The sales manager is the link between the manufacturer and the buyer. This work has its own characteristics and can be carried out not only in the office, but also remotely. What is the essence of such work and how to become a sales manager, working remotely?

    • What is the job of a sales manager?
    • Positive and negative sides in the work of a sales manager
    • Qualification Requirements
    • Where is it in demand? distant work sales manager?
    • Is education important for remote work?

What is the job of a sales manager?

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The main activities of a sales manager are:

  • study and orientation in the types, properties and features of the product to meet customer needs;
  • communication with clients.

In order for the remote work of a sales manager to be carried out successfully, you need to have certain skills in making sales and be able to use the technologies necessary for this.

A sales manager is not just a salesman. His work is aimed at developing trading network and should be carried out in such a way that sales volumes increase. It is these customer-facing employees who contribute to financial well-being their enterprises.

Remote work for a salesperson is inextricably linked with telephone conversations. The sales manager must sell goods through intermediaries who deliver them to outlets or shops. In order for implementation to be carried out regularly and continuously, it is necessary to establish and maintain partnerships with regular customers. After the cooperation agreement is signed, the sales manager must monitor the parties’ fulfillment of contractual obligations, as well as compliance with the delivery schedule of goods. The manager's main task is to satisfy customers' needs for a product and to ensure that they again use the services of the company for which he works.

Pros and cons of being a sales manager

The positive aspects of being a sales manager are:

  • the need to constantly improve the level of one’s education;
  • flexible work schedule;
  • the opportunity for self-realization and earning a decent income;
  • satisfaction from successfully completed transactions.
  • increased responsibility;
  • high work dynamism;
  • need to own high level analysts;
  • the need to act spontaneously;
  • implementation of constant monitoring.

Qualification Requirements

The sales manager must:

  • it is advisable to have a special higher education, corresponding to the sales direction;
  • know the market to respond to any changes in a timely manner;
  • have communicative competence, expressed in the ability to listen, take the position of partners;
  • be able to win over others;
  • a remote sales manager must be able to express his thoughts clearly and speak in a language that people understand;
  • be able to maintain a conversation and communicate with the interlocutor, even if a conflict situation arises;
  • respond calmly to criticism and don’t get hung up on problems.

Remote work for a sales manager is the most convenient option for performing his functions. There are main areas of activity that it performs:

  • industrial goods;
  • consumer goods;
  • provision of services.

The work of a sales specialist is connected not only with calls, but also remote activity involves also collecting and analyzing data, developing documentation, etc. In addition, his responsibilities include constant monitoring of the delivery of goods.

Watch the video - Working from home as a sales manager

Where is remote work as a sales manager in demand?

In an online business, a sales manager is needed:

  • online stores;
  • companies selling goods and services;
  • information businessmen;
  • studios.

The remote work of such a specialist is also needed by real companies that want to increase sales volumes. All activities in this case are conducted by phone, Skype or email.

The sales manager can find a job online using:

  • freelance exchanges;
  • specialized resources that publish advertisements for searching for employees working remotely;
  • vacancy sections on major resources.

Is education important for remote work?

A sales manager does not necessarily have to have a university degree, although one is welcome. But on the Internet, pieces of paper do not always play a decisive role. The employer is interested in the result of the work, and the better it is, the more interesting the employer is in such a remote employee. If the manager knows how work for results, endowed with charisma, knows how to communicate, and also knows some tricks for promoting a product - you can safely try yourself in this field.

But you still need to study and take special courses that provide tools to improve your level of professionalism. In a couple of months, you can learn the necessary techniques, master theoretical knowledge, and develop sales skills in practice.

By using certain techniques, you can determine which ones work and are suitable in each specific case. This will help in developing an individual style, which is a sales tool for each individual sales manager.

Today's customers are more demanding than before. And besides, they are also less lenient, which means that the seller has the right to only one shot, and must fire good impression the first time. IN modern world With fast-paced high digital technologies, where decisions are made in an instant, one cannot turn a blind eye to the role of a good sales manager. And besides, the job of a sales manager has now become much more difficult than it was a few years ago. So now the question arises: how can you become a good salesperson? How can you become a better salesperson? The answer to these questions is actually quite simple. Be active.

A good sales manager is one who knows how to build relationships

To be a good salesperson you need to work on your relationships with clients so that they feel comfortable communicating with you. Good selling is about creating bonds of mutual trust and understanding between you and your client. it's the same long haul to gain the trust of customers who would want to do business with you again in the future.

A good sales manager always answers calls

Instead of an answering machine, answer your phone calls yourself. This shows customers and clients that you care about them and that they are not just a check mark on your records and a checkpoint to fulfill a sales plan. If you are very busy, hire an assistant or additional staff to handle phone calls. And remember that the human voice is much more effective than a robot's voice.

A good sales manager never promises what he cannot deliver.

It's important to let your clients know that they can trust you to get the job done at all times. A good salesman should always keep his promises. If you feel like you can't deliver what you promise, be honest with your clients, they will appreciate you more for your honesty. Breaking promises only leads to the client no longer trusting you.

A good sales manager listens to his customers

While the sales manager must convince the customer to buy something, it is also very important to listen to his customer. Take a moment to get to know your customers personally and then give them an appropriate response. Listen to what your client has to say, find out what he likes and what doesn't interest him at all. In a word, everything that would be useful for building fruitful relationships.

A good sales manager handles complaints with confidence

While no one likes complaints, it is important that the sales manager is prepared to address them head on. This shows clients that you are considerate and that you care about them.

A good sales manager is ready to help, even if it does not bring profit.

A good sales manager is always an expert

Know that good man Sales is always a master of his craft. He knows his product or service down to the smallest detail. There is nothing about the product that he doesn't know. By having confidence in what you are selling, you will be able to sell everything you need to much more effectively.

A good sales manager takes the initiative or goes one step ahead

A good sales manager takes the initiative. This means that if your client asks you about something, introduce or introduce him to some other similar product or service. Give them a difference of choice. Also, always go one step ahead. If your customer is a repeat customer, offer a discount or some kind of bonus on the product or service they purchased.

A good sales manager is able to admit his mistake

Admitting your mistakes can be difficult, but it also shows the client that you are responsible for your actions. This, in turn, helps strengthen relationships with clients as they feel they can trust you in the future. Trust is the most important tool a good sales manager should always have.

A good sales manager says: “I will do it,” not “I will try.”

The word “I’ll try” should not be in the vocabulary of a good sales manager. This is the word that clearly shows your client what you will do and what you won’t do. By using the word “I will do” you show that you will move mountains in order to do what you promised.

Just 10 years ago, the word “manager” inspired misunderstanding and awe. After all, in the vastness former USSR there was no such position as such. But the process does not stand still, so now, in 2016, almost everyone will be able to explain who a manager is and what he does. Let's figure it out too.

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Sales manager: description of specialty

A sales manager is a person whose responsibilities include managing a specific department. Conventionally, all managers can be divided into representatives of lower, middle, and senior management. The first manage several people, while the rest can manage tens or hundreds of employees in different cities and countries.

The word “manager” came into Russian from English. The verb “manage” has several meanings that very accurately describe the main qualities of a representative of this profession. This verb can be translated as “to guide”, “to cope”.

Typically, a manager's responsibilities include:

  • searching and calling clients;
  • meetings with them;
  • concluding cooperation agreements;
  • producing a presentation;
  • advertising promotion;
  • team motivation;
  • monitoring and improving performance;
  • collection of statistical information.

From all of the above, we can conclude that a manager is the soul of the company in which he works. Choosing the “right” person for such an important position automatically increases the company’s chances of success.

In what industry can a sales manager work?

A sales manager can work in almost any industry, since you can sell almost everything from clothing and furniture to information and security.


  1. To work in the wholesale trade sector, the manager must be familiar with the segment;
  2. Be able to work with reporting documentation;
  3. Have an understanding of pricing policy in this area;
  4. Controls the distribution of the budget, salaries, and debt repayment;
  5. A wholesale manager knows how to search for suppliers and clients;
  6. The manager must be able to draw up a work and collection schedule;
  7. Select personnel;
  8. Organize meetings and negotiations with clients.


  1. Area Manager retail must negotiate to secure the lease;
  2. Find time and place to open new offices or retail outlets;
  3. Understand local documentation that is related to a specific type of trade;
  4. Select personnel and take part in their training;
  5. Solve current problems;
  6. Monitor the performance of duties directly at the workplace and during off-site negotiations;
  7. Notify staff of changes in routine, new orders and recommendations from senior management;
  8. Organize training to improve efficiency;
  9. Submit monthly reports to regional managers.

Selling services

The services that a manager can manage the sale of are quite varied. Here you can find everything from selling fitness memberships to foreign language courses. Selling this type of service requires no less skill than promoting the actual product. Therefore, there is a list of qualities that a person must have, and a list of responsibilities that a person occupying such a position performs:

  1. Literacy in the field of services provided;
  2. Ability to organize work online;
  3. Identification of the consumer segment;
  4. Selection of personnel who are well versed in the services provided;
  5. Knowing advertisers and establishing relationships with them;
  6. Organization of direct actions;
  7. Creating a database and calling potential buyers.

Advantages and disadvantages of the profession

As in any other profession, managerial work also has advantages and disadvantages. First of all, you need to love your job, and you need to live up to the position you hold. If this condition is left unfulfilled, then the work will not bring pleasure. And everything that is done simply because “it’s necessary” will fall apart sooner or later.

Let's look at the benefits of working as a sales manager:

  • Comfortable working conditions (mainly in the office);
  • The ability to travel;
  • Meeting new people, making useful connections;
  • Competitive wages directly dependent on the work performed;
  • Opportunity to increase income through effort or change of concepts;
  • Possibility of getting a promotion;
  • Comprehensive development, which becomes necessary for successful activities.

What can you say about the disadvantages? All of them can be considered subjective, but still:

  • Irregular working hours;
  • The dependence of earnings not only on personal efforts, but also on the season, economic situation, and specific geographical location;
  • An abundance of stressful situations;
  • Large amount of paperwork.

Basic requirements of employers

  1. Availability of higher education. Employers are confident that having a higher education affects the ability to plan, “sell” oneself, and prove one’s point of view. Although, let's be honest, its presence absolutely does not guarantee getting a position.
  2. Active sales skills. The essence of active sales is not just to sell a product standing behind the counter, but to be able to find a potential client, convince him, and make the buyer happy. You can carry out active sales in the office, on the street, or by phone.
  3. Knowledge of the sales market. Even if a person has outstanding sales talent, he will not bring profit to his company unless he has a deep knowledge of what he is trying to sell, where he is selling it, and who his potential customers are. A sales manager must be able to collect information about the sales market and actively apply it in practice. The higher the level of self-organization and the deeper the knowledge, the more successful the company.
  4. Good recommendations. This requirement is most often made by organizations that are looking for workers with experience, but in no case beginners. This is unpleasant news for those who are at the beginning of their journey, but this problem can be solved. In order to get recommendations, you need to work a little in companies that are not so demanding of personnel. Of course, you won't be able to make a fortune there, but you will get letter of recommendation and invaluable experience that will facilitate further career advancement.
  5. Knowledge of languages. Nowadays, such a requirement is universal and causes a storm of indignation among people whose work, it would seem, is not related to communication, for example, in English. But this criterion cannot be called unreasonable. A person who has been able to comprehend at least the basics of a foreign language has high intellectual potential, knows how to organize his work, and knows how to achieve goals. This is exactly the kind of person you want to see as a sales manager. In addition, knowledge of languages ​​allows you to expand the horizons of cooperation, makes it possible to introduce ideas that competitors who are not able to monitor the foreign market have not yet reached.
  6. Planning skills. Time management skills can not only increase your chances of getting a position, but also improve your quality of life. A person who only needs 24 hours to complete a certain part of the tasks can become successful. Those who have not yet mastered planning skills are in constant stress, they do not have time to submit reports, they put things off, and then lose clients. Who needs such an employee?

If your goal is to become a sales manager, look beyond this list and evaluate whether you fully possess the qualities presented. If not, take action!

Personal qualities of a sales manager

  1. Focus on successful results of your activities. Even if you work tirelessly but don't have specific purpose- all efforts are in vain. Only high motivated people are able to reach their goals by prioritizing their tasks and moving towards them step by step. Such a person will not only achieve what he wants, but will also help the entire team achieve success.
  2. Communication skills. A good manager can be recognized by his communication style. His speech is clear and uncluttered, he is confident in what he is talking about, he always listens carefully and reacts to the words of the interview. In other words, he has highly effective communication skills. It is this quality that helps to attract, convince, and, subsequently, sell.
  3. Ability to withstand stressful situations. No matter how professional a person is, working with people still cannot be done without conflict situations and force majeure. Deals often fall through, people change their minds, equipment breaks down, and employees get sick. All this is undoubtedly unpleasant, but a professional in his field will not allow any of these incidents to affect his mood. You need to be able to quickly find a solution, and not sprinkle ashes on your head after the failure of the plan.
  4. Ability to learn. To survive, you need to be able to quickly adapt to new rules and circumstances. Rules, laws, types of products, and sales techniques change. And only a person whose brain is adapted to constant learning will be able to stay on the crest of the wave. Those who hesitate and do not agree to change their habitual way of thinking will not get a job as a sales manager.

How to work as a sales manager

  1. Need to define a circle potential clients and find out their contacts. This is work most which can be done on the Internet. To do this, you need to devote enough a large number of working (and maybe free) time to search for thematic forums and other discussions. There you will find people who are interested in your product. They share their wishes, criticize, and praise. This is where you can find an approach to the client and get ahead of your opponent. It would be a good idea to visit competitors’ websites and read reviews about their work. This will help to avoid mistakes when planning work, and not repeat ideas.
  2. Make a working commercial proposal. Ideas are good, but what good are they if no one needs them? The manager is obliged to highlight what is in demand, to find a product that people want to buy. He must present it in such a way that those who need it want to buy it, and those who heard the name of the product for the first time want to know more about it.
  3. Think over a sales plan. The days of trading at stalls are gone, so the manager must come up with a scheme that will cover the maximum number of customers, while minimum cost funds. This could be a combination of telephone sales, online work, and office visits. It all depends on the product itself and the imagination of the manager.
  4. Have a constructive conversation with a potential partner. Once you have identified a person who can collaborate with you, you need to carefully consider your strategy for working with him. You need to learn as much as possible not only about his company, but also about him as a person. This will help defuse the situation and move the conversation into a more relaxed direction. If a person is under tension, he is constantly looking for a trick. By putting your partner at ease, you will increase the chances of the meeting being effective.
  5. Be prepared to deal with objections. In order to survive moments of objections, you need to prepare for them. The manager must not only know about his product, but also be confident in its quality and practical benefits. Think in advance about what remarks your interlocutor might say. Never tell him that he is wrong if you are presented with real shortcomings of the product. It’s better to answer this way: “yes, this problem existed before, but we solved it thanks to the vigilance of our customers.”
  6. Achieve an appointment and skillfully present a product or service. In order to obtain consent to a meeting, you will have to delve thoroughly into the psychological literature and into manuals created specifically for this area. Unfortunately, there will be many refusals. But remember that every refusal brings you closer to acceptance, so keep trying. Having achieved an audience, carefully prepare your presentation, rehearse everything in front of a mirror, and practice on your employees. There is only one way here - to be prepared.
  7. Conclude a deal, plan subsequent sales. Once you've convinced your client, don't give him a chance to change his mind. Immediately start planning deliveries, payments, and other work related issues. The more specifics, the less risk.
  8. Build a system of ongoing relationships with the client. Even after fulfilling the terms of the deal, maintain contact with your partner, not letting him forget about your existence. Remember that a satisfied client will always recommend your company to those who need similar services.

Main stages of work

  1. Telemarketing. In other words, narrowing the circle of potential clients. This includes working with radio broadcasting, television, and calling the client base. Only after completing this stage can you proceed to the next.
  2. Meeting. So, after you've convinced a few people to listen to details about your product, you set up a meeting. This is already half the success. Take it with you great mood, and as much information as possible and - into battle!
  3. Agreement. Was the meeting successful and did you interest your potential partner? Wonderful, get it documented so that both he and you can be calm. Explain everything to the client, do not rush, let him read all the conditions .
  4. Work on the implementation of the agreement. Now, as soon as possible, start making your products or services work for the benefit of your partner. Efficiency and diligence are not only signs of professionalism, but also traits that will help you bring the contract to an end, preventing your partner from terminating the deal.
  5. Monitoring the fulfillment of all contractual obligations. Signing a contract is not the final stage. If you care about the company's reputation, be careful to ensure that the buyer receives everything that was promised to him.
  6. The final stage. After all conditions have been met, put the documentation in order and give the necessary copies to the other party.
  7. Communication support. Take an interest in your client’s affairs even after fulfilling all obligations, tell him about new offers. This will definitely bear fruit in the future.

Ways to motivate a sales manager

The best motivator is a goal. It can be different for everyone: someone strives for material well-being, someone to fame and recognition. The workplace environment should remind everyone of why they are here.

Not only bonuses, but also simple praise can give a person wings and make him work to his full potential.

What is the job of a manager? This will be discussed in this article. Previously, in conditions of shortage of goods and a planned economy, the main attention of enterprises was paid to production process, but I can’t sell it. Commodity manager, salesman, marketer - not a prestigious job at that time.

A sales manager began to appear at enterprises only in the nineties of the twentieth century, when the owners of small companies began to pay more attention to the sale of their own products. This specialist must be a link between buyers and manufacturers (or trade organizations).

The essence of the work

The main areas of work of a sales manager:

  • communication with clients;
  • detailed understanding of the type of product and its properties in order to satisfy customers.

At the same time, you need to know some technologies and have certain skills to regularly make sales.

What is the job of a manager? This is not just selling a product. This is a unique system for organizing the work of a specialist, aimed at developing a retail network and increasing sales volumes.

However, there is also an opinion that the work of a manager is not prestigious. At the same time, this is the most sought-after specialty. The current situation is related to the orientation economic system to the service sector. It is the account manager who helps ensure financial well-being most enterprises. His life mainly passes in constant telephone conversations.

The essence of the work of a sales manager is to sell goods through intermediaries who deliver them to stores or retail outlets. To ensure uniformity and consistency of sales, it is necessary to maintain and establish partnerships with customers. And after signing the contract, the manager must monitor the fulfillment of the contract participants’ obligations, as well as the delivery of goods. In other words, the customer success manager must do everything possible to ensure that consumers do not regret the purchase and return to the form again.

Profession of a sales manager: pros and cons

Positive aspects of this specialty:

  • it is necessary to constantly improve the level of education;
  • getting pleasure from a successful transaction;
  • irregular working hours;
  • there is an opportunity for self-realization and earning good money.

Disadvantages of this profession:

  • high responsibility;
  • signs of spontaneity of activity;
  • maximum level of work dynamism;
  • high level of analytics;
  • constant control.

Personal qualities

Firstly, the manager must thoroughly know the market in order to respond in a timely manner to any changes in it. He must have communicative competence. In other words, be able to listen to others, take the position of a partner and be able to win over others. You need to be able to speak in such a way that people understand.

It is necessary to maintain and maintain contact with the interlocutor even when a conflict arises, such work! A sales manager must accept criticism calmly and not focus on problems. Special higher education plays an important role in acquiring such skills. It gives an understanding of what a manager's job is.

Also, a specialist in this field of activity must have creative abilities: be able to generate their own ideas, take a creative approach to making decisions on emerging problems and interacting with potential clients.

How to become a sales specialist

As mentioned above, in order to thoroughly understand the features of the profession, it is necessary to obtain appropriate education. So, if you plan to sell clothes, then you need to graduate educational institution textile direction, and when selling tractors - the department that is associated with the automotive industry.

What areas does a manager work in?

Remote work is the most convenient mode for performing your functional duties. The following specializations can be distinguished, depending on the type of object of sale:

  • manufactured goods;
  • consumer goods;
  • services.

The profession of manager is quite widely used in wholesale trade. In some companies, these specialists work directly with consumers (for example, when selling large and expensive goods), and in others - with distribution companies that purchase goods and then distribute them to stores. You can often encounter a situation where a manager’s work plan combines both the first and second sales schemes.

At first glance, it may seem that the activities of such a specialist consist of constant phone calls, tedious search for clients, and negotiations. However, it should be noted that the work of a manager is quite interesting. His responsibilities may include collecting and analyzing information, presenting projects, developing documentation, concluding contracts, working on various exhibitions. Also, this specialist must constantly monitor the timely delivery of goods.

Careers in Management

Experienced managers claim that after several years of work in the initial (lowest) position, it will be possible to become the head of the sales department.
And this is already interesting job, which includes the organization and planning of department activities, control of sales volume, as well as negotiations with a certain category of clients.

The main task facing managers is to increase sales volumes, search for new potential customers, and promote their product or service to the market. At the same time, it is necessary to achieve favorable conditions cooperation. In this case, you can conduct the conversation from a slightly different perspective - strategic. And this is an analysis of the functioning market with the development of opportunities to expand sales, assessment of potential counterparties, as well as business planning.

Income of sales managers

As you know, salespeople have always had salaries an order of magnitude higher than production workers. However, there are also some nuances. Thus, at the initial stage, sales specialists have a small income, since they receive most of their money from interest on transactions concluded by them. The newcomer does not yet have his own client base, which will be developed in the future.

The monthly income of a low-level manager at a trading company is in the range of 15-20 thousand rubles. The salary of the head of the sales department is 30-90 thousand rubles.

In addition to salary, an applicant for a manager position may be offered training (free of charge), bonuses or high percent from sales. There is the possibility of looking for part-time work. The social package may also include corporate leisure.

However, the basis of a sales manager’s earnings is the number of clients attracted. This specialist must form his own client base in any way, often using the services of enterprises, for example, in the form of a created website. Also, the manager’s income is directly dependent on the salability and prestige of the product. The same criterion is taken into account by top managers trading enterprise when selecting employees.

Demand for sales professionals

Today in the labor market, about a quarter of vacancies belong to sales managers. It can be argued that this is one of the most sought-after positions in any enterprise. The profit of the company depends on the competence of these people. However, despite the large number of specialists in this field on the labor market, there are few real professionals.

Most employers require candidates to have a thorough knowledge of the core market, key suppliers and clients. Also among the requirements is the necessary experience in a similar field of activity and knowledge of all the specifics of the industry.


Thus, in this article we tried to understand what the job of a manager is. They also discussed the main priorities when choosing a given profession and the requirements put forward by employers to candidates.

The work of a manager may be associated with certain stresses of a neuropsychic nature, which are caused by financial responsibility, as well as constant communication with various clients. It is important that a specialist in this field has good analytical skills.

Many people believe that a manager's job is to present the product to the client. The latter are sure that the essence of his work is interaction with regular customers. Third, they think that the main task of a sales manager is to sell. But how do managers actually work, what is the meaning of the profession, and who needs it?

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The essence of the work

Most often, the product is sold by lines of intermediaries who deliver it to retail outlets. In order for the flow of goods sold to be measured and continuous, partnerships with customers should be identified and maintained.

The sales manager is required to create this connection between consumers, trading and manufacturing enterprises.

Therefore, the role of the sales manager is to sell the product. He is obliged to monitor the fulfillment of the assumed powers by all parties to the contract and strictly control the delivery of goods. He is competent to do everything to ensure that the client is satisfied with the purchase and in the future contacts the company again and again.

Types of goods that sales managers work with:

  • consumer products;
  • industrial goods;
  • service.

The profession of manager has become widespread in the field of wholesale sales. In some companies, specialists prefer to contact the client directly (especially if the work involves expensive services). Managers in other companies prefer to contact distribution companies, simultaneously combining several sales methods.

About the position

Currently, the concept of manager is interpreted so broadly that almost every second specialist is called it. Different levels of manager include different sets of powers. It is necessary to acquire technologies and skills that will give you a chance to regularly make sales. The essence effective sales is based on a systematic approach, even if it is realized by the hands of only one master.

At its core, every manager, even lower level is a manager. His activities consist of organizing, planning, coordinating and controlling all production mechanisms of the company.

The demand for this direction is quite easy to explain - in our country it is unique, since its representatives can find themselves in all sectors of the economy, both state level, and in companies based on private ownership.

Professional competencies

Any representative of this profession needs to be sociable, sociable and purposeful. Mobile workers must be able to plan and properly control work processes within the company and motivate workers.

Each applicant must have a stress-resistant character. More than one week may pass from the start of work with the client until the contract is signed. Sometimes just building a customer base can take several years. Also, a seasonal factor cannot be ruled out.

Usually, passive income We manage to get a number of regular customers from servicing, but active sales need to find new candidates. It is possible to get the same profit from 1 large or several small transactions.

Manager's work plan:

  1. circle detection potential consumers and finding out their contacts;
  2. development of an effective commercial proposal;
  3. drawing up a sales plan, including the right attitude to communicate with the candidate to effectively positioning yourself and the work organization;
  4. compilation constructive communication with a potential client;
  5. handling customer objections;
  6. scheduling a meeting and properly organizing the presentation of goods sold;
  7. signing a contract, planning next meetings and sales;
  8. development of a system of constant communication with the candidate.

In order for the visitor to be satisfied after the conclusion of the transaction, the manager is obliged to oversee the process and compliance by all partners with certain rights and obligations.

Personal qualities of a good manager

Trade workers who want to receive good results, are required to constantly improve certain skills and have the following personal qualities:

  • Learning ability. This allows a specialist to develop and adapt to various changes.
  • Focus on results. Every manager is required to come to work to increase the company's turnover. If a specialist is not interested in this, he simply wastes his personal time and the time of the company manager.
  • Honesty and integrity. If a partner suspects a lie, the manager risks losing his trust once and for all.
  • Self confidence. In the eyes of the client, the feeling of uncertainty is compared to unprofessionalism and incompetence. Most likely, most clients will refrain from communicating with him.
  • Stress resistance. Not all partners are ready to make contact and behave kindly. A sales manager risks facing rudeness, humiliation and insults.


Not all sales representatives have a sufficient level of motivation to perform their job duties. This threatens poor performance of official duties and a decline in the desire to achieve new heights. The company often has questions about why some people manage to make a colossal volume of sales, while others do not.

As a rule, problem solving is closely related to staff motivation, which can be increased in the following ways:

  • Rule 1: For efficient work, at the very beginning of the working day it is important to remember and clarify everything important details and collect your thoughts.
  • Rule 2: Perform all actions in accordance with certain rules existing at this enterprise.
  • Rule 3: A specialist must strive to constantly improve his professional level.
  • Rule 4: Statistics are a good motivating tool. The more it focuses on the core and key points related to the number of successful transactions, the more effective further activities will be.

Additional skills required by a manager

  1. In addition to interacting with clients, a specialist is required to collect data, fill out an information base, periodically visit exhibitions, conduct analytical reflection, draw up contracts, conduct primary documentation etc.
  2. A professional in this field must be able to competently plan his work schedule and have practical knowledge of time management.
  3. Some organizations require their staff to be creative and innovative. A professional must be able to use various sales techniques, master the methodology of working with the imagination of clients, the skills of persuasion, argumentation and conducting successful presentations. He must find an approach to each client.
  4. The employee must focus his activities on the final result, show activity, full interest in the work and readiness for continuous improvement. As a rule, a specialist independently performs all the work and bears full responsibility for it.
  5. Ownership Requirements foreign languages, depends on the employer. Most often, mandatory possession English language required only by those employers whose company is related to the Western sphere of activity.

Demand and prospects

Currently, from 20 to 50% of vacancies on the labor market are occupied by sales managers. This profession is in greatest demand, but at the same time it causes the highest percentage of dissatisfaction. Perhaps this is due to the fact that about 90% of citizens perceive this activity as unattractive and devoid of any prestige.

Despite this, 40% of all vacancies belong to sales specialists.

The profit of the organization depends entirely on the professionalism of the employee. No matter how high-quality a company produces, all its work may be in vain if its customers prefer the services of competitors. Many businesses are looking for experienced craftsmen, but finding a real specialist is quite difficult.

According to experts, good specialist must have a higher education in this field. This can confirm his ability to competently convince the client of the correctness of his point of view and the ability to speak well and clearly with clients. In addition to a diploma, the ideal applicant for this position must have experience in successful transactions, have a good command of the intricacies of his profile market, information about the main suppliers and all potential customers.