identical conditions. And they are so different! I don’t believe that character is formed over the years, I’m sure: the way you were born will remain that way. You can only correct something, make it safer. Conclusion: all advice can only be strictly individual. Remembering this is my only advice to all moms and dads.

S.R. What do you think attracts girls most to the circus?

HELEN Circus means costumes and makeup. The girls there pay attention. And also adrenaline. I remember that night when Eva had to go out into the arena all alone in the “Messenger” for the first time, Askold and I did not sleep all night. The fact is that at all rehearsals, on all stages, her dad ran out with her hand, she had to be left alone right in front of the audience for the first time. Moreover, if something happened, the girls didn’t have backups. And Askold has the most horrible dream- This is the stop of the performance. How we were shaking an hour before the premiere! I remember we are standing in front of the curtain, the third bell rings, the lights go out... I hold Eva and feel her frantic heartbeat. “Mommy, I’m so afraid,” my daughter whispers to me. I don’t remember exactly what I told her, but the gist was this: “Sunny, you’re doing this only for yourself!” I tell her the same thing when she plays for exams at a music school: “Don’t pay attention to the examiners, close your eyes, forget the score, forget everything, play with your soul. People didn’t come to examine you, but just to listen.” And everything worked out.

S.R. Tell me about the girls. What are they?

HELEN They both study at a music and regular public school, in the first and second grades. Elsa is the youngest, a copy of Askold. A closed but very creative girl. She is shy, speaks little, does not like to be touched or disturbed, can spend whole days in her room, watching cartoons. All the dolls in our house have cropped hair - “with hairstyles”, undressed and painted in black, gothic colors. This is the work of Elsa's hands and imagination. Eva, it's me. A chatterbox, she will tell everyone everything, what is possible and what is not. She is a leader, an active girl, a good organizer, and already leads her class. Eva counts very well and understands how money is made. Loves to stay overnight as guests. For example, we are leaving the circus, she says: “Mom, can I go to grandma’s for the night now?” Or he asks to see a friend. Fully socially adapted. It doesn’t matter who comes to our home, Eva finds a common language with everyone, and at the circus she gives guests a tour.

S.R. It is clear that the girls’ names were chosen with an eye to a circus career. Who chose?

HELEN Askold. And this is my principled position. I believe that choosing a name is like having a child for the second time. A mother becomes a mother either during pregnancy or after giving birth to a baby, but for fathers it’s different. Especially with such brutal fathers as our brothers. The choice of a child’s name by the father, I think, is some kind of participation of the father in his birth. So, he understands that the child is also his. Therefore, the name was Askold’s prerogative. I would accept anything.

S.R. The girls are already working in the circus. But, they will say, childhood...

ASKOLD They had an amazing childhood! This year, for example, my daughters visited four countries. And with the circus, and had a rest. Not every child can do this at their age. I want to give them everything I can without spoiling them. They know a clear boundary between rest and work - this is what my father taught me - and they are already very responsible about their work. But then I compensate them for their work with whatever they want. For example, we can go to a store where I will buy the girls whatever they point to. Here they can do everything, in another place, at work, everything will be the other way around. There will be work, there will be responsibility, and this is a gift for the work. And that's how I try to raise them. Plus respect for elders, for people in general, love for animals, love for your work. By my calculations, compared to other options, this should make them happy. This is my parenting formula. And they... I come home - they throw themselves on my neck, shouting: “Dad, our most beloved dad!”

S.R. Helen, do you mind that the girls are already performing in the circus? In the future, there will probably be a risk?..

HELEN I don't think about future risk. I don't want to think about it. In addition, there are well-established safety precautions; no one ever approaches our props. And even now girls still do not do anything dangerous due to their age. The circus has very clear laws: what time can a person enter the cage for the first time, what height to rise to, etc. Everything is strictly regulated. In fact, in terms of daily dangers, I agree with Askold - we are just used to many of them. For example, when our nanny goes out with the girls, I worry more about how they will cross the road than when my husband works in the playpen. And recently, Eva went on an excursion with the class for the first time without me. I was terribly worried, I called every second as they were driving, as they arrived. So anything can happen anywhere. And yes, I am very glad that my daughters are in the circus, and I really want them to become real circus performers. In addition, I respect my husband very much, so that, having entered his family, I can establish my own laws. The only thing is that Askold and I give girls a full-fledged education, so that by the time they can choose for themselves, they have a wealth of knowledge and, in fact, the opportunity to choose who to become. But I think that by this age we will do everything possible so that they fall in love with the circus as their way of life.

We invited Edgard's daughters - 6-year-old Stefania and 4-year-old Gloria - to the photo shoot, which took place at the Great Moscow Circus. As soon as they fluttered into their father’s office, he literally melted before their eyes. “Daddy, daddy!” - the Zapashny sisters chirped, climbing into their father’s arms. We started the conversation with the children.

I admit honestly: when my eldest daughter was born, I did not change, did not grow up, did not instantly feel myself in a new status: “I am a father!” No... Of course, my responsibility has increased, but I haven’t noticed any global changes. I didn’t want daughters, I assumed that over time I would get married and have sons. But it turned out differently. When Olga, the mother of my children, was pregnant with Stesha, our eldest daughter, I got into a conversation with my friend Kamil Gadzhiev and complained that, damn, there will be a girl, but I wanted a son... He looked at me with great surprise and said: “Edgard, you have no idea what you’re talking about. Daughters are what a strong man needs.” He is just raising his daughters. He started talking about them and broke into a wide smile. I was amazed at such a transformation of a brutal man. And when Stesha grew up a little and for the first time consciously reached out to me, hugged me, pressed me, I also melted. Now, when I see my girls, I become gentle and affectionate. Unless it concerns them going out to the arena or interacting with animals, then I am collected and strict.

We have rebranded - and instead of the Zapashny brothers, now the Zapashny sisters (Askold, like Edgard, also has two daughters. - Note "TN").

- The girls' father is me. No one will blame me for somehow treating them differently. Photo: Andrey Salova

- Edgard, do you manage to spend a lot of time with your children?

We have a special situation. There has never been a traditional family - mom, dad and children living under one roof. Olya and I are not married, but my daughters, of course, bear my last name, I immediately recognized my paternity. Their mother recently got married and gave birth to another child. Therefore, we see each other when it is convenient for Olya to bring the girls to me, most often here, to the circus. Although I live under time pressure, I walk with them, take them to parks, to the cinema, and go to their rhythmic gymnastics training.

My children are at such an age that it is still difficult to cope without their mother. Especially the youngest, Gloria, she misses Olga very much. It’s easier for me with Stesha, she’s already older and I think she’d be happy to go with me even on vacation - she and I get along perfectly - but I don’t want to separate my sisters. I'm waiting for autumn, Olya promised to move with the children to my three-room apartment not far from the circus, and then I will see them more often. For now they live in Krasnoznamensk, 40 km from Moscow.

- You will give ex-girlfriend apartment?

Yes. She is the mother of my children. I don’t understand how people who once loved each other can part as enemies and not communicate. This is a tragedy!

We have an excellent relationship with Olya, as well as with her husband Dima. As soon as they announced themselves as a couple, we met with him and talked face to face. It was important for me to verify the adequacy of the person who took responsibility...

- When Stesha grew up a little and for the first time consciously reached out to me, hugged me, pressed me, I melted... Photo: Andrey Salov

- For other people's children.

Yes, but only moral. He won't have to feed my daughters. We immediately agreed that for Stefania and Gloria he is a friend, not a dad. I immediately discussed this delicate issue so as not to provoke an unnecessary conflict. The girls' father is me. No one will blame me for somehow treating them differently. I fully provide for both them and Olya; she doesn’t work and hasn’t worked since we started dating.

- You did not marry Olga, despite having two children. Why? Surely the girl planned to start a family with you.

So I never imagined that I would have children out of wedlock. Olya sincerely loved me and did not understand that there were some things I could not cope with. Her horoscope is Aries. Aries' stubbornness is a difficult quality. Plus Olya is jealous. And I am a freedom-loving person. A child cannot correct the characters of his parents. When she said that she was pregnant, she added: “I will give birth.” But I didn’t mind, I provided her with everything she needed, and met her and Stesha from the maternity hospital. But we never started living together.

A year later, he invited Olya to vacation in Venice so that she would come to her senses and recover, because all the worries about her daughter lay with her. And when we returned, we found out that we would become parents again. Olya was happier than me; she dreamed of having children from one man, even if he was not her husband.

With daughters Stefania and Gloria. Photo: Andrey Salova

- Edgard, can you name your daughters’ birthdays? Or do you need to call Olya for this?

Can! Stesha was born on February 24, Gloria on May 2. Although this knowledge was difficult for me (laughs), I have difficulty remembering dates. Ask me when Olga and I met and when we separated, I won’t tell you, because I don’t even remember approximately. But she, I’m sure, will accurately answer this question. I don’t remember, not because I’m stupid and can’t keep numbers in my head, but because I don’t see the need for this information. For me, the story is still ongoing; Olga and I are raising children. And even though each of us has our own personal life, we are close people and do not lose sight of each other. And the dates... I remember only one: the day my father died. This is understandable - the story is over forever. Askold and I became different that day.

- I would also like to talk about your beautiful children. Which one is more like you?

Stefania, the eldest, is soft, feminine, sociable, I feel very at ease with her. And externally like our breed. The war is still going on with the youngest. (With a smile.) Gloria is growing up as a stubborn girl, you need to find the key to her.

On the other hand, stubbornness can lead to success in the profession. It is important for my youngest to win her personal space and insist on her own. At such moments, I regret that she is not a boy, because she would have been raked to the fullest extent.

The girls gave their father drawings where they depicted their family: mom, dad and children - all together. Photo: Andrey Salova

- Could you spank me?!

Why not? Dad, Walter Zapashny, harshly punished my brother and me, and always for the job, for which Askold and I are incredibly grateful to him. We grew up to be normal men, not big boys. We were not even allowed to bring a C from school, let alone a D, and we were forbidden to raise our voices at any of the elders in the family. This applied to Askold to a lesser extent; he studied well, and from birth was more tolerant and diplomatic than me. Dad is an excellent trainer, he could mentally crush not only a tiger, but any person. When I reprimanded him, hammering every word, I felt sick. I wanted to say: “Dad, finally hit me, stop tormenting me!” I still punish my daughters. Not as strict as my dad, of course, but they know what an angle is, for example.

- Daughters mean love and tenderness, but what else?

Strong headache. Stefania is now six, another ten years old, and boys will appear. I will be 51 years old at that time, which means I need to keep myself in good physical fitness to unscrew the heads of these goats. (Laughs.) No, of course, I haven’t yet begun to be jealous of the seven-year-old boys that Stesha likes, but I’m already looking forward to it.

- Are you raising circus people? I suppose that girls cannot avoid an artistic career.

The main thing for me is that they love the circus as much as I love it, so that they grow up to be hard workers and I am proud of them.

- There is a two-year difference between your children, like you and your brother. Are they as friendly as you, or are there problems?

- The main thing is that my daughters love the circus as much as I love it, so that they grow up to be hard workers and I am proud of them. Photo: Andrey Salova

They are attached to each other. Even though they fight. Gloria might hit Stesha out of the blue. The physically larger one, in theory, should give back. But no, he just looks with incomprehension. Then he says to me: “Dad, why is she doing this?” I call the little one to account, I force her to apologize to her sister. I really don’t want this to happen again in my family. scary situation enmity between relatives. Dad didn’t talk to our uncle, his own brother, for 15 years. Then they seemed to make up, but communication was sluggish, they swore and quarreled, but nothing good came of it. Askold and I have a different relationship. Our parents were able to instill in us that we are a single whole and are responsible for each other. My brother was sent to school when he was less than six years old, so as not to separate us. You can imagine how hard it was for him!

The first C's or F's he received in primary school, demoralized him, I had to help, calm him down, I always felt responsible. Askold and I are truly the closest people.

- Not only children, but also adults are jealous. How do your girls perceive your children? Aren't they fighting for attention?

I think it's stupid women who do this. My girlfriend is adequate and friendly and understands the situation in which I live. I already have children, and this circumstance must be accepted, and not fought. And only a loving person can accept.

- Stefania is soft, feminine, I feel very at ease with her. And we still need to find the key to Gloria. Photo: Andrey Salova

I’m going to move with her to a house that I’m finishing. And there is a large children's bedroom with four beds. I want my daughters to come visit me and live with my new children. I hope I will have them someday. I want a boy. And not just one. I can fully provide for all my children.

Well, if there are no more heirs, let my daughters come to me with their girlfriends and rage in this room - for good measure.

- Edgard, before Olga you had serious experience life together: You lived with your circus performer Elena Petrikova for 13 years. But they didn’t get married either. Is it your character, your fear of marriage?

Lena and I had a family, but without a stamp in our passport. I was young, I was always missing something, I was selfishly pursuing a career. And I thought that I needed status to be popular eligible groom, this added interest. Lena, we must give her credit, treated this with understanding. Everyone in our circle knew that we were a couple. Another thing is that people from the outside had no idea about this. About what was civil marriage, I announced when Lena and I broke up. By the way, we also have a wonderful relationship with her, which I’m incredibly proud of. They are trying to reproach me: I have created a harem around me. And I believe that remaining friends is a sign of wisdom. Lena, like Olga, is doing well in her personal life, there is no reason for resentment or hostility. She is dating one of the world's leading clowns, Italian David Larible. When he flies to Moscow, the three of us often have dinner together, and neither he nor I are jealous. (With a smile.)

With my girlfriend Lyubov on vacation in Sri Lanka (Winter 2017). Photo: From the personal archive of Edgar Zapashny

- You mentioned that you will soon celebrate a housewarming party with your new girl. Who is she? And are you ready for marriage or is single status still important to you?

Psychologically, it is now, at 41 years old, that I want to get married and love my wife for the rest of my life. I have matured for monogamy, I am no longer attracted to affairs on the side. I was looking for a woman with whom I would want to spend all my evenings together. In order not to look for more adventures on your own head, not to have mistresses. I want to have a home where I feel cozy, comfortable, where relaxation, sex, and a warm dinner await me.

I’m not ready to answer right now what our relationship will lead to. But I promise: as soon as we decide, I will give you an exclusive interview.

- I catch the word. What is important for you to see in a woman? Maybe this will make someone think.

- I joke that my brother and I rebranded - and instead of the Zapashny brothers, we are now the Zapashny sisters. With daughters and nieces Elsa and Eva. Photo: Andrey Salova

I'm not interested in lazy women who sit on the heads of wealthy men and believe that their job is to spend their lover's money on themselves. No, I don’t respect them one bit, even if they are as beautiful as goddesses. I am interested in hardworking women, those who do something useful and necessary in life and at the same time manage to take care of their husbands, children and even look great.

And a woman must also realize that the man in charge of the house is the man. And then loneliness will not threaten her.

Askold Zapashny is a successful producer, People's Artist of Russia, artistic director of the Great Moscow Circus on Vernadsky Avenue. He has won high-profile awards and recognitions, as well as grandiose shows for which the Zapashny brothers’ circus became famous: “Sadko”, “Camelot”, “Legend”, etc.

Askold and his older brother Edgard were born into an artistic family. And this meant that children with a high degree of probability would become successors circus dynasty. And so it happened.

Askold's father, trainer Walter Mikhailovich Zapashny, famous throughout the Union, and his mother, Tatyana Vasilievna Zapashny, actively traveled around the country on tour in the second half of the 20th century. The children traveled with them and grew up practically in the arena. It was thanks to their parents that the brothers were inseparable. Despite the fact that Edgard is a year older, the boys studied in the same class because their father believed that this was important for their future circus careers.

The future trainer Askold entered a tiger cage for the first time when he was only 10 years old. But the official debut of the 11-year-old boy took place in the winter of 1988-89. Then he and Edgard performed in Riga with the number “Time Machine,” which was a hit with the public. The younger Zapashnys portrayed kidnappers who stole a teleporter from the clowns and ended up in different eras.

Later, in 1991, just when the boys graduated from school, the family left to work under contract in China. The move became a salvation, since the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire offered a lucrative deal, thanks to which the Zapashnys could save their animals from starvation (at that time there were difficult times in their homeland, and food for circus animals was tight).

By the way, a summer circus was built specifically for the Zapashnys’ performances in the Safari Park near Shenzhen. There, Askold's father, Walter Zapashny, was training Chinese specialists in animal training.

And while Walter acted as a mentor, Askold was actively mastering the Chinese language and circus basics. Askold began his career as a horse juggler and monkey trainer. For this performance, he and Edgard were awarded the main prize of the First All-Russian festival-competition of circus art in Yaroslavl - “Golden Troika” (in 1997). Askold is also known as a vaulting acrobat, tightrope walker, Segway juggler, roller acrobat, etc.

By the way, it was in China that Askold and Edgard dyed their hair, turning them blonde. This was done specifically to stand out in the arena among Chinese dark-haired colleagues.

After China, Askold and Edgard performed in different countries- Japan, Hungary, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, etc.

Upon returning to Russia, Askold and Edgard began working with tigers and lions. Father Walter Zapashny gave them his issue “Among Predators” in 1998. Askold with the trick “The longest jump on a lion” even entered the Guinness Book of Records!

In their homeland, together with Edgard, they created their own circus - the Zapashny Brothers Circus, which is distinguished by a special style, unlike any other circus genre.


Askold Zapashny is married, his wife is Helen Zapashny - Raikhlin. They have two children - Eva and Elsa.

Titles and awards:

  • 1999 - Honored Artist of Russia - for services in the field of art;
  • 2012 - People's Artist of Russia - for great services in the field of circus art.

  • curious

    The circus world is not only a bright spectacle, but also a spectacular sound. Therefore, when Askold and Edgard’s parents chose names for their children, they did so with a future stage career in mind.

    Zapashny is a well-known surname in the circus, spanning several generations, and the name in the arena should sound impressive. Petya or Vasya are charming names in their own way, but not catchy, like Edgard and Askold. However, choosing a name was not easy. And if Edgard was named almost immediately after birth, then the parents had to tinker with Askold. There were several options: Siegfried, Richard, Octavian. Last name is still a source of jokes. Edgard assures that in the heat of a quarrel he would definitely call his brother Octaviash, and in a deliberately gentle and mocking tone. Although he admits that one could get paid for such jokes.