Just before the raid, Shorty was busy preparing for the filming of a biopic about himself. Here are five facts from the biography of the Mexican Moriarty that many readers will be interested in learning Faktrum.

Who is this anyway?

Guzman Loera, aka Shorty, was born on April 4, 1957, in La Tuna de Badiraguato, Sinaloa, Mexico. According to US authorities, Guzman is one of the largest drug traffickers in the world. His Sinaloa cartel is a powerful industrial enterprise that handles incredible quantities of illegal substances. There are Sinaloa chapters on every continent. Mexican authorities have offered a $3.8 million reward for his capture; The DEA, the US state department charged with fighting drugs, valued Guzman's head at $5 million.

Fishing with live bait

El Chapo always knew how to keep his love of fame in check - for long years he did not give a single interview, although there were plenty of opportunities. But Shorty couldn’t resist Sean Penn’s charm: an interview published on January 9 in Rolling Stone helped the police identify the drug lord’s hideout.

I'm just a farmer

Meanwhile, El Chapo himself has repeatedly assured the public that he is “just a marijuana farmer.” The words of this shirtless guy do not correlate at all with reality: Shorty personally killed more than two thousand people, and we refuse to count how many he sent to death - you won’t be able to stock up on any sleeping pills after such statistics.

“I supply more heroin, methamphetamine, marijuana and cocaine than anyone in the world. I have a whole fleet submarines, airplanes, ships and trucks"

Joaquin Guzman, just a farmer

A little glory

In 2009, Forbes included El Chapo in its list of the richest people on the planet: Shorty took 701st place - not too bad, considering his seven billion competitors. The Mexican authorities have simply gone crazy, accusing the magazine of indulging in the propagation of false values ​​- Forbes, they say, shows others how you can achieve success simply by selling drugs. The impudent Guzman did not fail to answer, saying that anyone who thinks it’s easy should try it himself.


Like another famous drug lord, Pablo Escobar, El Chapo sought to present himself to the public as a kind of kind uncle, always ready to support the local population. He built hospitals and schools, allocated money for the municipal needs of Medellin and looked like a real philanthropist - and who cares what this man, pleasant in all respects, sells there.

And here's how it went last operation to capture El Chapo - a true Mexican series of the new generation.

Top Mexican drug lord Joaquin Guzman Loera, nicknamed "El Chapo" (Shorty), has threatened to crack down on ISIS.

ISIS terrorists have clashed with the mafia again. Let us recall that during the terrorist attacks in Paris, terrorists ran into Colombian mafiosi who were on the international wanted list in one of the cafes.

And now terrorists have destroyed a large shipment of goods in the Middle East belonging to Mexican drug cartel "Sinaloa".

The leader of the drug cartel, the famous Mexican drug lord Joaquin Guzman Loera, nicknamed "El Chapo" (Shorty) now threatens terrorists" Islamic State"retribution.

This was reported by the Cartel Blog portal.

According to the publication, the head of the Sinaloa cartel was furious after learning about the destruction of a drug shipment belonging to the Mexican community by ISIS. Shorty recorded a message to ISIS terrorists and called such a move a serious mistake to interfere in the business of the Sinaloa cartel.

In addition, the drug lord's message states that his people will "require" the terrorists if they "continue to touch his business."

According to the portal, in last years major cartels from Latin America started doing business in the Middle East.

Joaquin Guzman "Shorty" Loera

Joaquin Archivaldo Guzman Loera, known as "El Chapo" ("El Chapo" - Shorty) (Spanish: Joaquín Archivaldo Guzmán Loera). Born December 25, 1954 or April 4, 1957 in La Tuna, Badiraguato, Sinaloa, Mexico. Mexican drug lord, head of the Sinaloa drug cartel.

From 2009 to 2011, Guzmán was ranked 41st, 55th and 60th, respectively, on Forbes magazine's list of the most powerful people in the world, making him the second most powerful person in Mexico after Carlos Slim.

After the death of Osama bin Laden, Guzman became the world's most wanted criminal.

In 2011 Forbes version Joaquin took first place on the list of the world's most wanted criminals.

Guzman Loera was the leader of the largest drug cartel in Sinaloa.

US authorities have announced a $5 million reward for the capture of Guzman Loera. This is one of the largest awards in history international struggle with the drug mafia. Joaquin began his drug trafficking career as a student of the famous Miguel Angel Felix Gallardo.

In 2011, Guzman was also included in the list of the richest people in the world according to Forbes at number 1,140. The magazine estimated the drug lord's fortune at $1 billion. Forbes called Joaquín Guzmán Loera “the largest drug trafficker in history,” and the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) believes that Guzmán surpassed Pablo Escobar in terms of influence and wealth.

We add that Joaquin Guzman Loera escaped from the Altiplano prison in Mexico underground tunnel 1.5 kilometers long on the night of July 12, 2015. Since then he has been wanted. During the police operation to capture him, Shorty received injuries to his leg and face, but managed to escape.


Like many of his compatriots, Joaquín Guzmán was born in a poor but large family, in a rural community near the town of La Tuna, in the state of Sinaloa. His father was a farmer who raised livestock and is said to have become a "gomero" (the name given to farmers who grew poppy and marijuana along the way). Guzman studied little because the school was too far from home. He received his education thanks to itinerant teachers who taught rural children to read and write. Like many children, he began working for his family very early. At the age of nine, Joaquin began helping his father sell oranges. It brought in little money, and besides, the father drank the last of it, taking it out on his children for life’s failures. By the age of fifteen, Joaquin was tired of selling fruit, and he took up his father’s second business. With their cousins young Guzman organized his own marijuana plantation, and supported his family with money from its sales.

Coat of arms of the state of Sinaloa. It is located in the northwestern part of Mexico,population is approaching three million

Soon the father kicked the guy out of the house, and Joaquin went to look for his place in Mexico. By the age of twenty, young Guzman managed to join the gang of Hector Salazar, and then the large Guadalajara drug cartel under the leadership of the drug fighter Felix Gallardo, known throughout Mexico. In his new place, Joaquin established himself as an ambitious, pedantic and endlessly cruel businessman. Seeing potential in the guy, Gallardo appointed him chief of logistics, where Guzman also succeeded. He thought through all operations to the smallest detail, and calmly dealt with those who did not follow the instructions responsibly enough. It was during those years that Joaquin Guzman, thanks to short stature acquired the nickname “El Chapo”, which meant “shorty”.

In a jar with spiders

Drug crime in Mexico was rampant and the cartels were getting richer. Soon the government took decisive action to combat this threat: many cartels were liquidated and their leaders were put behind bars. The Guadalajara cartel was no exception. In 1989, Miguel Angel Felix Gallardo was arrested. The cartel began to disintegrate into smaller groups, one of these fragments being the Sinaloa cartel led by Guzman.

The Mexican Mafia began in the 50sXXcentury

Things immediately went hard for the newly minted drug lord. His first competitors were his own former accomplices. The war between the cartels began almost instantly. Drug lords, like generals, led entire platoons of thugs in the hope of being the first to destroy their opponents. So, in November 1992, El Chapo sent 40 of his fighters to a Tijuana cartel party in Puerto Vallar, and nine people died in a shootout. The response was not long in coming: the car with Guzman was shot with an AK-47, El Chapo miraculously was not injured. Explosions and shootings swept 9 Mexican states. The confrontation ended very unexpectedly. Guzman, guided by a sense of self-preservation, decided to take refuge in Guatemala. Upon learning of this, Tijuana cartel killers set out to strike the final blow and tracked down El Chapo as he was about to take off from Tijuana airport. However, Guzman was lucky again: the killers confused Guzman's car and mistakenly shot the car of the cardinal and Archbishop Galajara. Six people in that car died in the crossfire, and Guzman was a witness to it all. However, El Chapo did not rejoice for long, because the government, enraged by such terrorism, began a hunt for all cartels involved in this war. Guzman was arrested in Guatemala on June 9, 1993.

Despite the fact that El Chapo was placed in a maximum security prison, this apparently did not stop him from managing his affairs and expanding the cartel. With the collapse of the Colombian Medellin and Cali cartels, Mexican drug criminals were on the rise. Very soon, the Sinaloa cartel became responsible for a quarter of all cocaine supplied to the United States.

A new dawn

While in prison, Joaquin Guzman watched the world of crime around him change. The Sinaloa Cartel gradually grew under the supervision of viceroys who received instructions from El Chapo. Having realized by the eighth year of imprisonment that he had been sitting on the bunk too long, Guzman bribed the prison guards and escaped on January 19, 2001, hiding in a laundry basket.

Joaquin Guzman in prison

This was not the same Joaquin Guzman who went to prison in 1993. Now he was a highly respected drug lord with a large cartel at his disposal and even greater ambitions. Under the direct leadership of El Chapo, Sinaloa became the largest cartel in Mexico, starting to earn billions of dollars a year, and Guzman himself became one of the most influential people in Mexico, being included in the Forbes list richest people world number 1140.

However, El Chapo did not stop there. Now he planned to fulfill his long-time dream: to take control of Ciudad Juarez, a city that is the most important transit point for the drug trade between Mexico and the United States. The only problem was that the territory belonged to the Juarez cartel, a longtime rival of Sinaloa. The war between these two cartels, which broke out in 2004, escalated into an all-out confrontation by 2006, known as the “Mexican Cartel War.” All Mexican cartels and most criminal organizations in Latin America joined this war. The war has already claimed more than 50 thousand lives and there is still no end in sight.

Mexican Marines during an operation against a drug cartel

From the very moment of his escape, the government made attempts to catch Guzman, and only by February 2014 their attempts were crowned with success. El Chapo was arrested at a hotel opposite the sea in the Sinaloa city of Mazatlan. The capture of Guzman caused a wide resonance in society, successful operation was presented as a major contribution to the fight against organized crime in Mexico.

300 days to escape

While politicians around the world congratulated current president Mexico's Enrique Peña Nietu with the capture of criminal No. 1, Guzman was preparing an escape plan. This time it didn't take him 8 years to escape. And already on July 11, 2015, the drug lord disappeared from his cell without a trace.

Joaquin Guzman escaped from prison using a motorcycle

After examining the prison, police discovered a one and a half kilometer long tunnel leading from the toilet in Guzman's cell far beyond the prison complex. This passage was equipped with consecration, a ventilation system, as well as rails with a trolley. According to experts, the entire operation to prepare the escape took about three hundred days and 50 million dollars, which was spent mainly on bribing prison workers.

There could hardly have been an event that would have more clearly demonstrated the helplessness of the Mexican state structure in the face of drug trafficking than the escape from the most secure prison of its most protected prisoner. And skepticism towards law enforcement agencies Mexico grows stronger every day as the "short one" walks across Mexican soil, casting his shadow over the entire Western Hemisphere.

The war with the drug lords is still going on, we know little except that there, and we are talking primarily about South America, there is something like a small war going on. We all remember such a character as Pablo Escobar. This man, from a simple thief of luxury cars, in just ten years turned into one of the richest people on the planet, if not the richest. He personally owned thousands of cars, no less than planes and boats, a personal safari park, a harem of more than four hundred concubines, his own army and thousands of houses, not to mention land. The scale is simply amazing. With his death, and he was still liquidated, little has changed. Probably the most important change concerned the openness of the drug business; the leaders began to behave much more modestly, trying not to attract attention to themselves.

In this article we will talk about the once most wanted man on the planet, every cop in the South knows his name, and in North America, this is understandable, because Joaquin Guzman Loera is very for a long time fooled me around my finger special services dozens of countries and who knows, if not for his miscalculation, then maybe he would be free now. By the way, in given time This drug lord is serving his sentence in prison. He was caught in 2014, in the city of Masatalan. It is clear that it was not the Mexicans who caught the matter, or rather, not only them, but their North American colleagues helped them.

Joaquin Guzman's parents were simple peasants. He dropped out of school in the third grade, by the way, in order to help his relatives grow opium poppies and hemp. And what’s interesting is that despite this, this man first became one of the assistants of Miguel Gallardo, the founder of the Guadelajara drug cartel, and then founded his own cartel, which the whole world knows about. Even according to the most conservative estimates, the Sinaloa cartel transported more than 200 tons of cocaine to the United States.

The biography of Joaquín Archivaldo Guzmán Loera is, without exaggeration, incredible. Having become one of the most influential people in South America, he escaped from an American prison and even now, while in prison, he runs a well-functioning system for supplying drugs to the USA and other countries of the world. By the way, about escaping. In early 2001, a guard at Mexico's most crime-free prison suddenly discovered that Guzman, who at the time was serving a sentence for organizing a criminal group, had disappeared.

Detectives concluded that the drug lord was taken out of prison in a laundry cart. But this is not the most interesting thing. The investigation came to the conclusion that not only ordinary prison staff and prisoners helped him escape, but also the head of the correctional facility himself. Seventy-one prison officers were involved in Guzman's escape. In fact, it is unclear why El Chapo, who was serving a twenty-year sentence, even needed to climb into a cart with dirty laundry, because he could easily get out through main entrance, no one would have stopped him anyway.

Money is everything. Guzman bought literally everyone and everything. Even while in prison, he lived like a baron. It’s hard to believe, but he was right in jail; by the way, in the strictest prison in Mexico, he threw real parties with lobsters, expensive wine and many guests. In prison, he lived happily ever after; in fact, he didn’t have to run away anywhere; he would probably still be sitting there if it weren’t for the United States, whose authorities began the process of handing over the criminal to their justice. This forced El Chapo to escape.

We must understand that drug lords feel quite at ease in South America, they buy literally everyone, and therefore can do whatever they want. Everyone knows who they are and what they do, but they can’t do anything, especially when it comes to local authorities. As for Joaquin Loera specifically, the secret of his success is built on several pillars and this is not only corruption. El Chapo is a very, very good organizer, largely thanks to this he was able to build an entire empire. In prison they spoke of him as a meticulous, principled, aggressive and tough person. It was Guzman who became the first to massively use underground tunnels as a route for delivering drugs to the United States.

Of course, El Chapo owes a lot to his associates. The first tunnel, for example, was designed by the architect Corona, who also built underground vaults for the drug mafia, in which they could hide their money, as well as drugs and weapons. Tunnel shipments significantly increased the supply of drugs to the United States and, as a result, significantly improved the affairs of the drug cartels and in particular the Sinaloa drug cartel. It should be noted that many of these tunnels are very well made engineering structures, with rails, ventilation systems, electricity, security systems and even a drainage system.

El Chapo's secretiveness was legendary. He lived somewhere in the forest or in the mountains. At first, it was guarded on a permanent basis by about three hundred heavily armed soldiers. Interestingly, the authorities knew where the most wanted person on the planet was, but did not make any attempts to get him, the risk of large casualties was too great, and, most likely, it would not have been possible to catch him.

He was married four times. His last wife was a young beauty contest winner, she was 18 at the time; by the way, the girl was the daughter of another drug lord. After marrying her, Joaquin began to go out into the city from time to time, dine in restaurants and go to the movies. It is noteworthy that before coming to the restaurant, Guzman sent his people to it, they politely took from all visitors Cell phones, after which El Chapo appeared. Well, when he left, the phones were returned to their owners. And yet, he paid the bills of all visitors and they say that he even apologized to them.

The security system in the Sinaloa cartel was very poor. high level, but despite this, El Chapo was caught. As we already mentioned, this happened in 2014. The drug police, realizing that it would be very difficult to identify the leader, decided to “hit” the ordinary members of the cartel. And so it happened, two of Guzman’s subordinates caught by the police knew him, as they say, inside and out. According to authorities, the operation to detain the criminal lasted three minutes.

Joaquin Loera was sent to the Altiplano maximum security prison, located near Mexico City. At the same time, one cannot help but notice that the capture of the most wanted criminal on the planet yielded practically nothing; the drug cartel works well without him.

How furious do photos flashing in Instagram feeds cause among Instagram users? successful people literally basking in luxury. And if this is the wife of a Mexican drug lord, glamorous with “blood-stained” money, the reaction only intensifies. This is exactly what happened the other day when Emma Coronel Aispuro shared another photo in a stylish outfit and with a Prada handbag in her hands.

About the life of the wife of one of the most famous drug lords in the world, her entertainment and hobbies, read our review.

Emma Coronel Aispuro was once a beauty queen, but that was not what brought the girl worldwide fame. Real glory came to her after her marriage to an influential Mexican drug lord Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman.

The head of the cartel, nicknamed “Shorty,” was considered one of the most elusive criminals in the world until he went to jail in 2017. Guzman is currently in prison under enhanced security and is awaiting sentencing. But the sad fate of her husband, apparently, does not bother Coronel too much - the woman regularly shares pictures on social networks luxurious life, which seriously angers his many subscribers.

Over the past few months, the ex-beauty queen has posted photos in a bikini on the beach, boasted of her daughters' designer handbags and a video from a fabulous holiday in honor of their birthday.

Emma's subscribers express outrage at the girl's behavior. In their opinion, the wife of a man who made his fortune through crimes should behave more modestly.

Subscribers were especially outraged by photos from children's party in the style of Barbie, which was, to put it mildly, pompous.

Coronel spared no expense for her daughters' party, so she ordered a lot of decorations, entertainment areas, balloons and a luxurious three-tier cake.

Let us note that the drug lord himself was absent from his daughters’ celebration, as he is currently in prison. Last January, the world's most wanted drug lord was extradited from Mexico to New York. El Chapo is accused of 17 major crimes.

Recall that El Chapo is the head of the largest drug cartel in Mexico - Sinaloa. “Shorty” became widely known after he managed to escape from the Altiplano prison. This happened in July 2015, a year after his imprisonment. Then a 1.5-kilometer-long tunnel was dug at a ten-meter depth for the drug lord.

However, Guzman made his first escape back in 2001. Having enlisted the help of accomplices, the man bribed the guards and penetrated the prison fence, hiding in a truck with laundry.

Emma Coronel and her daughters leave Brooklyn federal court after El Chapo's hearing.

Emma and Joaquin Guzman have been married since 2007. They have two children - twin girls. The woman herself and her daughters have American citizenship, but live in the drug lord’s homeland, in the Mexican state of Sinaloa.