Famous divas such as Sofia Vergara and Scarlett Johansson were able to bring back the fashion for an hourglass figure. And if your bright head is tormented by thoughts about how to make your hips wider, we will give a few practical advice and recommendations.

Changing the natural body shape

So, you need exercises that help make your hip area a little wider. To do this, your usual workout routine should include hip raises, side leg raises, and squat kicks.

It is very important to remember to perform lateral lunges with dumbbells in your hands, which create more resistance, stimulate the growth of the thigh muscles and increase their volume.

Start doing yoga and experiment

In this practice there is great amount asanas that help the hips open and strengthen them muscle tissue and make them extremely flexible. During classes, it is worth performing the Frog, Lizard, Pigeon and Cow Face poses.

An interesting fact is that even just sitting on your butt can make your hips wider. This is explained by the fact that while sitting, pressure on the buttocks and thigh area increases. This promotes an increase in fat mass in these areas of the body.

If after all this the desired parts of the body have not become wider, try the following:

  • Creams that help replenish the lack of collagen and elastin, which are responsible for the speed of recovery and growth of the thigh muscles;
  • Give birth, because in the process of bearing and relieving the burden, the femoral region expands naturally, trying to help the child to be born quickly and safely. Of course, during the recovery process this part of the body can regain its original appearance, but more often the opposite happens;
  • Agree to the operation. The desire to be like Kim Kardashian is quite capable of leading you to the operating table. During surgery, with different zones fat is pumped out from the body, which is then placed in the femoral part. More curvaceous shapes of the upper legs can be achieved thanks to silicone sections squeezed under the tissue and skin of the thigh;
  • Change your usual posture. Lower and move your shoulders back slightly, straighten your back, shift your entire body weight to one leg, and open your hips slightly. This pose allows you to get the desired curves, especially if you complement it with your hands placed on your hips. If you demonstrate wide hips you need it in a sitting position, just cross yourself lower limbs, or shift your body weight to one of your hips;
  • Sway your hips while walking, which will give you femininity, charm and attract men's views. Relax your whole body, straighten your back and wear your shoes on high heels;
  • If all of the above does not suit you, try to just wait, since with age, wide hips can appear as a result of an increase in the initial parameters of the pelvis.

How to create visibility with clothes

If you pump up your legs in in the right place it doesn’t work, but lie down on the table plastic surgeon there is neither the opportunity nor the burning desire, just change your wardrobe. The following tips will help you in this matter:

The answer to how to visually make wide hips will be short skirts, designed in lighter and more colorful shades than a blouse or pullover.

It is necessary to direct the attention of others specifically to the lower part of the body, which obliges to avoid shirts and blouses with frills, frills and ruffles.

Skirts should have the shape of a “balloon”, “tulip” or “sun-flare”, preferably with transverse stripes present on them.

If you are used to or obliged to wear skirts below the knees, you should give preference to fluffy and wide models, or buy options that widen downward. Never buy pencil skirts.

In the summer, the leg muscles are more exposed to others than ever, so the desire to show off wide hips becomes even more relevant. If you start wearing sundresses or strapless tops, due to the lack of material on the upper part of the body, a visual effect of volume will be created below.

There is no need to pull the skirt up to the very middle of your stomach. It is much better when the clothes have a low waist and a wide, catchy belt.

It is worth buying skirts, dresses and other wardrobe items that will be decorated in the hip area with multi-tiered flounces, frills and drapery. These details will distract the attention of the environment from the massive upper body.

Wear trousers of any cut, as well as shorts of different sizes. Pay special attention to tapered trousers and models with voluminous pockets. These are very comfortable and practical wardrobe items that will visually make the thigh area wider.

Be sure to stock up on beautiful shoes with high, stable and comfortable heels. It will distract prying eyes from the problem area of ​​your body, forcing you to look at slender legs and a seductive gait.

Before you decide to have surgery or childbirth, sit down and think about whether you really want to get a wide top part legs in exactly these ways? It may be worth doing the exercises more persistently, problem solving how to make your hips wider?

Hello everyone, friends, I’m in touch with you again, Alisa! Today we will discuss another topic that worries a huge number of representatives of the fairer sex: how to make your hips wider and your waist narrower? Nature does not always provide us with ideal forms. There are several ways to solve this problem: proper nutrition, physical activity and figure modeling by selecting special clothes.

Girls, it is important to understand that by enlarging the buttocks, the waist itself will seem relatively narrower. And for this, ordinary gymnastics will not be enough; all exercises to pump up the legs and buttocks will have to be performed with weights. Only in this case will the growth of the gluteal muscle be ensured. Otherwise, you will simply tighten and round the shape of your butt, but its size will remain the same. So, let's talk about all the intricacies of transforming your figure into ideal shapes.

You can open your hips and make them fuller by practicing certain yoga poses. This technique will help develop flexibility and strengthen the muscle corset, which will become good help in progress physical exercise with additional weight later. Pay attention to the poses of a frog, a dove, the face of a cow, a lizard.

Girls! I enlarged my butt without creams! A special exercise machine for the buttocks. I just wore it for 2 weeks. Now it’s so strong and beautiful, as if I were going to the gym;) I ordered it here - order it.

Try to sit on your butt more, which will lead to increased production of triglycerides and an increase in the butt due to the accumulation of adipose tissue.

And the most drastic way is surgical intervention. The most desperate fashionistas will stop at nothing to get wide hips. Some are not even deterred by expensive surgeries. This is the fastest way to get the desired shape, but it’s still worth weighing everything carefully before going under the scalpel.

Calories to the rescue

It is quite possible to change your natural body composition by reviewing your daily diet. Insufficient calories in the menu will not allow you to gain weight. required amount muscle and adipose tissue. In all girls, consuming excess calories leads to the accumulation of fat in the thighs (boys have a completely different body constitution). Already in adolescence As a result of hormonal changes in the body, the volume of the fat layer in girls doubles, and the bulk of fat cells are concentrated in the area of ​​the hips and buttocks.

To enlarge your hips, but not provoke obesity, and keep your waist thin, I recommend including only healthy foods. The main thing is to increase portions and eat food more often than three times a day. For example, girls who work out in the gym and actively increase muscle mass, switch to five meals a day.

Important! Under no circumstances should you overeat or consume large amounts of sweets. The main task is to provide fuel to your body so that your muscles can receive the energy they need to grow.


Enrich your daily diet with a sufficient amount of protein, which will help you maintain a thin waist, while the muscle mass of your buttocks will begin to rapidly gain volume. Every day you need to consume at least 100 g of protein, because it is the main building material For muscle fibers. A lot of protein is found in meat, egg whites, cottage cheese, and yogurt. In addition, dairy products are rich in calcium, which will strengthen your bones.


The main thing here is not to overdo it. Fats are an important component balanced nutrition and good lipid metabolism, but this does not mean that we should eat fatty sausage, fried potatoes or butter spoons. Give preference to unsaturated fats (vegetable origin). They are contained in all vegetable oils. Dress your salads with olive, flaxseed or sunflower oil. At the same time, when calculating the amount of fat consumed, include those found in meat, fermented milk products and fish.


Carbohydrates are fuel for the body, so a sufficient amount of them is simply a must, because otherwise, with a lack of energy, the body will begin to “eat” muscles and you can forget about the desired round butt. Carbohydrates are also responsible for good health, vigor and normal functioning of the entire body. I recommend getting the required amount of carbohydrates not from cakes and donuts, but from cereals, some vegetables, seeds and nuts.


Fresh vegetables are rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals, so they have a beneficial effect on metabolism, the acceleration of which helps to process all food without residue into energy. It is she who will be spent on gym and any other physical activity.

I wrote in more detail about nutrition for buttock enlargement.

Workouts for wide hips and narrow waist

Finally, we have reached the most important point, the implementation of which will make our hips wider and rounder. Avoiding physical activity on the gluteal muscles and quads will not achieve the desired result. Muscles should be kept in good shape regularly and it is not necessary to sign up for this in the gym. Any coach can choose effective exercises, taking into account your physical fitness, which can be performed even at home. The complex must necessarily include the following exercises:

  • hip raises;
  • weighted squats;
  • weighted lunges (straight and sideways);
  • stepping onto the podium;
  • "bike";
  • throwing the leg to the side from a half-squat.

The main exercise with which you can enlarge your buttocks while leaving your waist thin is the squat, but it must be weighted with additional weight. On average, a woman needs dumbbells or a barbell with a weight of 6-8 kg to effectively work her gluteal muscles.

Even earlier, I already talked in more detail about, about and.

Important! Perform all squats correctly. Keep your toes off the floor, keep your back straight, keep your knees straight, and tense your abs and gluteal muscles. Such simple rules will allow you to avoid injuries and direct the entire load not on the back and knees, but on the muscles of the thighs and buttocks.

Modeling your figure with clothes

This interesting technique will allow you to further emphasize your thin waist and emphasize the bulge of your hips, making them visually wider. Buy trousers and skirts in light colors or with colorful prints. In this case, take only skirts with a “tulip” silhouette, flared above the knee. Direct all your attention to the lower part of your body, so avoid sweaters and T-shirts with ruffles, flounces, rhinestones, etc. They should not be flashy, preferably in pastel or dark colors.

Buy special modeling underwear with pads, which will make your butt appear even larger and your hips visually wider. Sometimes such a decision will be less traumatic and beneficial. It will also allow you to fit into your favorite jeans and shorts at any time, which is unlikely to happen after building muscle mass on your butt.

In the end, I would like to add that it is not a lush butt that makes a woman feminine. But fashion, as always, is inexorable and almost every representative of the fairer sex simply dreams of the opportunity to get a luxurious curvaceous buttocks When resorting to proper physical activity, do not forget about nutrition and an appropriate wardrobe. By observing each of these points, any of you can achieve your goal. Good luck!

Welcome to my blog! I want to touch on a pressing women's issue, and more specifically, this article will talk about how to make your hips round, and with what exercises you can get yourself in shape before beach season, because the roundness of the hips has always attracted men’s gaze. To make a girl more feminine, you need to pay attention strength training with an emphasis on the lower body.

All girls strive for ideal parameters, but it is known that thin waist- this is a genetic gift from the parents, and it can be made thinner with the help of surgery to remove the ribs. But there is a more humane way, for example, by rounding the hips and buttocks, the waist will look visually thinner.

Cute “ears” as the most problematic area

Breeches are a constant supply of energy (or fat), which helps a woman survive and bear offspring in the harsh environment. But living conditions have changed, but genetics have remained the same, so the “ears” on the hips are the most problematic area for women, which will be the last to go. Fasting will not help in the fight against it; only training, proper nutrition and massage will make the hips attractive. In one of the previous articles I already told.

You can resort to radical surgical interventions, but jodhpurs may come back (I hope you love yourself and show that love by training and pushing yourself rather than leaving scars on your body).
So, girls, let's remove sugar from our diet, by 500 units from daily norm, we load up on vegetables, get a massage and, most importantly, train without any hassle!

We build the figure ourselves

This set of exercises does not require special equipment and is aimed at making the hips more rounded.

Warm up. The warm-up includes general exercises to warm up the whole body (bending, circular movements with arms, legs, jumping and running in place).

1. Exercise “Spring”
Starting position: wide stance, arms in front of you.
Execution: while exhaling, transfer body weight to left leg without lifting the toe of your right foot from the floor and make sure that the angle of the supporting leg is straight. Make springy movements 4 times, while inhaling, return to IP. Repeat the same for the right leg.
Number of repetitions: 10 repetitions on each leg, 2 sets.
This exercise can be modified, for example, springing legs bent at right angles (or with straight legs) alternately, standing on all fours, leaning on their elbows.

2. Single leg squats
Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, arms forward.
Execution: bend the leg in knee joint and lift up. As you exhale, squat down on one leg, while inhaling, rise up.
Number of repetitions: 5 squats on each leg, 2 sets.

3. and trouble.
Hands on the belt, legs together. As you exhale, take a step right foot and lunge, keeping the front leg at a right angle. Freeze in this position for 30 seconds. Slowly, while inhaling, return to the IP position and lunge onto your left leg.
Number of repetitions: 3 lunges on each leg, 2 sets.

3. Half squat with arms outstretched
Starting position: hands on hips, feet shoulder-width apart.
Execution: do a half squat as you exhale, your thighs should be perpendicular to the floor. Feel the stretch in your spine, stretch your arms forward. On exhalation, return to IP
Number of repetitions: 10 times, 2 sets. You can also perform it in a wide stance with your hands in front of you.

4. Cool down. Static exercise Lying on your side, exhale and raise your leg, forming a right angle between both legs. Stay in this position for 1 minute. Repeat the position with the second leg.
Number of repetitions: 5 times on each leg, 1 approach.

5. “Walking” while sitting. Sit on the floor, legs together, hands behind your head. Start moving forward with hip joints. “After walking” 1 meter, return to old place without turning around.
Number of repetitions: 4 times, 1 approach. The exercise helps to stretch your back.

By performing this set of exercises regularly (3 times a week) at home, you can become the owner of rounded hips.

Exercises for the gym

If you work out in the gym, or want to use weights to achieve your goal, then you should include these exercises in your strength training.

1. Wide weighted squats.
The legs are spread wide apart, the toes are turned outward at 45 degrees, and there is a weight in the hands between the legs.
As you exhale, sit down for 4 counts as deeply as possible without deteriorating the quality of the exercise. We perform 15 times in 3 approaches.

2. Press with your thighs. Sit on a bench or chair, hold a butterfly exercise machine, ball or other elastic object between your knees. Squeeze the object to the maximum tension in the hips and buttocks. We do 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

3. Swings in a crossover. Secure your leg in the loop of the exercise machine and set the working weight, keeping your back straight.
When performing, take your straight leg back and place it on your supporting leg. 3 sets of 15 repetitions.

For thigh muscles to grow and fat to go away, you need to connect proper diet meals with sufficient protein. It should be dairy products, fish, meat, eggs. Take the stairs more, ignore the elevator, drink at least 1.5 liters clean water(coffee and tea, even green, do not count). I have already pointed out this many times in my articles.

How additional method struggle. You can also resort to the services of a massage therapist (the result will be visible in several sessions, but this is quite expensive), or you can do self-massage using a rough washcloth, brush and cosmetic oil. An evening massage of heated skin “breaks” fat cells, improves blood circulation, lymph outflow and metabolism.

By following these simple recommendations, implementing them into your habits and performing a set of exercises, you will build the figure of your dreams. Share the repost with your friends and show off your results and ask questions in the comments! See you later!

I am glad to welcome you, friends! I think I won’t be wrong if I say that almost every woman wants to look attractive and meet certain canons of beauty. But, alas, not everyone naturally has a wasp waist or expressive legs.

Fortunately, there is such a sport as fitness, which can eliminate these shortcomings! It will allow you to kill two birds with one stone and visually make your waist narrower and give your hips a rounded shape. Today I’ll tell you exactly how to make your hips rounder!

If you are here, then you are tempted to get rid of tapered or square legs and give them an attractive roundness. To do this, you need to direct all your efforts. Especially on their outer part. The muscle located in this location is called the lateral head of the quadriceps.

  • To train our legs, we will need such well-known exercises as squats and lunges; these are basic movements for pumping not only the hips, but also the buttocks
  • Training regime is important

Since we want to build some muscle, the exercises should have good load on them. Therefore, for training at home, get a pair of dumbbells.

  • We need cardio training

After all, they train endurance, and it will be useful for working in the range of 10-20 repetitions in leg exercises. Why so many repetitions? Because girls have more slow-twitch muscle fibers that love prolonged work.

If you work out in the gym, then treadmill or an exercise bike will be very useful. Well, running and cycling can help you at home.

Guided by three points, you can create an effective training program and boldly go into battle.

Training programs

In order for the program to work, it is important not only to regularly pay attention to physical activity, but also to adhere to it!

In the gym

If you decide to work out in the gym, then the set of exercises will look like this:

  • Front Squats

One of best exercises for the development of thigh muscles. Many bodybuilders use it to add curves to their legs, but this does not mean that it is not suitable for women.

On the contrary, due to anatomical features you will be able to squat with an almost perfectly straight back. You need to place your feet shoulder-width apart and squat until they are parallel to the floor. Perform 3-4 sets of 10-15 repetitions.

  • Front squats can be replaced with narrow leg squats

Thus, it will be loaded outer part hips. However, you will feel it yourself. Here you are free to use either a Smith machine or a barbell. Perform 3-4 sets of 10-15 repetitions.

  • And now our favorite attacks

But we will do them in a somewhat non-standard manner. It is most convenient to perform lunges with dumbbells, since in this case the center of gravity drops down and we have a more stable body position.

How to do the exercise? Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Step one leg back and to the side in the direction in front standing leg, as illustrated in the photo. Return to initial position and repeat the same steps for the second leg. Perform 3-4 sets of 12-20 repetitions.

  • You can complete your workout with classic lunges.

Using dumbbells, a barbell or a Smith machine as weights. You need to perform 2-3 sets of 12-20 repetitions.

Before training, do not forget to warm up well. Perform rotational movements with your arms and legs. Do a few bends and squats. You can also walk on a treadmill or pedal an exercise bike.

And after completing the lesson, take a couple of minutes to cool down: restore your breathing and stretch your tired muscles. And one more important note! During the final sets of each exercise, use a weightlifting belt to help keep your waist trim.

At home

At home, you most likely don’t have any barbells on hand, much less a Smith machine. But you can always come up with a burden. It could be dumbbells.

The complex itself remains the same as in the gym. Moreover, if dumbbells or expanders alone are not enough, then you can combine them!

For example, in front squats, you take dumbbells in your hands, throw them over your shoulders and squat, but if the load is not enough, also take an expander in your hands. Secure its other end under your feet. But in the latter case, it is better to lower your hands with dumbbells down, since it will be quite difficult to hold them in a raised position.

Master each exercise for the same number of repetitions and sets (3-4 sets of 10-20 repetitions) and you are great! Now you can rest and recover.

But before you start training, be sure to watch the video!


In order to round your hips, you will have to work hard, as you need to gain some muscle mass. Fortunately, women's hips grow well from physical activity. For proportional body development, pay attention not only to the hips, but also to other muscle groups (upper body, hamstrings, buttocks and calves).

Train for the hip complex 1-2 times a week, with one day being heavy (doing 10-15 reps) and another day being light (doing 15-20 reps with a lighter weight). Leave a three-day recovery period in between. Set aside a separate day for cardio training.

That's all for me. Leave feedback on the article, subscribe to updates and share the article with friends on social networks. See you soon!

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Not all figures are naturally proportional and not always a woman is satisfied with her appearance. Narrow hips can be a real problem and cause for discouragement. Don't despair.

Knowing some tricks for choosing your wardrobe, you can hide flaws and highlight advantages, especially if you wear mostly trousers, jeans and wide pants.

Considering the type of figure, we can say that narrow hips most often harmonize with wide shoulders (a couple of centimeters wider than the pelvis) and a not too pronounced waist. That is, the waist and pelvis seem to merge into one line. The legs are long and model-like. This type of figure is not bad at all, but it often causes trouble for its owners.

Girls should follow two main recommendations from stylists:

  • make sure that the transition line from the waist to the hips is smoother;
  • even out the disproportion between the upper and lower parts.

The legs in your case are the main trump card, the part of the body that needs to be emphasized. The hips and buttocks will become visually wider if you highlight them with a color scheme (mostly light).

Trousers and jeans of all styles will suit you if the bottom of your wardrobe is lighter than the top:

  • Tops, blouses, blouses should be discreet, without additional accents, say, ruffles and flounces. Do not choose sweaters with too bright a print or in loud colors, as this will make your upper body appear larger;
  • When choosing trousers, be absolutely free in both style and colors. Wide jeans with studs can not only make your hips wider, but also give the desired appetizing look to your buttocks;
  • If you are not a tomboy and only wear jeans at home and out, hide problem areas You can also use skirts: balloon, tulip, sun. Multi-layered and bulky fabrics, draperies, frills, pockets, folds - all this will emphasize long and Beautiful legs. You can wear a tight dress, but be sure to have a tight belt at the waist;
  • Attributes are very important. High-heeled shoes and a large bag, the color of which is close to the main tone of the clothes, will add additional volume to you.

Acceptable and unacceptable clothing

For narrow-hipped young ladies, there are pros and cons in clothing. There are things that are nice to buy, and there are styles and cuts that you should forget about forever.

So, clothes that maximize your strengths:

  • Skirts made from elastic fabrics that tightly fit the buttocks, with large patterns that give the buttocks fullness;
  • A fitted dress with a full, draped or empire-style skirt. With a top devoid of unnecessary details;
  • Light tunics with flowing sleeves, tops and sundresses either with thin straps or without them at all;
  • Tights, leggings with an airy light top;
  • Trousers or jeans, flared from the hip, are worn with a formal shirt;
  • If the jeans are tight and hug the buttocks, then the top should cover the pelvis. A tunic, cardigan or long jacket will do.

Modern girls agree to various tricks and tricks just to look attractive. In order to visually enlarge the buttocks, push-up panties were invented. Such panties are worn under outerwear and they perform two functions at once: they add volume and insulate the pelvis during the cold season. The lining of the panties is made of natural materials, soft to the touch and pleasant to the body.

Now remember the unsuccessful combinations in clothes for narrow hips:

  • Any wide tops, blouses with long sleeve(all those clothes that can expand your shoulders);
  • Baggy voluminous jeans and trousers;
  • Skirts and dresses with low waist;
  • Very voluminous top: blouses, sweaters, shirts. For those who like to wear clothes a couple sizes larger, keep in mind that it removes a few centimeters from the hips;
  • Jackets with shoulders and flounced sleeves that widen the top.

The benefits of exercises for the buttocks

You can solve the problem by trying all sorts of tricks: wearing push-up pants, choosing special clothes, not going out, etc.

And you can add effective exercises for the buttocks to all of the above, increase their muscle mass and make them more elastic and appetizing to the eyes. The pelvic bones do not change or expand, but the muscles can be pumped up.

A special complex for the hips includes:

  • squats;
  • swing your legs;
  • running with high knees;
  • ballroom dancing: bachata, salsa, latina.

The main condition for performing the exercises is to work with full dedication, daily training and evenly distributed loads. For example, when doing squats, try to go as deep as possible. Do not use weights until your muscles adapt to normal loads. Gradually add weight: dumbbells, barbell rack. Take breaks between workouts, especially at first.

Perform leg swings, lying on your back or standing, up to 50 times in several approaches. Naturally, you should start with 15-20 until the muscles get stronger. The loads should be equal for both legs. You cannot make 10 swings with your right leg and 15 with your left leg. High-knee running can be combined with regular jogging in the morning.

Sign up for a dance class, or just turn on music at home and dance to your heart's content. Smooth hip movements, figure eights, the basic cha-cha-cha move - these are the simple elements that you can master on your own.