The actors talked about how their children are growing up, about Agatha’s new hobby, about their immediate plans and dreams.

If earlier Agata Muceniece and Pavel Priluchny could not imagine their life with children, now they cannot imagine their life without them. Mia turned out to be a very calm girl who can play with toys and not disturb her mother while preparing porridge in the morning. They have a nanny, and Pasha’s mother still helps, taking Timofey to classes and entertaining him.

Pavel really doesn't like business trips. After all, all this time he still had to build a house. It’s good that everything is behind, Priluchny and Muceniece and their children moved to new house and celebrated there New Year. Agatha helped her husband as much as possible. She supervised masons, bought household utensils, curtains, chandeliers and everything else.

According to his parents, Timofey loves his sister very much and calls her Mika. He loves to play puppy dog ​​with her, kisses her, reads poetry, and Mia laughs with him until he hiccups. At nine months of age, Mia is already trying to stand on her feet. At this age, Timokha whined and cried all the time, so Agatha thought that she would never give birth to a second child.

When Agatha was pregnant, she starred in the comedy series " Civil marriage", which will be released on Monday on TNT. The actress found out that she was three months pregnant already during filming, which came as a surprise to everyone. While filming was going on, Agatha tried to persuade her daughter not to grow so quickly and went on a diet.

Now Agata Muceniece is interested in blogging, she has a channel on YouTube. Now Agatha can sit at home and film what she wants. Pavel bought his wife a camera and a new computer. He is very supportive of his wife's endeavors. One of latest videos Agata received half a million views. Agata films about her and Pavel family life small videos called “Priluchnye everyday life”.

Pavel is the main viewer of his wife's films. According to Agatha, when she discovered the world of YouTube, she realized that she knew nothing about it at all. She doesn’t have any super goal, she’s still trying. Agatha will be happy if this turns into a way to earn money. Pavel, as an artist, films with his wife.

Agatha herself would like to see her husband as a producer; it seems to her that he could make some cool film. And Priluchny would really like to create his own music group. Pavel loves to sing and studied vocals as a child.

And Pavel and Agatha want to take part in an enterprise together. Agatha practically did not play in the theater and did not even appear. She wanted to earn a name first. And Pavel played a lot. For two years at the Novosibirsk Globus Theater, then, while studying, he played small roles at the Chekhov Moscow Art Theater, then at the Ermolovsky Theater a couple of performances a year. The last one was the Theater on Malaya Bronnaya. Now he has one performance at the Bulgakov Theater, which is performed once every two to three months in a small hall for sixty to one hundred people.

In cinema, Priluchny began with small “roles”. And it all turned out like this: he was sitting on the stairs in the subway, they approached him and invited him to the cinema to audition.

Timofey was sent to study at the Igor Krutoy Academy so that he would have something to do, for general development. Pavel also dreams of sending his son to big sport. He wanted the boy to take up football, but things didn’t work out. Now that they have moved to the Moscow region, they will try again.

“I will remember for the rest of my life how I saw him in a funny gray military-style coat with shoulder straps. He looked very respectable, like a gentleman. Instead of a hat, he put black “ears” on his head. In general, the image immediately impressed me!” - says Agata.

Then there was filming. “We constantly communicated on the set - we played a couple in love in “Closed School”, and it was very difficult, to be honest. Someday I will tell my children that before I met their mother, I did not believe in love at first sight. And only when I saw Agatha, I suddenly realized that she existed,” Priluchny recalls. - But the final realization that Agatha is exactly the one I want to be with happened... during our movie kiss. Then I realized: I found my only one, I have to steal it! At that time, Agatha had a boyfriend, and I’m actually not a fan of fighting off a girl. But I saw that they were heading towards separation. And he said to her: if you leave

him, then I’m here, next to you, keep that in mind! This painful chaos lasted for several months, but in the end, in April we were already together.”

Later they learned that, it turns out, before “ Closed school“starred in the same project with Renat Davletyarov, but never crossed paths on the set of the film “My Crazy Family”: their filming days never coincided.

Agata Muceniece and Pavel Priluchny in the series “Closed School” Photo: East News

Dancing, English and tattoo

And before Pavel, Agata met with a dancer from the troupe, Artem Alekseev, who was six years older than her. They even say that she almost married him, but then Priluchny appeared “on the horizon.”

And Pavel had an affair: back in 2009, journalists found out about Priluchny’s close relationship with Hollywood actress Nikki Reed (The Twilight saga). Nikki brought her next film to Russia and accidentally ended up at a play where Pavel was playing. After the show, the girl approached and praised him in English, and he, without understanding a word, politely bowed. But Nikki turned out to be a determined girl: that same evening she knocked on Pavel’s door in the hostel. Since that time, a tattoo with the name of her Russian boyfriend appeared on the actress’s wrist. However, by October 2011, the tattoo on the girl’s arm was said to have disappeared.

Agata Muceniece and Pavel Priluchny on the set of the series “Quest” Photo:

After the fairy tale

Pavel quickly proposed to Agatha, and she agreed almost immediately: she really wanted to understand what it was like to be married. “Well, if things didn’t work out, then you could always get a divorce,” she explains. “But now I think we did everything right.” The application was submitted to the Savelovsky registry office - the only one in Moscow where you can register a marriage with a foreigner. Agata is a citizen of Latvia. There were twenty days left before the wedding, and there was so much to do! Agatha wanted everything to be modest, but Pavel decided to surprise her and organized the ceremony in a luxurious restaurant. As usual, with music, guests, flowers, rings. The young people walked to the symbolic altar along a glass path, releasing white Balloons. Everything was fabulous, and I almost burst into tears of happiness.

More than three years have passed since that fairy tale, and now when asked if the spouses are quarreling, Agatha answers calmly: “Of course we quarrel. At times even often... What is it like in love without quarrels? It even got to the point that after all the dishes in the house were broken, they decided to leave. But, as you can see, we are together and still love each other!”

New values

In January 2013. Everything seems to have been updated! “If before we lived only for ourselves, now we live for Timosha. My son discovered new traits in me: after his birth, I became more sensual and emotional, both in life and on the screen,” says Agata. - And we also became responsible. In a word, real parents. I remember how at first I was very afraid of holding Timofey incorrectly, he seemed so fragile to me. And Pasha fearlessly twisted and turned it, reassuring me with the words: “Don’t worry, children are elastic.”

As Pavel himself emphasizes, the values ​​in his life have also noticeably changed: “Before, when I went on vacation, first of all, I thought about where it would be more fun. And now we are choosing a resort that is more suitable for children. At one time, Agatha greatly influenced me. And now - son."


for a walk





-Who spoils his son more?



In the new series of the STS channel, Pavel Priluchny and Agata Muceniece changed their appearance and appeared in unexpected images.

- Agata, tell me, did the birth of a child influence your choice of roles?

No. Our Timosha is “transportable”, and I can always take him with me. Last year, Pasha filmed in Kyiv and we traveled with him, but we actually came here from Moscow by car, so as not to be tied to transport. In Moscow, Pasha’s mother helps us, she is our lifesaver. When we went to Dubai, she went with us, and Pasha and I lived in one room, and she and Timosha lived in another, so that we could relax.

- Which of you was the first to be invited to the Quest project?

Agatha. Pasha. When he came from the audition and said that the filming would take place in Riga, where I grew up, I was so happy that I decided to go to the casting too. To give us the opportunity to work together - for directors and producers this was not a revolutionary decision, this is already our fourth big a joint project. I quickly understood my heroine Sasha - a lonely and timid girl, and they took me to Quest. In general, everything came together: we were approved for the project and I had the opportunity to introduce my son to my homeland. I really wanted my grandmother to see Timosha - she is already old, but I did not have the opportunity to escape from Moscow. And I’m very glad that everything turned out so well in the end.

They arrived in Riga at the end of April. First of all, Agatha gave Pavel a tour of the old city. However, as Pasha admits, it is still difficult for him to navigate the winding streets

According to the plot of the series "Quest", in order to survive, your heroes must constantly experience an adrenaline rush: they have to run and perform various tasks, solve riddles. Is there room for extreme sports in your life?

Agatha. I’m not a fan of all this, and after the birth of my son, I’m generally for safety. I can easily exchange a ride on a roller coaster for a walk at the zoo. But this is in life, and in the movies I enjoy driving cars, running and shooting. For this I am grateful to my profession.

Paul. During these shoots, I realized that I had aged. (Laughs.) At the age of 20, I raced and ran like crazy, but now it suddenly became difficult. And recently I was almost set on fire. In the story, we were in a bunker where fire was constantly breaking out. During one of the takes, the flame did not break out where I expected. At that moment, I immediately smelled the smell of burning hair - fortunately, only my wig was damaged.

Pavel Priluchny Agata Mutsenietse

Pasha, everything is going so well for you and Agata: you are young and sought-after actors, you have a wonderful son growing up, whose mothers help you raise. Maybe it's time to think about a second child?

Not yet. I think in five years. A child needs attention and needs to be raised on his own, and not given to nannies. And if there are two children, that means you need twice as much attention. And, based on this, some of us will have to be at home all the time. No other way.

Text: Galina Kryuchkova


Pavel Priluchny and Agata Muceniece: “Our values ​​have changed”

We recently told you about how the exclusive shooting of actor Pavel Priluchny, his wife, actress Agata Muceniece and their one and a half year old son Timofey for the new issue of HELLO!. Now it's time to look at the results of the work.

Pavel and Agata invited HELLO! for a walk through the quiet streets of old Riga for two reasons: firstly, for Agata Riga - hometown, and secondly, now the filming of the new fantasy series “Quest” for the STS TV channel, in which they play the main roles, is in full swing. This is their fourth joint project. The actors met in 2011 on the set of the mystical series “Closed School”, after which they gained fame as heroes of science fiction blockbusters.

Agata Muceniece, Timofey and Pavel Priluchny

We met in Agata and Pavel's apartment in Riga. While Agata was preparing for the shoot, Pavel went to pick up his son Timofey in a village 100 kilometers from Riga, where the baby spends the summer with his grandmother. Agata immediately warned us that if Timofey wanted to sleep or was capricious, filming would have to be stopped. In general, the result this time depended on many factors - the weather, strict time frames and, most importantly, the mood of the one and a half year old baby.

Armed with umbrellas, cars and a teddy bear, we went for a walk in the city center. When the cameras flashed, Timofey smiled with his childish, but already quite Hollywood smile. As a result, after an hour and a half, he got so accustomed to the role that, forgetting about mom and dad, he ran after the pigeons, not forgetting to look into the camera. Last time HELLO! talked with Pavel and Agatha when the couple was just waiting for the birth of their son Timothy. They talked about how their lives have changed since then in an interview.

Kronvalda Park is one of their favorite places for family walks

- Agata, Pasha, do you divide your life into “before” and “after” the birth of your son?

Agatha. Yes, our lives have changed dramatically. If before we lived only for ourselves, now everything is for Timosha. My son revealed other sides to me, after his birth I became more sensual and emotional - both in life and on the screen. Pasha began to think more about the future, he bought an apartment and renovated it himself, although before that his brother told me that he couldn’t even nail a nail. We have become responsible. In other words, by parents.

Paul. My values ​​have changed. Previously, when I went on vacation, I first of all thought about where it would be more fun, but now we choose a resort based on the interests of the child. At one time, Agatha greatly influenced me, and now her son.

Agata was born and raised in Riga. But even she was surprised by the chilly weather that prevailed here this summer.

Agata, what kind of father is Pasha in general? For example, can you leave him with your son for the whole day and go about your business?

Not so long ago I left them together not for a day, but for a whole day! I now have a parallel project in Moscow, and I had to fly out to filming. Pasha coped well without me: he fed Timosha, walked with him, changed his diapers, played, put him to bed. After this, he was nicknamed “hero father” on the set. Before his son was born, he bought himself the book "Super Dad." I remember that at first I was always afraid to take Timofey incorrectly, he seemed so fragile to me. And Pasha fearlessly twisted and turned it, reassuring me with the words: “Don’t worry, children are elastic.”

- They say that children can teach adults a lot, but what did your son teach you?

Agatha. Everything is interesting and new for children, together with Timosha I learned to look at the world anew. He sniffs the flower and likes the smell, but I had already forgotten how great dandelions smell.

Paul. He taught me patience. Previously, I didn’t understand why children cry, and I simply went crazy from the children’s cry. Now, if I'm on a plane and the baby starts crying, I think: “He's probably teething or has a stomach ache.”

While Pavel and Agata are busy filming, Timofey spends time with his grandmother in the village, which is about 100 kilometers from Riga. But as soon as the actors have a free day, they will certainly reunite with their son

-Who spoils his son more?

Agatha. I probably. Pasha - strict dad. He is our teacher, and I am the teacher of tenderness and care. Ready to buy whatever this little booger wants. (Laughs).

Paul. I think you shouldn’t pamper with toys, otherwise there will be nothing to strive for. They should be given for holidays or to encourage a child. Although sometimes I see a toy and can’t pass by, I even want to play with it myself. (Laughs). It seems to me that Timosha is being spoiled by his grandmothers, but I scold them for it. Now he lives with his mother Agata in a village near Riga, and they allow him a lot there. I think that character is being formed right now and we need to pay less attention to his whims. If you fall, it’s no big deal, get up and run on.

Biography of Pavel Priluchny

Popular Russian actor Pavel Priluchny was born on November 5, 1987 in the family of a boxing trainer and choreographer.

Childhood photos of Pavel Priluchny:

During difficult times for Russia, his family decided to move to Siberia in order to be away from the perestroika regime and be able to raise their children in peace. Due to the professions of his parents, as a child Pavel attended sections of both choreography and boxing, and little Pavel was also interested in music.

When Pavel Priluchny was thirteen years old, a misfortune happened in his family; his beloved father died. Due to the difficult financial situation in the family, Pavel was never able to enter the desired choreographic school, but this was for the better. After some time, Pavel discovered his acting talent, after which the guy was inspired to enroll in the acting department at the Novosibirsk Theater School. Having successfully passed the exams, Pavel Priluchny entered the V.A. course. Archeev, associate professor at GITIS. This is where his acting career began.

The actor's first debut took place at the Novosibirsk Academic Youth Theater "Globus". It was in this theater that Pavel began to receive his first leading roles, and worked successfully for two whole years. The actor’s very first and largest role was the character Myshin in the play “White Sheep”.

After Pavel graduated from college, he managed to successfully enter such famous universities as GITIS, as well as the Moscow Art Theater School.

IN last school Pavel Priluchny successfully completed two courses, but then abandoned his studies because he fell in love with an American Nicky Reed, who played the role of Rosalie in the famous movie "Twilight".

Pavel Priluchny and Nikki Reed:

The romance between the two actors did not last long, although there were rumors that Pavel was going to follow his beloved to her homeland. In some photographs in the press, on the wrist of actress Nikki Reed, photographers even managed to photograph a tattoo with Pavel’s last name. However, after the breakup, the tattoo disappeared.

Having settled down and gathered his thoughts, Pavel Priluchny finally completed his acting education, but already at GITIS.

After for long years study, the main place of work of the actor for a long time there was precisely a stage, such famous theaters as: the theater on Malaya Bronnaya, the Pushkin theater, the Bulgakov theater. However, soon the already famous theater actor simply began to be bombarded with all sorts of offers for film roles, such as "Club", "School No. 1", "Web", in which Pavel made his debut as a cameo actor.

After the young actor successfully appeared in episodes of popular television series, he was offered main role computer genius in the film "On the game", which brought him wide popularity and his first fans.

Another breakthrough in Pavel Priluchny’s acting career was the famous TV series, in which the young actor played one of the main roles.

Today, Pavel Priluchny can rightfully consider himself an accomplished actor, with more than twenty roles under his belt, both in films and TV series. In addition, Pavel Priluchny actively takes part in various entertainment shows and television projects, such as “Dancing with the Stars” and others.

Still from the series "Major":

Pavel Priluchny and his partner in the TV series "Major" Lyubov Aksenova, stills from the series

Personal life of Pavel Priluchny. Priluchny's wife and children

Because for a long time main goal Pavel Priluchny was precisely his career, in addition to the famous American film actress Nikki Reed, the actor had no more affairs, until 2010, when on the set of “Closed School” Pavel met his future wife

Agata Muceniece - famous Russian actress of Latvian origin. Building a successful acting career was the girl’s childhood dream, but before realizing it, she was actively involved in modeling.

She traveled all over Europe and was the face of expensive Italian shoes. However, at some point, Agatha wanted to radically change her life and entered the theater institute.

Agatha truly became famous thanks to her role as Dasha Starkova in the mystical television series “Closed School.” However, this project gave the actress not only popular popularity, but also loving husband– Pavel Priluchny.

Childhood of Agata Muceniece

Agata Muceniece was born on March 1, 1989 in the Latvian capital, Riga, in the family of a bartender (father) and a cook (mother). Agatha has elder sister Santa; the difference between them is 2 years.

Agatha's childhood was difficult; She had to experience the first blows of fate already during her birth, when doctors cut her umbilical cord incorrectly, and the girl miraculously survived.

From the first days of her life, Agatha began to have stomach problems, which is why she was unable to attend kindergarten. Throughout her childhood, the girl had difficulty eating, despite the culinary talent of her mother-cook.

The actress remembers her dad very poorly - he passed away when she was a three-year-old baby. After his death, difficult times came for the family: the mother had to work more to feed her daughters, and Agatha and her sister had to grow up without paternal education.

The family was sorely short of money. Agatha and her sister had one set of clothes for every day, and wealthier classmates looked down on the girl and contemptuously called her “homeless.”

After a family tragedy, Agatha tried to support her mother and sister in every possible way, for example, to cheer them up with small impromptu concerts. It was during that period that the girl’s creative abilities were revealed. Since then, she has recited poems and performed songs at every family holiday, and invariably took first place in school reading competitions.

The girl began to dream about acting career, and her mother enrolled her in the “Casket” children’s theater studio, where Agatha learned acting step by step.

Modeling career of Agata Muceniece

Following the example of a classmate who tried her luck in modeling business and successful, Agatha applied to a modeling agency and easily received an invitation to shoot a shoe advertisement. Receipt school certificate coincided with a lucrative contract in Milan. Subsequently, Agatha visited many countries, and even lived in Germany for some time under an exchange program. She was sheltered by a Chinese-speaking family, so during this time Agatha learned Chinese well. And interest in Chinese culture, the girl claimed, her godfather instilled in her.

Returning to Latvia in 2007, she continued her studies of Chinese language and literature at the Faculty of Philology of the University of Latvia. But after the first year, the girl moved to Moscow, where she successfully passed the entrance exams to the acting department of VGIK. Many, including the former head of the children's theater studio, dissuaded her from this rash step, but as a result, Agatha became a happy student in the workshop of Alexander Mikhailov.

Film career of Agata Muceniece

The girl received her first acting experience even before entering VGIK. In 2007, she got a role in an episode of the detective series “Trace” (episode “Brother”). Looking ahead, we add that two years later her character appeared again in the series (episode “The Wrong Guy”). Three years later, the girl played a minor role as the daughter of the main character, Lieutenant Colonel Arkhipov, played by Sergei Batalov, in the comedy “Stroibatya”.

While the breakthrough role was hiding somewhere “around the corner,” Agatha’s modeling experience came to her aid. She often appeared on television as the heroine of commercials for Nescafe and Jardin coffee, Megafon and Beeline operators, and Euroset communication stores.

Agata Muceniece and “Closed School”

Like many now popular actresses, Agatha became famous thanks to the series. It's about about the multi-part mystical drama “Closed School”. Its plot was borrowed from the Spanish TV series “Black Lagoon”. The events unfold around 11 main characters, students of the elite boarding school “Logos”, both students and management of which discover their own “skeletons in the closet”.

Agatha didn’t get into the project on her first try. Initially, she auditioned for the role of Yulia Samoilova, but failed. The same awaited her with the role of Dasha - this character was initially given to Marina Petrenko, but she, as it turned out later, could not find time for filming in her busy schedule. Several months had already passed since the casting, Agatha had long forgotten about “Closed School” when she received a call and was offered to audition again.

Her character, Dasha Starkova, daughter famous actress, should have died at the end of season 3 (if the writers had been completely guided by the Spanish analogue). However, viewers liked the actress so much that the producers decided to “extend the life” of her character. From the very first episodes, the girl was able to make literally all the fans of the series fall in love with her, thereby ensuring a stream of new offers from directors.

It was during filming that she became close to Pavel Priluchny, and, as often happens, the on-screen romance smoothly flowed into life. And after the premiere of “Closed School” Agata Muceniece woke up famous. The first episode of the mystical thriller was released in 2011, the series was broadcast until the end of 2012.

The series also featured Anton Khabarov, Tatyana Vasilyeva (her participation largely forced Agatha to agree to filming), Alexey Koryakov, Tatyana Kosmacheva, Ksenia Entelis and Yulia Agafonova.

As soon as the girl became popular, gloss immediately became interested in her. In 2011, she starred in a candid photo shoot for a popular men's magazine. Agatha is not shy about these pictures, as she considers her body very attractive, she especially loves her butt, since it is relatively skinny legs she looks very expressive, as well as a waist with curves reminiscent of the famous Audrey Hepburn.

In 2011, the girl played a small role in the film “A Romance with Cocaine,” and a year later she again had the opportunity to appear on the same set with her husband. She played one of the main roles in the series “Gamers” (television adaptation of the blockbuster “At the Game”).

In 2014 it appeared on television screens new project“The Secret City”, in which Agatha again performed in tandem with her husband. The fantasy series was about modern vampires and werewolves successfully hiding from people in a magical city located on the territory of Moscow.

Clip Andrey Kovalev with Agata Muceniece - And I still dream about your eyes

In the fall of 2015, a new joint project between the actress and her husband was launched - the action-packed series “Quest”. According to the plot, their heroes had to find the answer to a riddle from the past in order to obtain an antidote to a deadly poison.

Personal life of Agata Muceniece

Having entered VGIK, Agata began dating fellow student Artem Alekseev, part-time dancer from Dima Bilan’s team. But during the filming of “Closed School,” a “spark ran” between Agatha and Pavel Priluchny, and light flirting began to develop into something stronger and brighter. The girl realized that she could not fool two guys at the same time, and broke up with Artem.

Apparently, Pavel appreciated this step, because the marriage proposal did not take long to arrive. Already in August 2011, they officially tied the knot. wedding ceremony took place secretly, only the closest people were among the guests, and information was leaked to the press only a few weeks later, when the lovers were thoroughly enjoying their honeymoon.

And on March 3, 2016, Agata and Pavel became parents for the second time. They decided to name the newborn daughter rare name Miya, which means “rebellious.”

Agata Muceniece now

Agata Muceniece enjoys motherhood, but does not forget about her favorite business. In 2016, she was busy filming the third season of the series " Mysterious city" In addition, the release of the comedy series “Civil Marriage” was planned for 2017, where the characters of Agatha and Denis Kukoyaki were to experience all the delights life together young couple.