Submarines dictate the rules in the sea war and force everyone to observe the order of order.

Those stubs, which will risk neglecting the rules of the game, expects an ambulance and painful death in the oiled water, in the midst of floating fragments and spots of oil. Boats, regardless of the flag, remain the most dangerous combat machines capable of crushing any opponent.

I suggest your attention a small story about the seven of the most successful projects of a submarine years.

Boats type T (Triton-Class), United Kingdom
The number of submarines constructed - 53.
Water displacement surface - 1290 tons; Underwater - 1560 tons.
Crew - 59 ... 61 people.
The working depth of the immersion is 90 m (riveted housing), 106 m (welded body).
The speed is complete in the surface position - 15.5 knots; In the underwater - 9 nodes.
The stock of the fuel 131 tons provided a navigation range in an overnight position of 8000 miles.
- 11 torpedo devices of a 533 mm caliber (sinyl or III boats), ammunition - 17 torpedoes;
- 1 x 102 mm Universal weapon, 1 x 20 mm anti-aircraft "erlikon".

HMS Traveler.

The British underwater terminator capable of "knock out a crack" from the head of any enemy with the help of a nasal 8-torpedo volley. The "T" boats were not equal to the destructive power among all the submarine period of the VMV period, they explain their ferocious appearance with a bizarre nasal superstructure where additional torpedo devices are located.

The notorious British conservatism remained in the past - the British were one of the first to equip their boats asdic hydrocators. Alas, despite its powerful weapons and modern means of discovery, the open sea boats like "T" did not become the most effective among the British submarines of the Second World War. Nevertheless, they passed the exciting combat path and achieved a number of wonderful victories. Tritons were actively used in the Atlantic, in the Mediterranean Sea, japanese communications on the Pacific, several times noted in the shock of the Arctic waters.

In August 1941, the "Taigris" and Trident submarines arrived in Murmansk. British submariners demonstrated a master class with their Soviet colleagues: 4 enemy steamers were swaming for two campaigns, incl. "Byi Laura" and "Donau II" with thousands of soldiers of the 6th Mornetral Division. Thus, the sailors prevented the third German attack on Murmansk.

Among other famous trophies of the type "T" type, a German light cruiser "Carlsruhe" and the Japanese Heavy Cruiser "Asigar" are launched. The samurai "was lucky" to get acquainted with the full 8-torpedo salvo submarine "Trenchent" - having received 4 torpedoes into the board (+ one of the stern ta), the cruiser quickly overturned and sank.

After the war, the powerful and perfect "Tritons" another quarter of a century were in service with the Royal Navy.
It is noteworthy that three boats of this type in the late 1960s acquired Israel - one of them, Ins Dakar (formerly HMS Totem) died in 1968 in the Mediterranean Sea with unexplained circumstances.

Boats like "Craising" series XIV, Soviet Union
The number of submarines built - 11.
Water displacement surface - 1500 tons; Underwater - 2100 tons.
Crew - 62 ... 65 people.

The speed is complete in the surface position - 22.5 UZ.; In the underwater - 10 bonds.
Swimming range 16500 miles (9 Ultrasound)
Sailing range in the underwater position - 175 miles (3 UZ.)

- 2 x 100 mm of universal guns, 2 x 45 mm of anti-aircraft semi-automatic matters;
- up to 20 min of barrier.

... December 3, 1941 German hunters UJ-1708, UJ-1416 and UJ-1403 threw the Soviet boat bombs, trying to attack the convoy of Bustad-Sunda.

- Hans, do you hear this creature?
- Nain. After a series of explosions, the Russians lay on the bottom - I sit down three strikes about the soil ...
- Can you determine where are they now?
- Donnervetter! They are blown away. Surely decided to emerge and surrender.

German sailors were mistaken. A monster rose from the sea depths to the surface - the cruising submarine K-3 series XIV, which brought the artillery fire on the opponential. From the fifth volley, the Soviet seamans managed to sink U-1708. The second hunter, having received two straight hits, snamed and turned aside - his 20 mm of anti-aircraft vehicles could not compete with the "weaving" of the secular underwater cruiser. Throwing the Germans like puppies, K-3 quickly disappeared beyond the horizon on a 20-node move.

Soviet "Katyusha" was a phenomenal boat for his time. Welded body, mighty artillery and minno-torpedo arm, powerful diesel engines (2 x 4200 hp!), High surface speed 22-23 nodes. Huge autonomy of fuel reserves. Remote control valves of ballast tanks. Radio station capable of transmitting signals from the Baltic to the Far East. Exceptional level of comfort: shower cabins, refrigerated tanks, two plating water cleaner, electrocambouses ... Two boats (K-3 and K-22) were equipped with Led-Lizovsky ASDIC hydrocators.

But, oddly enough, neither high characteristics nor the most powerful weapons did "Katyushi" with an effective weapon - in addition to the dark story with the K-21 attack on Tirpits, during the years of the boat of the XIV series there are only 5 successful torpedo attacks and 27 thousand br. Reg. tons of across tonnage. Most of the victories were obsessed with the mines. Moreover, our own losses amounted to five cruising boats.

K-21, Severomorsk, our days

The causes of failures lie in the tactics of "Katyush" - the powerful underwater cruisers created for the expanses of the Pacific Ocean, had to be "staring" in the shallow Baltic "puddle." Under the actions at depths of 30-40 meters, a huge 97-meter boat could hit the nose of the ground, while her feed was still sticking out on the surface. Few easier accounted for sailors-navalomors - as the practice showed, the effectiveness of the combat use of Katyush was complicated by the weak preparation of the personnel and the misinterpretation of the command.

It's a pity. These boats were calculated for more.

"Baby", Soviet Union
Series VI and VI-BIS - built 50.
The XII series - built 46.
The XV series - built 57 (4) was taken in hostilities.

TTH boats type M series XII:
Water displacement surface - 206 tons; Underwater - 258 tons.
Autonomy - 10 days.
The working depth of immersion - 50 m, the limit - 60 m.
The speed is complete in the surface position - 14 UZ.; in the underwater - 8 bonds.
Swimming range in the surface position - 3380 miles (8.6 nodes).
Swimming range in the underwater position - 108 miles (3 nodes).
- 2 torpedo apparatus of caliber 533 mm, ammunition - 2 torpedoes;
- 1 x 45 mm anti-aircraft semi-automatic.


The mini-submarine project for the rapid strengthening of the Pacific Fleet - the main feature of the type M boats was the possibility of transporting according to the railway in a fully assembled form.

In pursuit of compactness, I had to sacrifice many - the service at the "Baby" turned into a grueling and dangerous event. Heavy domestic conditions, a strong "bolt" - the waves ruthlessly threw a 200-ton "float", risking it into parts. Shallow immersion depth and weak weapon. But the main concern of sailors was the reliability of the submarine - one shaft, one diesel, one electric motor - a tiny "baby" did not leave a chance of a careless crew, the slightest malfunction on board threatened the death for the submarine.

The kids quickly evolved - TTX each new series differed from the previous project: the regiments were improved, the electrical equipment and detection means were updated, the dive time was reduced, autonomy grew. "Baby" of the XV series have already reminded their predecessors of the 6th and XII series: one-and-and-alarm design - ballast tanks were taken out of a solid body; GEU received a standard two-walled arrangement with two diesel engines and underwater electromotors. The number of torpedo devices increased to four. Alas, the XV series appeared too late - the major severity of the war carried the "Baby" VI and XII episodes.

Despite their modest sizes and only 2 torpedoes on board, tiny fish differed simply terrifying "voraciousness": in just the years, the second world Soviet submarines of type M Skilled 61 vessels of the enemy with a total tonnage of 135.5 thousand BRT, destroyed 10 warships, and also damaged 8 transports.

Babes, originally intended for action in the coastal zone, learned to fight effectively in open marine areas. They enjoyed enemy communications with larger boats, patrolled from the exits from enemy bases and fjords, deftly overcame the anti-submarine barriers and undermined the transports right in the pits inside protected enemy harnesses. Just amazing how the redties were able to fight on these garbage ships! But they fought. And won!

Boats like "Average" series IX-BIS, Soviet Union
The number of submarines constructed - 41.
Water displacement surface - 840 tons; Underwater - 1070 tons.
Crew - 36 ... 46 people.
The working depth of immersion - 80 m, the limit - 100 m.
The speed is complete in the surface position - 19.5 knots; In the underwater position - 8.8 knots.
Sailing range in the surface of 8000 miles (10 nodes).
Swimming range in the underwater position 148 miles (3 nodes).

"Six torpedo devices and as much spare torpedo on convenient racks for recharging. Two guns with big ammunition, machine guns, subversive property ... in a word, it is necessary to fight than. A 20-node wind speed! It allows you to overtake almost any convoy and attack it again. Technique is good ... "
- Opinion of the commander S-56, Hero of the Soviet Union G.I. Shchedrin

"Esquis" was distinguished by rational layout and balanced construction, powerful weapons, excellent travel and seaworthy qualities. Initially, the German project of the company "Deshimag", improved under the Soviet requirements. But do not rush to clap your hands and remember Mistral. After the start of mass construction of the IX series on the Soviet shipyards, the German project was revised for the purpose of the full transition to Soviet equipment: Diesels 1D, weapons, radio stations, a sovereign, gyrocompass ... - in boats that received the designation "IX-bis series", there was not a single Fride bolt!

The problems of combat use of the "average" boats, as a whole, were similar to cruising boats type K - locked on the sided mines, they could not realize their high battle qualities. There were much better things on the Northern Fleet - during the war years boat C-56 under the command of G.I. Shchedrin made a transition through the quiet and atlantic oceans, going from Vladivostok to Polar, becoming subsequently the most effective boat of the USSR Navy.

No less fantastic history is associated with the "Bombaluator" C-101 - Over the years of the war on the boat, the Germans and the Allies were reset over 1000 deep bombs, but every time the C-101 was safely returned to the polar.

Finally, it was on the C-13 that Alexander Marnesco achieved his famous victories.

C-56 torpedo compartment

"The cruel alterations in which the ship, bombing and explosions got, depth, far exceeding the official limit. From everything we protected the boat ... "

- From the memories of G.I. Shchedrin

Boats such as GATO, USA
The number of submarines built - 77.
Water displacement surface - 1525 tons; Underwater - 2420 tons.
Crew - 60 people.
The working depth of immersion is 90 m.
The speed is complete in the surface position - 21 bonds; In the underwater position - 9 bonds.
Swimming range in the surface position of 11,000 miles (10 nk.).
Sailing range in the underwater position 96 miles (2 nk.).
- 10 torpedo devices of caliber 533 mm, ammunition - 24 torpedoes;
- 1 x 76 mm Universal tool, 1 x 40 mm anti-aircraft gun "Boiffs", 1 x 20 mm "Erlikon";
- One of the boats - the USS Barb was equipped with a reactive system of salvo flames for the shelling of the coast.

The ocean underwater cruisers like "Getow" appeared in the midst of the war in the Pacific Ocean and became one of the most effective tools of the US Navy. They tightly blocked all strategic straits and approaches to the atales, cut all the lines of supply, leaving Japanese garrisons without reinforcements, and the Japanese industry - without raw materials and oil. In the fights with the "Getow", the imperial fleet lost two heavy aircraft carriers, lost four cruisers and damn a dozen destroyers.

High speed, slaughter torpedo weapon, the most advanced radio techniques of the enemy detection - radar, direction finder, hydrolyator. Swimming range, providing combat patrols from the shores of Japan when acting from the base in Hawaii. Increased comfort on board. But the main thing is the excellent training of crews and weakness of Japanese anti-submarine products. As a result, "Getow" ruthlessly spoke everything in a row - they brought them from the blue sea depths to victory in the Pacific Ocean.

... One of the main achievements of the Getow boats, which changed the whole world, is considered to be an event on September 2, 1944. On that day, the submarine "Finbeck" was defended by a disaster signal from a falling aircraft and, after many hours of searches, discovered in the ocean of frightened, and was already a desperate pilot. . Saved turned out to be someone George Herbert Bush.

Cutting submarine "Flasher", Memorial in Groton.

The list of Flasher trophies sounds like a fleet anecdote: 9 tankers, 10 transports, 2 watchdogs with a total tonnage 100 231 BRT! And on a snack, the boat grabbed the Japanese cruiser and the destroyer. Lucky, damn!

Electricity type XXI, Germany

By April 1945, the Germans managed to lower 118 submarines of the XXI series. However, only two of them were able to achieve operational readiness and reach the sea in the last days of the war.

Displacement surface - 1620 tons; Underwater - 1820 tons.
Crew - 57 people.
The working depth of immersion is 135 m, the limit - 200+ meters.
The speed is complete in the surface position - 15.6 tons., In the underwater position - 17 bonds.
Swimming range at an outdrawal position 15 500 miles (10 nk.).
Swimming range in the underwater position 340 miles (5 nk.).
- 6 torpedo devices of caliber 533 mm, ammunition - 17 torpedoes;
- 2 anti-aircraft "Flac" caliber 20 mm.

U-2540 "Wilhelm Bauer" on the eternal parking lot in Bremerhafen, our days

Our allies were firmly lucky that all the forces of Germany were thrown on the Eastern Front - Frica did not have enough resources to release a flock of fantastic "electric vehicles." They appear for a year earlier - and all, drut! Another fracture in the battle for the Atlantic.

The Germans guess the first: everything that shipbuilders of other countries are proud of - large ammunition, powerful artillery, high surface speed of 20+ nodes - has little value. Key parameters that determine the combat efficiency of the submarine is its speed and reserve of the stroke in the underwater position.

Unlike his peers, the "eletrobot" was focused on permanent under water: the maximum streamlined body without heavy artillery, fences and platforms - all, for the sake of minimizing the subsea resistance. Snorkel, six groups of batteries (3 times more than ordinary boats!), Powerful email. Motors of full turn, quiet and economical email. Engines "Samples".

Feed part U-2511, flooded at a depth of 68 meters

The Germans calculated everything - the whole campaign of the "electricity" was moving on a periscopt depth under RDP, remaining difficult to suit the enemy's anti-submarine means. At a great depth, its advantage has become even more shocking: 2-3 times the larger reserve of the course, with twice as much speed than any of the submarines of the War Years! High stealth and impressive underwater skills, self-equipped torpedoes, a complex of the most advanced detection tools ... "Electrobots" opened a new milestone in the history of the underwater fleet, determining the vector of development of the submarine in the post-war years.

The allies were not ready for a meeting with a similar threat - as shown post-war tests, "Electrobots" were several times exceeded by the range of mutual hydroacoustic detection of American and British destroyers, guarding convoy.

Boats like VII, Germany
The number of submarines built - 703.
Water displacement surface - 769 tons; Underwater - 871 tons.
Crew - 45 people.
Working depth of immersion - 100 m, limit - 220 meters
The speed is complete in the supernation - 17.7 n.; In the underwater position - 7.6 bonds.
Swimming range in the surface position 8 500 miles (10 tons.).
Sailing range in the underwater position 80 miles (4 nk.).
- 5 torpedo devices of caliber 533 mm, ammunition - 14 torpedoes;
- 1 x 88 mm Universal tool (until 1942), eight options for add-ons with 20 and 37 mm anti-aircraft installations.

* TTH-given TTX correspond to subseening boats VIIC

The most effective combat ships of all, ever koving the world ocean.
Relatively simple, cheap, mass, but at the same time an excellent armed and deadly agent for total underwater terror.

703 submarines. 10 million tons of across tonnage! Battleships, cruisers, aircraft carriers, destroyers, corvetics and enemy submarines, oil tankers, vehicles with airplanes, tanks, cars, rubber, ore, machinery, ammunition, outfitting and food ... Damage from the actions of German submariners exceeded all reasonable limits - if Not an inexhaustible industrial US potential capable of compensating for any loss of allies, German U-bots had all the chances of "strangle" the United Kingdom and change the course of world history.

U-995. Graceful underwater killer

Often, the success of "seven" is associated with "prosperous time" 1939-41. - Allegedly, when the allies of the convoy system and the asdic hydrocators appears, the success of German submariners ended. A completely populist statement based on the incorrect interpretation of "prosperity times".

The alignment was simple: at the beginning of the war, when for each German boat I had to one by one anti-pelvis ship allies, "seven" felt themselves invulnerable owners of the Atlantic. It was then that there were the legendary Aces that sinking on 40 enemy vessels. The Germans have already held the victory in their hands when the allies suddenly put out 10 anti-submarine ships and 10 aircraft at the rate of each operating boat Crymsmarine!

Starting from the spring of 1943, Yankees and the British began to methodically fade by crigsmarine anti-submarine equipment and soon achieved a magnificent loss ratio - 1: 1. So fought until the end of the war. In Germans, ships ended faster than their opponents.

The whole history of German "seven" is a formidable warning from the past: what threat is submarine and how large the costs of creating an effective system of countering the underwater threat.

Washed American poster of those years. "Beit on pain! Come serve to the underwater fleet - in our account 77% across a tonnage!" Comments, as they say, unnecessary

During the Second World War, the fights, duels were carried out not only on land and in the air, but also at sea. And that noteworthy - submarines also performed duel members. Although the bulk of the German Navy was involved in the battles on the Atlantic, a weighty share of fights between the submarines took place on the Soviet-German front - in the Baltic, Barents and Kara Sea ...

The Third Reich entered into the Second World War, having the most numerous underwater fleet in the world - only 57 submarines. Much more submarines were in the Soviet Union (211 units), USA (92 units), France (77 units). The biggest marine battles of the Second World War, in which German Navy (Crygsmarine) participated in the Atlantic Ocean, where the most important enemy of the German troops was the most powerful grouping of the USSR Western Allies. Nevertheless, the fierce confrontation occurred between the Soviet and German fleets - on the Baltic, on the Black and North Seas. An active part in these battles accepted submarines. Both Soviet and German submariners showed tremendous skills in the destruction of the enemy's transport and combat vessels. The effectiveness of the use of the submarine fleet quickly rated the leaders of the Third Reich. In 1939-1945 Shipbuilding shipyards of Germany managed to lower 1100 new submarines into water - this is more than was able to release during the war years any member of the conflict - yes, however, all the states that were included in the anti-Hitler coalition.

Baltika held a special place in the military-political plans of the Third Reich. First of all, it was a vital channel of commodity supplies to Germany from Sweden (iron, various ores) and Finland (timber, agricultural products). Only Sweden by 75% satisfied the needs of the German industry in ore. In the waters of the Baltic Sea, Crygsmarine spaced a lot of naval databases, and the Skhery District of the Finnish Bay had a great abundance of comfortable parking and deep-water fairways. This created the underwater fleet of Germany. Excellent conditions for active hostilities on the Baltic. Soviet submariners began to fulfill the combat missions in the summer of 1941. By the end of 1941, they managed to send 18 German transport ships to the bottom. But the submariners paid a huge price - in 1941, the Baltic Navy lost 27 submarines.

In the book of an expert on the history of the Navy Gennady Yezhzhin "Assa and Propaganda. Myths of the underwater war "There are curious data. According to the historian from all nine German submarines operating on all seas and across the submarines of allies, four boats are sinking by Soviet submariners. At the same time, German underwater aces were able to destroy 26 enemy submarines (including three Soviet). Data from the book Yezhžin suggests that during the Second World War, there were duels between the underwater courts. The fights between the submarines of the USSR and Germany ended with the result of 4: 3 in favor of Soviet sailors. According to Yezhazh, in the fights with German submarines, exclusively Soviet cars like M - "Baby" participated.

"Baby" is a small submarine 45 m long (width - 3.5 m) and underwater displacement of 258 tons. The crew of the underwater vessel consisted of 36 people. "Baby" could be immersed on a boundary depth of 60 meters and to be in the sea without replenishing the reserves of drinking and technical water, the province and consumables within 7-10 days. Armament of the submarine type "M" included two nasal torpedo apparatus and a 45-mm gun in the fence of cutting. Boats had a quick immersion system. With the skillful use of "Baby", despite his minor dimensions, could destroy any submarine of the Third Reich.

Submarine Scheme Type "M" XII Series

The first victory in duels between the submarines of the USSR and Germany won soldiers of Crymsmarine. This happened on June 23, 1941, when the German submarine U-144 under the command of Ober-Lieutenant Friedrich von Hippel was able to send the Soviet submarine M-78 at the bottom of the Baltic Sea (under the command of Senior Lieutenant Dmitry Shevchenko). Already on July 11, U-144 found and tried to destroy another Soviet submarine - M-97. This attempt ended in failure. U-144 referred to as "Baby", to small submarines and was launched on water on January 10, 1940. The German submarine was heavier than the Soviet analogue (underwater displacement in 364 tons) and could be immersed at a depth of more than 120 meters.

Submarine like "M" XII series M-104 "Yaroslavl Komsomolets", Northern Fleet

In this duel of "Light Weight", the German submarine won the victory. But U-144 failed to increase its combat list. On August 10, 1941, the German vessel was discovered by the Soviet middle diesel submarine Sh-307 "Pike" (under the command of Captain-Lieutenant N. Petrov) in the region about. Dago in the Selozound Strait (Baltika). "Pike" had much more powerful torpedo weapons (10 torpedo 533 mm and 6 torpedo devices - four on the nose and two on the stern) than her German opponent. "Pike" produced a two-liter volley. Both torpedoes accurately hit the target, and U-144 together with all the crew (28 people) was destroyed. Yezhazh argues that the German submarine destroyed the Soviet submarine M-94 under the command of Senior Lieutenant Nikolai Dyakov. But in fact, the boat Dyakova became a victim of another German submarine - U-140. It happened on the night of July 21, 1941 at the island of Uta. M-94 Together with another submarine M-98 patrolled by the island. At first, the submarines were accompanied by three travelers. But later, at 03:00, the escort left the submarines, and they continued the stroke on their own: M-94, striving to charge the batteries faster, went with great depths, and M-98 headed under the shore. Lighthouse Kypu submarine M-94 got into the stern. It was a torpedo released with the German submarine U-140 (Komadir Y. Hellrigel). Torpedized Soviet submarine rushed into the ground, the nose and the superstructure of the submarines rose above the water.

Location of the Soviet submarine M-94 after entering her German torpedoes
Source -

The crew of the M-98 submarine decided that the "nipple" blew up on Mine, and engaged in salvation M-94 - began to launch a rubber boat into the water. At that moment, the periscope of enemy submarines was noticed with M-94. Commander of the separation of steering S. The company's chunks of the Telnyashki became the semaarding on M-98, warning about the attack of the German submarine. M-98 managed to avoid torpedo on time. The U-140 crew did not re-attack the Soviet submarine, and the German submarine disappeared. M-94 soon sank. 8 members of the "Baby" crew died. The rest saved the crew M-98. Another "baby", which was killed in a collision with German submarines, became a submarine M-99 under the command of Senior Lieutenant Popova Boris Mikhailovich. M-99 was destroyed during combat duty at the island of the German submarine U-149 (commander Captain-Lieutenant Horst Hölding), two torpedoes attacked the Soviet submarine. It happened on June 27, 1941.

In addition to the Baltic submariners, fiercely fought with the German troops and their colleagues from the Northern Fleet. The first submarine of the Northern Fleet, who did not return from the combat campaign of the Great Patriotic War, became submarine M-175 under the command of the Captain-Lieutenant Mammont Lukich Melkadze. M-175 became the victim of the German vessel U-584 (commander Captain-Lieutenant Ioachim decke). It happened on January 10, 1942 in the area north of the fishery peninsula. The acoustics of the German vessel from a distance of 1000 meters discovered the noise of diesel engines of the Soviet submarine. The German submarine began the persecution of the submarine Melkadze. M-175 followed Zigzag in an overnight position, charging batteries. The German car moved under water. The U-584 overtook the Soviet vessel and attacked him, releasing 4 torpedoes, two of which were in the goal. M-175 Potted, having taken with me to the sea depths of 21 crew members. It is noteworthy that M-175 once became the target for the German submarine. On August 7, 1941. Not far from the Peninsula, the fishing M-175 was torpedoed by the German submarine U-81 (commander Captain-Lieutenant Friedrich Guggenberger). The German torpedo hit the board of the Soviet vessel, but the fuse was not worked on the torpedo. As it turned out later, the German submarine from a distance of 500 meters released four torpedoes on the enemy: two of them did not fall into the target, the fuse did not work on the third, and the fourth exploded at the limiting distance of the stroke.

Hermann submarine U-81

The attack of the Soviet middle submarine C-101 of the German submarine U-639, held on August 28, 1943 in the Kara Sea, was successful for Soviet submariners. C-101 under the command of the captain-lieutenant E. Trofimova was a rather powerful combat machine. The submarine had a length of 77.7 m, underwater displacement of 1090 tons and could be in autonomous swimming for 30 days. The submarine carried powerful arms - 6 torpedo devices (12-533-mm torpedo) and two guns - a caliber of 100 mm and 45 mm. The German submarine U-639 Ober Lieutenant Vihman has carried a combat task - the installation of mines in the Obska. The German submarine moved under the windward position. Trofimov ordered to attack an enemy ship. C-101 released three torpedoes and U-639 sunk instantly. In this attack, 47 German submariners died.

The fights between the German and Soviet submarines were few, we can say, even single, and happened, as a rule, in those zones where the Baltic and North Navy of the USSR. The victims of German submariners became "Baby". The duels between the German and Soviet submariners did not affect the overall picture of the confrontation of the Naval Forces of Germany and the Soviet Union. In a duel between the submarines, he won the one who fastened the flight location of the enemy and was able to apply accurate torpedo strikes.

Submarines dictate the rules in the sea war and force everyone to observe the order of order. Those stubbornians, which will risk neglecting the rules of the game, expects an ambulance and painful death in an oiled water, in the middle of the wreckage and spots of oil. Boats, regardless of the flag, remain the most dangerous combat machines capable of crushing any opponent. I suggest your attention a small story about the seven of the most successful projects of a submarine years.

Boats type T (Triton-Class), United Kingdom

The number of submarines constructed - 53.
Water displacement surface - 1290 tons; Underwater - 1560 tons.
Crew - 59 ... 61 people.
The working depth of the immersion is 90 m (riveted housing), 106 m (welded body).
The speed is complete in the surface position - 15.5 knots; In the underwater - 9 nodes.
The stock of the fuel 131 tons provided a navigation range in an overnight position of 8000 miles.
- 11 torpedo devices of a 533 mm caliber (sinyl or III boats), ammunition - 17 torpedoes;
- 1 x 102 mm Universal weapon, 1 x 20 mm anti-aircraft "erlikon".
The British underwater terminator capable of "knock out a crack" from the head of any enemy with the help of a nasal 8-torpedo volley. The "T" boats were not equal to the destructive power among all the submarine period of the VMV period, they explain their ferocious appearance with a bizarre nasal superstructure where additional torpedo devices are located.
The notorious British conservatism remained in the past - the British were one of the first to equip their boats asdic hydrocators. Alas, despite its powerful weapons and modern means of discovery, the open sea boats like "T" did not become the most effective among the British submarines of the Second World War. Nevertheless, they passed the exciting combat path and achieved a number of wonderful victories. Tritons were actively used in the Atlantic, in the Mediterranean Sea, japanese communications on the Pacific, several times noted in the shock of the Arctic waters.
In August 1941, the "Taigris" and Trident submarines arrived in Murmansk. British submariners demonstrated a master class with their Soviet colleagues: 4 enemy steamers were swaming for two campaigns, incl. "Byi Laura" and "Donau II" with thousands of soldiers of the 6th Mornetral Division. Thus, the sailors prevented the third German attack on Murmansk.
Among other famous trophies of the type "T" type, a German light cruiser "Carlsruhe" and the Japanese Heavy Cruiser "Asigar" are launched. The samurai "was lucky" to get acquainted with the full 8-torpedo salvo submarine "Trenchent" - having received 4 torpedoes into the board (+ one of the stern ta), the cruiser quickly overturned and sank.
After the war, the powerful and perfect "Tritons" another quarter of a century were in service with the Royal Navy.
It is noteworthy that three boats of this type in the late 1960s acquired Israel - one of them, Ins Dakar (formerly HMS Totem) died in 1968 in the Mediterranean Sea with unexplained circumstances.

Boats like "Craising" series XIV, Soviet Union

The number of submarines built - 11.
Water displacement surface - 1500 tons; Underwater - 2100 tons.
Crew - 62 ... 65 people.

The speed is complete in the surface position - 22.5 UZ.; In the underwater - 10 bonds.
Swimming range 16500 miles (9 Ultrasound)
Sailing range in the underwater position - 175 miles (3 UZ.)

- 2 x 100 mm of universal guns, 2 x 45 mm of anti-aircraft semi-automatic matters;
- up to 20 min of barrier.
... December 3, 1941 German hunters UJ-1708, UJ-1416 and UJ-1403 threw the Soviet boat bombs, trying to attack the convoy of Bustad-Sunda.
- Hans, do you hear this creature?
- Nain. After a series of explosions, the Russians lay on the bottom - I sit down three strikes about the soil ...
- Can you determine where are they now?
- Donnervetter! They are blown away. Surely decided to emerge and surrender.
German sailors were mistaken. A monster rose from the sea depths to the surface - the cruising submarine K-3 series XIV, which brought the artillery fire on the opponential. From the fifth volley, the Soviet seamans managed to sink U-1708. The second hunter, having received two straight hits, snamed and turned aside - his 20 mm of anti-aircraft vehicles could not compete with the "weaving" of the secular underwater cruiser. Throwing the Germans like puppies, K-3 quickly disappeared beyond the horizon on a 20-node move.
Soviet "Katyusha" was a phenomenal boat for his time. Welded body, mighty artillery and minno-torpedo arm, powerful diesel engines (2 x 4200 hp!), High surface speed 22-23 nodes. Huge autonomy of fuel reserves. Remote control valves of ballast tanks. Radio station capable of transmitting signals from the Baltic to the Far East. Exceptional level of comfort: shower cabins, refrigerated tanks, two plating water cleaner, electrocambouses ... Two boats (K-3 and K-22) were equipped with Led-Lizovsky ASDIC hydrocators.
But, oddly enough, neither high characteristics nor the most powerful weapons did "Katyushi" with an effective weapon - in addition to the dark story with the K-21 attack on Tirpits, during the years of the boat of the XIV series there are only 5 successful torpedo attacks and 27 thousand br. Reg. tons of across tonnage. Most of the victories were obsessed with the mines. Moreover, our own losses amounted to five cruising boats.
The causes of failures lie in the tactics of "Katyush" - the powerful underwater cruisers created for the expanses of the Pacific Ocean, had to be "staring" in the shallow Baltic "puddle." Under the actions at depths of 30-40 meters, a huge 97-meter boat could hit the nose of the ground, while her feed was still sticking out on the surface. Few easier accounted for sailors-navalomors - as the practice showed, the effectiveness of the combat use of Katyush was complicated by the weak preparation of the personnel and the misinterpretation of the command.
It's a pity. These boats were calculated for more.

"Baby", Soviet Union

Series VI and VI-BIS - built 50.
The XII series - built 46.
The XV series - built 57 (4) was taken in hostilities.
TTH boats type M series XII:
Water displacement surface - 206 tons; Underwater - 258 tons.
Autonomy - 10 days.
The working depth of immersion - 50 m, the limit - 60 m.
The speed is complete in the surface position - 14 UZ.; in the underwater - 8 bonds.
Swimming range in the surface position - 3380 miles (8.6 nodes).
Swimming range in the underwater position - 108 miles (3 nodes).
- 2 torpedo apparatus of caliber 533 mm, ammunition - 2 torpedoes;
- 1 x 45 mm anti-aircraft semi-automatic.
The mini-submarine project for the rapid strengthening of the Pacific Fleet - the main feature of the type M boats was the possibility of transporting according to the railway in a fully assembled form.
In pursuit of compactness, I had to sacrifice many - the service at the "Baby" turned into a grueling and dangerous event. Heavy domestic conditions, a strong "bolt" - the waves ruthlessly threw a 200-ton "float", risking it into parts. Shallow immersion depth and weak weapon. But the main concern of sailors was the reliability of the submarine - one shaft, one diesel, one electric motor - a tiny "baby" did not leave a chance of a careless crew, the slightest malfunction on board threatened the death for the submarine.
The kids quickly evolved - TTX each new series differed from the previous project: the regiments were improved, the electrical equipment and detection means were updated, the dive time was reduced, autonomy grew. "Baby" of the XV series have already reminded their predecessors of the 6th and XII series: one-and-and-alarm design - ballast tanks were taken out of a solid body; GEU received a standard two-walled arrangement with two diesel engines and underwater electromotors. The number of torpedo devices increased to four. Alas, the XV series appeared too late - the major severity of the war carried the "Baby" VI and XII episodes.
Despite their modest sizes and only 2 torpedoes on board, tiny fish differed simply terrifying "voraciousness": in just the years, the second world Soviet submarines of type M Skilled 61 vessels of the enemy with a total tonnage of 135.5 thousand BRT, destroyed 10 warships, and also damaged 8 transports.
Babes, originally intended for action in the coastal zone, learned to fight effectively in open marine areas. They enjoyed enemy communications with larger boats, patrolled from the exits from enemy bases and fjords, deftly overcame the anti-submarine barriers and undermined the transports right in the pits inside protected enemy harnesses. Just amazing how the redties were able to fight on these garbage ships! But they fought. And won!

Boats like "Average" series IX-BIS, Soviet Union

The number of submarines constructed - 41.
Water displacement surface - 840 tons; Underwater - 1070 tons.
Crew - 36 ... 46 people.
The working depth of immersion - 80 m, the limit - 100 m.
The speed is complete in the surface position - 19.5 knots; In the underwater position - 8.8 knots.
Sailing range in the surface of 8000 miles (10 nodes).
Swimming range in the underwater position 148 miles (3 nodes).
"Six torpedo devices and as much spare torpedo on convenient racks for recharging. Two guns with big ammunition, machine guns, subversive property ... in a word, it is necessary to fight than. A 20-node wind speed! It allows you to overtake almost any convoy and attack it again. Technique is good ... "
- Opinion of the commander S-56, Hero of the Soviet Union G.I. Shchedrin
"Esquis" was distinguished by rational layout and balanced construction, powerful weapons, excellent travel and seaworthy qualities. Initially, the German project of the company "Deshimag", improved under the Soviet requirements. But do not rush to clap your hands and remember Mistral. After the start of mass construction of the IX series on the Soviet shipyards, the German project was revised for the purpose of the full transition to Soviet equipment: Diesels 1D, weapons, radio stations, a sovereign, gyrocompass ... - in boats that received the designation "IX-bis series", there was not a single Fride bolt!
The problems of combat use of the "average" boats, as a whole, were similar to cruising boats type K - locked on the sided mines, they could not realize their high battle qualities. There were much better things on the Northern Fleet - during the war years boat C-56 under the command of G.I. Shchedrin made a transition through the quiet and atlantic oceans, going from Vladivostok to Polar, becoming subsequently the most effective boat of the USSR Navy.
No less fantastic history is associated with the "Bombaluator" C-101 - Over the years of the war on the boat, the Germans and the Allies were reset over 1000 deep bombs, but every time the C-101 was safely returned to the polar.
Finally, it was on the C-13 that Alexander Marnesco achieved his famous victories.

Boats such as GATO, USA

The number of submarines built - 77.
Water displacement surface - 1525 tons; Underwater - 2420 tons.
Crew - 60 people.
The working depth of immersion is 90 m.
The speed is complete in the surface position - 21 bonds; In the underwater position - 9 bonds.
Swimming range in the surface position of 11,000 miles (10 nk.).
Sailing range in the underwater position 96 miles (2 nk.).
- 10 torpedo devices of caliber 533 mm, ammunition - 24 torpedoes;
- 1 x 76 mm Universal tool, 1 x 40 mm anti-aircraft gun "Boiffs", 1 x 20 mm "Erlikon";
- One of the boats - the USS Barb was equipped with a reactive system of salvo flames for the shelling of the coast.
The ocean underwater cruisers like "Getow" appeared in the midst of the war in the Pacific Ocean and became one of the most effective tools of the US Navy. They tightly blocked all strategic straits and approaches to the atales, cut all the lines of supply, leaving Japanese garrisons without reinforcements, and the Japanese industry - without raw materials and oil. In the fights with the "Getow", the imperial fleet lost two heavy aircraft carriers, lost four cruisers and damn a dozen destroyers.
High speed, slaughter torpedo weapon, the most advanced radio techniques of the enemy detection - radar, direction finder, hydrolyator. Swimming range, providing combat patrols from the shores of Japan when acting from the base in Hawaii. Increased comfort on board. But the main thing is the excellent training of crews and weakness of Japanese anti-submarine products. As a result, "Getow" ruthlessly spoke everything in a row - they brought them from the blue sea depths to victory in the Pacific Ocean.
... One of the main achievements of the Getow boats, which changed the whole world, is considered to be an event on September 2, 1944. On that day, the submarine "Finbeck" was defended by a disaster signal from a falling aircraft and, after many hours of searches, discovered in the ocean of frightened, and was already a desperate pilot. . Saved turned out to be someone George Herbert Bush.

Electricity type XXI, Germany

By April 1945, the Germans managed to lower 118 submarines of the XXI series. However, only two of them were able to achieve operational readiness and reach the sea in the last days of the war.
Displacement surface - 1620 tons; Underwater - 1820 tons.
Crew - 57 people.
The working depth of immersion is 135 m, the limit - 200+ meters.
The speed is complete in the surface position - 15.6 tons., In the underwater position - 17 bonds.
Swimming range at an outdrawal position 15 500 miles (10 nk.).
Swimming range in the underwater position 340 miles (5 nk.).
- 6 torpedo devices of caliber 533 mm, ammunition - 17 torpedoes;
- 2 anti-aircraft "Flac" caliber 20 mm.
Our allies were firmly lucky that all the forces of Germany were thrown on the Eastern Front - Frica did not have enough resources to release a flock of fantastic "electric vehicles." They appear for a year earlier - and all, drut! Another fracture in the battle for the Atlantic.
The Germans guess the first: everything that shipbuilders of other countries are proud of - large ammunition, powerful artillery, high surface speed of 20+ nodes - has little value. Key parameters that determine the combat efficiency of the submarine is its speed and reserve of the stroke in the underwater position.
Unlike his peers, the "eletrobot" was focused on permanent under water: the maximum streamlined body without heavy artillery, fences and platforms - all, for the sake of minimizing the subsea resistance. Snorkel, six groups of batteries (3 times more than ordinary boats!), Powerful email. Motors of full turn, quiet and economical email. Engines "Samples".
The Germans calculated everything - the whole campaign of the "electricity" was moving on a periscopt depth under RDP, remaining difficult to suit the enemy's anti-submarine means. At a great depth, its advantage has become even more shocking: 2-3 times the larger reserve of the course, with twice as much speed than any of the submarines of the War Years! High stealth and impressive underwater skills, self-equipped torpedoes, a complex of the most advanced detection tools ... "Electrobots" opened a new milestone in the history of the underwater fleet, determining the vector of development of the submarine in the post-war years.
The allies were not ready for a meeting with a similar threat - as shown post-war tests, "Electrobots" were several times exceeded by the range of mutual hydroacoustic detection of American and British destroyers, guarding convoy.

Boats like VII, Germany

The number of submarines built - 703.
Water displacement surface - 769 tons; Underwater - 871 tons.
Crew - 45 people.
Working depth of immersion - 100 m, limit - 220 meters
The speed is complete in the supernation - 17.7 n.; In the underwater position - 7.6 bonds.
Swimming range in the surface position 8 500 miles (10 tons.).
Sailing range in the underwater position 80 miles (4 nk.).
- 5 torpedo devices of caliber 533 mm, ammunition - 14 torpedoes;
- 1 x 88 mm Universal tool (until 1942), eight options for add-ons with 20 and 37 mm anti-aircraft installations.
The most effective combat ships of all, ever koving the world ocean.
Relatively simple, cheap, mass, but at the same time an excellent armed and deadly agent for total underwater terror.
703 submarines. 10 million tons of across tonnage! Battleships, cruisers, aircraft carriers, destroyers, corvetics and enemy submarines, oil tankers, vehicles with airplanes, tanks, cars, rubber, ore, machinery, ammunition, outfitting and food ... Damage from the actions of German submariners exceeded all reasonable limits - if Not an inexhaustible industrial US potential capable of compensating for any loss of allies, German U-bots had all the chances of "strangle" the United Kingdom and change the course of world history.
Often, the success of "seven" is associated with "prosperous time" 1939-41. - Allegedly, when the allies of the convoy system and the asdic hydrocators appears, the success of German submariners ended. A completely populist statement based on the incorrect interpretation of "prosperity times".
The alignment was simple: at the beginning of the war, when for each German boat I had to one by one anti-pelvis ship allies, "seven" felt themselves invulnerable owners of the Atlantic. It was then that there were the legendary Aces that sinking on 40 enemy vessels. The Germans have already held the victory in their hands when the allies suddenly put out 10 anti-submarine ships and 10 aircraft at the rate of each operating boat Crymsmarine!
Starting from the spring of 1943, Yankees and the British began to methodically fade by crigsmarine anti-submarine equipment and soon achieved a magnificent loss ratio - 1: 1. So fought until the end of the war. In Germans, ships ended faster than their opponents.
The whole history of German "seven" is a formidable warning from the past: what threat is submarine and how large the costs of creating an effective system of countering the underwater threat.

The material that I suggest your attention is not mine. In this case, I decided to move away from my principle of posting on this site only copyright articles. The fact is that I have acquired a wonderful research work, which, unfortunately, has been published by microscopic circulation of 800 copies, and therefore for most military history it can pass unnoticed. We are talking about the book A.V. Plotonova and V.M.Lurier "Commanders of Soviet submarines 1941-1945.". It is a continuation of the books released in 1996 "Soviet Warmatics 1941-1945. Submarines". However, the authors of these works over the years of work in the Central Naval Archive opened a number of new circumstances, which significantly influenced the clarification of the fate of the Soviet submarines, as well as the effectiveness of their combat activities. For this reason, they are asked to consider both publications as one as one, and when disclosures are detected, preference is given to the latter. I have only some major conclusions of respected scientists in the following material. For those who would like to meet more detail with their work, I inform you that there you will find a complete list of commanders of Soviet submarines and analyzing their personal contribution to the Great Victory, as well as an extensive number of genuine orders and directives of the People's Commissar and the Head of the GPU Navy of the USSR, dedicated to underwater forces.
During the Great Patriotic War, the Soviet Navy had 267 submarines, of which 170 (59%) participated in hostilities (the Baltic submarines L-1, M-72-76 were not taken into account (only 6 units). To The beginning of the war they were under repair, soon they were mothballed and did not enter into operation. In addition, not taken into account "B-1", which came out of the UK, but did not arrive in the polar). Of these, 81 (48%) submarine died from the effects of enemy weapons, 8 blown up, and another 8 were derived from the FLOT according to the technical condition. Now let's see how it was the effectiveness of the use of submarines of major warring states.

The list of PL participating in batt.

Count Skill. goals

Kol.Potopl. Oversion to 1 Acting PL killed in battle.d.

Kol.Potopl. Oveners for 1 dead pl


The data given in the table is largely conditional, in the sense that they cannot be perceived as absolute numbers. This is due primarily to the fact that it is quite difficult to accurately calculate the number of submarines of foreign countries participating in hostilities. And their number you need to know what is clearly visible on the example of Germany, because in 1945 all constructed German submarines XX1 and XX111 series were released in combat trips, then the losses of the allies would be completely different. Until now, there are discrepancies in the amount of across the goals. However, the values \u200b\u200bof the values \u200b\u200bprovide a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe order of numbers and the ratio of them among themselves. And, it means, some conclusions can be made.
First, Soviet submariners have the smallest number of across the submarine participating in hostilities (often the effectiveness of submarines are evaluated by across the tonnage. However, this figure is largely depends on the quality of potential goals, and in this sense, for the Soviet fleet, completely Not acceptable. Indeed, but the north the bulk of the enemy transports was the court of small and medium tonnage, and on the Black Sea and such purposes could be counted on the fingers. For this reason, in the future, we will mostly discuss just about across the goals, only allocating among them Martial ships). The following are the United States, but there the real figure will be significantly higher than the specified one, since in fact, only about 50% of submarines from the total number of them on the theater of hostilities participated in combat actions on communications, the rest performed various special tasks.
Secondly, the percentage of lost submarines from the number of participating in hostilities among the Soviet Union is almost twice as high as other winning countries (the United Kingdom - 28%, in the USA - 21%).
Thirdly, by the number of across the goals for each lost submarine, we exceed only Japan, and are close to Italy. The remaining countries for this indicator are superior to the USSR several times. As for Japan, at the end of the war there was a real beating of its fleet, including underwater, so that its comparison with the country-winner is not correct.
Considering the effectiveness of the actions of Soviet submarines it is impossible to not touch another aspect of the problem. Namely, the ratios of this efficiency with those means that were invested in submarines and those hopes that they restored. Assessing the damage to the enemy to the enemy is very difficult, on the other hand, and real labor and material costs for creating any products in the USSR, as a rule, did not reflect the formal value. However, indirectly this question can be considered. In the prewar years, the industry handed over the Navy 4 cruisers, 35 destroyers and leaders, 22 watchdogs and more than 200 (!) Submarines. Yes, and in monetary terms, the construction of submarines was clearly priority. Until the third five-year plan, the lion's share of allocations for Military shipbuilding went to the creation of submarines and only with the laying of linear ships and cruisers in 1939 the picture began to change. This financing dynamics fully reflects the views on the use of fleet forces that existed in those years. Until the end of the thirties, submarines and severe aviation were considered the main shock power of the fleet. In the third five-year plan, priority began to be given to large surface ships, but by the beginning of the war, submarines remained the most massive class of ships and, if they did not make the main rate, they had huge huge hopes.
Summing up with a small express analysis, you must admit that, firstly, the effectiveness of the actions of Soviet submarines during the Second World War was one of the lowest among warring states, and even moreover, such as United Kingdom, USA, Germany. Secondly, Soviet submarines clearly did not justify the hopes and invested funds imposed on them. As one example, from a number of similar things, the contribution of submarines into the disruption of the evacuation of the German fascist troops from the Crimea is April 9-12, 1944. In total during this period, 11 submarines in 20 combat campaigns were damaged by one (!) Transport. According to the reports of the commanders, allegedly, several goals were surfed, but there was no confirmation. Yes, it is not very important. After all, for April and twenty days of May, the enemy spent 251 convoy! And this is many hundreds of goals and with very weak anti-palmary security. A similar picture has developed in the Baltic in the last months of the war with the mass evacuation of troops and civilians from the Kurneda Peninsula and from the Dankion Cove region. In the presence of hundreds of goals, including large-tonnant, often with a completely conditional anti-herineal guard in April-May 1945, 11 submarines in 11 combat campaigns were sinking only one transport, swimming and floating.
Until recently, such a low effectiveness of the actions of Soviet submarines during the war was not commented. More precisely, she just did not admit it. Myth-making reigned. First, the figures for the success of torpedo attacks in official publications were overestimated. Secondly, the overwhelming part of this information was secret. And already in the 80s. Many experts constructed that the reason for the secake of the combat activities of the Soviet Navy during the Great Patriotic War, it does not cover the possibility of damage to the country's defense capability, namely, in exorbitantly dark figures that do not have documentary confirmation. Thirdly, it was not taken to compare the numbers characterizing the success of our forces with similar figures relating to the fleets of other states. The latter was usually explained extremely complex, "not standard" conditions of the situation in domestic theaters of hostilities. Indeed, the analogue of the situation for submarines at the Baltic in 1942-1944. not. But, first, in 1943, and most of 1944, the Soviet submarines in the Baltic and did not act. And, secondly, besides Baltik, there were still Barents and Black Sea. The situation there was also not simple there, but in the same conditions there were enemy submariners and not only they. On August 4, 1941, the British submarine "Taigris" arrived in the polar arrival, and then "Trident". In early November, they were replaced by two other submarines "Sivulf" and "Silayen". In total, until December 21, they committed 10 combat trips, destroying 8 goals. Is there a lot or a little? In this case, it does not matter, the main thing is that during the same period 19 of the Soviet submarines in 82 combat campaigns were sinking only 3 goals. So reference to the exclusiveness of the conditions of the situation is not entirely correct, in any case it does not explain everything.
The most likely cause of low efficiency of domestic submarines can be wounded in their quality. However, in the domestic literature, this factor is noted immediately. You can find a lot of statements that Soviet submarines, especially, like "C" and "K" were the best in the world. Indeed, if you compare the most common TTX domestic and foreign submarines, then such statements seem quite reasonable. The Soviet submarine like "K" is superior to foreign classmates in the speed of the course, in the distance of swimming in the windward position is only inferior to the German submarine and has the most powerful weapons. But even when analyzing the most common elements, the lag in the diving range in the underwater position, in the depth of dive and in the dive speeds. If you begin to understand further, it turns out that the quality of submarines have a huge impact of just those elements that are fixed in our reference books and are usually subject to comparison (by the way, the depth of immersion and the immersion rate of us also, as a rule, are not specified), And others directly related to new technologies. These include noise, impact resistance of instruments and mechanisms, the ability to detect and attack the enemy in conditions of poor visibility and at night, secrecy and the accuracy of the use of torpedo weapons and a number of others. Unfortunately, domestic submarines for the beginning of the war did not have modern radio-electronic detection tools, torpedo vehicles of shooting, devices of bluing firing, depth stabilizers, radoofers, deprecistors of instruments and mechanisms, but they differed a large noise of mechanisms and devices. The issue of communication with a submarine in the underwater position was not resolved. Almost the only source of information on the superval situation in the immersed submarine remained a periscope with very unimportant optics. The "Mars" tallers that were in service were allowed to determine the direction to the source of noise with an accuracy of plus-minus 2 degrees. The range of the equipment at good hydrology did not exceed 40 KB. The commanders of the German, British, American submarines had at their disposal hydroacoustic stations. They worked in the mode of noiselessness or in the active mode when the hydroacoustik could determine not only direction on the target, but also distance to it. German submariners at good hydrology found single transport in noiseing mode at a distance of up to 100 Kb, and already from a distance of 20 kb could be obtained to it in the "Echo" mode. Similar opportunities were available at the disposal of our allies. And this is not all that directly affected the effectiveness of the use of domestic submarines. Under these conditions, the disadvantages of technical characteristics and ensure combat operations could be partially compensated only by the human factor. Here, probably, the main defining productivity of the domestic underwater fleet - man! But submariners, like anyone else, in the crew objectively there is a certain main person, a certain God in a separate closed space. In this sense, the submarine is similar to the plane: the entire crew can consist of highly qualified professionals and work exclusively competently, but the steering wheel is located at the commander and planting the plane will be it. Pilots, like submariners, usually or all overlook the winners, or everyone is dying. Thus, the identity of the commander and the fate of the submarine is something integer.
In total, during the war years, 358 people have performed the responsibilities of submarine commanders, 229 of them participated in this position in combat campaigns, 99 - killed (43%).
Having considered the list of commanders of Soviet submarines of the period of war, one can state that most of them had the title, corresponding to the position occupied or one step below, which is normal personnel practice. Consequently, the statement that by the beginning of the war by our submarines were commanded by little serious beginners who took positions thanks to the political repression, unreasonably. Another thing is that the rapid growth of the submarine fleet in the pre-war period demanded officers more than they were issued by the school. For this reason, the crisis of commanders arose, and he was decided to overcome by calling on the fleet of civilian sailors. Moreover, it was believed that it was advisable to send them precisely on submarines, as they most well know the psychology of the Captain Civil Ship (transport) and it should ease them to combat shipping. This is how many captains of distant navigation, that is, people, in fact, not the military, became commander of submarines. True, they all studied at the respective courses, but if so easy to make submarine commanders, then why do you need schools and a long-term study? In other words, an element of serious infringement in future efficacy has already been laid.
The whole chapter of the book is devoted to a detailed analysis of what the educational and combat training of submariners presented to and during the Great Patriotic War. This is perhaps the most sad part of the study. The authors come to the conclusion that it was the extremely low level of submariner training, especially the commander of the PL, became the main reason for the failures of our submarine. Under these conditions, on the one hand, it is necessary to recognize the unconditional courage shown by the absolute majority of submariners literally in every combat campaign. On the other hand, it was objectively difficult to expect greater efficiency from Soviet submarines than she had in fact.
In conclusion, I will give a list of the most efficient domestic submariner commanders. It differs significantly from everything that so far it was possible to read in the literature, but this is the first, who has a documentary confirmation, a list of our accessories.
Vladimir Vladimir Yakovlevich - 6 reliably across the goals (3.736 BRT), 12.5 days in the sea for one across the goal, died.
Lisin Sergey Prokofievich, Hero of the Soviet Union - 5 reliably across the goals (9.164 BRT), 18 days per target.
Kotelnikov Viktor Nikolayevich - 5 motobots across with artillery fire, 17.8 days per target.
Shchedrin Grigory Ivanovich, Hero of the Soviet Union - 4 reliably across the goals (10.152 BRT) and one damaged, 31.2 days per target.
Mokhov Nikolai Konstantinovich - 4 reliably across the goals (6.080 BRT) and one damaged, 9 days per target, died.
Syrilov Mikhail Vasilyevich, Hero of the Soviet Union - 4 reliably across the goals (2.293 BRT) and one damaged, 64.7 days per target.
Trofimov Ivan Yakovlevich - 4 reliably across the goals (13.857 BRT), 41 days per target, died.
Konovalov Vladimir Konstantinovich, Hero of the Soviet Union - 3 reliably across the goals (6.641 BRT) and allegedly died on the plants of the mines (762 BRT) and one combat ship, 18.4 days per target.
Osipov Evgeny Yakovlevich, Hero of the Soviet Union - 3 reliably across the goals (3.974 BRT) and one damaged, 16.3 days per target, died.
Bogurad Samuel Nahmanovich, Hero of the Soviet Union - 3 Moto-across the goals (6.100 BD), 34.3 days per target.
Matyassevich Alexey Mikhailovich - 1 A reliablyced target (2.414 BRT) and allegedly died on the plants of mines of 4 transport (5.067 BRT) and two warships, one ship is damaged, 10.3 days per target.
Augustinovich Mikhail Petrovich - estimated 6 transports on the exhibited mines (16.052 BRT) and two warships, 21.5 days per target.
Mogilevsky Sergey Sergeyevich - 2 reliably across the goals (105 BD), allegedly died in the places of mines one transport (749 BRT) and three warships, 13.3 days per target.
Grishchenko Pyotr Denisovich - 1 A reliably across the goal, presumably died on mines five transports (16.352 BRT), 13.5 days per target.
Polyakov Evgeny Petrovich - 2 reliably across the goals, presumably died in the two cars exhibited two vehicles (2.304 BRT) and one combat ship, one ship is damaged, 41.6 days per target.
The most success in one attack was achieved by the commander "C-56" G.I.Shedrin. On May 17, 1943, he struck two transport at once with a four-traced volley. One of them sank, and the second only got damage - Torpeda did not explode. The most objective commander must be recognized by N.K.Mohova, all the victories declared them were subsequently confirmed. As an opposite example, I.V. Travkin, who said 13 wins, was approved by 7, and in fact he sank 1 transport, which was spent a total of 50 torpedoes (a kind of record). Torpedes are followed by M.V. Greshilov - 49 (16.3 per stuffed target) and N.A. Lunin - 47 (23.5 per stuffed target). The greatest tonnage of reliably across the goals belongs to A.I. Marynesco - 40.144 BRT (2 destroyed ship).
In general, it must be recognized that Soviet submariners fought in extremely difficult conditions. And it's not just a serious anti-palmary border in the Gulf of Finland. The difficulty of conducting hostilities for Soviet submariners was often not in the objective physico-geographical conditions of the regions, not in the pecutive struggles of the enemy, but in the absence of necessary security and effective combat training. This applies to both pure technical issues (hydroacience, means of communication, noise of the operation of devices and mechanisms, etc.) and operational-tactical (exploration, management, deployment of deployment from the bases and return). As for combat training, it had low quality in peacetime, which predetermined the low success of Soviet submarines in the initial period of war.

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Submarines dictate the rules in the sea war and force everyone to observe the order of order.

Those stubs, which will risk neglecting the rules of the game, expects an ambulance and painful death in the oiled water, in the midst of floating fragments and spots of oil. Boats, regardless of the flag, remain the most dangerous combat machines capable of crushing any opponent.

I suggest your attention a small story about the seven of the most successful projects of a submarine years.

Boats type T (Triton-Class), United Kingdom
The number of submarines constructed - 53.
Water displacement surface - 1290 tons; Underwater - 1560 tons.
Crew - 59 ... 61 people.
The working depth of the immersion is 90 m (riveted housing), 106 m (welded body).
The speed is complete in the surface position - 15.5 knots; In the underwater - 9 nodes.
The stock of the fuel 131 tons provided a navigation range in an overnight position of 8000 miles.
- 11 torpedo devices of a 533 mm caliber (sinyl or III boats), ammunition - 17 torpedoes;
- 1 x 102 mm Universal weapon, 1 x 20 mm anti-aircraft "erlikon".

HMS Traveler.

The British underwater terminator capable of "knock out a crack" from the head of any enemy with the help of a nasal 8-torpedo volley. The "T" boats were not equal to the destructive power among all the submarine period of the VMV period, they explain their ferocious appearance with a bizarre nasal superstructure where additional torpedo devices are located.

The notorious British conservatism remained in the past - the British were one of the first to equip their boats asdic hydrocators. Alas, despite its powerful weapons and modern means of discovery, the open sea boats like "T" did not become the most effective among the British submarines of the Second World War. Nevertheless, they passed the exciting combat path and achieved a number of wonderful victories. Tritons were actively used in the Atlantic, in the Mediterranean Sea, japanese communications on the Pacific, several times noted in the shock of the Arctic waters.

In August 1941, the "Taigris" and Trident submarines arrived in Murmansk. British submariners demonstrated a master class with their Soviet colleagues: 4 enemy steamers were swaming for two campaigns, incl. "Byi Laura" and "Donau II" with thousands of soldiers of the 6th Mornetral Division. Thus, the sailors prevented the third German attack on Murmansk.

Among other famous trophies of the type "T" type, a German light cruiser "Carlsruhe" and the Japanese Heavy Cruiser "Asigar" are launched. The samurai "was lucky" to get acquainted with the full 8-torpedo salvo submarine "Trenchent" - having received 4 torpedoes into the board (+ one of the stern ta), the cruiser quickly overturned and sank.

After the war, the powerful and perfect "Tritons" another quarter of a century were in service with the Royal Navy.
It is noteworthy that three boats of this type in the late 1960s acquired Israel - one of them, Ins Dakar (formerly HMS Totem) died in 1968 in the Mediterranean Sea with unexplained circumstances.

Boats like "Craising" series XIV, Soviet Union
The number of submarines built - 11.
Water displacement surface - 1500 tons; Underwater - 2100 tons.
Crew - 62 ... 65 people.

The speed is complete in the surface position - 22.5 UZ.; In the underwater - 10 bonds.
Swimming range 16500 miles (9 Ultrasound)
Sailing range in the underwater position - 175 miles (3 UZ.)

- 2 x 100 mm of universal guns, 2 x 45 mm of anti-aircraft semi-automatic matters;
- up to 20 min of barrier.

... December 3, 1941 German hunters UJ-1708, UJ-1416 and UJ-1403 threw the Soviet boat bombs, trying to attack the convoy of Bustad-Sunda.

Hans, do you hear this creature?
- Nain. After a series of explosions, the Russians lay on the bottom - I sit down three strikes about the soil ...
- Can you determine where are they now?
- Donnervetter! They are blown away. Surely decided to emerge and surrender.

German sailors were mistaken. A monster rose from the sea depths to the surface - the cruising submarine K-3 series XIV, which brought the artillery fire on the opponential. From the fifth volley, the Soviet seamans managed to sink U-1708. The second hunter, having received two straight hits, snamed and turned aside - his 20 mm of anti-aircraft vehicles could not compete with the "weaving" of the secular underwater cruiser. Throwing the Germans like puppies, K-3 quickly disappeared beyond the horizon on a 20-node move.

Soviet "Katyusha" was a phenomenal boat for his time. Welded body, mighty artillery and minno-torpedo arm, powerful diesel engines (2 x 4200 hp!), High surface speed 22-23 nodes. Huge autonomy of fuel reserves. Remote control valves of ballast tanks. Radio station capable of transmitting signals from the Baltic to the Far East. Exceptional level of comfort: shower cabins, refrigerated tanks, two plating water cleaner, electrocambouses ... Two boats (K-3 and K-22) were equipped with Led-Lizovsky ASDIC hydrocators.

But, oddly enough, nor high characteristics nor the most powerful weapons did "Katyushi" efficient - in addition to the dark with the attack K-21 on the Tirpitz, during the years of the boat of the XIV series there are only 5 successful torpedo attacks and 27 thousand BR. Reg. tons of across tonnage. Most of the victories were obsessed with the mines. Moreover, our own losses amounted to five cruising boats.

K-21, Severomorsk, our days

The causes of failures lie in the tactics of "Katyush" - the powerful underwater cruisers created for the expanses of the Pacific Ocean, had to be "staring" in the shallow Baltic "puddle." Under the actions at depths of 30-40 meters, a huge 97-meter boat could hit the nose of the ground, while her feed was still sticking out on the surface. Few easier accounted for sailors-navalomors - as the practice showed, the effectiveness of the combat use of Katyush was complicated by the weak preparation of the personnel and the misinterpretation of the command.

It's a pity. These boats were calculated for more.

"Baby", Soviet Union
Series VI and VI-BIS - built 50.
The XII series - built 46.
The XV series - built 57 (4) was taken in hostilities.

TTH boats type M series XII:
Water displacement surface - 206 tons; Underwater - 258 tons.
Autonomy - 10 days.
The working depth of immersion - 50 m, the limit - 60 m.
The speed is complete in the surface position - 14 UZ.; in the underwater - 8 bonds.
Swimming range in the surface position - 3380 miles (8.6 nodes).
Swimming range in the underwater position - 108 miles (3 nodes).
- 2 torpedo apparatus of caliber 533 mm, ammunition - 2 torpedoes;
- 1 x 45 mm anti-aircraft semi-automatic.


The mini-submarine project for the rapid strengthening of the Pacific Fleet - the main feature of the type M boats was the possibility of transporting according to the railway in a fully assembled form.

In pursuit of compactness, I had to sacrifice many - the service at the "Baby" turned into a grueling and dangerous event. Heavy domestic conditions, a strong "bolt" - the waves ruthlessly threw a 200-ton "float", risking it into parts. Shallow immersion depth and weak weapon. But the main concern of sailors was the reliability of the submarine - one shaft, one diesel, one electric motor - a tiny "baby" did not leave a chance of a careless crew, the slightest malfunction on board threatened the death for the submarine.

The kids quickly evolved - TTX each new series differed from the previous project: the regiments were improved, the electrical equipment and detection means were updated, the dive time was reduced, autonomy grew. "Baby" of the XV series have already reminded their predecessors of the 6th and XII series: one-and-and-alarm design - ballast tanks were taken out of a solid body; GEU received a standard two-walled arrangement with two diesel engines and underwater electromotors. The number of torpedo devices increased to four. Alas, the XV series appeared too late - the major severity of the war carried the "Baby" VI and XII episodes.

Despite their modest sizes and only 2 torpedoes on board, tiny fish differed simply terrifying "voraciousness": in just the years, the second world Soviet submarines of type M Skilled 61 vessels of the enemy with a total tonnage of 135.5 thousand BRT, destroyed 10 warships, and also damaged 8 transports.

Babes, originally intended for action in the coastal zone, learned to fight effectively in open marine areas. They enjoyed enemy communications with larger boats, patrolled from the exits from enemy bases and fjords, deftly overcame the anti-submarine barriers and undermined the transports right in the pits inside protected enemy harnesses. Just amazing how the redties were able to fight on these garbage ships! But they fought. And won!

Boats like "Average" series IX-BIS, Soviet Union
The number of submarines constructed - 41.
Water displacement surface - 840 tons; Underwater - 1070 tons.
Crew - 36 ... 46 people.
The working depth of immersion - 80 m, the limit - 100 m.
The speed is complete in the surface position - 19.5 knots; In the underwater position - 8.8 knots.
Sailing range in the surface of 8000 miles (10 nodes).
Swimming range in the underwater position 148 miles (3 nodes).

"Six torpedo devices and as much spare torpedo on convenient racks for recharging. Two guns with big ammunition, machine guns, subversive property ... in a word, it is necessary to fight than. A 20-node wind speed! It allows you to overtake almost any convoy and attack it again. Technique is good ... "
- Opinion of the commander S-56, Hero of the Soviet Union G.I. Shchedrin

"Esquis" was distinguished by rational layout and balanced construction, powerful weapons, excellent travel and seaworthy qualities. Initially, the German project of the company "Deshimag", improved under the Soviet requirements. But do not rush to clap your hands and remember Mistral. After the start of mass construction of the IX series on the Soviet shipyards, the German project was revised for the purpose of the full transition to Soviet equipment: Diesels 1D, weapons, radio stations, a sovereign, gyrocompass ... - in boats that received the designation "IX-bis series", there was not a single Fride bolt!

The problems of combat use of the "average" boats, as a whole, were similar to cruising boats type K - locked on the sided mines, they could not realize their high battle qualities. There were much better things on the Northern Fleet - during the war years boat C-56 under the command of G.I. Shchedrin made a transition through the quiet and atlantic oceans, going from Vladivostok to Polar, becoming subsequently the most effective boat of the USSR Navy.

No less fantastic history is associated with the "Bombaluator" C-101 - Over the years of the war on the boat, the Germans and the Allies were reset over 1000 deep bombs, but every time the C-101 was safely returned to the polar.

Finally, it was on the C-13 that Alexander Marnesco achieved his famous victories.

C-56 torpedo compartment

"The cruel alterations in which the ship, bombing and explosions got, depth, far exceeding the official limit. From everything we protected the boat ... "

- From the memories of G.I. Shchedrin

Boats such as GATO, USA
The number of submarines built - 77.
Water displacement surface - 1525 tons; Underwater - 2420 tons.
Crew - 60 people.
The working depth of immersion is 90 m.
The speed is complete in the surface position - 21 bonds; In the underwater position - 9 bonds.
Swimming range in the surface position of 11,000 miles (10 nk.).
Sailing range in the underwater position 96 miles (2 nk.).
- 10 torpedo devices of caliber 533 mm, ammunition - 24 torpedoes;
- 1 x 76 mm Universal tool, 1 x 40 mm anti-aircraft gun "Boiffs", 1 x 20 mm "Erlikon";
- One of the boats - the USS Barb was equipped with a reactive system of salvo flames for the shelling of the coast.

The ocean underwater cruisers like "Getow" appeared in the midst of the war in the Pacific Ocean and became one of the most effective tools of the US Navy. They tightly blocked all strategic straits and approaches to the atales, cut all the lines of supply, leaving Japanese garrisons without reinforcements, and the Japanese industry - without raw materials and oil. In the fights with the "Getow", the imperial fleet lost two heavy aircraft carriers, lost four cruisers and damn a dozen destroyers.

High speed, slaughter torpedo weapon, the most advanced radio techniques of the enemy detection - radar, direction finder, hydrolyator. Swimming range, providing combat patrols from the shores of Japan when acting from the base in Hawaii. Increased comfort on board. But the main thing is the excellent training of crews and weakness of Japanese anti-submarine products. As a result, "Getow" ruthlessly spoke everything in a row - they brought them from the blue sea depths to victory in the Pacific Ocean.

... One of the main achievements of the Getow boats, which changed the whole world, is considered to be an event on September 2, 1944. On that day, the submarine "Finbeck" was defended by a disaster signal from a falling aircraft and, after many hours of searches, discovered in the ocean of frightened, and was already a desperate pilot. . Saved turned out to be someone George Herbert Bush.

Cutting submarine "Flasher", Memorial in Groton.

The list of Flasher trophies sounds like a fleet anecdote: 9 tankers, 10 transports, 2 watchdogs with a total tonnage 100 231 BRT! And on a snack, the boat grabbed the Japanese cruiser and the destroyer. Lucky, damn!

Electricity type XXI, Germany

By April 1945, the Germans managed to lower 118 submarines of the XXI series. However, only two of them were able to achieve operational readiness and reach the sea in the last days of the war.

Displacement surface - 1620 tons; Underwater - 1820 tons.
Crew - 57 people.
The working depth of immersion is 135 m, the limit - 200+ meters.
The speed is complete in the surface position - 15.6 tons., In the underwater position - 17 bonds.
Swimming range at an outdrawal position 15 500 miles (10 nk.).
Swimming range in the underwater position 340 miles (5 nk.).
- 6 torpedo devices of caliber 533 mm, ammunition - 17 torpedoes;
- 2 anti-aircraft "Flac" caliber 20 mm.

U-2540 "Wilhelm Bauer" on the eternal parking lot in Bremerhafen, our days

Our allies were firmly lucky that all the forces of Germany were thrown on the Eastern Front - Frica did not have enough resources to release a flock of fantastic "electric vehicles." They appear for a year earlier - and all, drut! Another fracture in the battle for the Atlantic.

The Germans guess the first: everything that shipbuilders of other countries are proud of - large ammunition, powerful artillery, high surface speed of 20+ nodes - has little value. Key parameters that determine the combat efficiency of the submarine is its speed and reserve of the stroke in the underwater position.

Unlike his peers, the "eletrobot" was focused on permanent under water: the maximum streamlined body without heavy artillery, fences and platforms - all, for the sake of minimizing the subsea resistance. Snorkel, six groups of batteries (3 times more than ordinary boats!), Powerful email. Motors of full turn, quiet and economical email. Engines "Samples".

Feed part U-2511, flooded at a depth of 68 meters

The Germans calculated everything - the whole campaign of the "electricity" was moving on a periscopt depth under RDP, remaining difficult to suit the enemy's anti-submarine means. At a great depth, its advantage has become even more shocking: 2-3 times the larger reserve of the course, with twice as much speed than any of the submarines of the War Years! High stealth and impressive underwater skills, self-equipped torpedoes, a complex of the most advanced detection tools ... "Electrobots" opened a new milestone in the history of the underwater fleet, determining the vector of development of the submarine in the post-war years.

The allies were not ready for a meeting with a similar threat - as shown post-war tests, "Electrobots" were several times exceeded by the range of mutual hydroacoustic detection of American and British destroyers, guarding convoy.

Boats like VII, Germany
The number of submarines built - 703.
Water displacement surface - 769 tons; Underwater - 871 tons.
Crew - 45 people.
Working depth of immersion - 100 m, limit - 220 meters
The speed is complete in the supernation - 17.7 n.; In the underwater position - 7.6 bonds.
Swimming range in the surface position 8 500 miles (10 tons.).
Sailing range in the underwater position 80 miles (4 nk.).
- 5 torpedo devices of caliber 533 mm, ammunition - 14 torpedoes;
- 1 x 88 mm Universal tool (until 1942), eight options for add-ons with 20 and 37 mm anti-aircraft installations.

* TTH-given TTX correspond to subseening boats VIIC

The most effective combat ships of all, ever koving the world ocean.
Relatively simple, cheap, mass, but at the same time an excellent armed and deadly agent for total underwater terror.

703 submarines. 10 million tons of across tonnage! Battleships, cruisers, aircraft carriers, destroyers, corvetics and enemy submarines, oil tankers, vehicles with airplanes, tanks, cars, rubber, ore, machinery, ammunition, outfitting and food ... Damage from the actions of German submariners exceeded all reasonable limits - if Not an inexhaustible industrial US potential capable of compensating for any loss of allies, German U-bots had all the chances of "strangle" the United Kingdom and change the course of world history.

U-995. Graceful underwater killer

Often, the success of "seven" is associated with "prosperous time" 1939-41. - Allegedly, when the allies of the convoy system and the asdic hydrocators appears, the success of German submariners ended. A completely populist statement based on the incorrect interpretation of "prosperity times".

The alignment was simple: at the beginning of the war, when for each German boat I had to one by one anti-pelvis ship allies, "seven" felt themselves invulnerable owners of the Atlantic. It was then that there were the legendary Aces that sinking on 40 enemy vessels. The Germans have already held the victory in their hands when the allies suddenly put out 10 anti-submarine ships and 10 aircraft at the rate of each operating boat Crymsmarine!

Starting from the spring of 1943, Yankees and the British began to methodically fade by crigsmarine anti-submarine equipment and soon achieved a magnificent loss ratio - 1: 1. So fought until the end of the war. In Germans, ships ended faster than their opponents.

The whole history of German "seven" is a formidable warning from the past: what threat is submarine and how large the costs of creating an effective system of countering the underwater threat.

Washed American poster of those years. "Beit on pain! Come serve to the underwater fleet - in our account 77% across a tonnage!" Comments, as they say, unnecessary

The article uses materials from the book "Soviet underwater shipbuilding", V. I. Dmitriev, Milivdat, 1990.