Nadezhda Mikhalkova and Rezo Gigineishvili.

Gennady Avramenko

They say about people like Nadya Mikhalkova: she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. The youngest of the Mikhalkov clan, she was Nikita Sergeevich’s favorite since childhood. Even her birthday is immortalized in cinema: in one of the scenes of the film “Dark Eyes,” Mikhalkov laid out the number twenty-seven on a flowerbed - the date of birth of his favorite.
Already at the age of eight, Nadya starred in one of the main roles in the film “Burnt by the Sun”, and a few years later she played two heroines at once - twin sisters in Tigran Keosayan’s film “The President and His Granddaughter”. In a word, it was clear even then: her bright acting future was predetermined. However, after graduating from school, Nadya Mikhalkova entered the Faculty of International Journalism at MGIMO. “I thought I needed to get a basic education. And in the acting profession, talent decides everything: either you have it or you don’t.”
Well, Nadya definitely has it. There is no doubt that the youngest of Nikita Sergeevich’s children inherited his talent, perseverance and hard work. However, she does not limit herself only to the acting profession. Nadya actively tries herself in a variety of fields. Four years ago, she acted as a producer: first, together with her sister Anna, she worked on the film “Tell Leo,” and then, together with Mikhail Porechenkov, on the film “Slackers.” And from my mother - Tatyana Mikhalkova, who was once famous fashion model, — Nadya adopted a passion for fashion. She even released her own collection under the Nadine brand.

“Nadya is very similar to me,” Nikita Sergeevich never tires of repeating. “She lives the way it suits her.” But at the same time he knows how to plan his life. And she also knows how to love.”
It was because of Nadya’s love affair that Nikita Sergeevich had a serious disagreement with his daughter several years ago. The father of the family found out (one of the last) that his favorite serious relationship with a married man...

Georgian trace

Director Rezo Gigineishvili was born into a very prosperous family. His father ran the Borjomi resort, but when hard times began in Georgia, the family moved to Moscow. In the Russian capital, Rezo went to a very prestigious school, after graduating from which he planned to enter MGIMO. His final choice was greatly influenced elder sister Tamara. It was she who insisted that Rezo enter VGIK: she, who worked in the field of journalism, was sure that the profession of a director was much more promising than the career of a diplomat.
At VGIK, Gigineishvili took the course of Marlen Khutsiev. Of course, ambitions then flew ahead of Rezo. Like many freshmen, he fancied himself at least Fellini. And today he admits that he was very lucky at that very moment in his life to meet a person who became his mentor. Cousin introduced Rezo to Fyodor Bondarchuk, who was then just about to shoot his film “9th Company”. The future director was lucky enough to get into the picture as an assistant.
This picture changed not only his professional but also his personal life. After all, it was on the set of “9th Company” that Rezo met his first wife, a young graduate of “Star Factory” Anastasia Kochetkova.
Their joint history began as in a movie, which, however, is not surprising, given the professions of both. Summer, sun, Crimea, he and she...
...On that day, Anastasia Kochetkova, who took part in the next “Star Factory,” performed together with other “manufacturers” in Feodosia. The full crew of the film “9th Company” came to the concert. For its participants, it was a kind of therapy: they were all so immersed in “military” everyday life that going out into the world seemed simply necessary.
They were introduced backstage. And when Nastya came on stage, for some reason she immediately found Him with her eyes. Rezo Gigineishvili worked as the second director of the film “9th Company”, and literally on the same day they both realized that they had fallen in love.
When Nastya returned to Moscow and told her parents about her affair, they were initially horrified: after all, her daughter was only sixteen, and here was a serious relationship! But it was not in their power to change anything. Soon the young people began to prepare for the wedding.

The celebrations took place at the Zurab Tsereteli Art Gallery. Many came to congratulate them famous people from the world of cinema and show business: Vakhtang Kikabidze, Tigran Keosayan, Soso Pavliashvili, Nani Bregvadze and (which Nastya will later remember with tears) Artem and Nadya Mikhalkov.
Nastya’s parents, wealthy people, paid for the holiday (mom is an architect and dad is a famous lawyer). They gave the young family an apartment. In the meantime, while renovations were underway in the new home, Nastya and Rezo bought a ticket to Capri - the newlyweds spent their honeymoon there.
There Kochetkova learned the good news: she would soon become a mother! Rezo jumped for joy with her. They were looking forward to this child together.
They decided to name their daughter Marusya. At night, the young parents took turns standing to see the baby, making no concessions to the one who worked more during the day. They did almost everything together then - Rezo and Nastya. Therefore, when Rezo began filming the sensational film “Heat,” he gave one of the roles, of course, to his beloved wife. For this, Nastya lost thirty (!) kilograms that she had gained unnoticed during pregnancy.
But soon scandals began in the family. Once together, the spouses immediately began to quarrel, sometimes literally over some small thing. And when they parted, they immediately realized how much they missed each other. They tried to start over again and again, but another scandal left less and less chance for further life together. Their baby was only six months old at the time...
And soon Nastya found out that Rezo, who decided to live separately, had someone else. She even knew her name. It was at that moment that Nastya realized: this was the end of their relationship, they would never be together again. After all, Nadya Mikhalkova became Rezo’s chosen one. It was not easy to compete with such a competitor.

...At twenty-one, she was left alone, with a small child in her arms. But the misfortunes did not end there. One day Nastya came home and in her quiet, cozy apartment she found a devastated bedlam. The police team was called and stated that nine robbers had been in the house at once. Apparently, they knew exactly what the owner kept where and the loss of which particular things would cause her real panic. So, expensive Chopard earrings lay untouched on same place. But the most beloved T-shirts, sometimes of a cheap price, have disappeared. The most disgusting thing was that the door was not broken into, but carefully opened with a key. Nastya is still at a loss as to who was the initiator of the robbery, pushing away the absurd thought that the second set of keys was in the possession of one and only person...
That divorce turned into severe depression for Nastya. She sat at home for days, not noticing the world around her, and cried, cried, cried. Until one really fine day I finally realized: life goes on. This marriage, although it brought suffering, gave her the most important thing - her beautiful daughter Marusya. Growing up, she becomes very similar to her mother. And how could she be upset with such a daughter? “We love and understand each other like no one else can understand us! - says Nastya. “She and I are like twins.” After all, she was supposed to be born on my birthday, when I turned eighteen. But she was born six days later. She is my happiness! She is my other half! She is me! My daughter! My life! My girlfriend! My conscience! My truth! My love!"
So why be upset? Nastya was even able to be happy for her ex-husband. And when he had another daughter, already married to Nadya Mikhalkova, Rezo personally congratulated her.

The Wedding Planner

The development of the novel between Nadezhda Mikhalkova and Rezo Gigineishvili was followed not only by Nastya Kochetkova, but by the entire cinematic world. Still would! After all, when the young people just started dating, information immediately appeared: Nikita Sergeevich Mikhalkov reacted very negatively to this connection. According to rumors, he was especially indignant because the chosen one of his youngest was married.
They say that the young people received their blessing after Nikita Sergeevich looked at his future son-in-law “in action.” Rezo began filming the film “Without Men” main role in which he entrusted, of course, Nadya Mikhalkova. Nikita Sergeevich personally visited the set and there, seeing how well all the work was organized, he finally melted: if a person treats his profession this way, then you can rely on him!

Mikhalkov even gave Rezo a few professional advice. “Nikita Sergeevich suggested where possible mistakes could slip through,” recalls Rezo. — His opinion as a professional was important to me. I think that many young directors dream of Mikhalkov himself working with them.”
After Nikita Sergeevich gave his blessing to the newlyweds, Nadezhda and Rezo officially registered their marriage. This happened three years ago, in April 2009. True, there were no magnificent celebrations. They just signed at the registry office. Many in cinematic circles learned about the fact of the wedding after the fact - when the newlyweds appeared at the premiere of the film “Burnt by the Sun 2: Imminent” with wedding rings on their fingers. The news about Nadya’s pregnancy was just as unexpected: about her interesting position it became known only after she went on leave from the theater.
And when two years ago, in May 2011, their daughter Nina was born, Nikita Sergeevich’s heart completely melted. True, for some reason the granddaughter, seeing her grandfather’s menacing mustache, begins to sob.
If Nadya and Rezo’s wedding was modest, then they talked about the wedding for a long time. In the fall of 2011, the entire elite was invited to Georgia. There, in the Bodbe Monastery, located near the city of Sighnaghi, the young people got married.
This place was not chosen by chance. Convent bears the name of the enlightener of Georgia, Saint Nina. Namely, this is the name of the daughter of Nadezhda and Rezo. Georgians consider Sighnaghi itself a city of lovers.
Nadya wore Georgian during the wedding national costume, she even had shoes specially made for this special event. The wedding was attended by the entire Mikhalkov family, Fyodor Bondarchuk and his wife, Philip Yankovsky, Vladimir Presnyakov and even the President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili. They say that Nikita Sergeevich, moved by the celebration and warmed up after the Kakheti wine, sang his main hit - “The Shaggy Bumblebee”. And all the guests immediately started dancing. And only Mikheil Saakashvili watched what was happening with a knowing smile.
Ill-wishers, of course, predicted new family a quick breakup (they say, if Rezo broke up with his first family so quickly, he won’t last long in the second), but nevertheless, everything is just fine with the spouses. And the current one New Year They were greeted with good news: they would have a new addition to their family. Their child, son Ivan, was born on May 21.

In October 2017, shocking news swept across the country: Rezo Gigineishvili and Nadya Mikhalkova filed for divorce! Many people know the Georgian director Rezo Gigineishvili, director of popular television series: “ father's daughters", "The Last of the Magikians", screenwriter of the films: "Heat" and "Love with an Accent".

Nadezhda Mikhalkova, the youngest daughter of the famous actor and director Nikita Sergeevich Mikhalkov, is remembered by viewers as a young and talented actress who became famous in the film “Burnt by the Sun.” The marriage of these two talented people lasted seven years.

Rezo Davidovich Gigineishvili was born in 1982 in the capital of sunny Georgia. His dad was an outstanding doctor who headed the Borjomi health resort. Mom was a talented violinist. For the sake of her family, she left her career, but did not stop loving music. Classical works were constantly playing in the house.

In 1991, the family moved to Moscow because of his father’s work. Also in school years Rezo was interested in cinema. Dad, noticing this tendency, arranged for his son to work as an assistant on television. For this, Rezo remained grateful to his father all his life. He learned this profession from the inside. While still in school, the guy tried to write his own film scripts.

After graduating from school, there was no question about choosing a profession. The young man decided long ago what he wanted to become. He entered VKIG the first time. Marlen Khutsiev became his mentor.

While studying, Rezo began acting in films. His debut role was in the TV series " glacial period" However, despite the success, the young man abandoned his acting career. He was attracted to directing.

In 2006, he had the fortunate opportunity to work with the outstanding young director Fyodor Bondarchuk. They worked together on the film “9th Company”. Thanks to his first directorial experience, Rezo understood a lot and learned a lot. It was a good start.

In the same year, the young director tries to make his first film, “Heat,” himself. This is a comedy in which famous actors starred: Konstantin Kryukov, Timati, Arthur Smolyaninov, Alexey Chadov and others. The director's work turned out to be successful for Rezo.

The following year, Gigineishvili again works with Bondarchuk. This time they filmed “Inhabited Island” together. Rezo also becomes a producer for films:

  • "Fog";
  • "Without Men";
  • "Captains";
  • "Amanda O" et al.

In 12, the young director Rezo Gigineishvili had great success. He directed the film “Love with an Accent.” It starred such celebrities as Vakhtang Kikabidze, Philip Yankovsky, as well as young actors. Among them was Nadya Mikhalkova. This is how their fateful acquaintance occurred. But who would have thought that in 2017 they would face a divorce.

Nadezhda Mikhalkova

Nikita Sergeevich Mikhalkov – successor famous dynasty, son of the writer Sergei Mikhalkov, brother of Andrei Konchalovsky, grandson of the famous artist Vasily Surikov. Famous actor and the director was married twice. First wife - Anastasia Vertinskaya - famous actress, daughter of singer and actor Alexander Vertinsky. She gave birth to her husband's son Stepan. Unfortunately, their marriage was short-lived.

Nikita married the model Tatyana Shigaeva for the second time. The marriage turned out to be strong. The couple are still together. They had three children: Anna, Artem and Nadezhda. They all became actors.

Nadya took after her mother in her sophistication, beauty and femininity. Easily hurt and impressionable. Since childhood, she already dreamed of becoming an actress. At the age of six, she already made her acting debut in the film “Anna from 6 to 18.”

The next year the girl already played a very serious role in daddy's movie"Burnt by the Sun." There she played Nadya Kotova. Everyone was amazed at the little one's acting skills. She behaved freely in front of the cameras, not at all shy. Nikita Sergeevich was congratulated on the birth of a new movie star.

First role in the film “Burnt by the Sun”

No less talentedly, the girl performed a cameo role in the film “The Barber of Siberia.” The girl at the fair was remembered by many spectators.

Next was a talentedly played role in the film “The President and His Granddaughter.” For her, the girl was awarded the first award - the Centaur Award. How Nadya managed to combine filming with school studies remained a mystery.

After school was already over, of course, it is not difficult to guess what profession Nadezhda chose. But, oddly enough, while acting in films, Nadya is not going to get an acting education. She graduated from MGIMO in 2008.

To this day, the girl continues to act in films. She participated in the sequel to the film “Burnt by the Sun.” In 2010, the actress starred in the film Without Men. Two years later, she had a role in the film “Three Comrades.”

Except acting, Nadya Mikhalkova sometimes acts as a designer. She also hosts the TV show Rules of Style on Disney. Most recently, she tried herself as a director, making the funny film “Churros.”

Meeting with Rezo Gigineishvili at film set was fateful. The young people immediately fell in love at first sight with each other.

This is despite the fact that Rezo was then married and had a child. And it’s strange that such a romantic, passionate love, about which films are made, ended in divorce in 2017.


The office romance between Rezo Gigineishvili and Nadya Mikhalkova was already difficult to hide. Everyone knew about the relationship between the director and actress. This led to his divorce from his wife. In 2017, Rezo's ex-wife lives in the United States. Rezo has been married to Anastasia Kochetkova since 2005. They had a daughter, Masha. Anastasia is known in the creative community under the name Nastya Kochetkova, a popular singer and actress. The girl became famous after participating in “Star Factory”. She starred in many films, for example, such as the film “Heat”. Nastya also recorded many solo songs. Among the popular songs performed by her is “I am not me.” The girl has an attractive appearance and a good voice.

Nastya attracted Rezo with her bright beauty. They got married when the girl was only seventeen years old! Her parents, of course, were against it, but she was adamant. As time has shown, such a hasty decision did not lead to anything good. In 2009, the couple separated. Now she has found a new groom in the USA. He is a rather attractive young man, American. They got engaged last year. A lavish wedding is now being prepared.

After the divorce, Rezo Gigineishvili and Nadya Mikhalkova immediately signed secretly at the registry office. (2017 marked their eighth anniversary life together). And they decided to celebrate the wedding much later. They planned to hold a whole theatrical celebration. It was decided that the magnificent wedding should be in the ancient Georgian style. For this, the groom put on a Georgian suit. The wedding took place two years later. In 2011, in the city of Sighnaghi (a historical region of Georgia), a celebration was celebrated according to ancient Georgian customs.

The bride was dazzlingly beautiful! At that time she was already pregnant. Soon the newlyweds had a daughter, who was named Nina. Interestingly, two years later, on the same day - May 21, their son Ivan was born. This is a rare and happy coincidence!

Divorce of Mikhalkov and Vertinskaya

The young people were happy! Everything seemed to be going as well as possible! Two children of different sexes is the dream of any family. Spouses, endlessly loving friend friend. Rezo Gigineishvili often posted photos of Nadya Mikhalkova and his joint photos with her on social networks. The young people hugged each other all the time and often kissed. Happiness shone in their eyes.

However, they say correctly that you cannot build your happiness on someone else’s misfortune. Soon news appeared in the media that the couple had quarreled. The reason for this was Rezo’s secret correspondence with one girl. This probably led to the divorce in 2017.

Nadya accidentally discovered not-so-business messages from an actress on her husband’s phone. She, of course, lost her temper.

But later, in October last year, a message appeared on social networks that she had forgiven her husband for the affair. Rezo himself posted a photo with Nadya and wrote that his wife had forgiven him and that he loved her very much. This day was Nadezhda’s anniversary.

It seems like everything worked out fine. But this is only for a while. Nadezhda’s sister often said that not everything was going smoothly for them. But in the end, all families have their dark spots. However, the couple increasingly began to appear separately at various events. Sometimes she was even without wedding rings. At the wedding of his best friends, Rezo appeared without Nadezhda. But with children - Nina and Vanya. Then everyone suspected something was wrong.

In 2017, the fact of Rezo Gigineishvili’s betrayal came to light. Socialite Nadezhda Obolentseva became a homewrecker.

As the song says: “beautiful and brave road passed." Nadya Mikhalkova this time did not want to forgive her unfaithful husband, but filed for divorce at the end of September 2017. Early October ex-spouses came for the scheduled conversation. The registry office gave the spouses a month to think about it.

But there is very little hope that Rezo Gigineishvili and Nadya Mikhalkova will change their minds and cancel the divorce. Too many times has the wife had to forgive her unfaithful husband, and she is tired. So, most likely the unpleasant procedure will take place in November 2017. It's a pity that she's breaking up like this a beautiful couple! I also feel sorry for the children who will now grow up in an incomplete family. So everything started well and fabulously, but...

He refused to answer questions from the press regarding the children’s divorce. He commented on this by saying that he does not have the habit of meddling in the affairs of other people's families. The father of a famous family himself has been living with his wife for more than forty years! Soon he will have a great-granddaughter. Good example for children!

The loving Georgian macho Rezo Gigineishvili, whose name became widely known thanks to his marriage to youngest daughter Nikita Mikhalkov, does not waste time. Just a little over a month ago, the director broke up with his second wife, and today a photo of his new lover appeared on his microblog.

Judging by the biography of the 35-year-old cinematographer, he never had to face any difficulties in his life - the young man grew up in rich family director of the Tbilisi resort Borjomi. After moving with his parents to Moscow, he studied at a prestigious school, entered VGIK and, thanks to family connections, ended up as an assistant director on the set of “9th Company” with Fyodor Bondarchuk.

Calculation or love: two marriages of Rezo Gigineishvili

During filming in Crimea, the young man met Star Factory graduate Nastya Kochetkova, whose parents were also very wealthy people. They took over everything wedding expenses, and many show business stars were present at the celebration. The bride’s parents also provided the newlyweds with an apartment and bought them tickets to Capri.

After the birth of their daughter Maria, the couple began to quarrel more and more often. The young director decided to live separately, and after some time Nastya found out that her husband had new love- Nadezhda Mikhalkova. Kochetkova did not compete with the daughter of the famous director.

It is worth saying that Nikita Mikhalkov had a very negative attitude towards the choice of his youngest daughter. And it looks like dad was right.

Nadezhda Mikhalkova was left alone with two children, and the flighty Rezo disappeared from her life, as well as from his previous family.

New lover Rezo Gigineishvili - owner of a jewelry business

Even before his divorce from Nadezhda Mikhalkova, Rezo Gigineishvili was friends with socialites Svetlana Bondarchuk, Nadezhda Obolentseva and their bohemian company, disappearing in the evenings in the apartment of Fyodor Bondarchuk’s ex-wife on Patriarch’s Ponds.

It was there, apparently, that the director met Galina Agapova, a British citizen who has a own business- Stephen Webster jewelry boutiques.

There is one obstacle - Galina Agapova is married and she and her husband Andrey have three children.

However, as history shows, for true love a stamp in your passport is not a barrier. And who can resist the hot Georgian guy Rezo?

Rezo Gigineishvili himself announced that he was having an affair with Galina Agapova, publishing a joint photo and leaving an eloquent signature:

i left my heart in London ❤🙏 (I left my heart in London - ed. translation)

The ambitious director’s followers were quite surprised at the speed with which his heart passed from the hands of Nadya Mikhalkova to the hands of Gali Agapova:

natali27126588 Has Nadya ❤ come out yet?((
alexsochimail A disgusting type, a cunning opportunist and seeker easy ways, and the worst thing is a liar before God. With purely Georgian pomp, he got married in a monastery, knowing that he did not love Nadya and did not fear God. Nadya is a very nice and pure girl. And this is good everywhere, where you can row money (as in Russia) and have at least some benefit for yourself. Ugh! Disgusting! Let him be grateful that Mikhalkov is a decent person, and if Nikita had been as slippery and mean as his former son-in-law, this pimply Lovelace would have had a lot of trouble.
gorbacheva_irinaa Disgusting. It’s not clear why he’s attracted..... but Nadya Mikhalkova is just a lovely creature) it’s good that she’s now free from a relationship with uh
missistorbi I didn't have time to get a divorce....
isolenka The worst thing is that he is not only a vile and dishonest man, but also a mediocre and uninteresting director and screenwriter. Not a single hype will work if you are empty and trivial at heart. (

Born in Georgia, Rezo Gigineishvili managed to become popular not only in his country, but also far beyond its borders. He is known as a talented director, his films are always interesting to the viewer. Now he most spends his time in Moscow. There it is concentrated creative activity and personal life.

The director's personal life is no less interesting to fans than his films. Online publications constantly write about changes in Rezo’s personal life. and fashion magazines. He is credited with many affairs with famous women.

The secret of a Georgian guy’s success with women has not been revealed. But be that as it may, Nadezhda Mikhalkova fell in love with him, who later became his wife.

First marriage

Rezo met his first wife on the set of the film “Heat”. She turned out to be the aspiring singer and actress Anastasia Kochetkova. When the young people met, they Nastya was only 17 years old. Their romantic relationship developed rapidly and soon Rezo proposed marriage to the girl.

Nastya's parents took this news negatively. They were categorically against this marriage. But the girl showed firmness and, in the end, parents gave consent to their marriage. Anastasia noted in numerous interviews that family is more important to her than career and everything else.

Soon after the wedding, the couple had a daughter. She was named Maria. But despite the birth of their daughter, the couple began to have problems in their personal lives.

The young people realized that they looked at life completely differently, they different goals and aspirations. Two years later the couple separated, and a year later the divorce was finalized.

The divorce was accompanied loud scandals and accusations. Anastasia reproached Rezo for the fact that her family almost completely paid for the magnificent wedding celebration, and also gave them an apartment in Moscow.

Now Kochetkova lives in America with her daughter. She married again and is building a career as an actress.

Meeting with Nadezhda Mikhalkova

After divorcing his first wife, Rezo was not alone for long. Soon he met his youngest daughter, Nadezhda. Some sources claim that the actors met when Gigineishvili was married, and that it was Nadezhda who caused the divorce.

Like the Georgian director’s first relationship, the affair with her developed very quickly. Gigineishvili, despite scandalous divorce, still considered family to be his greatest value. Nadezhda also shared his views. Therefore, the news of the wedding of two celebrities did not come as a surprise to anyone.

Wedding and life after it

The newlyweds decided to have an unusual wedding. It was held in the national Georgian style. For this magnificent celebration, everything was selected with special care, from the costumes of the bride and groom in the national style to the location of the ceremony.

For wedding ceremony An ancient monastery in Kakheti was chosen. In 2011, the couple celebrated a magnificent wedding.

Both before and after the wedding, the couple tried not to advertise their personal life. Only after some time did journalists learn that Rezo and Nadezhda formalized their relationship back in 2009, immediately after the director’s divorce from Anastasia Kochetkova.

In her second marriage, she had two children. Eldest daughter, who was named Nino, was born in 2011. Two years later, there was another addition to the family. This time the couple had a son, who was named Ivan.

The family looked very happy. The children only brought them together. The first conversations about problems in the family appeared in 2016. But the couple did not comment on them. Gradually, the rumors began to subside and finally disappeared when Rezo and Nadezhda appeared together at the Golden Eagle ceremony.

WITH new strength They started talking about celebrity divorce in 2017. This time the information turned out to be true. In October, Nadezhda filed for divorce. The couple decided not to disclose the reasons for this decision. According to comments from people close to the family, the reason was Gigineishvili’s betrayal and his infatuation with another woman.


The actress's entourage says that such serious step It wasn’t very easy for Nadezhda. The Mikhalkov dynasty has always been famous for long marriages. Rezo also tried to save the marriage and more than once suggested that the girl not rush into a divorce. However, Nadezhda's decision was final.

Interesting notes:

Reportedly Russian media, Nadezhda Mikhalkova decided to finally break off the relationship with her husband Rezo Gigineishvili . Heir to the famous dynasty. This happened back in September, but information about officially submitted documents to the court appeared only today. By law, the spouses have two months to change their minds and try to return the idyll to the family, but there is not as much hope for this as the couple’s fans would like.

Rumors about problems in the family of Nadezhda and Rezo. First, joint photos of the couple “disappeared” from social networks. After Mikhalkov and her husband began to appear in society without wedding rings, and then completely stopped going out as a couple. At all events where the presence of spouses was required, they appeared separately. Even Rezo appeared without his wife, but with his two children: Nina and Ivan.

Photo: Social Networks By the way, according to rumors, it was for the sake of the children that Nadezhda and Rezo delayed the divorce for so long. For their sake, they tried to overcome the family crisis, but, unfortunately, their attempts were unsuccessful...
Photo: Social Networks

Some time ago, rumors appeared that Gigineishvili had developed a new novel. Allegedly, the director is having an affair with Nadezhda Obolentseva, a good friend of Svetlana Bondarchuk. According to insiders, Rezo now spends all his free time from work with her, reports Starhit.

Meanwhile, it recently became known that in the spring of this year Nikita Sergeevich again became a grandfather - his son Stepan had an heir. In addition, Mikhalkov will soon become a great-grandfather.