Divorce of Nadezhda Mikhalkova and Rezo Gigineishvili, which happened on October 23, 2017, surprised many, but not ex-wife men. In an interview with the magazine “Caravan of Stories”, singer and actress Anastasia Kochetkova spoke sharply about the behavior of the “ex”. Everything is natural and expected, she believes: “I have caught Rezo lying more than once.”

Kochetkova does not hide the fact that she knew about her husband’s infidelities: “Stranger women, one of whom was named Nadya, continued to send him love messages. Already knowing everything, I saw Gigineishvili with Mikhalkova, and she extended her hand to me with a smile, in a friendly way, not feeling guilty at all...”

“I didn’t realize this right away, after Rezo’s betrayal I turned into a walking depression: watching TV series for days, eating sweets and memories, memories... I dug into them endlessly. I’m waiting for Rezo, going crazy with jealousy and suspicion. This is the first time we quarreled and broke up. But he returned a few months later - like in a fairy tale - to New Year's Eve. He said that he loves me and cannot live without my daughter and me. And suddenly at the end of the explanation there is a false note: “Some glossy magazine should definitely write about the fact that we are together again and happy.” I forgave, but Gigineishvili remained the same.<...>I suffered for a long time, experiencing my husband’s betrayal. Just imagine - five years! Even going headlong into studying and recording a new album did not help me out of depression. It’s amazing how I didn’t drink myself to death, didn’t throw myself into all sorts of troubles, and didn’t commit suicide. After the betrayal of Rezo and her friends, after a robbery and a terrible accident, she survived only thanks to her mother, who was always there,” she shared.

“When I found out that they got divorced, I wasn’t surprised. There is a boomerang law, no one has repealed it: all the tears that another person cried through your fault will definitely return to you.<...>Of course, I will not condole Mikhalkova and Gigineishvili. But I don’t feel joy either, I rather sympathize,” said Kochetkova, who separated from her unfaithful husband in 2009.

Anastasia married Rezo very young: she was 17 years old. Soon she gave birth to a daughter, Maria.

Now Kochetkova is happy with the Cuban Miguel, studying at the New York Film Academy.

“The first day at acting school became fateful in my personal life. I met my future husband. I came to class in high heels, which incredibly amazed my classmates. By lunchtime I could barely stand on my feet and in line for food I simply sat on a chair and moved it as I got closer to the distribution. Miguel, I call him Misha, saw this picture and watched me from the side with interest. The next day, the whole school remembers this, he asked: “Where is my wife? Well, that beautiful Russian girl. She is my wife!” Of course, I was shocked. Absolutely stranger suddenly for some reason he calls me his wife! He is tall, bright, very emotional Cuban, I dubbed him “mucho-macho”. So this “mucho-macho” began to literally run after me. This kind of pressure even scared me a little.<...>But after a couple of months he was still able to charm me. We started dating, then decided to live together. I won’t say that the relationship was ideal, as two creative people could sometimes sort things out very temperamentally. I remember after the first quarrel I decided to break up with Miguel. I think I saw it in in social networks a photo of him with some girl. A couple of hours later he stood at my doorstep with a huge teddy bear and flowers. After unsuccessful love stories in Moscow Miguel became for me the best man. We agreed on character, interests, even mentality. He knows a little Russian, his mother received the second higher education in Russia,” she shared.

She was thinking of saying goodbye to life when her beloved husband exchanged her for Nikita Mikhalkov’s youngest daughter.

Nastya did not wish harm to her happy rival. But when the homewrecker found herself in the same situation as she had once been, she realized: justice still exists!

The first wife of director Rezo Gigineishvili now has a new appearance, new husband And new life. Only the daughter Marusya, who is so similar to her father, reminds of the painful past. And even endless discussions of the details of his divorce from Nadya Mikhalkova.

No one still really knows why Nadezhda divorced the man to whom she gave birth to two children. And Nastya Kochetkova has no doubt at all: the girl with the illustrious surname received a boomerang, which she launched herself. She took someone else’s husband away from his family with a small child and received the same blow from fate.

On someone else's misfortune happiness can not be built! All the tears that another person cried through your fault will definitely come back to you,” Nastya is firmly convinced.


Today, former popular singer Nastya Kochetkova is an aspiring film director. Lives in America, in Miami. And her name is Ana, short for “Anastasia”.

From a plump and cheeky brunette, she turned into a fragile and stylish blonde with high cheekbones.

A year ago, Nastya married her beloved man, an American with Cuban roots. And now, willy-nilly, he compares his present life with her first marriage, where her husband was a hot, but then unknown Georgian guy, Rezo.

She, a graduate of the Star Factory, fell madly in love with him at the age of 16. A year later they got married. Rezo was as naked as a falcon at the time, so the bride’s rich parents shelled out: they paid gorgeous wedding for 300 people, gave the young people an apartment in the capital, sent them to Honeymoon to Capri. Nine months later, Marusya was born. And soon the young husband went on a spree.

I remember how I caught Rezo in a lie, how strangers’ women, one of whom was called Nadya, sent him love messages,” Kochetkova recalls with a lump in her throat. - How, already knowing everything, I saw him with Mikhalkova, and she extended her hand to me with a smile - in a friendly way, not feeling guilty at all...

Kochetkova was amazed: why is Nadya destroying her family? She has the opportunity to choose her suitors, why did she encroach on a married man? Why doesn't he think about leaving a child without a father? She still could not understand that it was useless to fight such a competitor. But her friends understood: for the aspiring director, Nadya Mikhalkova with her dad behind her was just a gift from heaven.

He returned a few months later. He said that he loves me and cannot live without my daughter and me. And suddenly at the end of the explanation there was a false note: “Some glossy magazine should definitely write about the fact that we are together again and happy”... Then he left again.

“HOW DID YOU NOT lay hands on yourself?”

Young Nastya went through hell: every day, opening the Internet, she found out how her husband was courting Mikhalkova. Where the couple appeared together, what the head of the clan thinks about this, and what passages are written by ill-wishers on social networks.

At the height of his affair with Mikhalkova, he finally filed for divorce from Nastya, leaving her with a two-year-old daughter. Then the whole country watched him
beautiful wedding With new darling in Georgia, the birth of a daughter and son, public declarations of love...

I suffered for a long time, experiencing my husband’s betrayal. It’s amazing how she didn’t drink herself to death, didn’t throw herself into all sorts of troubles, and didn’t commit suicide,” recalls Kochetkova. - When Rezo left me and married Mikhalkova, I did not wish them harm - it’s true. But when I learned that they divorced, I was not surprised.

Nastya believes that Nadezhda stepped on the same rake. I trusted a man who doesn’t know how to be faithful if a more profitable match appears nearby...

Now he is dating a businesswoman who sponsors his projects. And Nadya Mikhalkova tells how, while still married, she found messages from other women on her husband’s phone.


Kochetkova and Gigineishvili’s daughter Marusa is now 11 years old. Recently the girl moved to her mother in America - before that she lived with Nastya’s parents for a couple of years while she settled in new country. Masha calls her new husband Miguel “Papa Americano.” They even correspond with Rezo.

Masha loves her father, I constantly tell her that he loves her too. But my soul hurts for my daughter,” Nastya sighs. - Rezo was recently in America, took a photo with Angelina Jolie, but did not find time to visit Masha.

Did Masha see him while she lived in Moscow? I wonder what he himself would answer to such a question. You look at Instagram and they seem to be communicating. And he will take his daughter once, he will do different photos, and then just posts them... Masha is smart, understands everything and, of course, worries about it.

Marusya is unfamiliar with her brother and sister, her father’s children from his marriage to Nadya Mikhalkova. Nastya did not want to cause her additional pain, and Rezo was never eager to bring the heirs together.

In the summer, Anastasia Kochetkova will turn 30. She dreams of timing her wedding to coincide with this date - to marry Miguel in Orthodox Church in Cuba.

We didn’t want to get married to Rezo right away, we put it off. And as life has shown, they did the right thing. We must first see how life will turn out, and then we must answer for this before God...

Nastya Kochetkova is at the very beginning of her journey - both creative and
vital. But why is there so much talk about such a young woman? The statements are contradictory, sometimes even very categorical. One gets the impression that only the “right” actions are expected of her, and any mistakes are regarded as something indecent, requiring instant condemnation of people. It is amazing with what dignity the girl gets out of such situations.

From the childhood and youth of Anastasia Kochetkova

Nastya Kochetkova was born in the capital in 1988, on June 2. Besides her, the family also has an older sister and brother.

She received her first characteristics as soon as she was born. The doctor who delivered the baby said that the girl was very active and her voice was amazingly clear. It was as if he was looking into the water.

So active child Nastya Kochetkova remained both in preschool childhood and in her adult years. Not a single holiday was complete without the participation of a girl. She could come up with something, sing, play, advise, help.

My student years were just as hectic - every day was eventful. Anastasia Kochetkova graduated from the Faculty of VGIK, the workshop of Vladimir Petrovich Fokin.

Nastya had many hobbies of different nature, but the most serious of them, of course, was music. And this is not without reason.

Anastasia and music in her life

When did it all start? Nastya Kochetkova began to show musical abilities with early childhood. My parents didn't think anything of it at first special significance. After all, there were no professional musicians in the family. No one could imagine what future awaited the girl.

But over time, it became clear that Anastasia had an inexplicable craving for music. According to her mother, her daughter sang everything she had ever heard, improvised a lot, and tried to create something of her own.

Having no special music education Anastasia's parents loved art and tried to introduce their children to it. That is why Nastya, sister and brother studied at a music school. There were many different instruments in the house that the children played. My father had a unique collection of CDs with a variety of music, but most This meeting was dominated by rock. The whole family lived in music, and it, in turn, existed in them.

Therefore, it probably cannot be called an accident that, while still a fifteen-year-old teenager, Anastasia becomes a participant in the “Star Factory-4” project, famous in our country. Many eyes closely watched her actions. As part of the project, the group “Banda” was formed, of which Anastasia became a member. But creative team was destined short life. Although its young participants, of course, received some musical experience.


In one of her interviews, Nastya Kochetkova admits to journalists that since childhood she has strived to look and be more mature than her peers. She dreamed of getting married as quickly as possible and having a child early.

The aspiring director and Nastya Kochetkova met precisely at the moment when dreams of family life filled the girl’s heart. In 2005 they got married. Nastya was only 17 years old at that time.

Birth of a daughter

The time has come when Anastasia learned the joy of motherhood. Soon the young couple had a daughter, who was named Maria. The parents' happiness knew no bounds. All cherished dreams young women's dreams came true one after another.

Today, the daughter of Anastasia Kochetkova, as the singer herself admits, is her whole life. She says that no one can ever be loved more than she loves her lovely baby.

A truly friendly, trusting relationship is established between a young mother and her growing daughter. Maria loves to dream. In this she is similar to her mother. She trusts all her dreams only to her, who knows how to understand and support at the right time.

Anastasia studies alone. Marusya's father does not live in the family.

Family life

The happy life of the young couple did not last long. Two years after marriage, serious disagreements emerged in the relationship. And in 2009, the marriage broke up completely.

Anastasia was having a hard time with the divorce. She closed herself off and withdrew into herself. I thought a lot and came to the conclusion that I needed to be reborn and start life over. After all, she is still so young.

From childhood she was raised in such a way that family responsibilities should always come first in relation to personal desires and whims. Therefore, she did not doubt for a second that raising her daughter was her main purpose in life.

When several years had passed after her divorce from her husband, Anastasia admitted that she had no grudge against him, no love that burned so brightly. But there is an endless feeling of gratitude for my daughter. After all, children are the main wealth of each of us.

Anastasia's creativity

Throughout her life, her creative nature encourages Anastasia to understand herself and achieve certain life goals.

Of course, fans of the talent still remember Nastya Kochetkova’s songs. Her voice is recognizable. The creative union with Timati, Dominic Joker and other performers can be called a significant stage in professional activity young singer. Fans of Anastasia’s work hope that the point in musical career not yet installed.

Kochetkova also tried herself in filming. In 2006, the movie “Heat” was released with her participation. The director of the film was Rezo Gigineishvili.

In 2012, the girl tried her hand at the “Hard Games” project. This fact indicates that Anastasia is full of desire to live, fight, and win.

Couldn't ignore this one beautiful girl And model business. Here Anastasia Kochetkova also tried herself.

More recently, the young star discovered another addiction. She really likes to take photographs. It started during a difficult period in the girl’s life, when she was collapsing family life. She went into the city with her camera, into nature, and took pictures a lot. Anastasia herself says that this somehow returned her strength.

The passion for photography lasts until today. The main fashion model for Anastasia is her daughter Maria.


Knowing about the existence of an army of fans, Anastasia leads active work in social networks.

She talks a lot about herself. Her personal photographs complement these stories. Fans especially like the captions made by Anastasia for the pictures. They are very accurate, original, express interesting thoughts, and speak about the wisdom of a young woman.

From the “photo reports” it is clear that Anastasia travels a lot with her daughter and parents, attends parties, is not afraid to experiment with her appearance, plays sports, and loves to cook. In a word, the person is active, energetic, and enterprising.

What does Anastasia Kochetkova dream about?

The biography of Nastya Kochetkova is not so eventful, because she is still very young.
But, despite her age, the girl evaluates the path she has traveled, draws conclusions and moves on.

What is especially valuable is that she shares her life experiences with people. This is very important for them. She understands that her experience can become salvation for another person.

Anastasia herself dreams of meeting someone who will become her soul mate. She is sure that this person is somewhere very close, she just needs time to meet him. After all, a woman’s purpose is not only to be beautiful and talented, but also to be loved.

Star Factory graduate Anastasia Kochetkova spoke frankly about married life with director Rezo Gigineishvili.

« If you have been betrayed by a loved one, there is only one way to cope with the pain - run away! Change your life radically. Get so carried away by something that you have no time to think about the past. I myself didn’t realize this right away, after Rezo’s betrayal I turned into a walking depression: watching TV series for days, eating sweets and memories, memories"says Kochetkova.

« I dug into them endlessly. I’m waiting for Rezo, going crazy with jealousy and suspicion. This is the first time we quarreled and broke up. But he returned a few months later - like in a fairy tale - on New Year's Eve. He said that he loves me and cannot live without my daughter and me. And suddenly at the end of the explanation there is a false note: “Some glossy magazine should definitely write about the fact that we are together again and happy.”", the singer continued.

Kochetkova forgave, but Gigineishvili remained the same. The singer recalled how she repeatedly caught Rezo in a lie, how strangers’ women, one of whom was called Nadya, continued to send him love messages. How, already knowing everything, she saw Gigineishvili with Mikhalkova, and she extended her hand with a smile, in a friendly way, without feeling guilty at all.

According to the singer, when Rezo left her and married Nadezhda Mikhalkova, she did not wish them harm. But I was always sure that you couldn’t build happiness on someone else’s grief. And when I learned that they divorced, I was not surprised. Anastasia is not going to sympathize with Mikhalkova and Gigineishvili. But he doesn’t feel joy either; after all, they have two children.

Nastya suffered for a long time, experiencing her husband’s betrayal after five years of marriage. Even throwing herself into her studies and recording a new album did not pull her out of depression. " It’s amazing how I didn’t drink myself to death, didn’t throw myself into all sorts of troubles, and didn’t commit suicide. After the betrayal of Rezo and her friends, after a robbery and a terrible accident, she survived only thanks to her mother, who was always there. And at one fine moment I decided to run away from public life, I just wanted to live and be happy", notes Kochetkova.

Now the daughters of Anastasia and Rezo are eleven years old, but Kochetkova was not much older when she got to the “Star Factory”. The singer is grateful ex-husband, for opening up the world of cinema to her. Kochetkova entered VGIK, where Rezo studied, and enthusiastically began to learn a new craft. Although the divorce from her husband unsettled Nastya, she still graduated from the institute. At the same time, she continued her solo career.

« We filmed a video outside the city, the shooting was scheduled for eight in the morning. I was sleepily driving along an unlit country road and at a turn, where, by the way, there were many wreaths hanging, I flew into a ditch. It was a miracle that she remained alive. For some reason, right at that moment I thought that this was a sign and I should change my life.", recalls Kochetkova.

The singer was encouraged to move to America by her mother. In 2014, the whole family was on vacation in Miami, her mother saw an advertisement about the opening of a film school and advised Nastya to try to enroll there. She spent the summer in Moscow, and in the fall she went to study. Anastasia started in the acting department, and after a year and a half switched to directing. Daughter Masha remained to live with her parents.

The first day at acting school became fateful in my personal life. Kochetkova met her future husband. I came to class in high heels, which incredibly amazed my classmates. She was noticed by student Miguel, whom Nastya calls Misha. After a couple of months, he was still able to charm Kochetkova. They started dating, then decided to live together. They agreed on character, interests, even mentality. Miguel knows a little Russian, his mother received her second higher education in Russia.

We didn’t have a big wedding, we just got married and sat in a restaurant with Miguel’s family. Miguel found mutual language with Maria. They took Masha last summer. Miguel is very kind to Marusa, helps her with math, and goes in for swimming. Maria calls Miguel Papa Americano or Misha. Of course, Papa Rezo stayed, and they corresponded.

According to Kochetkova, Gigineishvili will take her daughter once, take different photographs, and then simply post them. Masha is smart, understands everything and, of course, worries about it. And Nastya’s heart aches for her daughter. Recently Rezo was in America, took a photo with Angelina Jolie, but did not find time to visit Masha.

Masha loves her father, Nastya constantly tells her that he loves her too. She believes that Gigineishvili is not so bad person so as not to love your daughter. Masha and Miguel are friends, and Papa Rezo will forever remain Papa.

He did not introduce Masha to the children who were born to Rezo in his marriage to Nadezhda Mikhalkova. Kochetkova admitted to 7days.ru that, in her opinion, it is not worth injuring both Masha and the kids from that family.

She remembered how she had caught Rezo lying more than once, how strangers’ women, one of whom was called Nadya, continued to send him love messages. How, already knowing everything, I saw Gigineishvili with Mikhalkova and she extended her hand to me with a smile, in a friendly way, without feeling guilty at all...

If you have been betrayed by a loved one, there is only one way to cope with the pain - run away! Change your life radically. Get so carried away by something that you have no time to think about the past. I myself didn’t realize this right away, after Rezo’s betrayal I turned into a walking depression: watching TV series for days, eating sweets and making memories, memories...

I dug into them endlessly. I’m waiting for Rezo, going crazy with jealousy and suspicion. This is the first time we quarreled and broke up. But he returned a few months later - like in a fairy tale - on New Year's Eve. He said that he loves me and cannot live without my daughter and me. And suddenly at the end of the explanation there is a false note: “Some glossy magazine should definitely write about the fact that we are together again and happy.”

I forgave, but Gigineishvili remained the same. She remembered how she had caught Rezo lying more than once, how strangers’ women, one of whom was called Nadya, continued to send him love messages. How, already knowing everything, I saw Gigineishvili with Mikhalkova and she extended her hand to me with a smile, in a friendly way, without feeling guilty at all...

When Rezo left me and married Mikhalkova, I did not wish them harm - it’s true. But I was always sure that you couldn’t build happiness on someone else’s grief. And when I learned that they divorced, I was not surprised. There is a boomerang law, no one has repealed it: all the tears that another person cried through your fault will definitely return to you. Americans have an expression What goes around comes around, which can be translated into Russian as “As it comes around, so it will respond.”

Of course, I will not condole Mikhalkova and Gigineishvili. But I don’t feel joy either, I rather sympathize. After all, they have two children. However, if you failed and the love has passed, no children will save the family. Nadya was also very young when she married Rezo. But since childhood, I learned the truth from my parents: you cannot harm people!

If you did bad things and it didn’t come back, even if you died in abundance, don’t forget that you are leaving behind children, they will definitely pay your debts. This also applies to the kindness that you carry through life, let it not return to you - it will be rewarded to your descendants. I firmly adhere to the principle: do not take the last piece of bread and do not put a spoke in anyone’s wheels, as is customary in show business. Because I’m sure it will resonate with me, or my daughter, or her children.

I suffered for a long time, experiencing my husband’s betrayal. Just imagine - five years! Even going headlong into studying and recording a new album did not help me out of depression. It’s amazing how I didn’t drink myself to death, didn’t throw myself into all sorts of troubles, and didn’t commit suicide. After the betrayal of Rezo and her friends, after a robbery and a terrible accident, she survived only thanks to her mother, who was always there. And at one fine moment I decided to run away from public life, I just wanted to live and be happy. Then I didn’t even think about where this escape would lead...