1. It's free. This free online test for determining political coordinates is provided to you absolutely free of charge. It will help you determine your coordinates along the two main political axes, placing you in one of the four main quadrants that are usually found in Western democracies Oh.

2. No hidden motives. Although there are other political orientation tests, many of them phrase questions in a way that allows respondents to tailor the answers to their own political point of view. There are no ulterior motives in this test, and the questions are formulated without bias or “rigging”.

3. Modern. Several of the most popular tests of political coordinates were compiled more than 10 years ago and/or were associated with specific elections. One way or another, the questions in the tests revolved around problems that were characteristic of those times, and not for the modern political balance of power.

4. Compiled with the help of professionals. This test was created by the efforts of researchers who work professionally in the field of political science and political analysis.

Test: Political coordinates

This free test will help determine your political beliefs on the main political scale of Western democracies. There are other tests for determining “political coordinates” and “ political views”, which are often criticized for using various tricks to push the respondent towards certain answers, for example, by shifting emphasis or formulating questions in such a way as to provoke an emotional reaction from the respondent. Unlike them, in this test the questions are formulated without any “juggling” or manipulation.

Question 1 of 36

WITH medical point view, euthanasia should be legal.


The IDR Labs Political Coordinates Test is the property of IDR Labs International. The Political Compass Test is a registered trademark of Pace News Limited. The Vote Compass is a registered trademark of Vox Pop Labs Inc. Neither Pace News Limited nor Vox Pop Labs Inc. have no connection with this site.

This test was developed with the help of professional political analysts and respondents from across the political spectrum. Even so, please keep in mind that these tests are only indicators - a first look at the system to give you a head start.

Political aptitude tests, whether professional or "official" ones used in academic studies, or free online tests like this one, are only indicators that can give you a general idea of ​​your political point vision. No test ever created can determine your political beliefs with complete accuracy and reliability, and no political affiliation test can replace your deep familiarity with the politics of your country.

The authors of this free online political coordinates test are certified in the use of various personality tests and work professionally in the field of psychology, political psychology and testing personal qualities. Before taking our free online test, please note that test results are provided as is, free of charge, and should not be construed as providing professional or certified advice of any kind. For more detailed information about online test for political coordinates, please familiarize yourself with

The best test for political views that can be found on the entire Internet can rightfully be considered.

The test itself consists of 70 questions, to which 5 answer options are given. Each question represents some kind of socio-political statement with which you can either completely agree or express your neutrality, or express your complete disagreement.

The test has 4 axes (diplomatic, economic, social, state), which have two extremes that can be conditionally called characteristic of the right and left political wings.

Thus, the diplomatic axis is divided into:

  • Nationalism. This is a typical right-wing trait, implying patriotism and sincere love for one’s people. A nationalist always puts the interests of his nation and its culture above others. Vivid examples of nationalist states can be Royal Russia, France and Germany shortly before the First World War. This period generally marked the heyday of nationalism in Europe. At the same time, I ask you not to confuse it with Nazism - an extreme form of xenophobia, only based on nationalism.
  • Globalism. This is a typical leftist idea that puts internationalism above all else. The ultimate goal of globalism is to unite the whole world into one single state, in which people would be in an equal state among themselves, regardless of ethnic, cultural and religious contradictions. Modern Western globalists advocate the importation of migrants into the developed countries from economically undeveloped and culturally distant states (mainly from the Muslim world, Africa and Asia). A striking example globalism can be served by the policies of the European Union and the USSR.

The economic axis varies between:

  • Market. Because capitalism, where the individual takes over society. It implies free enterprise and private property. A striking example of a capitalist state is the United States.
  • Equality. Those. socialism, which is a typical leftist trait. The We takes precedence over the Self, thereby giving priority to society rather than the individual to achieve overall equality and justice. Socialism also implies the rejection of private property in favor of public property for the equal creation and distribution of goods among all people. The apogee of socialism is communism. An example would be Soviet Union.

The contrast between market and planned (socialist) economies is especially noticeable when comparing South Korea and North Korea. However, I am not hinting at anything, but only stating the current state of affairs.

The social axis implies personal beliefs, such as:

  • Traditionalism. A typically right-wing idea, which implies loyalty to the traditions of one’s people. This also includes conservatism and religiosity, which is understandable to everyone. An example of a traditionalist society can also be the United States (especially the one from the middle of the last century), as well as Spain during the dictatorship of Francisco Franco.
  • Progressivism. Implies a desire to achieve radical social changes to achieve better society. A typical leftist trait that combines atheism, feminism, same-sex marriage, vegetarianism and much more, which according to progressives will make society better. A clear example the USSR of the time of Ulyanov (Lenin), as well as the Swedish Caliphate of our days, can also serve. Well, or the near future.

The state axis is divided into:

  • Authoritarianism. The state takes everything into its own hands, interfering in the lives of its citizens, determining the development of society.
  • Freedom. The state does not interfere in the affairs of its citizens, but is only a guarantor of freedom for everyone.

Dividing these things into right and left wing is somewhat problematic, but traditionally it is believed that freedom is characteristic feature for the political right wing. But history knows examples of both authoritarian right-wing regimes, mainly fascist, and “free” left-wing regimes, mainly communist. Free states with a typical right-wing bias include the United States, and authoritarian right-wing regimes include the regime of General Franco in Spain (1939-1975) and the regime of Augusto Pinochet in Chile (1973-1990). The Soviet Union and the DPRK are classically classified as authoritarian leftists, while Sweden and other Scandinavian countries can be defined as “free” leftists. Moreover, I did not just isolate Sweden, because... it's in politically absolutely left country, which confidently follows the socialist path, freedom and in which several are already wearing

This page presents a test with which you can determine your ideological type, described by the model of “political coordinates” (or “political compass”).So, in total there are four types of ideologies, which for convenience are usually written down in English words: authoritarian left(AL), authoritarian right(AR), libertarian left(LL) and libertarian right(LR). As you can see, each ideology is represented by a combination of two terms: they describehow a person understands individual and economic freedoms.

The authoritarian/libertarian division determines a person's attitude towards individual freedoms. So, authoritarian believe what to achieve public order citizens must delegate part of their powers to the authorities, which will shape the course on their behalf further development countries, while libertarian believe, Whatthe state does not have the right to impose its laws if the citizen from whom they are required to comply has not given his consent.

As a consequence, carriers authoritarian types of ideologies adhere to statist views on the structure of the country: they believe that there should be a government (not necessarily democratic), whose task is to organize people and subject them to law, without which, in their opinion, the existence of a civilized society is not possible. In turn, carriers libertarian ideologies are anarchists: they believe that society is adapted to self-organization and that in fact there is no need to obey laws. Being open to cooperation and understanding the rules of the game that they have signed up for, people will not break them. In the understanding of anarchists, in life, as in a game of chess, most people will not play against the rules, since in this case, firstly, they will not get pleasure from the game itself, and, secondly, they will lose confidence in themselves in front of others members of the community.

The left/right scale determines a person’s views on economic freedom: left come fromfrom the position that private property does not exist or should not exist and, as a consequence, the poor and the rich, while in the opinion right Each person is free to dispose of his property at his own discretion, which is why the poverty of individual people is perceived by them as a consequence of the fact that a person was deprived of this right or limited himself in it.

At the intersection of these scales, four ideologies are formed: AL, AR, LL And LR. Let's look at how they are presented in modern society:
Often authoritarian leftists adhere to the ideas of socialism. Supporting the state, they consider its main task to be the redistribution of wealth in society by collecting taxes from the rich and distributing them in favor of the poor.For this reason, AL believe that the state has the right to regulate the economy: impose duties, raise taxes, build factories at its own discretion, etc. They support funding free medicine and education.Currently, AL includes modern Russia, Scandinavia, most EU and CIS countries. The worst option for the development of this ideology is a state in which power belongs entirely to individuals who shape its national course (North Korea, Venezuela, poor authoritarian countries in Africa). In such states there is strict censorship, and all big business belongs to the authorities.

In its turn authoritarian right-wingers often have conservative views. They oppose the right of the state to interfere ineconomic activity of citizens. In their understanding, its role should be limited to maintaining public order and the security of the free exchange of goods and services (the market). According to AR, the right to private property is sacred, so they advocate lowering taxes and reducing the share of state-owned enterprises. As a result, in countries with this ideology there is no free medicine and education.AR includes Poland, Republican states of the USA, and Japan. The worst option for the development of such an ideology is a state where economic freedom and a high standard of living are combined with a complete absence of individual freedoms (Singapore and the UAE). Often in such a society homophobia, sexism, religiosity and censorship prevail.

The libertarian left is the bearer of the anarcho-communist(as they say today) ideology. In their understanding, the equality of all people is achievable by building a stateless society that functions through self-government, and not the presence (as inAL) vertical branches of power. LL oppose the compulsion to live “correctly” and believe that sooner or later society itself will come to the understanding that mutual assistance is The best way overcoming inequality. The main theoretician of anarcho-communism is the Russian philosopher Peter Kropotkin. It should also be understood that today this ideology has not been implemented anywhere, but there are countries striving for it (Finland and Switzerland).

The libertarian right represents the ideas of anarcho-capitalism. Like LL, they believe that the state is evil, since society is capable of self-organization even without its coercion. URespecting the right of every person to dispose of their property, they see market relationships as the basis of everything:It is more profitable for each person to produce and exchange goods and services, living in peace with other people, rather than resorting to violent methods to achieve well-being. The ideal world of LR is one where every person realizes himself through creative activity, creating goods that other people need. The main theorists of ancap are famous economists Murray Rothbard and Ludwig von Mises. Of course, it should be understood that such a society cannot exist without high level education of the population: otherwise, a war of all against all may begin, reminiscent of the times of the Wild West.

Please note that this information is not sufficient to fully understand all the differences between the ideologies described. If you are interested in this topic, I recommend starting to familiarize yourself with the definitions of the terms I used that are not previously known to you.

At the end of the test you will receive two values ​​corresponding to the scales“authoritarian/libertarian”and “left/right”: the closer they are to the number 0, the more “authoritarian” or “left” qualities are manifested in your ideology, the closer to the number 39, the more “libertarian” or “right” are manifested.For example, a result of “35 and 33” means that you are a staunch libertarian right (LR).

Since not all people are carriers of a pronounced ideology, intermediatetypes: relatively speaking, they can be called “social democrats” (between AL and LL), authoritarians (between AL and AR), liberals (between AR and LR), anarchists (between LL and LR) and centrists (ideology without significant dominanceany poles).

So, let's move directly to the test itself:

When answering questions, try not to rush. Answer honestly: as is correct in your opinion, and not as is customary in the society where you live. try to giveas many confident answers as possible (avoid the options “Rather, yes” and “Rather, no”) - in this case, the result is more likely to indicate a pronounced ideology.

In your acquaintances, loved ones, loved ones, you always look for some similarities with yourself: similar desires, hobbies, views... the more you learn about a person, the more you can say about what kind of person they are. Today you have the opportunity to learn even more about the views of your VKontakte friends, namely, about the political worldview. We suggest you take a test to analyze your political views yourself and get your friends interested in this test. Who knows, what if you are lucky enough to find a like-minded person? That is why today we present to your attention the “Political Views Test” application. To go to it, just click on link. But first read the review so that as you progress political test there were no questions!

Test application review

When you launch the application, you will be asked to follow a path to determine your political views. This path consists of 65 questions, answer options for which will be provided to you. The questions in the test relate exclusively to your own views both on politics and its leaders, and on the social and economic situation in the country.

The number of answer options that you are offered is from two to thirteen. Some questions have an unambiguous short answer “yes” or “no”, while others have entire theories formulated. There are also questions for which there may be several possible answers. In general, this test will help a lot if no one writes to you, to go to the article “What to do if no one writes in contact”, click on.

When you answer the last, 65th question, you immediately receive an answer. Please note that you are not asked to go to another site or send a message with mobile phone, or something like that. At the same second, the “Political Views” window opens in front of you with the result of the passed test. In it you can see your political portrait. It includes:

  • Table of political views: in percentage terms you can see how far your views are left or right; authoritarian or democratic; scientistic or anti-scientist.
  • Dominant worldview: the percentage shows how much of an anarchist, social democrat, Marxist, liberalist, fascist/Nazi you are.
  • Political coordinates: on coordinate plane Your political coordination is indicated, in addition, the views of some politicians whose views are close to you.
  • Level of protest potential: if you hover your cursor over the percentage graph, you can find out how ready you are to express your protest.
  • Summary: taking into account all the above indicators, the program has compiled your political summary, which indicates the basis of your political worldview, your affinity for certain ideas and methods of politics.

It should be noted that after each graph there is a small icon in the form of a globe. If you hover your mouse over it, you can find out the percentage of your views compared to all the views of people who took the test.

The application allows you to see the results of this test of your friends who passed it. You yourself can tell your friends the results of your test, or you can publish them on your VKontakte wall. This program will also notify you that one of your friends has taken this test, and you can view the results. The analysis of political views is quite accurate, since the results of the analysis of political views are performed on the basis of a correspondence counting algorithm.

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