In production conditions, a situation often arises when one of the employees decides to convey this or that information to his management. This appeal, set out in in writing, is called a “memorandum”. What kind of document is this and how to draw it up correctly? This is worth talking about separately.

Basic Concepts

Any employee has the right to contact his immediate supervisor. He can do this both orally and in writing. In the first case, everything comes down to an ordinary conversation, which does not oblige either party to anything. In the second, the appeal is already of an official nature.

Similar business paper is called a “memorandum”. How does such a document differ from other statements to management? The essence of the question is already contained in its very name. The employee draws up such paper in order to report specific situation or event. The information may relate to an individual, a site or production as a whole. Depending on who it is sent to, the memo may refer to both internal and external documents. The first option is when an employee contacts a manager at any level within of this enterprise. And the second happens if he sends his paper to a higher authority. Then, naturally, he goes to the external level.

The essence of the problem

As a rule, a memorandum is drawn up for a specific purpose. It can be written to:

  1. Correct the current situation. For example, an employee has facts that actions are being taken at the enterprise that interfere with the normal course of the work process. He informs his management about this with a request to take appropriate measures.
  2. Protect yourself from injustice. This happens when a person, seeing a biased attitude towards himself, decides to inform his immediate management about it. He does this in search of help and protection.
  3. Improve work. Sometimes one of the employees notices that employees of other departments or structural units make mistakes that lead to a decrease in efficiency. Then he turns to the manager to help restore order.
  4. Avoid unwanted responsibility. This happens when some kind of incident occurs. By telling his superiors about it, the employee creates favorable conditions for himself when no claims can be made against him.

In each of these cases, the employee does not simply convey information, but asks for assistance in solving the problem.

Fair punishment

Labor discipline provides for the conscientious performance by a citizen of his duties while he is at the workplace. In addition, he must comply with the accepted procedure and comply with all orders and orders of his employer. But in life, not everything is so smooth. Sometimes the actions of employees diverge from generally accepted norms. In this case, the immediate superiors consider it their duty to inform the management of the enterprise about what is happening. The result of such a signal is a report on the violation labor discipline.

Typically this document deals with:

  1. Failure to comply with any specific orders.
  2. Failure to perform direct functions related to the position of the offender.
  3. Violations of labor discipline. This refers to cases of absenteeism, being late, being drunk at your workplace, and others.
  4. Commitments illegal actions, which provide for administrative or criminal liability. In this case we're talking about about theft, damage, embezzlement and other offenses.

In each of these cases, the perpetrator will have to suffer a well-deserved punishment.

Author of the document

Most often, a memo for an employee is drawn up by his immediate superior. In it, he conveys to management the negative aspects of his subordinate’s activities.

At the same time, the document usually contains the author’s personal assessment. Together with his vision of the problem, he offers possible ways to solve it. But the last word, of course, will be behind the leader. For example, an employee committed absenteeism. In this case, his boss draws up a document addressed to the director, which, as a rule, begins with the words “I bring to your attention.” Then he describes in detail when the violation occurred and offers, for his part, an option for punishing the negligent employee. Since such a note refers to documents for internal use, it can be drawn up in a regular clean slate A4 format. The text is presented in any form. It can be roughly divided into two parts. One contains a description of the problem, and the other includes conclusions drawn about it and specific proposals.

A special case of violation

One type of violation of labor discipline is an employee’s failure to complete a task assigned to him by his boss. This can happen if the employee forgot, was unable to, or simply ignored this order.

Such an action is qualified as a violation of discipline, and the immediate supervisor draws up a report on failure to complete the task. For such an offense a person will have to suffer a fair punishment. But this will happen only after he provides his explanations regarding what happened. If the reasons that prompted the employee to take such actions seem convincing, then he may well even avoid punishment. It is more difficult to resolve the issue when the employee’s disobedience leads to negative consequences. Here he is unlikely to be able to stay away. Especially if such omission resulted in damage or serious injury. The punishment in this case will be determined based on the relevant regulations.

How to write a report?

A manager at any level should know how to write a memo. A sample can be viewed at specific example. Let's say that an employee did not come to work on time, and at that time a visitor was waiting for him to sign an important contract. A few hours later, the employee finally showed up, but the time was lost, and the client had already left. Such an act simultaneously contains several violations:

  • failure to make an appointment;
  • damage caused to the company by non-signing of the contract.

If it is not possible to change the current situation, the boss is obliged to inform management about this.

Such a document should look like this:

  1. First, a “cap” is written in the upper right corner, which indicates to whom and from whom it is directed.
  2. Next, its name is written in the center.
  3. Below is the main text, in which information is placed in a certain order. First comes a description of the situation that occurred. Then there is a request to help figure it out. After this, a conclusion is drawn based on everything stated above. And in conclusion, the author can express his ideas or suggestions on how best, in his opinion, to get out of this situation.
  4. At the very bottom he puts the date and signature with full transcript Full name and position held.

Depending on the reason, the text of the note may be purely informative or require management intervention to restore order.

A memo is a document in which you indicate, draw attention to, what can be done or redone. I would say more simply that this is a written form of a report about this or that. In the military, the report form is called a report. The memorandum is drawn up both on personal initiative and at the direction of superiors. By nature, memos are divided into initiative, information and reporting. The format of the memo depends on the nature of the memo itself and to whom it is addressed.

Preparation of a memorandum

The format of a memorandum depends on its addressee. If it is addressed to the head of the organization, it is considered internal; if it is sent outside the organization, for example to a higher organization, then it is considered external. External memos are drawn up on a common form, internal ones - on a regular sheet of paper.

What to write in an external memo?

name of company;
name of the document type (memorandum);
place of compilation;
title to the text;
signature of the head of the organization;
performer's surname;
his phone number.
For its design it is usually used general form organizations.

What to write in an internal memo?

name of the structural unit;
name of the type of document (memorandum);
title to the text;
The internal memorandum is signed by the originator (indicating the position, initials, surname).
The memorandum must have a title to the text that reveals its content.
The text of the memorandum consists of introductory and concluding parts. The first sets out the facts, events that served as the basis for the creation of the document, and possibly an analysis of the situation that arose. The second contains the conclusions and proposals of the author of the note, specific measures that need to be taken.
The resolution of the manager who has reviewed the internal memorandum is the basis for making some decisions, issuing documents, and holding events.

Example of memo No. 1

To the Head of the NGCh -1
Bokov V.V.
from the foreman of the Perm site
repair and construction work
Lazareva G.V.

To carry out work on installing metal-plastic windows (5 pcs.) at Gorochny post st. Autumns require materials and products, or cash in the amount of 14,450 rubles.

1. Window sill width – 600 mm. ……………………………….. 9 m.
2. F profile (platbands) 6 m. …………………………………… 6 pcs.
3. Starting profile 6 m. ………………………………………… 6 pcs.
4. Sandwich panel 1.5 m × 3.0 m.……………………………….. 6 pcs.
5. Frame anchor 150 × 10.……………………………………….. 80 pcs.
6. Self-tapping screw with press washer PSh – 16 …………………………….. 300 pcs.
7. Self-tapping screw for metal 3.2 × 60 ………………………………….. 150 pcs.
8. Galvanized self-tapping screw with press washer PSh – 19……………….. 80 pcs.
9. Glue – silicone sealant (white)……………………….2 pcs.
10. Glue liquid nails for plastic……………………………..2 pcs.
11. Polyurethane foam “Profi” (winter) ………………………….. 12 pcs.
12. Foam cleaner…………………………………………….. 1 pc.
13. Galvanized roofing iron 1.25 m. × 2.5 m. …………… 1 sheet
14. End cap…………………………………………….. 10 pcs.

Master of the Perm section
repair and construction works G.V. Lazarev

Types of memos!

Initiative memorandum is drawn up with the goal of inducing the addressee to make a certain decision, therefore the text of the note not only sets out some facts, but also contains specific proposals, recommendations or conclusions.

Information memo is compiled regularly and contains information about the details or methods of performing the work.

Reports inform about the completion of work, its stage, implementation of instructions, orders, etc.

Example of memo No. 2

To the Head of the NGCh -1
Bokov V.V.
from the head of Perm
site Belyaeva A.A.

To implement the personal comments of the Head of the Sverdlovsk Railway. identified during the autumn inspection of the Perm distance of civil structures in 2011.

Please correct the title for current repairs by contract method for 2017. Perm section.

Art. Perm-2 Traction substation.
repair of the facade, roof, internal repairs - 1000 rubles. (estimated cost - 860 tr.). Leave 460 tr. (the estimated cost will be adjusted to fit the limit).

Art. Balmoshnaya
lay out a sidewalk from bekhaton - 540 rubles. (estimated cost – 537.78 tr.)

Head of the Perm section A.A. Belyaev

Example of memo No. 3

To the Head of the NGCh -1
Bokov V.V.
from the Head of Perm
production site
Belyaev Andrey Arkadevich


We would like to inform you that the Perm production site is not fulfilling the plan overhaul 3rd quarter, due to lack of necessary mechanisms and materials:

3. art. Bakharevka post EC (ABK) - the blind area and porch are not being repaired - due to the lack of concrete, as well as the lack of material according to the report of the emergency service foreman I.V. Baidush. dated July 28, 2011

4. art. Balmoshnaya household building PCH-2 - work on changing the roof to a metal profile is not being carried out due to lack of material.

Example of memo No. 4

To the Head of the NGCh -1
Bokov V.V.
from the Head of Perm
production site
Belyaev Andrey Arkadevich


I bring to your attention that there may be a disruption in the implementation of measures to eliminate the comments of the head of the Sverdlovskaya railway(spring) and NZ Region 1st, 2nd, 3rd quarters of 2011, due to lack of necessary materials and mechanisms.

1st Art. Perm-2 (EC post) – work is not performed:
for facade repair, due to the lack of aerial platform (under repair)
to replace window blocks with plastic ones, install a metal canopy over the entrance to the building of the EC post, due to the lack of material.

2. art. Perm-2 Garage, forge, Dzerzhinsky St., 32; Art. Perm-1 (compressor room); Art. Bakharevka post EC ABK; Art. Balmoshnaya TP, Compressor room, IF building - repair of blind areas, concreting of floors and platforms is not carried out - due to lack of concrete (concrete requirement 30 m3 - application in the supply department)

3. art. Balmoshnaya household building PCH-2 - work is not being carried out to replace the roof with a metal profile due to lack of material, as well as the 10 km moving booth (basement repair), the Neftebaza moving booth (canopy repair), canopies at EC posts - st. Farm, st. Bakharevka, st. Perm-2. – work is not carried out due to the lack of metal profiles. (application in the supply department)

4. Art. Farm post EC repair of the corridor - possible failure of comments due to lack of fire doors(relay and communication room).

5. For round-the-clock work, the emergency service needs a car to eliminate emergency situations and carry out measures to prepare the farm for winter, routine and major repairs; replacement and prevention of heat supply, water supply, sewerage, implementation and installation of products own production (metal doors, gratings, fences, etc.) (from May 2011 to the present there is no permanent car.)

6. To complete work on the object Art. Bakharevka, old EC (ABK) post and, for the station manager to move there, it is necessary to fulfill the request of the emergency service master No. 486 dated July 28, 2011. (report from the emergency service master Baidush I.V. dated July 28, 2011)

Example of memo No. 5

To the Head of the NGCh -1
Bokov V.V.
from the Head of Perm
production site
Belyaev Andrey Arkadevich

We would like to inform you that the Perm production site is not implementing the plan for preparing the farm for the winter of 2011-2012 due to the lack of necessary mechanisms and materials:

1st Art. Perm-2 (EC post) – work is not performed:
for facade repair, due to the lack of aerial platform (under repair)
to replace window blocks with plastic ones, install a metal canopy over the entrance to the building of the EC post, due to the lack of material.

2. art. Perm-2 (NOD-1) – work on insulating the attic floor is not being carried out, there is no insulation (application to the supply department)

3. Art. Perm-2 Garage, forge, Dzerzhinsky St., 32; Art. Perm-1 (compressor room); Art. Bakharevka post EC ABK; Art. Balmoshnaya TP, Compressor room, IF building - repair of blind areas, concreting of floors and platforms is not carried out - due to lack of concrete (concrete requirement 30 m3 - application in the supply department)

4. Art. Balmoshnaya household building PCH-2 - work is not being carried out to replace the roof with a metal profile due to lack of material, as well as the 10 km moving booth (basement repair), the Neftebaza moving booth (canopy repair), canopies at EC posts - st. Farm, st. Bakharevka, st. Perm-2. – work is not carried out due to the lack of metal profiles. (application in the supply department)

5. In terms of preparing the farm for the winter of 2011-2012. Work is planned on electric heating, replacement of heaters with convectors.
Action plan dated June 20, 2011
Point No. 3 Perm-1 (boiler, baggage office, post No. 1, forklift garage, time room, compressor room, moving booth 4 km.)
Point No. 4, Balmoshnaya station (moving booth 10 km, moving booth “Neftebaza”)
Point No. 5, Bakharevka station (post No. 5, PONAB post, switch box, RU-10, workshop and garage ECHK-131)
Point No. 7 Osentsy station (hump post No. 5, hump post No. 1, switch post)
A total of 165 convectors need to be replaced;
Art. Osentsy - OPTs - 4 pcs.
— DSPP – 2 pcs.
— exit booth – 2 pcs.
— workshop ШЧ – 2 pcs.
Art. Bakharevka - PONAB - 2 pcs.
— KTSM – 2 pcs.
— ECHK 131 – RU-10 – 8 pcs.
— Garage ECHK 131 – 8 pcs.
— post No. 5 – 6 pcs.
- arrow. booth No. 5 – 4 pcs.

Art. Perm-1 - post No. 1 - 2 pcs.
— Moving booth 4 km. - 2 pcs.
— Garage of forklifts – 8 pcs.
Art. Balmoshnaya - Moving booth "Neftebaza" - 2 pcs.
— Moving booth 10 km. - 2 pcs.
Art. Perm-2 - GO No. 363 - 16 pcs.
— GO No. 314 – 16 pcs.
— GO No. 361 – 16 pcs.
— GO No. 348 – 10 pcs.
— GO No. 337– 10 pcs.
— post No. 7 – 2 pcs.
— KTSM – 2 pcs.
— Post “Fork” — 2 pcs.
— Predportovaya post – 2 pcs.
— Traction substation, Z. Kosmodemyanskaya St., 10 – 10 pcs.
— ECHK-108 – 15 pcs.
— TP “Locomotive depot st. Baramzina, 6 – 8 pcs.

6. For round-the-clock work, the emergency service needs a car to eliminate emergency situations and carry out measures to prepare the farm for winter, routine and major repairs; replacement and maintenance of heat supply, water supply, sewerage, production and installation of products of our own production (metal doors, grilles, fences, etc.) (from May 2011 to the present there is no permanent machine.)

7. For the repair and installation of control units, replacement of heating pipes, cold and hot water supply, replacement of heating registers with radiators (MSS building, ShCh building), the following material is required:

— bends  50mm. – 20 pcs.
— bends  76-89 mm. – 15 pcs.
— flanged valve  50mm. - 2 pcs.
– thermometers – 20 pcs.
— pressure gauges – 20 pcs.
— automatic overpressure valves for air release  15mm. - 100 pieces.
— valve  15mm. – 120pcs.
— pipe  50mm. – 100m. Dzerzhinsky street 32-34
— pipe  76mm. – 150m. Dzerzhinsky street 32-34
— pipe  15mm. – 50m. (by objects)
— pipe  20mm. – 50m. (by objects)
— pipe  32mm. – 50m. (by objects)

8. To paint facades with acrylic paint, a color scheme is required to obtain the desired color scheme.

9. To prepare for winter, you need tools and equipment:

— drainage pump for pumping out water – 2 pcs., “Gnome” pump — 1 pc. (for pumping groundwater from the basement in the spring-autumn period at the station. Perm-2 post EC and civil defense facilities)
— compressor – 2 pcs., manual press – 1 pc. electric press – 1 pc. (for flushing and pressure testing of building heating systems)
— sewer string (steel wire 5 mm) – 2 pcs. × 30 m.
— spray gun – 1 pc. (for painting facades and interiors)
– used saw – 1 piece. (for pruning trees and shrubs)
— gas keys No. 1,2,3,4-number (5 sets each)
— watering hose (4pcs × 20m) (for flushing the heating system of buildings)
- pipe for the NOD-1 furnace special department (according to invoice No. 81 dated July 20, 2011)
— petrol mower – 1 pc.

10. For the uninterrupted operation of the Perm and Perm sorting areas, it is necessary to create an emergency supply of materials in the emergency service - for work and elimination of emergency situations in the winter.

11. To complete work on the object Art. Bakharevka, old EC (ABK) post and, for the station manager to move there, it is necessary to fulfill the request of the emergency service master No. 486 dated July 28, 2011. (attached).

Head of the Perm production site A.A. Belyaev

Other documents from this section...

One of the types of information and reference documents that are used within an organization is a memorandum. Despite the many common features with other types of such (official or explanatory notes), the report also has some features. What they are, and also by what criteria the report is classified - more on this later in the article.

Memorandum is a document that can be addressed to the head of an enterprise or its structural unit. The purpose of drawing up a document is to encourage the addressee (that is, management) to take certain actions.

Drawing up a document can help resolve the following issues:

  • expressing one’s own point of view in the event of conflicts or disagreements with colleagues or management;
  • making proposals to improve the activities of the enterprise;
  • expression of disagreement with the actions or decisions of management;
  • obtaining information on any controversial or unclear issues.

The note can be drawn up on the initiative of:

  • manager (orally or in writing);
  • subordinates.

Memos can be classified according to several different criteria:

1. Depending on the content of the document, the following are distinguished:

  • initiative memorandum - the purpose of its preparation is to encourage the addressee to action, therefore it does not contain facts, but specific recommendations or proposals;
  • information note - it is of a regular nature and aims to inform the addressee about the work performed, as well as about the methods and methods that were used;
  • reporting note - drawn up upon completion of work and contains information about the actions performed and the result achieved.

2. Depending on who the document will be addressed to, it can be of two types V:

  • interior;
  • external.

There are certain requirements for the preparation of each type of memorandum (its design and content).

External and internal memo

The main classification of memos is based on the addressee for whom they are compiled. They are divided into two types:

1. Internal memo- it is used within one enterprise or organization (for example, it is sent to CEO or heads of departments). This document can be drawn up on a regular sheet of A4 paper and contain the following data:

  • the name of the structural unit from whose representative the document is drawn up;
  • designation of the type of document in capital letters (memorandum);
  • indication of the addressee (his position and surname with initials in the dative case);
  • title to the text of the document (for example, a memo about absenteeism or bonuses);
  • the main text of the document - with proposals, recommendations or questions;
  • date of the note;
  • signature.

The completed document is signed by its originator and then sent to the addressee. When signing, the originator must indicate his position, surname and initials.

2. External memothis document extends beyond the boundaries of one enterprise and is usually sent to higher authorities. It must contain the following information:

  • name of the enterprise to which the document is sent;
  • indication of the type of document;
  • place of compilation;
  • designation of the addressee (most often it is the head of the enterprise);
  • title to the text;
  • main text of the note;
  • surname and position of the performer;
  • his phone number.

Unlike an internal memorandum, an external one must be drawn up on a special one, on which the company’s details are indicated and stamped. Also, the document must be signed by the head of the organization.

Preparation of a memorandum

Since a memorandum is an official document that has legal force, its design must be approached seriously. There are some basic rules for writing a note:

  • the presentation style is informational, so there should not be any manifestations of feelings or emotions in the document;
  • all facts or recommendations must be presented on the case, but in as much detail as possible, indicating all the details;
  • the note must be drawn up in compliance with all requirements, since obvious errors or lack of mandatory information may cause the document to be invalidated.

Concerning contents of the document, then, in addition to indicating mandatory details(name of organization, responsible persons, their names and positions), main part a memorandum is a textual one that sets out in detail the purpose of drawing up the document. Her can be divided into three parts:

  1. Statement part— all the facts and circumstances of the case that took place are described here in detail.
  2. Analytical part— it contains a designation of the consequences that occurred as a result of the circumstances described in the first part.
  3. Recommendation part- here the compiler gives the addressee any advice or recommendations regarding the decision controversial issues, improving the activities of the enterprise, etc.

Depending on the type and purpose of the memorandum, some of the specified parts may be missing from the document. The note can be drawn up in three forms:

  • text;
  • tabular;
  • combined (combination of the two previous options).

The document is typed on a computer in compliance with generally accepted rules (font, spacing, margins). The location of the details can be either in the center or along the left edge of the document.

Example of memos

To get a more visual representation, we present Sample of filling out a report:

Memorandum on bonuses

The bonus report is of an incentive nature for the employee and is aimed at encouraging senior management to reward the employee for the work he has performed or other merits. The document can indicate the recommended type of incentive selected on the basis of labor legislation or internal documentation of the enterprise.

Memo about truancy

A report on absenteeism, like any other violation of labor discipline, has its own drafting features, since it deals with a certain person, which . For correct drafting memorandum must be taken into account two important points:

  1. Absenteeism is considered to be a long (more than three hours) absence of an employee from his workplace. If the employee was not present for at least a few minutes less, the violation will be considered an absence - in this case, an explanatory explanation will be sufficient.
  2. Before drawing up a report, you must require the employee to written explanations or any supporting documents. After this, the fact of their provision or absence must be noted in the note.

Report of theft

Since theft is a violation that is grounds for an employee, a report on this fact can be drawn up precisely for the purpose of dismissing him. For this procedure to be carried out legally, it is necessary:

  • obtain a written statement from the employee in which he admits that the theft has been committed;
  • provide documents confirming that the employee has committed an offense.

In some cases, the case may involve law enforcement agencies, because theft is a serious offense.

Report on violation of discipline

A document drawn up for the purpose of reporting violations of labor discipline is purely internal and does not extend beyond the boundaries of a specific organization. In the report on the employee, it is necessary to clearly indicate the misconduct committed by him, and also indicate that the employee was required to provide appropriate explanations for his actions.

It is worth noting the main points that relate to the design of a memo:

  • This document is informational, so its style should be as neutral and devoid of emotional overtones as possible.
  • The memorandum can be addressed to the manager both within the organization and outside it. In each of these cases, the document has its own drafting features.
  • Depending on the type, the purpose of writing a memo may be to inform, express disagreement, or provide the addressee with certain recommendations.

A memo on failure to fulfill official duties: a sample form and an example of filling out the form is the topic of our review today. Every employer faces such a situation as improper performance of duties by employees. Therefore, you need to know how to deal with such situations, how to prevent ignoring labor discipline and maintain a harmonious working environment in the team. After all, for this it is necessary that each employee fulfill all his professional duties in a quality and timely manner; the result of the overall work depends on this.

The simplest and effective method for such problematic situations, there is an official (report) memo that allows you to present reasoned official claims to the employee and force him to bear responsibility for the improper performance of professional duties. With the help of such a note, you can force the employee to think about his inappropriate behavior, for example, by reprimanding him or her. Also, such a document may be the basis for the dismissal of an employee on appropriate grounds, one of the articles labor code.

The memo serves as a tool for officially informing the head of the organization about the improper performance by a specific employee of his duties, which often has serious consequences for the organization, often in the form of significant material damage, as well as the imposition of disciplinary liability on the employee. In such cases, internal audits are often carried out. And if there is damage, someone must be held responsible for it, thus, with the help of a memo, you can officially inform management about the guilt of a specific employee for what happened. Based on this document, an order is already issued to impose disciplinary or other liability on the offending employee.

Thus, this paper is the basis for a decision on the liability of a specific person who made a serious mistake. Let us consider in detail how to correctly prepare such a report, and what nuances should be taken into account when drafting it.

When hiring a new employee, his immediate supervisor or an employee of the personnel department is required to familiarize the employee with all the rules in force in the organization. In addition, some organizations also have additional internal order or rules of corporate ethics. In organizations where hiring was carried out in compliance with all necessary procedures, fewer questions and unpleasant situations arise in the process of work regarding the job responsibilities of employees and their compliance with labor discipline.

IN job description employee and general rules of corporate ethics or other similar documents clearly state all the responsibilities of employees and their rights. An employee of the organization must follow established rules and understand that failure to comply may ultimately lead to material damage organization for which he will be responsible. But there are still cases when employees do not pay due attention to their direct responsibilities; this may negatively affect the activities of some department or division of the organization, and the company may suffer losses. And then, the immediate supervisor of the offending employee must inform higher management about the fact that occurred, indicate whose actions led to the unpleasant situation, and who should be held responsible for the negative consequences.

In such cases, the immediate supervisor submits a memorandum to higher management in which he describes the fact of what happened and identifies the person who did not fulfill his duties properly. There may also be a situation where an employee systematically does not perform his duties properly and other employees must perform part of his duties or correct his mistakes; such cases must also be brought to the attention of management.

Memo on failure to fulfill official duties - general provisions

A report (official) memo is essentially an information document in which the manager is informed about the employee’s improper performance of his professional duties, and this note is also the basis for imposing disciplinary action on the offender. The memo usually sets out facts confirming the employee’s dishonest performance of his professional duties and requests that sanctions be applied to the offender. Responsibility measures may include: reprimand, reprimand, and sometimes even dismissal on the relevant grounds of the labor code.

Please note that the report is drawn up by the line manager (head of the department) only if there are compelling reasons and evidence of the employee’s deliberate reluctance to fulfill his or her duties. job responsibilities or about facts of gross repeated failure to fulfill his duties and the employee’s lack of weighty arguments to justify himself - a weighty reason. It is this evidence that serves as the basis for drawing up a memorandum.

Therefore, until all the circumstances of the incident are clarified, a report is not drawn up.

And we especially note that only after analyzing all the facts of what happened, it is the immediate supervisor of the offender, and no other person, who makes the decision to draw up a report, compiles it and submits it to a superior manager or director of the organization, usually through the secretary. Based on the report, the offending employee may be fined, reprimanded, or subjected to other punishment. If an employee already has several reports, he may be fired under an unsightly article of the labor code.

Current legislation does not provide a unified form for reports of this kind. However, when drawing up a document, you should adhere to general provisions on office work. The note is drawn up manually or on a computer. General rules design:

  1. At the top right, first indicate the full name of the addressee, namely: the position of the person and the name of the organization, full name;
  2. Full name and position of the applicant;
  3. Next in the center of the sheet is the heading “Official Memo” and usually the essence is briefly indicated in the second subheading - “about failure to fulfill official duties”;
  4. Next comes the text listing unfulfilled responsibilities;
  5. presenting evidence and arguments about the guilt of the employee, conclusions;
  6. proposals for penalties for the offending employee;
  7. signature, position of the applicant, full name, date of preparation of the paper.

Since, a clearly defined and unified uniform form of document on this moment no, then some deviations from the given template are possible. Such paper can also be considered valid.

Typically, the completed document is handed over to the secretary, who registers it and puts on it the serial number of the document and the date of adoption. Then the document is handed over to the director or other senior manager.

Such documents must be registered with the organization, since the note contains official information that has legal consequences. Let's talk about the registration methods and procedures in a little more detail.

Usually for registration important documents The organization uses one of the following forms:

  • Magazine form. The organization has a special accounting journal in which information about all internal official documents organizations. A new document is assigned a serial number, then line-by-line entries are made manually in the journal. chronological order indicating brief details of the documents. Automatic form. The document is compiled on a computer and immediately entered into the electronic document management database.
  • Card form. For each document, a separate card is created with a registration number and details of the note. The card is then placed into the classifier. This method is usually used in departmental institutions.

Specific features of memos

The purpose of the memo is to convey to senior management a request to take disciplinary action against the offending employee. The report must indicate confirmed facts reflecting the employee’s improper failure to fulfill his direct professional duties.

Documents supporting the applicant’s arguments can be attached to the note. These could be, for example, papers incorrectly drawn up by an employee, recordings from a video surveillance system and other evidence. Based on the facts indicated in the note, an internal audit may be carried out. Based on the results of consideration of the note and the verification actions carried out, a decision is made on measures of responsibility for the offending employee, in the form of disciplinary liability (remarks, administrative reprimand) or even dismissal of the employee under the relevant article of the labor code. This decision is formalized in the form of an order from the head of the organization.

As noted earlier, a note is drawn up and considered by the top management of the organization only if the employee has not followed the direct instructions of his line manager or his current professional responsibilities, without any good reason. In case of controversial situations an internal internal audit must be carried out.

If the organization has already developed special forms or templates for such documents, then they should be used. The note can be filled out by hand on a form, on a computer, or written entirely by hand.

Sometimes an organization’s internal regulations state that a report on failure to fulfill professional duties must be consistent with certain officials. The prescribed internal procedures must be followed, otherwise the note will not be accepted by the director or other higher-ranking official.

As we have already said, a report on failure to fulfill professional duties actually contains a request to impose penalties on the offending employee. If a senior manager has made a positive decision that a company employee should bear responsibility for his mistake, then the employee bears a certain punishment for his action, which is assigned to him by the organization’s management in order to prevent such repeated situations.

But it happens that the guilty employee understands and admits the error of his behavior or the actions he has committed, as a result of which he quickly corrects himself, strives to prevent such mistakes in the future, tries to put more effort into fulfilling his duties, trying to rehabilitate himself and regain trust. In such cases, the line manager (boss) of the offending employee may well submit a notice to remove the penalty or other relief in the punishment of the employee. Such a document is drawn up similar to a report on failure to fulfill duties.

Let's take a closer look at what exactly needs to be specified:

  1. position of the head and name of the organization, full name;
  2. position of the note writer, full name;
  3. title “Memo”;
  4. below is a link to the order imposing a penalty on the employee, indicating the date and number of this order;
  5. provide facts about the employee’s new labor successes and reasons for canceling the punishment;
  6. request to cancel disciplinary measures ahead of schedule or mitigate the punishment;
  7. the name and position of the author of the memo;
  8. date of document preparation, applicant’s signature.


At the moment, Russian legislation does not provide for any specific unified form or form for such internal memos, but organizations have the right to draw up forms (templates) themselves for such purposes.

When drawing up such documents, you should be guided by generally accepted rules of office work and indicate all the necessary details. Compliance with these simple rules will help avoid controversial or even conflict situations.

In the text of the document, it is necessary to clearly indicate which job duties the employee did not fulfill, provide evidence of this fact and the existing consequences of his actions, and propose measures of responsibility for the offending employee.

Let us note that not a single team can do without violations of duties or labor discipline, therefore the management team should know the basic rules for drawing up such documents, and employees should know about the measures of responsibility in case of failure to fulfill their job duties.

We examined the basic rules and the preparation of a report on improper performance of duties, and examined the various nuances that arise in such situations. The document itself is not difficult to draw up; one might say, it is drawn up in any form. However, some points need to be known and taken into account. We also told you what important circumstances of the incident must be taken into account before drawing up such a service.

Indeed, in most cases, a simple well-made remark to an employee is enough. Or maybe you just need to figure out the reasons why the employee was unable to sufficiently fulfill his duties; this also often happens and the reasons are not always on the surface. Sometimes you need to change the work pattern at a given work site, make adjustments to the established order, due to a change in the economic situation, or maybe manufacturing process requires adjustment.

The document flow of any enterprise is a collection of papers of different nature, systematized in a certain way. One of the documents is a memo.

General characteristics and purpose of the document

To begin with, it should be noted that a memorandum is a business paper that is informative and at the same time recommendatory in nature. It is intended to be provided to the head of the enterprise or immediate superior. This document can be compiled by anyone for two reasons:

  1. At the initiative of the employee himself.
  2. As directed by management.

In any case, such paper contains detailed information regarding a specific, isolated issue. Essentially, this is the employee’s opinion expressed in writing. There are times when, in order to make a decision, a manager needs to know the views of his subordinates regarding the circumstances of a matter. Then the employee is obliged to compose a reasoned answer, and in conclusion add his personal opinion in the form of specific proposals and recommendations. Accordingly, such a note becomes the private opinion of a particular person.

Don't be confused

When starting to draw up a document, you need to know exactly what exactly needs to be provided. Some species are very similar to each other and can be easily confused. For example, there are three types of business notes: official, reporting and explanatory. At the same time, there are three significant differences between them that do not allow knowledgeable person make this mistake. These documents differ:

1. By addressee, that is, by the person for whom they are intended. Unlike an official note, an explanatory note is written addressed to the immediate supervisor, and a memorandum, in addition, can be drawn up directly to the director of the enterprise.

2. On the topic and semantic load of the information presented. The topic of the explanatory text is clear directly from the title. Service is part business correspondence between structural divisions companies. The topic of the report can be different:

  • periodic reporting;
  • one-time provision of information on an issue of interest.

3. If official and explanatory are used for use within the enterprise, then the memorandum can be both internal and external character. In the first case, it is intended for the director of the company, and in the second, for a higher authority.

When is the document drawn up?

The memorandum is a necessary measure. It is drawn up when the current situation gets out of control and threatens the enterprise with serious troubles. In other words, the state of affairs must be critical. At this point, the employee brings the information to the attention of management and sets out in detail the facts known to him. This may be a threat to the implementation of the plan or the receipt of expected profits. The document is aimed at drawing the attention of managers to the problem that has arisen and trying to correct the current situation. Each specialist has his own way of solving the situation. In the report, he describes his version in detail and sets out his own thoughts on this matter. For ease of perception of information, this document is compiled in a completely free form. This style allows absolutely any employee to express his point of view on a specific, individual issue, without fear of being misunderstood by others.

Reasons for drawing up the document

There are a number of reasons why a memorandum may be drawn up. Of course, it is possible to create a sample or a unique template for all possible cases. But any specific reason requires an individual manner of presentation. The reasons can be very different:

  • being late for work;
  • absenteeism;
  • breach of obligations;
  • conflict between employees;
  • statement of the results of the inspection;
  • bringing to the attention of information about an error;
  • threat of failure to complete the planned task;
  • information about unacceptable employee behavior.

There are many reasons and each of them requires an individual approach and specific proceedings. Having received information first-hand, the boss must thoroughly investigate it and make a competent decision. Often there is a need to obtain additional information from other participants in the problem. They will be forced to provide management with their explanations regarding the issue raised.

If someone violated something

Violations in production conditions are not uncommon. Without them, the work process and communication between people is impossible. The most common report is a violation. An employee’s behavior in the workplace is always ambiguous. Any deviation from the generally accepted norm is usually perceived as a violation and entails appropriate punishment. Only the head of the enterprise has the right to impose a penalty, so other employees, including the immediate manager, can only inform him about what happened and offer their own option for influencing the negligent colleague. The algorithm for compiling such a report is as follows.

  1. Name of service or department. Indicated in the upper left part of the sheet.
  2. Addressee (company manager). Indicated at the top right.
  3. Title of the document. It is written just below in capital letters on a red line.
  4. Document Number.
  5. Place of compilation.
  6. Title.
  7. Document text: Full name and the position of the violator, date of violation, type of violation, reason for the incident, proposal for punishment.
  8. Position, full name and the signature of the employee who compiled the document.

If a colleague is at fault

A memorandum on the employee can be drawn up by the immediate supervisor or colleague. More often, the reasons for its compilation are negative character: violation, misconduct, unworthy behavior. In this case, the note is aimed at ensuring that what happened and stopping it from happening again in the future. Having received such a document, the manager must understand the situation and make a decision. In this case, it depends on him whether any penalty will be imposed on the employee or not.

If a negative incident occurred for the first time, then you can limit yourself to a warning and an edifying conversation. If the violation goes into the system, then punishment will follow in accordance with labor legislation. The manager is obliged to apply a visa in which it will be recorded decision. Reports can be prepared on employees for other reasons. For example, the head of a department has the right to draw up a note addressed to the director to reward a subordinate for conscientious work or a well-done task. The principle of compilation is the same, only the text is positive.

Is it difficult to write a report?

Writing a memo is not difficult. If necessary, a writing sample can always be obtained from the secretary. Many similar documents pass through his hands. The main thing is to clearly state the essence of what happened. After reading such a document, the manager should have a clear idea of ​​what the compiler of this “message” wanted to say. The facts should be described in chronological order, step by step, so that the overall picture emerges as a clear and understandable one.

It must also be remembered that for internal use, the report is usually drawn up on a regular piece of paper in A4 (or A5) format. If information is provided to a higher organization, then the text should be printed on letterhead enterprises. Such a document must be given to the manager for signature. As a result, it will be signed by two representatives from the enterprise: the first is the compiler, the second is the director. Information may be confirmed by additional information. They are usually provided along with the main document in the form of numbered appendices.

To make things right

In order for the information to be heard, you need to know how to write a memo. Such a document usually consists of three main parts.

  1. The reason for writing such a note. Here it is necessary to clearly outline the situation and list all the known facts.
  2. The compiler's opinion about what is happening. It is necessary to comprehensively analyze the situation and propose your own solution to the problem.
  3. General conclusion and specific steps.

Information should be presented as briefly and clearly as possible so that the recipient does not lose his mind while reading. Otherwise, the facts presented may be misinterpreted, and the decision made will not bring the desired results. You should not express your conjectures or distort reality in the text. This technique is against the rules. If such a need arises, the addressee himself will ask the opinion of the compiler in order to understand what happened and accept final decision.


Using an example, we can consider a specific case of dereliction of duty. A memorandum on the employee is drawn up by the immediate superior for submission to the management of the enterprise. To begin with, the employee is given time to correct his mistakes. Otherwise, the head of the relevant service, in the presence of 3 witnesses, states that the employee did not complete the task within the proposed time frame. The offender must then write an explanation in full form indicating the reasons.

The employee may not do this. In this case, he loses his last chance of defense. Explanatory letter handed over to the manager for review. He expresses his final decision in the form of a resolution. The information is sent to the HR department to draw up a collection order. The degree of punishment is determined in accordance with the law. If the offense turned out to be quite serious, and, in addition, repeated, then the result may be dismissal from work under the relevant article.