Angelina Jolie with daughters Zahara and Shiloh

Angelina Jolie appeared in the BBC Radio 4 studios last Friday as guest celebrity editor morning program Woman's Hour Takeover. An actress who is reluctant to talk about personal topics, preferring to talk about global problems in the world, this time she was very open and spoke frankly about what it was like to be a mother of six such different children. In addition, for the first time after a long silence, Angie again spoke about her mother and about difficult choice, which Jolie did for herself for the sake of her family.

Speaking about her children, Angelina Jolie noted that she really enjoys watching them grow up, showing their individuality. For example, now all children are keen on studying foreign languages, but at the same time they were given the right to choose what exactly to study. As a result, 10-year-old Shiloh learns the Khmer language (the language of the people of Cambodia, where her older brother Maddox is from). Pax, 12, is focused on learning his native Vietnamese language after growing up in an English-speaking family. 11-year-old Ethiopian Zahara already speaks French. 7-year-old Vivien became interested in Arabic, and her twin brother Knox chose to learn sign language. The eldest son has gone the furthest: 14-year-old Cambodian Maddox is now mastering two foreign languages ​​at once: German and Russian. In total, Jolie and Pitt's children are now learning seven new languages ​​among their six children.

Angelina Jolie with children Shiloh, Vivienne, Knox, Zahara and Pax at the premiere of the cartoon "Kung Fu Panda 3"

The actress in her interview emphasized that she and her husband help children develop in the direction chosen by the children themselves, adding: “You cannot know what your children are like until they show it to you. They just become who they want to be." And, by the way, none of the Jolie-Pitt children are interested in a career as a Hollywood movie star. “Nobody expressed a desire to be an actor. They enjoy the process of making movies on the other side of the camera,” Jolie clarifies. – Mad is interested in film editing. But Pax likes to DJ more.”

Angelina Jolie

The actress emphasized that surgery is “just an option,” and the decision depends on the woman herself. “But if at least one woman, after my revelations, goes and takes a test, finds out that she has cancer, or that the risk of developing it is high, that is, catches the disease in time, it will mean a lot to me.”

An archive of all interviews given by Angelina Jolie to the press at different times.

The first screenings of the famous Oliver Stone's new film, Alexander, took place in the United States. One of the most beautiful and popular stars Hollywood Angelina Jolie got a small but key role in it as the mother of Alexander the Great - the sorceress Olympia.

How do you manage to combine your charity work with your responsibilities as a mother and your acting career?

I travel a lot, it's true, but I believe that one thing in my life complements the other. I do charity work because I can't sit idly by. I can help other people, and I am able to do this because I make money acting in films. There is too much going on in the world at once, and too much injustice to sit idly by.

- Will the re-election of George W. Bush have any impact on your activities as UN Goodwill Ambassador?

Now I will have to apologize more for my fellow Americans when traveling to other countries. When Bush started the Iraq War, I often had to explain that Americans were not as bad as they were perceived abroad; that a lot of people live here normal people who oppose the war. But the majority of Americans voted for Bush, which means that those who are suspicious of Americans were right. I live in Europe, travel through Asia and Africa, and see how they treat America there. This doesn't make me happy.

- Are you planning on moving back to the US?

Not in the next four years. And in general, I should soon receive a Cambodian passport.

Your heroine is a servant of Apollo, and therefore is constantly surrounded sacred snakes. After this film, you probably fell in love with them?

Oh yeah! At first I was prejudiced towards them - it’s hard to behave differently when something like that hisses a couple of inches from your eyes - but gradually I got used to it, we even became friends. Wonderful creatures and very smart.

-Were their fangs pulled out?

No. But every time before filming they were fed, so that at least they would not have the desire to feast on human food. However, sometimes I was afraid that their nerves would give out - when, for example, I was kneeling on the floor among all these reptiles and screaming in rage, and Oliver, in turn, shouted behind the camera: “ More snakes! Throw more snakes!” This was probably the most abnormal situation in my entire film career.

You had to spend time in the company of snakes - and you really love horses, with whom male actors had to communicate more. Were you jealous of them?

What I was really jealous of was the fact that all the men were given three weeks of military training in the desert. I love adventures, and such situations create a very special feeling of comradeship, camaraderie and all that. I'd like to experience this.

- Did the fact that you now have a son help you in creating the image of Olympia?

If I had not become a mother myself, I would never have been able to understand the passion with which Olympia protects and encourages her son. She tells him: “You are the best, you are special, the world belongs to you.”

- Why do you think she didn’t want to let him go on a trip to Asia?

You have to understand that then a woman’s life was much harder than it is today... with rare exceptions. The fact that Olympia does not want to let Alexander go does not mean that she would like to see him near her in Macedonia. Rather, she wants him to take her with him, to protect her. After all, if he dies, she will die too! And so it happened - a few years after the death of Alexander, Olympia was stabbed to death by her enemies.

You think movies like Alexander might help America, but he did things that were equally immoral and sublime.

- And how was it working with Oliver Stone and Colin Farrell?

They're both crazy. And I am the most abnormal of all (laughs). Perhaps from the outside it seemed that I was something like their mother, the role was obligatory, but I would not have carried such a load. I saw how they work to the limit of their strength, carry out sleepless nights, discussing how to make the film even better... I hope the audience appreciates their work.

Now you have starred in the film “Mr. and Mrs. Smith,” where you had the opportunity to work with Brad Pitt. What kind of partner is he on the court, in comparison with the same Colin?

It's difficult to compare. After all, I only had a couple of scenes with Colin, but with Brad we play husband and wife, we have a completely different relationship. Everyone in this union is a strong personality, which creates the required gloomy atmosphere. Overall, a fun movie.

- Aren't you annoyed by rumors - for example, that Brad Pitt is going to get a divorce because of you?

I hope most people don't take gossip seriously. Looking back, I look at it with humor: I don’t think there was an actor in Hollywood who wasn’t gossiped about that I was dating him. I must have been in great demand! (Laughs.) But the funniest thing is that the gossipers never named who I actually dated.

- Latest Rumors were about the fact that you are going to adopt a child from Russia...

I actually went to Moscow, met children from Beslan, visited orphanages, but this was not related to adoption. Journalists made a whole story out of my visit, which turned out to be not entirely true.

- But are you thinking about adopting another child?

Certainly. It's just a matter of time, plus I want it to be Maddox's baby ( Foster-son actresses) age. In any case, he has already learned what a “brother” is: he knows that I have a brother, and we also watched a film about tigers, “Two Brothers,” and he was completely delighted. True, the Cambodians in this film are depicted without much love, but the tiger cubs are incomparable.

- Are you planning to find a father for your children at the same time?

I have had relationships with many men, but the main thing I now want to find in a loved one is the desire and ability to be a good father.

Tattooed grave digger

Angelina Jolie was born in Los Angeles on June 4, 1975 to famous actor Jon Voight. She studied at the Lee Strasberg Theater School and New York University, and was a professional model in London, New York and Los Angeles. Repeatedly ranked among the most beautiful and most sexy actresses Hollywood, according to polls conducted various organizations. Was married twice ( last spouse- actor Billy Bob Thornton), now divorced. Known a large number tattoos on the body. Some of them had to be “cleaned up” during filming using computers and makeup. She is active in human rights activities and adopted a child from Cambodia. She starred in the films "Temptation", "Lara Croft - Tomb Raider", "Taking Lives" and many others. Oscar winner (Girl, Interrupted, 2002).


In Russia, Angelina Jolie was recognized after the premiere of the film “Lara Croft, Tomb Raider.” More recently, she had a reputation as a kind of hooligan - tattoos in the most unexpected places, love for edged weapons, eccentric actions. But suddenly Angelina became serious. Especially after the UN Refugee Commission appointed her as a goodwill ambassador. In this capacity, Angelina regularly visits refugee camps. She also visited Chechnya. They even said that she was going to adopt a Chechen baby. After all, she already has one adopted son - a Cambodian boy Maddox. True, when he appeared, her husband, actor and director Billy Bob Thornton, left Angelina.

- Angelina, don’t you regret having a child?

No. Sometimes, however, it seems to me that I will not be able to cope with everything that falls on me. But it's not my son's fault - it's my fault! He good boy. It's easy to travel with. We travel a lot - to Asia, Africa and Europe. I specifically bought a house in England so that my son could grow up in an international environment. But we also have an apartment in New York. Maddox brings me a lot of happiness.

- After breaking up with Billy Bob Thornton, are you ready for... new love? And how do you know that you've fallen in love?

How do I know? Oh, I've been wrong many times. I'm a hopeless romantic. A man should share my interests in life, he should help me become more kind person. This is what love is supposed to give. But now I'm careful. I don't want my son to become attached to a person who will then leave his life.

At some stage I will, of course, take a lover or something like that. I'm still a woman. I miss all of this. I'm just very careful now because of my son.

- Cautious and conservative?

Yes, I like to look conservative now. It's funny, but many people thought I was much more interesting when I behaved eccentrically. At that time I was mentally unbalanced, desperately seeking to communicate with people, I had no purpose in life. Now I understand what to do with tattoos and jump with a parachute from an airplane or in evening dress diving into the pool - somehow it’s all a little wild... Maybe for you, journalists, wild Angelina is a more tasty morsel, but now I’m immensely happy with my son. And this is all my wildness.

- Don't you feel guilty when you see how poor people are in your travels around the world?

How it arises! I sometimes come from these creepy places and for some reason I feel very hungry. But as soon as I start eating, I start bawling like a beluga and internally blaspheming myself. But then I reassure myself that I will make a lot of money on the next picture and give everything I can. So I can live in harmony with myself, knowing that I am still a good person.

- How did you become a Goodwill Ambassador?

About five years ago I read the script for the film Without Borders and immediately wanted to take part in it. But for some reason, filming did not take place then. Nevertheless, I continued to think about this topic and realized that I am not only an actress, I am a person. I have to do something. I contacted the UN Refugee Commission, met with them and went to a refugee camp in Sierra Leone. This trip completely changed my life. I plan to work with the UN for the rest of my life. Part of the money raised at the charity premiere of “Without Borders” in New York was used to help refugees. All proceeds from my travel book also went to help these unfortunate people. I donated a lot of my money to these causes.

- Many popular actors hold charity concerts and raise money through various events.

0 February 8, 2018, 20:10

The 42-year-old, who manages not only films and six children, last years devotes quite a lot of time and effort to supporting women fighting for their rights, as well as actively against sexual violence. Therefore, it is not surprising that it was her on the eve of the International women's day Elle magazine chose the cover story of the March issue as the heroine.

In addition to the photo shoot, the publication featured an interview with the actress, conducted by former US Secretary of State John Kerry. In a conversation with a famous American politician, Jolie talked about what she teaches her daughters.

I tell my daughters that anyone can wear a dress and put on makeup, but only your mind can define you. Find out who you are, what you think and what you stand for. Fight for others so they can have freedom. Living to serve is terrible,” she said.

Jolie devotes a lot of attention and time to socio-political issues and has been a UN Goodwill Ambassador for Refugees for several years.

In my youth I was absolutely apathetic towards this topic. I became interested in human rights issues and meeting refugees because I wanted to learn. I had a somewhat romantic vision of it all: I thought I would put on my boots and become a humanitarian. But you always need to look at the root of the problem. And it refers to law and politics. I met with refugee survivors of sexual violence, but there were no convictions in these cases. So I started working with the law and the government,” Jolie explains.

The topic of gender inequality was repeatedly touched upon by the star during her public speaking. She even made NATO come out in defense of women. Therefore, this time the actress did not ignore this burning topic.

Angelina Jolie is the heroine of the new issue of Vanity Fair. On the pages of the publication, the actress, director and mother of six children gave her first interview after breaking up with Brad Pitt. Let's see what she said; We have collected the most interesting statements:

About breaking up with Brad

“After my parents’ divorce, I was very worried about my mother. I don't want my children to worry about me either. That's why I never show them my tears; if I want to cry, I go to the bathroom. Children need to know that everything is fine. I have six of them, I'm proud of them. We take care of each other."

About the new house in Los Angeles

“We have gone through a difficult period in our lives. And the move, of course, was a big step for us on the path of healing for our family. We're still trying to heal the wounds from what happened."

About children

“They are energetic, thoughtful. I'm very proud of them."

About son Knox

“One day, when Knox was playing around, I asked him to pretend to be normal. To which he objected to me: “Does anyone really want to be normal?! We are abnormal and let’s stay that way. Let’s announce to everyone that we are an abnormal family!”

About normal life

“In the last six months I have been trying to be a good housewife: I buy dog food, washing the dishes, reading bedtime stories to the children - and I get better and better at all these duties every day.”

About Father Jon Voight

“Children need a grandfather who can hug, support, and read a book at night. Dad is exactly like that.”

About the disease (damage to the facial nerve)

“I don’t know exactly what triggered the disease: maybe menopause, or maybe tough year. Sometimes we simply forget about ourselves, and health reminds us of this..."

About the title of sex symbol

"I feel a real woman, because I seriously think about every choice I make, I put my family first, I am responsible for my life and health.”

Jul 26 2017 at 1:03 PDT

Vanity Fair magazine conducted a long interview with the actress in which she spoke about her divorce from and the new stage in her life. The 42-year-old movie star admitted that her family is now abnormal, but is trying to restore a healthy atmosphere in the house.

I don't want my children to worry about me. I think it's very important to cry in the shower and not in front of them. They need to know that everything will be fine, even if you yourself are not sure of it,” Angelina told Vanity Fair.

Remember, divorce proceedings Hollywood actors began with Maddox with his father on board the plane. By the way, it was about her eldest son, who will turn 16 in August, that Angelina spoke in detail in a new interview.

She admitted that the Cambodian child she adopted in 2002 and has now become a grown man participated in the creation of her film "First They Killed My Father". The film, directed by Jolie and based on the autobiographical book by Cambodian writer Lung Ang, tells the story of the brutal events that took place in the 1970s in Cambodia, when more than two million people died. The actress said that Maddox became her right hand on the set of this historical thriller.

Maddox was the person who told me it was time to make this film. For him, participation in the project meant the opportunity to plunge into the history of his ancestors. I was delighted when, during filming, he asked if he could go to sleep in his house in the jungle with his friends (in 2002, Jolie bought a house in Cambodia - editor's note). I had never heard anything like this from him before. She didn't push him. Is not that great? I understand that teenage boys his age spend time watching TV with their friends. My sons were in Africa, so they already look at some things with non-childish eyes,” said Angelina.

Speaking to Vanity Fair, she also recalled the first time she saw Maddox in orphanage in Cambodia.

I didn't feel a connection with any child. I remember the shelter staff said that there was another baby. Maddox was lying in a box that was suspended from the ceiling. We looked at each other, and I cried,” the actress shared her memories.

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie with son Maddox