There are several ways to make hips wider. Increase parameters can be due to muscle tissue. You can do regular special exercises to increase the circle. In addition, the size increases before childbirth or using the operation. Visually to expand the lower part of the body using clothes.

Why is it good to have bulk hips?

Studies conducted by American scientists showed that girls with strong leg muscles in old age are less likely there are severe pains in the lower limbs. They have lower cholesterol. In addition, there is more intensive mining of hormones responsible for reducing blood sugar levels.

The risk of the pathology of the cardiovascular system is reduced. With regular training, the amount of adipose tissue decreases, the bloodstream is improved, the risk of cholesterol plaques becomes less.

The lower part of the body becomes stronger. Still rises: the girl with a rounded upper part of the lower extremities is capable of running longer, dancing, engage in game sports. In addition, during training the muscles of the lower extremities, a larger amount of calories are burned, fat, since these muscles are larger than all others.

Many people like their widespread hips and visually. Often, muscular legs are observed in girls with rounded buttocks: most of the techniques, how to pull the hips, contributes to the increase in the buttocks. Such a feature of appearance like a large number of men. Also on the owners of such a figure, clothes are well sitting.

Exercises for increasing the width of the thighs

To increase the slender hips slightly, it is required to regularly perform a special set of exercises. Trucks are used. It is necessary to do at least 2-3 times a week. More effect will achieve, if physical exertion will be more frequent: 3-4 times a week. It is not recommended to train every day: the muscles need rest for restoration and growth. You can engage in both the gym and at home. It is recommended to consult a coach for selecting a suitable complex.

Good helping squats. For more effect you can use weights, dumbbells. Starting with small scales, gradually increasing the load. Do 10-15 repetitions, then rest. It is allowed to make 2-3 approaches.

Fucks are useful: one leg should be bent in the knee, another - retain back. For each leg, 2-3 approaches of 15-20 repetitions should be made. Such an exercise is not the most effective to increase the volume, but helps to achieve a beautiful shape of the buttocks and the top of the legs.

To increase the muscles on the side surface of the thigh, you should make attacks to the sides. This exercise also contributes to improved stretching, flexibility.

Walking well on the buttocks. You should sit on the floor, pull out the lower limbs in front of it. Then move forward, leaning on the buttocks, and then rest 10-15 seconds and head in the opposite direction. This will help not only strengthen the muscles, but also get rid of cellulite.

The benefit will bring exercises from yoga. This oriental gymnastics strengthens the muscles, contributes to improving well-being. Utkatasana, Ushtrasan, Malasana, Navasana, Salabhasana are useful.

How to reduce thighs?

Sometimes to get slender hips, it is necessary to get rid of excess fat mass. To do this, you need to lose weight. It should be remembered that it is impossible to get rid of adipose tissue locally. Slimming requires reduced daily calorie content, create a calorie deficit. It is not necessary to reduce food intake by more than 200-250 kcal per day: too large deficit can cause stretch marks.

To reduce volumes, cardiotrans will be suitable. Effective running, swimming, cycling, dancing, mountain and cross-country skiing. Well help and long-term walks in the fresh air. To get slim hips, it is recommended to pass at least 10,000 steps (about 5 km).

Power Mode for Beautiful Hips

If you need to increase the hips circle, increase muscle mass, you need to create a calorie surplus. Increased daily caloric content follows 150-250 kcal per day.

It will take a large amount of protein. Its sources are meat, fish, eggs, dairy products. The benefits will also bring bean, soybean tofu cheese. The norm is calculated individually; It is necessary to take into account age, weight and physical activity.

Carbohydrates will be needed. It is recommended to give preference to the complex contained in porridge: buckwheat, oatmeal, barley. The benefit will bring vegetables, fruits: they not only supply the body with carbohydrates, but also are sources of vitamins, minerals.

In the diet should be useful fats. It is not necessary to refuse them at all: the metabolism will slow down, the quality of the skin will deteriorate, there will be a violation of the hormonal background. Recommended sources of fats are vegetable oils, nuts, avocados, fatty fish varieties.

Sweets should be excluded from the diet to completely or reduce their quantity. You can replace store options containing a large amount of sugar, fats and chemical additives, home. The composition of such sweets is more natural, the number of calories in them is often less.

Expand the hips will help eating products containing phytoestrogens. Under their impact, the hormonal background of women is changing. Increase however, there will be volumes of adipose tissue, because On the growth of musculatures such products will not affect.

It is important to observe the water balance. The use of sufficient water contributes to the elimination of edema, accelerates metabolism. A day should be drinking at least 1.5-2 liters of clean water. An effective way to make hips rounded is to refuse to contain caffeine drinks: they contribute to the fluid delay, prevent the ratification from cellulite. You can drink coffee in limited quantities without adding sugar or milk to it.

Few gentle sexes are satisfied with their hips. Causes can be directly opposite - someone's thighs seem too complete, someone thinks absolutely the opposite. This article is designed for those who concerned the question of how to increase the hips in order to make them more feminine. Among specialists, this issue is considered to be easy. In principle, there are two campaign to solve the problem - with clothes and with the help of exercise.

It is not difficult to guess that the first option decides not as much as to increase the volume of the hips, how much, how to show a large amount of hips. Performance this method is quite simple. It is necessary to just own some techniques for the selection and formation of wardrobe. Then it will already be necessary to think no about how to increase the hips, but over how to change the wardrobe.

We should not wear blouse or widespread jackets so that they do not "eat" the lower part of the figure on the contrast. For the same reason, flashlight sleeves should be avoided. Remember one thesis - light tones mimic additional volumes. Therefore, it is desirable to abandon the upper clothes of the bright tones, especially if it is spacious enough. In other words, the wardrobe must be chosen so that the bottom was the lighter top, it is better for several tones. Well suited for the same purposes bright colors in clothes or large patterns - geometric or floral.

It is necessary to strive to choose sweaters with a deep neckline and a bit shorten sleeve. A good choice will be narrow shirts or corsets. A wide torso helps to hide a blouse with an overwhelmed line of shoulder. Volumetric, but not a long dress-sweater will not show the narrow thighs, but divert attention to the dress, opening the shoulders, can significantly increase the torso visually - be careful with its choice.

Skirts-trapezoids with a high waist, emphasized by any belt - narrow or wide. But the belt should settle down on the waist, but not hips! It is advisable to put the detail attractive attention to the belt - buckle, bow. The skirt may be long, but it must be long and volumetory top. And finally, the tulip skirt is a great choice for figures with narrow hips.

Now a few words about the second method, how to increase the hips. Again there are several ways. The first is elegant, but requiring a lot of effort. It is all famous fitness. The second way is more pleasant, but insidious - it is necessary to simply use a lot of calorie food, including sweet and flour, which will lead to an increase in the mass of adipose tissue.

Selecting the first path, find a good instructor and tell him what you want to achieve. Most likely, he will advise special exercises to increase the thighs that will help develop only certain muscles without affecting other parts of the body. By the way, the increase in the hips by increment will still require some exercise so that the fat is postponed where it is expected.

Getting started with the exercise complex, remember that you need to train not only the object of adjustment, that is, hips. Single-sided training will lead to a one-sided result. The body should develop harmoniously, without preference to any parts. No less important point - workouts require a lot of energy, which means that the program of proper nutrition is needed.

It is also worth testing corrective underwear. It not only supports the muscles and makes them more elastic, but may contain special inserts to help emphasize the thighs. When the narrow waist is emphasized and your hips will look more voluminous on a general body background. You are presented by several options, how to increase the hips - with active impact on them or only visually. The choice is yours.

Big hips, like elastic and rounded buttocks, become undoubted advantages of every woman, which with such forms is a lounge piece for many men. But what is the most modest sizes and shapes of the hips from nature? Accept and develop other qualities? By all, the hips can be increased at home, and at the same time completely free. All that will be required for the growth of the thighs - patience and a certain amount of free time that you are willing to spend on regular workouts. So, what can be used by increasing exercises at home to achieve a greater increase in the hips in the width in a short time?

Be prepared for the fact that one desire and training at home will not be enough in order to achieve a noticeable result.

You will need to follow the following rules:

  • Perform all exercises with the right technique - in more detail about the performance of certain movements you can learn on the Internet, viewing video equipment.
  • You have chosen exercises that increase the narrow thighs hated by you, should be performed regularly - only the system approach can bring the expected result. Be patient!
  • Together with training, it is necessary to revise your power regimen - as the emphasis is on the increase in the muscles of the thighs, more animal proteins and complex carbohydrates should be added to the diet, cutting the number of fast carbohydrates and various fats.

Now that you know how to achieve the maximum effect from the exercise for the growth of the thighs, you can begin to disperse the training themselves that you should hold.

3 main exercises

The exercises listed below are basic and necessary - subject to the correct execution, they ways to have a slaughter effect on the muscles of the thighs, forcing them to increase them in size. Carefully rectify to the technique of performing movements in order not to get injured:

All specified exercises must be performed in several approaches, starting with the execution of three approaches of 8-10 repetitions. The weight of burdens should be selected in such a way that the latter (9-10) repetitions are given with great difficulty - the so-called "working weight". It is recommended to undergo a training program three times a week, arranging one day off between the adjacent days of the thigh muscles training.

If you have had painful sensations that do not pass even through several training days, it is recommended to reduce the load or at all for some time to abandon the exercises on the hips, so as not to bring to health irreparable damage.

In this case, it is important to exercise caution!

Alternative hips exercises

You can use many different exercises in order to increase the hips. If for any reason you are contraindicated with high weights, you can use other ways that can affect the growth of the thigh muscles:

  • Running with a high knee raising
    It is very simple and accessible to each exercise, in the process of executing which the muscles of the thighs get a high load needed for efficient growth. It's time to run enough for 5-10 minutes every day, so that after a few weeks to notice the first results. The main thing is not to throw.
  • Mahi feet
    Almost a similar run on the impact on the muscles, the exercise that is performed standing at the wall. It is necessary to resume firmly, after which it is to remove the right leg back, delay it in this position for 5-7 seconds. Next, the leg should be left forward, to hold again. The second leg is trained in a similar way. It is enough to perform for 20 moving each leg daily - it is not difficult.

Greetings to your blog! I want to touch on the current female question, and more specifically, this article will talk about how to make hips rounded, and with the help of what exercises you can bring yourself in shape to the beach season, because the hips roundness always attracted male views. In order for the girl to become more feminine, it is necessary to pay attention to force training with an emphasis on the lower body.

All girls seek to ideal parameters, but it is known that a thin waist is a genetic gift from the parents, and it is possible to make it thinner with the help of an operation to remove edges. But there is a more humane method, for example, when rounding, the hips and the beatties of the waist will look visually thinner.

Cute "ears" as the most problematic zone

Galife is a permanent supply of energy (or fat), which helps a woman to survive and take offspring in the harsh nature. But the living conditions have changed, and the genetics remained the same, so the "ears" on the hips is the most problematic zone for women, which will take the very last. In the fight against it will not help starvation, only training, proper nutrition and massage will make hips attractive. In one of the previous articles, I already told.

You can resort to radical surgical interventions, but halifa may return (I hope you love yourself and show this love in training and effort on yourself, and not leave the scars on your body).
So, girls, we remove sugar from your diet, 500 units from the daily rate, put on vegetables, make a massage and, most importantly, train without hacking!

We build a figure alone

This set of exercises does not require special equipment and is aimed at making hips more rounded.

Workout. In the warm-up to include common exercises for heating the entire body (slopes, circular movements with hands, legs, jumping and running on the spot).

1. Exercise "Spring"
Right position: Wide stand, hands in front of them.
Execution: On the exhalation, move the body weight on the left foot, without taking the sock of the right foot from the floor and make sure that the angle of the support leg is straight. Make a springty movement 4 times, on the breath back to the IP. Repeat all the same for the right leg.
The number of repetitions: 10 repetitions for each leg, 2 approaches.
This exercise can be modified, for example, spring bent feet at right angles (or smooth legs) alternately, standing on all fours, leaning on elbows.

2. Squat on one leg
Right position: legs on the width of the shoulders, hands forward.
Execution: Bend foot in the knee joint and raise up. On the exhalation, sit on one leg, to rise in breathe.
Number of repetitions: 5 quits on each leg, 2 approaches.

3. And trouble.
Hands on belt, legs together. On the exhalation, take a step with right foot and make a drop, observing the straight angle of the front leg. Measure in this position for 30 seconds. Slowly on the breath back to the IP and make a drop on the left foot.
Number of repetitions: 3 lungs per leg, 2 approaches.

3. semi-man with elongated hands
Right position: Hands on the hips, legs on the width of the shoulders.
Execution: Make a half-headed exhale, thighs must be perpendicular to the floor. Feel stretching in the spine, pull hands forward. In exhale, return to IP
Number of repetitions: 10 times, 2 approaches. You can also perform in a wide rack holding your hands face.

4. Zaminka. Static exercise lying on the side, on the exhale lift the leg, forming a straight angle between both legs. To be in this position 1 minute. Repeat position with the second leg.
Number of repetitions: 5 times per leg, 1 approach.

5. "Walking" sitting. Sit on the floor, legs are reduced, hands behind the head. Start moving forward using hip joints. "Passing" 1 meter Return to the former place not unfolding.
Number of repetitions: 4 times, 1 approach. Exercise helps pull back.

Performing such a set of exercises regularly (3 times a week) at home, one can become the owner of rounded hips.

Exercises for the gym

If you are engaged in the gym, or want to connect weights to achieve the goal, then you should include these exercises in your power training.

1. Wide squats with weight.
The legs are spread wide, socks are turned out to be 45 degrees, in the hands between the legs of the weight.
At the exhalation, sitting on 4 bills so deeply as possible without deteriorating the quality of the exercise. We perform 15 times 3 approaches.

2. Press hips. Sit on the bench or chair, to hold the butterfly simulator between the knees, the ball or other elastic object. Squeeze the subject to the voltage limit in the hips and buttocks. We make 3 approaches of 10 repetitions.

3. Mahi in the crossover. Foot fasten the simulator in the loop and set the working weight, keep the back smooth.
When performing a straight leg back and put to the support leg. 3 approaches of 15 repetitions.

To the muscles of the hips grow, and the fat left, you need to connect the correct diet with a sufficient amount of protein. It should be dairy products, fish, meat, eggs. We walk more on the stairs, ignore the elevator, drink at least 1.5 liters of pure water (coffee and tea, even green, not counting). I repeatedly pointed out in my articles.

As an additional way to fight. You can also resort to the services of a massage therapist (the result will be visible for several sessions, but it is quite expensive), or you can make self-massage with a coarse washcloth, brushes and cosmetic oil. Evening massage of heated skin "breaks" fat cells, improves blood circulation, lymph outflow and metabolism.

Observing such simple recommendations by implementing them in their habits and performing a set of exercises, you build a dream figure. Share the repoint with friends and boast your results and ask questions in the comments! See you later!

Good day dear readers of sports blog Sportivs, Alexander White with you. Spring is nearing and it means that light jackets and shorts will come to replace warm down jackets and pants. Many begins to disturb those forms that are hidden under the layer of warm clothing. As a rule, people who do not actively engage in life after winter are gaining extra kilograms and centimeters especially in the hips area. Therefore, we will talk today on how to reduce the hips in the amount and give them harmony.

Basic concepts

At the moment, the entire scope of the Internet is scored by various attractive advertisements, something type: "As I lost 5 kg for 9 days" or "Diet for weight loss, I took off 10kg in two weeks." Dear readers, know, all this is not true, a beautiful body requires regular loads, if fat deposits accumulated during many years, how can they leave for some week?

It is required to take patience, and give to understand yourself that this is a long and painstaking process. Many are wondering if it is possible to lose weight very quickly? Unfortunately, there is no answer, but if you adhere to the right diet and training programs, then for 3-4 weeks you will notice a completely good result, which will give the power to train on. Let's now consider the main reasons for the wide thighs.

Why increase hips?

The reason for increasing the hips is based on nature. Since the woman has to give birth to children, her figure initially has a predisposition to rounded forms and wide thras.

Against the background of stress, various hormones may be distinguished, which are responsible for many processes in the woman's body, in which they begin to postpone fat deposits in particular in the belly (sides) and hips.
You can also add a type of shape, and an important is a diet. Often the reason for the wide thighs lies in buns, sweet, pizza and friend Fast Fud.

Looking in the mirror, you see that your hips do not have an attractive look? Do not be sad, now I will share with an effective complex of exercises, which will help pull the buttocks and achieve a good result. After we consider the diet and recommendations.

Physical activity

At present, there is a huge amount of information that will allow you to throw off extra kilograms and lead yourself to the form. There are many training programs, both in the gym and at home.

Of course, there is a warm up before any training. I do not recommend training without conducting a preliminary workout. It will help you prevent damage, stretching.

First will be. Lying on the back, lift your feet from the floor and make imitation of the twigs of the pedals on a bike. You need to make several approaches.

The second requires special physical endurance. We need to make scissors. The original position as in the third, lying on the back it is necessary to raise the legs and perform the ripping feet of about 70 times. As you exercise, it is necessary to increase the number of repetitions.

The next exercise is performed lying on the stomach. The bottom line is to raise a variepete hand and foot at the same time.

Very good training for - standing straight, placing hands along the body should be lifted to the legs, more precisely, to make maha aside and inside. Make 25-30 repetitions.
In the same position, 20-25 repetitions of the rotational legs will also give their results.

Complex in the gym

1. Squakes with a barbell. The bar is located just below the neck - on the trapezoid muscles, the back is smooth, the legs are parallel to each other. It is necessary to nail to the point that the priest will become parallel to the floor - 90 degrees.

2. Flexing and extension of legs in the simulator. The first exercise will work the biceps of the hip, the second - quadriceps.

3. Drops. In each hand you need to take 4-8kg dumbbell and make attacks. You can in place, you can walk along the corridor or hall. When performing the attacks you need to make the knee a little touch.

To this everything will effectively add cardio loads. After each workout, jump on the rope, run on the treadmill or in the stadium, are engaged in orbitrekach and exercise bikes, and then, while complying with proper nutrition, you will achieve excellent results.

Also quite well proven to wrap a film of problem areas of the hips or hoists during training. Due to the place of wrapping, the sweating is intensified and exhausted water together with problematic centimeters.

Here you can order Film for wrapping .

By the way about the diet, let's look at what you can eat, and what is not recommended.


First of all, it is catertopitically not recommended to have confectionery products - buns, cakes, candy. In a word, exclude sweet and flour. Why? They are the main source of fast carbohydrates, which are shorter to negative fats in the shortest possible time.

Drink more water. Water accelerates metabolism, that is, improves metabolism. If you want to eat bread, then you can 1-2 pieces of black before training, or replace it with loaves. Basically make focus on animal and natural origin: chicken, eggs, cheese, cottage cheese, milk, buckwheat, oatmeal, rice, fish.

Apply. Drink relatively small portions 4-6 times a day. Thus, feeding fractionally, you accelerate your metabolism.

Take care of patience and start doing the most important thing to start. We looked at the basic concepts, talked because of what hips increase, how to deal with it, what exercises are effective, talked about diet, and products that are not recommended. Below I attached an informative video that will bring useful information for you. Engage in sports, lead a healthy lifestyle and will be in a good mood and in excellent shape. See you soon.