10 facts about the most unusual physics

On Wednesday, on March 14, it became known that in the early morning at home in Cambridge, at the age of 76, one of the most famous physicists of theoretics of modernity Stephen Hawking died. Almost fully paralyzed, who spoke with a synthesizer of speech, this extraordinary scientist, studied the problems of the origin of the Universe, in particular, the theory of peace and the theory of black holes. We have collected 10 curious facts about Hawking.

1. Fate shall strike

"The last half a century I lived with the prospect of early death. I am not afraid of death, but I do not hurry to die, "Hawking confessed. "At first I need to do so much."

Signs of side amyotrophic sclerosis, which subsequently led to paralysis, began to manifest itself in Stephen Hawking in the early 1960s. When the doctors put him a disappointing diagnosis, the forecasts of doctors promised the young man of the year two and a half life. But they were mistaken.

Fate, however, continued to strike at Hawks: In 1985, he was seriously ill with inflammation of the lungs. After the tracheostomy, Hoking lost the ability to speak - then friends gave him a synthesizer of speech, which was installed on his wheelchair.

The paralyzed scientist mobility was maintained only in the mimic muscle of the cheek, opposite which the sensor was fixed. With it, Hoking managed a computer that allows him to communicate with the surrounding.

2. Two wives, three children and flights in weightlessness

"My expectations from life were reduced to zero, when I was 21 years old. All that was since it is a bonus, "said Stephen Hawking.

Heavy illness did not interfere with a paralyzed scientist to lead an active life. He not only continued his scientific work, but he married twice and became the father of three children! In 2007, he traveled in weightlessness over the Atlantic on a specially constructed plane. Hawking dreamed of flying into space - and such a flight was planned for 2009, but he was not destined to take place.

3. Smuggling Bible in the USSR

Stephen Hawking has repeatedly been in our country. For the first time he came to the student group, one of whose members asked to help his colleagues secretly to carry the Bible into the USSR in Russian. Write Scripture for the "Iron Curtain" succeeded, but on the opposite way, the group was detained for a while, however, after a few hours everyone was released. After that, Hawking came several times in the USSR for scientific affairs. For example, in 1973, he discussed the problems of black holes with Soviet scientists Yakov Zeldovich and Alexey Starobinsky. In 1981, Hawking again visited Moscow at the international seminar on quantum theory of gravity.

4. From "Simpsons" to the "Theory of the Big Explosion"

The popularizer of science hocing has become a character of mass culture. The scientist announced himself in popular animated series "Simpsons" and "Futurama", and also starred in the episodes of popular TV series - for example, in the "Theory of the Big Explosion", where he appeared in one of the episodes, finding an arithmetic - "rather stupid" - a mistake in Sheldon Cooper's work about Bosone Higgs. In some series of this Sitkom, Hoking's voice sounds. A scientist appeared in the famous Skchech show "Little Britain" ("Little Britain"). Stephen Hoking also played himself in the Star Path. Next generation".

5. Just about the complex

"I have a simple goal," the scientist argued. "She lies in full understanding of the universe, why it is as it is - and why all this exists."

In 1988, the book of Stephen Hawking "Brief History of Time" was published. In the list of best-selling editions of Sunday Times, she lasted a record 237 weeks! A wonderful sample of popular science literature, written by a simple, "human" language, allowed the general public to know the emergence of the Universe, the nature of the space and time, black holes, theory of superstrun and some mathematical problems. And in 2005, the "shortest history of time" was released - a revised version of the previous book, taking into account the latest scientific discoveries.

6. Family business

Already after Hawking has been diagnosed with a serious illness, Stephen married in 1965 at his sister Jane Wilde. He met her, being a student of Cambridge. According to Hawking, the engagement with Jane gave him then "something that was worth living." They had two sons (Robert and Timothy) and the daughter of Lucy. But in the relationship of the spouses, the crack arose - Jane loved the other. Since 1990, Stephen and Jane began to live separately, and then divorced officially. In 1995, Hawking was combined with her marriage with his nurse, Eline Mason: "It's wonderful - I married a woman I love." True, in October 2006, they also divorced.

7. 25th of the greatest Britons

In 2002, Stephen Hawking took the 25th place in the list of 100 of the greatest British according to the BBC. On one line above it was the Queen of Elizabeth II, and after Hawking, the Bible translator goes into English to William Tindale (1494-1536).

8. Hawking and Trump

The intention of the American president of Donald Trump to get out of the Paris Agreement by Stephen Hawking caused sharp criticism. "We are approaching a turning point when global warming becomes irreversible," the scientist said in an interview with the BBC. - Trump's actions can push the earth to the edge of the abyss, and it will become similar to Venus with a temperature of 250 degrees and an acid rain ... ".

9. About God and Aliens

Despite the fact that in the youth of Hawking smuggled in the USSR Bible, the scientist belonged to the religion skeptical (how much, he was more like an agnostic than an atheist). True, in his "short history of time" he allowed the place of the Most High in creating all the things. But later, the scientist came to the conclusion that the universe arose in objective physical laws, and its appearance cannot be associated with the activities of the highest mind: "In order to set fire to the mock and launch the universe, God does not need."

But in the existence of "brothers in mind" in many corners of the Universe, Hoking believed. True, it believed that from aliens it is better to stay away, for the consequences of their appearance on Earth can have consequences are the same as for the Indians during the arrival of Columbus to America.

10. Hawking about the end of the world

Arguing about the birth of the Universe, Stephen Hawking could not not think about the end of the world for humanity. He predicted four possible scenarios: nuclear war, artificial intelligence (developing, it will exceed human genus), created by genetic engineering viruses (randomly or deliberately created dangerous virus can be fatally dangerous for all mankind), global warming.

Name: Stephen Hawking (Stephen William Hawking)

Age: 76 years old

Place of Birth: Oxford, United Kingdom

Place of death:: Cambridge

Activity: Scientist, physicist theorist, mathematician

Family status: was divorced

Stephen Hawking - Biography

During World War II, Oxford and Cambridge were the only places in the UK, where German bombers did not reach. Frank Hawking chose Oxford and moved there from London along with his wife. Soon, on January 8, 1942, Izabel gave birth to the firstborn - Son Stephen.

The boy grew strong and healthy. Following two daughters, so Stephen was granted to himself. He sat for a long time, sacrificing old hours and other mechanisms, he wanted to see how everything was arranged. No less interesting was at school: boring teachers, boring items. Is that mathematics - the only standing science ...

Parents Stephen worked in the field of medicine and were confident that the Son would go to their footsteps. But he rested - mathematics or physics! I had to work hard to get to the university, because at school Stephen was almost the worst student class. Although a stupid boy to call the language did not turn. On the contrary, classmates gave him a nickname Einstein - apparently an advance.

Stephen's admission to Oxford was noted with a scope. Only the young man himself did not even appreciate what he had. I was interested in the still exact sciences. In addition, it was discovered that Hawking was not so many friends, and it was saddened. True, the output was. The most popular in Oxford was considered rowers, and Stephen became one of them - took the position of the steering. It turned out badly, the team lost at the competition, but now everyone knew him in the face, and there were no discover from new acquaintances.

At one of the student parties, Stephen met her - the one that could make him forget about friends, and about the rowing. Jane Wilde was not only good, but also turned out to be an interesting interlocutor. Well, who else would listen to stories about physical phenomena and recent discoveries? And she listened ...

One of the frosty Christmas days of 1962, young Hawking spent on the rink. The mood was excellent, the ice slid under his feet, and suddenly ... everything is spinning, the legs were worked on, and Stephen fell back. The fall was not the first. Before him, the young man had already happened to fly from the stairs, the porch, to rise in the same place. Parents insisted on the examination, and doctors made a disappointing verdict - side amyotrophic sclerosis. This meant that over time the muscles are completely atrophy, and Stephen himself will remain "vegetable" at best.

The doctor took the unfulfilled mother of the patient aside.

I give him two and a half years, no more.

The main question that Stephen asked himself after he heard the sentence, was: "Why am I?" And then suddenly realized how much he had plans. In addition, Jane was near, who, having learned about the diagnosis, was not afraid. So you can live on.

Stephen Hawking - Personal Life

The disease progressed. If Stephen came to his own wedding with a cane, then the firstborn met already on crutches.

He suspended and speech - became inhabitant.

Meanwhile, a daughter and one more son appeared. Robert, Lucy and Timothy became the meaning of Hoking's life, its continuation. But Jane became more difficult to cope with children, and even care for her husband. Fortunately, a modern wheelchair appeared, which Stephen easily managed. Yes, and students often ran it to spend and help, if necessary. By that time, Hawking was already a professor of mathematics. Interestingly, many topics in the textbook, he first passed almost in parallel with students, ahead of them just a couple of weeks.

In his spare time, Hawking was engaged in science. He was most fascinated by cosmology and black holes, which, according to Stephen, "evaporate", losing energy due to specific radiation. To this day it is also called - Radiation of Hawking. The discoveries of the scientist soon learned the entire scientific world. The awards fell alone at one another, Stephen and did not expect such recognition.

Despite the obvious difficulties, the family of hokings from the side looked quite happy.

But only from the side ... Jane pursued the same nightmare for several years: the husband dies, and she remains alone with three children and accumulated problems.

Is it worth blaming her in the fact that one day a woman could not stand and succumbed to a new feeling? Jonathan Jones, a musician from the church choir, was strong, healthy, strong. On the public basis, he helped the family of hokings and between the case conquered the heart of Jane. Stephen understood what was happening, but ... let it goes on samonek. He himself was afraid that his days were considered, and wanted the wife and children left alone.

This triangle could still torment his participants, if it were not for the case. In 1985, being in Switzerland, Stephen picked up the inflammation of the lungs. Complex operations did not give the result, the patient had to do tracheotomy. From his throat, from now on, Torn Tube, and he could no longer say. Jane fell hands. She helped, which could, but enthusiasm was faded. A few years later, the spouses divorced.

The surrounding spares Stephen: who needs it now? To pronounce something, he had to print it with his finger, and the speech synthesizer reproduced written. But Elaine Mason's nurse understood him without words. Conducting a day after day with physicist, a woman was attached to this clever and unlike other person. In 1995, they signed quietly.

For a long 11 years of their livelihood, Elaine saved Stephen from death several times. It turned out to be near when he chuckled, coughed, lost consciousness. But for her, this cargo was too heavy. They divorced, humbly released each other.

Stephen Hawking today

Today is Stephen Hawking one. However, one is not quite the right word. Next to him, his students and colleagues with whom he never ceases to discuss the problems of modern science. He is sure there are still a lot of discoveries ahead. The scientist does not leave the children - with the daughter of Lucy, they jointly wrote a children's book about the boy George and his adventure in the universe.

73-year-old Hawking is not going to die, because so much you need to have time. In the end, he still does not have a Nobel Prize, although he fully deserves it. If the reward was given for the power of the will, the desire to live and unshakable spirit, he would undoubtedly received her long ago.

Death of scientist

Twenty-first century lives a few people who can be bolded to call the phenomena of modernity. Perhaps one of the most striking examples is a scientist Stephen Hawking. Professor boasts 12 honorary scientists with titles. Hawking has repeatedly awarded all sorts of medals, prizes and prizes. It would seem that everyone dreams about such a lifetime. But there is one "but" - hoking suffers from the incurable paralysis of the muscles.

State of Hoking

Hawking disease mentioned earlier, worries him all his life. In this state, he cannot walk, eat fully, even talk. But this does not stop physics - he constantly travels the world, reads lectures, writes a huge number of books. The scientist is divided into new theories about the development and birth of the universe. In the photo before and after it can be noted that over the years he has noticeably aged. So what, says Hoking? Stephen even once visited weightlessness. No, he did not go to space - representatives of NASA offered the theoretics to fly on a special aircraft, which is used for a short-term achievement of weightlessness and training of future astronauts before the flight.

Interesting the very fact of how a scientist communicates with the outside world. Since the disease made it impossible to manage almost all muscles, the physicist could not even speak. Previously, communication occurred using a special synthesizer built into his wheelchair. He does not go on a regular stroller. In fact, this is a mobile computer capable of determining the state of Stephen Hawking, generate words, as well as perform many other operations. A special screen is installed here, which moves the column from the letters before the cursor. Hawking has the ability to choose the desired place of the speaker, after which the selected symbol will go into memory in order to compile text in writing. A permanent application will transfer the created proposal to a traditional speech.

The disease does not retreat. Over the past years, Hawking could still move his fingers on his right hand. But now even they remained fixed. To try to get rid of the consequences that caused a disease, scientists had to go to extreme measures, developing a unique technique for compiling speech. Now Stephen Hawking is growing with the right cheek, which is constantly illuminated by the infrared beam. It is quite difficult to communicate with scientists, because he has to spend a lot of time to give a response. Asking something at Stephen, at best you have to wait a few tens of seconds. Reports and speeches he has to be chained in a few weeks.

Of course, in the photo before and after you can see that Hawking in his youth could still stand on the legs, but not without the help of a disabled stick. Now that the only rolling part of Hawking is his right cheek, scientists forced the computer to determine commands by monitoring this body site. Depending on how Stephen's cheek was filled, it can slide the chair, turn it, open or close the doors and so on. The remaining actions for its maintenance lie on the shoulders of replacement nurses, as well as graduate students working on a voluntary basis.

Development of the disease

Interesting is the fact that the photos are preserved before and after, where you can see Hoking a typical man of that time. Stylish jacket, round glasses, shoes and black pants. In general, no different from the other young man. The terrible disease is eating him, Stephen learned at the 21st age, contacting the local hospital office. The problem is the following - lateral amyotrophic sclerosis. Each year over one hundred thousand patients die from this disease.

This form of sclerosis violates the normal operation of all muscles, and swallowing and breathing can be awaited. But what is the most important - the highest cognitive functions of the human brain - consciousness, hearing, memory and vision, are not violated. Stephen heard scary news - this disease will make him live a maximum of two and a half years. The diagnosis was voiced back in 1962.

As already mentioned earlier, in the photo before and after the cardinal changes are visible. The scientist not only aged, but also became almost fixed. Perhaps his story has become another joke in the development of medicine, since scientists from all over the world are trying to find solutions that allow paralyzed people to stand up to their feet again, and also normally feel their limbs.

Activities at the moment

Despite the terrible disease, Stephen Hawking tries to work in a large number of scientific spheres. Recently, it became known that the scientist began to actively be interested in the creation of exospkelets. If anyone knows, the exoskeleton is a mechanism with which you can strengthen or even completely duplicate the work of human muscles. This is a kind of mechanical suit, forcing a paralyzed person to move. A small computer is mounted on the belt, which registers any, even the smallest muscle impulses, duplicating them on external servomotors. If you look at the photo before and after the first appearance of the exoskels, it can be noted that people with disabilities began to feel more free, digested in movements and desires.

Hawking, knowing that he is not the only person suffering from such a disease, trying to help other people. He wants to develop the most universal exoskeleton. It is possible that such a technological solution will allow Hawking to get at least the minimum, but the freedom of the Movementangali adolescents from 16 to 18 years old consider Stephen one of the most vivid examples for imitation. He failed to overtake only the two rivals - Rubbist Wilkinson and the Beckham football player. Stephen noted that he was pleased to hear such comments about himself, and it really makes him honor.

I want to wish Stephen Hawking for many more years, because it is one of those who have deserved a happy life.

Stephen William Hawking (Stephen William Hawking). Born on January 8, 1942 in Oxford, United Kingdom - died on March 13, 2018 in Cambridge. English physicist theoretics.

He studied in Oxford, then in Cambridge, where he became a professor of mathematics. He studied the theory of peace as a result of a large explosion and made a lot of discoveries in the theory of black holes. It was discovered that small black holes lose energy, the emitting radiation of hoking, and, in the end, "evaporate."

Stephen Hawking was born on January 8, 1942 in Oxford, where his parents were moved from London, fearing the bombings of German aviation.

Father - Frank Hawking, who worked as a researcher at the Medical Center in Hampusted. Mother, Isabel Hawking, worked there as secretary. In addition to Stephen, two younger sisters were brought up in the family - Philip and Mary, and the adopted brother Edward.

In 1962, Stephen graduated from Oxford University (degree B.A.), and in 1966, in College, the Trinity Hall of Cambridge University received a Ph.D degree. From 1965 Hawking at the University of Cambridge. He worked as a researcher at Gonville and Kai College, in 1968-1972 at the Institute of Theoretical Astronomy, in 1972-1973 - at the Institute of Astronomy, in 1973-1975 - at the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, in 1975-1977 he taught the theory of gravity in 1977 1979 - Professor of gravitational physics, from 1979 - Professor of Mathematics. In 1974-1975 was a scholarshot in the California Institute of Technology.

In 1974, Hawking became a member of the Royal Society of London. In 1979, Hawking became a Lucasov professor at the University of Cambridge. He held this position until 2009.

In 1973, he visited the USSR, during his stay in Moscow discussed the problems of black holes with Soviet scientists Yakov Zeldovich and Alexey Starobinsky (a total of Hawking made seven visits to the Soviet Union).

Already in the early 1960s, Hawking began to show signs of lateral amyotrophic sclerosis, which led to paralysis. Doctors then believed that he had two and a half years left to live.

In 1985, Stephen Hawking was seriously ill, he had inflammation of the lungs. After a series of operations, he was conducted tracheotomy and hoking lost the ability to speak. Friends gave him a speech synthesizer, which was installed on his wheelchair. Some mobility retained only the index finger on the right hand of Hawking. Subsequently, the mobility remained only in the mimic muscle of the cheek, opposite which the sensor is fixed. With it, the physicist manages the computer, allowing him to communicate with others.

Despite the heavy illness, he leads an active life. On April 26, 2007, he was flying in weightlessness (on a special aircraft), and for 2009, the flight was planned in space that did not take place. Hawk himself says that, being a professor of mathematics, he never received any mathematical education since the second time. In the first year of his teaching in Oxford Hawking, read the textbook, ahead of his own students for two weeks.

The main area of \u200b\u200bHawking research is cosmology and quantum gravity. His main achievements:

the use of thermodynamics to the description of black holes;
Development in 1975 theories that black holes "evaporate" due to the phenomenon that ranked the radiation of Hawking;

On July 21, 2004, Hoking presented a report in which he outlined his point of view on permission from the paradox of the disappearance of information in a black hole.

It is one of the founders of quantum cosmology.

Atheist by conviction.

Hawking is actively engaged in popularizing science. In April 1988, the book "Brief history of time" was published, which became a bestseller.

Then there were books "Black holes and young universes" (1993) and "Peace in the walnut shell" (2001). In 2005, a new edition of the "Brief History ..." - "The shortest history of time", written in co-authorship with Leonard Molodinov. In 2006, together with the daughter of Lucy Hawking, wrote a book for children "George and Secrets of the Universe."

Hawking stated that cosmic flights are crucial for future humanity, since life on Earth is in an ever-growing risk of being destroyed as a result of global problems, such as nuclear war, genetically modified viruses or other hazards, which we have not thought yet.

Hawking was one of the signed declaration of the "project of Steve" in support of the theory of evolution and for preventing the teaching of creatures in US public schools.

On television, scientific and popular films were published with Hawking: the six-party "Universe Stephen Hawking" (1997) and a three-member "in the Universe with Stephen Hawking (Eng. INTO THE UNIVERSE WITH STEPHEN HAWKING)" (2010). In 2012, the film "Great Convent Stephen Hawking" came out, on the Discovery Channel.

Stephen Hawking regularly performed with apocalyptic forecasts regarding future land. In his opinion, and salvation should be sought in space.

Praching Ceremony Stephen Hawking took place on June 15, 2018 in Westminster Abbey London. Space sent a radio signal with the "Message of Peace and Hope", the author of which was a scientist. Words Stephen Hawking sound against the background of the music of the Greek composer Wangelis to the film "Fire Chariots". The signal went to outer space from the satellite antenna of the European Space Agency (ESA) towards the nearest black hole 1A 0620-00.

As the daughter of the late Lucy Hawking explained, "this message is a beautiful symbolic gesture that creates a connection between the presence of the father on Earth, the desire to go into space and its research of the universe."

Urn with ashes Hawking is buried between the graves of two other famous scientists - and. On the gravestone slab, the inscription: "There is one who was the mortal Stephen Hawking, 1942-2018.

In the readings during the memorial service, Astronaut Eka Timothy Peak and the famous actor who played Hawking in the BBC drama was participated.

Personal life Stephen Hawking:

In 1965 he married Jane Wilde, the son of Robert was born later (r. 1967), Lucy's daughter (r. 1970) and the son of Timothy (r. 1979). Relationships Stephen with Jane gradually worsened, and in 1990 they began to live separately.

After a divorce with Jane in 1995, Hawking married his nurse, Eline Mason, with which she lived for 11 years. In October 2006, they also divorced.

Professor Hawking is the winner of the twelve honorary scholars. Hawking was awarded a large number of different premiums, medals and prizes. It is also a member of the Royal Scientific Society and the US National Academy.

Stephen Hawking manages to combine family life (he has three children and one grandson) with its research in theoretical physics and numerous trips and public lectures.

This is a completely ordinary biography of a good physics, if not to know that in twenty at a small years, while working on the dissertation Hawking was almost completely paralyzed due to the development of the incurable form of atrophing sclerosis and remains in this state all its life.

Now he will not obey almost all the muscles of the body. Nevertheless, he continues to drive around the world, read lectures, write books and lead an active scientific activity, Excientious scientist in his theories about the origin and development of the Universe. And, as you can see, even dreams of making a flight in weightlessness.

This captive spirit is connected to the outside world using electronic devices: built into the disabled armchair of the computer, specially made IBM, and sound synthesizer. Hawking does not communicate in this way: the speakers of letters (words and integer expressions) are continuously crawling along the computer screen (words and integers), according to which the cursor moves. A scientist can stop it in the right place, and the selected symbol enters the computer's memory to compile a written text. With sound synthesizer, a special program translates the written text into a fusion speech.

Last years, Hawking stopped the cursor in the right place of the screen with two still moving his right hand. Now they refused them. Now he does this with the help of right cheeks - a small screen has been strengthened on it, which falls the beam of an infrared sensor. A live conversation with scientists is a series of short phrases pronounced by a synthesizer separated by the pauses of silence during which Hawking is the answer. He writes his speeches and reports in advance. Special computer programs are also able to turn the cheek pops into a few simple commands: turn the chair, slide it, open the door ... The rest is served by several replaceable nurses and nurses, as well as volunteers-graduate students.

Stephen Hawking entered the University of Oxford healthy, noisy, mocking boys and heard teachers, though capable, but a negligible student who fascinated rowing. The first signs of cunning disease were manifested after the end of the initial university course, when the young man moved to specialization in the field of cosmology to Cambridge. The movements of the steel before the clumsy that he could fall, which is called, in an even place, and during the fateful parties for him, on which the acquaintance with the future wife of Jane was held, shed wine past the glasses.

Doctors put a terrible diagnosis: amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Every year, 100 thousand people die from this incurable disease. In different countries, it was called differently: a disease of motor neurons, Charcot disease, lateral amyotrophic sclerosis and Lu-Goring's disease - by the name of the famous baseball player who deceased from her. The essence of the disease under different names is the same - it begins to be treated with a disturbance of the musculoskeletal system, then paralysis and atrophy of different muscle groups occurs, speech, breathing and swallowing occur. At the same time, hearing, eyesight, memory, consciousness, higher cognitive functions of the brain are not violated. Etiology is unknown. Doctors gave a hoking two - two and a half years of life - it was in 1962.

I am often asked: "What do you think about your illness?" - wrote Hawking. "And I answer:" I don't think much about her. " I try to live as a normal person as far as possible, do not think about my condition and do not regret that it does not allow me to do something. When at 21, it was found that I had a neuromotor disease, it was a terrible blow to me. Realizing that I have an incurable disease that, apparently, will kill me in a few years, I was shocked. How could this happen to me? Why should I like this end? I did not know what awaits me and how fast the disease will progress. Coming out of the hospital, I felt sentenced to execution and suddenly realized that I could have been done very much if the execution of the sentence was postponed. Once I was attended by the idea to sacrifice the life for the sake of salvation of others. In the end, I would still have to die, and so it could bring someone to someone.

In my research, I did not see much sense, because it did not assume to see a doctor's degree, but time was going, and the development of the disease seemed to slow down. In addition, I advanced in my work. But truly all changed my engagement with a girl named Jane Wilde, with whom I met at about the same time when I was diagnosed. It gave me a stimulus for life. Once we were going to get married, I had to get a place, and for the receipt of the place it was necessary to protect the dissertation. Therefore, I first got to work for the first time in my life. To my surprise, I liked it. Previously, life seemed boring me. But the prospect to die early made me understand that life is worth living. "

Stephen was lucky that he decided to work in theoretical physics, as it was one of the few areas of science, where his disease was not a serious interference. In addition, as its deterioration deteriorates, his scientific reputation has grown, so that he could take a position to conduct research, not reading lectures to students.

Someone said: "If you know that tomorrow morning you will hang, it helps you to focus well," said Mother Stephen Isobel Hawking. "And he (Son) really focused on his work as, I think I could not focus otherwise ... No, no, of course, I can't call such a disease of luck. But for him it was a smaller misfortune than it would be for many other people.

In 1966, Hawking defends the dissertation and becomes a doctor of philosophy. A few years later, he was elected by a member of the Royal Society and the Lucassian professor of mathematics. What about the disease? She developed in parallel to his professional success. If Stephen came to his wedding in 1965, relying on a stick, then in 1967, when the eldest son was born, he walked on the crutches, and during the appearance of his daughter and younger son during the emergence of his daughter, moved already in a wheelchair.

I suffer from a neuromotor disease almost all my adult life, but it did not prevent me from having a family and achieve success in work, "Stephen Hawking writes. - And all this thanks to the help provided to me by his wife, children and many other people and organizations. I was lucky that my condition had worsened slower than in most such cases. This proves that you never need to lose hope.

Indeed, proves. Looking at a small figure in the chair in a black suit, in big glasses, with laid hands laid on his knees, it is difficult to imagine that this person wrote dozens of fundamental scientific articles marked the greatest achievements of modern cosmology and astrophysics. His intelligence, optimism and sense of humor give only the glitter of smart, a little ironic eye and barely prominent movement of lips in a smile.
Life in walnut

Five years ago, shortly before his 60th anniversary, Hawking did not cope with the control of a new electrical stroller - she crashed into the wall and overturned. Stephen fell, injured his head, broke his leg and hit the hospital, but at the funny anniversary celebrations in Cambridge personally attended. In the big hall, then about two hundred guests, the largest scientists from around the world gathered.

I'm so glad to see all of you! - said Stephen Hawking to his guests. It is great that almost everyone who was invited could come. This shows that theoretical physics, like friendship, has no borders.

The anniversary program was designed for four days and ended with the symposium "Future of theoretical physics and cosmology", on which Stephen Hawking with bruises and a hipged foot summed up the brief results of their work. In fact, it was an overview of his efforts to unite two fundamental physical theories - the relativistic theory of gravity and quantum mechanics, which play a decisive role in the evolution of our universe. He called his speech 60 years in a nutshell, which literally means "60 years in a nut shell". How not to remember Gamlet, Prince Danish, who said: "Oh God! I might make myself in a nut shell and consider myself a lord of the infinite space ... "

"Einstein of our Days", as journalists are sometimes called him, offered its model of the universe, in which two concepts of time play a key role. This is the so-called "real time", that is, the psychologically experienced time of human being, and the "imaginary time" - the time in which the life of the universe flows. These times are miraculously conjugate, approves the scientist in his book "Brief history of time. From a large explosion to black holes. " The book was published in 1988 in England, USA and Canada. And more than a year - an absolute record for popular science labor - headed lists of bestsellers on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. To date, it has been published in a circulation of several tens of millions of copies, including two Russian publications.

By the way, the text of the "brief history of time" and in English, and in Russian can be found on the Internet. About the most complex phenomena and problems of hoking writes easily and transparently. The book has only one equation, the famous Einstein E \u003d MS2, and simple graphics. In addition, the author provided the book with a clear and clear thermal dictionary. What is this book about? About the most important thing about life, about our place in the universe, about her birth and death, about the time as a physical problem, about the ratio of space and time, which, according to the scientist, form a certain surface that has a final length, but not has borders and edges. "

It is curious that at first Hawking was confident that the creation of a complete consistent unified theory, which will lead to a "complete understanding of the whole occurring around us and our own existence," not far from the mountains. He said that her basic principles would be available to understanding every person and everyone will be able to take part in the most interesting discussion on why it happened that we exist, and there is an universe. However, now in the possibility of creating a unified theory of Hawking is no longer sure about what he stated in a television lecture, read for listeners of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA), which everyone could also look at the Internet.

The scientist not only reads public lectures, he goes to scientific conferences around the world and gives numerous interviews, throwing sensational statements to the newsmens. So, at the last press conference in Hong Kong, he said: "Since life on Earth threatens the increasing danger of sudden death as a result of global warming, a nuclear war or a genetically created virus and the like catastrophe - humanity, if it wants to keep himself, should be accused of space. Colonies on the moon or Mars will not save us. We will not find such favorable conditions anywhere as on Earth, until you ask other star systems. "

Recently, one of the new areas of interest of Hawking was the creation of exospkelets - mechanisms that can duplicate and strengthen the work of human muscles. Do you remember the movie "Aliens"? The episode where lieutenant Ripley fought in a mechanical costume with a cosmic monster? This is an exoskeleton. One of the first similar devices was created by a team of scientists and engineers from Japan. A mini-computer attached to the belly for a belly catches information about the slightest motion of the muscles on electrical impulses on the skin and then enhances them with servomotors. It is assumed that such robobosts in the future will be able to use people with limited motor capabilities. Maybe this kind of cybernetic miracle will allow Hawking to gain some freedom of movements?

According to the results of a recent survey, Stephen Hawking is for the British young men from 16 to 18 years old one of the three most respected contemporaries. In the first place - the world champion in Rugby Wilkinson, on the second - Hawking, on the third - football player Beckham. Commenting on the results of the survey, Stephen said: "For many years I was called the second in the list of the smartest British. But the title of example for young people really makes me honor. "