Marilyn Monroe is a sex symbol of the 50s of the XX century, actress, singer and model with a luxurious feminine figure. Her cuteness, naive childish look, wide snow-white smile, combined with innate charm and sexuality attracted the attention of film directors and photographers from all continents.

Monroe was loved by men, women envied her. Mysterious popularity and mystical death Marilyn, even half a century later, is haunted by admirers of her appearance and talent.

Biography of Marilyn Monroe

Norma Jeane Mortenson (real name) was born in the City of Angels - Los Angeles, USA, on June 1, 1926. Hard childhood movie stars, the eternal wandering around foster families and orphanages left its mark to some extent on the character and fate of the actress. She was the third child in a single-parent family, did not know her real father, and lost her mother’s love and care early. Due to health problems, lack of time and money, Norma’s mother was forced to give the girl up to guardians. Throughout her childhood and youth, the future celebrity wandered around other people’s families where, according to the actress, they even tried to rape her several times.

Everything changed when Norma turned 17 years old. She accidentally met a successful photographer at the Padioplane factory, where she worked at the time. David Conover came to this site to take a number of propaganda photographs. He was attracted by the pretty appearance of the young girl.

It was this meeting that became fateful for the future film star. Norma left her job at the factory and went to conquer model business, posing for little-known photographers. One of them advised the girl to change her image and take a euphonious pseudonym. This is how platinum blonde Marilyn Monroe appeared.

Male actresses

The blonde attracted men to her like a magnet. People were drawn to her, and she was not deprived of the attention of the opposite sex. Some associate the way Marilyn Monroe died with problems in her personal life and intimate relationships with influential men. The actress was married to baseball player Joe DiMaggio, playwright Arthur Miller, and dated the Kennedy brothers.


Marilyn Monroe has an incredibly feminine, attractive figure. High lush breasts, thin waist, rounded hips, slender legs attracted attention and were valued in the modeling business and film industry. good looks and ideal parameters Marilyn Monroe served her well. The blonde received almost all her roles thanks to her sexuality, prettyness and inimitable naivety in her gaze.

Marilyn Monroe's measurements with a height of 166 cm (95x57.5x90), photogenicity, and harmonious figure came in handy for her in the movies. In all films, excluding latest works, she appears as a dumb blonde, the main objective which - to marry successfully. Marilyn owes her beauty not only to nature, but also plastic surgery. The actress changed the shape of her nose and chin, worked on her smile and figure, enlarged her breasts, and radically changed her image. We can say that the image of Monroe, as everyone knows him, was made by Hollywood in pursuit of certain goals.

Mysticism, coincidence or a clearly thought-out plan - but the life, fame and death of the actress are shrouded in eternal mystery. The most bright icon style of the 20th century passed away at a young age.

Many articles and books have been written about how Marilyn Monroe died, her life and roles.

  • Marilyn loved to read. Her home library contained more than four hundred books.
  • All her life, the actress considered herself physically constrained and thought that something was wrong with her.
  • Monroe was afraid of her carefree role in the movies, so almost everyone free time spent in acting studios.
  • Despite the attention from the outside, the actress always felt lonely.
  • For the sake of Arthur Miller, her third husband, Monroe converted to Judaism.
  • Marilyn Monroe's birthday is 06/1/1926, the date of her death is 08/5/1962.
  • The actress could drink only orange juice all day long, but still did not suffer from thinness.

Last film role

The actress starred in twenty-eight films. Many of them brought fame to Marilyn Monroe. The last role in the film, the title of which is mystically connected with tragic events (“Something’s Gotta Happen”), remained unfinished. The only completed film was the drama “The Misfits” (1961), where the actress appears in a completely different role.

Throughout her career, Marilyn dreamed of getting rid of the image of a frivolous blonde and was worried that she was not being given serious dramatic roles. The premature death of Marilyn Monroe prevented her main acting dream from being fulfilled.

The mystery of death: versions

Many people are still interested in the question of how Marilyn Monroe died. Mystical coincidences in the life of an actress, failed marriages, aborted pregnancy, unplayed roles influenced to one degree or another the tragic ending of the star.

According to the main version of the investigation, on August 5, 1962, the actress exceeded the dose of sleeping pills and antidepressants that her doctor prescribed to her. 36-year-old Marilyn, depressed and nervous, may have unintentionally taken medication and lost consciousness. The actress was found in the morning. She was lying face down in her bed with a telephone receiver in her hand and no signs of life. Forensic experts found hematomas on one leg. Next to the bed were empty bottles of various medications and a package of sleeping pills. Suicide note was not found.

The death of Marilyn Monroe interested the public. Some claimed it was murder. One of former employees The CIA said Monroe was "ordered" but this information I didn't find any confirmation. The connection between Marilyn Monroe and Kennedy, the President of the United States, creates another version. Allegedly, Marilyn wanted to become the first lady and blackmailed Kennedy. After her death, microphones from listening devices were found in her house.

In addition, the actress entered into an intimate relationship not only with John Kennedy, but also with his brother Robert. Later, journalists put forward another version of Monroe's death. The authors claim that on the evening of her death, Robert Kennedy and Peter Lawford came to see the actress. They quarreled, and Marilyn promised to tell at the upcoming press conference Interesting Facts about the Kennedy family and make secret political information public.

According to journalists and according to the confession of retired CIA officer Norman Hodges, Monroe was killed. She was given a giant dose of barbiturates. Also, the attending physician was accused of the death of the actress, who prescribed her large quantities"Nembutal".


After Marilyn Monroe died, this news giant wave swept America. The main version of death was made public - suicide. Details tragic death, or rather an overdose of sleeping pills, led to hundreds of deaths ordinary Americans who, of their own free will, following their idol, ended their lives in a similar way.

Marilyn was found dead on the night of August 4–5, 1962. More than half a century has passed since Monroe's death, but her death still remains a mystery to many. It is known that the star was in a neurotic state and used sedatives and stimulants. Both of these factors justify the version of suicide. But still, many are sure that behind Monroe’s death long years a secret is hidden.

Marilyn Monroe was killed by order of the CIA

One theory claims that Monroe was killed by her close connection with the Kennedy family. The actress was “ordered” by the CIA to take revenge on President John Kennedy for the failed invasion of Cuba. But why Monroe? In 2003, Matthew Smith, in his book “Victim: The Secret Tapes of Marilyn Monroe,” writes that the CIA knew about the actress’s affair with both Kennedy brothers. By killing her, the authorities wanted to put pressure on the president and his family. In 2015, Smith's theory was fueled by the confessions of a retired CIA officer, who admitted on his deathbed that it was he who killed Monroe. However, it was later revealed that the officer's confession was nothing more than a hoax, courtesy of a fake news site.


Marilyn Monroe was killed by Robert Kennedy

One of the first versions that arose after Marilyn's death says that younger brother President Kennedy Robert himself killed the artist because he was afraid that she would tell about their affair and his political career will go downhill. The same version was voiced by Frank Capell in 1962 in his book The Strange Death of Marilyn Monroe. Capella’s version did not receive much support, and passions subsided. But in 1973, writer Norman Mailer “added fuel to the fire” by releasing another biography of Marilyn, where he claimed that the actress was killed by her lover, Senator Robert Kennedy. Mailer did not have convincing evidence, but the loud advertising worked - the book sold in huge numbers. Two years later, another follower of this theory, journalist Anthony Scaduto, wrote an article. Drawing on several sources at once, he explained why Kennedy killed Monroe. In his opinion, the actress knew too many political secrets and wrote down information in her secret diary.

Marilyn Monroe was killed by Robert Kennedy, but he did not act alone

Another theory was put forward by yellow journalist Anthony Summers, who wrote the book Goddess in 1985. The secrets of the life and death of Marilyn Monroe." The author claims that Robert Kennedy encouraged bad habits Marilyn. Moreover, the politician personally took care of the last, fatal dose of sleeping pills. According to Summers, the president was afraid that Marilyn would tell about their affair, and therefore, together with his son-in-law Peter Lawford, he organized an overdose. The author also claims that J. Edgar Hoover, who served as director of the FBI, helped frame everything as a suicide.

Summers' theory is supported by the words of Monroe's housekeeper, Eunice Murray, who was the first to discover the actress's body. In an interview with a journalist, Murray admitted: “Oh, why do I have to keep covering this up? Well, of course Bobby Kennedy was there, and of course they had an affair."

Marilyn was accidentally killed by her own doctors

Another book about the life and death of Marilyn Monroe was written by Donald Spoto in 1993. According to the author, Monroe lied to doctors about her treatment, as a result of which she was prescribed the wrong dose of medication. With the help of that same housekeeper, Eunice Murray, Marilyn's death was framed as a suicide. Despite police reports and the housekeeper's statements, Spoto's version was not supported and was rejected.

Marilyn Monroe was killed because she knew too much about UFOs

One of the craziest versions of Marilyn Monroe's death was put forward by extraterrestrial conspiracy theorist Dr. Steven Greer. He claims that Monroe knew too much about... UFOs. In his film Unacknowledged, Greer stated that Marilyn was planning to leak top-secret information about the 1947 Roswell Incident (the alleged crash of an unidentified flying object near the city of Roswell in New Mexico, USA). To stop the leak of classified information, a CIA officer got rid of a dangerous blonde by faking suicide.

Marilyn Monroe was killed by the mafia

In 1982, private investigator Milo Speriglio came up with a stunning theory: Monroe had been murdered by union leader Jimmy Hoffa and Chicago Mob boss Sam Giancana. Sperillo explains his theory in detail in the book “The Murder of Marilyn Monroe: Case Closed.” Despite questionable evidence, the detective's book led to the reopening of the case into Marilyn's death. However, after a new investigation, the Los Angeles district attorney closed the case: Sperillo’s theory was not confirmed.

Marilyn Monroe - embodiment female beauty. At one time, with a gentle voice, she drove many men crazy. She appeared on the covers of fashion magazines, took part in filming and was active in Why did Marilyn Monroe die? What did she need to be completely happy? Let's figure this out together.


We will tell you how Marilyn Monroe died a little later. In the meantime, let's look at her biography and follow creative path. The main beauty of Hollywood was born on June 1, 1926 in Los Angeles. Her mother worked as an editor at the Columbia and RKO film studios. It is known that the woman suffered mental disorder. Marilyn was an illegitimate child; she never saw her father.

From the age of 5, the girl wandered around other people's houses. Her mother was placed in a psychiatric hospital. The child had to survive on his own. Already with early years she learned what hunger, cold, bullying and rape were like.


Many of those who are interested in why Marilyn Monroe died do not know what moral suffering and humiliation she had to endure. Tired of being homeless, the 16-year-old girl married him. He had nothing to do with cinema, but was just a worker at an aircraft factory. A year after her wedding to Jim, our heroine made her first suicide attempt. They managed to save her. In 1944, Marilyn's husband went overseas on a merchant ship. The girl decided not to waste time and got a job at a defense plant. It was there that an army photographer saw her. He took several pictures of the beauty. And soon she was invited to a modeling agency.

Film career

In August 1946, Norma Jean Baker (that was Marilyn's real name) signed a contract with the 20th Century Fox studio. At first she was paid $125 a week, but soon the fee increased several times. It was during that period that the girl finally changed her name, taking the pseudonym Marilyn Monroe. The best vocal and choreography teachers worked with her.

The blond beauty's film debut took place in 1948. She took part in the filming of the film "Scudda - Hoo!" It was a cameo role. All she had to do was say one phrase. In the same year, Marilyn starred in the film “Dangerous Years.” She successfully got used to the role of Evie. The contract with the studio "XX Century - Fox" was completed. But the girl did not intend to leave cinema. She wanted to get her piece of fame and an army of fans.


Soon the blonde began collaborating with the Columbia studio. Here she starred in only one film called “Chorus Girls.” Despite favorable reviews, studio representatives refused to work with her further. Then Monroe decided to return to the modeling business. In 1953, Playboy magazine was published, inside which there was a calendar with candid photos Marilyn.

The year 1950 turned out to be extremely successful for our heroine. She took part in the filming of 5 films at once. The audience noticed and fell in love with her. And the Fox studio, with which Marilyn had previously collaborated, offered her main role in the movie "The Demon Wakes at Night." The blonde simply could not miss such a chance.

In the period from 1953 to 1959. the actress starred in a dozen films that gained enormous popularity among viewers. Marilyn was called the main beauty Hollywood. Men went crazy about her, and women wanted to have the same magnificent appearance. But no one thought that behind the beautiful wrapper there was a vulnerable soul.

Personal life

Norma Jeane (aka Marilyn) got married early, but not out of love, but out of convenience. Soon the marriage broke up. The girl threw all her strength into building acting career. she pushed it into the background.

In 1953, Marilyn met basketball player Joe DiMaggio. For a long time they lived in civil marriage. The actress herself refused to officially register the relationship. And all because of the first failed marriage. But soon the blond beauty agreed to marry Joe DiMaggio. She dreamed of being happy family life. However, fate decreed differently. The husband regularly staged scenes of jealousy and asked her to make a choice - either him or the movie. As a result, the couple separated. Their marriage lasted only 263 days.

In 1956, the actress married again. Her chosen one was playwright Arthur Miller. A year later, Marilyn became pregnant, but due to constant pregnancy, she had a miscarriage. She divorced Arthur. In 1961 main blonde Hollywood met US President John Kennedy. There were rumors about their whirlwind romance. But the actress herself did not admit this.

How did Marilyn Monroe die?

In 1961, the actress was placed in the psychiatric ward of a Los Angeles clinic. Divorce from the third spouse, dissatisfaction with one’s acting career and the thought of suicide - all this led her to hospital bed. The blonde went downhill. She became addicted to alcohol and drugs. Treatment in psychiatric clinic did not produce tangible results.

In what year did Marilyn Monroe die? This happened on August 5, 1962. In the morning, as usual, the housekeeper came into her bedroom to clean up. The woman's heart-rending scream woke up everyone who lived in the neighborhood. She found her owner dead. The woman tried to push her away and bring her to her senses. But the actress’s hands were cold. How did Marilyn Monroe die? She was lying on the bed and seemed to be sleeping. But the unnatural posture and the presence of foam at the mouth - all this indicated that trouble had occurred.

What time did Marilyn Monroe die? The blond beauty was barely 36 years old. Immediately after her death, her will was made public. The actress's fortune was estimated at $1.6 million. The teacher received 75% of this amount acting and 25% was due to her psychoanalyst. Our heroine did not forget about her mother. Each year she received a payment of $5,000.

What did Marilyn Monroe die from?

Police arriving at the scene found several packages of sleeping pills next to the actress’s bed. The dose turned out to be lethal. No one will ever know the reason why the beauty committed suicide. The main blonde of Hollywood took this secret with her.


Now you know how Marilyn Monroe died. And although many years have passed since then, this actress is remembered and loved by millions of people around the world.

/ ... and death / How did Marilyn Monroe die?

How did Marilyn Monroe die?

How did Marilyn die? Did she really want to fake suicide to get attention, or was she determined to commit suicide? And if she was deliberately deprived of her life, then by whom? Psychoanalyst Ralph Greenson, distraught over losing his beloved client? Robert Kennedy, conspiring with those closest to her?

There are no answers to any of these questions. There is no evidence, not even the words of witnesses on which to build: Eunice Murray and Marilyn’s doctors changed their testimony several times, and the housekeeper, without really explaining what she saw, heard and did that evening, left for Europe shortly after the funeral. The testimony of some witnesses is contradicted by others, and over time, more and more theories appear about what happened on August 4, 1962 at Marilyn Monroe's home.

Main versions of death

  1. Accident: Monroe accidentally took a fatal dose of medication.
  2. Housekeeper Eunice Murray accidentally administered too much medication in the form of an enema.
  3. Accident due to heart injection given by Dr. Ralph Greenson.
  4. Premeditated murder by Dr. Greenson or Eunice Murray at his direction.
  5. Premeditated murder organized by Robert Kennedy and his accomplices.

The list of versions does not end here: on the contrary, this is just the beginning. Marilyn's death has become one of the most interesting puzzles in history: despite the fact that we will never know the truth, her fans continue to puzzle over the mystery of her death.

Versions are born one after another: we have listed only the most famous and, at first glance, reasonable. There is also an assumption that Monroe was killed because she was going to reveal state secrets. From complex and serious theories, fans come to those that more often cause a smile than trust. For example, some fans believe that Marilyn was killed because she knew too much about the crash alien ship in 1947.

For many years, the cause of death of one of Hollywood's most brilliant stars, Marilyn Monroe, wasNorma Jean Mortenson, remained a mystery. Much of the evidence and testimony obtained during the investigation was destroyed or lost. But now, almost half a century later, new details of the actress’s death have come to light.

Marilyn Monroe: symbol of eternal beauty

Upon death itself, on August 5, 1962, the body of Marilyn Monroe was found in the bedroom of her home in Brentwood and, according to the results of the autopsy, the investigation concluded that death was the result of acute barbiturate poisoning. It is known that listening devices were installed in Monroe’s house, and surveillance was carried out on the day of her death. Witnesses claim that the day before John and Bobby Kennedy came to her, screams and the sound of breaking glass were heard, a woman shouted: “Murderers! You are murderers! Are you happy now that she is dead?”, then everything became quiet. Arguments are made that it was Bobby Kennedy who silenced Monroe forever by suffocating him with a pillow.

Conflicting reports of death

In fact, while more than a hundred books have been written about the life and death of the woman who was perhaps the most notorious sex symbol of the 20th century, none of them have managed to penetrate the mystery or even fill the gap regarding last minutes Monroe's life.

According to eyewitnesses, August 4, 1962 was a fairly ordinary day in Marilyn's life. Pat Newcomb, her press agent, recalled that Marilyn appeared to be having trouble sleeping and was irritated about something. Most Her psychiatrist, Dr. Ralph Greenson, spent the day with Monroe, who noted a clear change in the actress’s condition, which he explained by taking Nembutal (a barbiturate). In the evening, Joe DiMaggio came to her to discuss with Marilyn the dissolution of his engagement and their possible reunion.

At 4:25 a.m. on Sunday, August 5, the Los Angeles Police Department received a call. The caller introduced himself as Dr. Hyman Engelberg, personal doctor Marilyn, he said that the actress Marilyn Monroe committed suicide. When the police arrived at the movie star's house, they found Marilyn's naked body, next to which were bottles of sedatives. According to the description of the scene, she was lying face down, what is called the “soldier’s” position, with her face buried in a pillow, her arms along her body, right hand slightly bent, legs extended straight.

The investigation immediately assumed that she was placed in this way because, contrary to general concept, an overdose of sleeping pills usually causes the victim to experience leg cramps and vomiting, and the very position of the body is distorted rather than remaining straight. The statements taken from third parties were very strange: they claimed that Marilyn's body was found earlier than four hours, but they could not contact the police until the advertising department of the 20th Century Fox Film Corporation gave them permission to do so.

A preliminary autopsy determined that Marilyn died from a barbiturate overdose. Residues of the drug pentobarbital (a sleeping pill) were found in her liver, and chloral hydrate was found in her blood. Marilyn's cause of death was identified as "probable suicide."

Autopsy results and causes of death of Marilyn Monroe

The coroner based his determination of the cause of death as "suicide" on: the presence of sedative drug residues in her blood, her previous suicide attempts, and the absence of signs of violent death. This opinion, however, was not shared by some forensic experts, who argued that no traces of Nembutal were found in the stomach or intestines, only in the liver, suggesting that in fact, Marilyn died from rectally administered barbiturates through an enema.

Some experts make very convincing arguments in favor of accidental death stars. It is quite possible that her doctors, trying to wean Marilyn off Nembutal, Lately gave her chloral hydrate. Chloral hydrate significantly slows down the metabolism and absorption of Nembutal. The doctors might not know when and what she took, especially since the drugs interact very poorly with each other. Almost every doctor, unwilling to admit to himself or others, makes serious and sometimes fatal mistakes in relation to his patients, especially since it is worth considering the fact that Marilyn often took drugs during the day. And of course, a much more exciting version of a movie star's death would be accidental death or murder.

Celebrity status is more susceptible to crime romance. Of course, it is important to distinguish between hiding information by powerful individuals from committing a crime and eliminating people who could potentially create serious problems. There are a number of credible people who claim that Marilyn Monroe had affairs with one or both of the Kennedy brothers. According to Marilyn's confidant, the latter had real aspirations for the post of First Lady. Her letters and phone calls Kennedy became tiresome and very risky. It's one thing to have fun with unknown girls, but it's quite another to be involved with a sex symbol and a celebrity. The actress herself could easily deprive both of them of the presidency, since she was privy to many private issues, and even issues related to the security of the country. The influential brothers had every reason to break off relations with Marilyn forever. Therefore, it is quite possible that Robert became the person who tried to end the star’s relationship with the Kennedy clan.

Marilyn and the Kennedy brothers

According to Marilyn's friends, the relationship between her and the two brothers is previously unknown. general public, were the talk of Hollywood. Marilyn was often seen dancing or having intimate conversations at private parties with Bobby or John. According to her close friends, Bobby fell in love with Marilyn, but she did not reciprocate his feelings; Monroe's heart still belonged to her older brother, John. Sometimes, Marilyn and John met secretly during the latter's official trips and often talked on the phone. Kennedy even knocked her out personal number so she could contact him through the Department of Justice. Marilyn's hopes for a future together with the president grew, she believed that John Kennedy would someday be able to divorce Jackie and marry her.

In 1962, she performed at Madison Square Garden on John F. Kennedy's birthday, performing the well-known, " Happy Birthday Mr. President." It was a performance that created ripples of gossip among the crowd as their relationship was publicly displayed. Rumors about Marilyn and Kennedy began to circulate actively in American society. There was a danger that if the President's relationship with Marilyn continued, then John in particular , may be drawn into a whirlpool of scandal.

In the summer of 1962, Marilyn was asked to cease all contact with her brothers. Their relationship came to an abrupt end, Marilyn was broken and fell into severe depression. She even shared with friends that she would not mind telling the truth about her relationship with Kennedy in revenge for the pain they caused her.

But a few weeks before her death, Marilyn's career and personal life, in a certain sense, were on the rise. A number of new film projects have come to the fore. She spent the weekend with Joe DiMaggio, and it was rumored that they were planning to get married again. Sadly, the following weekend, Marilyn was found dead in her Brentwood home. Her death was ruled a suicide due to an overdose of sleeping pills. However, there were many who still believe that she was killed because she knew too much. The day before tragic events Frank Sinatra visited her, mainly to make sure that she was not going to publicize the details of her relationship with JFK. It was rumored that in connection with the same, the gangsters of Sam Giancana were putting pressure on her, and unflattering photographs of the actress were brought to light as a means of blackmail. But now, everyone probably already understands that real events The stories that surrounded Marilyn's death will never be made public. For sure, all that is known is this: the living legend mysteriously died in the prime of his life, in the fog of confusion, scandals and uncertainty.