As Donald Trump said many years ago in one of his interviews, the most the right way to make a career is to be born into the right family. Russian socialite and businesswoman Nadezhda Obolentseva is only daughter diplomatic workers. In the Soviet period, and even today, this means that she belongs to the category of golden youth, who are provided with easy and fast start. However, not all the boys and girls from her circle managed to achieve success and not go down the wrong path, considering themselves inviolable. This article will tell you about the biography of Nadya Obolentseva, and about her marriages and relationships with the opposite sex.

early years

According to Nadezhda’s father, Obolentseva is a native Muscovite in the 4th generation, and her mother Asya has Uzbek roots. Stanislav Obolensky met with future wife at the Peoples' Friendship University. There were entrance exams in which his younger brothers. Nadya’s grandmother came to support her sons, who took a fancy to pretty Asya. She initiated the acquaintance of Stanislav’s eldest son and a beauty from Tashkent. The young people began an affair that ended in marriage. In 1983, their daughter Nadya was born.

When the girl was 5 years old, her parents were sent to diplomatic work V Central America. The future socialite spent several years there, and thanks to the series, she learned Spanish perfectly.


The family returned to the capital in the 90s, when Nadya was a teenager. She became interested in rock and became a fan of the group “Alice”. However, the teenage protest did not go further than this, and the girl, although she refused to become a diplomat, still entered the Faculty of Journalism at Moscow State University without any problems. At the same time, she graduated from the Faculty of Art History of the same university.

Carier start

After graduating from Moscow University, Nadya Obolentseva, whose biography still causes envy among her ill-wishers, got a job in Russian version Tatler. In this publication she worked as an editor and told readers about the events of the Russian elite. I must say, she coped with this without difficulty, since, unlike many other journalists, she belonged among the “rich and famous.”

First marriage

In 2008, the girl almost married the Olympic champion and one of the most eligible bachelors in the capital, Anton Sikharulidze. Before Nadya, he had several affairs, including with the singer Zara, but the matter did not reach the registry office. This time everything was more than serious. The couple announced their engagement, and the wedding was planned immediately after the bride received her diploma. However, it did not take place. Moreover, the breakup occurred almost on the eve of the celebration. Voiced different versions happened, but everything became clear to everyone when Obolentseva suddenly married businessman Denis Mikhailov. The newly-made husband took the beauty to Hollywood and settled her in his luxurious mansion, built according to the design of a famous architect, next door to Madonna. He gave her armfuls of roses and spoiled her as best he could. But Nadya soon got tired of life in a golden cage, especially since in an effort to demonstrate his worth, Denis crossed all boundaries of reason. The last straw in the girl’s patience was his acquisition of personalized license plates for his cars with the inscription Denis Moscow. Then Obolentseva packed her things and left for Moscow to visit her parents.


Once again in the Russian capital, the girl did not sit idle. She teamed up with the wife of a famous Russian politician and producer Alexey Bokov. Together they launched the Club 148 project. This completely new format for Moscow successfully exists to this day. Director Pavel Lungin, former minister finance of the Russian Federation, screenwriter known for his charitable activities, diplomat Sergei Yastrzhembsky and others.

Although initially many did not believe in the success of the enterprise, time has shown that intellectual recreation has many fans among the respectable public, who do not want to spend their days in primitive entertainment.

Second marriage

The personal life of Nadya Obolentseva, whose biography you already knew in her early youth, was no less eventful.

Even before meeting her first husband, the famous businessman Ayrat Iskhakov, a top manager of the Neftegazindustriya group, drew attention to the girl. One day a man sat down at a table in a cafe where Nadya and her mother were sitting. Airat mistook them for friends. The misunderstanding was soon clarified, and she and Nadya began to communicate as friends. However, at that time the girl was Anton Sikharulidze’s fiancée. When this couple fled, Airat did not have time to do anything to bring them closer, since Nadya immediately married Mikhailov.

Only many years later, when Nadya Obolentseva divorced and returned to Moscow, did he propose to her and receive consent. The wedding of a businessman and a beauty took place in 2014, in Italy on the shores of Lake Como. During the celebration, the bride changed clothes three times. The groom ordered 3 dresses for her at once - 2 exclusive from Dolce&Gabbana, one outfit from Russian master haute couture Valentina Yudashkina. The young exchanged wedding rings worth more than a million euros. Guests of this gorgeous wedding entertained by Eros Ramazzotti, Ivan Urgant, Robbie Williams and musicians of the Mumiy Troll group.

Unfortunately, such a great start family life the couple did not guarantee that everything would be fine in the future. The marriage lasted only three years, after which Nadya Obolentseva and Airat Iskhakov separated. Neither side advertised the reasons for the divorce, especially since the girl was not particularly worried and immediately began publishing pictures of her carefree holiday with friends at the most fashionable resorts.

In August 2017, information appeared that the famous businessman and owner of Chelsea FC broke up with his wife Daria Zhukova, with whom he has two children.

Rumors immediately spread that Abramovich had designs on Nadya Obolentseva, whose photos can always be seen on the pages of glossy magazines. Even earlier, the same yellow publications called the girl a homewrecker and the reason for the divorce of Nadezhda Mikhalkova and Rezo Gigineishvili, although the latter categorically denied such rumors, calling all these conversations speculation. A lot has been invented about Abramovich’s novels. In particular, the former governor of Chukotka was almost “married” to the actress

So far, none of these rumors have been confirmed and not a single one new couple didn't appear. At least, no one knows anything about the new relationships of these celebrities.

In general, the topic of the personal life of the heroine of this article is Lately became a favorite among representatives of the yellow press. When journalists got tired of “marrying her off” to men, they began to delve into her relationship with her long-time friend Svetlana Bondarchuk. The latter, as you know, was unexpectedly abandoned star husband, with whom she lived for more than 25 years, for the sake of a younger passion.

Some publications found the friendship between the two women, who spent a lot of time together, suspicious.

In one of her interviews, Nadya herself simply laughed at such speculation, telling reporters that she and Sveta are long-time acquaintances, and have recently become neighbors and friends.

Now you know who Nadya Obolentseva is. The biography of this beauty can only be envied. However, despite all the flair of success, she still has not been able to create strong family and both of her marriages lasted less than three years.

The oligarch was repeatedly seen in the company of Obolentseva. But just recently the girl divorced businessman Airat Iskhakov. They lived together for three years; this was Nadezhda’s second marriage. She was previously married to businessman Denis Mikhailov, but the relationship did not last long. Nadezhda Obolentseva is a friend of Svetlana Bondarchuk, known as the founder of the closed intellectual club "418", reports "TV Program".


Star lawyer Alexander Dobrovinsky said that no high-profile trial is expected: ex-spouses We signed all the documents a long time ago. “The crowd will not receive a discussion, because there will be no process. People disperse peacefully. Look at Abramovich’s condition before meeting Daria Zhukova. His condition was more or less similar to today,” the Komsomolskaya Pravda website quotes the lawyer.

He knows who initiated the divorce, but does not want to divulge the secret: “This is someone else’s life. Why tarnish their names? They are decent people. They do a lot of good for other people. Let them live their good life, good life, continue to do so and bring joy to people. Look what Dasha and Roman Arkadyevich did for art and for sports! Let these people live."

Let us recall that Roman Abramovich and Dasha Zhukova met in 2005 at a football match in Barcelona. According to rumors, businessman Alexander Zhukov introduced his daughter to her future husband. According to the official version, Roman and Daria liked each other at a party dedicated to the victory of the English club Chelsea, owned by Abramovich, over the Spanish Barcelona.

// Photo:; "Instagram"

Yesterday Roman Abramovich and Daria Zhukova announced their separation. The couple, who are parents of two children, decided to go their separate ways as friends and remain partners in the projects that they “started and developed.” The news that one of the richest people in Russia has become a free man, produced the effect of a bomb exploding. Internet users wondered which girl Abramovich would choose. Specific names of the businessman's possible chosen ones were also mentioned.

However, apparently, the entrepreneur is already showing signs of attention to another woman. If you believe the information that was at the disposal of journalists, Roman Abramovich devotes a lot of time to it-girl and the founder of the intellectual society “Club 418” Nadezhda Obolentseva. Most recently, she broke up with oligarch Airat Iskhakov, so she is considered a free woman. According to rumors, it is the socialite who can occupy the main cabin on the Eclipse yacht.

However, no official refutation or confirmation of the data made public on the Internet has yet appeared. Abramovich's fans can only guess about his possible infatuation with Obolentseva.

Friends of Roman and Nadezhda also prefer to refrain from any explanations about the current situation. Lawyer Alexander Karabanov, who commented on the sensational news about the divorce of Abramovich and Zhukova to journalists, said that he considers them very mature and self-sufficient people. According to a lawyer familiar with the oligarch’s family, in all relationships, sooner or later a crisis arises.

In turn, a source from the environment ex-wife oligarch Irina told representatives Western media that he has not lived with his wife since the New Year. According to an insider, Zhukova and Abramovich discussed the details of the separation for several months.

Let us remember that Roman Abramovich and Daria Zhukova are raising seven-year-old Aaron and three-year-old daughter Leah. The couple lived together for ten years. In their statement, the couple emphasized that it was extremely difficult for them to leave.

“We intend to raise our two children together. And continue working together as co-founders of the Museum contemporary art“Garage” in Moscow and the cultural center “New Holland” in St. Petersburg,” the couple’s appeal also said.

By the way, the supposed new lover Romana Abramovich is not one of those who often shares details of her personal life with the public. The fact that not everything was going smoothly in the marriage between Obolentseva and Airat Iskhakov became known only from the media. Now that the socialite is divorced, she can calmly accept Abramovich’s advances, as reports.

A few facts about Nadezhda Obolentseva

What do you need to know about one of the main socialite girls in Moscow?

On July 24, a girl celebrates her birthday, whose role is difficult to overestimate - around her, as the famous song says, this whole world has been circling for many years now. Why is he an iconic figure in the social life of Moscow? Let's try to explain it popularly.

Photo by Arseny Dzhabiev, style by Lada Arzumanova

Nadya and Sveta

Even despite the presence of the most beautiful, famous and influential men who pile up at our heroine’s feet, her main social tandem was not with them, but with Svetlana Bondarchuk: Nadya and Sveta are rare case female friendship, which has become a real brand. This powerful alliance is an absolute quantity in the context of the capital's A-list. That is, you simply cannot find more welcome guests at a party of any level.

Photo by Alexander Terekhov

Nadya and Rezo

It would be difficult to note the latest “Kinotavr” as something remarkable, if not. Hot Georgian man, director Gigineishvili is known for his love for beautiful women, but they talked about this love rather in narrow circles. Officially, after a divorce from another Nadya - Mikhalkova - he appeared “in society” only in the company of Obolentseva. There is perhaps no more fashionable and discussed couple in Moscow today than these two.

Rezo Gigineishvili and Nadezhda Obolentseva

Femme fatale

Hot brunette Nadezhda Obolentseva - femme fatale in the lives of many men. In 2008 she left with broken hearted athlete Anton Sikharulidze for the sake of businessman Anton Mikhailov. But life in the “glass castle” in Los Angeles among works of modern art soon became boring for the temperamental beauty. In 2014, she married her longtime admirer, top manager of the Neftegazindustriya group, Airat Iskhakov. Legend has it that the man had been waiting for this moment for 11 for long years, and therefore organized a dream wedding for his chosen one: Lake Como, Dolce & Gabbana Alta Moda dress, all secular Moscow on the road. love boat ended up crashing into everyday life, but no one could even imagine that Obolentseva could be left alone - even Roman Abramovich was listed as a fan of Nadya.

Nadezhda Obolentseva and Airat Iskhakov

Intellectual Club 418

Besides the fact that Nadya is beautiful, she is also smart. She could have simply blossomed and fluttered from event to event, but she organized a dream business - where writers, artists, politicians and other authoritative figures in a variety of fields gather. It is noteworthy that in addition to the New Year’s shoot for Terekhov, our heroine organizes discussions with Tatyana Chernigovskaya or Erik Bulatov.

Nadezhda Obolentseva and Irina Kudrina at the anniversary of the Intellectual Club “418”

The main character of the capital's gossip columns recently became again famous in certain circles socialite and successful businesswoman Nadezhda Obolentseva. Biography, age, details of her personal life concern the public. Before the rumors had time to calm down about her previous wedding, Nadezhda again decided to stun her many followers. Who is she? Where are you from and how did you achieve everything that modern girls dream of? And really, there is something to be interested in, because this lady, according to rumors, has become new darling the famous oligarch Roman Abramovich.

Biography of Nadezhda Obolentseva

The age at which a businesswoman is now has long been called “Balzacian.” She is now 34 years old. This is the period when it is possible to draw some conclusions and analyze the first real successes and achievements.

Nadezhda Obolentseva's date of birth is July 24, 1983. Nadya was born into a family of native Muscovites in the diplomatic service.

Nadezhda spent only the first few years after birth in her homeland. Later, her parents were forced to move for a long period of duty to Central America. They took their daughter with them. Here Nadya quickly mastered Spanish (the main language of this region), which certainly came in handy later.

Despite some advantages and benefits of the diplomatic service, Nadya did not want to follow in the footsteps of her parents. She was more attracted to journalism. It was this faculty of Moscow State University that she entered when the time came. At the same time, Nadezhda studied at the Faculty of Art History of the same Moscow State University. She successfully completed both of these directions in due time.

Editorial activities

After graduating from university, Nadezhda worked for a short time in her chosen specialty as editor of the glamorous glossy publication Tatler. In this magazine, which talks about fashion news and trends in the fashion industry, she oversaw the gossip column.

Everything turned out just fine: life in the capital, parents who had the opportunity to provide their daughter with a comfortable future, a diploma from a prestigious Russian university, work in one of the best publications in the world, but Nadezhda did not want to stop there.

"Club 418"

whose age by that time could still be called young, a little time later she became rich new page. She became one of the founders of an intellectual community of like-minded people called “Club 418”. The wife of a famous Russian politician was on the team of creators.

Then it was the first similar club of interests created in Moscow. At first, everything was not very rosy; we had to invite visitors by organizing interesting lectures with various representatives of modern art and science.

Today, “Club 418” is a closed community, you can become a member only on the recommendation of people who are already members.

Later, a branch of this worthy institution was opened in the northern capital. In addition, applications to open subdivisions have been received from many Russian cities.

Personal life

Despite the apparent busyness career growth and business prosperity, Nadezhda’s personal life is in full swing. With the acquisition of the special status of the founder of the first institution of its kind, she did not become a “blue stocking” and an “independent businesswoman.”

Partner in her first serious relationship which almost ended in a wedding, was none other than the famous figure skater, Olympic champion and simply handsome Anton Sikharulidze.

However, Anton apparently lost “in some respects” to her first husband, to whom Nadezhda ran away from the “Ice King” right before the wedding.

First marriage

Why the first? Absolutely right, Nadezhda managed to be married more than once, but first things first.

So, her first husband was businessman Denis Mikhailov. This man is one of the modern oligarchs Russian origin. His wife had everything at her disposal: a huge villa in Hollywood (like a crystal castle), by the way, Madonna herself was among his neighbors, and in addition, a whole fleet of luxury cars with personal license plates. However, it was not his condition that captivated Nadezhda, because she herself was far from poor family. Denis looked after her fabulously, gave flowers, expensive gifts and simply surrounded her with luxury. He devoted a lot of time to his young wife, but it did not last long. Very soon, the wife gave way to primacy among the businessman’s priorities and faded into the background in his endless pursuit of profit.

After three years of marriage, Nadezhda realized that she was bored, and she fled to her native Moscow to her parents. Today she calls her first marriage a mistake and regrets that it happened.

Second marriage

Nadezhda’s second chosen one was the top manager of the Neftegazindustriya group of companies.

Nadezhda Obolentseva and Airat Iskhakov met quite by chance in a cafe long before her divorce from Denis Mikhailov. He patiently waited for his moment, knowing then that she was engaged to Sikharulidze. Later, he was somewhat discouraged by her sudden marriage to Mikhailov. And when, finally, the divorce of Nadezhda Obolentseva and her first oligarch husband was officially formalized, Airat Iskhakov threw everything at the feet of his beloved.

Magnificent wedding

Marriage is the brightest page in the biography of Nadezhda Obolentseva. Her husband’s age, by the way, is 16 years older than her own.

So, this grandiose event took place in 2014 on the Italian Lake Como. The luxurious villa was surrounded by the splendor of many roses. And the wedding cake was decorated with what seemed like a million of these flowers, albeit made from cream.

A wealthy groom purchased three dresses for his chosen one’s most fabulous day. One from Russian fashion designer- Valentina Yudashkina, as well as two outfits exclusively designed by Dolce&Gabbana. Nadezhda walked to the altar in lace splendor from Italian designers, the absolute decoration of which was a chic veil.

The wedding rings of the newlyweds were made by Graff to special order. The bride's ring was decorated with a huge diamond, and the groom's ring was made according to Nadezhda's personal sketch.

The official part was followed by a banquet. A large number of The richest and most famous guests were invited to the celebration. It seemed that all of bohemian Moscow had flown in for this celebration. Among those present one could see the model and Miss World of the Syutkins, singer Natalya Ionova (Glukoza), the Yudashkins family and many others.

The guests and young people were entertained by the sparkling, sweet-voiced Eros Ramazzotti, the unpredictable and the legendary group "Mumiy Troll".

Until the morning, the gastronomic tastes of the guests were satisfied with a variety of delicacies prepared by the best Italian chefs.


However fantastic wedding, which was discussed for a long time by the entire bohemian party of the capital, did not become the key to a long and happy life. Nadezhda Obolentseva and Airat Iskhakov divorced just a couple of years after their marriage.

The details of this separation are not known general public. Nadezhda, being a real lady not only in words, does not reveal the secrets of family life.

Today she can often be seen at social events alone or in the company of her bosom friend Svetlana Bondarchuk.

The latter, by the way, also recently divorced her husband, famous film director Fyodor Bondarchuk.

Nadezhda Obolentseva and Roman Abramovich

The close relationship between these two heroes of glossy magazines and glamor chronicles has been often discussed lately.

According to some reports, it was Nadezhda who became the reason for Roman’s separation from his wife. Around the same time, by a strange coincidence, Nadezhda divorced Ayrat Iskhakov.

Roman Abramovich and Nadezhda Obolentseva, however, are in no hurry to reveal the secrets of their relationship to the general public. Perhaps this chosen one will become her real life partner. Maybe in the near future Nadezhda Obolentseva will have children.

This girl has something to brag about. Even though she had a small start-up in the form of wealthy parents and a metropolitan residence permit, socialite Nadezhda Obolentseva exerted remarkable abilities to achieve stunning results.

Apparently, on the date of Nadezhda Obolentseva’s birth, the stars aligned perfectly. She is grateful to her parents, with whom, according to her, she has a spiritual unity, and dreams of having the same relationship with her children.