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Launch an airborne combat vehicle among arctic ice and in the Siberian snows - not a problem for the Russian winged guard. With the advent of a new generation of military equipment in the troops, this task has become even easier. Servicemen of the 137th Guards Airborne Regiment spoke about how the pre-launch preparation of airborne combat vehicles occurs in the winter, as well as their impressions of the new “Defend Russia” equipment.

The main problem for mechanic-drivers of airborne combat vehicles is the increased viscosity of the oil in a cold vehicle. In order to warm it up as quickly as possible before starting, and at the same time the engine coolant, the BMD is equipped with a so-called preheating boiler.


As a rule, its work lasts 15 minutes. During this time, even with severe frosts the coolant warms up to the required 50 degrees, and the engine oil to 6. Another thing is how the process itself occurs. According to the head of the armored service of the guard regiment, Major Sergei Shipitsyn, in the BMD-2 the warm-up operation requires great flexibility from the driver, as well as from the entire crew.

BMD-2 with a landing system. Photo: Grigory Milenin/Defend Russia

On combat vehicles, standing in the park, landing systems are installed, because of this, all hatches in the BMD are blocked, except for the driver's. It is through this that the paratroopers get inside. So, to start the heating system, the driver-mechanic of the BMD-2 needs to connect the battery power from his seat, then crawl to the rear of the car, unscrew the hatch attached to several thumbs, and manually start it. Considering that the airborne combat vehicle is incredibly crowded inside, and in addition to the driver, two more are involved in preparing it for exit from the park - the gunner-operator, who mounts the machine gun, and the commander, who checks the communications equipment - an essentially simple operation requires great acrobatic efforts.

Photo: Grigory Milenin/Defend Russia

This system works differently in the BMD-4 and BTR-MD “Rakushka”, which are in service 137 guards regiment. Private Vladimir Tratsuk, a mechanic driver of the Rakushki guard, told “Defend Russia” about this.

Photo: Grigory Milenin/Defend Russia

“You don’t need to make a lot of body movements here.” You just need to open the exhaust hatch and the fuel valve of the heater boiler, and then control its start from its place. Within 90 seconds, the candle warms up and the boiler starts. All processes are displayed on the on-board computer - if the boiler is working normally, a message will appear on the screen.

Photo: Grigory Milenin/Defend Russia

Compared to the BMD-2, the Rakushka is just a sightseeing bus. The driver does not need to move along the side to the heating units - just take a couple of steps to them. In addition, there is a stove installed there to heat the interior. According to Vladimir Tratsuk, there is no such option even in the BMD-4.

In the interior of the BTR-MD “Shell”. Photo: Grigory Milenin/Defend Russia

In general, paratroopers speak very positively about new technology. The commander of the BMD-4 M Guard, junior sergeant Artem Vasetsov, noted that new car combat power and driving performance have increased.

Photo: Grigory Milenin/Defend Russia

— The BMD-4 M has a modern combat module, the likes of which I have never seen. It also has improved armor and weapons, much superior to my previous vehicle. One of the main combat advantages is that it has a ballistic computer that allows us to carry out artillery missions. This vehicle is more powerful than the BMD-2, its tracks are wider, which allows it to pass through more difficult places.

A driver mechanic is a person who is involved in repair, maintenance, and off-road driving. This technique can be used in both normal conditions(V rural farms, vehicle fleets), and in paramilitary structures (all units of the Russian army, as well as in departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs).

Where required

This position has become widespread. In order to ensure that the vehicle is in good working order throughout the entire journey, and also to save space in the crew, the functions of driver and repairman are combined by one person.

The driver carries out repairs and management the following types transport:

  • airborne combat vehicle;
  • tank;
  • infantry fighting vehicle;
  • vehicle SAM (anti-aircraft missile system);
  • combat reconnaissance and patrol vehicle;
  • wheeled armored personnel carriers;
  • all-terrain vehicles;
  • TMM (heavy mechanized bridge);
  • multi-axle diesel vehicles (MAZ, BAZ, MZKT, KZKT);
  • snow and swamp vehicles;
  • amphibious vehicles GT-T, GT-SM (GAZ-71), MT-LB, DT-30, DT-10.

In civilian life, the position is often found in companies that have their own fleet of vehicles. To combine the position, an employee with experience as a mechanic is hired for a position that simultaneously involves driving a vehicle and also servicing it.

In the army, a mechanic often combines a driver. Such positions are staffed by military personnel who have been trained in a military unit. During the period of work or service, a mechanic can improve his professional qualifications.

Related specialties are: bulldozer driver, all-terrain vehicle driver, excavator driver, scraper driver, tractor driver for agricultural production.

What does he do?

The driver must know the rules of maintenance and operation of special vehicles, signals and established rules for traffic.

The specialist drives the entrusted vehicle, carries out maintenance, engine adjustment, repair, and adjustment of auxiliary and special technical equipment.

The responsibilities of a driver mechanic require knowledge of the vehicle at such a level that it is possible to carry out repairs in off-road conditions, difficult weather conditions, extreme conditions or inability to obtain service.

Job description

The driver must perform only those duties that are specified in the job description. Since the position is most often found in paramilitary structures and in the army, there are practically no additional tasks assigned.

The job description must indicate the duties, rights, and responsibilities that are assigned to the employee.

Interaction with other departments can also be specified in the document.

Required knowledge

In order to do his job efficiently, a mechanic must have a large amount of professional knowledge. The driver-mechanic manual contains a list of required knowledge:

  • design, purpose and principle of operation of units, mechanisms, as well as devices of the vehicle being serviced;
  • And traffic for cars;
  • detection methods, causes, elimination of malfunctions that arose during the operation of the vehicle;
  • rules according to which vehicle maintenance is carried out;
  • rules according to which batteries and car tires are used;
  • rules according to which vehicles are stored in open parking lots and garages;
  • maintenance rules;
  • ways to prevent accidents on the roads;
  • techniques for providing first medical care in case of accidents;
  • the procedure in which emergency evacuation of passengers in case of an accident is carried out;
  • rules internal regulations and safety precautions.


To avoid misunderstandings on the part of the employee, as well as claims from senior management, the responsibilities in the instructions are spelled out in as much detail as possible. There can be no ambiguity or other interpretations - all formulations are as simple and understandable as possible.

The driver's responsibilities include:

  • ensuring reliable and trouble-free operation of all types of equipment;
  • ensuring proper operation of equipment;
  • carrying out timely and high-quality repairs and Maintenance vehicle;
  • monitoring the condition of the vehicle and its repair;
  • participation in the acceptance and installation of new equipment;
  • organization of accounting for repair work;
  • compliance with occupational health and safety standards;
  • driving an entrusted vehicle in any conditions;
  • filling out waybills;
  • examination technical condition vehicle before departure;
  • cargo acceptance;
  • checking accompanying documentation for the cargo;
  • checking the integrity of the packaging of goods transported on the vehicle;
  • ensuring the integrity of cargo during transportation;
  • preparation of documentation for unloading.

The driver's job includes:

  • elimination of minor faults during transport operation;
  • keeping vehicles clean;
  • carrying out instructions from management.


The driver, like any employee of the organization, has rights, the protection of which is within the jurisdiction of legislative framework RF.

The mechanic has the right to:

  • submitting proposals to management on issues related to its competencies;
  • use approved orders, instructions, instructions, documents, rules that regulate its work;
  • inform management about what malfunctions were discovered during operation or inspection of the entrusted equipment;
  • request and receive information necessary for work;
  • provision of special clothing;
  • improving your qualifications;
  • providing assistance from management in matters of compliance with his rights;
  • guarantees provided by current legislation;
  • rights provided for by current labor legislation.


The driver is responsible for:

  • improper performance or failure to fulfill their direct functional duties, which are provided for by the approved job description;
  • application material damage organizations;
  • rude treatment of employees and colleagues, violation of internal rules;
  • committing offenses that occurred during the performance of direct duties.

Responsibility for each point is assigned exactly to the extent that they are provided for by the current criminal, administrative, civil, labor laws Russian Federation.

A mechanic, regardless of whether he is in the army, private organization or in a state company, is responsible for the disclosure of trade secrets, the route of transport and rolling stock.

For service in the army of the Russian Federation, full responsibility is assumed in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.


Driver mechanics are trained by providing additional education those people who have tractor driver (or tractor driver) licenses. Training can be completed either at the expense of the organization or through at will. At the end of the training, they must receive a document confirming their education - a driver’s license. It is issued to people who have completed the full course.

Driver mechanics for civilian positions are trained in vocational schools, as well as in courses.

According to the law, specialists holding this position must undergo mandatory recertification. Depending on where the employee works, recertification can be carried out every three years or every five years. For special categories working with transportation large quantity people, recertification and confirmation of skills are possible more often.


The driver's workplace is allocated for an employee who has a certain set of personal qualities and professional knowledge. In order to get a job in this position, an employee must have the following important qualities:

  • resourcefulness;
  • the ability to remember and reproduce various manipulations;
  • the ability to maintain sobriety of thinking and clarity of reaction under the influence of fear or sudden influences;
  • ability to maintain high performance in emergency conditions, a state of time shortage, in tense situations and during exposure to external stimuli;
  • the ability to clearly coordinate movements while working with arms and legs;
  • an accurate eye and the ability to estimate distances;
  • accurate and quick motor reaction to an object that is moving;
  • endurance;
  • adaptability.

In order to master a specialty, you need at least a complete general education, as well as initial professional education or average.