Igor Yakovlevich Krutoy was born in Ukraine in 54. Today he is known as a composer, producer, and businessman. He is successful in everything - in creativity, in business and in his personal life. His talents began to manifest themselves very early, so he independently, outside of music school, mastered the button accordion, and after school he studied piano for a whole year in order to enter the music school. school. After graduating, Krutoy teaches music to children and studies in the conducting department at a pedagogical institute.

To earn a living, he starts playing in restaurants, where fate brings him together with singer Alexander Serov. Soon they begin to collaborate - Krutoy writes songs for Serov, including “Madonna,” which made the composer famous. True, all this happens only in 1987, and before that Krutoy manages to work as the leader of Tolkunova’s ensemble and tours with actor E. P. Leonov.

When Serov receives the “Song of the Year” award for “Madonna,” the name of the composer Krutoy is recognized throughout Russia. The friends continue to collaborate, and Serov wins with Krutoy’s songs at international competitions.
In 1989, such a direction as production activity appeared in the country, and it was Krutoy who became one of the first producers in the country, creating the ARS company. In addition to composing and producing work, Krutoy established the “New Wave” competition in Jurmala, and in 2000 he became the producer of the next “Star Factory”.

Today, Krutoy’s songs are performed by almost all famous pop singers; he has collaborated with many of them for decades, and he has made many of them stars thanks to his compositions. Krutoy also writes instrumental music.
How a real man, Krutoy does not talk too much about his family and tries not to participate in scandals. In his personal life there were two wives. One is Elena, whom Igor married in 79. In 81, Krutoy’s wife gave birth to a son, Alexander, who today has his own daughter, Igor Yakovlevich’s granddaughter Kristina.

The second time Krutoy met love in America in 1995, where he was on tour. Beautiful a tall girl I came to his concert. Olga had already been living in the states for a long time, raising her daughter Victoria alone. At the banquet and concert field they were introduced to each other, but the acquaintance was fleeting.
A month later, back in America, Krutoy found Olga’s phone number and called, and so their relationship began. Two years later the couple played noisy wedding. Today Krutoy is raising two children - Victoria, whom he considers his my own daughter and Alexandra, who was born in 2003. Victoria already adult girl, who also plays music. At a recent wedding, it was Igor Krutoy who led her to the altar as a father.

Olga Dmitrievna Krutaya (b. 1963) – image maker, businesswoman, wife of the famous Russian composer Igor Krutoy. In a circle Russian show business the composer is spoken of as a tough, stern, stubborn person, and only in front of one single woman does he lose all these qualities, becoming soft and gentle - in front of his wife Olya. It was to her that Krutoy dedicated one of his most piercing musical compositions, “I Love You to Tears.” She - self-sufficient woman, chose yours life path and achieved everything without outside help. Those around her are amazed by her magnificent appearance and stunning figure, style and elegance.

Childhood and youth

Olya was born in the city of Leningrad on November 25, 1963. Her father was a party worker, her mother was a housewife, raising children, Olga also has a brother. My father was an ideological communist and the head of the family, my mother obeyed her husband in everything. Olga learned from childhood that in the family main man, and a woman should be a modest keeper hearth and home.

Olya spent her childhood in strictness, with early years she was instilled with traditional family values. The father raised his daughter to have a strict disposition and an easy-going character. IN adolescence The girl was allowed to walk until seven o’clock in the evening, while all friends were allowed until nine. And she was allowed to wear jeans only at the age of seventeen, since her father considered these clothes vulgar, and a modest girl should only wear dresses.

Besides good upbringing Olga adopted his character from her father. In her early childhood she was a calm and good girl, she didn’t show much emotion. As a teenager, she had many disagreements with her dad. The girl didn't want to live anymore established rules. She often argued with her father, trying to convince him that she was already old enough and had her own opinion.

Youth and first marriage

After graduating from school, as her father wanted, Olya entered the Leningrad Financial and Economic Institute.

But, having escaped a little from her parental care, in 1982 the girl stunned everyone with unexpected news. She married a man who was much older than her, Vladimir Bukhover.

In 1985, the couple had a daughter, Vika.

But in 1989, Olya separated from her husband; their relationship was affected by the beginning of perestroika, the unstable situation in the country and the lack of good work. In addition, Olga was still young, she did not have enough patience and wisdom then.

Moving to America

An even bigger shock for Olga’s parents was her departure to America in 1991. Strong changes began in the Soviet Union, the iron curtain, and Olya had a childhood friend living in the USA, and she decided to go visit her and see how people live abroad.

Olga with her daughter Vika

From there she never returned to her homeland. I called my parents on the phone and said that I was staying in America. Six months later, she also took her daughter Victoria. I started by tightening my tongue. Soon she married a wealthy American of Russian origin. She does not hide the fact that she entered into a marriage of convenience, because she had to live on something with her little daughter. She doesn’t like to remember or talk about this period. Then I got a job in a modeling agency, my external data allowed me to do this, I went on the podium, starred in advertising, but without much enthusiasm.

Marriage to a composer

Olya met Igor Krutoy in Atlantic City in 1994 at the Songs of the Year banquet. When the composer was introduced to businesswoman Olga, his first thought was: “Can women really be so beautiful.” Then several times during the evening he turned his head, looking for the beauty he liked at the next table. According to Krutoy, from that moment his head remained twisted 180 degrees. He realized that he fell in love at first sight.

But there was no question of any relationship. Olya was married and raised a daughter. Igor was already divorced by that time, but a job awaited him in Moscow. His first marriage was not happy. The wife could not endure the financial difficulties that are always encountered creative personalities at the beginning of his career. Igor's wife met another man, and the family broke up. From his first marriage, Krutoy has a son, Nikolai.

However, feelings flared up not only among the composer. Olga thought more and more about Igor every day, until she finally realized that she was madly in love. Their love turned out to be much stronger than conventions and distances. At the first meeting, they nevertheless exchanged phone numbers. And, in the end, Igor decided to call. Olya felt his sincerity and warmth even over the phone.

She believed him unconditionally, and a month later their second meeting took place. Igor went with the Russian show party to meet him in the USA New Year. The company was full of stars - Alla Pugacheva, Philip Kirkorov, Valery Leontyev, Igor Nikolaev and Natasha Koroleva. Only to the Diva Russian stage Krutoy admitted that he was going to propose marriage to his bride. Imagine Alla’s amazement when she learned that Igor had met his beloved only once so far.

Nevertheless, Olga immediately accepted this offer without hesitation. She officially filed for divorce from her husband, met Igor’s mother and his son from his first marriage.

In 1995 they took place gorgeous wedding, to which all the stars of Russian show business were invited. As a wedding hit, Igor dedicated the song “I love you to tears” to his young wife.

To the general public Olga became famous after the release of the video for the song “Palma de Mallorca”. The audience immediately liked the exquisite beauty in the video, and only then did they find out that she was the wife of composer Igor Krutoy.

The marriage turned out to be extremely successful, happy and harmonious, despite the fact that the spouses were separated by an entire ocean. Olga was unable to leave her business in America, and Igor continued to engage in production and creative activity in Russia. This is the secret of their relationship - they do not have time to starve each other. Although, of course, they miss you and call you back every day. At the first opportunity they fly - either Igor to the USA, or Olya to Russia. Their longest separation lasted three weeks.

From the very first days of meeting Olga’s daughter from his first marriage, Vika, Igor managed to establish warm and friendly relations. Over time, he adopted her, and Victoria began to bear the surname Krutaya.

Six years after the wedding, the family was overtaken by the first ordeal– illness and the most complicated operation on Igor's pancreas. They all stood firm together and rallied even more. And two years later, the Lord rewarded the couple with a daughter, Alexandra. The composer was crazy with happiness, came to the USA for a long time, did not leave his beloved wife and daughter, to whom he dedicated several songs at once (the most famous “New Year’s Sasha”).

The life of the Krutoy daughters is going well. Vika seriously studied vocals, participated in the “Morning Star” and “New Wave” competitions, and starred in several music videos. In New York, Victoria graduated from the Stella Adle Drama School. Then she continued her studies at the university with a degree in business communications. In Russia eldest daughter Krutykh took courses for television presenters in Ostankino. As a result, Vika finally chose the profession of a florist and opened a flower shop in Moscow.

In 2014, Victoria got married, her chosen one was restaurateur David Berkovich, the girl had known him since she was twelve years old. The wedding was gorgeous, covered in detail by online publications. The event was held according to Jewish rites, and the guests included all the cream of Russian show business. In 2015, the young couple delighted their parents with their granddaughter, Demi-Rose. So Olga and Igor Krutoy are already grandparents.

Youngest daughter Alexandra is passionate fine arts and plans to become a clothing designer.

The spouses have enough real estate around the world - they have housing in Spain and Monaco. Magnificent apartment in Miami in a prestigious area on Fisher Island. This - unique place which is famous absolute safety. Around continuous fields golf courses, tennis courts, pink flamingos and other paraphernalia luxurious life. World stars of the first magnitude walk here without any security. Once on the street Olya even met Bill Clinton.


Olga does not like to brag about her achievements in business. Her latest business project is her own perfume line, the formula for which was developed jointly with French perfumers. I suggested the idea good friend Krutykh family - perfumer from France Nezhla Barbir. She was inspired to create perfumes by Igor’s musical compositions.

This is a Russian brand that is produced in France, its name is made up of the initials of the Krutykh couple “OKKIi”. The brand's line includes four original fragrances - one for men and three for women (for different ages).

Secrets of beauty and happiness

Olga owes her stunning figure to genetics; after all, in this regard, she is a happy woman who is not prone to being overweight. But you still have to keep your muscles in good shape through sports activities. She even forced her husband to switch to healthy image life and visit regularly Gym.

When the Cool spouses appear at some social event, all attention is focused on them - beautiful, slender, stylish, harmonious and crazy loving friend friend.

The years have absolutely no power over Olga. She doesn’t change: the same hairstyle, hair color, slimness, beauty. She has impeccable taste, she always chooses outfits well and wears them effectively.

Olga Krutaya was born on November 11, 1963 in St. Petersburg. Her father was a major party functionary and unquestioned authority in the family, and her mother was raising her daughter and son. Despite the fact that Olya is still in Soviet times could show off in branded dresses unattainable for her peers, the trousers were the strictest ban, and she had to return home no later than seven in the evening. Upon completion high school, in full accordance with her father’s wishes, Olga became a student at the Leningrad Financial and Economic Institute.

However, the power of parents is not unlimited, and in 1982 Olga shocked her family with the news of her marriage to Vladimir Bukhover, a man much older than her. In 1985, their daughter Victoria was born. The second shock for the father was the emigration of his daughter and her husband to the USA. However, being in a foreign country, difficulties with work, and, as Olga herself admitted, a lack of wisdom and patience in family relationships led to a break between the spouses in 1989.

Igor Yakovlevich Krutoy was experiencing separation from his wife when he met Olga. At that time she lived in America and was married. They met at a banquet after the concert. Concert featuring Russian celebrities took place in Atlantic City. Olga came to the banquet with friends, where she met Igor Yakovlevich. The acquaintance was so fleeting that Olga did not even know who he was. Igor didn’t come to the banquet alone either, they just ended up at neighboring tables. The beauty of the neighbor at the table struck Igor Yakovlevich. Krutoy did not forget Olga and called her a month later, once again finding himself in America. A romance began between them, ending with a wedding two years later.

Despite the fact that Olga was unable to leave her business in the USA, and Igor did not stop his creative and production activities in Russia, the relationship between the spouses was extremely harmonious. Olga convinced her husband to lead a healthy lifestyle and regularly visit the gym, became his image maker, and most importantly, his inspiration. Such songs of Krutoy as the undisputed wedding hit “I Love You to Tears”, the romantic “Palma de Mallorca” and many other timeless compositions were dedicated to her. Igor managed to establish warm relations with Olga's daughter Victoria, over time he adopted the girl, and she began to bear his last name.

Olga Krutaya prefers not to brag about her achievements. Her latest business project was the development of an original line of perfumes, the formulas of which she created in collaboration with French perfumer Nezhla Barbir. This Russian brand, which is produced in France, is called "OKKIi", made up of the initials married couple, and has already gone on sale at TSUM and Douglas Rivoli. The brand's line includes four original fragrances - one for men, Opus pour Homme, and three for women of different ages.

When Igor and Olga Krutoy appear at social events, they always attract attention. The past years have not affected Olga's appearance - she does not change her hair color or hairstyle, she is still slim and beautiful, she knows how to choose and wear clothes from expensive brands effectively. As for family relations Olga and Igor, then, by their mutual admission, over the past twenty years they have only become stronger.

Our article will present the biography of the popular Russian maestro Igor Krutoy, creator of hits of all times: “I love you to tears”, “An unfinished novel”. Recognized Ukrainian and Russian composer, National artist Russia, producer of “New Wave”, “Song of the Year”.

Igor Krutoy is known not only in Russian Federation, but also beyond. He was awarded the title “Honored Worker of the Russian Federation.” Now many famous singers dream that this famous artist would write a song and music for them. But you will find out how his path to success began as soon as you read the article.

Height, weight, age. How old is Igor Krutoy

Many followers of his work are interested in the question of height, weight, age. How old is Igor Krutoy? At 62 years old, Igor Krutoy looks like a fit, stately man. He leads an active lifestyle, and this all affects his external appearance.

His height is 176 centimeters and his weight is 78 kilograms. The weight is in harmony with his height. By zodiac sign he is Leo, and by Chinese calendar horse. Igor can be compared to a horse; they are both hardworking and proactive.

Biography of Igor Krutoy

The biography of Igor Krutoy is eventful. Almost everyone thinks that Krutoy is the artist’s pseudonym. On July 29, 1954, Igor Krutoy was born in Ukraine. Mother, Svetlana Semyonovna, worked at the sanitary and epidemiological station, and father, Yakov Krutoy, worked at the factory. At the age of six, the boy was bought a button accordion. It began with this instrument creative career. As a child, the artist did not even think about being a composer, he wanted to be a driver. But over time, he realized that what he liked most in life was composing music and writing poetry.

The future pop star studied at a music school in Kirovograd, graduating with honors. The guy dreamed of entering the conservatory, but this did not happen. In 1974 he entered Nikolaevsky pedagogical institute at the conducting and choral department. While studying at the institute, the future composer worked at school, teaching musical art, as well as in free time worked in restaurants and taverns with his friend Alexander Serov. Igor Krutoy played the piano, and Serov sang. In 1986 he entered the Saratov Composer University.

Success overtook the composer in 1987, when he composed the song “Madonna,” which was performed by his friend Alexander Serov. After this song, Krutoy’s career as a composer began to grow. In 1998, he became president of the concert and production company ARS.

U famous artist many awards and orders.

Personal life of Igor Krutoy

The personal life of Igor Krutoy was arranged over a long period of time. Krutoy has it under his belt bad marriage. When Igor was a student, he met his first wife, Elena. Elena captivated him so much that he proposed to her on the third date.

The family did not last long; due to difficulties in everyday life and lack of money, they decided to divorce. From his first marriage, the composer has a son, Nikolai. In 1995, he tied the knot for the second time. This marriage is strong, it has gone through “fire and water and copper pipes.” Second wife – Olga. She gave Igor a daughter, Alexandra.

Family of Igor Krutoy

Igor Krutoy’s family lives in two houses. The wife will live in the USA, and Igor will live in Moscow. At the maestro's big family, he has loving wife, son, two daughters and granddaughters. Quite rarely they get together. Igor Krutoy constantly has to fly to his daughters in America.

The composer has a fairly successful family: his wife is a business lady, and her daughter is a singer. Their family has a tradition of celebrating the New Year together. The biggest gift he received from his wife Olga Krutoy was the birth of their daughter Sasha.

Children of Igor Krutoy

The children of Igor Krutoy constantly please their father with their talents and successes. Son Nikolai grew up without his father's participation. Since his first wife, Elena, left for another man, and Kolya grew up with another “dad.” Igor has a stepdaughter, Victoria, but he considers her his own daughter.

Igor adopted Vika and gave her his last name. The most beloved child is daughter Sasha. Sashenka late child, and the actor has the most reverent and tender feelings for her. Alexandra is already 14 years old, and she is already as tall as her dad. But, for Igor Krutoy, she remains a little girl.

Son of Igor Krutoy - Nikolai Krutoy

The son of Igor Krutoy is Nikolai Krutoy. Nikolay was born in 1981. After the divorce, Elena Krutaya forbade Igor to see his son, but after a while she thawed out and allowed Kolya to see his father. Krutoy provided the boy with not only moral, but also financial assistance. Nikolai Igorevich received a decent education. Kolya holds a high position in the largest machine and construction company, which is located in Moscow.

The son of a popular composer married for the first time in 2007. This marriage produced a daughter, Christina. Igor doted on his granddaughter. In 2013, the couple separated. In 2015, Nikolai married for the second time. The wedding was magnificent, many celebrities were invited.

Is Igor Krutoy’s daughter, Alexandra Krutoy, autistic?

The daughter of Igor Krutoy, Alexandra Krutaya, was born in 2003. The girl is brought up in strictness, but for her father she is an outlet. Igor Krutoy composed music and poetry for her, “Sasha’s Lullaby.” At her age, the girl is not registered on any social network.

Sasha tried herself as a singer, performing in the New Wave competition for young performers. There are many facts on the Internet that Igor’s daughter Cool Sasha has autism. The producer himself does not comment on this fact.

Igor Krutoy's wife - Olga Krutaya

Igor Krutoy’s wife is Olga Krutaya. The meeting of Olga and Igor took place in America in 1995. Igor Krutoy came with his concert program “Song of the Year”. A month after this meeting, they began a relationship. In 1997, the couple decided to get married. Igor adopted Olga's daughter Victoria.

Olga Krutaya does not waste hours on quarrels and insults, since they see each other extremely rarely. From the lips of the couple’s comrades it is said that due to the fact that Igor and Olga often break up, they do not have time to get tired of each other. In 2017, the couple will celebrate their pearl wedding.

Illness: Igor Krutoy has cancer?

Everyone is interested in the question of what disease Igor Krutoy has. Everyone was shocked by the news that Igor Krutoy had cancer. Igor had a pancreatic cyst. The composer was able to overcome this illness. The operation was performed at an oncology clinic located in Los Angeles.

A difficult operation that lasted more than twenty hours, and soon long rehabilitation days helped to overcome the disease. After suffering an illness, the composer rethought the values ​​in life. Igor still adheres to proper nutrition, no matter what provokes the disease.

Instagram and Wikipedia Igor Krutoy

The composer does not update his Instagram feed often, due to his busy schedule. On Instagram, you can see photos with celebrities such as: Alla Pugacheva, Maxim Galkin, Laima Vaikule and others. Also a lot of photos with family. In others in social networks composer is not registered.

On the NTV channel. In an interview with TV presenter Lera Kudryavtseva, the popular composer revealed some secrets of his personal life, and in particular, spoke about his relationship with his son, born in the maestro’s first marriage. He broke up with 31-year-old Nikolai's mother, Elena Kruta, many years ago, but father and son maintained a close relationship, and the musician always warned the heir against mistakes. Once the producer even insisted that Nikolai leave the woman he loved. According to Krutoy, he did not like his son’s chosen one. The girl Nikolai was dating already had a child from a previous relationship.

But the point is not even that she was with the child. The fact is that this child was born from a man who died as a result of taking potent substances. “I was afraid of this story,” admitted Igor Krutoy.

Nikolai did not dare to immediately break off relations with his beloved girl - he asked his father for three months to think about it. But in the end, he still listened to his parent and broke up with his girlfriend.

Igor Krutoy was indirectly behind Nikolai’s decision to break up with his first wife. The couple’s relationship did not work out, and the composer advised his son not to suffer in his marriage, but to dissolve it - since there was no love left.

My son came to me and said that everything was bad in his relationship with his wife Natasha,” Igor Krutoy recalled. “I said that we need to try to save the family, and if it doesn’t work out, then they all go... As the song says, we’ll find another one.”

As a result, Nikolai separated from his wife after six years of marriage. Two years ago he married again - Igor Yakovlevich approved new darling son Yulia and arranged a magnificent wedding for the newlyweds.

In his second marriage to businesswoman Olga Krutoy, the producer raised two daughters. The eldest Vika is the composer’s stepdaughter, Olga’s daughter from a previous marriage. The youngest daughter Alexandra was born to Igor and Olga in 2003.

The producer himself once admitted that he and his wife Olga had a guest marriage. He lives permanently in Moscow, she lives in New York. Krutoy’s busy work schedule does not allow the spouses to be together often. They see each other only occasionally, once every few months. According to Olga, this situation also has its advantages: separation allows them not to conflict over trifles and maintain their love.

For us, the situation is simplified by the fact that for the most part Igor and I live separately,” Olga said in an interview.

“I’m mostly in Russia, Olya and Sasha are in New York,” admitted Igor Yakovlevich. - We gather together only in Miami in the winter and in Monte Carlo in the summer. And our periodic one-off flights to each other are short-term. Previously, I perceived this situation somewhat painfully, but then I got used to it. Everything fell into place. And despite not quite ordinary life into two countries, there remains an unbreakable internal connection between us, which neither the ocean nor the eight-hour time difference can break.

Despite the separation, Igor Krutoy assures that there is no jealousy between them: they simply do not give each other a reason.