Telephone conversations
because they are so relaxed and friendly,
that the interlocutors do not see each other.
/ Leopold Nowak /

“- Hello, where did I end up?

We talk a lot on the phone. It does not matter whether the bulk of the conversations are related to work matters or family matters, a code of conduct must also be observed here. Let's start with the fact that if you are at the peak of emotions, do not pick up the phone to make a call. Your aggression may be unjustified; you need to calm down and understand the situation. Your overflowing positive emotions may also turn out to be unsuitable for the interlocutor, who may either be busy important matter, or experience some troubles.

The telephone is, of course, for the most part a means of communication between two people, but, as a rule, only spies from films manage to talk about confidential topics using this means of communication. Whenever you speak, someone else is sure to hear you, even if accidentally, so if you urgently need to communicate something “not for common ears,” try to find the most remote place. As practice shows, when in a foreign country you should also not rant in native language, especially when discussing his personal life. In the era of global movements, you are not immune to the fact that the person next to you is not your compatriot who enjoys listening to your conversation, or is even familiar with the object of discussion.

There are acceptable and unacceptable times for making telephone calls. It is better to postpone calls that occur before half past eight in the morning and after half past ten in the evening. The exception is the situation when you know exactly the habits of the interlocutor and are sure that you will not wake up his household. By the way, calls to home or personal mobile number are unacceptable in the absence of friendly personal relations. On holidays and weekends, you should try to refrain from assignments and conversations on work topics; at this time, you can call and congratulate those colleagues with whom you communicate most closely.

If the call came during a meeting, and you forgot or, due to its importance, did not turn off the phone, then you need to ask for forgiveness from your interlocutors and interrupt the call as long as possible. a short time. If it's your subordinate or peer calling career ladder, explain that you are busy and set a specific time when you need to call back with a reserve of ten to fifteen minutes, or promise to call back yourself, also indicating a specific time.

Business telephone conversations going through a secretary is a separate topic for etiquette. The secretary is the face of the company, so he must be as correct as possible. If the caller needs to talk to management, you need to find out his name and the question for which he is calling. To avoid unpleasant situations, the secretary should not forget about the schedule of his superiors. If the reception or secretariat telephone is configured for a multi-line line, then when switching to the corresponding subscriber, you need to check if he is there before switching to personal number. The answer about the subscriber’s absence should be as ethical as possible using the formula “He is not there right now. What can I tell him? (How can I help you? - in case you can really replace this person in his field)"

Talking on a mobile phone should not disturb the people around you. The volume of the call should be balanced so that people near you do not jump when someone calls. Talking on the phone loudly is a sign of insufficient education. Never shout into the phone if you are hard of hearing - take pity on the ears of your interlocutor and simply ask him to speak louder in a normal voice.
Mobile phones should be turned off in public places such as theatres, at important events such as meetings or family occasions if family etiquette requires this, and on airplanes for safety reasons.

There are several generally accepted rules for telephone conversations:

  • if the conversation is interrupted, then the person on whose initiative the conversation took place should call back;
  • you should speak as briefly and to the point as possible;
  • You cannot speak too loudly into the phone, while at the same time avoiding speaking too quietly;
  • if you have the wrong number, you cannot ask, or it is better to ask again;
  • If you call someone and your call is not answered, do not hang up until you hear 4-6 long beeps - it may take some time for your interlocutor to answer the phone;
  • Think at least several times before calling at odd times - too early in the morning or late in the evening. As a general rule, you should not call before 8 a.m. or after 11 p.m.;
  • You cannot call your partner’s home phone number that you know, unless he himself gave you this number and said that he can call home. Business calls to home numbers should be avoided on weekends and holidays.

Uncomfortable situations

It often happens that a phone call catches you during an important conversation or meeting. In such cases, it is best to ask the interlocutor to leave his phone number and promise to call him back later. It is best to designate possible time return call (remember to keep your promise).

If you have visitors and you need to call, you should ask them for forgiveness, and try to make the call itself as short as possible.

It happens that you are visiting and you need to call. This can only be done by first asking permission from the owners.

When going on a visit or a business date, if necessary, you can leave your employees or relatives the telephone number of the place where you are going. True, you need to ask permission from the owners or your business partners in advance.

In this case, you should warn that you are expecting a call. But it is better to avoid such situations.

If you have a cell phone

Achievements modern science and technology allows us to be almost always within reach of a telephone call. Cellular or other radiotelephones have become firmly established in the everyday life of businessmen, financiers, journalists and people of many other professions. But at the same time, he should under no circumstances interfere with others. Almost every phone like this has the ability to adjust the volume and tone of the call so that it is almost inaudible to anyone except you.

When going to the theatre, concert or museum, you should turn off the ringer or turn off your phone altogether. Ringing a telephone in a theater is inappropriate and will not at all add to your authority in the eyes of others.

But it also happens that you are waiting for a call and a signal cell phone caught you during a conversation, lunch with a business partner or negotiations. In this case, you must definitely apologize and keep the conversation to a minimum. The same applies if you need to make an urgent call. If possible, it is better to step aside.

Cell phones are not cheap; talking on them is several times more expensive than using a regular telephone line. A loud and unnecessarily long conversation surrounded by many people will probably not add authority to you in their eyes; on the contrary, it will leave them with the impression of an upstart who wants to show off.

If you are calling a cell phone number, you should remember that your interlocutor may be on the road, driving a car, and by distracting him, you can put him in danger. So be brief and save discussing the details for another time.

Business etiquette in a telephone conversation - business etiquette for communicating on the phone

Modern business life It’s impossible to imagine without a phone. It is used to negotiate, give orders, and state a request. Very often, the first step towards concluding a business contract is a telephone conversation.
A telephone conversation has one important advantage over a letter: it provides a continuous two-way exchange of information. But you need to carefully prepare for a business telephone conversation. Poor preparation, the inability to highlight the main thing, to express one’s thoughts concisely, succinctly and competently leads to significant losses of working time (up to 20 - 30%).
The art of conducting telephone conversations is to briefly say everything that needs to be said and get an answer. For example, a Japanese company will not keep an employee for long who does not solve a business issue over the phone in three minutes.
The basis for a successful business telephone conversation is competence, tact, goodwill, mastery of conversation techniques, the desire to quickly and effectively solve a problem or provide assistance in solving it. It is important that the conversation is conducted in a calm, polite tone and evokes positive emotions. F. Bacon also noted that a friendly tone is more important than the use good words and their location in in the right order. Thus, during a business telephone conversation, it is necessary to create an atmosphere of mutual trust.
The effectiveness of business telephone communication largely depends on the emotional state of a person, on his mood. Skillful expression is also essential. It indicates a person’s conviction in what he is saying and his interest in solving the problems under discussion. During a conversation, you need to be able to interest your interlocutor in your business. This will help you correct use methods of suggestion and persuasion. According to psychologists, tone, timbre of voice, and intonation can carry up to 40% of the information. You just need to pay attention to such “little things” during a telephone conversation. You yourself should try to speak evenly, restrain your emotions, and not try to interrupt your interlocutor.
If your interlocutor shows a tendency to argue, expresses unfair reproaches in a harsh manner, and there is conceit in his tone, then be patient and do not answer him in the same way. If possible, change the conversation to a calm tone, partially admit that he is right, try to understand the motives for his behavior. Try to present your arguments briefly and clearly. Your arguments must be correct in essence and correctly presented in form.
We must remember that the telephone aggravates speech deficiencies. Pronouncing words quickly or slowly makes it difficult to understand. Pay special attention to the pronunciation of numbers, proper names and consonants. If in a conversation there are city names, surnames or other proper names that are difficult to hear, they need to be pronounced syllable by syllable or even spelled.
Business telephone etiquette has in stock whole line cues to correct communication. For example:

How can you hear me?
Would you please repeat that?
Sorry, it's very hard to hear.
Sorry, I didn't hear what you said, etc.

Call by home phone to a business partner for a business conversation can only be justified by a serious reason, no matter who you are calling: your boss or your subordinate. A well-mannered person will not call after 10 pm unless there is an urgent need for this, or prior consent for this call has not been obtained.
As analysis shows, in a telephone conversation 30-40% of the time is taken up by repetitions of phrases, unnecessary pauses and unnecessary words. Therefore, you need to carefully prepare for a telephone conversation: select all materials, documents in advance, have the necessary telephone numbers, addresses of organizations or the right people, calendar, fountain pen and paper. Before you start dialing a number, you should clearly determine the purpose of the conversation and your tactics for conducting it. Make a plan for the conversation, write down the questions you want to solve or the information you want to obtain, think about the order in which you ask questions. Formulate them clearly, eliminating the possibility of ambiguous interpretation. Try to predict the counterarguments of your interlocutor and your answers to him. If you are discussing several issues, then finish discussing one and move on to the next.
Using standard phrases, try to separate one question from another. For example
So, have we agreed on this issue?
May I take it that we have reached agreement on this issue?
As I understand you, (in this matter) we can count on your support?
A conversation on each topic should end with a question that requires a clear answer.

When preparing for a business conversation over the phone, try to think through the following points:

What goal do you set for yourself in the upcoming telephone conversation?
- can you do without this conversation at all;
- is the interlocutor ready to discuss the proposed topic;
- are you confident in the successful outcome of the conversation;
- what questions you should ask;
- what questions the interlocutor may ask you;
- what outcome of the negotiations will suit (or not suit) you;
- what methods of influencing your interlocutor you can use during a conversation;
- how will you behave if your interlocutor
- he will resolutely object and switch to a higher tone;
- will not respond to your arguments;
- will show distrust of your words and information.

Telephone conversations - component business communication. A significant part of business contacts with partners, officials, and clients occurs over the telephone. Proper use of telephone communication capabilities very effectively saves valuable time. However, ignorance of telephone etiquette causes irreparable harm to the reputation and image of a business person.

The basic requirements of telephone etiquette are simple.

When arranging a call, always check when it is most convenient to make it. After dialing a number, you should not hold the phone for a long time if no one answers at the other end of the line. The maximum waiting time is six beeps. If you have assigned an employee or secretary to get through to the person you are interested in, then you must be ready to join the conversation at any time.

Don't forget to say hello. Always and with everyone. Psychologists recommend saying: “Good afternoon!” rather than “Hello!”, since in last word more consonants. Speak " Good morning!” and “Good evening!” It’s also not advisable: it’s a working day for us.

After the greeting, invite the person you are interested in to the phone, then introduce yourself - the one who calls first introduces himself. It is acceptable not to identify yourself if the person you need to talk to is not there. You can ask when he will be there, or ask him to give him something.

Don’t ask “Who are you? What is your number?”, but you can clarify whether you dialed the number correctly and reached where you wanted. If you have the wrong number, then the next time you dial, immediately check whether it is the number you need. If the conversation is interrupted by technical reasons, then the call initiator must call back.

A telephone call must comply with the requirements of brevity. Don't forget: time is money! The recommended duration of a business conversation is no more than five minutes. It will be very kind of you if at the beginning of the conversation you ask whether the interlocutor has time and how much. If he is busy, apologize and ask when is the best time to call back.

When answering a phone call, you need to pick up the phone before the fourth or fifth ring, ideally after the second. Answers such as “Yes!”, “Hello!”, “I’m listening!” are unacceptable in a professional setting. Business etiquette recommends creating a script for the first words of greeting in relation to the specifics of your company or company. You don’t have to give names, limiting yourself to just identifying your position or department of the company. It is important that the person who dialed your number understands exactly where he called and who is talking to him. If your colleague is asked to answer the phone, it is rude to find out who is asking.

If you are very busy, it is better to turn off your phone or ask to answer phone calls secretary. If there is a client or visitor in your office, then communication with him is undoubtedly a priority. You should answer the call only to find out who is calling and tell you when you can call you back, or ask the other person to leave their number and promise to call them back later. If you have visitors and you need to make a call, you should apologize to them and try to make the call itself as short as possible.

Under equal conditions, the one who called ends the conversation. When talking with your boss, the initiative to end the conversation should come from him. (By the way, in an off-duty setting, a woman has the same privilege). If the conversation drags on, you can sum it up using the phrases: “I believe that we have discussed all the issues,” “Thank you for your time,” and the like. Try not to be impatient, leave a good impression.

It is considered bad manners to make business calls at home or on a personal mobile phone. Business people with a good reputation must manage to do their work in work time. If your business partner has provided you with his home or mobile phone and allowed to call at any time, this should not be taken literally. In the case of prior arrangement or extreme circumstances, you can, of course, call outside of business hours, but such a call should be the exception and not the rule. Moreover, think a hundred times before calling too early in the morning or late in the evening. For you to decide to call before 8 am and after 11 pm, at a minimum, there must be a fire.

And most importantly, always be friendly. After all, telephone wires can convey both a gloomy look and a dissatisfied expression on the face, and a friendly smile.

A modern person spends time talking on the phone great amount time. Moreover, this can happen not only at work, but also during various trips or at home. However, practice shows that not everyone knows how to talk on the phone. Without seeing your interlocutor and hearing him for the first time, you can say a lot of unnecessary, offensive or incomprehensible words. But if you pursue the goal of being correctly understood and gaining trust from your interlocutor, it will help you speech etiquette telephone conversations.

Telephone etiquette rules

Quite often, people whose activities inevitably involve talking on the phone are faced with various kinds of misconceptions. For example, such that since the interlocutor does not see them, then the conversation can be conducted in a free and relaxed manner. However, if you represent a company or your services as a private individual, it is worth remembering that the company’s image directly depends on the manner in which you speak to potential client. If in real life If you are greeted by your clothes, then when communicating on the phone, your manner of conversation will be that same “clothes”. It is your speech that will allow you to make a positive impression on your interlocutor or, conversely, make him refuse to cooperate with you. So what are the rules of business conversation on the phone?

Telephone etiquette is a skill that is acquired through constant practice. There are very few people in the world who are naturally given the ability to convince their interlocutor, being on opposite sides of the same city, region, country and even abroad. And before you pick up the phone for another conversation, learn to speak as required by telephone etiquette:

These are just some recommendations that are important to know for everyone who is in one way or another connected by telephone communication. You don't have to learn them by heart. It is enough to treat your interlocutors the same way you treat yourself.

“A conversation on the telephone lies halfway between art and life. This communication is not with a person, but with the image that develops in you when you listen to him” (André Maurois).


Knowledge of the basics of business etiquette and the ability to establish contacts are an integral part of the professional experience of employees. According to statistics, the telephone is actively used to resolve more than 50% of business issues.

Indirect negotiations differ in many ways from direct business communication. Failure to comply with the basics of telephone etiquette leaves an imprint on the image and reputation of any organization. What are the basic rules for communicating on the phone?

5 stages of preparation for telephone conversations

The outcome of telephone conversations largely depends on planning. Productive calls cannot be spontaneous. Preparation and planning of negotiations can be divided into 5 stages.

  • Information
Collecting documents and materials for conducting a telephone conversation.
Determining the purpose of telephone conversations (obtaining information, setting up a meeting).
Drawing up a plan for a business conversation and a list of questions to ask.
  • Time
Choosing a time convenient for the interlocutor.
  • Mood
Having a positive attitude is just as important as planning your negotiations. You can most often hear a smile, fatigue, or negative emotions, which the business partner can attribute to his own account. In order for the voice to be “alive”, it is recommended to conduct telephone conversations while standing and smiling!

Rules for communicating on the phone in business

  • At the beginning of a conversation, you cannot use the words: “hello”, “listening”, “speak”. The first and elementary rule: introduce yourself kindly when answering the call. For example: “Good afternoon. Manager Tatyana. Fortuna Company.
  • Negotiations should be brief. You cannot discuss a transaction or other matter on its merits. To do this, you must schedule a personal meeting.
  • Passing the phone many times during a conversation is bad manners.
  • Negotiations are conducted only with decision makers.
  • The promise to call back should be fulfilled immediately, as soon as the problem is resolved, or within 24 hours.
  • If a specialist is absent from the workplace, it is possible to exchange information with the help of another employee or assistant manager. The content of the message via third parties or to an answering machine must be planned in advance, observing the rules of telephone communication. Ask the secretary to organize the transfer of data and ensure that it reaches the addressee in any case.
  • Recording on an answering machine begins with a greeting, indicating the date and time of the call. After short message words of farewell follow.
  • Telephone calls should not be left unanswered, as any call can help get important information or make a deal. Pick up the handset quickly until the third ring.
  • Of course, you cannot answer two phones at the same time.
  1. Negotiate quickly and energetically. Presenting arguments clearly and clearly, answering questions without long pauses or vague phrases.
  2. The pause may, as an exception, last no more than one minute if the specialist is searching for a document. When the interlocutor waits longer, he has every right to hang up.
  3. Politeness is required when calling. Swearing and shouting in any case is a violation of the ethics of telephone communication.
  4. During telephone conversations it is not recommended to use jargon, colloquial and profanity. It is also not advisable to use terminology that may not be clear to the interlocutor.
  5. You should not cover the handset or microphone with your hand when communicating with colleagues, as the interlocutor will likely hear this conversation.
  6. Forcing a guest or visitor to wait while you are on the phone is a violation business etiquette. In this case, you need to apologize, state the reason and set a time for a new call.
  7. If the connection fails, when the conversation is interrupted, the person who called dials the number again. When a company representative negotiates with a client, customer or partner, the representative calls back again.
  8. Concluding negotiations, it is worth once again voicing joint agreements and understandings.
  9. The one who called, or the senior in position or age, ends the conversation and says goodbye first.
  10. Sincere words of gratitude are indispensable when ending a conversation. In parting, you can orient your interlocutor towards cooperation: “See you tomorrow” or “Call me in...”.

Taboo, or What expressions should be avoided?

Unwanted expression Rules for communicating by phone
"No" This word, especially at the beginning of a sentence, “strains” the interlocutor and complicates mutual understanding. It is advisable to express disagreement correctly. For example, “We will accommodate you and replace the product, but it is no longer possible to return the money.”
"We can not" Refusing a client right away means sending him to competitors. Solution: offer an alternative and pay attention first of all to what is possible.
“Call Back”, “Nobody’s There”, “Everybody’s at Lunch” The potential client will not call again, but will choose the services of another company. Therefore, we need to help him solve the problem or arrange a meeting, invite him to the office, etc.
"You must" These words should be avoided, using softer formulations: “The best thing to do is...”, “It makes sense for you...”
“I don’t know”, “I’m not responsible for this”, “It’s not my fault” Undermines the reputation of the specialist and the organization. If there is a lack of information, it is better to answer: “ Interest Ask. Can I clarify this for you?”
“Wait just a second, I’ll look (find)” Deceiving the client, since it is impossible to get things done in a second. It’s worth telling the truth: “Search necessary information will take 2-3 minutes. Can you wait?
"Am I distracting you?" or “Can I distract you?” Phrases cause negativity and complicate communication. These questions put the caller in an awkward position. Preferred option: “Do you have a minute?” or “Can you talk now?”
Questions “Who am I talking to now?”, “What do you need?” Phrases are unacceptable because they turn negotiations into interrogation and violate the rules of telephone communication.
The question "Why..." The interlocutor may think that you do not trust him.

7 secrets of successful calls

  1. The rules for talking on the phone with clients suggest that effective negotiations take 3-4 minutes.
  2. Posture and intonation are just as important as the information conveyed during a conversation.
  3. How does the interlocutor speak? Fast or slow. Successful managers know how to adapt to the pace of the client’s speech.
  4. It is preferable to replace monosyllabic “yes” and “no” with detailed answers. For example, if a client asks whether you will be there on Friday, you should not only answer “yes”, but also tell them your working hours.
  5. If the conversation has dragged on, then instead of apologizing, it is better to thank the interlocutor. The rules of talking on the phone with clients do not allow an apologetic tone.
  6. Taking notes and notes during telephone conversations in a notepad will help you restore the flow of an important conversation. A business person will not use scraps of paper or calendar sheets for this.
  7. The peculiarity of the phone is that it enhances speech impediments. You need to carefully monitor your diction and pronunciation. Recording and listening to your conversations with clients will help you improve your negotiation techniques.

When a client calls...

The client who gets through may not identify himself, but immediately begins to explain his problem. Therefore, it is necessary to tactfully ask: “Excuse me, what is your name?”, “What organization are you from?”, “Please tell me your phone number?”

The rules for communicating over the phone with clients are based on the fact that you should only convey accurate information if you have the necessary data. A client who does not wait for a clear answer will no longer contact your organization.

Sometimes you have to deal with an angry or nervous client. It is better to listen to his complaint and not interrupt. He will be capable of constructive dialogue only when he speaks out. When you hear an insult, you must hang up.

Making calls in public places or in a meeting

Meetings and business meetings are times when, according to the rules, you should refrain from calling. Live voice is a priority. Negotiations that distract the attention of those present are unacceptable.

Answer call on business meeting or a meeting means showing the interlocutor that you do not value him and the time spent with him, that the person who called is more important.

There are also good reasons, for example, the illness of a relative, a large contract. The rules for communicating by telephone suggest that those present must be notified before the meeting or meeting and the receipt of the call must be coordinated with them. The conversation should be conducted very quickly (no more than 30 seconds), if possible in another office.

A person talking on the phone during a private meeting, in a restaurant, at a meeting looks uncultured and stupid.

Business conversation on the phone. Example

Option 1

Head: Satellite Center. Good afternoon.

Secretary: Good afternoon. Union of Consumer Societies. Morozova Marina. I'm calling about a competition.

R: Alexander Petrovich. I'm hearing you.

R: Yes. You can book a conference room with 150 seats.

S: Thank you. This will suit us.

R: Then it will be necessary to send us a letter of guarantee.

S: Okay. Can I send it by mail with a notice?

R: Yes, but it will take three days.

S: It's long.

R: You can send it by courier.

S: So, we’ll do that. Thank you for the information. Goodbye.

R: Goodbye. We look forward to collaborating.

Business conversation on the phone. Example 2

Manager: Hello. I would like to talk with Ivan Sergeevich.

Exhibition Director: Good afternoon. I'm listening to you.

M: This is Vladimir Baluev, manager of the Maxi Stroy company. I am calling regarding negotiations to clarify prices.

D: Very nice. What exactly are you interested in?

M: Has the cost of an exhibition square meter increased?

D: Yes, I grew up. One square meter in the pavilion from September 1 it costs six thousand rubles, and in the open exhibition - three thousand.

M: I see. Thank you for the information.

D: Please. If you have any questions, please call.

M: Thank you. I will contact you if necessary. All the best.

D: Goodbye.


The ability to apply the rules of telephone communication with clients becomes an integral part of the image of any organization. Consumers prefer companies that are pleasant to do business with. Effective business conversation– the key to successful transactions, and therefore financial well-being enterprises.

Many people chat on the phone. Business people talking. The percentage of telephone conversations per day is sometimes much greater than face to face. Practice telephone etiquette! This is very important rule. You are a well-mannered person, aren't you? Exactly.

Pick up the phone. They're calling you!

When the phone rings, we automatically pick up the receiver and answer the usual “Hello!”

Is this enough to start a conversation?

Let's see what telephone etiquette says.

First of all, let's draw a dividing line between business and personal contacts.

The point that unites all conversations is politeness, restraint, and command of the voice.

Your interlocutor cannot see what you are doing on the other side of the phone. But the slightest intonation betrays irritation, hostility, grief and other emotions.

"Hello" in a businesslike manner

You get a call on your work phone. Don't pick up the phone after the first signal. This can give the person calling you the impression that you simply have nothing else to do but answer the phone. It's not just your reputation. The conversation will leave an impression of the authority of the entire organization. Answer by waiting for two or three rings to ring. But by no means more. The rules of telephone etiquette do not allow disrespect for a person in this way.

It is not recommended to immediately start a conversation with the company name. It is best to greet the caller with the neutral phrase “Good day!” This time of day is considered the main working time. In other cases, you can use the address “Hello!”

He considers joining the so-called voice greeting to be a prerequisite for a business conversation. business card" This may be the name of the organization or your personal data - position, first and last name.

Ideally, the greeting scheme will look like this: “Good afternoon! Company "Sun"! or “Good day! Sunshine Company. Manager Olga Sergeeva."

A correctly structured answer to the call will mark the beginning of a successful pleasant conversation. Will create good impression about the organization, will emphasize its status and give solidity. It is always a pleasure to deal with well-mannered people. Therefore, the impression made can play a significant role in future cooperation.

Personal “Hello!”

If you think that you can start a conversation with an acquaintance or friend any way you want, then you are mistaken. Any incoming call on your personal phone, it is better to start with wishes for a dear day and your own introduction.

By doing this, you will protect yourself from wasting time on explanations if the caller dialed your number by mistake. When you receive a call about personal business during work hours, a slightly formal introduction will set the tone for the overall conversation, meaning that you will let the person know that it is okay to make small talk when this moment no possibility. And this is simply a manifestation of good manners and politeness, which is interpreted by the rules of telephone conversation.

When you call

It would seem that it couldn’t be easier, I dialed the number and laid out the essence of the conversation. But many have already learned from experience that as soon as you start a conversation, it will develop. Whether a business call will be the beginning of a successful collaboration depends on the first moments of the conversation. The same can be said about personal contacts. Whether you spend half an hour explaining who is calling and for what reason, or outline the essence in a couple of minutes, it will be clear from the initial call.

Business call

You dialed the company number and received a standard greeting response. You also need to introduce yourself. If you represent an organization, indicate its name and your position. Next, briefly outline the essence of the appeal. You should respect the working time of others and not waste your own on confusing explanations. If you're planning a long conversation, don't forget to ask if it's convenient for the person who answered the phone to talk. Perhaps the conversation should be rescheduled for a more convenient time.

The rules for conducting a telephone conversation say “no” to such greeting phrases as “Are you bothered by...”, “You see, what’s the matter...”, “It’s okay if I disturb you...”. In this case, your “hello” should be obeyed with dignity, without ingratiation. Then you can count on a productive conversation and respectful attitude towards yourself. After a personal introduction, you can say “Help me solve this question...”, “Please tell me...”, “I’m interested in...”, etc.

Personal call to a friend or relative

"Hello my friend. How are you?" - Of course, you can start a conversation with your loved ones like this. But it would be better to introduce yourself. Especially if you are calling for a specific purpose and not just to chat. Firstly, you may dial a friend’s number at the wrong time. A person is busy, at work or a business meeting, or dealing with personal problems. Secondly, imagine that your number was simply not identified, and your voice seemed unfamiliar due to poor quality of communication. To avoid putting yourself and your friend in an awkward position, identify yourself.

Let's continue the conversation

In any conversation you need to be attentive to your interlocutor. How to start a telephone conversation is a great skill, but its continuation is also of great importance.

Business continuation

You are the initiator of the call. This means you have a specific task that you want to solve during the conversation. Prepare a list of questions that interest you in advance so as not to get confused and not waste someone else’s working time. Listen carefully to your interlocutor. Try to take notes on your answers; this will help you avoid asking them again.

During a conversation, the connection was interrupted? Call back if you started a conversation. You must also end the conversation. Be sure to thank your interlocutor. A pleasant ending would, of course, be wishing you a good day.

If they call you, listen carefully to the request. Do not forget to maintain attention to the conversation with the phrases “Yes, of course...”, “I understand you...”, “We will try to help...”, etc. The interlocutor will feel confident and will be able to describe the problem. When a conversation threatens to drag on, take the initiative and help steer the conversation in the right direction.

Before finishing, check with your interlocutor whether he received all the answers. If you cannot help him due to other official duties, tell him the contact of an employee who is competent in a given topic.

Personal conversation by phone

In personal conversations the situation is simpler. But here, too, telephone etiquette provides some guidance. For example, a friend called you at an inconvenient time with a great desire to chat. For such cases, there is a standard telephone conversation: “Sorry, I’m at a meeting now...” or “I’m very important meeting, I'll call you later…". You can add, “I understand that this is very important. I’ll call you back as soon as I’m free...” For your interlocutor, this will be an indication that you are not ignoring his problems. This means there will be no unnecessary insults. By the way, try to call back if you promised.

General rules for telephone conversations

Rules of etiquette for talking on the phone are not invented out of thin air. These are the observations of psychologists, practical experience, analysis based on the results of many interviews. There are certain actions that etiquette encourages or denies. Let's collect some of them into a small reminder.

  1. Avoid loud personal conversations in public places and at work. You put others in an awkward position by forcing them to listen intimate details your life, which has nothing to do with them.
  2. Do not put your phone on speaker unless you have warned your interlocutor about it. This situation can create adverse consequences. But first of all, it is a show of respect for the person on the other end of the line.
  3. Be careful when choosing a ringtone. Less loud aggression, because there may be people with a weak nervous system nearby.
  4. Turn off the sound on your phone while at meetings, gatherings, cultural institutions, as well as in places where such a requirement is prescribed by the rules of conduct.
  5. Do not combine a telephone conversation and eating. This makes it difficult to understand and expresses disrespect for the interlocutor.
  6. Be careful about the time you plan to make the call. Early morning, late night is, as you understand, not the best time to talk even with the closest person. You can call at such times only for the most urgent matters. Don't forget this.

A little conclusion

Now you know telephone etiquette. Call on time. Be polite. Pleasant telephone conversations and good mood!