Battalion- the smallest tactical unit of the Ground Forces in the USSR and in the Russian Federation. In Russia battalion in the postal address of the military unit it has the number of the military unit with the addition of a letter. For example, “military unit 03426-B” - that is, this is the 2nd battalion of military unit No. 03426.

If the battalion is a separate formation (military unit), positions such as assistant chief of staff, chief financial service, head of the food and clothing service, head of the secret unit and so on. These full-time positions increase operational autonomy separate battalion in administrative and economic terms.

Motorized rifle battalion

The staff structure of the motorized rifle battalion Russian Armed Forces (option)

Motorized rifle battalion (abbreviated as SME, see below motorized rifle troops.
The battalion's staff includes:

  • three motorized rifle companies ( msr). The MSR may be armed with BTR-70, BTR-80, BMP-2, BMP-3 and MT-LB (for the Far North) and so on.
  • Mortar battery ( minbatr). In service - 6 2B14 "Tray" mortars (82 mm) (1st and 2nd fire platoons), three 2B9 "Vasilyok" automatic mortars (3rd fire platoon).
  • Control platoon ( woo). 14 trucks, 5 in 1 ogv, three in 2 ogv, 4 in 3 ogv, two in VU.
  • Anti-tank platoon ( PTV). In service - portable anti-tank missile systems (ATGM) "Fagot"
  • Grenade launcher platoon ( grv). It is armed with the AGS-17 “Flame” or AGS-30 grenade launcher.
  • WTO).
  • WMO).
  • Battalion Medical Station (MP) b).

Part SME the anti-tank platoon is not included in the BMP due to the presence of an ATGM launcher as part of the BMP's weapon system. Part battalion may include other units. Thus, in most battalions, a mortar battery has six 120 mm mortars or the same number of self-propelled or towed Nona series mortars of the same caliber of various modifications. Number of personnel in SME on the BTR-80 - 530 people. IN SME on BMP-2 - 498 people.

    • Note on terminology: In Soviet military school terms motorized And motorized infantry were and are applied exclusively to the troops of a potential enemy. Term motorized rifle battalion denoted an infantry battalion with standard vehicles. Term motorized infantry battalion - denoted an infantry battalion armed with an armored personnel carrier or infantry fighting vehicle. Since in the 50s infantry units Soviet army light armored vehicles became available in large quantities - rifle battalions were renamed motorized rifle . In the Soviet Army after the appearance of motorized rifle troops there were never infantry formations on automotive technology - therefore the term motorized - not used. Even in the so-called rear security divisions, available in all military districts and representing cadres of infantry units (without artillery and tank units), there were standard light armored vehicles reserved for long-term storage. In the armed forces of the United States, Great Britain and other countries, troops similar to motorized infantry are called mechanized infantry or mechanized troops, and the term “motorized infantry” (motorized infantry) is usually (except in some countries of the former Warsaw Pact) refers to infantry transported by truck and not using armored personnel carriers or infantry fighting vehicles.

Parachute battalion (air assault battalion)

Parachute battalion ( pdb listen)) is the basic smallest tactical unit of the airborne forces.

In terms of its organizational and staffing structure, it is practically no different from motorized rifle battalion. The difference lies in the weapons. In service pdb consists of lightweight airborne armored vehicles - BMD-2, BMD-3, BMD-4, BTR-D.

Air Assault Battalion (abbreviated as dshb listen)) is the main smallest tactical unit of air assault troops within the ground forces. In service dshb armored vehicles may stand as standard for pdb, and standard for a motorized rifle battalion - BTR-80, BMP-2.

There were dshb, which were not armed with armored vehicles, but only airborne modifications trucks GAZ-66 for delivery of personnel. In such cases dshb were called "on foot". State difference pdb(Also dshb with airborne equipment) and dshb was in stock Airborne Support Platoon(abbreviated vdo). vdo was engaged in technical support of parachute landing equipment for armored vehicles pdb.

Number of personnel for pdb- 360-400 people, for dshb- 450-530 people.

Battalion in the Marine Corps

Since Soviet times, there have been two types of battalions in marine units. This Marine battalion And air assault battalion. The main difference between them is the presence of a parachute company within the air assault battalions, capable of carrying out parachute landings and training personnel for landing from helicopters.

  • Marine Battalion (bmp/obmp as part of a marine regiment or a separate unit as part of a marine brigade. Usually it contains:
    • Battalion Directorate
    • )
    • three to five companies of Marine Corps ( rmp)
    • air assault company ( dshr)
    • battalion medical center ( BMP)

Part separate marine battalion is added artillery battery

  • Air Assault Battalion (dshb/odshb) - structural subdivision as part of Marine Regiment or a separate part in the composition Marine brigade. Usually it contains:
    • Battalion Directorate
    • Separate platoons at battalion headquarters ( grenade launcher, communications, reconnaissance, support)
    • 3 air assault companies ( dshr)
    • parachute company ( pdr)
    • Battalion medical station ( BMP)

Part separate air assault battalion is added artillery battery.

In terms of armament, both types of battalions are practically no different from motorized rifle battalion except that artillery unit (artillery battery) as part of battalions is armed with more powerful and long-range artillery pieces than those of motorized rifles (2B16 “Nona-K”). Number OBMP And ODSB reaches 650-700 people.

Tank battalion

The standard structure of the tank battalion Russian Armed Forces (option)

A tank battalion is the smallest tactical unit of tank forces.

Abbreviated spelling of a tank battalion - TB. Organizationally TB was and is part of both tank or motorized rifle regiments/brigades, and was a separate unit at the headquarters of the corps / army ( otb). A tank battalion does not contain units that are part of a motorized rifle battalion to enhance firepower - minbatr, PTV, grv. The use of mortars in conjunction with tanks is also complicated by the fact that the majority of mortars are not self-propelled. To the regular staff battalion includes (option):

  • three tank companies ( tr).
  • Control platoon ( woo).
  • Technical support platoon ( WTO).
  • Material support platoon ( WMO).
  • Medical platoon ( medv).

Number of tanks on staff battalion Russian Armed Forces - 31 vehicles (this is if battalion is part of a tank regiment or brigade). In tanks battalions included in motorized rifle regiments or brigades - 40 combat vehicles. The difference is due to the number of tanks in a tank platoon - three tanks for a platoon of a tank battalion of a tank regiment/brigade and 4 tanks for a platoon of a tank battalion in a motorized rifle regiment/brigade.

This rule for the formation of tank units has been enshrined in the Soviet Army since the 50s, from the beginning of the formation of motorized rifle troops. This was explained by the fact that, according to the rules of Soviet tactics, tank battalion V motorized rifle regiment/brigade, in the event of large-scale hostilities, dispersed for fire reinforcement along motorized rifle battalions- platoon for each company. Which required increasing the number of combat vehicles in a tank platoon to 4. According to the same rules - tank regiments/brigades acted in the direction of concentrating the main attack on the enemy, consisting of at least one tank company , for which the presence of three tanks in a platoon was optimal.

Number of personnel TB as part of a tank regiment/brigade on the T-72 - 174 people, as part of a motorized rifle regiment/brigade - 213 people.

Reconnaissance Battalion

Tank and motorized rifle divisions engaged in collecting intelligence data.

Abbreviated as separate reconnaissance battalions the term reconnaissance battalion or orb.

Battalion in the Signal Corps

Separate division ( obs) in the division/corps structure bs) V separate regiment/brigade of communications, engaged in providing communications to the troops. Organizationally communications battalion may consist of two or three mouth connection And economic part. Economic part represents separate platoons for repair and maintenance of communications equipment, for motor transport support, for economic support, for the maintenance and repair of batteries for portable radio equipment. Signal companies are directly involved in providing all types of communications between the formation headquarters and subunits and military units both at the point of permanent deployment and at field conditions.

  • Engineer battalion. Separate division ( oisb) in the structure of a division/corps or structural unit ( isb) V separate engineer-sapper regiment/brigade, engaged in complete engineering support for troops. Organizationally isb/oisb
    • Engineer company- installation of minefields, installation of engineering barriers, mine clearance
    • Engineering and technical company- equipment of trench lines, shelters and fortifications, organization of field power supply, organization of field water supply
    • Road Engineering Company- equipment of temporary dirt roads and construction of bridges
    • Pontoon Company- provision of pontoon crossing
  • Engineering and technical battalion. Separate division ( OHS) in the structure of the corps/army/military district or structural unit ( ITB) V separate engineer-sapper (engineering-technical) regiment/brigade, engaged in partial engineering support for troops. Difference from engineer battalion is the absence in its composition engineering company . In connection with this, the battalion cannot carry out engineering reconnaissance of troops on the offensive and is the unit responsible for engineering support in the rear of the troops. Also on ITB entrusted with engineering measures to restore the combat effectiveness of troops and eliminate the consequences nuclear strikes enemy. Organizationally ITB/OHS may consist of the following companies performing specific tasks:
    • Road and Bridge Company- maintenance and repair of temporary dirt roads and bridges
    • Camouflage company- equipping combat units with camouflage means, installing false mock-ups of military equipment and equipping false positions
    • Road Engineering Company- equipment of temporary dirt roads and construction of bridges, organization of field water supply

The following battalions in engineering and engineering units are highly specialized:

  • Engineer Barrage Battalion (ibz) - structural unit in engaged in setting up engineering barriers for the defending troops
  • Engineer Barrage Battalion (IBR) - structural unit in separate engineer-sapper brigade engaged in the removal of engineering barriers for advancing troops
  • Engineer position battalion (IPB) - structural unit in separate engineer-sapper brigade, engaged in the equipment of control points
  • pontoon bridge battalion (pomb) - structural unit in separate engineer-sapper brigade or in separate pontoon-bridge regiment/brigade, engaged in the equipment of pontoon crossing
  • field water supply battalion (bPV) - structural unit in separate engineer-sapper brigade engaged in field water supply

Personnel oisb- about 300 people.

Battalion in the Chemical Forces

In the Chemical Troops, battalions differ depending on the tasks they perform.

  • Separate battalion of radiation and chemical reconnaissance (obrkhbr) - structural unit in . Engaged in reconnaissance and monitoring of radiation, chemical and biological contamination of the area.
  • Separate battalion of radiation, chemical and biological protection (obrkhbz) - structural unit in separate radiation, chemical and biological protection brigade, or as part of motorized rifle division. Deals with a full range of measures to protect personnel of linear units in radiation, chemical and biological protection. If included in motorized rifle division, also carries out reconnaissance and monitoring of radiation, chemical and biological contamination of the area. obrkhbz may include the following divisions:
    • Control
    • Radiation, chemical, biological reconnaissance platoon
    • Two companies of radiation, chemical, biological protection
    • Degassing and disinfection company (uniforms and equipment)
    • Headquarters Company
    • Repair platoon
    • Logistics Platoon
    • Electrical platoon
    • Medical Center

Personnel obrkhbz- from 200 to 550 people.

Medical battalion (medical battalion)

A separate unit within the division's structure that provides medical support to military personnel.

Separate medical battalion usually called for short omedsanb or medical battalion (an outdated term that is still used in oral speech), separate medical battalion - omedb. Between omedb And omedsanb there is no difference.

For personnel omedb Characteristically, there is a high percentage of military personnel in the officer rank and in the rank of warrant officers. This is due to the fact that half staff positions in medical battalions, these are positions for doctors of various specifications and medical specialists, requiring candidates to have higher and secondary specialized medical education (nurses, paramedics, radiologist, laboratory assistants, pharmacist, etc.). Organizational and staffing structure OMedB presented this way:

  • heads omedb- battalion commander (organizing doctor);
    • control- includes a number of substituents;
    • medical platoon- two surgeons, a therapist, an anesthesiologist;
    • evacuation platoon
    • logistics platoon(platoon commander - warrant officer)
    • medical company- company commander (surgeon, and leader);
      • reception and sorting platoon- two surgeons;
      • surgical dressing platoon- 5 surgeons;
      • department of anesthesiology and resuscitation- two anesthesiologists;
      • hospital platoon- 2 therapists;
      • dental office- dentist.

Total staff: 157 people. Medical staff: 18 people. Surgeons: 10 people.

Repair and restoration battalion

A separate unit within the structure of a division/corps/army, engaged in repair and restoration work of automotive and military equipment, communications and weapons.

Abbreviated name for repair battalions or separate repair and restoration battalions - rembat or ORVB. Also at the base rembats complex regulatory and adjustment work is carried out, for the implementation of which the supply necessary equipment for specialized repair units in military units ( Repair Companies as part of regiments/brigades and repair platoons as part of separate battalions/ units) was and is considered inappropriate.

Commandant's Battalion

A separate unit within large garrisons or a structural unit within commandant regiments or road commandant brigades V group of troops, responsible for organizing the commandant service in war and peacetime.

Reports directly to the garrison commandant. In the event of martial law being introduced separate commandant battalion (okb) ensures discipline and order in the military units of the garrison. Also specialized commandant battalions organize the advancement of military columns, and therefore their full name sounds like this - separate road commandant battalion (CSTO).

Based on the 99th separate commandant battalion, the 154th separate commandant regiment was created, which is military unit military commandant's office of Moscow.

Construction battalion

VSO represented battalion consisting of 3-6 companies. The battalion's staff and equipment varied depending on the tasks it performed - construction of defense facilities, construction of roads and bridges, construction of residential buildings, etc.

...On June 23, 1986, a military construction detachment from the Urals with a total number of up to 600 people, consisting of five companies and service personnel, provided with everything necessary, including firewood and coal (even weapons were issued), left for Ukraine. ...

In colloquial speech the construction battalion was called by the term "construction battalion". "Stroybat" was a militarized analogue of a civilian construction enterprise and was equipped with all the necessary construction equipment - trucks, tractors, bulldozers, cranes, excavators, concrete mixers, etc.

Because of large quantity construction battalions in the USSR Armed Forces, in the military environment they were jokingly called "royal troops" .

Let them say “The construction battalion is ineffective”
Let them say that there is only melancholy in him
But I'm proud that I served in the construction battalion
After all, these are royal troops

Airfield Maintenance Battalion

A unit in the structure of the aviation technical base (ATB) of the USSR Armed Forces and the Russian Armed Forces until 2009. bateau structurally consists of companies of special vehicles intended for direct support at the airfield aircraft fuel, oils, special fluids, gases, electricity, etc. Consists of departments of fuel tankers (TZ), air tankers (VZ), airfield mobile electric units (APU), electric hydraulic units (EGU), mobile hydraulic units (UPG), special fluid tankers (ZSZH) ), oxygen tankers (AKZS and TRZhK), nitrogen tankers (AZOS), tractors, NPSK all-terrain vehicles, transport group vehicles, etc. - in aviation, the staffing structure of units is highly dependent on the location of the airfield and its classification, the types of aircraft operated and accepted. It should be noted that almost all special airfield support vehicles are equipped with a crew of two people. To the structure bateau may not include units of the airfield operational company (bateau): snow removal equipment, engineering vehicles, wind blowers with gas turbine engines, etc., as well as vehicles of the ATB fire brigade, vehicles of the ammunition supply service, special vehicles of the housing and communal services and a number of other materiel.

Battalions of internal troops

Due to the broad specificity of the issues being addressed, since the Soviet period there have been several types of line battalions in the internal troops.


Detachment of the GRU General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces

Organizational and staffing structure of the 177th separate detachment special purpose for the summer of 1982

Combined battalions from separate brigades special purpose(Main Intelligence Directorate under the General Staff) of the USSR Armed Forces, which were equipped (deployed) for combat operations in the territory of the Republic of Afghanistan, and subsequently in the territory of Transcaucasia during interethnic conflicts, were called Detachments. The full names of the squads are: separate special forces units (ooSpN).

The consolidation of the battalions was that the regular staff separate special forces battalion, which consisted of three reconnaissance companies, three more companies were additionally included (reduced) - grenade launcher, engineering flamethrower (engineering mortar) And transport company. Also, in addition to the indicated companies, separate platoons/groups were added to the battalion staff - anti-aircraft artillery group And repair platoon. Similar own units for equipment and weapons in the state special forces brigades was not available, therefore, the recruitment of military personnel and the supply of military equipment to additional units was carried out from other military units belonging to various branches of the military. The purpose of such a change in the organizational structure of the battalion was to increase the firepower of the units and increase the autonomy of the battalion during combat operations. In total, 11 years passed through the Afghan War. separate special forces units (ooSpN). Subsequently, by February 1984 8 detachments were organized organizationally into two brigades. For the sake of secrecy, it was customary to call them in official capacity separate motorized rifle battalions (omsb).

Artillery battalion

For example, in analog motorized rifle battalion USSR Armed Forces - in motorized infantry battalion The mechanized (tank) division of the US Army has 896 people (versus 498-530 in the Soviet SME).

Another example - Tank battalion USA. It consists of 560 people (versus 174-213 people in the Soviet TB) .

The indicated difference is due to the large composition Headquarters Company- standard combat and logistics support unit at battalion headquarters in armies

Reports directly to command Eastern Military District . We observed the actions of the battalion personnel on the training field near Bolshaya Tura village, Karymsky district, Trans-Baikal Territory .

First, we were shown the installation of mines at night. The commander assigns a task to his subordinates

First, we were shown the installation of mines at night. The commander assigns a task to his subordinates

A couple of minutes and forward

A couple of minutes and forward

There is a flashlight on the pole, when the group reaches the extreme point of mining, the commander will lay the pole to the side and the next group will crawl forward, guided by its light. This achieves the required mining density and the second group does not deviate from the route, which threatens to explode with its own mines

There is a flashlight on the pole, when the group reaches the extreme point of mining, the commander will lay the pole to the side and the next group will crawl forward, guided by its light. This achieves the required mining density and the second group does not deviate from the route, which threatens to explode with its own mines



Behind the commander there is a cord, divided into equal intervals by rings. The rest of the group crawls along the cord. Mines are placed alternately to the right and then to the left of the ring, which helps to avoid confusion

Behind the commander there is a cord, divided into equal intervals by rings. The rest of the group crawls along the cord. Mines are placed alternately to the right and then to the left of the ring, which helps to avoid confusion

The mine is armed

The mine is armed

And disguises itself

And disguises itself

The photo shows the activation of the MSK-40 tension-action signal mine. In this case, this is an imitation of the operation of anti-personnel mines. In a combat situation, it is used as a means of warning about the appearance of the enemy. When the tension wire is pulled, the fuse pin is pulled out and the firing pin pierces the igniter primer. At the beginning, a block of sound signals is triggered. When this composition burns, the resulting gases exit the liner and create a sound (whistle). Then the ignition composition of the first star of the light signal lights up. A burning star with gases is fired from the cartridge case. As a result, in 10-12 seconds, all the stars sequentially ignite one after another and are fired from the mine body. The trigger height of the elements is up to 30 meters, the action time is 30 seconds. You can hear and see a detonated mine very far away; in Chechnya we used them from time to time.

The photo shows the activation of the MSK-40 tension-action signal mine. In this case, this is an imitation of the operation of anti-personnel mines. In a combat situation, it is used as a means of warning about the appearance of the enemy. When the tension wire is pulled, the fuse pin is pulled out and the firing pin pierces the igniter primer. At the beginning, a block of sound signals is triggered. When this composition burns, the resulting gases exit the liner and create a sound (whistle). Then the ignition composition of the first star of the light signal lights up. A burning star with gases is fired from the cartridge case. As a result, in 10-12 seconds, all the stars sequentially ignite one after another and are fired from the mine body. The trigger height of the elements is up to 30 meters, the action time is 30 seconds. You can hear and see a detonated mine very far away; in Chechnya we used them from time to time.

And this is an engineering survey of the road. Sappers use an IRM engineering reconnaissance vehicle

And this is an engineering survey of the road. Sappers use an IRM engineering reconnaissance vehicle

A dog is allowed ahead to detect mines

A dog is allowed ahead to detect mines

Dog, having discovered an explosive device, lies down on the ground. The sapper uses a probe to determine the exact mining location and checks the "Mined" box.

Dog, having discovered an explosive device, lies down on the ground. The sapper uses a probe to determine the exact mining location and checks the "Mined" box.

According to the legend of the exercises, the mine is set to be non-removable, so they decide to pull it off with a cat. Everyone takes cover behind the car, a jerk, an explosion.

According to the legend of the exercises, the mine is set to be non-removable, so they decide to pull it off with a cat. Everyone takes cover behind the car, a jerk, an explosion.

Armor compartment

Armor compartment

They demonstrated the demining of tree debris and its demolition. Everything according to the scheme - dog, probe, cat, explosion. When the car headed towards the rubble to demolish it, my camera batteries ran out ((((

The slab is specially moved to show a funnel in the ground

The slab is specially moved to show a funnel in the ground

This is an OZ-1 trench charge. Designed for explosive construction of a rifle trench in hard and frozen soil.

I made a video of him getting ready

Simulation of undermining bridge piles by applying an overhead charge

Simulation of undermining bridge piles by applying an overhead charge

This is how spectacularly it falls apart

Various options for installing MON mines (anti-personnel fragmentation directed mines)

Various options for installing MON mines (anti-personnel fragmentation directed mines)

Aims at the desired location through the sight

Aims at the desired location through the sight

Explosions MONok

Explosions MONok

This is the ZRP-2 “Trail” demining charge: “The ZRP-2 demining charge is designed to make explosive paths in anti-personnel minefields during combat operations. It consists of a detonating cable, a powder jet engine, a connecting rope, a fuse, and a brake cord , launcher, launcher, anchor and backpack for carrying. The charge is launched onto the anti-personnel field from a position equipped on the ground surface using the UP-60 launcher. The charge is detonated remotely by a mechanical fuse. Leveling the charge on the minefield is done manually brake cord during the burning of the pyrotechnic fuse moderator."

This is the ZRP-2 “Trail” demining charge: “The ZRP-2 demining charge is designed to make explosive paths in anti-personnel minefields during combat operations. It consists of a detonating cable, a powder jet engine, a connecting rope, a fuse, and a brake cord , launcher, launcher, anchor and backpack for carrying. The charge is launched onto the anti-personnel field from a position equipped on the ground surface using the UP-60 launcher. The charge is detonated remotely by a mechanical fuse. Leveling the charge on the minefield is done manually brake cord during the burning of the pyrotechnic fuse moderator."

Actions for calculating ZRP

Actions for calculating ZRP

Well, this is the legendary “Serpent Gorynych” - the UR-83P mine clearing installation. Designed for making passages 6 meters wide in minefields. When an electric pulse is issued from the blasting machine, it ignites powder charge missiles and it flies out of the launcher at an angle of 40-45 degrees to the horizon, pulling a demining charge from the container behind it. After the brake rope, attached at one end to the tail of the mine clearance charge and the other to the anchor at the launch position, stretches to its full length, it slows down the flight of the missile and the charge, along with the missile, falls onto the minefield. An electric cable is laid inside the brake rope and the installation calculation supplies an electric pulse to the charge fuse, causing the latter to explode. There is an installation option in which the charge explodes due to the activation of a mechanical fuse at the moment the charge contacts the ground.

Well, this is the legendary “Serpent Gorynych” - the UR-83P mine clearing installation. Designed for making passages 6 meters wide in minefields. When an electric pulse is issued from the demolition machine, the powder charge of the rocket is ignited and it flies out of the launcher at an angle of 40-45 degrees to the horizon, pulling the demining charge from the container behind it. After the brake rope, attached at one end to the tail of the mine clearance charge and the other to the anchor at the launch position, stretches to its full length, it slows down the flight of the missile and the charge, along with the missile, falls onto the minefield. An electric cable is laid inside the brake rope and the installation calculation supplies an electric pulse to the charge fuse, causing the latter to explode. There is an installation option in which the charge explodes due to the activation of a mechanical fuse at the moment the charge contacts the ground.

In the foreground there is a brake rope in the box, in the second there is a demining charge

In the foreground there is a brake rope in the box, in the second there is a demining charge

But a non-standard application "The Snake of Gorynych" during the January 2000 fighting in Grozny :

The scouts were separated from us only by the street, but they could not cross it - the machine gun in the pillbox, which was continuously firing and firing, was not working. It was pointless to even try to run across the street under fire. Yes, twenty percent would have jumped over, but the rest lay down. The scouts lay down in the bushes in the garden and began to shoot back. The spirits, constantly moving behind fences and between barns and despite our strong fire, approached closer and closer, squeezing the scouts under the machine gun.

Without saying a word, acting only on some inspiration, four scouts jumped out into the street. Efimenko and I also jumped out there. We turned to face the pillbox and at the same time, not paying attention to the bullets, opened fire at the pillbox embrasure, trying to prevent it from conducting aimed fire. This maneuver gave immediate results. The machine gun fire choked, then died down. A few seconds later, several more ragged bursts were heard, and then he started stitching again. But the fire was no longer aimed and the bullets were coming high above us: the militant apparently turned out to be “pissed off” and was now only shooting blindly in our direction. The scouts, taking advantage of the moment, immediately ran over to our side and dragged the wounded, where they fell into the snow, breathing fervently, their mouths wide open. Without stopping fire on the pillbox, we moved back and, after a few seconds, also left the line of fire. The militants near the barns, numbering up to twenty people, rose up to attack, but this time the mortars turned up and the mines fell almost completely.

And then the lieutenant colonel - “chemist” jumped away from the car and, growling menacingly with the “Zmey Gorynych” rocket engines, jumped off the guides and, wobbling from side to side, rushed right along the street, in the direction of the pillbox. As if enchanted, we looked at the rapidly unwinding cable with wires from the “Snake Gorynych” and when he stopped his run, we all pressed tightly to the ground. 800 kilograms of TNT is no joke. When we, crazy from the terrible roar of the explosion, got up and looked out from behind the fence, we became even more crazy: where the Serpent Gorynych exploded there was a wide clearing among the houses that had disappeared in the explosion, the far edge of which was lost in the dilapidated residential sector.

Finally, the detonation of river ice was demonstrated in order to prevent the enemy from crossing to the other side. A lot of these poles with attached TNT blocks were lowered into symmetrically drilled holes in the ice

Finally, the detonation of river ice was demonstrated in order to prevent the enemy from crossing to the other side. A lot of these poles with attached TNT blocks were lowered into symmetrically drilled holes in the ice

Video of the explosion

In the final part there will be a report on 36th Motorized Rifle Brigade.

Overview of the structure of the US Army Corps of Engineers in the 40s -60s

Part 2. Structure of the US Army Engineering Troops in the 50s.
(Part I see..html)

In May 1954, a new charter, FM 5-5 Engineer Troops Units, was issued, which provided a new classification of engineering units.
There were 7 categories in total:

1. Divisional units - divisional units.
These included engineering battalions of infantry, armored and airborne divisions. Their structure has changed somewhat compared to the 40s. Thus, the engineering battalion of the infantry division consisted of a headquarters, a headquarters company, 4 sapper companies (instead of 3 as before) and a medical detachment. Engineer Armor Battalion tank division, consisting of a headquarters, a headquarters company, 4 sapper companies, a bridge company and a medical detachment. Thus, it became possible to assign an engineer company to each infantry regiment of the division and leave one company at the disposal of the division command. The number of heavy engineer equipment in these battalions also increased significantly. The engineering battalion of the airborne division consisted of a headquarters, a headquarters company, 3 parachute companies, and a medical detachment.

2. Combat support units - combat support units. Units that do not belong to divisional units, but work closely with them in direct support of combat operations. These included:

2.1 Engineer combat battalion, army - engineer combat battalion, army subordination. Compared to the divisional engineering battalion, it has one less engineer company, also less equipment, weapons, and there is no bridge equipment.

2.2 Engineer light equipment company - an engineering company providing combat battalions with various construction equipment (road, earthmoving, stone crushing, asphalt concrete, woodworking). Typically, one company provided support for 3 army or divisional combat engineer battalions.

2.3 Bridge companies - engineer panel bridge company, engineer float bridge company, engineer pontoon bridge company.
Korea. Members of the 1437th Treadway Bridge CO, US 8th Army, erecting a bridge floating on Route #3-D after the flooded roadbed washed out. 8 Jul 1952.
2.4 Engineer combat group - an engineering combat group, consisting of a headquarters and a headquarters company, led several engineering combat support units assigned to it.

2.5 Engineer camouflage battalion - engineer camouflage battalion

2.6 Engineer shore battalion - engineer coastal battalion. The task is engineering support for the amphibious landing operation. He was part of the amphibious support brigade. The tasks of the battalion and brigade are described in detail in FM 5-156 Engineer shore battalion 1954. Composition - headquarters, headquarters company, 3 coastal companies. The battalion possessed a large set of heavy equipment, mainly road construction - bulldozers, cranes, excavators, graders, rollers, compressors, welding and firefighting equipment.

3. Engineer construction units - construction parts.
Engineer construction battalions, heavy equipment engineer companies, dump truck companies, pipeline companies, port construction companies. Management units - construction groups (construction group - analogous to Engineer combat group) united several construction battalions and companies; engineering teams - could unite several construction groups. Korea. August 24, 1950. construction of a road in the Daegu area.

3.1 The engineer construction battalion consisted of a headquarters and 3 construction companies.
Construction companies were equipped with sets of entrenching, carpentry, and blacksmith tools, gas-electric welding equipment, electric circular saws and other wood and metalworking equipment. Heavy equipment was represented by bulldozers, towed scrapers, compressors, rollers, excavators, concrete mixers, graders, dump trucks, a pneumatic pile hammer, etc. Soldiers from the 453rd Engineer Construction Battalion operated a D08 bulldozer and carry-all, as he fills in drainage culvert on a railroad bed being constructed from Kimpo to Yongdung-po. 6 Jun 1951. Korea. Soldiers of the 453rd Civil Engineer Battalion excavate with a D8 bulldozer and towed scraper on an embankment under construction. railway. June 6, 1951. Korea. July 21, 1951. Sappers widen the road by breaking up a rock ledge

3.2 A heavy equipment engineering company typically consisted of a control platoon, an excavator platoon, a pavement platoon, a maintenance platoon, and a transport platoon. Korea. Filling with tar. October 27, 1952 Korea. November 19, 1953 Road work, 151st engineer battalion

4. topographic units - army topographic battalion, corps topographic company, engineering company for deciphering and printing photographs aerial reconnaissance, basic topographic battalion.

5. Maintenance and supply units - engaged in repairs, supply of spare parts and technical maintenance the entire range of engineering machinery and equipment - from compasses to bulldozers, we were also involved in the supply of engineering property - from building materials to topographic maps. For example, water supply companies and logging companies fell into this category.

6. Air Force Engineering Units.
Engineering aviation battalions engaged in the construction of airfields. They could unite into engineering aviation groups and then into engineering brigades. The battalions were also divided into specialized Air Force engineering battalions and temporarily attached Air Forces - SCARWAF (Special Category Army Units With Air Force) and ARWAF (Army Units With Air Force).

7. The Engineer Service Organization - Engineering Service Organizations.
A variety of specialized engineering teams - administrative, supply, fire, maintenance.

On this with general structure engineering troops of the 50s - that's it.
Next, we will consider in detail the engineering battalions of the divisions.

Engineering support of the infantry division.

The structure, weapons, missions, and tactics of an engineer battalion of a US Army infantry division in the 1950s are described in detail in FM 5-132 Engineer combat battalion divisional (January 1952).

The battalion's strength was determined by T/O&E 5-15N (May 1948) - 41 officers, 9 warrant officers, 911 privates and sergeants. That is, the battalion’s number of l/s has grown 1.5 times compared to the WWII-era engineering battalion.

The tasks are standard for such parts. Division engineering support planning; construction, maintenance and repair of roads and column tracks; engineering reconnaissance; construction, maintenance and repair of bridges, fords and crossings; ensuring river crossings; creation and removal of various engineering obstacles (including mines); subversive operations; assistance in storming forts; construction and assistance in improving command posts, shelters, etc.; construction of a runway for army aviation; field water supply, engineering supply for infantry, mapping of small areas, etc.

Interestingly, the battalion’s list of tasks also included fighting as infantry in emergencies. One of the sections of FM 5-132 was devoted to this task. As far as I know, Soviet regulations did not provide for such tasks for engineering troops. I will write more about examples of such use of American engineering troops later.

The battalion consisted of a command and control company, a headquarters company, 4 engineering companies and a medical detachment.

1. The battalion's control included the following staff sections: divisional engineer, chaplain, administrative, reconnaissance (there were two such sections - intelligence and reconnaissance), operational, supply, maintenance and communications.
In total - 13 officers, 3 warrant officers, 110 privates and sergeants.

2. The headquarters company (headquarters and service company) consisted of company management and 3 platoons - assault, bridge and equipment and maintenance platoon. A total of 132 people - 4 officers, 2 warrant officers, 126 privates and sergeants.
2.1 Assault platoon. The main task of the platoon is to support operations with engineer armored vehicles. In emergency cases, provide fire support.
The platoon consisted of control (platoon commander and driver of the command jeep) and 5 tank-dozer crews (tanks with attached bulldozer equipment). In total - 27 people.

2.2 Bridge Platoon. L/s - 1 officer, 36 privates and sergeants. The platoon consists of control, a section of floating bridges and 2 sections of permanent (fixed) bridges. Each permanent bridge section was equipped with a prefabricated 24-foot bridge mounted on a 6-ton truck and was capable of installing a 70-foot bridge. The floating bridge section was equipped with assault boats with outboard motors, a motor boat, and pontoons.

September 20, 1950. Korea, Han River. Tank of the 24th Infantry Division on a pontoon raft
2.3 Platoon of equipment and services. The platoon was commanded by a warrant officer and had 32 soldiers and sergeants under his command. The platoon was equipped with cranes, graders, and compressors.

3. The engineering company consisted of control and 3 engineering platoons. A total of 166 people - 5 officers, 1 warrant officer, 160 privates and sergeants. The company was fully motorized and was equipped with 13 dump trucks, a bulldozer, a compressor, sets of entrenching and carpentry tools, demolition kits, and mine detectors.

4. Medical squad. Monitors medical training and sanitation in the battalion, ensures the work of company orderlies and the battalion first aid post, and the evacuation of the wounded. Consisted of two officers, 2 sergeants, company orderlies, battalion aid post orderlies, an ambulance driver and truck drivers. A total of 22 people - 2 officers, 20 privates and sergeants.

List of equipment and weapons of the engineering battalion of the infantry division:

It is worth noting that the number of heavy equipment in an engineer battalion in the 50s also increased sharply compared to WWII. 5 bulldozers, 5 tank dozers, bucket loader, 3 excavator cranes, 2 graders - against 3 bulldozers of the engineering battalion of the 40s. Bridge equipment also appeared - previously only in the engineering battalions of armored divisions.
Now about the engineering units of the infantry regiment.
There are no noticeable changes here, although the structure of the regiment has changed quite significantly compared to WWII.
The regimental artillery (6x105 mm howitzers) and anti-tank companies (cannon company, antitank company) were liquidated. In return, the infantry regiment received a tank company (22 tanks, including 2 dozer tanks) and a heavy mortar company (12x106 mm mortars).
Moreover, the anti-tank mine platoon did not disappear along with the liquidation of the regimental anti-tank company, but moved to the headquarters company of the regiment (see FM 7-25 HEADQUARTERS COMPANY INFANTRY REGIMENT 1950). There were no changes in the composition, tasks or equipment of the platoon. The same set of entrenching tools, demolition kit, probes, mine detectors, etc.
Also included in the headquarters company was a counterfire platoon and a security platoon. Previously, the regiment's headquarters company included only a reconnaissance platoon and a communications platoon.

The counterfire platoon was engaged in acoustic location of enemy artillery and mortar firing positions.
The security platoon guarded the regimental command post and, if necessary, performed the functions of the regimental military police(escorting prisoners, regulating traffic, catching deserters, disciplinary control).
Korea. February 6, 1952 A dozer tank from the tank company of the 9th Infantry Regiment of the 2nd Infantry Division widens the road.
As for battalion sapper and ammunition platoons, there are no changes at all. Also in the headquarters company of the infantry battalion, with the same composition, with the same tasks.

In general, the composition of the engineering units of the infantry division remained unchanged - the divisional engineering battalion plus 12 sapper platoons in the infantry regiments. True, as I already wrote, the engineering battalion has strengthened significantly - both numerically and technically.
One could assume that the regiment's engineering abilities also increased - due to the tank-dozers of the regimental tank company. Alas, by the beginning of the Korean War, not a single regiment of the American army in Japan had these companies. And divisional tank battalions actually consisted of one company of light tanks.
Next, let's look at the structure of an engineering battalion of an armored division.
It is described in FM 5-5 and FM 5-134 The armored engineer battalion 1954.

In general, the structure is similar to the infantry division engineering battalion, except that the battalion has a separate bridge company and, accordingly, there is no bridge platoon as part of the headquarters company. Also, the headquarters company does not have an assault platoon - apparently it was decided that there would be enough tank dozers in the division’s tank battalions. Previously, according to the state of 1948 (T/O&E 5-215N), there were 12 tank dozers in the engineering battalion of the armored division. Thus, the battalion headquarters company actually consisted of company control and an equipment platoon.

The battalion's technology, weapons and equipment are approximately the same, with the exception that each sapper company has 6 armored personnel carriers. In general, there is a little more equipment than in the engineering battalion of the infantry division. There are 4 cranes instead of 3, 6 bulldozers instead of 5. Twice as much bridge machinery and equipment.

FM 5-132 provides a comparative table of weapons and equipment of combat engineer battalions - infantry division, army, armored and airborne divisions.

In 1958, the structure of the armored division changed significantly and, apparently in connection with this, the new FM 5-134 The armored engineer battalion was released

Previously, the composition of the division was as follows: division headquarters, 3 headquarters of combat commands (combat command), 4 mechanized infantry battalions, 4 tank battalions, reconnaissance battalion, engineering battalion, divisional artillery (headquarters battery, 3 battalions of 105-mm self-propelled guns, a battalion of 155-mm self-propelled guns and air defense self-propelled gun battalion), rear units (signal company, military police company, medical battalion, etc.)

The composition of the new division was as follows: division headquarters, 3 combat command headquarters, 4 mechanized infantry battalions, 4 tank battalions, reconnaissance battalion, engineering battalion, communications battalion, aviation company, armored cavalry squadron,
divisional artillery (headquarters battery, 3 battalions of 105-mm self-propelled guns, composite artillery battalion (2 batteries of 155-mm self-propelled guns, a battery of 203-mm self-propelled guns and a rocket battery)), rear units.
As for changes in the composition of the engineering battalion, according to TOE (ROCAD) 5-215, the 3rd bridge platoon appeared in the bridge company of the battalion. The company was equipped with 3 sets of a new pontoon bridge (Bridge, Floating, Aluminum, Highway Type, Deck Balk Superstructure on Pneumatic Floats). One dozer tank appears in each sapper platoon of engineering companies.

Now regarding the use of sappers as infantry.
As I already wrote, such a task - to fight as infantry in emergency cases - is specified in the American sapper regulations. In particular, in FM 5-132, the 16th section of Chapter 5 BATTALION OPERATIONS, INFANTRY COMBAT is devoted to this issue. There it is recommended, in case of emergency, to use an engineer battalion in defensive battles, while giving it a defense front that is smaller than that of similar infantry units. It also describes the Standing operating procedure (SOP) for reorganizing an engineer battalion to fight as infantry. The procedure involves dividing the battalion into two echelons. The first fights as infantry, the second (rear) is responsible for the battalion’s equipment not used in battle.

The massive use of sappers as infantry began to be practiced in the US Army starting with WWI. On March 27, 1918, the 6th Engineer Regiment of the 3rd Infantry Division of the US Army engaged the advancing Germans, blocking their advance along the St. Quentin Highway.
On May 28, 1918, sappers of the 1st Infantry Division took part as infantry in the attack on Cantigny. However, this practice was enshrined in army doctrine only in 1939, after which, during the Second World War, American sappers were used as infantry on a regular basis. The first time this happened was in January 1942, when the 803rd Engineer Aviation Battalion took on a Japanese amphibious assault on the Bataan Peninsula. This practice reached its peak during the Battle of the Bulge. On the very first day of the German offensive, 5 combat engineering battalions (including 3 divisional ones) entered the battle. On the 4th day, 19 battalions were already fighting

To be continued...

ENGINEERING TROOPS, special troops intended to carry out the most complex tasks engineering support for combat operations of the Armed Forces.

By the beginning of 1941, the Red Army consisted of military units that were part of corps, divisions and regiments, as well as military units of the RGK of district and army subordination. To carry out construction work, there were field construction departments that united engineering military units, depending on the work performed. for various purposes. The RGK had separate engineering and pontoon-bridge regiments, pontoon-bridge and camouflage battalions. Battalions were considered the main staffing unit of the engineering troops. The leadership of the engineering troops was carried out by the Main Military Engineering Directorate. By the spring of 1941, the engineering battalions available in the armies and military districts were transformed into 18 engineering and 16 pontoon regiments.

With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the engineering troops found themselves in a difficult situation. Many engineering units were working on the construction of fortified areas in the new state. border, which significantly reduced their ability to carry out engineering support tasks for the defensive actions of the Red Army.

The war made adjustments to the organization and equipment of the engineering troops. In July 1941, the staff of the sapper battalion of the rifle division was established, in which the number of personnel was reduced by 20%, and vehicles were replaced by horse-drawn ones. To lead the engineering troops in November. 1941 The positions of chiefs of engineering troops of the Red Army, fronts and armies were introduced, and corresponding headquarters were created under them.

To carry out the enormous volume of work on the construction of defensive lines in the rear by mid-January. 1942 10 sapper armies were created. By the end of 1942, there was no longer a need for engineer armies and they were disbanded, and on their basis, defense construction departments of the RVGK were created; sapper brigades were transferred to the fronts as RVGK brigades. To combat enemy tank and motorized formations, special engineering brigades were formed as part of the RVGK. assignments (one per front). Each brigade consisted of 5–7 battalions of engineering barriers, 1–2 electrical battalions for installing electric barriers, a special mining battalion, a mechanization detachment and support units. In 1942, separate fleets of engineering vehicles were formed (for each front).

In May 1943, to ensure a breakthrough of the enemy’s defenses, assault engineer and sapper brigades of the RVGK were created, and engineer and tank regiments were created to make passages in his minefields. To carry out the tasks of clearing mines from the liberated territory in the spring of 1943, 6 clearing brigades were created on the basis of the defensive construction departments. By the end of 1943, the engineering troops consisted of 58 brigades, 9 regiments and St. 1000 different battalions.

In the spring of 1944, 35 army engineer-sapper and motorized engineering brigades were created as part of the fronts on the basis of special-purpose engineering brigades of the RVGK. During the war, engineering troops built defensive structures, created obstacles (they were widely used as mobile obstacle detachments), and mined the area; V offensive operations ensured the maneuver of troops and the crossing of many large water barriers (the Vistula, Oder rivers, etc.), made passages in minefields; participated in the assault on fortifications and cities, and were widely used to destroy communications behind enemy lines.

During the war, the technical equipment of the engineering troops increased significantly, and engineering weapons were further developed. The TM-41 anti-tank mine appeared in 1941, the TMD-B in 1943, and the TMD-44 in 1944. The troops also had several types of anti-personnel mines - PMD-6, -7ts. There were fragmentation barrage mines POMZ-2 and OZM. The latter was successfully used in the creation of controlled minefields. Landing and ferrying means, especially pontoon parks, have received great development. In 1943, tests of the heavy bridge fleet TMP were completed, to replace light parks, parks with loads of 10, 16 and 30 tons began to arrive, and for motorization of landing crossings - heavy (M-72) and light (M-180) motor oars and the BMK-70 boat . The deployment of widespread offensive operations has increased the requirements for means of barriers. A reconnaissance and demining kit, a VIM-203 (VIM-20EM) mine detector, extended charges and a PT-3 tank trawl for making passages in mine-explosive obstacles, etc. were put into service. Further development received fortification and bridge-building equipment, field water supply, camouflage and engineering reconnaissance equipment. In total, more than 180 types of various engineering equipment were created and modernized during the war years.

During the war years, the engineering troops installed more than 70 million anti-tank and anti-personnel mines, on which the enemy lost up to 10 thousand units. armored vehicles and up to 100 thousand people. personnel; 765 thousand square meters cleared km of territory and 400 thousand km of tracks, 11 thousand bridges were built, approx. 500 thousand km of tracks and a large amount of work was carried out on fortification equipment of various borders, areas and crossings, making passages, etc.

For military exploits, 655 soldiers of the engineering troops were awarded the title of Hero of the Owls. Union, 294 were awarded Orders of Glory of three degrees; 6 engineering brigades, 190 engineer and pontoon battalions and 5 departments. companies received the rank of guards; 40 pontoon-bridge and 38 assault engineer-sapper battalions were awarded honorary titles.

Chiefs: Major General of the Engineering Troops L.Z. Kotlyar (1941–42); Major General of the Engineering Troops, from March 1943 Lieutenant General. engineering troops, from Sept. 1943 Regiment General engineering troops, from Feb. 1944 Marshal of the Engineering Troops M.P. Vorobyov (1942 - until the end of the war).

The German engineering troops included sapper (Pioniere), pontoon-bridge (Brückenpioniere) and construction (Bau) units and formations. Each division of the ground forces had a combat engineer battalion of 3 companies (in 2-regiment divisions - 2). Corps of Engineers RVGK were presented separate battalions– sapper and pontoon bridges. The sapper battalion consisted of 3 sapper companies and 1–2 bridge columns. The structure of the battalion did not differ significantly from the battalions that were part of the infantry divisions. There were motorized battalions, horse-drawn battalions and serf battalions, differing in the number and type of vehicles. The pontoon-bridge battalion had a 3-company strength. At the end of the war, sapper brigades appeared, consisting of 2 battalions.

Research Institute ( military history) VAGSH RF Armed Forces

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02.12.2015 (17:32)

The first engineer assault battalion has been formed in the Russian Armed Forces

The first assault battalion of engineering troops in the Russian Armed Forces was formed in the Vladimir region in the city of Murom. The chief of the engineering troops of the RF Armed Forces, Lieutenant General Yuri Stavitsky, told reporters about this today.

“The assault and barrage battalion of the engineering troops became part of the newly formed engineering brigade of the reserve of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief. The importance of these compounds is quite high. This is the reserve of the Chief of the General Staff, these units are specific,” explained Yuri Stavitsky.

At the same time, he noted that the assault engineer units “will have to ensure the unhindered movement of motorized rifles and other forces through enemy territory, which will significantly increase the effectiveness of combat operations and at the same time avoid losses as much as possible.”

"Experience Chechen campaign showed that the absence of such units negatively affects the outcome of the battle. The people in these brigades are adequately protected and are ready to act correctly when passing through rubble, minefields, fortified areas and other obstacles. They also have special tools,” said Yuri Stavitsky.

According to the chief of the engineering troops, “such units are staffed mainly by athletes who are fit for health, with high physical capabilities, and with a tempered character.”

“We try to select military personnel based on the special forces principle. The competition is quite high, they began their training at the Tyumen Military School and our training centers“, explained Yuri Stavitsky.

He expressed confidence that already in 2016, the new engineer brigade and the assault battalion within it “will begin interaction with the troops.”

While in Murom, Lieutenant General Yuri Stavitsky took part in the ceremony of attaching the battle flags to the poles of the newly formed engineer-sapper and pontoon-bridge brigades of the engineering troops of the RF Armed Forces.

He said that such formations are planned to be created in every combined arms army by 2020.

As for the tasks that the pontoon-bridge brigade will solve, then, according to the chief of the engineering troops, it is “intended to equip various crossings on large water obstacles, also its military personnel will provide assistance to the population during floods and will be able to participate in eliminating the consequences of various emergencies.”

The assault battalion, as part of the new engineer brigade, will make passages in minefields, destruction and rubble.

“At the same time, we and the Airborne Forces have completely different tasks, despite the fact that they also have assault units,” noted Yuri Stavitsky, speaking about the tasks of sappers - “stormtroopers.”

Returning to the history of the issue, he explained that sapper assault units first appeared during the Great Patriotic War. Then 90 specially trained sapper battalions were formed in the engineering troops.

Yuri Stavitsky also announced that military engineers in the new assault units will soon begin to receive specially designed personal protective equipment - OVR-3Sh suits.

“We will have two classes of new suits: for engineer-sapper units and engineer-assault units. They are somewhat different from each other in terms of protection class and ammunition, but we tried to introduce all modern achievements and technologies,” explained Lieutenant General Yuri Stavitsky, head of the engineering forces of the Armed Forces.

The OVR-3Sh kit includes a sapper protective suit of the 6th protection class with pockets for storing ammunition, “friend or foe”, “alive-wounded, killed” sensors and a GLONAC/GPS module, a protective helmet, a sapper machete, a knockout kit doors, an assault ladder, hydraulic cutters, a circular saw, a hydraulic jack, combined scissors, a blasting machine and other means.

For reference:

Since 1943, during the liberation of Europe from the Nazi invaders Soviet troops there was a need for sapper assault units that could quickly, in urban combat conditions, take possession of the building and clear the area or mine the facility. By order of Headquarters Supreme High Command The USSR formed 90 specially trained sapper battalions in the engineering troops.

“The battalions must be separated from the sapper brigades, provided with the required equipment and released from work at the line for forced combat training, primarily in demolition and construction of obstacles,” the order said.

Sappers of assault brigades and battalions, among whom there are many Heroes, covered their combat path with many exploits and merits Soviet Union and order bearers.

The assault engineer battalions consisted of riflemen with anti-tank rifles, sappers with explosives and backpack flamethrowers. Each fighter carried a supply of Molotov cocktails and grenades. Part of the equipment of assault sappers was a protective three-millimeter steel breastplate. Passages in the barriers were arranged by specially created barriers groups, and the destruction of fortified enemy positions was entrusted to assault groups. The tactics were coordinated and varied.

When fighting tanks, the personnel of the assault groups advanced along communication passages dug in the snow or using camouflage means. Sappers approached the tank, lit smoke bombs to blind the crew, and then placed explosives on the tank, detonating or burning it.

To a fortified dugout or pillbox, a group of sappers at maximum close quarters a tank drove up, then they dismounted and crawled to the shelter. The tank held the entrance at gunpoint, and the sappers climbed onto the roof and lowered an anti-tank mine through the chimney, after which they crawled back and, using a tied cord, pulled the pin from the fuse.

During the storming of the building, sappers-attack aircraft, using captured Faust cartridges, punched a hole in the wall, after which, under the cover of machine gunners, flamethrowers ran up and directed jets of fire into it. In other cases, assault sappers poured burning gasoline into ventilation shafts and chimneys.