Stretching is one of the most underestimated fitness varieties. Most often, it is associated with simple exercises, such as "bend ahead and touch the hands to the toes", so its value is often underestimated by depriving themselves the benefits of such a workout.

In the process of growth and aging in muscle tissues, changes occur. The inclusion of stretching in a regular training schedule will provide uniform growth of muscles along the fibers and increases the level of flexibility. It will give you the opportunity to easily move in any direction and will provide more energy to perform various actions.

In addition, Stretching helps to achieve:

  • Enhance the flexibility of joints
  • Improvement of blood circulation in the muscles and joints that stretch exercises were sent
  • The energy level increases, since the heavily blood flow brings more oxygen and glycogen
  • Improving coordination of movements
  • Increase speed and power

There are seven different types of stretching exercises and, although some of them intersect, and some are part of the standard training package, so they do not represent anything new, but it's better to look at them closer and deal with what they do.

Mahi legs to the side, typical element of active stretching

In Active Stretching, you take a certain position and hold it only with the help of your own muscle agonists (primary engines). To keep the body in the right position, groups of muscle agonists have to strain, while the antagonist muscles begin to stretch. For example, characteristic of martial arts a rack in the position of the lateral impact legs contributes to the stretching of the leading muscles (adductors), increases the flexibility of the body of the athlete and the height of the leg lift when hitting.

The effect of active stretching is based on a physiological reaction, which is called reciprocal braking. If any one muscle group is held in a tense position for a long period of time, then for those located opposite her muscle groups there is no need to remain strained, so they relax and stretched. Most often, the position must be held no longer than 30 seconds, and sometimes the results can be achieved for a shorter period of 10-15 seconds.

Active Stretching is widely used in yoga classes. Martial arts masters and ballet artists also use it intensively. Active stretching techniques contribute to improving results in most sports.

Passive Stretching

An example of passive stretching - all known twine

Passive stretching is a streaming form, ideally suitable for execution with a partner. It is necessary that the body remain completely passive, and all actions were performed with an external force application (using a partner). If the training is carried out without a partner, the body weight and gravity is used as an external force. For this reason, passive stretching is otherwise called a relaxed stretch.

An example of passive stretching - all known twine. Putting your legs to the maximum width and letting the weight of your body on them, you allow the feet naturally slowly slide further to the sides. Studies have shown that passive stretching is ideal for recovering muscles after injuries, as it is done gradually and requires some time for each position.

Static Stretching

Static Stratching is perhaps the most common type of stretching exercises. In this case, it is necessary for about 10-20 seconds to hold the body in requiring stresses, but non-discomfort positions. This type of stretching is often used as an integral part of a regular workout performed in various sports, since with a static stretching the body is not subjected to extreme loads. This led to a delusion that stretching should be done when warm-up to prevent sports injuries, and that Stretching increases sports results.

In 2013, in three non-related research projects, this issue was considered from different points of view. In the first study, published in Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports (Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports), it was found that the inclusion of static stretching in the warm-up complex helps to reduce muscle performance and causes instability in their work, which may cause increasing injury, instead of its decline.

The second study, published in Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research (Study and General Development Journal) found that static stretching conducted within the framework leads to an immediate reduction in muscle performance. These conclusions were supported by a third study published in the same edition, and found that the long-term positive effect of the exercises performed before training for a static stretch margin was at best insignificant.

Isometric Stretching

An example of isometric stretching: "Wall pushing"

Isometric stretching is a type of stretching, which involves the resistance of muscle groups caused by isometric contractions of stretchable muscles. Examples of isometric stretching: "Pushing the wall" for the warm-up of the calf muscles, the slopes forward, putting the leg on the bar, and trying to reach his head to the knee, and also stretching the biceps, overlooking the straight hand into the wall and applying an effort to it.

There are a number of evidence that the exercise performed over a long period of time is helped by the development of muscle hypertrophy (increasing volume). This is due to the fact that in this form, muscle fibers are involved in this form.

Dynamic Stretching

In dynamic stretching, weak machines are used, with the help of which the body and limbs make a full range of movements. Since with a dynamic stretching, the speed of exercise is increased gradually, and the movement range remains within the comfort zone, this type of stretching is more often recommended for use as a warm-up.

In golfers, boxers, martial arts and ballerinas Dynamic Stretching is part of the standard intensive preparation complex. In 2011, the European Journal of Applied Physiology (European Journal of Applied Physiology) published the results of a study in which scientists found out that dynamic stretching improves productivity in sprinters and other intensively training athletes.

Program for dynamic stretching from site (picture clickable)

Dynamic Stretching Training Program

In another study, published in 2012 in Journal of Sports Science and Medicine (Journal of Sports Science and Medicine), there was a comparison of the advantages of dynamic and static stretching for intensively training athletes. It turned out that the athletes used in their warm-up only dynamic stretching showed the best results than those who performed the exercises on a static stretching. However, the greatest increase in the amplitude of movements (ROM) was demonstrated by athletes who combined both varieties of stretching. This suggests that the best results can be achieved by making a mixed workshop.

Ballistic Stretching

Ballistic Stretching is a type of stretching, which uses jumps and sharp movements. This form of stretching is categorically not recommended by the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons and is considered one of the most common causes of injuries obtained during the warm-up.

You should not begin without an adequate workout to exercises on a ballistic stretching, since if you fulfill, your body goes beyond the comfort zone. The use of ballistic stretching as a warm-up is unacceptable. Ballistic stretching after a good warm-up is widely used by martial arts masters, ballet artists and gymnasts in order to expand the comfortable range of movements and increase body flexibility.

Studies of ballistic exercises show that when performing after the main workout or as an independent complex, they help increase the amplitude of movements and contribute to improving performance. Martial arts, gymnasts and dancers are known very well.

PNF Stretching

PNF Stretching (Propriorceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation) is a set of stretching methods to help expand both active and passive range of movements and providing a significant increase in flexibility.

In a study published in the Animal Science journal, it was found that the stretching exercise performed after training the average intensity of stretching exercise (including PNF Stretching) helps to activate the growth of muscle mass, which is due to the increase in the strength and size of the muscles.

As for the warm-up complexes, PNF Stretching is suitable for them better than the other options, since it uses the impedance applied force, after which the muscles relax, and then re-stretching occurs. This allows you to achieve the increase in the flexibility and strength of the joints through the stimulation of four separate, sometimes intersecting reactions: autogenic braking, reciprocal braking, tension removal and the theory of pain blockers. All this is explained in detail in the study of PNF-stretch advantages, published in Journal of Human Kinetics.

In what cases do you need stretching?

If you use stretching to warm up before training, choose a dynamic or PNF, all other types are performed after workout when the muscles should be processed. Stretching can also be engaged in the form of an independent training complex performed in a specially highlighted day.

The bottom line is that the stretching is definitely needed and will always help achieve the best results, only one should carefully approach the choice when it is necessary to prefer to it and what kind of stretching. No one forbids you to make various stretching exercises, and not just stick to one particular type. But do not forget to take into account possible unwanted consequences to preserve the health and elasticity of their muscles.

Be sure to read about it

Today it is fashionable to be beautiful and healthy, have a slim body, so sports is so popular. There are different types of exercises that pursue various goals. For example, one helps to increase endurance, others - to increase, are third - develop flexibility. Stretching refers to those types of aerobics that stretch the body make it plastic and flexible. After all, its main exercises - stretching and flexibility. Therefore, we will talk about this trendy sports direction.

Clothing for classes

Stretching classes are suitable for each person, since neither age or the weight, nor the features of the figure nor the initial flexibility matters. Regular workouts will make their job. And the best sportswear for sports is a modern thermal underwear, which does not argue movements and sits like the second leather. Buy this will not be difficult, it will be found in every store of sports goods or things for outdoor activities. It is an excellent choice on the Internet, in the stores Sportsafe, Alpindustria, Guahoo.

Of course, it is possible to limit the usual comfortable clothing: swimsuit, trico, shorts and t-shirts, top and leggings. The main thing is that things do not limit the movement and stretched along with the body. Therefore, the fabric is obliged to be elastic, with an admixture of natural fibers (completely synthetic things are not suitable, as they will not be able to absorb sweat). It is desirable that the outfit tightly facilitates the body: it is easier to see the result achieved.

Separately, I want to say about underwear. Throw preference to classic models, not thumbs or bikini, without decorative elements and lace, sewn from natural fabric. The bra is a sports or seed model. Refuse ornaments, jewelry, remove shoes. Do better barefoot or ballet shoes.

What do Stretching classes give?

First of all, they raise the mood. But this is not all that can be obtained from classes. Stretching improves the circulation of lymph and blood flow, restores the muscles, relieves pain, which arose as a result of nervous stresses and stressful situations. Training capable of slowing the aging of the body as a whole, to preserve the elasticity of tissues and muscles, improve posture. But the positive effect will be only if it is engaged in correctly, observing precautions, increase the load gradually.

Several nuances

Performing and flexibility should take into account such nuances:

  • It is possible to stretch until the pain occurs.
  • During stretching, it is necessary to hold the pose, but it is forbidden to spring.
  • It is necessary to breathe correctly, not to delay and not accelerate the rhythm of inhalation and exhalation.
  • The best result will be if the stretching exercises are performed after exercise.
  • During the classes, Stretching should be observed alternately, that is, strain and relax alternately muscles. This removes fatigue with them, restores the strength.
  • Do not engage in stretching, if there is contraindications, so before the workout you should visit the attending physician and fully examine.

Only in this case, after Stretching, the reviews will be able to leave the best. Otherwise, classes will not give you pleasure, but hurt.

Stretching - not aerobics

Stretching can not be called aerobics in the literal sense of the word. After all, aerobics was born in the West and aims to fight excess weight, is associated with the formation of a slim body with ideal parameters. The tradition of tensile body originates in the East, and its goal is the improvement of the body as a whole. Its elements take place in yoga, and in martial arts. Stretching classes will give the opportunity to people calmly sit on the twine, increase the plastic, legs, neck, back, joints. That is why there cannot be gymnastics without it.

And her species

Today there are five types of stretching. Let us dwell on each of them.

What do people say?

Many people are satisfied after stretching: reviews say that they not only improved body flexibility, but also become cheerful, energetically and even dropped weight. Something disappears stiffness, movement becomes light and smooth. But the most important thing is that a person who achieves a new limit begins to believe in his own strength, be proud of himself. And this is the strongest motivation for further growth. In addition, Stretching (photos can be seen in our article) is a good base for the occupation of other sports, where agility, flexibility and endurance are important. But if a person does not plan to play sports at a professional level, then for himself he will still make it very good, engaged in a stretching of his own body.

The first steps

Before you teach stretch marks, we want to give a novice a couple of tips. First you need to put a goal. It may be a simple maintenance of shapes, weight loss, flexibility development. And then calculate the number of workouts. For example, to support the body in a tone and form, three or four times a week. Daily exercises are recommended to combat overweight. You can train at any convenient time and anywhere. Optimally performing exercises after charging or after training with another sport (when the body is preheated).

To begin with, it is recommended to repeat each exercise two or three times, while maintaining a pose of five seconds. Over time, the deduction time and the number of repetitions increase. But each occupation should not last longer than thirty minutes, while it is worth listening to themselves. And most importantly: it is necessary to train regularly, keeping a good mood.

Doing exercises

So, the preparation is over: how to train, we already know, comfortable clothing for classes is chosen. It's time to start the Stretching lesson.

We need to get up straight and put legs on the width of the shoulders. Putting his right hand on the waist, grab your head with my left hand and lean left. It is necessary to withstand fifteen to twenty seconds and return to its original position. Now it's time to change your hand. The number of repetitions - eight times.

For back. Leave a back to the wall with your back and go to the hands. Now slowly sneezes, sliding hands down, but the back should remain straightened. Hold the position of twenty seconds, repeat five times.

We stretch your arms and legs. It is necessary and straighten your hands. Now pull forward the left hand, and you turn back the right leg back. Hold the limbs in parallel to the floor. Draw in this position at least ten seconds and change your hand on the right, and the leg is on the left. Each exercise will repeat six times.

For belly. Lie on the stomach, bend your legs and hands to bite the ankle. Now lift your legs, feel the stress in the lower back. Hold twenty seconds, take a bit and repeat seven times.

Instead of pre-school

To test the effect of stretching, the reviews read a little, you need at least to try doing exercises for a while. And only then make sure that this is a very good training, which has a beneficial effect on all groups of muscles and joints.

Stretching the body fits all and has only positive moments. After all, stretching exercises are as close as possible to natural movements, so do not even deliver the slightest inconvenience. Good luck in all endeavors!

Most people who begin to visit, fulfill everything according to the plan prepared earlier, not paying due attention to heating and stretching or. Of course, this does not concern those cases when classes are underway under the leadership of the coach, but in general the fact remains a fact. Nevertheless, it is not necessary to take it a rule, because Stretching plays an important role in the formation of the body and is needed not only to those who dream of sitting on or studying.


The main thing, taking a certain posture, focus all your attention on the muscles, to which the main load is directed. At the same time, the force of impact on and tendons will be softer, which will exclude the possibility of injuries in testers forward, folds in a vertical position (the most important thing in this exercise is to be able to relax and "hang" under all the severity of the top) or twine.

In the latter case, the feeling of relaxation is not provided in the groin zone, but in the knees.


This type of stretching provides for a phased impact on different muscle groups. Such exercises are based on the execution of controlled movements of the hands and legs, with which you can gently spring as part of the range of features of your body.

It can be slow body movements (with an accent) or its rapid movement: all sorts of machines, rolls from twine into the twine.

The following movement can be an excellent example of dynamic stretching: Put the palm as a chain and make max in it, thereby avoiding the ballistic movement. Or you can make free moms, but not throwing, and keeping your foot, although it will be a more complex option than an exercise with palm.


According to the principle of implementation, this option is largely similar to a static species, and the only difference is the lack of the need to use its own effort, instead of which the partner will help you on the exercise.

For example, you can sit down opposite each other and holding hands to lean in turn forward or just help fix your feet in the right direction.

The disadvantage of such a stretching is the mandatory presence of the second participant, which is not always possible.


Stretching this species is characterized by the implementation of uncontrolled movements, which distinguishes it from previous options.

An example of such movements can be springful movement of the body down with a good amplitude (repeated several times) so that you can touch the legs in the fold.

This type of stretching at the initial stage of classes should be carried out with marginal caution, as there is a risk of tensioning ligaments.

Ballistic Stretching is useful for experienced dancers and athletes.

Active isolated

A set of exercises for stretching of active isolation involves the use of equipment at which each individual muscle of the body is localized and stretched. It is perfect for warming up muscle fabric before training and to complete it.

At the same time, the load on the joints is significantly reduced, and the range of their mobility is only increasing. Performing active isolation exercises, you can get rid of "hardness", limiting the performance of muscles and joints.

When classes, you can use the rope for linen, rope rope, belt, or just a long belt. With the use of such an inventory, you can pull up the part of the body that needs to be stretched with your own effort. That is, active stretching is called when, having accepted a certain position of the body, you hold such a pose only due to the power of muscles.
The simplest example of such exercises is the high lift of the leg and its retention in this position. Thus, the voltage of some muscles helps to relax the extended muscles, mutually balancing them. Stretching is capable of increasing the active flexibility and increase muscle strength.

To achieve maximum performance and reduce the possibility of negative consequences after practicing similar exercises, it is worth always adhere to several simple rules. The main one is a good heating of the body before performing stretching, which will help improve the quality of the muscle of oxygen and improve circulation.

Important! Do not try to stretch the limbs before the appearance of pain, and if you have already felt discomfort, it means that it is time to stop, because you have already gone far away.

It is also important to smoothly perform all movements, since the sharp movement of the limbs or body can cause injury. On average, about 60 seconds should leave for one exercise. It is impossible to strain and clamp the muscles, as they are better than stretching in a relaxed form. During classes, it is necessary to keep the back as soon as possible, while avoiding the sharp end of the stretching. Otherwise, there is a possibility of obtaining muscle microtrams with their subsequent scarring, which will make muscles less flexible, and physical more painful.

It is also not worth stretching and before the intended intense load, as it will only reduce the tone of muscle tissue and worsen the results. In the process of performing exercises, be sure to follow your breathing and control it. It should be smooth and rhythmic.

So that Stretching brought only benefits, perform classes on a regular basis by making them part of their life, then the result will not wait a long time. Little just to know how to perform the exercises for stretching, you need to drive away from myself too lazy and focus on improving the whole body, making a daily schedule.

Exemplary list for beginners

If you have never engaged in sports and the concept of stretching is unfamiliar to you, it is worth very carefully picking all the exercises. We give the several most popular them, which are suitable for beginners.

We warm up five minutes. To do this, you can perform on the spot, from the position of "sitting in squatting" (at least 15-20 times), energetic maugh legs in different directions, ride from foot to foot (20-30 times), and it is important to put them as widely as possible, keeping Sustainable position when weighing the body weight on one side to another.

Performing torso tilt (20 times). To do this, you first need to become evenly becoming, so that the heels are closed, and lean forward as much as much as possible, trying to reach their hands as low as possible. You can also take a sedentary position and, widespread legs, try to reach your hands to your fingers. No less useful exercise for the production of good stretching - "Butterfly". Sit on the floor and commemorate the feet, after which we put on your knees, trying to stretch the inner side of the hip. Other stretching exercises called and "Cobra" are given similar effect.

In the first case, we become on all fours, we rely on the floor with the knees and palms and try to routing down as much as possible, then bending the back in the opposite direction (as above). When performing the second, you should also lean your knees to the floor, but only the body is already pulling forward, trying to reach your hands as far as possible, and then we return it back, while straightening and straightening your legs.

Having finished the specified exercises, you can proceed to slow slopes of the body to the parties, taking before this position standing (in each slope is delayed 15-30 seconds).

"Bridge" is another characteristic exercise for muscle stretching.
All you need is from the standing of the standing back and rest in your hands to the floor, fixing the body in this position for a few seconds. Very soon after regular exercise, you can and independently climb from the "bridge", but for the time being alleviated the exercise you can put your hands not to the floor, but on the sofa or chair.

Well, finally, it remains to master only twine technique (in order to sit on a longitudinal or transverse twine and at the same time not to get any injuries, all movements must be extremely smoothly and gently). If necessary, you can ask someone to insoam you.

The described complex will be quite enough for your body to get used to such loads, and over time you can add some other tasks to this list.

Muscles sick after stretching

As you know, without pain will not be the result, so moderate discomfort in the body after classes only proves that you have spent time not in vain. Usually, after performing all stretching exercises (especially for beginners and even even at home) the next day you will feel the tension in the legs and back, and when walking or raising the steps it will only increase.

Did you know? Women easier to sit on a longitudinal twine, and men - on transverse, which is explained by the anatomical features of the floors.

There is nothing strange in that after training, your muscles will hurt and feel some tension in the joints, the main thing is the absence of acute. Otherwise, if pain manifestations have a sharp character or strongly limit you in movements, you need to immediately consult a doctor to eliminate the presence of injury and train at a more gentle mode.
By the way, the severity in the body and light pain, which appear the next day after training, are easily eliminated by an active workout: squats, short running or repetition of individual exercises from a standard stretching complex.

Power loads during this period is better excluded.

Important! If there are serious problems of CO, in particular with muscles and joints, before stretching, you should consult with a doctor or an experienced trainer. The same applies to both pregnant women.

Contraindications for classes

Any physical activity in reasonable limits will only benefit your body, so it is not surprising that there are no serious contraindications to the stretching stretch.

However, despite the possibility of performing exercises by almost all those who wish, it is worth refraining from them if:

  • there are severe injuries;
  • there are inflammatory processes in the hip joints;
  • a person suffers from permanent pain in the lumbar department;
  • pain in the legs are associated with their injury;
  • regularly tormented by elevated arterial;
  • woman waits and does not feel very well, although even under normal current, any physical exertion should be moderate;
  • the body is not pretentious enough, that is, you did not perform.

Such situations are possible when well-being is worsening in the process of performing exercises. So, often people complain about sudden dizziness, muscle spasm, incomprehensible clicks or crunch in the body, which, of course, is far from the concept "norm."
Therefore, when any of the listed symptoms appears, it is necessary to stop the occupation and rest 10 minutes. If the state does not stabilize, it means it is better to change the exercise or stop stretching at all.

In all other cases, you have nothing to fear, and regular stretching will only lead to positive results, primarily expressing in a beautiful and taut body.

"In everyday life it is very important to be flexible," says my coach in the fitness club. And he is right!

Stretching stretching exercises are useful to everyone, regardless of the degree of sporting preparation and age. They help create a plastic and graceful figure, protect the joints from possible injuries, and also improve posture, increase self-esteem and self-confidence.

Cleo reveals the secrets of effective stretching, after which you probably feel energetically and younger.

Why do we need stretching?

Stuff offices and sitting monotonous work leads to the fact that we quickly tire, nervous in trifles, the muscular tone is reduced, the posture is twisted, and well-being is worse.

In Yoga, a special place is given to stretching exercises, since the flexible body gives us a feeling of complete harmony.

Regular stretching helps to feel much better, get rid of stress and return the former flexibility. Stretching man has healthy ligaments and joints. Its joints are moving on a complete amplitude - it reduces the atright in any sports.

Yoga teachers say that flexible body and good stretching - sign of youth. In Yoga, a special place is given to stretching exercises, since the flexible body gives us a feeling of complete harmony.

What are the useful classes of stretching?

But before proceeding with stretching classes, it is necessary to understand what they are useful for our body.

So, what exactly gives stretching classes:

  • The blood flow and circulation of lymphs in the body is stimulated.
  • Increases flexibility. Thanks to Stretching classes, you will feel high, slim and plastic, and your posture will change for the better.
  • Stretching exercises are relaxingly acting on the muscles, and also remove various pains arising from stress and nervous tension.
  • Some processes of aging of our body slow down.
  • Stretching exercises effectively tone muscles, while psycho-emotional tension, on the contrary, decreases.
  • With regular stretch marks, the trained muscles retain their elasticity, as they do enough blood and nutrients.
  • Stretching exercises prepare you for training. If you are planning to go to the gym today, make the morning stretch. So you set your body into physical activity and prevent muscle damage.
  • Conversely, stretching exercises that are visible at the end of the training session, help the muscles to recover faster.

How to make a stretch

And now let's find out what to pay attention to the stretching.

Start with workout.Before starting classes, you need to literally warm up the body - after that the connecting tissue will become more susceptible to stretching. The warm-up will make your muscles flexible and elastic, which will reduce the risk of injury during the main training.

Specialists are recommended to conduct a lightweight 10-minute session of aerobic type. For this purpose, such exercises are perfectly suitable, like walking in place or on the treadmill, jumping on the rope.

The warm-up will make your muscles flexible and elastic, which will reduce the risk of injury during the main training.

Each exercise program hold for 30-60 seconds at the maximum stretch point (a sense of discomfort in muscles, but not to pain). After that, repeat this element 3-4 times, and then make a stretch of another muscle group.

Do not forget O. proper breathing - Do not delay the air and do not rush to do exhale. Breathe calmly and smoothly, and in the interruptions between the exercises, take a deep breath and full exhalation.

When can not be stretched?Immediately stop the stretching classes with such symptoms:

  • Dizziness
  • Tingling or burning in limbs
  • Muscular spasmod
  • Incomprehensible crunch or click in body

Little "But" about bundles

With a feeling of pain in the joint, you most likely pull the bundles, not the muscles. Bundles are responsible for the stable position of the joints: when tensile, the bundle joint is relaxing and it can be easily injured.

But how to be during injury? During stretching, blood circulation is disturbed, the injured muscle does not move - it can lead to its atrophy. Therefore, light stretch does not hurt, it can be done from the first day of injury.

It remains only to add that you can do stretching exercises at any time for well-being and improving the mood. Be flexible and healthy!

In order for the body to work at a maximum, and the owner of this body did not experience any worshipers or painful sensations, the mind and body harmony should be organized. Within the framework of this article, the process of working on the body will be considered in detail using Stretching. Obviously, for the development of a full-fledged muscular corset, integrated approaches should be used that are not limited to physical exertion. It is very important to carry out high-quality workouts and stretching, which will further strengthen the muscles, hold the correction of the figure and implement the prevention of a whole complex of violations in the work of the body.

What is stretching in fitness?

Stretching is a subspecies of fitness, which is a complex of exercises that contribute to the stretching of muscles and bodies of the body. The name "Stretching" itself is derived from the English word Stretch, meaning pulling, stretching. It should be noted that such aerobics is an effective tool for stretching the muscles, the normalization of biological processes and stimulation of the body as a whole.

In order for fitness to bring the necessary "fruits", you need to alternate stretching classes with physical activity. This gymnastics is very popular around the world, since it can be resorted to it without any preparation and base of sports skills.

Depending on the purpose described, the form of fitness can be used to treat and prevent a number of diseases, restore and correct the functions of the musculoskeletal system. Stretching classes, allow you to mostly prepare for physical exertion and subsequent sporting events. The leading fitness specialists argue that Stretching is an integral part of the school gymnastics, regardless of the experience and age of a person attending training.

Benefit and harm from stretching

It can be unambiguous to note that no harm if the training is carried out correctly, stretching is not capable of applying the organism. On the contrary, it is a purely positive event with a number of positive parties. It is for this reason that Stretching enters the daily program of classes from professional athletes, helping to avoid traumatic cases, bring muscles into tone and maintain the form.

If we talk about the benefits of stretching, then everything is quite open here, for example, stretching allows you to disperse blood and lymph in the body, so that the internal organs are saturated with oxygen, and such phenomena as swelling and inflammation of tissues are actually not found. Thus, it is necessary to pay tribute to using a stretch for stimulating the exchange processes and the functions of the body.

It is worth noting that it is stretching the muscular-ligament apparatus that is favorable on the mental activity of a person. When this type is classified, the mood is improved, sleep becomes stronger, mental stress and irritation disappears. It should be noted that people resort to daily stretchs live on average for 10 years longer than persons who avoid this event at all.

Is it possible to lose weight engaged in stretching?

Stretching, as well as all fitness disciplines, is aimed primarily on the normalization of the body, as well as the correction of the figure and rehabilitation after the suffering diseases and injuries. It is known that the stretching leads to an improvement in the work of the circulatory system, accelerating the liquid tissue in the body. At the same time, hemoglobin transfers oxygen, saturating it every cell of the body. This is the process.

Burned fat cells are moving into muscle mass. Thus, using stretch marks as a tool for the correction of the figure, you can not just reduce the amount of the waist, but also to strengthen the muscular corset and give the formations relief and fortress. In this regard, you can answer quite clearly: Stretching is a great way to lose weight without consequences for the body.

Rules for Stretching at home

In order for the training does not have side effects, you need to stick to a number of rules. This will reduce injury, as well as increase the productivity of gymnastics. Thus, it is possible to distinguish the list of the following rules that will be relevant when stretching:

  1. all movements must be filled with smoothness. Need to completely eliminate jerks or sharp movements;
  2. each of the tensile elements do not need to be carried out longer than 30 seconds;
  3. the smaller the experience of a person in the class of this type, the slower should be the pace of training;
  4. before starting classes, you need to warm up with tensile movements that should last no more than 3 seconds;
  5. if there are painful sensations or discomfort during the stretching, you need to immediately stop training and restore only after discomfort or pain completely disappear;
  6. an important element of Stretching is a breath that should be even, calm and measured, asking the tempo lesson.

Complex of effective exercises for beginners

It should be noted that there are many approaches in Stretching, the choice of which determines the further strategy of classes. It all depends on individual training, age and health status of each individual participant fitness training. Thus, it is necessary to highlight a number of the most efficient exercises that will allow to conduct lessons at home without the help of a coach:

  • standing with a straight back need one hand to lower down, and the second maximize the head so that a detailed angle formed in the shoulder. The hand during the exercise should remain straight;
  • it is necessary to take your head as much as much as possible, after which the head of the head is alternately in both directions. If you wish, you can help yourself with your hand, backing the brush of the chin for a more pulling effect;
  • you should become back to the wall, turning the shoulders and pressing the raised hands to the vertical surface. From this position you need to make squats;
  • from the position standing on all fours, it is necessary to raise his right hand and left leg, while the hand is necessary to pull forward, and the leg, respectively, back.

Video lesson for spine and back

The video proposed for viewing is a demonstration material containing a set of exercises for stretching the spine. With the help of this gymnastics, you can independently, using recommendations from the video, to work out high quality not only the spine, but also the muscles of the back, preventing the development of various diseases and injuries.

Stretching Video Slimming Video

This material is perfect for beginners and will make the best possible way and efficiently prepare the body to physical exertion for weight loss. After reviewing the roller, you can get all the necessary information regarding the stretching of all major muscle groups and ligaments.

Video: Stretching on a twine with Catherine Catherine

This video is a step-by-step instruction on Stretching. The complex of the exercises under consideration is prepared for those who want to sit on the twine. For this reason, each stage of training is aimed at the development of a muscular-ligament apparatus, which will continue to sit on the twine without risk to get injured or experience painful sensations.

Contraindications for stretching training

As described above, Stretching is a safe view of sports activities, which has no negative impact on the body, but there are a number of conditions that do not allow to resort to stretching. Thus, the stretching will be abandoned in the following situations:

  • oncabolic;
  • recovery period after surgery;
  • injury and diseases of bone tissue and ligaments;
  • violation of the mobility of the joints;
  • previously transferred fractures;
  • osteochondrosis and a number of diseases associated with violation of the spine.