The question of the magnitude of the duration human life has occupied the minds of scientists of all countries and peoples for many centuries.

What affects life expectancy?

Factors that undoubtedly affect the life of a person are: place of residence (from climatic features territory to the cultural traditions of the peoples inhabiting it), attitude to health and nutrition, as well as genetic predisposition (if long-livers already existed in the family of this individual).

The oldest people on Earth, who manage to live for a long time, certainly arouse interest from scientists. Many are convinced that it is in their lifestyle that one should look for a clue to longevity. The most comprehensive work in this direction was carried out by the team of searching for records from the same name, all famous book... Finally, it was possible to establish the names and personalities of long-lived heroes, not only in the present, but also in the distant past.

The record was recorded

Throughout the existence of the Guinness Book of Records, hundreds of people have applied for it, wishing to immortalize themselves or their loved ones and enter world history as "the most an old man on Earth. "It's no secret that the average life expectancy in our country is considered to be from 65 to 80 years. However, this does not prevent many people to overcome this milestone and easily live two or even three lives of an average person. are they people who have seen several eras?

As already mentioned, there are surprisingly quite a few of them. However, among the living and already dead, only four are worth noting. The oldest people on Earth are Jeanne Louise Kalman, Shigechio Izumi, Thomas Peter Thorvald Christian and Anna Eugenie Blanchard. It was they who managed to be in the Guinness Book of Records as the oldest people in our history.

Zhanna Kalman

Considered the undisputed favorite in this race. Today she is a permanent long-liver of the living and already deceased and bears the title "the oldest person on Earth" posthumously.

It is not surprising that a woman is in the lead. Scientists have long established that the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, on average, manage to live 15-20 years more than men.

Frenchwoman Jeanne Louise Kalman was born almost a century and a half ago, back in 1875. She passed away at the age of 122, on August 4, 1997. Nearly 45,000 days of life is the longest ever recorded. She managed to outlive her own children and even some grandchildren.

For his amazing life Jeanne Kelman managed to witness many historical events... She was 14 years old when the legendary architect Alexander Eiffel finished building his tower. At the same age, she met Vincent Van Gogh and, according to her, great artist Jeanne did not like the post-impressionist at all, as he was very gloomy and untidy. Jeanne Kelman also attended the funeral of the poet Victor Hugo.

Contrary to popular belief that smoking is one of the most harmful habits that affect life expectancy, Jeanne is the oldest person on Earth who became addicted to cigarettes at a young age. According to her relatives, she smoked at least twice a day for almost her entire life.

Until her 110th birthday, Jeanne Kelman lived on her own, requiring no help or support. She then moved to a nursing home, where she spent the rest of her life. Jeanne is known as the oldest person on Earth, her photo can be seen below. She managed to give many interviews and took part in the filming of several documentaries.

Second place

These two centenarians are currently tied for second place in the Guinness Book of Records. Due to bureaucratic nuances and the lack of reliable information, it was not possible to establish who is older. Only one thing is clear - both Izumi and Christian are by far the oldest among men.

A native of Denmark, Thomas Peter lived 115 years, and the Japanese Shigechio Izumi, according to some sources, 105, and some others - 120 years. Representatives of the Book of Records are inclined to the second option and conditionally give a silver medal for Izumi's longevity, however, it is argued to prove this and testify given fact unfortunately not possible.

Shigechio Izumi

Shigechio Izumi is the oldest man on earth ever among men. He was born in 1865 and died in 1986. Unfortunately, there are simply no documents that could confirm his date of birth, and this figure is known literally from the words of his relatives and Izumi himself. In addition to the longest living record, he is also registered as having worked for more than 98 years - the longest working life. This is much more than the average life expectancy in some states. The name of the Japanese appears in one of the oldest censuses conducted in his home country in 1871. According to family records, Shigechio passed away at the age of 105, but the accuracy of this information is highly questionable.

Thomas Peter Thorvald Christian

Thomas Peter Thorvald Christian was born in 1882 and died in 1998. The data on his life expectancy from birth to death are not questioned, and it is 115 and a half years. This is confirmed by the date of the baptism of Peter recorded in the church, and the censuses of the population held in Denmark.

The oldest person on earth still living

Whether the agreed three leaders will remain at their records these days largely depends on one person. Frenchwoman Anne Eugenie Blanchard recently celebrated her 119th birthday. She is the oldest person on Earth. Still alive from the representatives of the male half of the world's population and the oldest US citizen is Walter Breuning. As for Anna Eugenie Blanchard, at the present time, she occupies an absolute leading position among those still living and has already overtaken Torvald in age, at the moment catching up with Izumi.

Man has always dreamed of living long, approaching eternity. So many attempts have been made to obtain immortality. They used to try to get the Philosopher's Stone, which gives eternal life, are now dieting, following recommendations from all over the world that promise to prolong life. But there is no evidence of a single technique, no one has yet managed to extend their life for long years... But still, people who seem to have agreed with death exist. Let's find out who they are, the longest-livers of the planet.

In 1933, a note appeared in the most famous magazines about the death of Lee Ching-Yun, who turned 256 years old. Perhaps this is the longest-lived in the world in history. For your long life path he changed more than twenty wives and became the father of one hundred and eighty children.

The secret of Lee Ching-Yun's longevity, it was alleged, lay in the fact that he was in any life circumstances tried to be calm and balanced. The long-liver tried to observe a special diet, his diet mainly consisted of rice and wine. Unfortunately, there is no reliable information about children and young years long-liver. It is only known for certain that his homeland is China, the province of Sichuan. Li lived there all his life. At the age of ten, he was educated beyond his years and managed to travel around many wonderful places where he collected medicinal herbs. What the longest-liver on earth did next is unknown.

Lee Ching-Yun at his venerable age looked surprisingly young, and no one could give him more than 60 years. It is this striking circumstance that raises doubts about his true age... Lee himself claimed that he was born in 1736, allegedly he was 197 years old. But the research of a professor from Minkuo University, Wu-Chang-shin, proved that Li's real date of birth is 1677, and the Chinese rulers managed to congratulate him on his one hundred and fifty and bicentennials.

Jeanne Kalman (1875 - 1997)

This woman has earned the title of the oldest representative of the fair sex. Even if she is not the longest-liver, she has no equal among women. Her age was 122 years 164 days. Her homeland is the town of Arles, France. For his long life she was lucky to witness many discoveries: Jeanne saw the first car, cinema at the very beginning, stainless steel, television and the first airplanes.

This is not the only amazing event in her life. At the age of thirteen, Jeanne had a chance to meet Van Gogh, whom she did not like at all.

Jeanne Kalman had some natural protection from unrest, it was she who became the reason for such long life... Her contemporaries also said that Jeanne had an amazing sense of humor, which, as she herself believed, was the secret of longevity.

Zhanna was very mobile and did not lead an entirely "exemplary" lifestyle, until her century she pedaled and dabbled in alcohol, cigarettes and did it until the end of her days. Kalman believed that humor, mobility and good digestion helped her live for such a long time.

Sarah Knauss (1880 -1999)

The second long-liver among women, reaching the age of 119 years and 97 days. This amazing lady did not live quite a bit until the new century, she finished her journey on December 30, 1999. By the way, Sarah was not at all touched by the fact that she was a record holder among centenarians, her reaction was always unequivocal: “So what?”.

As Sara's daughter is told, she was always surprisingly calm, it seemed that nothing could excite her. Who knows, perhaps this is the secret of longevity, because, as you know, stress significantly shortens the days of our life.

Sarah had a chance to witness seven wars and bury her husband, with whom they were together for 64 years.

Lucy Hannah (1875 -1993)

Lucy was not awarded the title of the oldest woman only because of the fact that she lived in the same period as the record holder Jeanne Kalman. But one cannot fail to note a woman who lived for 117 years 248 days, by the way, this is an absolute record among African Americans.

Hannah lived in Alabama, United States. She managed to give birth to eight offspring, six of them she buried. By the way, Lucy is not the only long-liver in her family. Her own mother lived up to 99 years, and two sisters - up to a hundred years.

Maria Louise Mailer (1880 - 1998)

Another representative of the beautiful half of humanity, who postponed her death, ended her life at the age of 117 years 230 days, almost the same age as Lucy Hannah. An interesting fact: Maria lived in a nursing home with her son, and her daughter at that time was ten to a hundred years old.

Maria Louise was born in Quebec, Canada. During her life, she managed to get married twice and give birth to ten children. As the long-liver herself believed, she owes her long life to hard work. Although her lifestyle cannot be called absolutely healthy. Maria could have had a glass of wine, and she smoked almost all her life, giving up almost thirty years before her death.

Maria Capovilla (1889 - 2006)

A resident of Ecuador, Maria Capovilla, was born in 1889, it was then that the Eiffel Tower was introduced to the world. Despite the fact that they are the last on our list, since they lived for 116 years 347 days, Maria still had a chance to become a record holder. She is considered the oldest not only among South Americans, but also by all southern hemisphere... Maria died a month before her 177th birthday.

Maria was born into a military family and lived among the Ecuadorian elite. As witnesses of her life say, Maria could boast of powerful health, and anyone could envy her energy. Capovilla never smoked, although she could sometimes afford alcohol.

At the age of 99, Maria suddenly found herself on her deathbed. But she managed to withstand, and, despite the proximity of death, Maria continued to walk on her own, studied the press, was interested in the news on TV, and in general was famous for her excellent health. She had five offspring, two of whom she buried. The remaining children were 78, 80 and 81 years old at the time of Mary's death.

The duration of a human life depends on many factors: lifestyle, diet, place of residence, genetic predisposition to certain diseases. In the CIS countries, the average life expectancy is somewhere around 60 years for men and 65 for women. In countries Western Europe this figure is slightly higher. But, the people who will be discussed further broke all records and demonstrated a great love of life.

Super long-livers

The oldest person in history

The person who lived the most was a woman (according to statistics, women live longer than men). The name of this heroine is Jeanne Louise Calment, this woman was born back in 1875 on February 21 in France, and died on August 4, 1997. Her total life expectancy is 122 years and 164 days (44724 total amount days). Jeanne became the person who lived the most long life of all who would be known to science. The woman outlived her daughters and even her grandchildren. Information about the life span of this heroine is carefully documented in scientific papers.

Oldest man

There is some debate about the age of the oldest man. claims the record holder is Japanese Shigechiyo Izumi. He was allegedly born on June 29, 1865, and died on February 21, 1986. If the date of his birth is correct (apparently no documents have been preserved), then the long-liver from Japan lived 120 years and 237 days... Only a long-liver from France, Jeanne Kalman, survived it. Shigechio was not only the oldest man on the planet, he also set the record for the longest labor activity for a person, 98 years old. Surprisingly, but seniority Japanese far exceeds average duration life in Europe in our time. His name was recorded in the first Japanese census in 1871. Interestingly, the man started smoking at the age of 70. However, following the long-liver's death, the Tokyo Department of Epidemiology and the Institute of Gerontology reported that, based on family records, Shigechio died at the age of 105 years... Whether this is true or not, we probably won't be able to find out.

The second candidate for the right to be called the oldest man who ever lived on Earth is Thomas Peter Thorvald Christian Ferdinand Mortensen (August 16, 1882 - April 25, 1998). Although Thomas's date of birth is not obscured, the Guinness Book of Records considers him the second after Shigechio Izumi. Christian Mortensen is the oldest person born in Denmark, he is one of the ten oldest people on the planet. In total he lived 115 years and 252 days... There can be no doubt about the life expectancy of Christian Mortensen, there are records of his birth, and records of baptism in the church, and even records of the Danish census indicate that the date of birth is correct.

The oldest person living now

The oldest was a woman - Anne Eugénie Blanchard (born February 16, 1896), a French long-liver. The woman has lived for over 114 years 142 days.
The oldest man living in our time was Walter Breuning, he was born on September 21, 1896, a long-liver from the United States. At the age of 113 years 290 days, he ranked 4th among the oldest people on the planet, ahead of him only three women, one of whom is Anna Blanchard.

Every person dreams of cheating time: to prolong youth, to live a very long life. Exists whole list people who succeeded. Many of them were included in the Guinness Book of Records during their lifetime.

World statistics tell us that men live less than women. In this regard, it is quite logical that the oldest person in the world is also a woman.

She was born in 1875 in the south of France, in the city of Arles. Her parents also lived to be almost a hundred years old. However, these qualities were not passed on to her descendants. During her lifetime, she lost her daughter and grandson.

Jeanne-Louise at a young age was acquainted with Vincent Van Gogh, who often went to her uncle's store. She later said that Van Gogh was a very unpleasant, rude person. She witnessed two World Wars and watched the construction of the Eiffel Tower. She died on August 4, 1997. At that time she was 122 years old.

After Kalman, she is also a woman. American Sarah Knaus was born in 1880. She lived for 119 years. There is practically no information about her life. It is only known that she died in 1990 in a nursing home.

The oldest person in the world (2012) is Bess Cooper. She was born in 1896 in American state Tennessee in and was the third child. Having successfully graduated from school, she moved to the town of Betwin, where she worked as a teacher. She got married at the age of 28. She is currently 116 years old. She has four children, twelve grandchildren, fifteen great-grandchildren and one great-great-grandchild.

The world's oldest man among men was born in Japan in 1897. His name is Jiroemon Kimura. For about forty years he worked as a postman. After retirement, he began to study agriculture... When he turned 90, his health deteriorated. Today he rarely goes outside. However, he exercises daily and uses an exercise bike. Kimura loves to read newspapers. Receives guests, is interested in politics and sumo.

The title "The oldest man in the world" was awarded for some time. He was born in 1882 and died at the age of 115 in 1998. Christian was born in Denmark. Among the documents that have survived after the census of those years, there are those confirming the date of his birth, and even baptism. When Christian was 21 years old, he moved to America. He changed jobs many times. He was married, but not for long. In all his life he never had children. It is known that he did not smoke and preferred water to other drinks. At the age of 90, Mortensen independently moved to a nursing home, where he lived until the end of his days. At the end of his life, Christian lost his sight and could only move with the help of a gurney. After his death, no close relatives were found. Apparently, by this time they were gone. Today, the title of "The oldest man in the world" no longer belongs to Christian Mortensen. Nevertheless, he is the only native of Denmark who has survived to such years.

These facts make us believe that there is no limit to human capabilities. The maximum age of a person increases with each generation.

Not everyone knows about this person. And, when a rating of the planet's centenarians is created, for some reason they do not always remember about it. But there was such a person as Li Ching-Yun. The man lived to be 256 years old! A startling note about the death of this old man appeared in 1933 in the most famous magazines.

Throughout world history, only this man lived to such a venerable age. Interestingly, Lee Ching-Yoon had a chance to become the father of 180 children! And during his own long life, the man managed to change more than 20 wives.

Although Kalman did not manage to live to the twenty-first century, since she died in 1997, she saw the very first car. In addition, she lived at the time of the birth of cinema and television. Jeanne also saw the very first planes.

3rd place

The honorable 3rd place is taken by Shigichiyo Izumi in this ranking. The man lived for 120 years. It's amazing that up until the age of 105, Izumi worked as a school teacher!

The wife of this long-liver was 90 years old when he buried her. Izumi himself was then about 100 years old.

Sarah Knauss is rightfully ranked 4th in the ranking. The woman herself did not care a bit that she was the oldest woman in American history. Having died on the 30th in December 1999, Sarah could not live to the 21st century quite a bit.

The Knauss daughters said that their mother's calmness was always enviable. She has not been touched by any stress in her long life of 119 years. This American woman lived with her husband in happy marriage 64 years old!

Knauss has witnessed 7 wars in her country.

The long-livers rating simply could not have done without Lucy Hannah, who has lived for 117 years. She is the oldest African American woman in the history of the world. Lucy died in 1997. During her long life, Hannah gave birth to eight children. At the same time, six of their own offspring, given amazing woman buried.

6th place

Maria Louise Mailer is rightfully ranked 6th. This woman died at the age of 117. Together with her own son, Maria was in a nursing home. Actually, her daughter at that time was 90 years old.

During her own long life, Maria managed to become the mother of ten children. And this woman has been married twice. Maria loved to smoke. She managed to get rid of the bad habit almost 30 years before own death... The woman also did not disdain alcohol.

7th place

Maria Capovilla, who lived for 116 years, could not even appear in this ranking. This woman's life was amazing. Maria happened to be born into a wealthy military family. Throughout his life, Capoviglia did not have a single bad habit.

At the age of 99, Maria unexpectedly fell seriously ill. The doctors didn't think she could survive. However, everything happened differently. When Capovilla recovered, she was already able to walk on her own. V South America Maria was the oldest woman in history. Capovilla managed to live in three centuries, since she was born in 1889, and died only in 2006.

In Asia, this woman was recognized as the oldest in history. Tane loved embroidery and stucco molding. Surprisingly, the Japanese woman had a chance to survive her own four children!

9th place

Elizabeth Bolden, like the two previous representatives of the rating, lived for 116 years. But after the designated date, Elizabeth lived only 118 days, which is why she was in 9th place in the rating.

At the time of Bolden's death, two of her seven children were still alive.

American Bessie Cooper also lived to be 116 years old. But after this date, the woman lived 102 days. Cooper became a widow at the age of 68. Then she left for a farm and lived there until she moved to a nursing home.