By being even 5 minutes late, you show yourself as a person for whom it is difficult to plan time or this meeting is not important. Both do not characterize you in the best possible way. All the excuses – traffic jams, the door was jammed, I couldn’t find parking, I didn’t have a pass – are useless. Follow the rule: “we did it the way we really wanted.” It was possible to leave in advance, avoid all these problems, look at the map in advance and not get lost, finding out that there is no pass, immediately call the contact person. Therefore, looking for excuses, a person looks ridiculous. It's better not to come than to be late. Of course there are exceptions. If you called in the morning and asked to move the meeting forward half an hour, that's normal.

  • failure to accept employer procedures

In response to a request to fill out a test or some forms, the candidate begins to say that he has already done this and shows dissatisfaction. Let's think about what new things the employer will learn about you if you behave this way. Are you flouting rules and procedures? This vacancy is not that important to you, and you are not willing to spend 20 minutes filling out a questionnaire?

  • negative attitude

In response to the recruiter’s standard question: “How did you get there?”, the candidate begins to talk about all the misadventures that awaited him on the way to the office: they didn’t send him a card, as a result, he couldn’t find the entrance for a long time, they didn’t order a pass for him, the security guard at the entrance is angry and etc. Small talk about how you got there or what the weather is like today is used solely to establish contact with you, ice breaker, this is not an invitation to conversation. The only correct answer is positive and short. You can ask a question in response, the question should be general about everything and nothing (“Have you recently moved?” - if there are objective signs, or “You probably have a great view from your window” - if the company is located on a high floor).

  • inappropriate

You need to find out in advance whether the company has a dress code, and if there is not, then you should dress neutrally. Minimal jewelry and daytime makeup for women, all parts of the body that need to be covered must be covered. The heel is medium, the length of the skirt is medium. I have heard many times that a highly qualified specialist can come in pajamas, and they will still hire him. Highly qualified specialists usually think this way; HR managers think differently.

  • ignorance of the details of the vacancy, poor awareness of the company’s activities, products, services.

How many unpleasant moments could have been avoided if you had really studied information about the company, studied all open sources, and knew everything about the product or service that the employer offers.

Mistakes during an interview that can let anyone down, even the best specialist:

  • use of jargon, abbreviations, non-business vocabulary

You are well versed in your profession and will easily find mutual language with your immediate supervisor, but the HR manager may not be familiar with some details of your specialization. An internal recruiter in companies is a generalist recruiter who recruits sales managers, customer service managers, administrators, programmers, etc. Therefore, there is no need to try to “pass as one of us” using “bird language”. This may be appropriate for a second interview with your immediate supervisor, whose task will be to evaluate you as a professional. The HR manager will evaluate your competencies and soft skills, including the ability to build communication and convey information, so it is in your interests to be understood.

  • illiterate speech, lack of structure in your story, inconsistency
  • assertiveness, the desire to take control of the situation often looks like a “reverse interview” when the candidate asks too many questions

Even if you have a lot of questions, don't forget who is interviewing. You will definitely have the opportunity to ask your questions. This usually happens at the end or beginning of a meeting. When at the end of the meeting you are asked if you have any questions, the risks of “pulling the blanket over yourself” are minimal, since you are under time constraints. And if you are asked about this at the beginning, be careful to limit it to the 3 most important questions.

Common mistakes

Typical mistakes in an interview are two extremes: lack of questions or too “deep” questions. It is not yet known whether the candidate will work in this company, and he is already asking about something that the recruiter himself does not know.

If a candidate doesn’t ask questions, it’s at least strange: either he knows everything about the company that real life it is impossible, either this is the company of his dreams (a large well-known company “well-known”), or he needs a job, no matter where and under what conditions. Try not to look like a person from the third category. It is important for the employer that you want to work in this particular company, in this particular position, otherwise why all these questions about motivation?

When asking questions, you should not go to the other extreme, for example, asking how businesses are doing in the Zimbabwean market after the 2013 drought. Such questions will not give you useful information, and will take up time that the recruiter could spend analyzing your knowledge and skills. Don't deprive him of this opportunity.

What you should never do during an interview:

If you are not offered to undress in the corridor, gently ask where you can leave your clothes. Why is this so important? You form an image in the perception of the person interviewing you in the first couple of minutes. And your main task is to create the impression of “your” person, open, ready to cooperate. By entering in outerwear, you seem to emphasize that you came “from outside”, building an invisible barrier. You should be perceived as if you already work here, because it’s easier to negotiate with “one of your own.”

  • come in with large bags and packages

You may have arrived very early and made purchases in Auchan on the way, make sure that the recruiter does not see this. Otherwise, you get the impression that you were “passing by.”

And finally, the most disastrous mistake can be called the candidate’s reluctance to learn the rules of the game. When you go to a meeting with a client, do you prepare? When you sell, do you prepare? I'm sure yes. An interview is the same transaction, a sale, and ignoring the basic rules of the game would be a big mistake.

The mistakes outlined below do not only apply to the interview itself. Remember that the actual interview begins as soon as you arrive at your destination, i.e. before you even speak to the interviewer. More than one candidate has failed an event not because they conducted the interview poorly or were bad specialist, but only because of inappropriate behavior in the reception area.

1 The use of common phrases and hackneyed cliches when answering the interviewer’s questions

I recommend that you avoid lengthy answers in every possible way and surface characteristics yours past work. A good interviewer will never allow you to get away with general phrases and vague formulations. He needs specific information. With its help you will be able to find out whether you are suitable for the position for which you are applying. Therefore, if you are asked, for example, to name your professional or personal qualities, most likely, the question will follow: “Describe a situation in which you had the opportunity to apply them in practice.” If you say that you participated in the development of many business projects, you will definitely be asked to clarify which ones exactly. If you report that thanks to you, your former company's profits increased by 25%, rest assured that the interviewer will want to know in detail how exactly you achieved this. Remember that you will be forced to support all abstract reasoning with examples from your professional experience. To avoid unpleasant situations, be prepared for such developments.

It seems to many that the more “smart” words they use, the more respect the interviewer will have for them.

“In my previous position, I was involved in the development of a differentiated system of integrated control and coordination of the capital budget with the aim of ensuring the most effective use basic characteristics of fixed assets..."

Don't expect that such phrases will charm the interviewer and make him believe in your exceptional professionalism. Again, you will most likely be asked to disclose this statement at specific examples. This is where the trap you created for yourself lies in wait. By using words that are too sophisticated, you risk getting confused and losing the thread of the story. By the way, what distinguishes a good professional, among other things, is the ability to explain his work in simple and understandable language.

2 Excessive frankness in conversation with the interviewer

A job interview is not an ordinary “heart-to-heart talk.” Even if the interviewer arouses your sympathy, remember that by and large he is indifferent to you and your problems. Not because he bad person, who knows, maybe he’s good... it’s just a miracle, what kind of person he is! It’s just that his work rarely allows him to open up to these wonderful spiritual qualities. He most likely does not have any kind feelings towards you, but is simply doing his job. Are you able to cope with your future responsibilities? Will you be a good fit for the company or department where you will work? That's what the interviewer is interested in. Therefore, it is stupid to cry into his vest and complain about your financial or family problems. This will only scare you away. Even if the interviewer sheds tears and sincerely sympathizes with you, you will not get the job. Employers want to hire winners, not losers. Therefore, pity is not something you should rely on during an interview. It will be much better if you try to appear cheerful, confident and enthusiastic.

Sometimes the interviewer deliberately demonstrates his friendly attitude towards the candidate, encouraging him to be frank. God forbid you get caught on this hook! (This is one of the pitfalls that will be discussed in detail in the next chapter.) Spiritual striptease is inappropriate in an interview. One day, a young and promising specialist was hired by a large trading company. In a burst of sincerity, he told the interviewer that this position was the best option for him to gain practical experience before he opened own business. Do you think the company wanted to create a potential competitor with its own hands?

Try not to talk too much about your plans and outlook on life. Avoid commenting political events, social problems and the actions of other people - your opinion will not necessarily coincide with the opinion of your potential employers.

3 Bluffing

Convincing the interviewer that you need to know the result as soon as possible because you have more offers is an old, hackneyed trick. Do not use such tactics - it will lead to disastrous results. It is better to show that you are very interested in this job. But at the same time, make it clear that failure will not become an irreparable grief for you. You are a highly qualified specialist who knows his worth! However, it is important to observe moderation: you cannot look down on your future bosses, but you also cannot look like a pathetic beggar - organizations strive to hire winners.

4 Attempts psychological manipulation interviewer

It happens that after reading cheap guides on how to successfully pass an interview or books by Dale Carnegie, candidates try to use “cunning” psychological techniques. For example, from the NLP arsenal - all sorts of “adjustments” (copying the interviewer’s behavior and his manner of speaking), “calibration”, “anchoring” and so on. Beware of such games! This is the case when you can only outsmart yourself. Remember that the interviewer is usually a person who is very experienced in communication. Most likely with psychological techniques He knows manipulation much better than you. Therefore, do not try to touch sensitive strings in his soul. By doing this, you will only achieve that there will be no trace of trust in you.

If the interviewer is of the opposite sex, some candidates tend to use their sex appeal. Everything is used: compliments, female (male) coquetry, and flirting with the interviewer. Women often use various parts of their body for petty sexual deception - briefly placing their hands behind their heads to push their breasts forward; seductive fidgeting in the chair; miniskirts that show off the beauty of your legs, etc. An experienced interviewer will never fall for such tricks. Another thing is that he can play along with the candidate to see how far he is willing to go. But the result of the interview will definitely not be in your favor. In addition, you risk becoming a victim of deception. (As in the joke about the singer: “How can this be? They checked my vocal abilities on the couch, but didn’t hire me.”)

You should not naively believe that attempts at manipulation will be regarded as your ability to communicate with people. Most likely, it will be the other way around. If the interviewer wants to evaluate your communication skills, he will not hesitate to ask you to demonstrate them. (You, of course, have heard horror stories about how a cunning interviewer asks a candidate: “Sell me a pebble,” etc.) It is strictly contraindicated to take initiative in this matter!

5 Emphasizing personal acquaintance with large businessmen, prominent politicians or specialists well-known in your professional environment

For some reason, this manner is especially common among sales managers and job applicants. leadership positions middle management Even if you have relatives who are oligarchs or friends who are ministers, you should not obsessively demonstrate close relationships with them and, especially, casually mention big names during a conversation with an interviewer. The point is not even that such information can be easily verified. There is simply a psychological rule: the more insignificant a person is, the more he strives to show his closeness to the greats of this world. In addition, you risk running into a sarcastic remark: “If you have such powerful friends, why are you looking for a job in our modest company?”

It's a completely different matter if you are asked a specific question. For example: “Who did you maintain business contacts with while working in your previous position?” Named here famous names will work in your favor. But, again, one should avoid excessive familiarity and absentee pats on the shoulder, such as: “But yesterday in the bathhouse I told Tolik Chubais...”

6 "Puffing up the cheeks"

This includes various tricks of the candidates, which, in their opinion, should give them additional “weight” and significance. Unfortunately, in practice everything turns out exactly the opposite. One of my colleagues quite sarcastically calls this “puffing out one’s cheeks.” People have long called such things “left-wing show-offs.”

There are candidates who come to an interview with a frowning, worried expression on their face and trying to show off their folder or case. Busily rustling their papers, they are trying their best to show their involvement in “decision making.” An interviewer with a sense of humor will not fail to politely apologize for taking up such a person’s time. busy man. And also politely say goodbye to him. An interviewer without a sense of humor will do the same thing, using slightly different expressions...

Helpful advice: you shouldn’t emphasize your businesslike and entrepreneurial spirit at every step. You will be able to show them if you are hired - then they will be appreciated. It will be much better if during the interview you demonstrate friendliness, openness and a desire to work in a team.

For the same reason, you should not bring laptops and tablets, much less open them from looking smart during the interview. It's the 21st century. Today, super-fashionable and super-expensive technical toys make no impression on anyone. Especially for employers.

There are also individuals who, when attending an interview at an unfamiliar company, feel an irresistible desire to constantly make phone calls and solve their problems. No matter how serious (in their opinion) the reasons for such behavior may be - the need to make an important business call, the desire to inquire about the health of a beloved grandmother - the impression of such candidates will be completely and irrevocably spoiled.

Special mention should be made about mobile phones. When going to a meeting with a future employer, turn off your phone and hide it away! Remember: nothing infuriates an interviewer more than a cell phone suddenly ringing in a candidate’s pocket and the subsequent “cool” conversations that interrupt the progress of the interview. Long gone are the days when mobile phone in his hands he acted on those around him, like a shaman’s tambourine on the natives of the “Mumba-Yumba” tribe. It was in the early 90s that it testified to the “coolness” of its owner and increased his influence over people. Today, every second student carries a branded smartphone under his belt. (Moreover, he wears it, flaunting it, and with the same facial expression with which in the days of the Wild West, cowboys carried six-shooter 45-caliber Colts. What can you do - the fashion for things is transitory, the fashion for “coolness” is eternal.) Nevertheless, various manipulations with mobile gadgets - showing off, demonstrative business calls - are still common during an interview. This is especially true for applicants for positions of lower and middle management. Contrary to their expectations, such actions look like just petty rednecks, and not a sign of success or solidity.

When looking for a job, many job seekers and candidates become too focused on their resume and educational documents and forget that 90% of success in getting the desired job is a successful interview. It is during the interview that the future employer receives maximum amount information about the applicant and decides whether this person will work in the company or not.

The BrainApps service will help you avoid the most common mistakes during a job interview and thoroughly prepare for this important event.

Common interview mistakes

Let's look at 10 mistakes during an interview and try to avoid them. Forewarned is forearmed. You will have a better chance compared to unprepared applicants who make basic interview mistakes.

Mistake 1: Punctuality

In terms of prevalence, this is the most common interview mistake. Over time, many residents of large cities develop a late complex. Really, traffic jams and the modern fast pace of life often makes adjustments to everyday plans. However, you should not overdo it and arrive for the interview too early. The optimal time is 10 minutes before the scheduled meeting. Arrived early? Go to a cafe and drink coffee. Are you late? Well, you will have to explain your unpunctuality, you may have to schedule an interview on another day.

Mistake 2: The main thing is that the suit fits

Girls getting ready for an interview often wear terribly uncomfortable dresses or suits, complementing their look with stiletto heels that cause bloody blisters. Guys also step on the same rake and choose the wrong wardrobe for an interview. Men often wear suits for interviews that are already out of fashion or prefer the outfits they wore at celebrations ( graduation party, wedding). It is not right. Attire for an interview should be comfortable, neat and attractive. There is no need to go to extremes and apply for future job in jeans, but you shouldn’t dress up too much either.

Mistake 3: Reasons for leaving your previous job

Many candidates make the same mistake during job interviews. They tell in vivid colors how terrible their work was at their previous job, how unfair their boss was, and how their colleagues are complete bastards. Stop and calm down! The same people work here, and it will be unpleasant for them to hear unpleasant things about your past colleagues. When asked why you left your last job, you should talk about the impossibility of career growth or associate the dismissal with personal reasons.

Mistake 4: Constriction

Of course, an interview is a certain stress, but you shouldn’t become isolated and show your shyness. A job candidate must be confident, professionally savvy and be able to present himself from the best side.

Employers are now using modern techniques conducting an interview, they may ask you completely unexpected questions. Do not lose your composure under any circumstances; you may be being tested for mental stability or stress resistance

Mistake 5: Silence is golden

All questions must be answered. If you find it difficult, then don’t make things up and fuss, just say straight out that you don’t have this information. If a difficult question was asked to you from a professional sphere, and you do not know the answer, you should show interest and promise to soon to study this issue closely.

Mistake 6: Chatterbox is a godsend for a spy

Communication skills are, of course, very important quality a person who is valued by employers. The ability to communicate casually with clients, employees and business partners is the key to high-quality and successful work, but you should not demonstrate your communication skills too much, especially on the first day of meeting someone at an interview. For example, a future boss should not talk about his personal life or get carried away by stories about his hobbies. Also, don’t talk too much about yourself, your finances and health - these topics are not for business communication, they are more personal. Perhaps, when you are accepted into the team, you will be able to talk with your colleagues about anything, but now your goal is to get a job.

Mistake 7: The money side of the issue

Financial aspects related to the position should be discussed carefully. If you are asked how much you want to receive, you should not say exact figure, and the range. At the same time, it is very important to immediately say about your readiness to develop in order to receive bonuses and allowances. However, you should not get carried away and insist on certain financial conditions, because an interview is, first of all, a dialogue. Give the employer the opportunity to offer his own conditions, perhaps they will be more profitable for you.

Mistake 8: Pride and Prejudice

You are a candidate, a job seeker; at the interview you should not be higher than the receiving party. You may easily not be hired for this position if you do not show interest. People often make this mistake during an interview and show feigned indifference and indifference (not to be confused with calmness and confidence). Most often, proud and selfish people find it difficult to find work, especially in a team. So that the employer does not think that you are one of these people, you should find out more about the company, and also show interest in its successes, and ask more about its prospects.

Mistake 9: I wish I had asked during the interview

Unfortunately, it very often happens that having received new job, the employee is faced with his unpreparedness to perform his job duties. For example, without specifying at the interview what a flexible work schedule means, he eventually realizes that he no longer has days off, because he can be called to work at any time. Therefore, it is very important to clarify all the questions of interest at the interview stage. After all, the interview process is, as we have already said, a dialogue. Therefore, if something confuses you or doesn’t suit you, you should offer your terms and discuss changing them.

Mistake 10: I am not me

Lying during an interview is the biggest stupidity and mistake many candidates make. However, it’s also not worth hacking away at the truth. Most often, applicants have to embellish facts about their practical experience work, professional skills. Remember that honestly admitting that you don’t know something but really want to learn will only add to your benefits.

Instead of output

Now you know how to avoid the most common mistakes applicants make during interviews. Constant self-improvement and personal growth impossible without brain training. Our BrainApps service has prepared excellent puzzles for you that you can solve on the eve of the interview. You can also take an IQ test and add the results to your resume. It will be very useful to train your concentration and memory before the interview, so as not to lose sight of anything on this important day. Be sure to remember that it is extremely important to get enough sleep before the interview. Adequate rest, a healthy breakfast and getting ready without haste are the keys to a successful interview.

We on the site provide assistance in finding and obtaining work for a long time and noticed that most people make two main mistakes during interviews. Take them into account and you can produce best experience per employer or HR employee compared to other applicants.

Mistake #1: Not being prepared to answer behavioral questions

IN Western culture It is not customary to stay in one place of work for a long time. In the USA and English-speaking countries good specialists always strive for career growth, choose more profitable terms labor. The only exceptions are Japan and South Korea, but even here, when promoting to a higher position, you need to undergo an interview and testing.

Behavioral questions are a common HR technique that is especially popular in large companies. Based on the applicant’s answers, the HR department employee draws up general impression about a person, his ability to communicate and speed of reaction.

At an interview you may be asked:

  • "Tell me about any non-standard situation at the previous place of work. What did you do?
  • “Have you ever worked with a difficult client or colleague? How did you cope?
  • “What mistakes did you make in your work? What did you do to eliminate their consequences?

Or the HR employee will inquire about any other situation. Your task is to talk about your actions, feelings, and experiences. When answering a behavioral question, it is important not only WHAT you say, but also HOW you say it.

What you need to talk about:

  • How did you perceive the current work situation;
  • actions aimed at solving the problem;
  • results and conclusions.

Key points that an HR specialist will pay attention to:

  • your reaction to the question posed;
  • coherence and clarity of speech;
  • logic and persuasiveness of the story.

The mistake most job seekers make is that they get confused when they hear this question. If you appear embarrassed, slur your words, or refuse to answer, you will be judged accordingly.

When interviewing for their first job, we recommend that young professionals prepare in advance a story about an incident from their student, school, family life. Remember what situations arose in educational practice and how you solved them. Any experience is important. The main thing is to be able to talk about something beautifully and coherently.

When answering a behavioral question, build a story according to the scheme - situation, action, result. We recommend that you prepare answers to the most common behavioral questions, speak them out and be able to give a beautiful answer.

Mistake #2: Perceiving an interview as an interrogation

The second common mistake when applying for a job is to assume that you are only required to answer questions from an HR specialist. But this is a fundamentally wrong approach. An interview is not an interrogation. Your task:

  • establish a trusting relationship with the employer’s representative;
  • conduct a conversation during which both parties learn useful information;
  • make a good impression.

At the company office you are met by people with whom you are positive result You will work on interviews every day. Therefore, first of all, set yourself and the personnel department employees in a friendly, positive mood. Prepare counter questions for employer representatives that will help you have a useful and interesting conversation.

The key to a successful interview is establishing a positive attitude. If the conversation is relaxed and easy, you will gain an undeniable advantage with HR specialists and increase your chances of getting the desired position.