What dreams of hunting

Dream Miller

If you dream that you hunt - in reality you have to fight for the exercise of almost unrealistic plans.

If in a dream you pursue game and overtake it - it foreshadows you successful overcoming difficulties and fulfillment of desires.

If in a dream you are not lucky on the hunt - it promises losses and erroneous solutions in business life.

To hear the vigorous sounds of hunting horn - this is a promise of complete happiness in real life and tangible support for fate in your best endeavors.

What dreams of hunting

Dream of Freud.

Hunting is most often a symbol of sexual intercourse, active sexual life.

If you hunt large animals or predators - your sexual activity finds your way out in the elements of sadism in sessions of sex or in front of them.

If you hunt small animals or birds - you are active in sex, but you have a hidden aggressiveness, which can manifest itself at the most unexpected moment, and in children (small creatures) you see interference on the way to full sex.

If you shot many game or small animals and proud of your prey, boast it - you suffer from an inferiority complex.

If you feel somehow a beast, and the hunt goes to you - you are prone to masochism.

What dreams of hunting

Dream Vangu

Watch in a dream for hunting people - evidence that soon you have fun entertainment in the circle of your friends. Sometimes such a dream will give a meeting with an evil-wing friend, which will strike your imagination.

If you have dreamed that you yourself hunt for any animal - there are great difficulties in reality. Your secret enemy will try any ways to prevent your plans. It will not stop neither before, and therefore use any folk remedies in their protection.

If in a dream the hunter fell into a hole, diverting for animals - such a dream does not foreshadow anything good. In real life, you, as they say, "go around the edge of the abyss", inwhewing into any risky affairs. Be careful, for it is not for all things you can go for the sake of great earnings.

If in a dream during the hunt attacks the beast wounded - your opinion that you have won your sworn enemy, erroneously. He only licks his wounds, getting ready to apply you a new blow.

What dreams of hunting

Dream Khasse

Hunting to take part - Exposure will affect the wonderful future; To be invited - happiness in the lottery.

Hunt in small animals - not lucky in affairs; On a large beast - prudence.

What dreams of hunting

Family dream book

Sleep, in which you hunt for someone - foreshadows you to fight for the exercise of almost unrealistic plans.

Outigible game - successfully overcome the difficulties and achieve the fulfillment of desires.

Do not overtake - we are afraid of erroneous solutions in business life.

The wretched sounds of hunting horns - perceive as a promise of complete happiness and good luck in the best endeavors.

What dreams of hunting

Dmitry Dream and Winter Dream

Hunting in a dream - symbolizes risk and pursuit of luck. Typically, such dreams are foreshadowed by various kinds of difficulties in risky enterprises.

Go to the trail of the beast - a favorable sign. Sleep says that you are on the right track, but you should be patient.

Shoot in a dream in the beast and kill him - a sign of a difficult struggle for the exercise of their plans. For success, you will need an excerpt and composure.

Different beasts in a dream - have a different meaning described in the relevant articles.

Suffering or a cry of a wounded beast in a dream - suggest that in the most responsible moment the exposure can change you. After such sleep you better avoid risky clauses.

Lift the beast in a dream - a sign of vain hopes.

What dreams of hunting

Newest dream book Ivanova

Hunt - so it will be, but to hunt will become behind the face of the opposite sex.

Parfors hunting is light, but uninteresting love, the consequence of which is a venereal disease.

What dreams of hunting

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

If in a dream you participate in the hunt - you are successful if you continue to act in the same way as so far.

If you agreed to go hunting to the persistent invitation of your husband's friends - I will not have you right, buying a lottery ticket: happy win awaits you.

If, arriving at the place of hunting, you do not take direct participation in it, and Coughlying - I will be drawn in a dubious thing that will bring a lot of trouble. Hunt one - gain humble happiness.

Hunt to a large game in the forest - will achieve the goal, whatever it cost you, to get into the meadows - will take the implementation of unreal plans and fail at the very beginning.

If you hunt the pennate game on lakes or swamps - your hope quickly and easily evicted to verification will be illusory, you are not lucky and in love that together will turn you into perfect disappointment.

If you are not lucky on the hunt and you return with empty hands - it foreshadows controversial issues in a degree or distribution between colleagues.

Successful hunting and rich prey - they say that you will be able to keep good luck thanks to caution in relation to its competitors.

Meet a husband returning from hunting with empty hands, but in a dull face and a dull look - to family disassembly. To see African safari or to participate in it - you are waiting for big changes.

What dreams of hunting

Sonner Simon Kananita

Hunting - Exposure will provide you with a wonderful future - to be invited - happiness in the lottery

What dreams of hunting

Esoteric dream book

Being on the hunt is a difficult situation, a difficult situation, the exotic situation requires an extraordinary solution, go away from the usual stereotypes of behavior.

For people, on you - tax police or other fiscal bodies aimed at you or your organization.

What dreams of hunting

Dream of a modern woman

If you hunted in a dream - I will have to fight for practically unrealistic plans.

If you pursued game and overtake it - this means successful overcoming difficulties and fulfillment of desires.

If the hunt was unsuccessful in a dream - losses and erroneous solutions in business life are possible.

I hear the invigorating sounds of hunting horn - to the tangible support of fate in your best endeavors.

Watch in a dream for hunting people - evidence that soon you have fun entertainment in the circle of your friends.

What dreams of hunting

Dream Azara

Bekas, steering by you on the hunt - Meeting with the face of the opposite sex, excellent external, unsafe for the heart and pocket; Be on the hunt is a change in affairs.

What dreams of hunting

Dream Dream Eugene Tsvetkov

Hunting - to the enmity.

What dreams of hunting

Modern dream book

If you dream of hunting - in real life you are waiting for the struggle for achieving an unrealistic goal.

If your hunting has completed successfully and you shot to game - I will overcome all obstacles and achieve the desired goal.

What dreams of hunting

Noble dream book N.Grishina

Hunt see - change in affairs / something hid from you in your house.

It participate in it - the danger.

Catch the animals - a new acquaintance / deception, cunning.

With bare hands catch - unexpected success.

Trap, trap see - danger.

Someone got into it - the fulfillment of desires.

Himself in the trap gets - get married the consequences of rapid acts.

Arkan see - loss of one's own fault.

What dreams of hunting

Dream Stranger

Hunt for someone - wish what means the object of hunting; The desire to achieve a meeting, the location of anyone; Indispensability, aggression.

What dreams of hunting

Akulina healer dream book

You dreamed of hunting - your plans will be implemented, but for this you will need to make efforts. Imagine that you are returning from hunting with good prey.

What dreams of hunting

Dream name A.Mindel

You dreamed of hunting - you seem to go hunting - someone's plans will seem unreal to you, but you will be forced to perform these plans; You will hope not so much for your strength and opportunities as a lucky accident. In a dream, you hear the bottom of the hunting horns - you built happiness with your own hands, but the happy case has supported you more than once - it will support it. You returned from hunting with prey - all difficulties will be overcome, you will achieve the desired - this is only a matter of time. Your hunt was unsuccessful - you will take a mistake solution, as a result you will have to abandon quite real plans.

What dreams of hunting

Russian dream book

What does the hunt mean in a dream - damage and disadvantageous occupation.

What dreams of hunting

Jewish dream book

What does the hunt mean in a dream - to participate in the hunt. For a woman, agree to the offer, and then regret it. For a man - search for entertainment in a funny company.

What dreams of hunting

Female dream book

Hunting - If you hunted in a dream - I will have to fight for the exercise of practically unrealistic plans. If you pursued game and overtake it - this means successful overcoming difficulties and fulfillment of desires. If the hunt was unsuccessful in a dream - losses and erroneous solutions in business life are possible. I hear the invigorating sounds of hunting horn - to the tangible support of fate in your best endeavors. Watch in a dream for hunting people - evidence that soon you have fun entertainment in the circle of your friends. Sometimes such a dream will tend to meet with an evil man-clutch, which will strike your imagination.

What dreams of hunting

Psychotherapeutic dream book

Hunt in the company - to take part in dubious business; One - success.

What dreams of hunting

Dream Maya.

Good denied you dreamed that you hunt someone in the near future success awaits you. So that you do not have to wait it for a long time, wrap the hand on the night with black and green ribbons.

Bad denied you dreamed that you were hunting, then someone wants to harm you. In order for a person, nothing came out, expand your bed 180 °.

What dreams of hunting

Dream of winged phrases

Hunting - "Wolves Hunt", "Hunt for Change Places", "Adventure Hunters." "Hunting to something - in the sense of desire, want; "Hunt for the celebrity" (pursue); "Hunt" - track, watch, explore. See add. traces.

What dreams of hunting

Italian dream book Meneghetti.

It is a positive symbol if the hunt is taken to preempture food. In this case, means the game of life forces and equilibrium.

What dreams of hunting

Old Russian dream book

Idiom dream book

Hunting - what symbolizes what

Hunting - "Wolves Hunt", "Hunt for Change Places", "Adventure Hunters." "Hunting to something - in the sense of desire, want; "Hunt for the celebrity" (pursue); "Hunt" - track, watch, explore. See add. Traces are the meaning of what this dream dreams.

Large dream book Natalia Stepanova

What dream of a woman hunting

Hunting - If you hunted in a dream - I will have to fight for the exercise of practically unrealistic plans. If you pursued game and overtake it - means successful overcoming difficulties and fulfillment of desires. If the hunt was unsuccessful in a dream - losses and erroneous solutions in business life are possible. I hear the invigorating sounds of hunting horn - to the tangible support of fate in your best endeavors. Watch in a dream for hunting people - evidence that soon you have fun entertainment in the circle of your friends. Sometimes sleep prophesies a meeting with an evil man, which will strike your imagination.

Intimate dream book / E. Danilova

If you dreamed a dream about hunting

Hunting - Hunting dreaming in a dream speaks of your slightly exaggerated attention to the opposite sex. Participation in the hunt symbolizes an attempt to implement almost impossible plans for your adoration object.

Hunting for the dream of Esoteric E. Festkova

Hunting - to the enmity.

Psychoanalytic dream book Samokhvalov

That symbolizes the attack in the drop

Hunting - desire, especially the desires of the update. Sexual attack.

Dream of the XXI century

Hunting in a dream to what dreams

Hunting is to see the hunt - to change in affairs, news in your home. To participate in it - to be careful to the need. Catch animals - to a new acquaintance, deception, cunning; If you catch beasts with bare hands - you are waiting for an unexpected success. Hunt in the company - you have to participate in dubious business; Hunt one - to luck. A dream hunter means the appearance of the enemy and his maneuvers against you - it serves as a warning that you neglect the explicit deterioration of your affairs. If the hunter shoots in a bird - a dangerous enemy ruins your hopes, deliberately excites suspicions against friends. If the hunter hunting a person is a warning that, attacking others, someone marks in you. If the hunter puts the hunter in a dream, sits in ambush - premonitions prompt you to double caution and vigilance. If the hunter lies the beast - a warning that enemies use your attractions to lure you trap, in the next interpreter you can find out what this dream is.

Vintage french dream book

Hunting - Interpretation Digesions

Hunting - to see the hunt in a dream - that someone's rods will lead to a ruin on the edge. Going on a hunt - a sign of faithful profits, especially if in a dream you go hunting without weapons. Return in a dream with hunting - predicts despair and sorting events. To kill a lot of game on the hunt - to a happy meeting or marriage.

Dream Miller

What dreams of hunting in a dream

Hunting - to see in a dream that you hunt, revealing you to fight for the exercise of almost unrealistic plans. You pursue game and overtake it - it foreshadows you successful overcoming difficulties and fulfillment of desires. If you are not lucky in a dream on the hunt - it predicts losses and erroneous solutions in business life. To hear the vigorous sounds of hunting horn - this is a promise of complete happiness in reality and tangible support for fate in your best endeavors.

Sleep value about catching (Assyrian dream book)

Hunting - if a person is going to hunt in the wilderness - sadness is waiting for him.

Dream Interpretation White Maga Yuri Longo

If the dream dreamed of hunting

Hunting - If the hunt had dreamed in a dream in a dream, it means that unexpected material difficulties await you. For all his foresight and intelligence, you will not be able to guess where to wait for difficulties and with which area of \u200b\u200byour life they will be connected. However, that the blow does not find you surprise, you can already start preparing for the time of lack of money, which, by the way, will be the shorter, the faster you can find the necessary amount of money. Try to reduce your costs now, and large purchases while set aside. Hunt himself in a dream - to win. It is both a cash gain and victory in some important dispute for you. Spear in a dream with hunters - careful, you threaten danger! She is carried by your friends who offer you part in some kind of, according to them, very profitable. Tip: Do not agree to this business, no matter how good and profitable it seems to you.

Meaning of sleep about hunting people (dream book Vangu)

What dreams of hunting is to watch in a dream for hunting people - evidence that soon you have fun entertainment in the circle of your friends. Sometimes sleep prophesies a meeting with an evil man, which will strike your imagination. I dreamed that you yourself hunt for any animal, then I will have great difficulties in reality. Your secret enemy will try any ways to prevent your plans. It will not stop neither before, and therefore use any folk remedies in their protection. If in a dream the hunter fell into a hole, divert for animals, then sleep does not foreshand anything good. In real life, you, as they say, go around the edge of the abyss, getting into any risky affairs. Be careful, for it is not for all things you can go for the sake of great earnings. If in a dream during the hunt attacks you wound the beast, then your opinion that you won your sworn enemy, erroneously. He only licks his wounds, getting ready to apply you a new blow.

Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse

Hunting as an image in a dream

Hunting - to take part - Exposure will affect the wonderful future; To be invited - happiness in the lottery.

Hunt - in small animals - it's not lucky in matters; On a large beast - prudence.

Esoteric dream book

Hunting night gold

Hunting - ordinary, see, be on the hunting difficult position, complex situation. The exotic situation requires an extraordinary solution, go away from the usual stereotypes of behavior. For people, tax police or other fiscal bodies aim at you or your organization.

Sonner Simon Kananita

Hunting in a dream to what dreams

Hunting - Exposure will provide you with a wonderful future - to be invited - happiness in the lottery

Hunt - a disadvantageous occupation - in small animals - is not lucky in affairs - on a large beast - Prudence.

Hunt for small vellis

Hunting for large animals - overcome the spell // Enmity, damage; Hunter - Body.

Sleep value about fishery (Gypsy dream book)

I want to engage - to amused and leave in the field with dogs means a vain looking for happiness; From hunting returning with seeded beasts means undoubted benefit.

Dream Wander (Terentia Smirnova)

Interpretation of hunting from your sleep

Hunt - for someone - wish what means the subject of hunting; The desire to achieve a meeting, the location of anyone; Indispensability, aggression.

Intellone dream

What to expect if you have seen hunting

Dreamed a dream about the hunt in the company - to take part in dubious business; One - success

Great dream encyclopedia / Olga Adskina

What symbolizes hunting

Take part in a big hunt - to engage in doubtful or disadvantage, to incur damage.

Hunt - to pursue the game with dogs, to overtake it - to success in work (if one is hunting).

Returning to trophies - to the execution of desires, and sometimes to idleness and carelessness in affairs (if only dogs are with you, but there is no game), to erroneous solutions.

To hunt - to see in a dream of Silts, trays, networks - a negative sign, a symbol of deception.

Meet the hunter in a dream - I will get acquainted with an evil person.

Watch in a dream for hunters - in a short time you will have fun in a circle of loved ones.

Hunt - I dreamed that you yourself hunt for any animal, then considerable difficulties await you in reality: your secret enemy will try any way to prevent your plans. It will not stop neither before, and therefore you can use with any, even the most cruel funds.

Sometimes in a dream you can see what the dreams in the usual life is not even thinking. For example, he can dream of hunting. But why dream such a strange and unusual phenomenon? Dream interpretation will help decipher the mysterious picture, based on specific details.

Interpretation by Miller

If you have dreamed of wild hunt, Miller's dream book interprets this dream as a symbol of plans that cannot be realized. If you have not caught anything, the dream book promises losses in the business due to the wrong solution.

If you overtake to game, you can easily handle difficulties, and your desires will be implemented. The sound of hunting horn foreshadows sleeping happiness, prosperity and starting success. Get more accurate decoding and understand why the animals that fell under the sight will help.

Bear - the embodiment of the enemy

If a woman has dreamed of a bear hunt, then she is trying to win the location of an indifferent person. This beast symbolizes a man of gross and unrestrained, he may indicate a hidden enemy or explicit rivalry.

If you participated in a dream in a plant on the bear and killed him, then overcome the enemies and find a way out of the deadlock. Bear's hunt Dream interpretation also pushes a dangerous situation in life.

Wild Vepr

No less serious enemy symbolizes wild boar. If you dreamed that you were fighting with him, I will try to avoid any minor quarrel. But the clouds in a dream on the boar is a good sign - this is a symbol of coming victories.

If you had to drive it in a dream or even kill, then expect greater joy and financial profit. However, after successfully hunting a boar, it is very important not to try the dish of his meat. Such a dream will be the beginning of a serious illness.

Wolves and quarrels

Approximately the same decoding Dream interpretation and sleep, in which sleeping hunted on wolves. However, this dream may have a somewhat unusual meaning.

What dreams of wolf hunting? If the dreams personally participates in it, then it is worth waiting for a big scandal. Sees from the side - it means that will observe the ssor of friends. Catch the wolf in a dream - to participate in a fight, and kill him - to big trouble.

To difficult wealth

If you participated in the hunt for the moose, then one day you get rich. However, it will not be soon and will have to work very hard. If during the cliffs on the moose animal managed to hide, then you will miss the opportunity to change life for the better.

What dream about the dream about the elk horns? You are waiting for difficult times, but kill the beast during the hunting of the moose - to an unexpected profit, catch his living - dream book interprets as a happy accident.

Other animals

I dreamed that the hunt was keen on a hare, apparently in real life you take over the execution of several things at the same time. But if a businessman or farmer saw a cloud on a deer, then measures must be taken to avoid serious trouble. And by the way, the new case will turn full failure.

A very unusual value gives the dream dream dream about the hunt for snakes. He believes that such a vision indicates a great passion to the opposite sex.

Fishing birds

What is the dream of bird hunting? Such an occupation is interpreted by dream book as aggression towards people and in particular to children. Especially if you have to hunt for ducks. Apparently the baby very much prevents your personal relationship.

To see in a dream or take part in the hunt with dogs, horns, etc. - sign of success in affairs. If you expect a court decision on some kind of business, then sleep predicts you that the case will decide in your favor. Those who hunting is unpleasant, sleep predicts that some events will bring such a person from themselves.

If you dream that the hunt is finished or you come back home from hunting, then your affairs will go no matter because of your slowness and love for idle pastime. If in a dream you will be invited to hunt, then I will make a profitable offer to you, from which you should not refuse. Sometimes such a dream predicts winning in a gambling game.

Hunting equipment in a dream to see, carry and use (forces, network, etc.) - the foresight of the fact that lost. If you can't find some person, then sleep predicts you that your searches will end well. If you do not feel anyone else, then you should fear cheating or beware in the fact that you earn a living. Sleep about hunting gears is more favorable if they are in your hands, and not in the hands of your enemies. However, to see them in the hands of friends - a sign that you need to treat these friends.

The sound of hunting horn in a dream foreshadows getting unpleasant or alarming news. Sometimes such a dream predicts quarrels or begging between partners. In general, to hunt in a dream or see how others do it - a sign of damage or an indication that your business is empty. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows hostility. Meet the hunter in a dream - the foresight of the fact that you need to fear the meeting with a detractor.

To go hunting in a dream and have a gun with you means that the betrayal of a friend grieves you.

Hunting for small game in a dream means you are waiting for failures in business.

Hunting for wild beasts: See interpretation: animals by name. But in general, such a dream warns you that you are time to join the duel with your worst enemies.

Interpretation of dreams from family dream

Dream Interpretation - Hunting

To changes in affairs, news in your home.

To participate in the hunt - to be careful to the need.

Catch the animals - to a new acquaintance, deception, cunning.

Catch the beasts with our bare hands - you are waiting for an unexpected success.

Hunt in the company - you have to take part in doubtful business to hunt alone - to luck.

Hunter - the appearance of the enemy and his maneuvers against you.

The hunter shoots in a bird - a dangerous enemy ruins your hopes, deliberately excites suspicions against friends.

The hunter hunts to a person - a warning that, attacking others, someone marks in you.

The hunter puts capacanis, sitting in ambush - premonitions prompted you to double caution and vigilance.

The hunter lies the beast - a warning that enemies use your attractions in order to lure you trap.

Interpretation of dreams

Hunting in a dream - a symbol of a complex situation or a difficult position requiring an extraordinary solution. Participation in the hunt conveys attempts to seduce some kind of person. Despite the categorization of values, the final interpretation of the dream is entirely depends on the details.

Interpretation of Miller

If in a dream you had a chance to take part in the hunt, then in reality there are almost unrealistic goals. Clearly audible sound of hunting horn promises happiness and support in endeavors.

Pursue and overtake game - to the execution of conceived and successful overcoming obstacles. If you are left without mining, errors and failures are coming in the business plan.

Decoding on Freud.

Hunting, according to Mr. Freud, is a reflection of sexual intercourse, cavity, harassment. Did you hunt a major beast or even a predator? You are a slopes to the manifestations of sadism and cruelty. Small animals and birds reflect the hidden aggression, which is manifested by the most unexpected way.

If in a dream you have a rich prey, which you are proud of, then in real life they suffer from the complex of inferiority. To be the beast, on which the hunt is conducted, means that you are somewhat prone to masochism, both in physical and moral sense.

Dreamed Wange Hunt

Wang's dream book broadcasts that to watch in a dream behind the hunters - to the fast merry and holiday in a circle of good friends. Sometimes it is an indication of a collision with a very strange and unusual person.

Did you dream of hunted anyone? In real life, difficulties are likely to be activated by hidden ill-wishers. In a dream, a wounded beast attacked you? Do not think that you can easily handle enemies. There is a serious battle. If in the heat of the hunt you were pleased with the pit, then for the sake of earnings risks to get into a dubious scope.

Hunting for Dmitry Dream and Winter Hope

In a dream, the hunt literally personifies the chase for good luck and risk. Such visions warn about difficulties and complications in affairs.

If it happened to pursue the beast in the footsteps, then there will be patience on the way to goal. Fight in prey - to a difficult struggle, which will end with your success.

To see the wounded beast suffering from pain means that excerpt will change at the most inopportune moment. If it happened to miss the beast, then the hopes will not bring fruits.

White mage dream book - what dreams of hunting

The hunt, seen in the dream, is considered an omens to undeformed financial difficulties. But it is good to hunt in Gres. This vision guarantees receipt of a winnings, and both money (for example, in a lottery or game) and purely moral - in the dispute.

If in a dream it happened to talk to hunters, then get ready for danger that comes from well-known people. Not only in the near future, do not agree on the proposal, even if it seems profitable and safe.

What dreams of bird hunting, ducks, geese

Did you dream of hunted on birds in the forest? Get what they conceived. If the hunt for birds takes place among the meadows, then the work started will completely fail. The event, started in the swamp, symbolizes failures in love, hopeless endeavor and disappointment.

If in a dream it happened to hunt for ducks, then in real life, try not to miss a major good luck. Running geese symbolize a cunning plan that will lead to triumph.

What dreams of a bear hunting, boar

If in a dream it happened to hunt a bear or boar, then in reality you achieve the love of the Operation, which you are indifferent. If you continue your disembodied attempts, then deserve universal disrespect. In addition, the hunt for a bear or boar marks a chance that will help solve a complex problem.

What dreams of wolf hunting, fox, hare

In a dream to hunt a wolf means that in reality you are collapsed with your loved ones. Fox hunt symbolizes risky intrigues, secret novels and dubious enterprises. Did you catch the hare? To make people close to you, using the most hitteridal methods.

What dreams of a female hunting

A woman in a dream to hunt alone - to modest female happiness, in the company - to rivalry and conflict. If you have not directly involved, but only observed, then some business will be associated with unpleasant troubles. To see the husband returns from hunting without mining - to home scandal, moves and misunderstanding.

Hunting in a dream - interpretation of images

Sometimes the hunt in a dream passes the search for the meaning and self-sacking. However, it may also indicate specific events. It all depends on the detail of the vision.

  • out of production - to successful overcoming difficulties
  • do not focus - to an erroneous solution, collapse of the transaction
  • the sound of hunting horn is close - happiness, luck
  • far - delay, waiting
  • hunting Patosna, only for beauty - Easy to win Love and lose interest
  • hard, tense - you will seek a lover for a long time
  • take part in the hunt - to activity, coincidence
  • hunt alone - show caution, good luck
  • in the company - to a dubious or public case
  • to see from the side - to entertainment
  • get an invitation - to win in the lottery
  • african safari - to major changes
  • catch animals (traps, slices, traps) - deception, cunning, new acquaintance
  • catch your hands - to unprecedented luck
  • hunt in small animals - to failures
  • on a major beast - show prudence
  • on fox - to cunning rivals
  • on a hare - to disappointment in love
  • on a deer - to well-being, the execution of desires
  • shoot in birds - to gain hope
  • put trap - think plans
  • sit in ambush - show patience
  • big mining - to good luck in the fight against competitors
  • failures on the hunt - to disassembly with colleagues, failure of transactions

And remember, the image of an unfamiliar lonely hunter symbolizes an irreconcilable enemy. Manners and characteristic features of appearance can give instructions on a completely defined person. To get a picture of further relationships with him, pay attention to his behavior on the hunt.