Chronicle vault Litseva - vault of the 16th century, the largest chronicle-chronographic work medieval Rus'. L.S. L. has come down to us in 10 volumes, where almost every page is decorated with miniatures (there are more than 16,000 miniatures in total). The first three volumes of L. p. L. are dedicated to world history: 1) Chronograph of the State Historical Museum (Museum collection, No. 358); 2) Chronograph BAN (17.17.9); 3) GPB Chronograph (F.IV.151). Russian history, set out in seven volumes, begins in 1114 and ends in 1567 (the ending is lost, but apparently was completed before 1568); 4) Golitsyn volume (GPB, F.IV.225); 5) Laptev volume (GPB, F.IV.233); 6, 7) two volumes of the Ancient Chronicler (BAN, 31.7.30, vol. 1, 2); 8) Shumilovsky volume (GPB, F.IV.232); 9) Synodal Chronicle (GIM, Synod. collection, No. 962); 10) Royal Book (State Historical Museum, Synod. Collection, No. 149). The volume containing the initial Russian history has not survived.

L.S. L. was created by order of Ivan IV the Terrible in the period 1568-1576. in Alexandrovskaya Sloboda, which became during the oprichnina political center Russian state, permanent residence of the Tsar. Presentation historical process pm. L. corresponded to the goals of strengthening the autocratic power of the tsar and creating the idea that Rus' was the heir to ancient monarchies and a stronghold of Orthodoxy. However, around 1575, the prepared text and illustrations outlining the history of the reign of Grozny (for 1533-1568) were subjected to a significant revision at the direction of the tsar: numerous notes made by an unknown editor in the margins of the manuscript contained incriminating materials against persons who had been disgraced and executions during the oprichnina terror. Thus, Ivan the Terrible tried to justify the bloody reprisals against the rebellious boyars. Editing L.S. L. was carried out during the period of exacerbation of intraclass political struggle and subsequent new executions. For unknown reasons, work on L. s. The book was not completed: the miniatures of the last part of the vault were made only in ink sketches, but not painted, the edited text was not completely rewritten; the paper of the vault was transferred to the needs of the Printing House in Alexandrovskaya Sloboda and was used in 1576 when printing the Psalter.

Over the compilation of the personal statement. L. worked as a whole staff of royal book writers and artists. At present, several manuscripts have been found that were used in the creation of L. s. L. and clearly reflected the various stages of work on it. Thus, in the chronographic part of the code, the “History of the Jewish War” by Josephus Flavius ​​was used according to the list of BAN, Solov. collection, No. 8 and Greek and Roman Chronicler, 2nd edition according to the GPB list, collection. OLDP, F.33; The Russian part is based on Obolensky's list of the Nikon Chronicle (TsGADA, f. 201, no. 163). In all of the listed manuscripts, traces of wax markings of the text, corresponding to those placed in the L. p., have been preserved. L. miniatures; in addition, in the lists of the Hellenic Chronicler and the Nikon Chronicle there are numerous amendments made with a lead pencil (after marking with wax), which appeared as a result of editing the text from other sources (Russian Chronograph, Chronicle of the Resurrection, etc.) - these changes were also reflected in the L . With. L. In those places where the text of the main source was supplemented differently, a recalculation of the number of miniatures was made in the margins with a pencil. Pencil notes about correcting text and miniatures can also be read on the finished sheets of pages. L. (in the GPB Chronograph and the Royal Book), but for some reason not all of these radar instructions were implemented. The pages of the Royal Book depict the various stages of the design of the Book of Life. L.: first, the text was copied by scribes, and free spaces were left for miniatures (in accordance with the editor’s markings), then a sketch of the composition was made (with a lead pencil or charcoal), and then the drawing was outlined in ink and painted. There was a clear distribution of labor among the miniaturists, which made it possible to complete a colossal amount of work on illustrating a multi-volume set in a short time. Miniatures L. p. L. indicate high level art of Russian book illustration of the 16th century. In addition, miniatures of L. s. L. are a valuable historical source that has brought to our time information about nature, material production, culture and life Ancient Rus' and neighboring peoples.

In addition to L. s. L. The work of the royal workshop is also characterized by other works: in the end. 60s XVI century there a set of Makaryev's Great Menaions of the Chetiy was rewritten (from which copies of the GPB, Solov. collection, No. 501/520, 504/523, 505/524, 508/527, 514/533 have been preserved), the service Menaion (GBL, f. 247 , No. 332) and the famous Egorov collection was created (GBL, f. 98, No. 1844); in the 70s XVI century the front Life of Nicholas of Myra (GBL, f. 37, No. 15), a repeated copy of the May Menaion of Chetia (State Historical Museum, Diocesan collection, No. 463), the Apostle was copied (LOI, collection of N.P. Likhachev, No. 203) . In some of the noted manuscripts of the Menaion Chetiih, markings made with a lead pencil have been preserved and indicate that the text of the lives of the saints was being prepared for illustration.

Lit.: Likhachev N. P. Paleographic significance of paper watermarks. St. Petersburg, 1899. Part 1. P. CIV-CXXI; Presnyakov A. E. Moskovskaya historical encyclopedia XVI century // IORYAS. 1900. T. 5, book. 3. P. 824-876; Artsikhovsky A. V. Old Russian miniatures as historical source. M., 1944; Podobedova O.I. Miniatures of Russian historical manuscripts. M., 1965. P. 102-332; Pokrovskaya V.F. From the history of the creation of the Facial Chronicle Code of the second half of the 16th century. // Materials and messages on the collections of the Department of Manuscript and rare book Libraries of the USSR Academy of Sciences. M.; L., 1966. P. 5-19; Protasyeva T.N. On the issue of miniatures of the Nikon Chronicle // Chronicles and Chronicles. Sat. articles 1973 M., 1974. P. 281-283; Tvorogov O.V. On the composition and sources of chronographic articles of the Litsevoy vault // TODRL. L., 1974. T. 28. P. 353-364; Amosov A. A. 1) On the question of the time of origin of the Facial Arch of Ivan the Terrible // Materials and communications on the funds of the Department of Manuscripts and Rare Books of the Library of the USSR Academy of Sciences. L., 1978. S. 6-36; 2) Dating and codicological structure of the “History of Grozny” in the Facial Chronicle Code: (Notes on the paper of the so-called Royal Book) // Auxiliary historical disciplines. L., 1982. T. 13. P. 155-193; Kloss B. M. Nikonovsky vault and Russian chronicles of the 16th-17th centuries. M., 1980. S. 206-265.

"begins the publication of an electronic edition of one of the most famous monuments of ancient Russian art - the Facial Chronicle.

Facial chronicle XVI century - a monumental monument of ancient Russian book art, in terms of scale and breadth of coverage historical events, as well as in the form of presentation of the material, which has no analogues in the world. This is the largest chronicle-chronographic work of medieval Rus'. The facial chronicle vault was created by order Ivan IV the Terrible in the period 1568-1576. in Alexandrovskaya Sloboda, which at that time became the political center of the Russian state, the permanent residence of the Tsar. A whole staff of royal book writers and artists worked on compiling the code.

The facial vault has survived to this day in 10 volumes, located in different ancient repositories: the Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian National Library in St. Petersburg and the State Historical Museum in Moscow.

The company "AKTEON" together with the custodians several years ago for the first time carried out a scientific facsimile publication " Facial chronicle vault of the 16th century».

Today the Russian Faith website begins publishing full version. The proposed edition with translation is presented in three sections: biblical history, The World History, Russian chronicle history.

Unlike some edited, unreliable, copied versions from low-quality paper reprints that can be found on the Internet, our publication is the original source of this most valuable document. It was provided by the publishing house "AKTEON", whose employees carried out direct scanning of the facial vault, stored in Russian ancient repositories.

Today we are talking with the director of the publishing house "ACTEON" Kharis Harrasovich Mustafin.

Haris Harrasovich, several years ago publishing house "ACTEON" began large-scale work on scanning and publishing monuments of ancient Slavic literature. Why, in the presence of numerous ancient chronicles, Chety-Menya and other things, was the Facial Vault chosen as the main, main project?

The facial chronicle of the 16th century stands apart in ancient Russian chronicles. This is the greatest book monument, which is distinguished, first of all, by the scale of its presentation of events - from the creation of the world, biblical events, to world historical events. Finally, it sets out Russian chronicle history from the times of Vladimir Monomakh to the times of Ivan the Terrible.

This monument is interesting both from the point of view of the large amount of information and because it is a single complex, which was created, apparently, as a kind of state order during the formation of the Russian Empire in the 16th century. This is its uniqueness. On the other hand, this monument has a peculiarity: on almost 10 thousand sheets of manuscript there are more than 17.5 thousand book miniatures, never repeated, woven into the outline of the narrative. It turns out that this is not illustrative material for the manuscript, and the manuscripts are not captions for such a huge array of book miniatures.

This is something new, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, a unique artistic-literary-historical work, where texts are interspersed with book miniatures, which often depict much more than is stated in the texts. Thus, the reader in these books can look at the events they recount through the eyes of Russian scribes of the 16th century. This is of particular value.

Therefore, to the question of why we took up the Facial Chronicle corpus, I want to answer that it was precisely because of its uniqueness. Many generations of historians and philologists dreamed of the appearance of a facsimile edition of this monument, and only thanks to the new technologies of the 21st century and the determination of our team to begin this work and complete it, it became possible to publish this book monument.

One more thing. When we were selecting material for publication, we sought advice from the Presidium Russian Academy Sciences and to the Archaeographic Commission of the Academy of Sciences. When asked what the most outstanding of the Russian book monuments is in the ancient repositories, we were answered unequivocally that this is the Litsevoy Chronicle, which has no analogues either in Russia or abroad. That's why the publishing house was created "ACTEON" specifically for the project of publishing the Facial Code.

From the point of view of what tasks were set, it is necessary to talk about very important point. Not only the publishing house worked on the project, but also the largest library-custodians of the Personal Chronicle. Participated in this project big number various specialists - historians, philologists from leading specialized organizations. This is not just a facsimile edition of a book monument, it is a scientific facsimile edition, which presents detailed descriptions original books, history of existence, a huge amount of work has been done to prepare indexes, bibliographic material. It is also very important that work has been done to completely transliterate the text and interlinear translation into modern Russian, which dramatically expanded the opportunity for even unprepared people to get acquainted with this monument.

Few publishers have done this before. Now this is becoming a kind of standard, because it is very convenient for people. Many publishing houses are now trying to publish the original text and its transliteration, and if they have the strength, then a translation into a modern language. This hard work. Ancient and modern languages are very close, and it is not at all easy to convey certain phrases without greatly distorting their meaning, so that it is understandable to contemporaries. From our point of view, it is very important that the book monuments that we deal with are created both for scientific specialists and for everyone interested in the history and culture of Rus'. We publish the Personal Chronicle in an easy-to-read form.

Can the books of the Litsevoy Vault give the modern reader new historical information?

The facial vault is interesting for several reasons. Firstly, its pages consistently set out the vision of history by Russian scribes of the 16th century, as they understood it. They compiled these books based on their idea of ​​history, and they understood that the history of any state and any society comes from the creation of the world, followed by biblical events, then world history, including the history of Troy, ancient Rome, Byzantium, then there is a transition to Russian history. Described complete picture historical canvas. There are few materials where this concept can be seen in its entirety. As a rule, what is published is fragmentary, but here we see an overall unified picture of the understanding of history by people of the 16th century, which is very important.

Later, of course, historical science developed, and this led to the emergence of many different new concepts about what the history was, in particular, of Rus'. Often science was formed to suit one or another political order. Therefore, having the opportunity to familiarize yourself with and evaluate the Russian scribes’ vision of the history of the 16th century, based on the published document - the Litsevoy Chronicle, represents a very interesting opportunity. This vision is not clouded by many layers, on the one hand, artificially contrived, and on the other hand, based on modern historical science. From the Litsevoy Vault, which is, in fact, the primary source, one can examine many historical events of both the 16th century and an earlier era through the eyes of educated Russian scribes.

The point of studying the Code is that in addition to some textual descriptions of events, there is a lot of material related to the display of historical events in miniatures. Often only in them can one see many aspects related to the development of technology, weapons, crafts, and construction. To this day, almost no graphic information has been preserved about events in Rus' and countries adjacent to Rus', which would be reflected graphically. From this point of view, the material in the Code is very interesting and, indeed, can give the modern reader a lot of new information. historical information. The main thing is that a person has an inquisitive mind and is truly interested in the history and culture of his country.

Today, many publishers publish reprints and facsimile editions. However, their quality in most cases is, to put it mildly, lame. What technologies software products were used by ACTEON to create, without exaggeration, the highest quality publication of its kind?

It has already been said that when the decision was made to publish a scientific facsimile edition of the Personal Chronicle, the publishing house “ACTEON” was specially created. The main emphasis in the work of this company was placed on the use of ultra-modern technologies that arose in beginning of XXI century. These are the first non-contact book scanners that allow you to illuminate ancient books with gentle light and non-contact, carefully scan them with the highest quality.

Digital technologies also appeared, largely developed by specialists from our publishing house, which made it possible to virtually straighten images open books, combine the face and back of the sheets without the slightest distortion flowers of book miniatures. And finally, our company purchased the country's first digital printing house, which allows for small-circulation production, in fact, the production of books to order at the highest level.

In order to obtain high-quality book bindings, our company created a division that carries out manual book binding, in which, in particular, the technology of the famous Russian book binding of the 16th century was reproduced.

This made it possible to create books that are not only unique in content, but also in a certain sense are a work of contemporary book art.

Which Russian libraries and collections have received your edition of the Litsevoy Vody? Are there any reviews?

Our publication has arrived in almost all the largest libraries in the country: regional, republican, and central. Got into the largest universities in the country, as well as whole line foreign libraries, primarily university ones, where the study of Slavic studies and the history of Eastern Europe and Russia takes place.

We got a ton positive feedback. Moreover, on the initiative of the Bavarian National Library and the Institute for the Study of National History of Eastern Europe and Russia in Munich in 2011, the first International Conference dedicated to the study of the Facial Chronicle was held. It was published as a result of the appearance of our publication in the largest libraries of the country and the world.

Abroad, the publication of the Facial Vault, in a certain sense, created a scientific sensation, because for the first time a huge array of unique material, which had previously been inaccessible to study by specialists, became available for study. Moreover, the material is extremely valuable, both from the point of view of texts and from the point of view large quantity book miniatures.

Nowadays, the monopoly on familiarization with historical sources that specialists and researchers previously had is gradually being lost. All large quantity digital copies are published online. What role do you think the publication of primary sources can play in historical science, and social life?

The question is posed in such a way as if the monopoly was created artificially. Researching historical sources is actually hard work. The people who do this work inspire deep respect and admiration. This work requires the highest qualifications. At the same time, our publications are aimed at facilitating the work of these specialists - on the one hand, and at the same time making unique book monuments more accessible to a wide range of the public who are interested in the book culture and history of their country.

The facial chronicle - the source of truth

The facial chronicle was created in the 16th century by order of the Russian Tsar Ivan the Terrible for the education of the royal children. The work on compiling this Code was headed by the most educated man of his time - St. Macarius, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Rus', confessor of the Tsar. The best scribes and icon painters of their time worked on compiling the Code.

What they performed: a collection of all reliably known sources from Holy Scripture(text of the Septuagint) to the history of Alexander the Great and the writings of Josephus - the entire written history of mankind from the creation of the world to the 16th century inclusive. All times and all peoples who had writing are reflected in dozens of books in this collection. No civilization of mankind has ever created such a chronicle collection, decorated with a huge number of highly artistic illustrations: neither Europe, nor Asia, nor America and Africa.

The fate of the Russian Tsar himself and his children was tragic. The facial chronicle was of no use to the princes. After reading the Facial Vault, part of which is dedicated to the period of Ivan the Terrible, it becomes clear why

Over the next hundreds of years, official historiography appeared, often opportunistic and politically biased, and therefore reliable chronicle sources were doomed to destruction or correction, that is, falsification. The facial chronicle corpus survived these centuries due to the fact that after the death of Ivan the Terrible, during a period of unrest and timelessness, this tome became a coveted object for “enlightened” bibliophiles. Its fragments were stolen from their libraries by the most influential nobles of their time: Osterman, Sheremetev, Golitsyn and others. After all, even then, high-ranking collectors understood that such a tome with sixteen thousand miniatures had no price. So the Code survived until the revolution, after which it was dumped in heaps in several museums and storage facilities.

Already today, through the efforts of enthusiasts, scattered books and sheets have been collected together from various repositories. And the revived Society of Lovers of Ancient Writing has made this masterpiece accessible to everyone. A historical source that has no analogues, many major educational establishments world, national libraries different countries and, of course, our compatriots for raising children on this treasure of experience and wisdom of millennia.

So amazingly the work that was done for the royal children five hundred years ago went to our children, dear contemporaries, for which we congratulate you with all our hearts!

Facial chronicle of Ivan the Terrible October 13th, 2013

Currently, the history of Russia is greatly distorted. Trying to get to the bottom of the truth, you find great amount conflicting information. It is very difficult to understand where the truth is.

Falsifications have been carried out for centuries. Even in the time of Catherine, foreign “historians” distorted our entire history. Therefore, it is necessary to refer to earlier sources. One of these is a little-known Facial chronicle of Ivan the Terrible. It includeschronicle of events in world and especially Russian history.

The facial chronicle was created in the 2nd half of the 16th century by order of Tsar Ivan IV Vasilyevich the Terrible in a single copy for his children. Metropolitan and “sovereign” artisans worked on the books of the Front Vault: about 15 scribes and 10 artists. The arch consists of about 10 thousand sheets and over 17 thousand illustrations, and the visual material occupies about 2/3 of the entire volume of the monument. Miniature drawings (landscape, historical, battle and everyday life genres) not only illustrate the text, but also complement it. Some events are not written, but only drawn. The drawings tell readers what clothing, military armor, church vestments, weapons, tools, household items, etc. looked like in ancient times.

In the history of world medieval writing there is no monument similar to the Front Chronicle, both in breadth of coverage and in volume. It included:

1.(C)(C) Museum collection (GIM). 1031 sheets, 1677 miniatures. An account of sacred, Hebrew and Greek history from the creation of the world to the destruction of Troy in the 13th century. BC e.

2.(C)(C) Chronographic collection (BAN) . 1469 sheets, 2549 miniatures. An account of the history of the ancient East, the Hellenistic world and ancient Rome from the 11th century. BC e. until the 70s I century n. e.

3.(C)(C) Face Chronograph (RNB) . 1217 sheets, 2191 miniatures. Outline of the history of the ancient Roman Empire from the 70s. I century to 337 and Byzantine history to the 10th century.

4.(C)(C) Golitsyn volume (RNB) . 1035 sheets, 1964 miniatures. Presentation national history for 1114-1247 and 1425-1472.

5.(C)(C) Laptev volume (RNB) . 1005 sheets, 1951 miniature. Outline of Russian history for 1116-1252.

6.(C)(C) Osterman's first volume (BAN) . 802 sheets, 1552 miniatures. Outline of Russian history for 1254-1378.

7.(C)(C) Osterman's second volume (BAN). 887 sheets, 1581 miniatures. Outline of Russian history for 1378-1424.

8.(C)(C) Shumilovsky volume (RNL) . 986 sheets, 1893 miniatures. Outline of Russian history for 1425, 1478-1533.

9.(C)(C) Synodal volume (GIM) . 626 l, 1125 miniatures. Outline of Russian history for 1533-1542, 1553-1567.

10.(C)(C) Royal Book (GIM) . 687 sheets, 1291 miniatures. Outline of Russian history for 1533-1553.

Knowing what is happening now, it is no longer surprising why history is not studied using these data. You and I should not know about our great glorious past, we should think. That from time immemorial we have been lazy, drunkards and mediocrities. And it doesn’t matter that a huge number of world discoveries and inventions belong to Russians, that we are an invincible, fair people - anything can be inspired.

Currently, the chronicle collection is stored in three places: inState Historical Museum(volumes 1, 9, 10), in Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences(volumes 2, 6, 7) and in Russian national library (volumes 3, 4, 5, 8).

You can supposedly download it on the Internet nowadays. But be careful, you can only trust the facsimile edition, because what is on the Internet is already distorted.

A copy of the complete facsimile edition of the Litsevoy Chronicle can be found in the library of the Manuscripts Department State Historical Museum in Moscow and in the Pushkin House in St. Petersburg.

Currently, the Facial Chronicle is published for charitable and educational purposes by the Society of Lovers of Ancient Writing. Distributed free of charge

FACIAL VOD, Li-tse-voy le-to-pis-ny vault (from other Russian “face” - image-bra-zhe-niya, ris-sun-ki) - Russian historical illu-st-ri-ro-van-noe pro-iz-ve-de-nie of the 16th century.

The question about the time of creation of the Facial Vault caused a great deal of confusion in the is-to-rio-graphy. From the creation of a memory to the period of the reign of Tsar Ivan IV Va-sil-e-vi-cha Groz-no-go, used next-to-va-te-li yes-ti-ro-va-li the formation of the Facial Vault in the 1550s (O.I. Po-do-be-do-va), beginning of 1560- s (D.N. Al-shits, R.G. Skryn-nikov), the end of the 1570s (N.P. Li-kha-chev, S.O. Schmidt, A.A. Amo- owls). A comprehensive analysis of the Facial Vault allowed us to conclude that work on it began around 1569 (Amo-sov), and stopped around 1586 (V.V. Mo-ro-zov). There is no unity on the question of the place of creation of the ru-co-pi-si: in-mi-mo Mo-sk-you are-search-to-va-te- did you call for the city residence of Ivan IV - Alek-san-d-ro-vu slo-bo-du (B.M. Kloss), etc. ..

10 volumes of the Facial Vault have been preserved, which oh-you-have events “from the Creation of the world” until 1567 ( 10 thousand sheets of large format with 17 thousand miniatures). In the present day, the Facial Vault has folded into XVII-XVIII centuries, when individual sheets were per-re-played in that-ma, while some of the sheets were ut-ra-che-na, some were re-put-ta -on (for example, parts of the same text of the black va-ri-an-ta is-to-rii of Ivan IV found themselves in the co-sta-ve Si-no-dal-no-go to-ma and the Tsar-st-ven-noy book). In the morning, the initial part of the text on Russian history, containing “The Tale of Bygone Years”; some from the 1560s; the final part of the memory with the weight until 1586; various small fragments (the morning text of the Facial Vault is restored according to the text of Alek-san-d-ro-Nev-skaya and Le-be-dev-skoy le-to-pi-sey).

In the first three volumes of the Facial Vault (the so-called Chrono-graphic part) the whole world's history is presented: Museum collection of co-derivatives lives from the sacred and ancient non-Hebrew history from the Creation of the world to the destruction of Troy in the 13th century before AD; Chro-no-graphic collection - the history of the ancient and el-li-nistic East and Ancient Rome; Li-tse-voy chrono-graph - history of Ancient Rome since the 70s of the 1st century AD. to 337 and Byzantine history from 337 to the 10th century. The remaining 7 volumes (the so-called Le-to-pis-naya part) after-va-tel-but from-la-ga-yut events of Russian history : Go-li-tsyn-sky volume oh-va-you-va-et periods 1114-1247 and 1425-1472 (with significant pro-pu-ka-mi, restoration-sta-nav- whether-we-we-mi according to other things); Lap-tev-sky volume - 1116-1252 (since Vo-sta-nav-li-vae-we-mi-pus-ka-mi); Os-ter-ma-novsky I volume - 1254-1378; Os-ter-ma-novsky volume II - 1378-1425 (nowadays not a fragment of the volume with the News of the Battle of Ku-li-kov-skaya on-ho-dit-sya in a separate re-plete); Shu-mi-lovsky volume - 1425, 1472-1533; Si-no-distant volume - 1535-1542, 1553-1567 (with significant pro-pu-ka-mi, re-establish-sta-nav-li-vae-we-mi according to Alek-san-d- ro-Nev-skoy and Le-be-dev-skoy le-to-pi-syam); Tsar's book - 1533-1553.

At present, the Facial Vault is dis-integrated: the Museum collection, the Si-no-distant volume and the Tsar-ven-naya book are stored in the State Historical Museum ; Chro-no-gra-fi-che-sky collection, Os-ter-ma-nov-sky I and II volumes - in the Library of the Academy of Sciences; Li-tse-voy chro-no-graph, Go-li-tsyn-sky, Lap-tev-sky and Shu-mi-lov-sky to-ma - in the Russian National Library. Selected research (O.I. Po-do-be-do-va, B.M. Kloss, Yu.A. Ne-vo-lin, A.A. Amo-sov ) complete this complex of ru-ko-pi-sey: the so-called Yegorovsky collection (RSL), containing Apo-ka-lip-sis, Word John-an-na-of-God-words on the Dormition of God-ro-di-tsy, Word of praise on the Za-cha-tie of John-an-na-pred-te -chi, Tale of Chu-de-sah ar-khan-ge-la Mi-khai-la; Lives of the Ni-ko-ly (RSL), co-containing the Life of the Ni-ko-laya arch-hi-episco-pa World of the Li-kiys and a fragment of the Book of By -tiya with po-ve-st-vo-va-ni-em about po-to-pe and table-by-your-re-niy.

The text of the Facial Code presents a good-co-ve-st-com-pi-la-tion of women in its basis based on -kov. When compiling the Chro-no-graphic part of the is-precision (books of the Vet-ho-go-go-za-veta, Tro-yan-skaya is-to-ria Gwi-do de Ko-lum-ny, “Alek-san-d-riya”, “Is-to-riya of the Jewish War” by Jo-si-fa Flavius, El-linsky le -to-pi-sets, Tol-to-vaya pa-leya, Chro-ni-ka Ge-or-gia Amar-to-la, Chro-no-graph 1512) used half- but-stu, without passes or from-ra frag-men. To talk about the events of Russian history, it was used to use a few years of writing (Ni-ko-nov-skaya, Vos -kre-sen-skaya), Vault of 1560, Le-to-pi-sets na-cha-la tsar-st-va, Le-to-pi-sets of 1568, Novgorod vault of 1539 , Po-st-ni-kov-sky le-to-pi-sets and “Ste-pen-naya kni-ga”. The Facial Vault included more than 30 works that were outside the written memorials (lives, in weight, etc.), which allows us to call it our own literary anthology. The facial vault was intended to substantiate the idea of ​​the rise of the divine Russian state. This is the reason for the whole world's history as a succession of successive rises and pa-de-niy of various kingdoms. The result and final goal of this process is the Russian state headed by the family of its “most powerful” people, the most more close to the morning ideal of the Garden of Paradise. The Russian “self-powers” ​​are first of all Kiev, then the Vladimirs and, finally, the Moscovs. Chinese - on-chi-naya from Prince Vla-di-mi-ra Holy-sla-vi-cha God-from-bra-ny and on-de-le-ny wisdom.

Mi-nia-tyu-ra-mi pro-il-lu-st-ri-ro-va-na most of communications from the Facial Vault, they are closely related to the text. Illustrating modern or recent events, the artist used the blue-de-nya over the surrounding days -st-vi-tel-no-stuy, when turning to more ancient eras, he took as a basis the mini-nia-ty-ry ru-ko-pi- this XIV-XV centuries, modernizing them (A.V. Ar-tsi-khov-sky). In addition, from the mi-nia-tyur of the Facial Vault, they served as “ic-no-written sub-lin-ni-ki”, Western European pe- chat books (chro-ni-ka G. She-de-la) and gra-vu-ry, including A. Du-re-ra, H. Khol-bey-na Mlad-she-go (see in the article Hol-bein), etc. As the analysis of artistic features of the mi-nia-tyur suggests, work is being done on them -or at least 6 mas-te-rows, which were part of the Ma-ne-ra Moscow school of life of the 16th century with new-city-rod-ski-mi and tver-ski-mi elements-men-ta-mi.

At this point, you are working on the art of Ivan IV. The facial vault has been subjected to re-work: this part of the facial vault, re-re-pi -san-naya na-be-lo, was-supplied with the-pi-ka-mi, which-ry su-s-st-ve-ven-but-me-with-holding -nie text-sta and mi-nia-tyur. Investigating the connection between their origins and the editor's intervention of Ivan IV ( S.F. Platonov, D.N. Al-shits), I.M. Vis-ko-va-to-go (B.A. Ro-ma-nov, N.M. Ro-go-zhin), B.F. Go-du-no-va (V.V. Mo-ro-zov).

In 2004-2006, the production was under preparation and the release of the fac-si-mil-no-go from the Li-tse-vo-go-go-da.


The story of the Ku-li-kov-skaya battle: Text and mini-ty-ry of the Li-tse-vo-go code of the 16th century. L., 1984;

The life of Alek-san Dr. Nevsky. Text and mi-nia-tu-ry of the Li-tse-vo-le-to-pis-no-go svo-da of the 16th century. L., 1990;

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Po-do-be-do-va O.I. Mi-nia-tu-ry of Russian is-to-ri-che-ru-ko-pi-sey: to the is-to-rii of Russian-sko- go li-tse-vo-go le-to-pi-sa-niya. M., 1965

Amo-sov A.A. Li-tse-voy summer-written arch of Ivan Groz-no-go: complex co-di-ko-lo-gi-che-che-study. M., 1998

Li-tse-voy summer-written code of the 16th century. no-go complex-sa. M., 2003

Ar-tsi-khov-sky A.V. Ancient-non-Russian minia-tu-ry as an is-to-ri-che-sky is-toch-nik. M.; Tomsk, 2004

Mo-ro-call V.V. The face vault in the context of the father-che-st-ven-no-go le-to-pi-sa-niya of the 16th century. M., 2005


1. BDT archive. Face vault. Fragment of text-sta and mi-nia-tyu-ra. 2nd half of the 16th century Russian national library (St. Petersburg).

2. BDT archive. Face vault. Fragment of a list with notes. 2nd half of the 16th century Is-to-ri-ches-ky museum (Mo-sk-va).