In 2006, actor Alexander Abdulov officially married for the second time. His chosen one turned out to be 31-year-old Yulia Meshina. The artist believed that even after fifty years he was able to find the woman with whom he was ready to live the rest of his life. And so it happened. But, unfortunately, Alexander Gavrilovich left too early - two years after the wedding and nine months after the birth of his daughter Evgenia.

Zhenya, of course, barely remembers his dad. She retained only vague memories of her father's shirt in which he nursed her. In March the girl turned eleven years old. IN early childhood She was an exact copy moms. Now the girl is becoming more and more like Alexander Gavrilovich every year.

Zhenya studies in an ordinary Moscow school. Loves drawing and football. A few years ago, Abdulova started her own channel on YouTube. The young blogger has more than a thousand subscribers. For a long time Zhenya was not a public child. But gradually Abdulova begins to join show business.

In 2018, the feature film “Love and Sax” directed by Alla Surikova was released. Evgeniya played one of the main roles in it. This was her film debut. Alla Ilyinichna spoke positively about the game of Abdulov’s daughter. The director believes that Zhenya inherited her father’s acting talent.

On May 29, 2018, the girl performed at a concert dedicated to her father’s 65th birthday. On the stage of Alexander Gavrilovich’s native Lenkom Theater, Zhenya sang the princess’s song from the cartoon “The Bremen Town Musicians”, as well as the song “Hallelujah of Love!”, which was performed in the play “Juno and Avos”.

The eight-year-old daughter of the late actor followed in his footsteps

The “Vikiland” family club hosted a presentation of the video of the young singer Nastya GODUNOVA for the song “Mom’s Eyes.” The main roles were played by actress and model Irina DMITRAKOVA and Alexandra ABDULOV's eight-year-old daughter Zhenya.

Unfortunately, Yulia Abdulova, Zhenya’s mother, was unable to attend the presentation - she was struck down by the flu virus. But I sent the girl (she will turn nine on March 21) to the celebration. Moreover, “Aunt Ira” volunteered to take care of her. Dmitrakova.

“I’ve known Zhenya since the time when she was sitting in her mother’s tummy,” Irina smiles. - Us Sasha Abdulov introduced Yulia during one of the first Spirit of Fire festivals in Khanty-Mansiysk. Then, from Alexander’s look, I immediately realized that everything was serious with them.

Irina herself has been close friends with Abdulov since 1998. Once, she does not hide, there was even a moment when the actor suggested:

Dmitrakova, maybe you and I should get married? There will be a beautiful couple!

Irina laughed it off then, and later married her son famous artist Alexandra Rapoporta Kirill and moved to New York. And by the way, she named their son Sasha.

When Alexander Gavrilovich died, Dmitrakova supported Yulia and little Zhenechka as best she could.

Zhenya plays my daughter in the video,” says Irina. - I invited her to film. And she was not mistaken, she is so artistic and talented. Yes, now you can see for yourself.

It really is a pleasure to talk with Zhenya. She is naturalness itself.

What did I like most about filming? - the girl asked. - Roll around in the snow!

- Zhenya, how are you studying?

For fives and fours. I can show you the electronic diary.

- I take your word for it. Who do you want to become?

Director. Mom says that on our father’s side we are all directors and actors, and on our mother’s side - Heroes Soviet Union. I decided to follow my father’s example: I already make cartoons myself using special program in phone. And then I upload everything to the Internet. I have my own YouTube channel there.

-What are your other favorite activities?

I'm learning to play the synthesizer. Mom wants me to learn the melody from the movie “Winter Cherry.” I mastered it with my left hand, but not quite yet with my right. So far I'm good at tunes from Pirates Caribbean Sea" and "The Phantom of the Opera". But I gave up going to the theater studio - the class schedule there is inconvenient: on weekends, when my mother and I like to bask and laze around. In the summer I go to camp. Mom says to me: “What are you doing with your Moscow region? I would go, for example, to Montenegro, see the world.” But I don’t want to, because in the Moscow region most boys fall in love with me. There is also a karting track, a disco, a canteen, the buildings are normal, the counselors are good. And lots of places to hide!

- What does mom do?

Astrology. When I read horoscopes somewhere, she always tells me: “I’d better tell you everything myself.”

10 years ago, in January 2008, Alexander Abdulov passed away. The life of the legendary actor was taken by lung cancer; at that time he was 54 years old. He would have turned 65 on May 29.

Shortly before Abdulov's death, his second official wife, Yulia, gave birth to a daughter, Evgenia. The actor’s friend Vladimir Cherepanov told Komsomolskaya Pravda journalists about the 11-year-old girl.

She lives with her mother in an apartment in Moscow, and during the holidays she will go to the dacha. Many note the similarity between Abdulov and his daughter, but the actor’s friend is sure that Evgenia is very similar to Alexander’s mother: “From the very birth of Zhenya, everyone, including Sasha, noted that she had an oval face like Lyudmila Alexandrovna.”


Vladimir also spoke about the girl’s acting experience. “Mark Anatolyevich Zakharov invited her to our theater for a small role. She was prepared for this appearance, she rehearsed, and then said, “I don’t want to, I don’t like all this.” She never went on stage. Sasha's character! She was always the most important at children's parties, she built everyone up and commanded. As long as her interests are all related to school, she studies well,” the man shared.

Let us remember that in 2016 it became known that Zhenya was acting in films. She played a role in the film “Love and Sax” with Maxim Averin. Recently, Evgenia Abdulova’s business card appeared on the Internet. The girl auditioned for the central film school DETIKINO.

Now the widow Yulia Abdulova is 43 years old. She is not married and is raising her daughter alone. The widow is reluctant to communicate with the press. In February, she reservedly commented on rumors about illegitimate daughter Abdulova. Journalist Larisa Steinman said that she met with the actor when he was still married to Irina Alferova, and gave birth to a girl from him. Paternity, however, was not confirmed. “How do I react to such conversations? No way. All women give birth to someone,” said Yulia.

The article was written by Olga Snegireva.

The great Alexander Gavriilovich Abdulov, a favorite of women, a true intellectual, a versatile actor and an incredibly interesting person...

Born in 1953 in Tobolsk Tyumen region, where the theater family moved from Fergana. Father - Abdulov Gabriel Danilovich - director and director of the local Russian theater.

Mother - Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Krainova - make-up artist and costume designer. A few years after the birth of little Sasha, the third child in the family, they moved again to Fergana. Two older brothers: half-brother Robert Krainov, born to Lyudmila in her first marriage, and his own, Vladimir Abdulov, who was robbed and killed in 1980 (at 33 years old). And another brother - Yuri Abdulov, from his father’s first marriage.

Since his father’s profession is a director, Alexander has been associated with the theater since childhood, and already appeared on stage at the age of five. But oddly enough, the theater did not attract him; on the contrary, he was drawn more to sports, and it was not for nothing that he became a candidate for master of sports in fencing.

Another hobby is music, playing the guitar. Yes, the yard boys and girls were delighted with him! Not only did he play, but he also cut guitars himself according to his own sketches. Self-taught, talented, jack of all trades.

I did poorly at school and only liked physical education. I didn’t intend to connect my life with the theater, but, at the insistence of my father, I still went to Moscow. An attempt to enter drama school was unsuccessful. Why hang around in the capital then? In general, it’s better to choose the specialty that you are passionate about, and here’s a successful admission to the Fergana Pedagogical Institute in the physical education department. But the theater attracts like a magnet, especially if it comes from childhood, and Alexander Abdulov begins to earn extra money as a stagehand.

A year has passed, and talent, if it is given to a person, cannot hide and hide for a long time, it must break free, and in the end be rewarded, and so it happened: Alexander again goes to Moscow and enters GITIS. But I have to combine my studies with work, since there is a catastrophic lack of money. Therefore, at night, young Sasha had to be a loader, and during the day, a participant in crowd scenes in films. In 1973, student Abdulov played in his first film “About Masha, about Vitya and about marines"- the role is episodic, but his joy knows no bounds, the beginning has been made... Several years have passed - and now the main role in the movie "Prison Break". But there were moments during his studies that were not very joyful, because student Abdulov was more than once tried to be expelled from GITIS for his unworthy behavior. He played pranks like an adult, without thinking what these pranks could lead to.

But Alexander was lucky, and what also saved him was his natural charm. Alexander Abdulov’s main theater was Lenkom, where he, still a fourth-year student, was invited by artistic director Mark Zakharov, and his first role in the play “Not on the Lists.” Even then, the director saw in this young man something that is not given to everyone - true talent, creativity, a gift from God. Both Lenkom and Mark Zakharov became for Alexander Abdulov the guiding star that later guided him through his creativity, revealing new and new facets acting skills. Although in the theater, as well as during his studies, the actor was repeatedly noticed in various violations, and they even wanted to fire him more than once, because he either did not come to rehearsals at all, or was quite late.

And one day, when another attempt dismissals, an old-timer at Lenkom, actress Tatyana Peltzer, stood up for Alexander Abdulov, because, according to her ideas, how could one be kicked out of someone who, to some extent, held the entire repertoire. Is it the viewer's fault? That’s why I have served for many years in my favorite theater, and always played only the main roles.

In Lenkom Abdulov met his first wife, actress Irina Alferova, although before that he had lived in Lenkom for several years. civil marriage with ballerina Tatyana Leibel. And his very first love happened back in school years at the age of fourteen. The girl’s name was Natalya Nesmeyanova, the relationship was quite serious and, having entered GITIS and moved to Moscow, Alexander even invited her to come with him, but the girl refused, and the future actor was very worried about this. There was also Tatyana, a medical university student, but one day Alexander caught her with someone else, and this was a reason to run away.

And Abdulov and Alferova played not only on one theater stage, but also in cinema. They were considered one of the most beautiful cinematic couples in the Soviet Union.

At the time of their acquaintance, Irina had a two-year-old daughter, Ksenia, from her marriage to Bulgarian Boyko Goyurov. And Alexander acted nobly, he adopted the girl and gave her his last name.

They lived side by side for a quarter of a century, but in the end their marriage broke up, Alferova and Abdulov repeated the fate of their screen characters from the film “Don’t Part With Your Loved Ones.” It was probably too difficult for Irina to share her husband with everyone, but everyone really needed him. After a difficult breakup, some time later, the actor met the ballerina Galina Lobanova and lived with her in a civil marriage for eight years and broke up because the girl put too much pressure on Alexander Abdulov, she wanted to become his legal wife, but the actor did not strive for this. The womanizer's next passion was journalist Larisa Steinman, but their romance quickly ended, and the reason was her banal jealousy of all female representatives.

Abdulov’s last wife was Yulia Meshina, a lawyer by training. They met at one of the Moscow parties, and, by the way, at that time Yulia was married not to some unknown Vasya, but to the son of the director of the ITAR-TASS news agency. Julia's divorce was just around the corner, and then - a wedding with her new chosen one - actor Abdulov.

Their age difference, of course, is impressive - 22 years, but at 53, Alexander Gavriilovich felt young, and this state of mind was given to him by his daughter Zhenya, who was finally born.

I remember Alexander Abdulov for his wonderful roles in the films “Sorcerers”, “Ten Little Indians”, “In Search of Captain Grant”, “Formula of Love”, “Kill the Dragon”, “The Most Charming and Attractive”, “Don’t Part with Your Loved Ones”, and The actor starred in more than a hundred films.

And, of course, " An ordinary miracle", this fairy tale is known and loved by many; it was she who brought Alexander Abdulov national fame and admiration. The actor's roles were completely different. This was his talent - in versatility, in the ability to play characters completely different from each other, to appear before the audience as both a positive hero and a negative one, and a reverent romantic, and a calculating scoundrel.

In the early 80s of the 20th century, no director wanted to get talented actor into your picture! And he himself also grabbed roles, did not take care of himself, worked like a clock.

In terms of luck, Abdulov was incredibly lucky. He played cards for money in a casino. Tempting fate. It was inexhaustible excitement, it’s like a stage, you get so carried away that you don’t know how to stop, you get carried away at turns, you are involved in the process with your head. Did you want to stop? No. He needed it. This is movement, this is passion, this is getting rid of the fatigue that has accumulated after work. Been to all of them hot places around the world: been to Monte Carlo, Las Vegas, Barcelona, ​​Atlantic City. When I became interested in poker, within a year I became a professional, entered the Moscow Sports Poker Federation, and later became honorary president. A year before the tragedy that happened to the actor, he starred in the film “From Nowhere with Love, or Merry Funeral,” where main character- a terminally ill person. The role turned out to be prophetic, although, of course, it was a mere coincidence. It happens - it seems that life has just come to an end. new round, appeared new family, But terrible diagnosis- Stage 4 lung cancer, for which neither treatment nor surgery can help, was able to erase everything.

Alexander Abdulov had a hard time leaving. He was in excruciating pain recent months life, strength were rapidly leaving him... At that time, he felt especially acutely what a family is for him, what happiness is, and how much he still wants to do: love his wife Julia, take care of his little daughter Zhenechka, see her first steps, hear her first words, watch her grow up; finish filming his film “Engineer Garin’s Hyperboloid”, continue working in the theater, see my mother healthy, go through life with devoted friends...

The birth of his daughter Evgenia became an event of universal scale for Alexander Abdulov, because it was his first desired, and most importantly, planned child. Although he loved Ksenia Alferova and considered her a daughter, she was still not his own. Although, years after Abdulov’s death, his friend Georgy Martirosyan told the public that in fact their favorite artist had a son. The boy was born to a certain nurse Tatyana, with whom the artist met for a short time. The son was not recognized by Abdulov, he was born in the late 70s, but still keeps a low profile and has no plans to go on a talk show yet.

Death brought its own adjustments to the actor’s life; Alexander Gavriilovich Abdulov died without regaining consciousness. Although all the people who were not indifferent to his fate believed in a favorable outcome until the very end, a miracle did not happen for the 54-year-old actor.

His wife Yulia had a hard time with the death of her beloved husband, she even tried to drown her pain in alcohol, but her friends helped her cope, because she needed to live on and raise the daughter that Alexander Abdulov so wanted, and fate gave him the happiness of becoming a father.

Artistic director of Lenkom Mark Zakharov called Alexander Abdulov “the sun of our theater,” and he was the sun, and remained, and continues to shine with his talent, delight with his creativity! Every film starring people's artist Alexander Gavriilovich Abdulov, revised a hundred times - this is the continuation of his life...

Evgenia Abdulova is growing up to be a very beautiful girl.

In this photo, Irina Alferova with her new husband, actor Sergei Martynov.

In the photo, Alexander Abdulov with his daughter Ksenia.

Left baby photo Alexandra Abdulova.

Once upon a time Alexandra Abdulova and Irina Alferova considered the most beautiful film couple in the Soviet Union. They were married for seventeen years and raised their daughter Ksenia together. Their family seemed ideal to the Soviet audience.

Even the spouses separated not the way it usually happens, without any scandals and noisy showdowns. 13 years after the couple’s separation, before filming the series “Trap,” the director hesitated for a long time whether to invite Abdulov and Alferova to play the roles of lovers. However, the actors were only happy about the opportunity to be together again.

The actor raised little Ksyusha as his own daughter. Everyone knew that the girl’s natural father was not Alexander Gavriilovich, but they tried not to touch on the topic of paternity even in the family. People understood that Abdulov was interested in such conversations. highest degree unpleasant.

In fact, the girl was the daughter of the Bulgarian diplomat Boyko Gyurov. Ksenia Alferova met him only many years later, when she herself was already an accomplished actress and TV presenter.

The meeting went well, but there was no particular friendship between father and daughter. In fact, Boyko and Ksenia were almost strangers to each other.

But Alexander in adopted daughter he doted on his soul, and the girl, for her part, responded to him with sincere love. Even now, many years after the man’s death, Ksenia celebrates her father’s birthday every year. In addition, she always remembers Abdulov on January 3, the day the legendary actor passed away.

More recently, for example, the daughter of Alexander Gavriilovich shared with fans a previously unpublished photo from family archives. In the photo, a very small Ksyusha sits on Abdulov’s lap while visiting the circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard in Moscow.

The actress captioned the photo: “ Thank you, dad, for your unconditional love! “Alferova also remembered how Alexander Gavriilovich affectionately called her the Beast. " Dad looked at me with such love, such pride and admiration that I understood, knew that I was the most beautiful, wonderful and beloved Monster in the world!!!»

Abdulov’s daughter sincerely admitted to subscribers: even today it’s hard for her without her father. Coming to terms with leaving loving dad It didn’t work out for Ksenia. The loss is still perceived very painfully by the woman.

As you know, Abdulov, in addition to Alferova, also has his own daughter. Journalists once suggested that an 11-year-old girl may not know about Ksenia’s existence. However, the actress clarified the situation, answering that they know little Evgenia, but do not communicate.

According to the memoirs of friends and relatives, Alexander Gavriilovich was an incredibly kind and bright person. The video below is a great opportunity to remember Abdulov on the screen and feel some light nostalgia.

And here is how the life of Irina Alferova, an actress, in whose place many women of the USSR once dreamed of being, turned out. Ex-wife Abdulova still often remembers her husband...