Admission to higher military educational institution is radically different from entering a civilian university. When entering, yesterday's schoolchildren must be aware that the next 5 years of study will be spent away from their family and friends. Thousands of school graduates who want to serve their Motherland must go through the initial stage of admission to various military institutions in the country.

Military "qualification"

“Abitura” (admission) begins at the beginning of July and continues until the end of the month. The initial stage includes the training of future military personnel.

Young guys become familiar with such concepts as: morning work-out, sports and mass work, marching in formation, a clear daily routine, marching and much more, which most people are used to doing without in civilian life.

Several dozen guys live in one room called a barracks. They are preparing to pass entrance exams, for professional selection, which will show who is ready to serve in the armed forces of the Russian Federation and who is not.

After 2 weeks, future cadets undergo a thorough medical checkup, based on the results of which persons with health problems will be identified.

Exams are taken in accordance with the faculty in which the applicant wishes to study, and in the future he will serve in this specialty. Based on the results of the delivery entrance examinations the applicant is enrolled in a university, puts on military uniform, has his hair cut short in accordance with the regulations and receives cadet shoulder straps.

CMS or Young Fighter Course

Starts from the end of July and lasts until the end of August. At this stage, the future soldier goes through initial training. It includes: outfits, “sacred” military rituals (getting up, morning inspection, evening roll check, lights out), studying the articles of the charter, learning to march, throwing a march, performing according to the standards of putting on a gas mask and OZKA.

Fire and physical training is an integral part of the training of any military personnel.

Order in the barracks is ensured by cleaners, who are appointed every morning before the start of exercise.

The responsibilities of the cleaner include: sweeping away dust from under beds and bedside tables, sweeping between rows of beds, wiping the floor with a damp cloth if necessary, taking out trash, wiping dust from all flat surfaces.

Each cadet has his own bedside table where he can store washing supplies, brushes for cleaning shoes and clothes, handkerchiefs, collar pads (stitching material), small personal items, notebooks, educational books, regulations.

Many guys, former schoolchildren, accustomed to sneakers and other civilian footwear, quickly develop calluses on their feet. Behind medical care they can go to the medical center - infirmary.

Upon completion of the CMB course, all personnel are redeployed to places of further training (academy, university). Upon arrival at the academy (university), cadets receive dress uniform clothes. You need to prepare it for use yourself: the guys themselves sew on shoulder straps, sleeve chevrons, and insert emblems into the lapel of the collar. They also polish shoes until they shine and smooth creases on trousers.

Three days later, the main military ritual - the oath - takes place in a solemn atmosphere. The oath is one of the most important and significant events in the life of every serviceman, which puts him before personal responsibility for the defense of his country.

Cadet everyday life

The daily life of a 1st year cadet, as well as subsequent ones, follows the same daily routine: getting up, morning formation, exercises, where future military personnel improve their physical fitness, morning toilet, formation for the morning inspection, where they are checked appearance, breakfast, divorce for classes. It is mandatory to go through a ceremonial march, where the cadets show their drill skills and the coherence of the unit as a whole. Classes according to curriculum, lunch, self-study, during which cadets prepare homework and repeat the regulations, dinner.

In the evening it is given personal time, when you can chat with your family, girls, write a letter home, prepare a form for the next day.

The day ends with a formation for the evening verification, during which the course personnel and the list of persons forever included in the lists who died a brave death are read out. Lights out.


All military personnel, without exception, wear uniforms. The outfit is assigned to maintain internal order, protection of personnel, weapons, ammunition, military equipment, premises. And also to monitor the state of affairs in the department and timely take measures to prevent crime.

At the beginning of each month, a list of outfits is created, which indicates the dates on which a particular serviceman goes to the outfit.

Outfits can be external and internal. Internal patrol - according to the course, external - patrolling.

Military partnership

According to the cadet of the Military Academy named after Mozhaisky, thanks to whom I was able to write this material, the military team is a family! “Practically all of my service takes place in this family,” said the third-year student. - Everyone helps each other in studies, sports and other activities. Today you helped him, and tomorrow he will help you. This is one big team, different from study groups in an institution that lives, breathes, interacts. "One for all and all for one!" - this is the motto of military brotherhood.”


At universities, dismissal is not such a common occurrence. But if you have no complaints about your service, violation of dress code, debts and unsatisfactory grades in subjects, then you have the right to receive dismissal for a day. You can spend this time with your family, friends, and your girlfriend. When leaving for the city and putting on civilian uniform, the cadet should not forget about the status of a military man, the rules of behavior in the city and military politeness.

To summarize, the young man, who is also a cadet of the Mozhaisky Military Academy (as written above), said the following:

The life of a cadet is very diverse and full bright events, which are radically different from the usual student life. The years of service at the Academy cannot be described on paper; you cannot tell it; you have to feel it and feel it yourself. Military men are never ex-military - this goes on throughout our lives. In the army, a guy becomes a man. A man, a defender of his Motherland, a defender of his relatives, his family, his future children.

Anna KOPYLOVA, IT&D student
photo by the author

In the army, attire is one of job responsibilities every military personnel, regardless of position and rank. And contrary to stereotypes, this is not a punishment for guilty soldiers.


So, in the army, every serviceman - a soldier - must wear an outfit conscript service, university cadet, contract soldier, officer. General provisions The charter defines several of their varieties. There is a garrison and the second one listed is the most common. There is also an object guard, combat duty and work order.

One thing worth noting important nuance. If a serviceman has been guilty of something or violated the Charter, then he can, on all grounds, be subjected to work or for a day.


In principle, you can understand what a dress means in the army. Now it’s worth talking about the features of each type. For example, when a military member is assigned a work order, he may be assigned to perform some activity in the kitchen. Let's say peeling potatoes. Or they may be sent to clean the barracks. Wash floors, sweep, scrub toilets in the toilet. Sometimes they are sent to do agricultural and auxiliary work. This usually lasts a maximum of four hours. In the army, work orders are allowed only during times when there are no combat or training activities.

Now - a few words about the patrol. Or, as it is correctly called, garrison outfit. Within its framework, a serviceman is obliged to protect public order outside the territory of its part, but within the garrison (region or region). For example, soldiers serving in the Ministry of Internal Affairs may be sent to patrol the city, and they will have the right to prosecute people who drink alcoholic drinks in the wrong place.

But the most common outfit in the army is for a day. In fact, it’s an analogue of a patrol. Only the serviceman does not leave the territory of the unit. He is obliged to ensure the safety of personnel, as well as protect weapons and equipment. This outfit lasts for a day. And the next day after that, the serviceman is released from service or study.

Combat duty is usually performed at training grounds, as well as during martial law or when transporting employees.

Object guard is the last type of outfit. The military is assigned to the protection and defense of warehouses with equipment, banners, ammunition and equipment. It usually lasts 12 hours.

Orderly and his duties

Talking about what an outfit is in the army, one cannot help but touch on this topic. An orderly is the person in the daily squad of soldiers or sailors. He is responsible for the integrity of property, ammunition and weapons under his protection. The orderly is also obliged to monitor the order and cleanliness of the premises and the compliance of other military personnel with the daily routine.

The list of his responsibilities is wide. The orderly must remain in his place at all times and leave only with the permission of the company duty officer. He is also obliged not to let strangers inside, not to allow anyone to take weapons, ammunition and other property out of the barracks. Also, the orderly must report to the duty officer about everything that happens in the company - be it any malfunction or violation of the Charter by someone. During the general rise, he is obliged to wake up the personnel. The same applies if there is an alarm or fire at night. The orderly must monitor how military personnel wear their uniform. And if in cold weather someone intends to leave the room undressed, order them to warm themselves. He is also obliged to ensure that military personnel clean their clothes and shoes in strictly designated areas. It's the same with smoking. And finally, the orderly himself does not have the right to sit down, unbutton his jacket and take off his equipment. This is what dress means in the army.

First-hand opinions

Every second Russian served in the army. The outfit is something they are all familiar with. And each person who served has something different to say about it. Naturally, there are pros and cons. Dressing out of turn in the army is the most unpleasant thing. Because a soldier, if he is guilty, will have to do the dirtiest work. As mentioned above - wash toilets, scrub toilets, peel whole bags of potatoes.

But there are advantages. You can communicate with the company duty officer and prove yourself to your superiors. Sometimes - charge the phone and even use it. And having completed the tasks of the orderly, even read a book at night. But all the advantages are counterbalanced by moral and physical fatigue. You have to stand motionless for several hours at a time, and this monotonous and exhausting task requires endurance and patience. In general, if a young man joins the army, then it is better to comply with the Charter and behave appropriately - so as to be included in the outfit only when it is his turn, and not as a punishment.

What is a dress in the army - this is a question that many conscripts ask. Attire is the official responsibility of every person, regardless of current rank and position in the service. This is not a punishment for the culprit at all, but a standard service.

basic information

What it is? What means this concept?This issue is discussed in Art. 256 UVS of the Russian Military Forces. It is in it that the purpose and task of the daily work order is stipulated..

The procedure involves maintaining internal law and order, as well as military technical equipment and ammunition. The protection of premises and other areas of the military territory takes place.

Before the deployment begins, the personnel are released from other obligations. The citizen is given three hours before entering the post. If a citizen must take up arms, then at least 4 hours, 1 hour of which is needed for rest or sleep.

Preparing for the procedure involves studying the responsibilities in accordance with approved documents, also brings the appearance in accordance with the charter. A soldier must have short haircut, the form is ironed.


Company service. This is a type of outfit in which a chief or senior duty officer for the company is appointed from among those who have already practically served. This could be a non-commissioned officer or a trained private. In many cases, conscript sergeants may be appointed. But this applies to weekdays.

If it's the weekend, then most often contract soldiers take over. Responsibilities of such an intercessor :

  1. If an alarm starts, then you need to wake up the personnel and notify authorized employees who is passing. You also need to follow the instructions of the duty officer;
  2. monitor and fulfill these obligations during the day, as well as lift the train at the specified time intervals;
  3. have an idea of ​​where the company is located at a specific period of time and the order of call, the number of people, including sick people, the number of weapons and their consumption;
  4. other information specified in the regulations of a specific military unit.

In other words, the duty officer is required to know all the information necessary for senior and contract employees. Must also maintain cleanliness and maintain routine. To ensure the effectiveness of the procedure, he has assistants in the form of orderlies.

Assistants in one outfit help the main duty officer. As a rule, there are three of them. Appointed from or new composition. Execute labor activity in the barracks, that is, they monitor cleanliness and demand compliance with it. Each of them stands on a specialized stand and serves.

The place is located near the entrance to the barracks. Also required to answer correctly phone calls. At the same time, he has no right to leave this place, and if such a need arises, he must be replaced. That is, an empty cabinet cannot be according to the regulations.

Each orderly can sleep no more than two hours. This is the main type of outfit. There are also additional types:

  1. across the study area;
  2. infirmary;
  3. warehouses;
  4. dining room;
  5. headquarters;
  6. park area;
  7. sports complex (if there is one).


There is a certain preparation of the composition for action. This function includes carrying out a certain briefing, where there are personnel who subsequently join the outfit for a temporary period of the day. Next, theoretically, applicants must answer all questions, which will clarify their knowledge of their responsibilities.

If a soldier cannot specify his functions, then he has no right to be admitted. But this information is entered into a personal file. At the same time, he may be deprived of the right to personal time and leave.

It is also worth highlighting that there is such a subspecies as a guard outfit. This is the most responsible, since a person carries it with military weapons. And candidates for this post are determined with the utmost severity. Not everyone can join the guard and people with special training, who are correctly consulted by a psychologist.

A soldier who has passed a medical commission must know the procedure for using special ammunition, be able to use it and articles from the specialized regulations of the military unit.

Another subspecies is the duty assistant at the checkpoint (this is the point before entering the military unit). In fact, these people control the arrival and departure of the military unit. They are obliged to comply with the rules of the Charter of Order. Monitors what is brought in and taken out of the unit to minimize theft.

If a soldier has medical training, he can be assigned to an employee in an infirmary or medical center. If musical education, then he is appointed as a signaller-drummer.

Garrison outfit - in other words, a patrol. That is, soldiers are brought in to protect law and order outside the territory of their place of service, but at the same time within the region.

Combat duty is assigned to fulfill specific goals to solve certain combat missions. Often used at training grounds or when transporting people under martial law.

Wikipedia says that almost all obligated people are assigned to a duty. But not everyone can withstand such service. That is why, when they hear the word “outfit,” soldiers think about punishment, and not about paying back their debt to the Motherland.

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Many young guys who receive the call do not know anything about where and why they are going. In this situation, elementary concepts that any person who has passed harsh years army, they hear for the first time.
In this article, young guys will be able to familiarize themselves with the concept of daily outfits. We will look at situations where they are given; for what; Why; how to avoid receiving daily allowances; what is their essence?

The concept of daily outfit
A detachment is a daily unit created from emergency military personnel who provide security and other services of the unit. In practice, I would like to note that in most cases, those who have committed misconduct or violated the regime receive a daily allowance. This is a kind of punishment, for a period of 24 hours. The purpose of such an event is to completely “exhaust” the soldier and make him realize his guilt. Also, in some cases, a daily outfit is a mandatory event for performing certain work. For example, cleaning the area; unloading wagons with coal; performing internal, guard and garrison services, as well as performing various types of economic and other work. All work carried out during a daily or daily assignment is prescribed by the Internal Service Charter.
This concept can also be explained as follows: “Daily work is performing work that is not intended for you.” Outfits are divided into daily and daytime. So the first is to attract soldiers to public works for a period of 24 hours, and daytime, respectively, for 12 hours.

There are also the following types of outfits:
work order;
garrison outfit;
daily outfit;
combat duty;
object guard.

Soldiers are assigned to this kind of duty one by one, and extraordinary outfit - this is when a soldier is supposed to join the unit in a week, but due to his fault or other prevailing circumstances, he joins the next day after the notification.

How many outfits can be assigned to one soldier?

3 Article 11 of the Federal Law “On the Status of Military Personnel” (based on the distribution of service time and rest time in one day - 8 hours and 12 hours):
According to the law, a soldier who serves under a contract can serve a maximum of three days. Since the law stipulates that for every three days of execution of these activities, the specified serviceman is provided with two days of rest. Also based on an excerpt from the law (DECREE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION ON MILITARY SERVICE ISSUES (as amended by Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation of October 15, 1999 N 1366, of 04/10/2000 N 653, of 06/26/2000 N 1175, of 04/17/20 03 N 444, from 06/12/2006 N 599):

When the total overtime time reaches the sum of the daily time that is established for the performance of job duties, established federal laws and other regulatory legal acts Russian Federation, a soldier who serves under a military contract, at his own and voluntary request Additional days of rest are provided on other days of the week or they are added to the main vacation.
Information on the number of additional days off that are added to the main leave can be found at the headquarters of the military unit in the personnel department.
Also, on March 15, 2010, the Ministry of the Russian Federation registered the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated 2010, N 80 Moscow “On the procedure and conditions for payment to military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation undergoing military service by contract, monetary compensation instead of providing an additional day of rest." This order came into force on March 30, 2010.

Questions on the topic of daily outfits

Who has the right to introduce daily work orders not provided for by the internal service charter?

Daily orders that are not provided for by the service can be introduced by the district headquarters, notifying about this by sending a telegram.

Who is authorized to make a decision on attracting military personnel from clothing bases and warehouses to the district clothing service for daily duty?
This question is the same as the previous one. The main thing in this situation is either the district headquarters or the duty officer who will receive a telegram “from above.” If the telegram does not indicate who is involved in daily allowance, then the commander or duty officer determines it, as mentioned above.

Should there be an order to enter?

An excerpt that answers the question posed (Charter of the Internal Service of the RF Armed Forces

257). The composition of the daily detachment is announced by order of the regiment commander at the time of training (Appendix No. 9): “Every day, by order of the regiment commander, a number of military personnel are appointed who will be assigned to daily detachments. The regiment commander has every right to reduce or increase the number of military personnel who will take up the daily detachment.”
A certain composition of the daily regimental outfit is provided.

The unit commander can reduce or increase the composition of the unit. The only thing worth paying attention to is that the commander does not have the right to add to the daily outfit types of outfits not provided for in the Article of the Coordination Code.
If the law is violated, the commander also violates this rule:
“The regiment commander must necessarily issue a written order defining the procedure for implementing the provisions of the military Charter and the Charter of the garrison and guard services Armed Forces RF. "

How many outfits are required per month for a soldier?

The number of daily outfits is not specified in any decree. But it is worth remembering that every soldier is entitled to at least 6 days off per month. And for every three days of daily assignments, two are assigned for the weekend, as an addition to the main vacation. We talked about this above. On the day of change from the outfit, soldiers are not assigned anywhere, that is, a month cannot produce more than 9 daily outfits. However, this case is valid only if the serviceman joins the unit in turn, and not on the occasion if he violated the regime or was guilty in some way.

Is it possible to go to rest or go home after being dressed for a day?

According to the law, after handing over the work order on this day, the serviceman is not obliged to do any additional work. He can spend the rest of the day as his “soul desires.” For example, joining an outfit at 7 o’clock in the morning, and changing the outfit at the same time the next day. As a result, the soldier who passed the shift can spend the rest of the day either being on the territory or going home. But he must arrive back on time.

Does the number of outfits depend on rank if a serviceman works under a contract?

This is a very controversial issue. On the one hand, yes. Since rank can significantly affect if a military man has more responsibilities than an ordinary soldier. Accordingly, if necessary, he can be released from the outfit when his turn comes. Naturally, only on the instructions of the commander. If a serviceman violates the regime, he will not be able to escape punishment, no matter who he is.

Types of outfits

Daily orders are divided into types, which determine the type of work that will be performed in this order. List of the most common types of outfits:

Outfit for the educational building.
Outfit for the sports complex.
Outfit for the park.
Headquarters outfit.
Dining room outfit.
Infirmary outfit.
Warehouse outfit.

The most common option is a company outfit. In most cases, if military personnel join this outfit, they will be expected to perform diverse work that includes many functions.
Also, when joining an outfit, there is a division by the number of people. The number of soldiers who will perform work on an assignment depends on the type of assignment and the amount of work to be performed.
For example, if military personnel have to do work in the canteen, then one person can join the outfit. When joining the headquarters squad, you will need two people: a duty officer and a messenger.
In general, the standard number of people who join a detachment is three military personnel.

Pros and cons of outfits

Outfits have certain advantages, no matter how funny it may sound. Despite hard labour, which you have to perform during the period of assignment, there are advantages that will help you love this difficult moment in the service. But there are also unpleasant disadvantages, probably everyone knows about them. But for beginners in this difficult task, we will repeat the disadvantages of outfits.

1. There is an opportunity to get promoted or at least show your good side to your superiors.
2. The serviceman has the opportunity to talk on the phone, which is very difficult to do normally.
3. After changing your outfit, you have the opportunity to go about your business and relax.
4. They give you a bayonet.

1. Physical fatigue. You have to spend a lot of time cleaning and performing physically demanding tasks. Moreover, there is no rest during the outfit.
2. Very little sleep per day. It only takes 2 hours. It's mentally difficult.
3. Calluses, dirty job and so on. This " side effects"outfits.

In most cases, soldiers admit that outfits are a negative component of service. But it all depends on the morale and the partner with whom you have to work. Usually a junior sergeant or officer is paired with a soldier. That is, there will be someone higher than an ordinary private. In some cases, it is mentally difficult to constantly be under pressure.

In most cases, it is not worth challenging the daily allowance. And rarely does anyone succeed. This procedure cannot be avoided either. You should stock up on patience and steely self-control, and then this term will not evoke horror in the eyes and a desire to challenge, be that as it may, the commander’s decision.
We hope that this article has exhausted all your questions on the topic of daily outfits and turned out to be useful, which is what we aimed to achieve in the final result.

Outfits! After the oath they began:
DRAW BY COMPANY- the most disgusting outfit, usually they end up in it for flights or according to the outfit schedule - three orderlies in the company and one duty officer. The duty officer is even more or less in charge of the orderlies, issues weapons, knows his duties and who is where. And the orderlies are in charge of all the order in the company: giving commands, standing on the bedside table, cleaning the take-off area and the toilet. If you are just getting ready to join the army, it is better to immediately learn the duties of an orderly; they will be asked all the time. A little more about cleaning toilets - cleaning glasses in the army is the most disgusting task, so there is a special person in the company, he is assigned the position of “chief glasses cleaner”, after lights out he locks himself in the toilet, and by morning the glasses are always shiny. If a fighter removes his glasses at least once, there is no turning back for him. Army wolf rule If you don’t want to do it yourself, make someone else do it. They also told how in conscription 1-9 / 2-9, as punishment, they put a short rope with a needle around the guy’s neck, with which he was forced to clean urinals, back in the day. And a little soldier’s creativity about this outfit - It’s better to drown in a swamp than to join a company outfit. Ass in soap, face in sweat, we are orderlies in the company.

Once every nine days the company enters BIG OUTFIT:
GARRISON OUTFIT- the most criminal outfit (some even pay money to get there - it used to cost 50 rubles). You dress in full dress uniform and walk around the city, look at the civilian life and enjoy life. Some managed to go to the cinema.

GUARD- not bad either, you get a weapon, armored armor and a helmet, you step onto the tower and look at both hours for two hours, after which you go down to a comfortable room with a TV, newspapers, books and wait for your shift to come again. Another plus is double soldering, but the minus is winter - 35 and a blizzard then you put on everything you can wear and on top is a peacoat with such a collar that you can only see the sky.

HEADQUARTER- three messengers and a duty officer are the same as a company outfit, only instead of a barracks there is a headquarters. On the plus side, you know everything that happens in the unit.

checkpoint- you open the gate all day and drag a hedgehog in front of it, if you stand at a checkpoint on Sunday, you usually don’t go to the canteen - everyone returns from leave - they give you a treat.

PATROL- you breathe fresh air, you walk around the territory entrusted to you, sometimes with a baton, sometimes in heavy rain.

DINING OUTFIT– if the outfit is full of grandfathers and few young people, then for the latter the outfit turns into hell. Bringing food from a warehouse means a mountain of food on a cart that barely moves, especially if old-timers climb on it. Vegetable cutter - you stand the whole outfit and cut cabbage, carrots, beets. Reception of dishes or “disco” - you receive trays and take them to the sink. Sink - you fill up the water, plug the cap, add a cleaning agent, put the dishes in, wipe, take out - and you don’t care that after a two-thousandth plate, the water in the sink turns into slurry and the plate at the entrance is cleaner than at the exit. After this outfit, you lose your appetite for a long time after you look at fish with worms in their guts, how cooks throw dough then collect it from the floor and bake buns, how rats and cockroaches run around trays of cutlets, or a bread cutter stabbing a rat with a knife no matter how no matter what, he continues slicing the bread.

There are also all sorts of outfits for the bathhouse, security of equipment - nothing interesting there. In an outfit, a lot depends on the length of service; if a grandfather is put on duty as an orderly for mistakes, then the young man will still work for him.