It seems that it’s time for Larisa Kopenkina to be called a national star. Not a single popular talk show can do without her participation. A businesswoman is forced to adjust her work schedule to numerous filming and interviews. Larisa admits that she could not even imagine that her modest person, after a short marriage with singer Prokhor Chaliapin, would cause such a sensation. It is no secret that Kopenkina is older than her ex-husband. However, she still has not openly spoken about her true age. However, the heroine of the scandalous chronicle decided not to make a secret of it anymore.

“I'm sixty! I'm not going to hide it. Yes, I'm sixty. I celebrated my anniversary this year, by the way,” Kopenkina admitted to StarHit before filming a talk show“There is NO DEATH”, which will air on the TV-3 channel on December 25 at 19:00. Together with other guests of the studio, Larisa discussed the secrets of youth, health and excellent physical and spiritual shape, but in the breaks between “motor” and “shot” the star opened up. “On the screen I look like a crazy pensioner with a crazy mind, constantly looking for adventure. But in life I am completely different – ​​cheerful, creating absolutely no problems,” she said.

In addition, Larisa stated that her heart is not free again. “I have another novel. He's incredibly handsome. “I won’t say anything more, because it will again cause a storm of emotions,” the businesswoman intrigued. – People look at my Instagram and write that it’s me who buys cakes for myself. But I'm not crazy. I actually lose weight periodically. Buying flowers for yourself is also crazy. I always tell everyone, if I can do it, then everyone can do it!”

Developing a relationship with a new secret admirer, Kopenkina does not forget to follow the fate of her former lover, Prokhor Chaliapin. The singer now cannot sort out his feelings for Anna Kalashnikova, with whom he recently broke off his engagement. Prokhor suspects that the bride is cheating on him. In addition, there are rumors that Kalashnikova’s child was not born from Chaliapin.

“When she was pregnant, I think, the only person who believed that this would be his child was me. Because they don't play with children. And since I am an adult woman, I was happy that they had this child. But judging by what is happening now, I think not. That’s why I suggested that they do DNA,” Kopenkina told StarHit.

Larisa knows that Prokhor is ready to take a paternity test, but Anna, in her opinion, is unlikely to agree to this step. The businesswoman thinks that Chaliapin could become good dad for the baby, no matter what the results of the DNA test show. Another thing is that the couple does not even live together, and the singer does not yet have the opportunity to show his fatherly qualities. Let us remind you that little Daniel in this moment raised by Kalashnikova’s mother, who helps out her constantly busy daughter. Prokhor's mother lives in another city, so she does not have the opportunity to often babysit her grandson, although she would like to.

By the way, Kopenkina is outraged by Kalashnikova’s accusations that she is threatening with something new passion Shalyapin. According to Larisa, she only saw Anya a couple of times in her life on talk shows, in which they became heroines together. Meanwhile, the businesswoman has already formed a clear opinion about her chosen one ex-husband. "She is very beautiful girl, but it’s like a façade with a vacant lot behind it. Inside there is a wasteland, a windfall,” Kopenkina artistically described her impressions of communicating with Kalashnikova.

Who is Larisa Kopenkina? Larisa Kopenkina was born in the fall of 1962 in Moscow. We tried to find out who Larisa Kopenkina is. Larisa Kopenkina tries herself as a presenter.

Marriage with a star is not such an outlandish thing for us. The problem is that Larisa’s chosen one is only 30 years old. He is young, handsome and talented.

Larisa Kopenkina herself, whose biography is replete with facts of ups and downs, is currently a wealthy lady. As the owner of a real estate company, Larisa has made many transactions with famous artists.

And what is Prokhor Chaliapin, who declared his love for an elderly woman to the whole world? How did these people meet? How did their relationship blossom into love and marriage? Larisa and Prokhor met in Jamaica while on vacation.

The newlyweds wore all white at the ceremony. Larisa was wearing a long one elegant dress with a deep neckline. As a gift to her beloved, Kopenkina presented an apartment in Moscow, the cost of which is estimated at 18 million rubles.

Larisa's age does not allow her to give birth to offspring. I wonder how the couple’s relatives feel about their decision to marry? It is known that the son of Larisa Kopenkina speaks out sharply against such a relationship.

He assures everyone that he has fallen hopelessly in love, and the wedding with Larisa made him the most happy man on the ground. Elena Ivanovna accuses her newly-made daughter-in-law of all sins. At first, Larisa wanted to limit herself to only so-called “beauty injections.”

Biography of Kopenkina (Chalyapina) Larisa

It is known that this is not Larisa’s first official marriage. In addition, she had common-law husbands. As we can see, the woman never suffered from loneliness.

Magic expert Marina Zenkovskaya claims that Larisa bewitched her young suitor. Indeed, in Lately you can watch Larisa simply glow with happiness.

Larisa Kopenkina won a beauty contest

Larisa was simply stupid with this marriage. I love Larisa Kopenkina. To love so to love, to hate so to hate. And what did this youngster not know that she would not be able to give birth to him?

Larisa, don’t suffer, just live life to the fullest! Larisa is great!!! I am sure that things will work out for Larisa!!!

Larisa is smart, intelligent, and attractive in appearance. Larisa's friends claim that she has blossomed. Kopenkina’s son also does not share sympathy for his future stepfather. After “Star Factory”, Prokhor Chaliapin’s producer was Viktor Drobysh.

Personal life of Larisa Kopenkina / Larisa Kopenkina

The musician proposed to Larisa Kopenkina: he gave her wedding ring made of white gold and publicly announced the long-awaited wedding.

Prokhor Chaliapin's mother found out about her son's fiancée thanks to the Internet. She accused Larisa Kopenkina of witchcraft and said that this marriage would deprive her of hope of having grandchildren.

Posts tagged Larisa Kopenkina

He went even further: he published intimate photograph, in which he and Larisa Kopenkina are lying in bed. At the same time, Larisa Kopenkina took her husband’s surname and became Larisa Chaliapina. For Larisa, the news about her husband’s infidelity and about a child on the side came as an unpleasant surprise.

Larisa you are a woman! Dignity? It's a pity that money doesn't make you smarter! What kind of mind of Larisa are we talking about? She works as a realtor. She ended up in in the right place at the right time and lucky!

Larisa, I get such a boost of energy and vigor from your photos. You are our ray of light in a dark kingdom. Larisa, will you, such an intelligent and talented woman, allow some gigolo to ruin you? Initially, the singer’s mother was against such a Mesalian, pointing out that she and Kopenkina were not a couple and would not be able to have grandchildren.

We don’t have an official divorce yet,” Larisa told SUPER. “Because this is a very difficult question!” The misalliance between 32-year-old singer Prokhor Chaliapin and 52-year-old businesswoman Larisa Kopenkina seems to be over.

Her biography was unknown to anyone until recently. She married Prokhor Chaliapin, the same one who still pretends to be a descendant of the famous opera singer Fyodor Chaliapin.

It turns out that she became famous after her wedding with famous singer Prokhor Shalyapin. At one time, Prokhor took part in many music competitions.

The young artist, appearing on television, announced that he is a descendant of the famous opera singer Fyodor Chaliapin. It is known that he already had a marriage with an older woman.

And here in last year Prokhor distinguished himself again, so much so that he shocked everyone around him. The artist assures that on his part it was love at first sight. And Prokhor put on a snow-white suit for this occasion. True, Prokhor is in no hurry to accept this gift.

Larisa Kopenkina had a row with Prokhor Chaliapin's mother

But Prokhor Shalyapin’s mother, Elena Ivanovna, spoke sharply about her son’s choice. She completely disagrees with his decision to legalize relations with such adult woman.

Photos, biography, people’s opinions about her - everything can be found in this article. Larisa deserves the best!

The country is excited by the unusual chosen one of the young graduate of the Star Factory, Prokhor Chaliapin.

Prokhor’s mother said that she learned about her son’s upcoming marriage from the Internet and was shocked by his chosen one. In 2006, under the stage name Prokhor, Chaliapin became a participant television project Channel One "Star Factory-6".

Larisa Kopenkina rode an ostrich

Prokhor Chaliapin became a finalist in the television project and took fourth place. After the end of the “Star Factory” project, Prokhor Chaliapin began to actively tour, including abroad.

His diploma was dedicated to the work of Fyodor Chaliapin and Russian folk song. In 2011, the television series “Zhukov” was released, in which Prokhor Chaliapin played the role of the famous opera singer Boris Shtokolov.

And now there is only talk in the press about a certain Larisa Kopenkina. Larisa Kopenkina and Prokhor Chaliapin met in the winter of 2012 in Jamaica.

People started talking about Larisa Kopenkina in December 2013, when a 57-year-old woman married a 30-year-old finalist of the 6th Star Factory. Show business and fans of the singer rushed to guess what it was: sincere feelings or a PR campaign by Chaliapin, whose popularity had lost steam and faded.

The outrageous couple regularly added fuel to the fire, arousing curiosity and gossip with new joint photographs - candid and full of “passion”. Star Romance benefited Kopenkina and Chaliapin: they started talking about them, and attention to the persons increased many times over. Prokhor's career went to new round, and Larisa’s business got a second wind.

Who is Larisa Kopenkina - a romantic woman who never stopped dreaming of love, or a prudent businesswoman who uses all means for financial growth?

Childhood and youth

Larisa Kopenkina is a native Muscovite. Many facts of her biography are known from the words of the woman. So the date of birth - September 13, 1962 - many skeptics call fictitious, pointing out that the future businesswoman was born seven years earlier. But there is no reliable information, so it is proposed to believe the date announced by Larisa.

There is also scant information about the Kopenkina family. The woman claims that her father died early, and her mother married a second time. A stepfather appeared in the house, who raised Larisa and her sister.

The girl was a difficult, rebellious teenager, causing her parents a lot of problems. The teachers did not find any desire for learning in young Kopenkina. There is no information about the period of life after school. Larisa Kopenkina does not say what time educational institution went off, taking in hand school certificate, and whether you studied at a university at all.


Larisa Kopenkina worked for 15 years at the real estate company “On Petrovka”, where she headed the department for the sale of luxury housing. According to the businesswoman, the agency belonged to her. The information was confirmed by Kopenkina’s colleague Svetlana Klimova. Department luxury real estate Larisa Kopenkina headed it personally.

Businesswoman Larisa Kopenkina

After the name Kopenkina means mass media connected with Prokhor Chaliapin, sales rushed up. Klimova claims that she witnessed how famous and wealthy clients flocked to the agency, to whom an experienced realtor sold the most expensive apartments in the capital.

After the magnificent wedding of Larisa Kopenkina with Andrei Zakharenkov (the real name of the vocalist), which was attended by stars Russian show business, an enterprising woman has acquired useful connections.

Larisa Kopenkina appeared on television: in addition to frequent appearances in various talk shows, she made a career as a TV presenter. Chaliapin’s wife hosted the scandalous program “Shpili-Vili” on Humor TV. Kopenkina’s co-hosts were Marina Deinega and Anatoly Goncharov. The hero of the first issue was a participant in the show “Dom-2”.

Larisa Kopenkina appeared on the “Let Them Talk” project, became a guest of the “Let’s Get Married” program and visited the “Male/Female” show.

In 2014, information appeared in the media that Kopenkina was selling her business, but it was not about a real estate agency, but about Larisa’s restaurant and hotel complex.

Personal life

Larisa Kopenkina's marriage to a young vocalist is not the first in her biography. According to the woman, her first husband’s name was Sergei, but family life 22-year-old Larisa did not work out with him. When Kopenkina was admitted to the hospital, where she found out about her pregnancy, her husband did not visit his wife. She did not forgive him for this, and in a quarrel she lied that the child was from another man.

After the divorce from Sergei, the lies told in the heat of a quarrel complicated the fight for alimony. For the second time, Larisa Kopenkina connected her life with a man named Boris Bezzubov. The daughter from her first marriage, Anastasia, called Boris father. The marriage produced a son, Yuri.

When Nastya turned 16, the woman found out that her daughter was dating a young man. Larisa Kopenkina demanded to end the affair, but the girl ran away from domestic scandals and settled with the guy and his drinking parents. The mother had to come to terms with her daughter’s actions: Kopenkina arranged a wedding for the young couple.

2 years later, tragedy struck. Nastya announced that she was leaving her husband. There is no reliable information about why the girl fell out of the window of his apartment on the 8th floor. Larisa Kopenkina was grieving the loss, plunged into depression, married life the relationship with Bezzubov broke down: the husband left home, taking his son.

The 56-year-old woman's taste for life returned in 2012, when she was vacationing in Jamaica. Larisa met young man, who showed a burning interest in her. It turned out to be him.

At the beginning of December 2013, the couple went to the capital's registry office, Larisa Kopenkina took her husband's last name. The news caused an explosion of rumors and gossip; joint photographs of the couple appeared on the Internet and yellow tabloids. Prokhor Chaliapin’s mother took her son’s marriage with hostility, saying that 2 times senior woman tied Andrei to herself with witchcraft.

Andrei Zakharenkov married Larisa Kopenkina, without receiving his mother's blessing. He gave his wife a white gold ring, and his wife presented to my young husband, as a wedding gift, a luxurious metropolitan apartment in the center of Moscow. Prokhor Chaliapin, as he claims, refused to buy a house worth 15 million rubles so as not to look like a gigolo.

A year later, family life began to crack: Prokhor had an affair with a model. The vocalist on Malakhov’s show said that Anna was expecting a child from him.


In 2014, Larisa Kopenkina divorced her young husband. The separation was accompanied by loud scandals and revelations. Chaliapin admitted that Kopenkina is not a millionaire, but an ordinary realtor, lives in a two-room apartment on the outskirts of the capital. That their marriage is an advertising campaign, sealed by a contract. At the end, the singer demanded that Larisa Kopenkina confirm that he was not a gigolo and did not live at the expense of his wife.

Kopenkina ignored her ex-husband’s “revelations” and brushed it off, saying that she was happy before him and would certainly find happiness after the separation.

The woman, unlike the talent show star, benefited from the marriage. She lives as a celebrity should, creating new scandals. On pages in "Instagram" posts candid photos in bikinis and bold outfits, undergoes plastic surgery, which she tells about to her thousands of followers on social networks. Larisa Kopenkina's heart is open to new romantic encounters.

At social parties, women appear in outfits that attract attention. At one party she appeared in a prison uniform, at another - in the clothes of a nun.

Larisa Kopenkina now

The woman willingly shares the latest news in her life with everyone who is interested in show business. In November 2017, the outrageous businesswoman announced a close relationship with Prokhor Chaliapin, which was confirmed by DNA analysis. Kopenkina denied the scandal that broke out and rumors of incest a couple of days later, saying that she was joking.

Larisa aroused interest in her person by singing in a duet with Chaliapin, with whom she made peace. The song “Let them say that we are not a couple” was warmly received by fans.

People started talking about Kopenkina again when a candid photo shoot of Anna Kalashnikova with Larisa’s son, Yuri Bezzubov, appeared on the Internet. Anna wrote that in the erotic photographs she is with her fiance. Users of the social network recognized Bezzubov by the characteristic tattoo on the man’s forearm.

The scandal, like all previous ones, is rumored to have been inspired to support interest in the persons of Kalashnikova, Bezzubov and Kopenkina. It became the topic of Malakhov’s next “revealing” show, where Larisa and Anna met and exchanged “courtesy.”

The news that Kalashnikova is expecting a child added spice to the moment. Kopenkina expressed hope that Yuri is not the father of Anna’s child. At the release of “Let Them Talk,” Larisa Kopenkina was supported by Chaliapin, with whom the woman established friendly relations by publishing a photo from a joint vacation.

Unequal marriages have always caused a resonance in society. And celebrity unions double the interest of ordinary people. Who is Larisa Kopenkina? Her biography was unknown to anyone until recently. And today her name is surrounded by an aura of scandal. What happened in this life, at first glance, ordinary woman? She married Prokhor Chaliapin, the same one who still pretends to be a descendant of Fyodor Chaliapin. How does the public feel about this story? What do the newlyweds' relatives say about the couple? How is life for the spouses today? Let's try to answer these questions.

Who is Larisa Kopenkina?

Until recently, nothing was known about this already middle-aged woman with a neat hairstyle and blue eyes. And now there is only talk in the press about a certain Larisa Kopenkina. Who is she? What does he do? Why did she suddenly gain popularity? It turns out that she became famous after her wedding with the famous singer Prokhor Chaliapin. It would seem that what is unusual here? Marriage with a star is not such an outlandish thing for us. The problem is that Larisa’s chosen one is only 30 years old. He is young, handsome and talented. What attracted the famous singer to this woman who is old enough to be his mother? What is this: real love or hard calculation? Let's try to find out.

Businesswoman Larisa Kopenkina: biography

Our heroine was born in Moscow on September 13, 1962. What is known about her is that the woman has already been married several times. Her first marriage culminated in the birth of her son Yuri. Now the young man is organizing collective events. Larisa Kopenkina herself, whose biography is replete with facts of ups and downs, is currently a wealthy lady. She made her multimillion-dollar fortune by trading luxury real estate. As the owner of a real estate company, Larisa made many transactions with famous artists. Her interest in the lives of domestic celebrities may have contributed to the development of a relationship with a young aspiring singer.

Extravagant groom

And what is Prokhor Chaliapin, who declared his love for an elderly woman to the whole world? He says that it doesn’t matter to him who Larisa Kopenkina is, what she does, how much money she has. The main thing, if you believe the words of the young artist, is their love and far-reaching plans for a joint future. At one time, Prokhor took part in many music competitions. He became famous after the release of the television show “Star Factory-6”. Prokhor became a finalist in the program. Here he was caught in a scandal using his pseudonym. As is known, his real name- Zakharenkov. The young artist, appearing on television, announced that he is a descendant of the famous opera singer Fyodor Chaliapin. He took his last name and then performed under it. Prokhor has shocked the public more than once with his scandalous antics. His extraordinary nature could not go unnoticed by the press. It is known that he already had a marriage with an older woman. This happened when the aspiring artist was only 18 years old. In addition, the young handsome man had a relationship with seventy-year-old Svetlana Svetlichnaya. It seems that his desire to shock the public prevails over common sense. Then he had a relationship with model and singer Adelina Sharipova. However, they did not last long. And last year, Prokhor distinguished himself again, so much so that he shocked everyone around him. His affair with a middle-aged businesswoman, and then his wedding, caused a lot of noise in the press. 7 Days Magazine included this bright event in the top ten high-profile scandals celebrities in 2013.

Larisa Kopenkina: wedding with Prokhor Chaliapin

How did these people meet? How did their relationship blossom into love and marriage? Larisa and Prokhor met in Jamaica while on vacation. The artist assures that on his part it was a romance that unfolded rapidly and continued in Moscow. And so on December 3, 2013, their relationship was officially formalized in the Kutuzovsky registry office of the capital. The witness on the groom's side was Bari Alibasov, on the bride's side - TV presenter and writer Lena Lenina. The newlyweds wore all white at the ceremony. Larisa was wearing a long elegant dress with a deep neckline. And Prokhor put on a snow-white suit for this occasion. For a woman, this is already the fourth marriage in her life (although all sources contain different information on this matter). However, this does not bother her at all, nor does the age of her chosen one. As a gift to her beloved, Kopenkina presented an apartment in Moscow, the cost of which is estimated at 18 million rubles. True, Prokhor is in no hurry to accept this gift. By refusing him, he hopes to convince his stepson Yuri to believe in his love for his mother.

Dreams of having a child together

What do spouses lack for complete happiness? Of course, a joint child. Larisa's age does not allow her to give birth to offspring. However, just recently the couple announced that in the near future they are going to use the services of the newly-made wife assures her young spouse that she could give birth to his child. All that is needed is the intervention of doctors to help her get pregnant.

Larisa's son about his stepfather

The whole public is buzzing like a beehive. Everyone is talking about the unequal marriage between the singer and the businesswoman. I wonder how the couple’s relatives feel about their decision to marry? It is known that the son of Larisa Kopenkina speaks out sharply against such a relationship. He does not believe at all in Prokhor’s sincerity, considering him a gigolo and gigolo. Yuri says that the handsome young man was attracted by the millions of his middle-aged mother, and not at all by his sympathy for her. He is sure that very soon the singer will leave Larisa, and it will be he, her, who will have to wipe away the poor woman’s tears. only son. He came to his mother’s wedding in a black turtleneck, saying that this day was a mourning day for him. How does Yuri's father feel about his chosen one? The man says that he approves of the choice of his son's mother and wishes her happiness. “Larissa is an adult woman and is free to make decisions in her life,” assures her ex-husband.

Relationships with mother-in-law

But Prokhor Shalyapin’s mother, Elena Ivanovna, spoke sharply about her son’s choice. She completely disagrees with his decision to legalize a relationship with such an adult woman. Only Prokhor does not want to listen to his mother’s advice. He assures everyone that he has fallen hopelessly in love, and his wedding with Larisa has made him the happiest man on earth. accuses his newly-made daughter-in-law of all sins. She assures that Larisa Kopenkina, whose biography speaks of the lady’s frivolity, bewitched her son. “This grown-up woman is using the poor boy for her own purposes,” she says. The woman complains that she will not have grandchildren. The lovers' conversations that perhaps a baby would soon appear in their family led Prokhor's mother into a state of shock.

Plastic surgery in the life of a businesswoman

What a woman won’t do to keep her man. For the sake of love, representatives of the fair sex risk their health and lives. This statement is doubly true when we're talking about about an unequal marriage between a young man and a woman twice his age. Prokhor assures everyone around that for him there is no one more beautiful than Larisa Kopenkina. “Age doesn’t spoil her at all,” says the handsome man. However, the newly-made wife understands that, perhaps, soon her spouse will be drawn to appetizing and young girls. She must outshine everyone so that her husband does not notice anyone. What will help a woman regain her youth? Of course, plastic surgery. The couple turned to a well-known specialist in Moscow with a request to help. At first, Larisa wanted to limit herself to only so-called “beauty injections.” However, the surgeon convinced her that really good results can only be achieved if plastic surgery is used. At the clinic, the woman had her following operations: blepharoplasty and circular lift faces. Viewers can evaluate how successful these procedures were soon. After all, a businesswoman loves to post her photos online. Now Larisa is thinking about having a breast lift and liposuction.

Psychics about an extraordinary couple

I wonder how long Prokhor Chaliapin and Larisa Kopenkina will be happily married? The biography of both one and the other is replete with scandalous facts. It is known that this is not Larisa’s first official marriage. In addition, she also had common-law husbands. As we can see, the woman never suffered from loneliness. And Prokhor already had relationships with women much older than him. The answer to how durable their union is can only be given by psychics. Magic expert Marina Zenkovskaya claims that Larisa bewitched her young suitor. And now, as the psychic says, the already middle-aged woman is fueled by the energy of her husband. Indeed, lately you can see Larisa simply glowing with happiness. All joint photos couples talk about it. But the winner of the “Battle of Psychics,” Alexander Litvin, is confident that this couple’s marriage will be long-lasting, since it was built on the basis of calculation. To the young artist she needs money, and the elderly businesswoman needs her husband’s youth and energy.

We tried to find out who Larisa Kopenkina is. Photos, biography, people's opinions about her - everything can be found in this article.