Tarot reading will help predict the future in any area of ​​life. The High Priestess (Popesses) is responsible for intuition, knowledge of people and isolation. When fortune telling social connections The lasso speaks of the secrecy and rationality of a person. The meaning of the Priestess Tarot card in relationships changes depending on the position of the lasso.

Description of the lasso

The High Priestess (Papess) card belongs to the major arcana. She is at number II (two).

Map appearance

The images of the High Priestess in different decks differ from each other. The following details remain unchanged:

  1. Woman wearing papal tiara.
  2. A scroll in the hands of the Pope, symbolizing knowledge.
  3. Two pillars with the letters "Yod" and "Beit". These signs mean both opposition and harmony, masculine and feminine.

Often, near the throne, women draw a moon surrounded by water. These signs symbolize the feminine principle dominating the masculine, intuition and spiritual knowledge dominating rationalism.

The symbolism of the cards indicates that the harmony of human relationships is built on an intuitive level.

Key ideas of the arcana

More often, the card indicates a female person, but when divining relationships, the High Priestess predicts a secret. The lasso symbolizes worldly wisdom hidden in the depths of man. In the deck, the second lasso is one and three guardian angels and signifies prudence.

The card puts intuition in first place, which should help establish contacts. Arkan warns of the possibility of duplicity in close circles.

Straight position

In the upright position, the Popess Tarot card indicates subtext in a relationship. You should take a closer look - small factors can radically change your understanding of the environment. The priestess indicates a leisurely flow of events, which will allow a deeper study of loved ones.

Also, in the near future we should expect a public disclosure of the secret. A card in an upright position promises good news, but it is important not to rush. Arkan warns that decisions made in haste will lead to a deterioration in relations.

Love relationship

In the absence of a partner, the lasso speaks of a relationship that will develop successfully. For an established couple, the sign promises harmony on a spiritual level; the partners will reach understanding.

IN everyday relations There may be disagreements, but with patience and understanding the couple will be able to find a compromise. The pope predicts that the man will meet a girl who will be difficult to find. To win her hand, a representative of the stronger sex should demonstrate a responsible attitude to business.

Married relationships

The meaning of the High Priestess Tarot card in a marital relationship is positive. Spouses will achieve understanding in love, passionate feelings will develop into spiritual enrichment from spending time together. No scandals are expected between the couple.

The Pope predicts pregnancy for girls. In relationships with children, it is necessary to devote time to study - the card indicates a favorable period for assimilating new information.

Relationships at work

The second lasso indicates the need to take a closer look at relationships in the work environment. Friendly patronage will turn out to be detrimental to the fortuneteller.

Relations with superiors will develop successfully; it is important not to be afraid to take the initiative. Intuition will help you show yourself with the best side. The High Priestess indicates the optimal period for searching for a job.

The High Priestess card indicates a wise woman in the immediate environment. Relationships with her will not be easy due to her complex and strong-willed character, but it is important to listen to her advice. A fortuneteller can meet a person of the following profession:

  • lawyer;
  • scientist;
  • psychic

The person pointed to by the Popess Tarot has secret knowledge. If you establish contact with her, the woman will definitely share hidden truths.

Inverted position

The reversed High Priestess indicates a lack of intuition, a lack of understanding of human relationships. The card symbolizes suspiciousness, far-fetched problems, and exaggerated rationality.

Relationships in the future will be problematic; the people around you will be characterized by two-faced behavior. There is a risk nervous breakdown because of the betrayal of loved ones.

Love relationship

The card indicates internal conflicts in a couple, hidden discontent. Partners keep silent about problems, destroying relationships from the inside. Arkan also warns about lies, jealousy and casual intimate relationships.

Due to different preferences, the couple does not share positive emotions in love. The second lasso is a signal of a magical love spell and the evil eye.

Married relationships

Marriage relationships under the influence of the inverted Pope are approaching divorce. Partners hide lovers and additional sources of income from each other. The material component predominates in the relationship; there are no positive emotions in the couple.

Tarot Card "The High Priestess"

Major Arcana card - The High Priestess. Tarot for beginners.

Relationship with an unknown person

In personality divination, a lasso in an indirect position indicates a fussy woman who does not know how to organize her life. Relationships with such a person will be difficult.

Often the sign speaks of the mother of the future partner, characterizing the woman as an overprotective parent. She is unable to let go of the child and ignores other people's and personal needs.


The meaning of the High Priestess of the Tarot in relationships varies depending on the area of ​​life. In the near future, it is important to listen to your intuition. Prudence and caution will help you survive relationship problems. An inverted card warns of hidden evil thoughts in your close circle.

The second arcana of the Tarot has several traditional names, here are just a few of them: Isis, Gnosis, Gate of the Sanctuary, Creative thought, Second element of the trinity, Nature, Spouse of God, Mother of all things, World passive principle, High Priestess. Papess. The card corresponds to the second letter of the Hebrew alphabet: ב (Beth). Numerical analogue: number 2.

Description of the Tarot Arcana The High Priestess

If the first arcana of the Tarot The Magician (or magician) card personifies eternal movement and therefore the Magician is always depicted standing, while the Pope is the personification of eternal peace, therefore, unlike the Magician, the Pope is always depicted sitting.

The motionless and silently seated Popesses radiates calm and solemnity. In fact, before us is the priestess of the ancient mysteries, Isis, the goddess of the dead of night. The human mind is not able to penetrate into the darkness of this night unless the goddess Isis helps him in this.

His right hand The Pope lightly opens the book of secrets. No one can read this book until they receive the keys to it. The keys are in the left hand of the Pope. One of these keys is made of pure gold and symbolizes the sun or the word, verb, mind. The second key is made of silver and symbolizes the moon or imagination, intuition . These two keys open the inner essence of all things.

This is a symbolic image of the laws of cognition of the surrounding world. Anyone who wants to penetrate the numerous secrets of the nature around us must combine in his consciousness both strict logic and extreme impressionability.

The Pope is able to endow her adept with exceptional insight and thereby help to discern the true reality or essential nature of all things, which is always hidden behind the curtain of deceptive visions that are perceived by our senses as an objective picture of the reality around us.

For someone who is guided by his intuition and enjoys the patronage of the Pope, all the phenomena of this world are nothing more than a facade, a shell, a shiny wrapper that is absolutely impenetrable to physiological vision.

The pope is depicted on the steps of the temple, this is the outer vestibule of Solomon's Temple. To the right and left of it rise two columns Jachin and Boaz. The throne itself Popesses is located between these columns. One of the columns is red, the other is blue. The first symbolizes Fire or the violent ardor of life, male activity, which medieval alchemists symbolized with the sign of sulfur. The second column symbolizes Air, the breath of wind that nourishes life, feminine sensitivity, or Mercury in the language of the medieval sages.

This painting symbolically depicts the realm of duality or Biner. The same duality that lies at the basis of any creation: Man - Woman, Subject - Object, Creator - Creation, God - Nature, Osiris - Isis and so on, ad infinitum.

Behind the Pope's back there is a curtain shimmering with all colors, which hides the entrance to the sanctuary. We can say that the majestic facade of the Temple symbolizes the entire visible, phenomenal world, that very diverse objectivity that anyone is allowed to contemplate.

The floor around the Pope is paved with black and white tiles, which symbolizes the peculiarity of our perception of the world around us. This perception is subject to the law of contrast. Our consciousness is simply not capable of perceiving the surrounding reality in any other way. If there were no darkness, we would never know what light is. If there were no evil, we would not know what good is. If there were no suffering in the world, we would never be able to enjoy happiness.

The meaning of the card in layouts

The importance of the High Priestess is enormous. The meaning of Tarot cards when interpreting various layouts is always tied to a specific situation. With the second lasso, everything is somewhat different. The pope does not show the events themselves or the assessment of these events, but a hidden reason that does not manifest itself in any way until a certain time.

This reason can be interpreted as a kind of guardian angel who guides a person through all the trials and dangers of the world around him. This can manifest itself in practice in the form of an unexpected insight, a random clue in the form of a word heard in passing or an event seen. Subsequently, this word or random event will force you to reconsider your entire previous life and radically change its basic attitudes and principles:

There are also several other types of meanings for this card:

Inverted position

Reversed Papess card is more personified with a bad woman, of easy virtue, prone to black magic. Such a woman is characterized by a lack of insight, excessive arrogance and very superficial knowledge.

In terms of events, the 2nd lasso of the Tarot can be very important. This may mean a return to life activity after a forced period of isolation.

Impact on relationships

The popess has an extremely beneficial effect on relationships. The entire semantic content of the arcana, in the case of relationships, lies in the positive interpretation of the card:

If the cards are laid out by a person who already has a partner, then the appearance of this card may indicate that their relationship is blessed from above. In this case, the Pope can only emphasize and detail the various positive aspects of this relationship. Namely: depth, tenderness, sincerity, devotion, fidelity and other archival information.

For a person who has not yet entered the barque, the Pope can portend a very favorable period in life. During this period, you can safely plan important events such as marriage or the birth of children. You can be sure that there is a person nearby who you can rely on in Hard time your life and who will share this life with you both in joy and in sorrow.

For single people who have not yet found a life partner, the Popess card is also extremely favorable. The meaning of the lasso in this case is interpreted as a blessing from above, which confirms the intention hidden in the depths of the soul to create a family.

Attention, TODAY only!

Tarot cards are one of the best tools of magic. With their help you can solve difficult situations, get answers to questions and predict the future. There are usually 72 cards in a deck, each of which has its own meaning, both individually and in combination with others. One of the most important cards is high priestess. It symbolizes wisdom, intuition and understanding of all the subtle facets of the inner world. Its position can be either straight or inverted, which will determine the interpretation of the layout.

The High Priestess is one of the most important cards

The priestess card fell out - what does this mean?

In some cases, when a priestess appears in a reading, this means the presence of any woman, but, more often than not, the 2nd lasso indicates that there is some kind of secret. The cards located next to it help to reveal the whole situation in more detail. The secret will not be revealed immediately; it will take time for the situation to become completely clear. For those who prefer to perceive everything directly, not paying attention to hints and signs, the secret will never be revealed. The card teaches wisdom only to those who trust their inner world. This tarot lasso is very strongly associated with intuition, which is most characteristic of a woman who subtly understands this world.

  1. The card advises to be very attentive to minor coincidences and listen to the clues that appear on life path. Each event carries some kind of sign that becomes the key to the solution.
  2. The priestess symbolizes our internal forces, which include intuition and premonition. These are the elements that defy logic, but are the best sources of knowledge. To find the answer, you need to pay attention to your dreams and everything that happens on a subconscious level. This is a subtle matter, but by understanding it, a person finds answers to the most difficult questions.
  3. The main meaning of the card is great wisdom, understanding of everything and special knowledge. If a priestess appears in a reading, this means that information will appear that will allow you to look at life from a different angle. In every situation there are hidden facts that are not subject to ordinary explanation.
  4. the second lasso emphasizes peace and withdrawal. It is advisable to spend some time alone in order to understand the whole essence of what is happening, then the answers will come on their own, and you will not need to search hard for them. There is no need to rush, so you need to calm down and accept everything as it is. It is possible that after completion important stage, a person will achieve enlightenment and personal growth.

It is necessary to interpret the meaning of the card based on the position in which it fell. It could mean the following:

  • the upright position is a symbol of wisdom and deep knowledge: it is necessary to boldly reveal the secret of the future, but remain calm and not talk about your intentions to others;
  • reverse position - if the card is inverted, it means insufficient spiritual development, superficiality in knowledge, as well as insufficient insight, this indicates that a person should take up his spiritual growth.

An inverted card is the opposite of an upright one. In events, it foreshadows the revelation of secrets and everything that has been hidden for a long time. Speaking about personality, it characterizes a lack of patience, feelings, as well as ignorance. It says that a person is not able to clearly judge what is happening, has clouded perception and one-sidedness. There is a denial of what is not visible, what is happening at the energy level. This may also indicate that there is fear in decision-making and escape from real life. Situations where feelings need to be shown are assiduously avoided. There is severity in actions and reluctance to change.

Tarot popess in an inverted position can also indicate problems that arose due to insufficient insight and intuition.

By looking at the map from different aspects, you can learn a lot of useful information. This applies to personal relationships, love, career, health and other areas of life. For a woman, this will mean the inability to find mutual language with representatives of the same sex, for men - denial of the manifestation of feminine character traits, which include care, tenderness and affection.

Tarot Popess - a symbol of wisdom and knowledge

Deep level and description of the map

Looking at the High Priestess card from a personal perspective, this is the personification of the feminine principle in the style of mysticism. She will say that you need to pay special attention to the subconscious. The knowledge of the priestess is hidden in the soul - its very depths, human fantasies and dreams. The mind prevents knowledge that is at the level of intuition and the spiritual world. The second arcana card indicates the ability to see through everything, predict the future and even look through thoughts like a book. This is a woman who has special knowledge and the necessary wisdom, providing worthy competition to the stronger sex:

  • here embodies absolutely all the wisdom that can be inherent exclusively to women, being at the same time a protector, a teacher, and a mentor;
  • she sees invisible things and knows exactly what the structure of this world is like;
  • power and control are completely uninteresting to her;
  • she is patient, reserved, kind and knows how to forgive.

The powers of the subconscious are used only for the good of the world, to help people and heal them. The priestess knows the right path and is ready to show it to those who are determined to go. She is one of the guardian angels, the Virgin Mary, capable of protecting a person and making him strong. This card symbolizes mother and connection with God. It reveals to a person all aspects of his life, including ancestral, karmic and psychological.

The High Priestess shows the right path

The meaning of the card in terms of love and relationships

Love and relationships are one of the most important areas of life. Here the priestess shows herself at her kindest. It symbolizes mutual understanding, kinship of souls and care for each other. Partners are deeply attached to each other, sensual and confident that they are connected by an invisible thread.

  1. If a card appears in a reading during a period of loneliness, it indicates that such a state is necessary and should be enjoyed. It also symbolizes the anticipation of a new meeting, to which you need to be open. You need to do as your inner voice tells you, if you listen to it, without being influenced by other people.
  2. There is no need to consider the priestess at the level of everyday life, because this is not an everyday card. In this aspect, she can point to a female rival, whose significance is not fully known. It may also indicate that there is another man, or that there is a triangle in the relationship. In ancient times, if a card appeared in a reading, it was associated with feelings that were weakly expressed, or it could be a platonic relationship.
  3. In a relationship, it can mean hidden secret feelings. If a man gets such a card, it foretells the appearance of a loving and understanding woman in his life. Now many interpret the card of the second lasso as a strong and deep connection between partners. There is affection and trust, and also something inexplicable that manifests itself in the same actions and choices. Here there is a supersensible connection in which there is no constant clarification of relationships. People do not quarrel and understand each other without words; sometimes it seems that they are not talking at all, as they are connected at the level of telepathy.
  4. In relationships, this card is also considered a symbol of loneliness. She does not exclude love relationships, but simply says that there is a rather unexpressed inclination towards them. The essence of the pope is unlimited freedom. She believes in herself and in her responsibility, so she is self-sufficient. There are no random people next to the priestess. This is a patient and reserved person who is capable of long waits. She can be alone for a long time and her inner “I” will always tell you where and what to do to meet her true soul mate. When she decides to look for a partner, she simply follows her inner voice, which leads her to the right place.

The card says that you need to be patient and be able to wait. She is characterized by exactingness and contemplation, she allows events to happen in right time. What is happening will not require hopes and wasted time. She does not miss the moment that was destined for her by fate, thanks to the fact that she goes with the flow. She accepts everything as it is and takes an important action at a moment when no one expects. All her actions depend little on external factors. The priestess is a symbol of female perfection, but not in the context love relationship. She knows too much to live in illusions and impulses of passion. She knows what love is highest degree feelings where words are not needed to understand, and touch is enough to heal.

Marriage with her will be a sacrament felt through time. The connection with her will always be, so the person who appears next to her feels as if they have known each other forever.

The symbol of the priestess characterizes a person who is quite reserved and mysterious. The meaning of the tarot card speaks of the incomprehensibility of a person who has many secrets. He has sufficient patience, wisdom and insight. You won't be able to hide anything from him, not even your thoughts. His worldview is different from the generally accepted one, and his advice is invaluable. He will not need to observe the person in front of him in order to talk about him. Contact is maintained completely, even despite some partner silence. In the intimate sphere, the priestess does not seek pleasure. She is completely attuned to her partner, sensitive and patient. She has the art of directing the process of energy exchange while remaining led.

The High Priestess does not indicate love passions

Professional area

In tarot, this card has many interpretations, depending on what area is being considered. If the priestess appears in the reading when clearing financial condition, she describes promising events. It is very important to begin active actions at the moment when there are favorable circumstances, and not spontaneously. Priestess is associated with scientific activity and education, therefore he is a teacher for others. She understands the inner world of others very subtly, so she shows herself well in psychology and healing. Developed intuition and insight help her in this.

The symbol of the priestess corresponds to tarologists, astrologers, psychotherapists and other representatives who are able to examine the internal energy in detail and show the right path to those in need.

The card is associated with creativity. Creative people are associated with subtle worlds, elements that are conveyed in their works. The second lasso always strives to understand this world, as well as oneself in it. There is always a desire to develop, learn and learn new things. A person needs to improve, improve his skills, grow in his business, and reach the top. It is also very important to develop your abilities in new directions, art and science.

A priestess, in most cases, means that a person is involved in the healing or esoteric field of activity. It also shows that a person treats his work as a matter of principle. All decisions are made not only at the level of logic, but also intuition.

The High Priestess symbolizes esoteric activity

Card combination

The Priestess, in combination with other tarot cards, can give a clearer and more extensive understanding of the situation, as well as provide answers to the most difficult questions.

  1. If in a reading it is located next to the magician, this indicates that there is conscious passivity. A person does not make any decisions consciously, waiting for an opportunity, or does not consider it necessary at all.
  2. When a priest appears in combination with a priestess, the cards indicate that there will be support from a woman who will help achieve her goals. It is necessary to thoroughly analyze your past, which will lead to a bright future.
  3. The appearance of the empress is a very rare combination that brings good news. She says that a woman will be able to get pregnant and get the child she wants. This may indicate beneficial cooperation between partners.
  4. A priestess and a hermit are not a very good combination. This suggests that a person withdraws into himself after a series of unpleasant events. So he tries to protect himself from outside world. K not very much good combinations also includes the hanged man, death and the devil.
  5. If the pope is aligned with the court in the scenario, a revaluation of values ​​will occur. A person will begin to perceive the world and spiritual ideals differently.
  6. When the world appears in the layout, it symbolizes the completion of a certain stage of personal development. The tests, of which there were many before, are stopped, the results are summed up and conclusions are drawn.
  7. If you get a joke, you need to be extremely careful in your words and actions, as the secret may be revealed. Good signs include the Hierophant, who will give revelation from above and wisdom. A person will be able to realize everything that is happening and look at the world differently.
  8. Two signs - the priestess and the emperor - indicate that business is being conducted competently. Everything is under control and carried out according to plan, so success will be achieved in any case. A similar meaning can be attributed to the Eight of Wands, which symbolizes the achievement of set goals.

The cards surrounding the Priestess will help to more accurately interpret her meaning

The combination with the Two of Wands speaks of self-confidence, which is not always appropriate. It is necessary to have a more favorable attitude towards the outside world and listen to the inner one. If the four of swords appears in a reading, the person is advised to rest, relax and meditate. There's been very little time for yourself lately, so it's time to take care of your inner self.

Tarot 2 arcana together with the strength card says that you should keep quiet. There is no need to say too much so as not to end up in a dubious situation later.

And this may also concern other people's secrets. The Wheel of Fortune suggests that you should not react violently to changes. Every change has its own secret meaning, so it is necessary to look at it and accept it. Moderation symbolizes the understanding that comes with experience. Only by trial and error can a person learn about the world and draw conclusions.

The High Priestess tarot card in combination with the tower speaks of victory that will be achieved very soon. Everything that was done before was not in vain and justified. When the moon appears in a reading, it indicates that there is a rival in life or some kind of deception is present. The appearance of the sun is a very good sign. This indicates that insight and understanding of everything that is happening will come. All secrets will be revealed and everything will become clear. The Page of Cups speaks of a surprise that will delight and surprise. The King of Cups focuses on the subconscious, which needs to be worked with. This will help clarify situations and understand them correctly. The Three of Swords foretells the revelation of a secret that will be quite bitter. This will affect later life and on what decisions will be made.

The High Priestess of the Tarot, whose meaning is quite varied, is very good in itself. The card symbolizes wisdom in all aspects. This is a spiritual sign that promotes personal and spiritual development.

Priestess + Jester (II + 0)
Disclosure of secrets.
Intuition doesn't work.
Leaving a woman, leaving business.
A woman with a headache.
An elderly man has cyanotic psychosis.
The problem is that there is no choice.

Priestess + Mage (II + I)
Hidden motives.
Scientific approach.
The initiative comes into action.
A person relies on his intuition.
Meeting and talking with a woman.
Desire to engage in magical sciences. Secret knowledge.
A secret trip with someone, somewhere.
The presence of secret connections (lover).
Health problem. Some process goes unnoticed.

Priestess + Empress (II + III)
The woman found herself in an ambivalent position.
There may be two female rivals.
Friendship with an older, wise friend.
Gaining experience.
Marriage is not satisfying.
Single mother.
The result obtained with the help of knowledge.
Creative impulse.
Success, mastery thanks to intuition.
Motherhood, homeliness, comfort.
An exemplary wife.
Good listener.
White magic.
Strong attachment to mother, to home, or overprotection of children.

Priestess + Emperor (II + IV)
The job requires a psychological approach to manage the team.
Competent business management.
You can't do whatever you want.
A man may have a secret woman.
Love triangle.
A meeting with a man who will strengthen a female priestess who is not confident in herself.
An understanding man.
A successful marriage and even wealth.
Mother's authority.
The choice between society and inner life.
Control over emotions, stable psyche.
A man dependent on his mother.

Priestess + Hierophant (II + V)
Revelation from above. Spiritual practices.
Higher education.
Initiation into secret knowledge.
Having a strong patron.
Civil marriage or temporary relationship.
Support from a woman.
Genetics, heredity.
Parents have big influence per person.
Mother and father.
Religiosity and the religious family.
Family education.

Priestess + Lovers (II + VI)
Temptation: remain silent or tell a secret.
Presence of a love triangle.
Secret meetings.
Subtle, sensual relationships.
Inability to make a decision, doubts about choice and love, inconsistency in feelings.
Make a choice thanks to intuition.
Trust feelings.
Creation. Search for beauty and spirituality.
Passive attitude.

Priestess + Chariot (II + VII)
Do not interfere with the course of events.
Secret acquaintance on the way.
Road with a woman. Journey.
Management using intuition.
Managing a woman.
The secret influence of a woman on the path of life.
Thoughts about a career, moving, changing place of residence.
Secretly changes jobs.
A favorable change of place.
Automaticity of actions.
Duality of goals.

Priestess + Strength (II + VIII)
The need to keep your mouth shut.
Take a break and gather your strength.
Secret desires, passions.
Thirst for battle.
Confrontation with a strong rival.
Victory over your opponent thanks to intuition.
Meeting a man.
An important meeting that will give strength and confidence in the future, even if you have to compete.
Dramatization of feelings, secret rivalry and jealousy.
We need to get rid of aggressive intentions.
Saving people, healing.
Thirst for admiration, romance and sympathy.

Priestess + Hermit (II + IX)
Possession of a secret.
Wisdom in solitude.
Isolation period. Denial of pleasures.
Voluntary exile.
Hidden enemies.
State of waiting.
Doubts. Mistrust.
Intuitive way.
Childlessness or single mother.
Single woman.
Spiritual service to people.
Spiritual purity.
Shyness, doubts along the way, problems with self-esteem.
Monitor your health.
It is necessary to undergo a medical examination.

Priestess + Wheel of Fortune (II + X)
Passive response to change.
Unstable opinion. Intuition of behavior. Doubts. Change of mood.
The trip can be a secret and a quick return.
The desire to change something in fate.
Fateful person.
Moving with someone.
Have a successful trip.
Feeling the quality of the moment, luck, secret inner values.
Working with past lives.
Karmic connection with mother.

Dream about marriage or divorce.

Don't trust what's happening.
A lawsuit is brewing.
Secretly manipulate.

Priestess + Justice (II + XI)
A secret plan that can be revealed using logic, discarding feelings.
Dream about marriage or divorce.
Fair judgment at that.
Legal matters require thought.
Woman lawyer or psychologist.
Don't trust what's happening.
A lawsuit is brewing.
Secretly manipulates the legal process.
Women's career.
Politeness, accuracy.
Partnership with mother.
Punishment, mother's revenge.
Rationalization of troubles as a psychological defense.
Conflict between intuition and analytical thinking.

Priestess + Hanged Man (II + XII)
Distorted information.
Fraud. Cheating.
Victim of deception.
Betrayal by a woman.
Voluntary refusal.
Unwanted pregnancy or single mother.
Self-sacrifice for children.
Hormonal disbalance. Weight problem.
Not correct image life.
Reluctance to be independent.
Mental disorders, split personality.

Priestess + Death (II + XIII)
Information that should be reviewed.
Karmic sentence.
Change in financial situation.
Transition to a new state.
Painful reassessment of values ​​with a friend.
The passing of a loved one.
Death of mother.
Difficult relationship with someone.
The rival will be eliminated.
A difficult transformation for the psyche.
You can't retreat.
Black magic.
Love magic.
Jealousy, vindictiveness.
Repressed sexual feelings.
Hide reasons.
Desire to change family.
« Priestess + Temperance (II + XIV)
Effortless adaptation to the situation.
Time to prepare for change.
A break.
Relationships with someone are short-term.
Discreet friendship with a woman.
Quick visit.
Use of energy for medicinal purposes.
Smart lifestyle.
Moderation in eating and drinking.
Mental harmony.
Identifying oneself with certain values.
Sensing the needs of others.

Priestess + Devil (II + XV)
Cunning plan, machinations.
Black witch.
Attachment to past memories.
Lust, sexual dissatisfaction.
Dependence on a woman.
Dependence on duality.
Betrayal of yourself.
Secret power.
The desire to be an eminence grise.
Don't consider the feelings of others.
Secret, dark side souls.

Priestess + Tower (II + XVI)
Danger of miscarriage or premature birth.
Destruction of the feminine.
A gynecological examination is necessary.
Destruction of comfort.
Thoughtless impulsive actions.
Liberation from duality.
Revealing a painful secret.
Cruel treatment of a woman.

Priestess + Star (II + XVII)
Occult knowledge.
Review of the past.
Insights, intuition.
The ability to rise above the situation.

Priestess + Moon (II + XVIII)
Animal sense.
Women's cycle.
The ability to absorb the thoughts and feelings of others.
Wrong relationship with mother (fears).
Persecution mania, neuroses, health problems.

Priestess + Sun (II + XIX)
Everything secret becomes clear.
A woman in a male profession.
Witch (Hecate).
Proud man, romantic.
Thirst for sympathy.
Vulnerability to flattery.
Great desire to be loved due to wrong relationship with mother.

Priestess + Court (II + XX)
Improving the situation.
Revealing secrets.
Fertility, older people.
Look for reasons.
Working with past lives, with ancestral karma.

Priestess + World (II + XXI)
Birth of a child.
Breadth, completeness of information.

With the Ace of Wands card - lift the veil of secrecy; clarify unclear points.
With the “Two of Wands” card - visualization.
With the “Three of Wands” card - the plan is not disclosed for the time being.
With the Four of Wands card - “skeleton in the closet”.
With the Five of Wands card - truth born in a dispute.
With the Six of Wands card - knowledge that leads us to the goal.
With the Seven of Wands card - blackmail.
With the Eight of Wands card - information that should spill out.
With the Nine of Wands card - information that is perceived with distrust.
With the Ten of Wands card - give in to the onslaught of arguments.
With the “Page of Wands” card - investigation.
With the “Knight of Wands” card - no resistance.
With the “Queen of Wands” card - professional secrets.
With the “King of Wands” card, you can already see the future of your business.

With the Ace of Cups card - keep your feelings secret.
With the “Two of Cups” card - a secret engagement.
With the Three of Cups card - a secret society; Society of Alcoholics Anonymous.
With the Four of Cups card - do not notice secret signs.
With the Five of Cups card - find out something unpleasant.
With the Six of Cups card - children's secrets.
With the Seven of Cups card - increasing indecision.
With the Eight of Cups card - do not disclose your true motives.
With the Nine of Cups card - a carefully guarded recipe.
With the “Ten of Cups” card - comprehend the recipe for happiness.
With the “Page of Cups” card there is a surprise.
With the card "Knight of Cups" - a secret mission.
With the Queen of Cups card - hide your feelings; protect your inner world.
With the “King of Cups” card - working with the subconscious.

With the Ace of Swords card - reveal the secret; disrupt other people's plans.
With the “Two of Swords” card - knowing does not mean wanting - an overly passive position.
With the Three of Swords card - information that deprives you of strength.
With the Four of Swords card - information that requires careful consideration.
With the Five of Swords card - reveal an insidious plan.
With the Six of Swords card - information that will serve you well.
With the Seven of Swords card - a cunning plan.
With the Eight of Swords card - information that will confuse you.
With the Nine of Swords card there is a mystery that deprives you of peace and sleep.
With the “Ten of Swords” card - understand how to live further.
With the “Page of Swords” card - an attempt to find out secrets; caution in decision making.
With the Knight of Swords card - suppression of attempts to achieve clarity.
With the card “Queen of Swords” - a rival who broke up a family.
With the “King of Swords” card - hidden control; total check.

With the “Ace of Denariev” card - hidden income.
With the “Two Denariev” card - financial fraud.
With the “Three Denariev” card - the secret of the deposit.
With the “Four Denarii” card - concealment of income.
With the “Five Denarii” card - hide shame.
With the card “Six Denarii” - anonymous virtue; secret patron.
With the “Seven Denarii” card, you have no idea about the future.
With the card “Eight Denarii” - the secret of mastery.
With the “Nine Denarii” card - take into account all the nuances.
With the card “Ten Denarii” - build family tree; reveal the origin of the family; face a family secret; read out the will.
With the “Page of Denariev” card - wait in the wings.
With the card “Knight of Denariev” - hide.
With the card “Queen of Denarii” - hidden abilities; unused resources.
With the “King of Denarii” card - prosperity achieved through knowledge.

From other sources:
V.Sklyarova " Great book combinations".

The High Priestess upright with the Major Arcana

Mage - High level of intuition
Magician (trans) - Rash actions
Empress - Birth of an heiress. A woman who manages everything: family and public life
Empress (trans) - Mysticism. Loss of capacity
Emperor - Birth of an heir. Help from higher powers
Emperor (trans) - Patron. Profit. High post
Priest - Good sign
Priest (trans) - Inspiration. Divine impulse. Charity. Patronage
Lovers - Dubious sorority or brothel
Lovers (trans) - Unfulfilled hopes. Test of the Spirit
Chariot - Receiving a high military rank or award
Chariot (trans) - Revolutions. Violence. Robbery
Justice - Success and high rank in jurisprudence
Justice (trans) - Litigation. Bitterness
Hermit - Tall ordination. Convent
Hermit (trans) - Escape. Hiding the truth. Deception
Wheel of Fortune - Happiness Fairly Won
Wheel of Fortune (transl.) - Success in commerce, material profit
Strength - Success in Science
Strength (trans.) - Oppression. Slavery. Despotism. Sadomasochism
Hanged Man - Revolution of the system of life values, rethinking. Voluntary sacrifice due to high ideals
Hanged Man (trans) - Extermination, destruction
Death - The end of one Cycle and the beginning of another
Death (trans) - Heavy heredity
Moderation - Humility in the face of the inevitable. New time, era
Temperance (trans) - Fatal Journey
Devil - Rock, black magic, inexorable rock
Devil (trans) - Dishonor. Violence
Tower - Inevitable loss of investment. Financial collapse
Tower (trans) - Murder with premeditated intentions
Star - Loss, theft/creativity
Star (trans) - Flood. Storm. Storm
Moon - Darkness. Horror. Fear, meanness, disappointment, no chance of treatment / Success in occult sciences
Luna (transl.) - Meanness. Dissatisfaction with life
Sun - Clairvoyance, as a property of the client. The desire for light, sun
Sun (trans) - Health problems. Failure in love
Court - Unexpected help, change
Court (trans) - A verdict against the accused. Circumstances turn against a person, the decision is not in his favor
The world is a great discovery. Theosophy. Philosophy
World (trans) - Time for better changes ahead
Jester - The greatest misconception. Megalomania
Jester (transl.) - Epilepsy

The High Priestess in an upright position with Minor Arcana

2 of Wands - Revealing an unreliable attitude
2 Zhezlov Lane - Fright. Surprise. Uncertain future
2 of Cups - Secret meeting
2 Cups (per) - Increased sensitivity, sexual desire
2 of Swords - Reliable friend
2 Swords Lane - Deception, robbery. The victim is a woman
2 of Pentacles - Showdown
2 of Pentacles Lane - Fear of responsibility for an important undertaking

3 of Wands - Successful attempts. Success in engineering and construction companies
3 Zhezlov lane - Ending conflicts
3 of Cups - Lucky Ticket
3 Cups lane - Success for creative people
3 of Swords - Futile resistance
3 of Swords lane - Miscalculations
3 of Pentacles - Aristocrat, lady noble blood
3 of Pentacles lane - Antagonism

4 of Wands - Good sign
4 of Cups - Minor adversities
4 Cups Lane - New connections, meetings, endeavors
4 of Swords - Departure, abandonment of previous doctrines
4 Swords lane - Success on the musical Olympus
4 of Pentacles - Beneficence, patronage
4 of Pentacles Lane - Loneliness, lack of like-minded people

5 of Wands - Profit, wealth, success
5 Zhezlov Lane - Hidden enmity. Court cases. Victim of intrigue
5 of Cups - Reading of the will
5 Cups lane - Arrival of a high-ranking relative
5 of Swords - Abuse of science, scientific tyranny
5 of Swords lane - Failure of scientific plans
5 of Pentacles - The emergence of a dangerous rival
5 of Pentacles per - Strengthening the value of the Arcana in a direct position

6 of Wands - Glory, scientific achievements
6 Zhezlov lane - Concerns. Big trouble
6 of Cups - Lost Influence
6 Cups lane - Updated plans, new adultery
6 of Swords - The road to the goal
6 of Swords lane - Uncertainty of the future, erroneous intuition
6 of Pentacles - The present tense favors you
6 of Pentacles (trans.) - Successes in the search business. Private detective. Abandoning some ideas

7 of Wands - Showdown
7 Zhezlov Lane - Confusion. Indecisiveness
7 of Cups - Awakening from Dreams
7 of Cups(per) - Implementation of intentions not fully
7 of Swords - An explanation will not be slow to come. Waiting for clarification
7 of Swords lane - Wise advice
7 of Pentacles - Pilgrimage to holy places
7 of Pentacles Lane - Fair fear, criticism from superiors

8 of Wands - Visiting holy places
8 Zhezlov Lane - Jealousy, Superiority of the opponent. Gaffe
8 of Cups - The end of a streak of happiness, the beginning of bad luck
8 Cups lane - Harmonization of feelings and mind
8 of Swords - Contempt, exile
8 of Swords lane - Hoax. Disapproval from Above
8 of Pentacles - Great ability in assigned work
8 of Pentacles lane - Community in dark affairs

9 of Wands - Obvious intrigues of enemies, stopping things
9 of Wands Lane - The machinations of enemies. Slowing things down
9 Cups - Winning, but less than wanted
9 Cups lane - Grayness, an attempt to escape from stable sphericity. Stagnation
9 of Swords - Participation in the ceremony. Ceremony participant
9 of Swords lane - Unholy
9 of Pentacles - Incredible Events
9 of Pentacles (trans) - A cruel joke

10 of Wands - Catastrophe. Failure of scientific plans
10 of Wands (trans) - Pressure. Blurred landmarks. Dangerous horizons. Indecision, doubts when making a decision
10 of Cups - Return to your homeland, to your previous plans
10 Cups lane - Quarrel with management
10 of Swords - Crying, loss of trust, fasting
10 of Swords lane - Successes associated with the losses of others
10 of Pentacles - Reaching the top, literally and figuratively
10 of Pentacles per - Excellent chances

Ace of Wands - Success in the occult
Ace of Wands lane - Burning life. Marasmus
Ace of Cups - Increase, addition, growth
Ace of Cups lane - Strong changes, most likely for the worse
Ace of Swords - New actions, new movements
Ace of Swords lane - Triumph of strength. Victory in sports competitions
Ace of Pentacles - Prosperity. Success in official medicine
Ace of Pentacles Lane - Luxury villa, mansion, luxury limousine

Page of Wands - Receiving news about the state of scientific affairs, projects, proposals, Higher Attestation Commission. Certification
Page of Wands per - Visits to other countries with diplomatic or scientific mission
Page of Cups - Good sign
Page of Cups per - Fall out of favor with strong of the world this
Page of Swords - Gifts from a Stranger
Page of Swords lane - Exam for “excellent”
Page of Pentacles - Studying at a prestigious institution, abroad, college
Page of Pentacles Per - Participation in a charity event

Knight of Wands - Departure abroad to visit relatives
Knight of Wands lane - Failure. Negative answer
Knight of Cups - Receiving a well-deserved reward, embodiment creative idea
Knight of Cups lane - Incompleteness of projects, vague premonition
Knight of Swords - International feuds, failures in agreements
Knight of Swords lane - Successes in military affairs
Knight of Pentacles - Win. Luck in gambling
Knight of Pentacles per - Ending a relationship with someone top level

Queen of Wands - Success in extrasensory perception
Queen of Wands lane - Benefactor
Queen of Cups - Joy, luck. Virtue
Queen of Cups lane - Failure. Dishonest Tricks to Achieve Goals
Queen of Swords - Widower husband, hate-driven man
Queen of Swords per - Pointless Risk
Queen of Pentacles - Freedom, luxury
Queen of Pentacles lane - Imminent trouble, difficulties
King of Wands - Leadership
King of Wands per - Unpreparedness for decisive action

King of Cups - Success in natural sciences
King of Cups lane - Theft in an enterprise, in a company
King of Swords - Success in jurisprudence
King of Swords per - Cruel Offense
King of Pentacles - Success in the exact sciences, such as mathematics
King of Pentacles per - Dangerous partner in business

High Priestess Reversed with Major Arcana

Magician - Misconceptions in the main, incorrect sexual orientation, forced marriage or unequal marriage
Magician (transl.) - “Woe from Wit”, Possible magical sabotage
Empress - Zeal. Dependence on material goods
Empress (trans) - Miscarriage. Complications during childbirth
Emperor - Lust for power. Reaching the pinnacle of power
Emperor (transl.) - Unsuccessful career
Priest (trans) - The crown of celibacy for a girl. Forced marriage, unequal marriage
Priest - Successes in pedagogy, education; guru
Lovers - True feelings. Great partnership
Lovers (trans) - Changing the direction of the path
Chariot - Triumph. Victory over fate
Chariot (trans) - Defeat on all fronts
Justice - Winning any process, case
Justice (trans) - Flaunting laws, Wrong position
Hermit - Success in diplomacy
Hermit (trans) - Convent. Religious rite requiring sacrifice
Wheel of Fortune - Clear advantage of the other side
Wheel of Fortune (transl.) - "If there was no happiness, but misfortune would help"
Strength - Hidden reserves
Strength (trans) - Dystrophy. Fading
Hanged Man - Fierce Religiosity
The Hanged Man (trans) - The death of a nation. Destruction of nations. Genocide
Death - Dangerous birth. Obstetrics, gynecology. Vendetta
Death (trans.) - Fear of innovation. Conservatism is a thinker
Moderation - The most merciful time. Man-machine
Temperance (trans) - An attempt to “stop” time. Cosmetology
Devil - Satanism. Black mass. Fatal passion. Fatal destructive passion
Devil (trans) - Exhaustion. Abuse of power
Tower - Collapse. Incurable disease. Oncology
Tower (trans) - Tyranny. Captivity. Addiction
Star - New chances. Female infidelity
Star (trans) - Lateness in decisions and actions
Moon - No chance, radiology. Diagnostics
Moon (trans) - Disappointment, confusion
Sun - Gold. Spiritual and philosophical
Sun (trans) - Unnecessary activity
Judgment - Spiritual Revival
Court(trans) - Difficulties, cruel fate at this time moment of inability to overcome problems
Peace - Women's happiness. Happy planid. Peace and satisfaction
World (transl.) - Capturing someone else's
Jester - Dementia
Jester (transl.) - Vain efforts

High Priestess Reversed with Minor Arcana

2 of Wands - Stuttering. Treatment with unconventional methods
2 Zhezlov lane - Deception exposed, obvious danger
2 of Cups - Passing love interest
2 of Cups (trans) - A difficult romance with a married lady. "Education of feelings"
2 of Swords - Poor performance
2 of Swords lane - Lady's duplicity, cunning
2 of Pentacles - Pedantry. Dry professionalism
2 of Pentacles lane - Resale activities

3 of Wands - Success beyond all expectations
3 Zhezlov Lane - Help wise woman. Arina Rodionovna
3 of Cups - Striving for ideals
3 Cups lane - Voluptuousness
3 of Swords - Testing the strength of views and beliefs
3 of Swords lane - Inadequacy. Plagiarism in science
3 of Pentacles - Zeal for high position
3 of Pentacles Lane - Inability to adopt a baby

4 of Wands - Acquisition of real estate, holidays
4 Zhezlov lane - In an inverted position, the meaning does not change
4 of Cups - Materialization of desires
4 Cups lane - A new approach to a serious problem
4 of Swords - Failure in business
4 of Swords lane - Neglect of principles
4 of Pentacles - Humiliating patronage
4 of Pentacles Lane - Disorderly spending

5 of Wands - Clarification of the situation, revealed intrigue
5 Zhezlov lane - Caution. Risk of gambling and bold transactions
5 of Cups - Testing your emotions for strength
5 Cups per - Return to the previous orbit
5 of Swords - Tears, losses. Attention Saturn. Dishonor
5 of Swords lane - Mourning, sadness
5 of Pentacles - Unsuccessful love affair
5 of Pentacles lane - Chaos, loss

6 of Wands - Anticipatory success. Achievement in scientific speaking
6 Zhezlov lane - Fear. Long futile waits
6 Cups - High career in the past
6 Cups per - Focus on the future
6 of Swords - Bright prospects. Karmic path
6 of Swords Lane - Favor of Science
6 of Pentacles - Loss of vigilance
6 of Pentacles (trans) - The collapse of ambitious plans

7 of Wands - Success in fine arts. Drawing
7 of Wands lane - Changeability of Fortune
7 of Cups - Unsatisfied passion
7 Cups(per) - Bold projects
7 of Swords - Warning
7 of Swords lane - Dogmatism. Direction adjustment
7 of Pentacles - Insulted dignity
7 of Pentacles Lane - Loss of Innocence

8 of Wands - A long period lies, dissatisfaction with management
8 Zhezlov lane - Overcoming troubles
8 of Cups - Virgin, Christ's bride. Crown of celibacy
8 Cups per - Strengthening the value of a straight card
8 of Swords - Captivity of your own illusions
8 Swords lane - Closed road, fatality
8 of Pentacles - Mediocrity in a love affair
8 of Pentacles per - Master - golden hands

9 of Wands - Danger of disease. Herpes
9 Zhezlov lane - Insurmountable obstacles, bad influence
9 Cups - Winner
9 Cups lane - Warns against hasty decision-making
9 of Swords - Change of leadership
9 of Swords lane - Mistrust. Ceremony
9 of Pentacles - Impossibility of conception
9 of Pentacles (trans) - Loss of friendship

10 of Wands - Bad news, fatal circumstances
10 of Wands (trans) Hesitation to accept important decision
10 of Cups - Returning Home
10 Cups lane - Severance of partner relationships
10 of Swords - Failure of hopes. Refusal of motherhood
10 of Swords lane - Resting on laurels, unwillingness to progress
10 of Pentacles - Loss of condition, reliability, support
10 of Pentacles lane - Gusts of spirit, denial of the material aspect
Ace of Wands - Proximity of trouble, danger
Ace of Wands lane - Insurmountable danger
Ace of Cups - Unexploited opportunities
Ace of Cups lane - Tendency to abuse alcohol
Ace of Swords - Problems in cooperation
Ace of Swords pen - Self-destructive force
Ace of Pentacles - Ecstatic state
Ace of Pentacles per - Impossibility of further growth

Page of Wands - Failure of plans
Page of Wands per - Faint beacons of hope
Page of Cups - A romance between a woman of Balzac's age and a young blond boy
Page of Cups lane - Impossibility of obtaining citizenship
Page of Swords - Success in espionage
Page of Swords lane - Warning against mistakes
Page of Pentacles - Guardianship. Nursing home
Page of Pentacles Per - A person who gives birth to ideas. Baron Munchausen

Knight of Wands - News of a journey, long and long
Knight of Wands lane - Diversion, separation, division of territories
Knight of Cups - Triumphant homecoming. Solzhenitsyn
Knight of Cups lane - Material losses. Money given will not be returned
Knight of Swords - Leadership. Mid-level success
Knight of Swords lane - Lack of will, weak character
Knight of Pentacles - Talent Discovery
Knight of Pentacles per - Lack of ability, stupidity

Queen of Wands - A fan with charm, with a twist
Queen of Wands lane - Resisting the obvious
Queen of Cups - Restoring relationships with mother or her sister
Queen of Cups lane - Severing relations with an older relative
Queen of Swords - The sad loneliness of a middle-aged woman
Queen of Swords lane - Villainy
Queen of Pentacles - Wealth of the soul, mercy
Queen of Pentacles lane - Irresponsible actions at work

King of Wands - Danger of losing father or close relative
King of Wands per - Losing a father, lover, friend
King of Cups - Lucky Generous Sponsors
King of Cups lane - Loss, ruin, collapse of the company
King of Swords - Immutability of Law
King of Swords lane - Recklessness. Passionate partner
King of Pentacles - Corrupt politician, businessman
King of Pentacles per - Walking on the edge of an abyss blindfolded

Main meaning of the card

Straight position

The priestess symbolizes developed intuition, feeling the urge of an inner voice. The Priestess in the reading reminds you of the need to act slowly, take a wait-and-see attitude and let events take their course.

This Arcanum in certain situations quite definitely indicates developed extrasensory abilities (with the Hierophant or the Hermit) and the ability to see pictures of the future (especially if the Star Arcanum falls nearby). However, this does not always mean that they are conscious and clearly felt.

The priestess is also a deep understanding of the fact that not everything can be understood and accepted from the standpoint of logic and the notorious common sense. Such a card speaks of a correct understanding of the relativity and absoluteness of truths and the fact that ordinary people considered unshakable.

And, in addition, this Arcanum can be proof that there is some secret or classified information, which can be revealed or obtained in this moment does not seem possible. With the Sun, this means that subsequently everything will open up and become clear.

Inverted position

In an inverted position, the Priestess can mean unfounded fantasies, unwillingness to make decisions and a tendency towards fatalism. If a person gets this Arcana upside down, it means that he is inclined to rely too much on the mercy of fate, to hope for a miracle.

A priestess in an inverted position can also indicate the danger of temptation. For example, together with the Seven of Cups, this card symbolizes an interest in perverted forms of pleasure; with the Jester - talkativeness and inability to keep secrets.

Love and relationships

Straight position

When divining relationships, the priestess says that between the people on whom the alignment is being made there is a very deep emotional connection (for example, with the Ace of Cups), a strong attachment (especially with the Nine of Cups). However, depending on the specifics of the alignment, this Arcanum may imply one-sided direction, that is, only one person is attached to another.

When divining love, the priestess indicates mutual trust between partners. In addition: A Priestess with the Three of Cups means a long-awaited explanation or proposal of marriage, with a Six of Cups - an irresistible physical attraction to a partner.

Inverted position

The inverted Priestess indicates too much emotionality or, on the contrary, suppressed due to various reasons emotions, as well as unreasonable fears and uncertainty about the promising future of existing or about to arise relationships. Very typically, this situation manifests itself in combination with the Page of Cups. The priestess inverted can also mean the fact that a person is not going to take a single step towards his partner, preferring to simply wait. The Four of Swords especially accurately indicates a wait-and-see attitude.


Straight position

In occupational charts, the Priestess symbolizes a talented person with a subtle artistic taste (which can be indicated, say, by the presence of the Knight of Cups nearby). Such people usually solve any problems patiently, putting their soul into them and listening to advice from others and their own intuition.

And also, if the Priestess appears in the reading, this most likely means that the one for whom they are guessing will manage to end up in in the right place at the right moment.

Inverted position

The priestess in an inverted position in such scenarios is evidence that the situation is full of hidden motives and circumstances that are not possible to judge objectively, at least at the time of fortune telling. At the same time, the nearby Two of Wands will indicate the machinations of competitors, the Five of Wands will indicate that they are trying to “hook” you.

A person who has an inverted Priestess is probably experiencing (has experienced or will experience) problems due to whims, uncertainty, doubts of his own or those of others.

Observe yourself, those around you, and the situation. You know exactly what and when to do. But perhaps you don’t realize this yet. Until you understand your own feelings, do not allow yourself to act rashly, fuss or rush things. Even if it begins to seem to you that everything has finally fallen into place and fell into place, act without haste and judiciously. In short, hurry slowly.