Few people know that in childhood and youth the future bishop was far from the Orthodox faith. The boy from the noble family, born in 1877, spent a lot of time behind the textbooks and was very inquisitive. His mother applied a lot of effort to upbringing and becoming as a person. But even without having an idea of \u200b\u200btrue, proper Christian life, learned mercy and compassion to others. What does the Holy Onion of Crimean help today, and what influence does this righteous effect on the fate of people?

In the worldly life, Saint was named Valentine, which was given by his parents. Being in the family is not the only child, a guy from an early age has learned to get along with others, to share the latter and empathize with his relatives. I must say that since childhood Valentin was a very talented child.

From an early age, parents noticed the tendency to the arts, because they were able to the boys a brilliant future and glory. But, having studied perspectives in different areas of activity, the guy realized that he wanted to help people, precisely therefore chose the medical direction and had given all his strength to studying surgery.

Natural talent served a good service with a good service during training at Kiev University, where, by the way, the boy did without any problems. Arriving from Provincial Kerch, Valentine filed high hopes at his faculty and noticeably stand out among the other students. Teachers refer to the student a brilliant medical career, but the graduate decided otherwise - she chose to become a Zemsky doctor and to treat ordinary people who needed more rich in disease in disease and compassion.

Being an outcomes from the secured intelligent family, Valentine was never afraid of dirty work. The doctor willingly accepted challenges from patients and visited those in need at any time. For that, he fell in love and began to call not only the healer of the body, but also the souls.

Entering a job in the hospital, the young man met his future wife. He attracted the natural beauty and modesty of the girl, but she turned out to be very believer. Valentina had to make a lot of effort in order to persuade the beauty of a marriage.

In marriage with his wife, four children were born from a young doctor. The wife died at a young age from the disease incurable at that time. A big loss forced the physician to rethink their life and change the scope of activity. So Valentine from the ordinary Zemstvo doctor turned into a minister of the church.

Life in Christ

Having moved to the service to Tashkent, the young doctor also had hope to save his wife. But, contrary to his expectations, the southern climate did not help a woman. After the death of his beloved man began to take an active part in church life, for which he received from the existing bishop, the proposal to accept church-san.

The service of God brought a great relief to the workers, because he believed even more in the Lord and began to call on the path of true people from his environment.

Soon in the doctor's operating room, a multitude of icons appeared, before which he prayed, not embarrassed by patients. Starting to wear a rock and adopting monastic tonsure in 1923, Valentine accepted the name Luke. From the moment he was called. So he was unarked in honor of the Apostle, who was also once a healer bodies and possessed artistic talent.

After graduating from the Great Patriotic War, Luka's minister was aimed at serving in the temple to the Crimean diocese. After the corresponding decree from Moscow, a new period began in his life. Our service to God the future of Holy has to be combined with active social work and medical activities.

During the war years, he had to fulfill the duties of a doctor, and in the post-war time - to restore the destroyed temples throughout the peninsula. The minister was not considered the local authorities in the recruitment issues, therefore quickly acquired his enemies. But many parishioners saw in him a real Savior for those who had physical and moral injuries.

Important!In 1955, Valentina had to say goodbye to medical activities, as he lost sight. After overpowing to operate and abandoning the vocation, a believer man began to devote even more time to God.

Luke Krymsky died in 1961. At his funeral, contrary to the ban of local authorities, a huge number of people who knew him as a professional physician, a wonderful man and servant of God came.

Luke Crimean was buried at the Simferopol cemetery, which eventually became the place of pilgrimage of many Christians. Even after death, this minister of the Lord had power to heal people from diseases. Being eyewitnesses of many amazing cases of healing, the representatives of the authorities revised their attitude towards the mustache, and over time he was ranked sainted.

In March 1996, the relics of Crimean Luke were postponed to the Cathedral in the name of the Holy Trinity, where they are up to this day. People who come to worship the relics noted that they exude a thin pleasant fragrance and contribute to rapid healing from diseases.

Interesting! Strong 40 day about the change of fate.

Residents of Simferopol and representatives of the city authorities honor the memory of this God's homeland, because the museum was organized in honor of St. Luke, and two monuments were erected.

Saint Luka Crimean lived a long life and died at the replenish age of 84 years. The icons of Saint, like the relics of the Crimean Luke, today an object for worship. In the icons, artists depict it exactly how people remembered Luke in his last years of life: an old man with wise eyes, a good-natured face and a bellied gray beard.

During his life, Valentin had bad eyesight, because he wore glasses, but on the icons this attribute is not depicted. It is believed that in the kingdom of God, people are delivered from any physical vices. Mandatory attribute icons with the face of the Holy - Gospel in hand. The icon painters depict the Saint Luka Crimean in Ryasa and the corresponding headdress, since most of his life the doctor dedicated to the service of the Lord.

Important!Today, some people pray not only before icons, but also before the photo of this healer.

Healing force given by the Holy

Throughout the life of Luca, Crimean committed many miracles by the will of the Lord. Often he had to treat people not only with the help of medical skills, but also a prayer, as well as laying hands. The case is known when a believing woman came from the last forces to Luke, asking for blessings to carry out an operation on the amputation of the legs.

Many years suffering from Gangrena, the unfortunate did not have another choice, except to be decided on such a desperate step. But the healer did not bless a woman for the operation, but asked her to linger and diligently pray for recovery with him. A few days later, the disease completely retreated, and the amazed believing went to preach the Word of God and testify to the extraordinary power of the servant of the temple.

Often, Luke had to heal the power of prayer of babies suffering from various diseases. Once of Luca, the Crimean even saved from the death of a little boy, who led to the healer with a swollen larynge. The disease was launched, and surgery, most likely, would end with a fatal outcome. The man laid hands on the child and began to pray, after which the disease retreated. Thus, the saint returned his health to many in need.

As with her earthly life, in our days, the Crimean Miracles makes miracles and puts people who need to get rid of diseases on the feet. In 2000, the Greek Orthodox Priest was healed by the will of Holy, who had a hand paralyzed. In a dream, the Crimean bishop appeared to the priest and said that he had surgery over his hand. Waking up, the man noticed blood drops on the bed, and he witnessed his healing amazement.

Important!In 2009, Luke Krymsky helped the girl Elena, who survived a complex heart surgery. The patient had to wake up from anesthesia immediately after the intervention, but fell into someone. It was possible to revive it only after the parents who visited the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, brought the sacred oil from the relics of St. Luke.

What are he prayed and with what requests people come to the icons of the saint? Basically these requests are associated with health.

  • prayers for children's health;
  • molbs on healing from serious diseases;
  • a petition for the well-being and well-being of parents;
  • prayer grateful for healing;
  • requests for protection against the diseases of the whole family;
  • prayers of poor, not having funds for treatment;
  • requests of pregnant women on lungs and rapid births.

How to pray

Prayer to Luke Krymsky should be from a pure heart. It doesn't matter if you turn to the holy learned text or in your own words, the main thing is that the phrases say you are sincere. Do not try to drag something during prayer. Remember that the holy all sees and knows your thoughts. And if you want it to petition for you before God, then be frank with him.

"Holy Father, you see, you need my need and you know how to help me. I ask you to heal me from the ailment and do not let me with any rhod. In your hands, I give my fate and believe that you will help me in my misfortune. May it be for your word, Amen! ".

In order to protect yourself from diseases, it is necessary to learn a few prayers that will help in different situations:

  • morning prayers for well-being for the day;
  • evening prayers about good sleep and light awakening;
  • casual protective requests for pain thickening in different parts of the body;
  • prayers about healing from severe diseases and sudden injuries.

Useful video

Let's summarize

Who is Saint Luka, know all Orthodox people. It is often treated on many issues, believing that prayers will be heard. Both during life, and now the Medical Saint remains responsive to each of the soul in need. Helps Saint Luka to everyone who sincerely asks for it.

Saint Luke Icon (Crimean Bishop) is particularly revered in the Orthodox world. Many believers of Christians pronounce warm and sincere prayers in front of the capabilities. Saint Luka always hears the requests addressed to him: great miracles are performed on the prayer of believers - many people gain relief from various spiritual and bodily ailments.

The relics of Luke Crimea are various healings in our days, testifying to the great spiritual strength of the saint. To worship the shrine, many Christians come to Simferopol from different cities in the world.

The icon of St. Luka is designed to remind people about the life of a great man, fearlessly following in the footsteps of the Savior, who embodied the sample of the Christian naval of the vital cross.

On the icons, the saint Luka War-Yasenetsky is depicted in the Archbishop closure with a blessing hand-raised hand. You can also see the image of the saint, sitting at the table above the revealed book, in the works of scientific activity, which resembles believing Christians fragments of the Biographies of St. There are icons depicting the Holy Cross in the right hand and the Gospel in the left. Some icon painters are represented by Saint Luka with medical instruments, recalling his life work.

A large reverence of the people has an icon of St. Luke - the value of her for believers Christians is very large! Like St. Nicholas, Bishop Luka became the Russian Wonderworker coming to the rescue in all life difficulties.

Nowadays, the icon of St. Luke is almost in every home. This is primarily due to the most faithful of the people in the wonderful help of the saint, which is capable of healing any disease. Many Christians turn to the great saint in prayer for getting rid of various ailments.

Saint Luka, Bishop Crimean (in the world - Valentin Feliksovich Waro-Yasenetsky), Born in Kerch on April 27, 1877. Since childhood, he was interested in painting by visiting a drawing school, where she demonstrated considerable successes. At the end of the gymnasic course, the future saint entered the university at the Faculty of Law, but in a year he stopped classes, leaving an educational institution. He further tried to engage in the Munich School of Painting, however, in this area, the young man did not find his calling.

With all my heart, seeking to benefit the neighbor, Valentine decided to enter the University of Kiev for the Medical Faculty. From the first years of classes, he became interested in anatomy. After graduating the training institution with honors and having received a specialty surgeon, the future holy immediately began practical medical activities, mainly in the eye surgery.


In 1904, the Russian-Japanese war began. V.F. War Yarenetsky went to the Far East as a volunteer. In Chita, he worked in the Red Cross Hospital, where practical medical activity was led. Having headed the surgical department, he successfully operated on the wounded soldiers. Soon the young doctor met his future wife - Anna Vasilyevna, who worked in the hospital of the sister of mercy. In marriage they were born four children.

From 1905 to 1910, the future saint worked in various county hospitals, where he had to lead the most diverse medical activities. At this time, the widespread use of general anesthesia began, but there was not enough necessary equipment and specialists - anesthesiologists to carry out operations under general anesthesia. Interested in alternative ways of anesthesia, the young doctor opened a new method of anesthesia of a sedlication nerve. Subsequently, he presented his research in the form of the dissertation, which was successfully defended.


In 1910, a young family moved to the city of Pereslavl-Zalessky, where the future saint Luka worked at extremely difficult conditions, making several operations daily. Soon he decided to engage in the study of purulent surgery and began to actively work on writing the dissertation.

In 1917, terrible shocks begin in the fatherland - political instability, widespread treachery, the beginning of the bloodshed revolution. In addition, the spouse of the young surgeon is treated with tuberculosis. The family moves to the city of Tashkent. Here Valentin Feliksovich holds the position of head of the Surgical Department of the local hospital. In 1918, the Tashkent State University was opened, in which the doctor teaches topographic anatomy and surgery.


During the Civil War, the surgeon lived in Tashkent, where all the forces gave his healing, making a few operations daily. During work, the future saint always prayed to God for help in committing the business of rescue human lives. In the operating room, there was always an icon, and the lamp was hung in front of it. The doctor had a pious custom: he was always applied to icons before the operation, then he lit the lamp, performed a prayer, and already started the matter. The doctor was distinguished by deep faith and religiosity, which led him to the decision to adopt the priestly san.

Health A.V. War-ashlanets began to worsen - she died in 1918, leaving the spouse of four young children. After the death of his wife, the future saint began to participate even more actively in church life, visiting the temples of Tashkent. In 1921, Valentina Felixovich was hand-made in San Dyakon, and then - a priest. Father Valentin became the abbot of the temple, in which he was always very vividly and diligently preached the Word of God. Many colleagues were treated with undisguised irony to his religious beliefs, believing that the scientific activity of a successful surgeon with the adoption of San was finally completed.

In 1923, Father Valentine accepted the monastic stop with the new name of Luka, and soon died in the Episcopian San, which caused a violent negative reaction from the Tashkent authorities. After some time, the saint was arrested and imprisoned. The long period of reference began.

Ten years in captivity

Two months after arrest, the future Saint Luka Crimean was in Tashkent prison. Then he was sent to Moscow, where there was a significant meeting of St. Patriarch Tikhon, concluded in the Don Monastery. In the conversation, Patriarch convinces the bishop of Luka not to leave medical activities.

Soon the saint called the KGB CCB building on Lubyanka, where he was subjected to cruel interrogation methods. After making sentence, Saint Luke was sent to a Butyrsa prison, where he was in inhuman conditions for two months. Then he was transferred to the Tagansk prison (until December 1923). The following was followed by a number of repression: in the midst of the harsh winter of the saint, sent a link to Siberia to the distant Yeniseisk. Here he was watered in the house of a local wealthy resident. The bishop was allocated a separate room in which he continued to conduct medical activities.

After some time, the saint Luca received permission to operate in the Yenisei hospital. In 1924, he made a complex unprecedented kidney transplantation from an animal man. As a "award" for the works, local authorities sent a talented surgeon into a small village of Haji, where St. Luca continued to practice, sterilizing the tools in samovar. The saint did not lose - as a reminder of the rest of the life cross with him, there was always an icon.

Saint Luka Crimean next summer was again translated into Yeniseisk. After a short imprisonment, he was again allowed to medical activities and to church ministry at the local monastery.

Soviet authorities sought with all their mights to prevent the growing popularity of the bishop surgeon among the simple people. It was decided to link to Turukhansk, where there were very complex natural and weather conditions. In the local hospital, the saint accepted patients and continued surgical activity, operating with a peer knife, and the hair was used as a surgical suture.

During this period, he served in a small monastery on the shore of the Yenisei, in the temple, where the relics of St. Vasily Mangazei were. Crowds of the people came to him, finding the true healer of the soul and body in it. In March 1924, the saint again cause Turukhansk to resume medical activities. At the end of the term of concluding, the bishop returned to Tashkent, where the responsibilities of the bishop again took over. The future Saint Luka Crimean led medical activities at home, attracting not only patients, but many medical students.

In 1930, Saint Luka was arrested again. After making an indictment, the sacrant spent a whole year in a Tashkent prison, exposed to all sorts of tortures and interrogations. Heavy tests at the time suffered the Holy Onion Crimea. Prayer, daily assessed by the Lord, gave him spiritual and physical strength to transfer all adversity.

Then it was decided to ship the bishop in a reference to the north of Russia. All the time the path to Kotlas, the convoy accompanying soldiers mocked the saints, they spoiled in his face, mad and mocked.

The first time the bishop of Luka worked in the Makarich's renovine camp, which was serviced by people who were victims of political repression. The conditions of the settlers were inhuman, many of despair were solved for suicide, people suffered from massive epidemics of various diseases, and they did not have any medical care. Saint Luke was shortly translated to work in the Kotlas Hospital, having received permission to operate. Next, Archbishop was sent to Arkhangelsk, where he was until 1933.

"Essays of purulent surgery"

In 1933, Luke returned again to his native Tashkent, where he was waiting for crowded children. Until 1937, the saint deals with scientific activities in the field of purulent surgery. In 1934, he produces the famous work called "Essays of purulent surgery", still being a textbook for surgeons. Many of their achievements, the saint so did not have time to publish, the obstacle to which the next Stalinist repressions became.

New persecution

In 1937, the Bishop was again arrested on charges of murdering people, underground counter-revolutionary activities and a conspiracy in order to destroy Stalin. Some of his colleagues arrested with him gave false testimony against the bishop under pressure. For thirteen, the siblings were interrogated, torture. After the bishop of Luke did not sign recognition, he was again subjected to conveyor interrogation.

Over the next two years, he was in a Tashkent prison, periodically exposed to aggressive interrogation. In 1939 he was sentenced to reference to Siberia. In the village of Large Murt of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the bishop worked at the local hospital, operating numerous patients in incredibly difficult conditions. Hard months and years, full of deprivation and adversity, adequately made the future saint - Bishop of Luka Crimean. Prayers, brought by him for their spiritual flock, helped many believers in those difficult times.

Soon, the saint sent a telegram addressed to the Chairman of the Supreme Council with a request to resolve the wounded soldiers. Next, the bishop was translated into Krasnoyarsk and was appointed head physician of a military hospital, as well as a consultant for all district military hospitals.

During work in the hospital, the KGB staff constantly followed him, and colleagues belonged to him with suspicion and distrust, which was associated with his religious. He was not allowed in the hospital dining room, in connection with which the hunger was often overlooked. Some nurses, sorry saint, secretly brought him food.


Daily, the future archbishop of the Crimean Luke independently came to the railway station, selecting the most seriously ill for operations. So it lasted until 1943, while many church political prisoners did not get under Stalin's amnesty. The future Saint Luka was put by Bishop Krasnoyarsk, and on February 28, he could already serve the first liturgy independently.

In 1944, the saint was translated into Tambov, where he was led by medical and religious activities, restoring destroyed temples, attracting many to the church. He was invited to various scientific conferences, but they always asked to come in secular clothing, to which Luka never agreed. In 1946, the saint received recognition. He was awarded the Stalin Prize.

Crimean period

Soon the health of the saint seriously worsened, Bishop Luka began to see badly. The church authorities appointed it by Bishop Simferopol and Crimean. In Crimea, the bishop continues his life saturated with works. Works on the restoration of temples are underway, Luca daily leads free reception of patients. In 1956, the saint completely blind. Despite such a severe ailment, he worked selflessly for the benefit of the Church of Christ. On the eleventh of June 1961, St. Luka, Bishop Crimean, peacefully moved to the Lord on the day of the celebration of the week of all saints.

In the twentieth of March 1996, the holy relics of the Crimean Luke were solemnly postponed to the Holy Trinity Cathedral of Simferopol. Nowadays, they are especially revered by the inhabitants of the Crimea, as well as all Orthodox Christians who ask for help from the Great Sacred.

Icon "Saint Luka Crimean"

Later, many believers, personally acquainted with this great man, felt his holiness, which was expressed in genuine kindness and sincerity. Luka lived a heavy life, full of work, deprivation and adversity.

Even after the fulfillment of St. Many people continued to feel his invisible support. After the commissioning of the Archbishop to the face of the Orthodox Saints in 1995, the icon of St. Luke continually rectifies the various wonders of healing from spiritual and bodily disease.

Many Orthodox Christians hurry to Simferopol to make the Great Christian value - the relics of St. Luke Crimean. Many patients helps the icon of St. Luke. The significance of its spiritual power is difficult to overestimate. To some believers, help from the saint came instantly, which confirms his great intercession before God for people.

Miracles of Luke Crimea

Nowadays, the Lord sends healing from many diseases to the sincere prayers of believers thanks to the intercession of St. Luke. Real cases of incredible deliveries from various diseases that occurred thanks to the prayer of the saint were known and recorded. The relics of the Luke of Crimean exude great wonders.

In addition to getting rid of bodily ailments, the saint helps in spiritual struggle with various sinful inclinations. Some believers of surgeons, deeply honored their great colleague, following the saint, always make a prayer for surgery, helps to successfully operate even complex patients. According to their deep conviction, it helps the Holy Luka Crimean. Prayer, from the heart facing it, contributes to the solution of even the most difficult problems.

Some students, St. Luca wonderfully helped to enter a medical university, so their cherished dream came true - to devote their lives to treat people. In addition to numerous healing from diseases, the saint Luka helps to find faith with stunning unbelieving people, being a spiritual mentor and praying for human souls.

Many miracles and today makes the Great Holy Bishop of Luka Krymsky! Healing get all accessible for help. There are cases when the saint helped pregnant women to safely endure and give birth to healthy kids in the risk group according to the results of multilateral studies. Truly the Great Saint - Crimean Luke. Prayers brought by believers before its relics or icons will always be heard.


When opening the grave of Luke was noted by his remains. In 2002, Greek clergymen presented the Troitsky Monastery of Silver Cancer for the relics of the Archbishop, in which they rest and now. The holy relics of the Crimean Luke due to the prayers of believers exude many wonders and healings. In order to make it, people come to the temple constantly.

After the glorification of the bishop of Luke in the face of saints, his remains were transferred to the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity of the city of Simferopol. Often, pilgrims also call this temple as follows: "The Church of St. Luke." Nevertheless, this wonderful is called Holy Trinity. Cathedral is located at the city of Simferopol, ul. Odessa, 12.

Icon of Luke Crimean Saint: Photo, value, what helps

Saint Luka made his feats recently. This is the only Soviet-time surgeon priest, famous for the church in the rank of saints.

Icon Luke Crimean Saint What helps

This saint is officially canonized by the Church as a saint Luka Krymsky, since he finished his earthly path in the San Bishop of Simferopolsky. However, Orthodox people name His last name: Luka War Yarenetsky. This is due to the fact that to this day many people who knew the saint personally were still alive, because the bishop was both a doctor and a servant of the Church. The holy highly stands out in the saints' host. He was performed quite recent fees - he died in the 1960s, he treated the wounded Great Patriotic War and, perhaps, the only of all the priests could never remove the rises, even during the operation to carry it under a bathrobe.

His talent as a surgeon was recognized even by the Soviet government, who gave him, who was in Sana, the Stalinist Prize is the only and unprecedented case for the entire Soviet history. However, the bishop surgeon, perhaps, existed one in all centuries. The spiritual talent of the bishop - his holiness was herself in his archpastorskoy ministry, and in his wonders committed by the grace of God.

Biography of the saint and where are the relics

Information about the life of the saint is largely based on its autobiography entitled, which created the Holy Himself: "I loved suffering." Its fate was filled with professional and spiritual quest, references and wars: Saint was an ordinary person, sometimes he fell into despair, was confused in decisions. But in all the trials - and he passed all the most dangerous that he could fall into a fraction of a person - relied on the will of God and prayer, tried to serve people.

The future holy appeared in 1877 in the Crimean city of Kerch and was named Valentin. His family came from Polish nobles.

The boy since childhood dreamed of becoming an artist, the art was very fascinated by him - but already upon admission to the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg changed his mind. Perhaps he saw how the careless and selfish spirit reigns in the society of artists. The future saint decided that he had to help people, and not live for his pleasure. He graduated from honors with honors and decided to go to the deep province - in Chita - to raise the level of medicine exactly there, help the needy. He was tried to leave the teaching department, but he resolutely refused, saying that he would live for people, and not for the sake of science.

In Chita, he married a medical sister, his four children appeared on the world. Glory about his talent of the surgeon spread throughout Siberia, people came to him from everywhere so that he conducted operations without end - and they were all successful. The future holy prayer made many excellent operations even in a state of fatigue.

He wrote that he began to look for God at the university, faith to which he could rely on his worldview. As in all areas of their activities, he thoroughly studied a lot of literature and the spiritual experience of prayer came to Orthodoxy. In the post-revolutionary Tashkent, he participated in many disputes on spiritual topics, popular at the time. Tashkent Bishop Innocent after one of the events, where the saint brilliantly refuted the arguments of the opponent, suggested him to become a priest: Lord attracted the spiritual burning of the saint and, of course, his great mind.

So the new era began in the life of Saint: He operated on, he taught at the university, he served as a priest and preached. Everywhere where he appeared, the people gathered: his operations were famous for its quality, teaching - ease, sermons - inspired word. In 1923, he was tonsured with the name of the Apostle Luke, known as a doctor, an icon painter and an evangelist, that is, the perfectly connected, as well as the Saint War-Yasenetsky, in his life several areas of activity. Almost immediately holy erected in the San Bishop.

He as a priest quickly won the love and appreciation of the Tashkents, and after ordains in the bishops, when he was sent to different dioceses, he also realized the reverence of residents of the church regions to him. In addition, his glory as a specialist in surgery grew and followed him: people massively came to him home, to the temple, to the hospital. The devotee of all patients before the operation was autonomous with the godmond sign, regardless of their beliefs. He was worshiped by many people. People knew that his strength was the talent of a doctor and saint, because many even came to the temple to simply touch him, believing that he would receive relief in diseases and dumb.

Quite quickly, the Soviet government paid attention to the surgeon who did not shoot the rjas, and the priest, massively operated on people, as well as bringing many many people. Therefore, the confessor of the faith of Christ entered into prison under a contrived pretext. Here it was cruelly tied, robbed, tried to make people align, but he could all stand with courage. After several years of imprisonment, he was referred to a link in the Oppolyary, where he lived in the collapsed house - the water frowned at night for half a day. Luca transferred illness, hunger and cold, not stopping or served by Christ, nor medical assistance to people. At this time, he actively studied the eye surgery, and once in the north, almost without remedies, was able to operate a whole family in such a way that he returned his sight to all people. Explaced by a long way, disadvantage of food and difficult conditions, he always continued to help people.

With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, he was offered to work in the hospital on the front line of the front. He very much regretted that he could not commit bishop ministry in the church, but the help of his people was invaluable: many wounded soldiers, defenders of the Fatherland, passed through his hands. The performance that he was famous before the war has also increased in the difficult conditions of the front. He did not just operate, but kept his observations: so after the war there was a book "Essays of purulent surgery." Perhaps he became the only face of the Holy San, who honored and medals for work during the Great Patriotic War, and the Stalinist Prize for Labor Over the Book. These "essays" today serve as a textbook in medical universities. They are distinguished by the saint, if necessary, and love for science even left the church bishop ministry for the time. The works of Vladyka retained many lives and continue to save people today.

After weakening the persecution of the church of Luke again a lot and actively preached. At that time, he was minted by a new trouble: he began to lose sight, but he managed operations, advised the operating doctors, diagnosed the disease, and most importantly, committed Divine Liturgy and other church services. He helped people to heal spiritually, soulful and bodily. Since 1943, he stayed in San Archbishop of Simferopol and Crimea, as if returning to his homeland - after all, he was born in Kerch. He took patients at home and recreated a diocese of post-war ruins. He died in 1956. To this day, many people who were his students or employees, as well as patients cured them, are alive.

The pockets of the piss stay in the Holy Trinity Women's Monastery of Simferopol. Also in Simferopol there is a wonderful monument to Luke Krymsky; Its name is called Medical University.

West and day of memory of St. Luke

The memory of the Crimean Luke is celebrated by the entire Orthodox Church twice a year:
March 18, on the day of the saintness of the Holy Lord,
June 11, on the day of the acquisition of the relics of Luke in Simferopol.

The devotee is traditionally a patron woman not only doctors, but also medical personnel, hospice workers. Many hospital chokes of Russia have an icon with a particle of its relevance: during the disease, being on hospitalization you can always pray to the devotee and ask him for help. Pious doctors come in the same way as he once: pray before bypass, and in the operating room hold the icon, now the most pious (he usually prayed in front of Christ or the Mother of God - during the Soviet power, he even tried to ban it, but he He left the hospital and did not return until the icon was allowed to leave in the operating room). He is asked about intercession, the right direction of operations, cure patients.

How and what to pray to the Holy, what prayer helps

Many stories of wonderful healings annually tell people in the days of St. Luke's memory. Especially amazing stories when they think that after prayer in a dream, they are exposed to a well-made operation.

  • There are several testimonies, as after surgery in the vision, people were healed from ear diseases, migraine, tumors.

  • Many women cured in infertility on prayers to the saint, easily proceeded pregnancy and childbirth.

  • they pray for healing from eye diseases, because he himself suffered from blindness on the slope of the years.

  • As a confessor of faith, which passed through many links and prison, they pray for help in wanderings, strengthening faith among the vitality.

  • They ask him about the healing of diseases requiring surgery: there are many evidence of wonderful healing, when the seemingly malignant tumor was reborn into benign or disappeared.

  • As a person who suffered a widowism, ask for wisdom and support when the death of loved ones, divorced, widowing.

  • The prayers for the saint disappeared the cysts and hernia, which required urgent surgery, therefore, in the event of such entities, it is also necessary to pray

With prayer, never forget about contacting doctors and following their recommendations. This is our obedience to God, because he himself prescribed a sick operation, medicines and procedures for healing, with it inequately praying for patients. Human power and God's help are creating wonders together.

To heal and spiritually, and physically, it is possible to attend worship services in the temple or pray at home daily. You can add special brief prayers to the prayer rule: Path and Kondaki. Read them online and in any difficult life time, with exacerbation of the disease, in pain


The image of the saint most often represents its image close to a photo or picturesque portrait. The saint is depicted in purple with white and red stripes of a mantle, which wearing modern bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church. On the head - the monastic hood, the right hand is folded in a blessing praying gesture.

    In the hand of St. Luke can be the gospel, a bishop staff or an Orthodox cross.
    Sometimes next to the saint or in his hand depicts a box with surgical instruments - after all, he was a doctor and a priest, he treated with his art, and God's grace.

    There are also rare icons, where the saint is depicted in a white medical bathrobe and a hat, with glasses. Next to it is also a set of medical instruments. This image is most often created for health facilities and it is not worthwhile to be surprised: it reflects the important side of the saint's life.

    Another iconography of Saint reflects his works on scientific articles, sermons, autobiography: He is sitting in a bright summer contractor sitting at the desk with manuscripts, on his chest - a sign of a bishop, a small Panagia, that is, the icon of Our Lady.

    There are both the image of the living stimples, where in small icons around the main image the difficult fate of the saint is reflected. The genre of the zhiyan icon is very ancient, he came to Russia from Byzantium around the XII century and was actively distributed in XVI. Stamp need to be read from left to right and top down. It is better to know the life, then it will be easier to guess what is shown in a stamp.

How to treat prayer to St. Luka Crimean

Disease in the morning, on an empty stomach, take the rule to drink holy water and there is a part of the prosphirt (church fresh bread with a cross from a cross on a flat vertex, from which particles are removed with the commemoration of the names of people; the prosfora will give your loved ones or when applying notes "about health "On the liturgy, which also needs to be done for you if you are sick). With the prayer "Lord, bless!" Or
"Lord, my God, let him be your holy gift: the prosfora and holy water for the forgiveness of my sins, the enlightenment of my mind, the strengthening of the spiritual and bodily forces of my, the health of the soul and the body of mine, getting rid of my vices and diseases according to your infinite mercy and Mother's prayers are your limp and all saints. Amen".
Holy water can also be added to food. Put next to the bed of the icons of St. Luke and the Blessed Virgin.

In severe disease, it is necessary to begin, first of all, if you are not baptized - to baptism, and then to the sacrament of the core. This is one of the seven sacraments of the Orthodox Church. All of them are installed by the Lord and have their own words preserved in the Gospel. The sacrament of the church is called a holy interaction, where with the help of external signs, the rites invisibly, that is, mysteriously, from where and the name, people are served by the grace of the Holy Spirit. The saving strength of God is true, in contrast to the "energy" and the magic of the spirits of darkness, which only promise help, in the very same person souls. In addition, the legend of the Church says that in the sacraments, unlike home prayers, prayers or a paneir, grace is promised by God himself and the enlightenment is filed by a person who prepared for the sacraments is true, coming with sincere faith and repentance, understanding his sinfulness before our sinless Savior.

The sacrament of the cub is impossible to be confused with the elopopia, which is accomplished for the all-sleeping occasion (evening service committed every Saturday and in front of church holidays) and is the symbolic blessing of the Church. Cobate all those who wanted, even healthy body, usually in the great post, and seriously ill all year - even at home. This is the sacrament of the healing of the soul and body. It aims to purify from insururated sins (it is especially important to do before death) and the healing of the disease.

  • Daily to your prayer rule can be added to the prayer to St. Luke War-Yasenetsky. In severe illness, you can also read the Holy Akathist 40 days in a row in front of his icon. It is not necessary to go to the temple: you or your loved ones can purchase an icon for home prayer. Praying, you can light it in front of it a subtle church candle.

  • After prayer, you can apply to the icon: twice shield, kisses the hand or edge of the clothes depicted on the icon of the saint, cross again. This can be done and lying in bed.

  • Read prayer with attention, not as a plot, but as an appeal to the saint. Tell your words about trouble and grief, ask for help.

The relics of St. Luka (Warne-Yasenetsky)

The relics of St. Luke rest in the temple of St. Luke in the city So usually refer to pilgrims Cathedral of the Holy Trinity or the Holy Trinity Monastery.

It is known that the relics of the saints are fragrant, but what felt by leaning over the crayfish of St. Luke, it is impossible to convey words. From canceli raised the strongest indequent fragrance.

Archbishop Luka (1877-1961) - the person is wonderful, even unique: an outstanding doctor, surgeon, priest.

In 1923, Valentine's priest took an important decision to become a monk. Having secretly secretly made a reference bishop Ufa Andrei (Prince Ukhtomsky), calling him the name of the apostle, the evangelist and the artist Luke. In the same year he became a bishop.

For his faith, Luke Archpander was arrested three times and sent to the link. But while being in remote villages, Archbishop Luka treated patients.

In 1934, the scientific work "Essays of purulent surgery" was released, the importance of which was not lost and today, before the author's name stood his spiritual title "Bishop".

Despite torture and bullying, applied during the third arrest in 1937, Bishop Luke immediately after the start of the war at the request of the authorities took the position of the chief surgeon of the Krasnoyarsk evacuation hospital. He helped the wounded soldiers and after the expiration date in 1942.

In the same year, Bishop Luka was erected in San Archbishop. Service at the Krasnoyarsk Department he was combined with a tense work of the surgeon.

Scientific activity was not forgotten: in 1943, an up-to-date second edition of the "Essays of purulent surgery" was published, the book "Late resection of infected gunshot wounds of the joints." For these works, the scientist was awarded the Stalinist Prize I degree.

Muzzles put a lot of strength to clean up the dioceses: I prevented the closure of temples, I tried to open new, especially in rural areas, from the priests Archbishop Luka demanded strict observance of church rules, constantly struggled with heresy and sectarianism.

Archbishop Luka did not leave, despite old age, medical practice. He was a consultant in the Simferopol Military Hospital, in severe cases it often operated the patients himself. Vladyka possessed an invaluable gift: he was diagnosed with astonishing accuracy, and could also foresee the future.

In his home (on Kurchatov Street, 1), Archbishop Luka took free of charge with ill people, who still remember him with gratitude.

Chapel Svt. Luke in Simferopol

The authority of Vladyka was so high that the patients were trying to have patients during worshipto come to leave his vestments, believing that one touch will help them to overcome the disease. Archbishop Luka wanted to transfer his rich experience to doctors and students. He often lectured, spoke with reports, but did it consistently in Ryasa with Panagia.
The earth's life of Archbishop Luka ended on June 11, 1961 on the day of all saints, in the land of the Russians.

Funeral Archbishop Luke, Simferopol, 1961

He was buried in Simferopol on the cemetery at the temple of all saints. And after the death of Saint Luka continued to help the patient: his grave, the earth and water taken from it, brought healing.

On November 22, 1995, the decision of the Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, the Archbishop Simferopolsky and Crimean Luka ranked with the local saints. March 18 In 1996, the unwanted relics of the saint were found.March 20, 1996 with a huge crossing of the people the relics of the saint were solemnly postponed In the Cathedral Holy Trinity Cathedralwhere they rest and today, making wonders of healing.

This photo is associated with a miracle. On the covering face the board was shown only the cross. When the photo was printed, a face imprint appeared on it ... There are evidence that in fact the policemen had caps on their heads, and they did not turn out on this photo!

In 2000, on the Jubilee Bishop Cathedral of the Russian Orthodox Church, Archbishop Luka was found to be found to new homewomen and confessors.

Athanasi's bishop (Archbishop Luka (in the world - Valentin Feliksovich Waro-Yasenetsky)) Born in Kerch on April 27, 1877. After graduating from the gymnasium, he decided to devote himself to the fact that it is useful for suffering people, and elected medicine. At the end of the university, the future saint practiced and theoretical studies in the field of medicine. In the 20s of the twentieth century, he worked as a surgeon in Tashkent, actively participated in church life, for example, in meetings of the church fraternity. The words of the bishop of the Tashkent and Turkestan Innocent: "Doctor, you need to be a priest," he perceived as God's appeal. After a three year old ministry in San, the father of Valentin took the monastic stop with the name of the Holy Apostle, the evangelist and the doctor Luke. On May 31, 1923, Jeromona Luke on the blessing of the His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Tikhon was secretly ordained in the bishop. Since that time, his gloor confessory path began. Numerous arrests, torture and references did not relax the diligence of the Saints in the execution of archpastorsky debt and in medical service to people.

"Public Prosecutor", Chekura Peters, attracted Lord to the trial of the so-called doctors (1921). Among the questions was this: "How do you believe in God, Pop and Professor Yasenetsky-War? Have you seen him, your god? " "I really did not see God, a citizen of the public prosecutor. But I operated a lot on the brain and, opening the cranial box, never saw the mind there. And I didn't find the conscience there either. " "Case of doctors", fabricated by Peters, failed with a crash, but after some time the Vladyka was still repressing. Explanted by the authorities in the distant Turukhansk, the humble Holy Doctor consoled the Great I.P. Pavlov: "With all the soul I sympathize with you in your martyrdom."

It was truly a miracle. The story was remembered about how he in Siberia had to make a long-haired peasant with a peasant with a peer knife, and he had no wound to sew in female hair, and the suppuration was not. Between the first reference to Turukhansk and the second link to Arkhangelsk Vladyka lived in Tashkent. There, he continued to take the reception of patients at home.

Being in the third link near Krasnoyarsk, already at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, Bishop Luka offered the authorities their experience and skill for the treatment of wounded Soviet soldiers. From October 1941 he was appointed consultant of all hospitals of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the main surgeon of the EvicoPost. The inspection check showed that in any other hospital there was no such brilliant results of the treatment of the most complicated infectious wounds of the joints. Thousands of military were saved from death or lifelong disability. It was necessary to work in unbearable conditions: the staff was inept and rude, doctors do not know the foundations of surgery. All this is extremely poorly reflected on the health of the lord. During operations, he became more and more like a chair: they did not hold their feet. It was difficult to climb the hospital stairs: let himself know the chronic disease of the lungs, emphysema.

In 1944, Vladyka received a decree on appointing to the Tambov and Michurinsky department, and from 1946 to 1961 he was the ruling bishop of the Simferopol and the Crimean diocese. Lord Luka made a number of discoveries. Peru of an outstanding surgeon belongs to the famous "essays of purulent surgery", which were published in November 1944. Until now, they are the desktop book and the textbook of many surgeons.

In December 1945, the saint awarded the medal "For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945." For outstanding achievements in medicine, he received the Stalin Prize of the first degree, which was sacrificed to the needs of orphans. All this meant the official recognition of the infinite labor of the saint. In 1958, the Lord sent him a new test - the blindness of both eyes. However, Vladyka saw spiritual eyes. Despite the terrible disease, he regularly committed worship, constantly preached and accepted the suffering.

Lucked Luke on June 11, 1961 on the day of all saints, in the land of Russian applicants. The definition of the Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate) dated November 22, 1995, Archbishop Simferopolsky and Crimean Luka ranked with the local saints. On the night of March 17, March 17, 1996, it was found to find his non-relevant relics, and on May 24-25, 1996 - the celebration of the glorification of the saint. His multi-purpose relics are cleaned in the Holy Trinity Cathedral of Simferopol. In August 2000, the Jubilee Bishops' Cathedral of the Russian Orthodox Church glorified the Sacred Republic of Luka in the Song of Novomarics and the Russian XX Century Confessors. His memory is committed on June 11 (new. Art.) / May 29 (old. Art.) And on the day of memory of the Cathedral of the Crimean Saints on December 28 (new. Art.) / December 15 (old. Art.)