The stone is considered a symbol of the fortress, gravity and in some cases indifference. Perhaps in your subconscious, this image is associated with a severe spiritual burden, which you are forced to carry.

Stone is a very hard object, so about the ruthless person they say: "He has a heart like a stone" this symbol of sleep can also be denoted by anger, vague, since it is exactly the meaning of the stone acquires in the expression: "Hold a stone for the sinus."

Stone is one of the most common building materials, so it is also considered a symbol of the creation, the implementation of plans, the sustainability of life.

If you do someone's remark, indirectly hints at something to the interlocutor, then in response, he often asks: "Is it pebble in my garden?" That is, the stone is also associated with all sorts of baggas, echidial comments, reproaches.

When someone condemns someone, in symbolic form it is expressed by the words: "Thought with stones."

Sometimes the stone is associated with a lazy man. They say about such: "Under the lying stone and water does not flow."

The image of a stone or stones may arise in your consciousness and in the event that you are overly patient. In this case, there is a very good saying: "Terep and stone will crack."

For a person who first makes good, and then they will try, there is such a folk wisdom: "Kalach in the hands, and a stone in the teeth."

The fact that will never turn, they spoke like this: "When a stone pops up on the sea."

In a dream, go on the stones - you will have the tests that you overcome if you use the help offered to you, alone you cannot cope with problems.

If you take in your hand or throw a stone, then this is a bad sign, he promises hostile relationship with others, a large quarrel in which you will be wrong, but do not want to admit it, so the relationship will be exacerbated until you set the conflict yourself, going for concessions.

To see in a dream a paved stone bridge - such a dream predicts you a difficult decision, a difficult choice that you will not be able to do for a long time.

If in a dream you choose from the sand pebbles, then it means that you condemn the actions and actions of a loved one, but do not decide to say it openly, so your communication is intense and stretched.

If in a dream you saw a huge pile of stones - it means that I will come back with the worn and indifferent to the people close to you.

To see a cracked or broken stone in a dream - this means that you overestimated your capabilities too; Your excessive patient only harms you.

The dream in which you are born with stones and you are trying to get out of them, - indicates that someone will try to apply an insult or even slander.

If in a dream you are trying to move a large and heavy stone from the spot - it means that you are not in a hurry to take a very important solution for you. It is not necessary to postpone it for a long time.

To see the water dripping into a stone - a symbol of what you get under the influence of a strong and powerful person.

The stone ingrown into the body means a disease and disaster.

To see someone from someone close to the neck on the neck - in reality to feel a non-promotional spirit, caused by remorse.

The dream in which you throw in the pebble river - it indicates that your reproaches to the address close to you are completely not justified.

If, in a dream, your food turns into a stone - in reality you should not trust with imaginary benefactors. Their help is most likely to make harm than help.

To see a stone floating water - a sign that your hopes are not justified.

Sleep, in which you feeling danger, grab a stone in your hand, indicates that I don't have a big courage. They say about these: "Stone is refuge to hares."

Interpretation of dreams from ancient dream

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Clean water in a dream - to joy, prosperous outcome of the case, happiness. Any vessel or reservoir with clean water promises well-being and wealth in the near future.

Clean water in the river is a favorable sign that promises success and joy. Clean river flowing into your bedroom, foreshadows the rapid arrival of a rich overseas guest, which will do a lot for your well-being; If water is worried, then your guest can come with bad intentions and disrupt peace in your home.

The stream of clean water flowing alongside your home means that soon your financial situation will be strengthened and you will get a good position, which will give you the opportunity to help people in trouble.

If a glass was served in a dream with clean water, then you are waiting for success in matters or marriage, which will be happy.

If the glass cracked, and the water was not shed, then your wife can die at childbirth, and the child will remain alive. Women such a dream predicts a missing column of the spouse.

The priest see in a dream that he distributes clean water to people - a sign that he honestly fulfills his duty and bears good and comfort.

Muddy water in such a dream is a warning that the priest is overly fond of doctrines and heretical teachings.

If a young man sees in a dream that he dials clean and transparent water from the well, he will soon marry a charming girl; If water is muddy or lounches, then his happiness will be short-lived and a lot of disappointments are waiting for it.

Clean water from the well and treat it someone - the sign that people you treat with water will be enriched with your help. If water is likely, then you bring the misfortune to this person.

Water draw from the well foreshadows success in affairs or purchase. Muddy water always foreshadows the confusion of feelings.

Carry water in clothes, broken vessel or something else that is not quite suitable for this, means that you are waiting for damages or deception of people you have trusted your condition. If the water did not shed at the same time, then you miraculously avoid big losses and save your condition.

To get buried such water in the ground - the foresight of big trouble, the loss of the good name and shameful death.

To see a pond with a calm water - a sign that your life will leak calmly and happily.

Pond with clean water in a dream, if it is located in the middle of the field, promises you that soon you will be able to scat enough money so that you can afford to make a family and children. If the water in the pond pours the coast, then you can lose my wife, children or money.

If your wife also saw such a dream, then she can lose her money or she is waiting for an ambulance.

A man see a small picturesque pond in a dream - the foresight of the romantic love of a beautiful woman.

The booming flow is the foresight of the fire, trial and revenge of enemies.

Water flowing on stones means that your enemies or bosses will be inexorab, and the trial you lose.

Standing in water among the waves and not able to get out of there means that soon you will need all the courage and the power of the Spirit to worry the impending misfortune.

To see in a dream, as someone sinks in a raging and dirty stream, means that the scandal is waiting for you, separation from the beloved, longing, hopelessness and failure in business.

Restless water in the river - the foresight of the threat coming from the powerful and powerful opponent.

Fly along the river with pure water on the boat - the foresight of all the best - success, wealth, the fulfillment of desire. See interpretation: boat, oars.

Swim on a big river - a warning about the danger, hanging over you.

To be in a dream in the rapid flow of the river and not able to get out of it - a sign of dangerous illness, danger, long trial.

A worried stream means a danger of fire, trial and goats of enemies.

Swallow on a boat along a pure and transparent water - to a kind name, to wealth and happiness. But sailing in the dark means that you will be disturbed.

To see the streams and fountains with a quietly flowing water foreshadowed good news, the patient is such a dream predicts recovery.

Seeing its reflection in water - to death for sleeping or someone from close relatives. The dried or dried source of water in a dream does not foreshadow anything good.

Perhaps your life is threatened with danger, one of your loved ones or friends can die. Sleep also predicts large financial difficulties.

If water in your dream flows from such a place where it should not flow, then you will find a lot of grief and problems.

Scroll through this water in a dream - a bad omen. The more water you will crouch, the worst value will have this dream and the longer your misfortunes will continue.

It's good to see in such a dream that the water suddenly disappeared or dried, because then the unfavorable period will end quickly and everything will be fine.

If in a dream you hear the noise of water or water flow, then soon the person will come back to you, whom you have not seen for a long time and no longer thought to see.

Drink water in a dream - to troubles, failures, treason in love, divorce. Water warm drinks - the foresight of the fact that a certain person offended by you will want to take revenge on you. Drink dirty water - a sign of large experiences or illness.

Shed water at home - to concerns and troubles. How much water is spelled, so much burning bread. Even worse if she spoil furniture or carpets.

Rush into the water in a dream - a sign of danger; Dive into the water - to trouble. See yourself in water - to unhealthy, colds, tumors, melancholy.

Swim in water means that you can justify and remove any suspicions. See how others bathe, foreshadows reconciliation with enemies.

Sound in water is a sign of obstacles, failures, disappointments in love.

To be wet - a sign of trouble, experiences, homemade grain, wrecking hopes. Legs noise in a dream - to losses, illness and obstacles.

Cold and student water in your dream - health sign; Hot water means a disease, muddy - sadness and gossip, clean promises well-being and success in affairs, and dark - insults, resentment, quarrels, failures.

Have fun games on the water - a sign of an innocent and pleasant pastime.

Wash in water in a dream - bad for patients. The rest of the dream foreshadows that they will refuse to participate in some kind of business.

Omes for someone's legs with water - a sign of consolation of loved ones in sorrow. Wash the water to joyful Wests.

See bubbles on the water - a sign of good news and health. See Interpretation: Bubbles.

See splashes - to the news. Spray someone with water - to an unexpected turn in affairs. If the water in a dream splashed on his head, then an unexpected passion awaits you. If the splashes fell not at you, but somewhere nearby, then you will be waiting for an unexpected meeting or an unexpected turn of events.

A splash of water to see in a dream means an increase in your chances for success.

Pour water - the forever of empty conversations, the sign that your hopes are not justified. Sometimes such a dream predicts that you say more than you do. Water something with water - to losses.

If the water is dirty, then a shameful proceeding is waiting for you.

Immerse yourself in the water on the throat in a dream will mean that you will be filled with your life on your throat and your life will be confused.

Water carry - useless work.

Walking on the water and not to soak the legs - overcoming obstacles and good luck in difficult times.

Hear the noise of water in a dream is a sign of what gossip is being blossomed about you.

Spank boiling water in a dream - a sign that you lose money because of your own carelessness.

Watching the water in a dream means your bad premonitions are justified.

If in a dream you are afraid of water, you will be expected shame, losses or illness that you feared. Sometimes such a dream predicts that you can become a victim of robbers, if you do not take care of it to precisely straighten your values.

To see in a dream that the water carrion is moving towards you, - the foresight of the soon obtaining wealth or inheritance. Such a dream also predicts good luck in enterprises and large profits.

The whirlpool in a dream symbolizes problems and difficulties. Get into it - a sign that soon you will find yourself in a difficult position and you will not know how to get out of it.

Sometimes such a dream predicts the receipt of inheritance, because of which you will have a lot of trouble.

Interpretation of dreams from family dream

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Would you like to deal with problems in different life situations, evaluate your emotional state? We offer to read the selected interpretations of dreams about the quarry in dream books of famous authors. Perhaps in these interpretations of dreams, there is an answer to your question.

What dreams of you in a dream a quarry

Dream interpretation housewife

What dreams of a woman's career dreams:

The quarry symbolizes our unconscious, where our fears and hidden power are hidden. To be in a dark career alone, without light and not to represent how to get out of it, - getting an inheritance, profit, happy change.

It dreamed that the career vaults suddenly collapsed and you are trying to get out, processed from the inside the output is a sign of dissatisfaction with the family atmosphere.

Dream S. Karatov

If you dream care, what it is:

Dig a quarry and stumble upon a treasure with gold coins - such a dream foreshadows you the future without alarm and worries about the bread pressing. Get out of my career and not find anything - you will be easily accepted in a new society. Go to the quarry and meet the bottom of the gnome, who will tell you the path to the treasures, but will require you a fee for your works, - your well-being will deteriorate in the coming days.

Dream Azara

What dreams of a career is dreaming:

You will not get profit.

Dream name A.Mindel

What does it mean if a quarry dreamed:

You dreamed of a quarry - you were in your career - you actually expect exhaustive physical work; You will work until the seventh sweat and give any help; Another sleep interpretation: Your promotion on the service staircase will be very slow; If you are military, do not count on the soon receipt of the next title.

Dream E. Erixon

Dreamed in a dream quarry, interpretation:

What does the quarry mean in a dream - to receive property.

Spring interpreter dreams. Miller's dream book decrypts sleep so if a woman dreams of a career, what it is.

Miller's dream book interprets your dream so:

Sandbox - to see in a dream of children playing in the sandbox - to problems with children.

The quarry is wealth, so deciphering what dreams of you in a dream. If you were piled by stones on a career, then this means that I will try someone to try to slander you or offend. Have you tried to free yourself? This Guest indicates that you are not hurrying to make important decisions. Perhaps you are afraid to take commitments and change something in life. If you want something to achieve something: become successful and starting a family, then do not postpone the decision-making in a long box. Change your life today, everything indicates that the outcome will be very favorable.

What dreams of sand, dream dream to see in a dream what means. What dreams of a sand quarry, Clean sand see, shield - small surprises, distracts to unavailable cases.

Important moments:

  • What and what does it mean if sand is dreaming in a dream.
  • Sit on the sand, go on the sand - to a meeting with an oldest sand sand - to uncertainty, doubts.
  • Thinks that this is a foremage of great misfortune
  • The dog promises the goodness of faithful friends if a white dog, circling
  • What a quarry dreams in a dream.

    Dream Interpretation of the psychologist Miller.

    Sandbox - to spending time on trifles.

    A quarry - a quarry in a dream means the activation of your ill-wishers that seek ways to compromise or unwind you. To be in a dream near the career - to unpleasant, unsuccessful trips. See yourself in a career - to failure in affairs. If in a dream you are looking for minerals - in reality you will take part in useless search. Held in a dream career - to a significant increase in welfare in the future.

    Dream Gypsy Serafima.

    What dreams of a quarry in a dream.

    It is not able to get out of the sand career to get out of it says that it will achieve its goal with a steady way. Sleep, in which you carry sand with a stretcher, foreshadows deception and severe consequences of errors committed not in their own fault.

    Dry sand personifies small, familiar irritation. Problems at work and difficulties in promotion over the career ladder are awaiting a dream, which forcibly found himself in his career.

    Misfortunes will completely light a dream that fell in his Gresses in a quarry. It is important to treat it with all caution and take action. Did you pushed into it? It seems that other people will have the attitude of your trouble. Think about whether there are those who envy you or want to harm. Perhaps if you reveal them on time, everything will be not so bad.

    Slow down in a dream what it means.

    Dream Dream Healer Evdokia.

    The sandbox is to see in a dream of children playing in the sandbox - to joy. We take the sand in your hands - there will be a lot of money in the house soon.

    Rubric. Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

    To make a career to receive a promotion - will be material arrival.

    How to interpret the dream "Quarry, Quarry"

    Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

    If you dream that you found yourself in a quarry, and nearby masonry work from you, it means that you will have great difficulties in promotion on the service staircase.

    Sleep meaning about ravine, quarry

    Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

    Hazard warning. Expectative affairs, relationships. Construction quarry - access to knowledge.

    Dream Interpretation: What dreams Dam

    Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

    You have a number of unresolved problems. To see a breakdown dam in a dream - to flood. The overlapping river dam saw - a sign that you will make a career in a very difficult matter or in a new profession, among people who will confront you. ...

    How to interpret the dream "Sex in a dream"

    Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

    Such dreams can align both changes in health - illness or recovery. More often, they foreshadow the success or collapse in affairs, enrichment or ruin, family prosperity or discord, profit or loss, favorable marriage or unhappy communication, disputes, rivalry, reconciliation, good luck ...

    Seen sleep - cartridge

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    Cartridge Ruge idle: Promotion over the career ladder without material remuneration.

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    Lrangessa: new opportunities in the career.

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    War: This dream means that there will be significant changes in your career in the near future.

    How to interpret the dream "Borzaya Dog"

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    A dog on the hunt, chasing a game: a sign of prosperous search for new work, success in a career. Pursue game together with a greyhound: buying a house or apartment, often

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    Bulldog - Interpretation of a dream

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    Watch in the dream of Bulldog: you will find a reliable comrade. If in a dream, the Bulldog is a friendly friendly: you are guaranteed luck in a career, happy personal life. In that case, if the Bulldog is thrown to you: you are expected to have problems with the law. Bite Bulldog in ...

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    What does dream mean - poacher

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    Poacher with a killed heart: such a dream warns about the possible dishonest act of one of the close familiar. If you were waiting for a dream poacher with a gun: a man is waiting for a career growth, and a woman is preparing a dream of pleasant and expensive purchases. See in a dream like ...

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    To eat borsch: a joyful event, good luck in personal life and affairs, career growth. In the event that Borsch was without meat: your hopes are not justified.

    The essence of sleep is God

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    Watch in a dream glass: Big disappointment and unjustified hopes that will spoil the mood and interfere with working. Drinking in a dream of water from a silver glade: problems at work or in business. View the ancient glasses: the patronage of influential people, good luck in business or career. ...

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    Run in the dream itself: the joy and receipt of various pleasures. Watch how other people run: you will suffer some time from boredom. Watch in dream running chairs: a great sign, very soon you will achieve the task. If you yourself ...

    Seen sleep - bank

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    Medical banks: foreshadow the troubles and possible problems of cans with plants or flowers: entertainment, joy. Empty glass jars: barriers to the implementation of your plans to wash banks or rearrange: to poverty, lack of funds. Filled with any banks: success, luck in affairs. Buy ...

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