Of all the existing criminal communities National groups are distinguished by the greatest organization, cohesion and invincibility. We hear about the Italian Japanese yakuza and the Chinese triad. Having grown into local traditions, in their homeland they become an almost ineradicable element public life. And having gone beyond the borders of the country of origin, they seize living space thanks to strict discipline, deep secrecy and special cruelty.

The emergence of triads

The Triad is perhaps the oldest criminal organization in the world. Some researchers trace its history back to legendary times - to the third century BC. Then pirates and robbers with east coast China created a kind of trade union - “Shadow of the Lotus”. Soon after the emergence of the triads, the "Shadow of the Lotus" joined the newly created organization.

When the word “triad” was first used, the mafia had not yet appeared in Italy. It is reliably known that groups with this name existed already in the 17th century. However, at that time the triads were not bandit organizations, but part of the national liberation movement of China against the Manchu invaders.

According to legend, the first triad was founded by three monks from the Shaolin monastery destroyed by the invaders. In the minds of the founders, the triad is “the union of Earth, Man and Heaven in the name of justice.” These symbols were clear to every Chinese.

Initially, the triad militants were financed by ordinary Chinese, dissatisfied with foreign oppression. However, in a poor country, it was difficult for peasants and shopkeepers to maintain a secret guerrilla army. They began to look for triads in criminal trades: robbery, piracy, slave trade. Gradually, noble goals faded into the background, and banditry became the essence of the triads' activities.

Coexistence with the Chinese Communist Party

During the triad they supported Sun Yat-sen. This political mistake led to serious persecution of triad figures after Mao's victory. The Chinese communists were worried not so much about the fact that the triad was a mafia engaged in all types of criminal activities, but rather about attempts to destroy the monopoly of the Communist Party, the only political organization in the country.

Although little is known about the fate of the triads in communist China, it is safe to say that the crackdown on underworld leaders has not weakened the influence of the triads. The militants of the organization still collect tribute from businesses and maintain order on the streets, have informants in the police and their people among party functionaries on the ground.

The leaders of the modern CPC are not worried about this activity: as long as they don’t get involved in politics, don’t compete with communists for influence, and don’t try to promote their people to leadership positions in the country. The triad does not do this - the desire to grab a larger piece than you can chew is not typical of the Chinese mafia.

Hong Kong triads

After Sun Yat-sen fled to Taiwan, many triad leaders followed him or settled in Hong Kong's rapid post-war economic growth provided many sources of wealth for the criminal gangs there. Chinese triad collected tribute from small business, “oversaw” smuggling, drug trafficking, and prostitution. That’s why the most influential and famous gangs, such as “14 K,” grew up here.

During the British Raj, the power of the triads in Hong Kong was unchallenged. With the transition of the territory to Chinese rule, many leaders of the underworld fled abroad. Probably, now the position of the Hong Kong triads is equal to the “status” of their “colleagues” from the PRC.

Structure of Chinese organized crime groups

Let's try to understand what a triad is from the inside. First of all, you need to understand that this is a very secretive organization, so there is not much reliable information about its structure.

It is known that individual triads are rather isolated organizations. There is no person who could be called the leader of all triads. But within each gang the hierarchy is very strict. At the head of the triad is a leader (we will not give all the flowery names for this position), his post is inherited. The leader has two deputies in areas of activity. Security, intelligence, and recruitment services are subordinate to them.

In a large triad between leaders and ordinary fighters - “monks” - there can be up to four links of leaders. Although all members of the gang unquestioningly obey their superiors, each link is quite autonomous in carrying out the tasks that the triad has assigned to it. This provides mobility and flexibility, which is very important for a large organization.

Despite the fact that Hollywood tirelessly uses images of the mafia, which have long become a cliché, there are still illegal groups in the world that control industry, engage in smuggling, cybercrimes and even form global economy countries

So where are they located and which ones are the most famous in the world?


This is not a myth, they exist and, by the way, were among the first to make significant efforts to help after the tsunami in Japan in 2011. The traditional areas of interest of the Yakuza are underground gambling, prostitution, drug trafficking, arms and ammunition trafficking, racketeering, production or sale of counterfeit products, car theft and smuggling. More sophisticated gangsters engage in financial fraud. Members of the group are distinguished by beautiful tattoos, which are usually hidden under clothes.


This is one of the most aggressive sects in Kenya, which arose in 1985 in the settlements of the Kikuyu people in the central part of the country. The Kikuyu gathered their own militia in order to protect the Maasai lands from government militants who wanted to suppress the resistance of the rebellious tribe. The sect, in essence, was a street gang. Later in Nairobi they were formed large detachments who took up local racketeering transport companies transporting passengers around the city (taxi companies, car parks). They then switched to waste collection and disposal. Each slum resident was also obliged to pay representatives of the sect a certain amount in exchange for quiet life in your own shack.

Russian Mafia

This is officially the most feared organized crime group. Former FBI special agents call the Russian mafia "the most dangerous people on the ground". In the West, the term “Russian mafia” can mean any criminal organization, both Russian itself and from other states of the post-Soviet space, or from the immigration environment in non-CIS countries. Some people get hierarchical tattoos, often use military tactics and carry out contract killings.

Hell's Angels

Considered an organized crime group in the United States. This is one of the world's largest motorcycle clubs (Hells Angels Motorcycle Club), which has an almost mythical history and branches all over the world. According to the legend posted on the official website of the motorcycle club, during the Second World War the American Air Force had a 303rd squadron heavy bombers with the name "Hell's Angels". After the end of the war and the disbandment of the unit, the pilots were left without work. They believe that their homeland betrayed them and left them to their fate. They had no choice but to go against their “cruel country, get on motorcycles, join motorcycle clubs and rebel.” Along with legal activities (sales of motorcycles, motorcycle repair shops, sale of goods with symbols), the Hells Angels are known for illegal activities (sale of weapons, drugs, racketeering, control of prostitution, and so on).

Sicilian Mafia: La Cosa Nostra

The organization began its activities in the second half of the 19th century, when the Sicilian and American mafia were the strongest. Initially, Cosa Nostra was engaged in the protection (including the most brutal methods) of owners of orange plantations and nobles who owned large land plots. By the beginning of the 20th century, it had turned into an international criminal group, whose main activity was banditry. The organization has a clear hierarchical structure. Its members often resort to highly ritualistic methods of revenge, and also have a number of complex rites of initiation for men into the group. They also have their own code of silence and secrecy.

Albanian mafia

There are 15 clans in Albania that control most Albanian organized crime. They control drug trafficking and are involved in human and weapons trafficking. They also coordinate the supply of large quantities of heroin to Europe.

Serbian mafia

Various criminal gangs based in Serbia and Montenegro, consisting of ethnic Serbs and Montenegrins. Their activities are quite diverse: drug trafficking, smuggling, racketeering, contract killings, gambling and information trading. Today there are about 30-40 active criminal gangs in Serbia.

Montreal Mafia Rizzuto

The Rizzuto are a crime family that is primarily based in Montreal but operates in the provinces of Quebec and Ontario. They once merged with families in New York, which ultimately led to the mafia wars in Montreal in the late 70s. Rizzuto owns hundreds of millions of dollars worth of real estate in different countries. They own hotels, restaurants, bars, nightclubs, construction, food, service and trading companies. In Italy they own companies producing furniture and Italian delicacies.

Mexican drug cartels

Mexican drug cartels have existed for several decades; since the 1970s, some Mexican government agencies have been facilitating their activities. Mexican drug cartels intensified after the collapse of the Colombian drug cartels - Medellin and . Currently the main foreign supplier of cannabis, cocaine and methamphetamine in Mexican drug cartels dominate the wholesale illicit drug market.

Mara Salvatrucha

Slang for "Salvadoran Stray Ant Brigade" and often shortened to MS-13. This gang lives mainly Central America and is based in Los Angeles (although they operate in other areas North America and Mexico). According to various estimates, the number of this brutal crime syndicate ranges from 50 to 300 thousand people. Mara Salvatrucha is involved in many types of criminal businesses, including drug, arms and human trafficking, robbery, racketeering, contract killings, kidnapping for ransom, car theft, money laundering and fraud. Distinctive feature members of the group have tattoos all over their bodies, including on the face and inner lips. They not only show a person’s gang affiliation, but also, with their details, tell about his criminal history, influence and status in the community.

Colombian drug cartels

The Chinese triads are the oldest and at the same time the largest grouping of the world ethnic business, the most organized mafia in the world. The exact date of the organization’s establishment is unknown; historians call it the 17th century.

According to one version, the triads initially arose as partisan detachments from the Ming dynasty, whose goal was to overthrow the Manchus from the ruling Qing dynasty. Later, when representatives of the Ming Dynasty developed a full-fledged underground network, they began to engage in crime.

Then the basic principles of the organization were laid down: protection of Chinese culture and business from foreign influence, absolute and unquestioning submission to a higher authority, an ideological component in the form of Confucianism. The name of the organization came from Confucianism: according to Chinese philosophy, man is the center of the universe, connecting opposite poles in the form of heaven and earth, and forms a trinity with them. Moreover, “triad” is not a self-name; this word in relation to the mafia appeared only in the 19th century. It was invented by the British administration of Hong Kong to somehow designate Chinese criminal groups.

Despite its long existence, very little is known about the organization. The reason for this lies in the extreme closeness of the organization. In addition, it is difficult to guess a representative of the triads both in an ordinary fighter and in a high-ranking leader of an organization. Many triad leaders lead a lifestyle bordering on ascetic and do not have as many different body paintings as representatives of the yakuza. It is almost impossible to infiltrate there: only an ethnic Chinese can become a member of the triad, who came on the recommendation of four current members and one leader of the group. Accordingly, the people who vouched for the newcomer are responsible for his actions with their heads. At the same time, ordinary fighters of the gang - “brothers” or “monks” - do not know the leader of their cell by sight, so even under torture they cannot hand him over.

The income of triads is almost impossible to calculate. In the territories under their control, they have a share in virtually all types of businesses, both legal and shadow. The illegal activities of the triads include racketeering, extortion, contract killings, illegal gambling, murder, illegal migration, car thefts, kidnappings, home robberies, loan sharking, theft, arson, fraud, pimping, arms trafficking, human trafficking, money laundering, counterfeiting.

Drug proceeds stand apart. Triads have taken control of the trafficking of opium and its derivatives since early XIX century. Then the Celestial Empire was flooded with cheap drugs, the profits from the sale of which were phenomenal. These events led to two so-called “Opium” wars, when attempts to limit the opium trade led to large-scale military conflicts. To this day, one of the world's three drug trafficking centers is under the control of the triads. The other two - Afghan and Colombian - are under the control of American intelligence services.

Since the beginning of the 19th century, Chinese traders and entrepreneurs began widespread migration throughout the world. Almost every group of travelers included representatives of triads to control and protect Chinese business. Thus, the triads have spread their influence throughout the world: in every country where Chinese business is represented, there are triads.

Of course, Russia, as a direct neighbor of China, could not avoid triad members entering the country. However, the activities of the Chinese mafia in Russia differ significantly from the activities of other organized crime groups. The Chinese act with their characteristic secrecy, avoiding high-profile actions, murders, mass shootings, etc. In addition, the victims of triads are often rebellious members of Chinese communities, who are also secretive and do not turn to law enforcement for help in case of problems.

In Russia, triads work mainly on Far East, near the border. The main areas of activity are the export of timber, seafood, smuggling and drug trafficking. According to some reports, the Chinese export about $300 million worth of Russian timber every year. In addition, triads are involved in the theft of precious metals and valuable minerals. In this matter, they closely cooperate with representatives of local organized crime groups: Russian bandits steal the necessary metals from Russian factories, and then resell them to the Chinese, who export the valuable cargo to their homeland.

In essence, the Chinese mafia brings home from Russia everything that is of any value. Some smuggling items include sea cucumber, ginseng, tiger skin, and bear bile.

In return, the triads bring other “valuable” goods to Russia: various counterfeits of equipment from world brands, all sorts of trinkets and clothing. Despite the apparent worthlessness of the product, it is widely distributed all the way to the capital, and its annual turnover is about 10 billion US dollars.

Chinese mafiosi consider it important to cooperate with Russian “colleagues” from among local gangs and corrupt officials. Members of the triads try to avoid any conflicts with Russian gangs, preferring mutually beneficial cooperation to bloody showdowns. At the same time, the Chinese are very subtly playing on the pride and thirst for power of regional gang leaders. Initially presenting themselves as a weaker rival, representatives of the triads very quickly take control over the local “kings”. According to Russian operatives, such a thin psychological techniques members of the triads are trained by representatives of the Chinese intelligence services, who themselves large quantities presented in triads.

I have already written about the Yakuza - a traditional criminal group in China. However this organization not far sole representative mafia. There is an even more ancient one - the Triad.

The triad is a much more secretive community, with centuries-old history. They never express themselves, but in society they recognize each other with the help of distinctive signs, special words and gestures.

According to legend, the founders of the Triad were monks who swore revenge for the destruction of the temple. An association of “Man, Earth and Heaven” was created, whose members first took revenge on the offenders, and then generally took control of almost all of China.

Today, the Triad's networks are spread throughout the world. Almost every country has secret organizations, controlled from China itself. Interestingly, distinctive feature group is the fact that all money received through racketeering and other illegal activities, no matter where it is obtained, is sent exclusively to banks in China.

In fact, this is a huge plus for the Triad, which has allowed them to remain in the shadow of the law for many centuries. Everyone knows about them, but no one, including government officials, is in a hurry to bring any charges.

Meanwhile, the Triad, despite its favorable position, remains a very closed organization, with strict discipline and a certain structure. Members of the group have their own bosses, accountants, combat units and even available women. It's like a state within states.

By the way, the Triad often helps the state. It is known that the organization regularly invests in the development of medicine and sponsors the development of drugs and medicines.

However, its members still prefer to remain in the shadows, not advertising not only good deeds, but even more so atrocities. And there are plenty of them. The slightest disobedience to the boss is punished according to the internal charter and code of honor. And the mafia does not stand on ceremony with those who do not agree with the Triad.

But even with the support of the state, the organization does everything so that none of the crimes can be proven. They destroy all witnesses and evidence, most often use a cold environment, and do the job cleanly and without problems.

Interestingly, unlike the Yakuza, members of the Triad are in no hurry to show off their lives. They also put tattoos on their bodies, but hide them under long sleeves and high collars. The triad will never “stoop” to mass performances and participation in carnivals, unlike the yakuza, which attract audiences of thousands of spectators.

It is obvious that the Triad is a much more serious organization, although it is difficult to call the Yakuza innocent. Both have committed thousands of crimes, but they still enjoy considerable respect from their compatriots.

Chinese organized crime groups have become one of the integral elements of the mysterious and mysterious East. “Triads” have long and confidently occupied second place in the world ranking of criminal communities, second only to the “Italian octopus” in the number of crimes committed. Triad headquarters are scattered throughout the world. From Hong Kong to New York. Their areas of interest cover not only southeast Asia, but also Russia, Europe, the United States.

The Triad organization appeared in China 2,500 years ago. The first attempts to create an organized criminal group in the country led to the bandits uniting into a kind of trade union, which was dubbed the “Shadow of the Lotus.”

The “triad” appeared later, when in the 17th century three Shaolin monks, returning from their wanderings, discovered ashes on the site of their monastery. Then, in the name of justice, they decided to create the "Union of Earth, Man and Sky", which was later joined by the "Shadow of the Lotus".

Centuries have passed, but some things in the way of life of the Triads remain unshakable. A person joining a gang must drink from a cup containing the blood of all his comrades and the blood of a chicken. Members of the Triads cover their bodies with tattoos, according to the hierarchy. Betrayal is punishable by death.

Today, in Hong Kong alone there are more than 150 thousand “triad” militants based, representing more than 50 clans. In China, their number is close to one and a half million. The entire black market of the country is under their vigilant control. Strict discipline reigns within the clans themselves. The hierarchical ladder is steep, and the path along it is not at all strewn with roses. Total control is established over each militant, and any violation established rules is most often punishable by death.

However, experts have not been able to figure out what scheme governs this or that cell. The modern Triad combines network and corporate management models. As a result, members in the field can act autonomously depending on the complexity of the operation they are asked to perform. The flexibility of the system allows, if necessary, to connect and disconnect the necessary links from the process of performing the operation.

The "Triad" covered all areas of domestic and international crime. Extortion, trade in all types of legal and illegal goods, illegal migration, prostitution, gambling, protection racket. Being pragmatic people, Chinese mafiosi are meticulous in their approach to accounting documentation. Every month, a “tax inspector” from the “Triad” comes to the businessmen, who checks all the documents and calculates the due 15% tax, which goes to the mafia coffers. Deceiving the Triad is harmful to health. Tested by hundreds of generations of entrepreneurs.

Today, the Chinese have taken a leading position in the supply of heroin to the United States and Europe. According to drug police, they have taken over a quarter of all Asian Traffic.

All the rulers of China tried to fight the Triads. Since power in the clan passes from father to son, problems with inheritance never arose. In modern China, at the top of the criminal pyramid there are two ancient dynasties - “14K” and “Green Dragon”, which appeared in the middle of the last millennium.

Sometimes a woman can take the helm of a clan. The most a shining example became Lily Wong, who terrorized the entire Malayan coast for a decade. But the communists, led by Mao Zedong, were never able to solve the mafia problem, although they shot criminals without trial. Sons took the place of fallen fathers. But you can’t shoot all the criminals. Moreover, when the homeland was in danger, the Triads turned out to be surprisingly patriotic organizations. They, for example, carried out active subversive activities against the Japanese invaders.

It is impossible to get into the Triad from the street, although there are more than enough people willing (the country has a critical level of unemployment). Therefore, first you need to get recommendations from two current members of the Triad, after which the candidate undergoes an interview with a recruiter, following which he is assigned the task. Most often this is the murder of a cop who refuses to take a bribe. Psychologists also identify such cops. After such an action, the newcomer is bound to the clan by blood.

As already mentioned, the Chinese mafia is the most patriotic criminal group in the world. They send their people to the streets of cities to keep order along with the police. The interest of the "triads" in public order is quite understandable - the mafia supports the political course of the Chinese ruling elite. When Beijing was proclaimed the capital of world tourism, the criminals pledged to protect tourists, betting on increasing the profits of souvenir shops, taxes from which would replenish the clan's treasury.

The Chinese are not looking to make quick, risky money. They prefer to plan profits years in advance. And, unlike Russian bandits who launder their income in offshore areas, the Chinese send money by couriers to their homeland. Hiding income in accounts in Switzerland is considered bad manners. The bosses of the Triad understand that the richer their country, the wealthier they will be.

Having made its way into the country's government apparatus, the mafia still did not reach high-ranking officials. And, although small armchair rats periodically fly out of their warm places, convicted of bribery, a member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China still remains inaccessible to criminals.