Maria Claudiyevna Tenisheva (Born Pytkovskaya, according to stepfather - Maria Morithovskaya von Desten) was born on May 20, 1858 in St. Petersburg. The girl was illegitimate and grew in a rich home stepfather perfect Richkom, despite the abundance of governess, nannies and teachers. From her demanded full obedience and restraint. The mother was cold to her, obviously, connecting with this child those moments of life that she wanted to forget.

"I was alone, abandoned. When everything dropped in the house, I was silent, I made my way into the living room, leaving shoes behind the door. There are my friends pictures ... these good, smart people call artists. They must be better, the kinder of other people, they probably have a heart cleaner, the shower is noble? ... "

When Mary turned 16 and she graduated from a private gymnasium, a young lawyer R. Nikolaev made her an offer. Of course, the idea that marriage will give her freedom, pushed her to give consent. Early marriage, daughter's birth ... and the husband turned out to be an avid player. "Everything was so gray, everybody, vastly," she wrote later.

A trifle case gave hope: she was told that her strong "opera" voice had a beautiful timbre. We must go to study in Italy or to France.

Easy to say! What is it like that? Where's the money? Where is the passport? After all, at that time, the wife fits into the passport of her husband. Mother refused to help money. But Maria gathered money as he could, selling the situation of her room. It was much more difficult to snatch from her husband permission for departure. But it turned out to be overcome. ... a lonely woman with a little daughter in her arms and with skinny luggage sat on a train, who promised not Paris - a new life.

"It is difficult to describe what I experienced, feeling myself, finally, free ... Swinging from the influx of uncontiguous feelings, I fell in love with the universe, fell in love with life, grabbed it."

Sokolov A.P. Portrait of Mary Claudia Tenisheva (1898)

Maria begins to learn singing from the famous Matilda Markesei. Also begins to take the lessons of visual art from the famous Graphics of J.G. Victor, later in St. Petersburg visits the classes of Baron Stiglitz, showing bright abilities and on this field. Starts deeply studying the history of the arts, the clock is spent behind books and museums.

Another passion, brightly manifested in his youth and playing an important role in her further fate, is love for old, thrust for all the ancient. "Modern exhibitions left me indifferent, pulled to ancient. I could expound the ancient objects at the windows. "

Her rare beauty mezzo-soprano fascinated Parisian. Markesei was sure that her Russian student was waiting for the fame of the opera singer. She was offered a tour of France and Spain. But the entrepreneur, as it turned out, believed that in addition to the percentage of a young and beautiful woman in charge of him than to thank him for a profitable surgent. The arbitrariness in the talent market, dependence on money bags, whose grip Mary felt immediately, focused on it as a cold soul. "A woman ... can only be put forward by a miracle or ways, nothing to do with the art of not having, her every step is given with incredible efforts."

There, in Paris, she will feel that the theater, the scene is not for her. "Singing? It is fun ... I don't want this fate. "

MK Tenisheva. Portrait of I. Repin (1896)

In the meantime - return to Russia, lack of money, ambiguous position in society. The husband actually took away his daughter, giving it into a closed educational institution. The artistic plans of the wife responded: "I do not want my name of the poster of the posters in the fences!" But long, the exhausting divorce after all took place. As a result, the daughter was greatly distinguished from the mother, not asking her and in the mature age of her aspirations for self-realization to the detriment of the care of the family and about it.

At the critical moment of life, Maria Claudiyevna is looking for her best friend of childhood Ekaterina Konstantinovna Svyatopolk-Four. The Fourthist will play a very big role in her life. Girlfriend calls her own generic estate Talashkino.

Ekaterina Konstantinovna Svyatopolk-Four

On some friendly party, she was asked to sing. A person took an accompanying, in the appearance of which, if not a surtuk, who squeezed the hand of an expensive Parisian tailor, was something peasant, a detachment, almost a bearish. Cello in his hands sounded perfectly! So she met Prince Vyacheslav Nikolayevich Tenisheva.

Portrait of Prince V.N. Tenishev. Leon Bonnat (1896)

He began with the service technician on the railroad with a boost. By the time of the meeting with Maria, he had a huge fortune, steadily growing thanks to its fantastic energy, enterprise, excellent knowledge of the commercial and financial world. He managed to become famous as the author of several serious books on agronomy, ethnography, psychology. He was knew as a generous benefactor and a serious figure at the Niva Enlightenment. And he was divorced.

In the spring of 1892, Maria and Prince Tenishev married. Their marriage was not simple and cloudless. She was thirty-fourth year, he was forty-eight years old. Two strong independent nature, in many respects similar and at the same time very different, with the already established principles and views on life. She was not enough for her to love her only as a woman, she always wanted to see her identity in her, were considered with her opinion and principles.

Together with the spouse, the princess moved to the town of Bezhitsa, where Tenishev managed the affairs of a large plant.

Tenishev recalled: "A whole picture of the true situation of workers in the factory turned out to be in front of me. I discovered that besides the fought Matron and the fastened indifferent figures, there were still small people, hubborn, fallen by the fire of casting furnaces, stunned by endless blows of the hammer, could rightfully be embittered, coarse, but still touching, deserving at least a little attention and concern about their needs. After all, these were also people. Who, if not they, gave these figures, and me with my husband, well-being? .. "

Repin I.E. Portrait of Princess M.K. Tenisheva (1896)

Maria Claudiyevna becomes the trustee of the only skilled school, then the following schools in the city and surrounding villages. All schools were created and kept on the capital of Tenishev. Maria Claudiyevna goes further: organizes a national dining room with high-quality lunches and for a reasonable fee. Also made it possible that the workers' families give up to temporary use of empty lands - began to resettle from close and stuffy barracks, dirt and disease raids. But it is not all. Another important problem is the leisure of workers who could be an alternative to drunkenness and idleness. Tenisheva organizes the theater in the Bezhitsa, where the arrivals of the artists will perform, evenings and concerts.

When Tenishev comes out of the Board by Bryansk plants, the family leaves for St. Petersburg.

House Tenishevy on the English Embankment in St. Petersburg

In the music salon, the well-known composers and performers began to be in the house: Scriabin, Arsenyev. The voice of the lounge salon then delight Tchaikovsky.

M. K. Tenisheva. Portrait of the work of Serov (written in the living room of Knyagini in St. Petersburg)

Maria Claudievna creates a workshop for serious painting, but immediately inspired by the idea of \u200b\u200bI.E. Repin organize a studio to prepare future students to enter the Academy of Arts and gives under the studio his workshop. Repin himself is taught. Soon this place began to enjoy the great popularity of young people. The workshop was stuck to refusal, "worked at five o'clock a day, not paying attention to the grindiness and stool." Tenisheva tried to help students: training in the studio was free, all necessary for classes were bought, free teas were bought, student work was acquired. Among the students of the Tenishevsk Studio - I.Ya. Bilibin, M.V. Dobuzhinsky, Z.E. Serebryakova and many other artists famous in the future. Maria Claudievna becomes one of the founders of the magazine "The World of Art".

Tenisheva's gambling captured another passion - gathering. On trips with her husband in Europe, the princess, not limited to the means, bought Western European painting, porcelain, marble sculpture, decorations, things, which are historical value, products of the masters of China, Japan, Iran. The artistic taste was given to her from nature. Much learned and understood it from communicating with people of art. Reading, lectures, the exhibitions tried the case - Maria gained a sharp sense of conveyance and knew how to evaluate the resulting in his hands. And when they and her husband went on the old Russian cities: Rostov, Rybinsk, Kostroma, in the Volga villages and monasteries, before the princess, the man-made beauty of obsolete masters appeared - the original, unimaginable forms and color, and perfectly performed. An already new collection from the objects of utensils, clothes, furniture, decorations, dishes and crafts was born - things of the striking beauty extracted from a stealless hut or abandoned barn.

Korovin K.A. Portrait of Princess Tenisheva M.K. (1899)

In 1893, Maria Claudian persuades his girlfriend to sell her Talashkino. As in St. Petersburg, she very quickly creates a hospitable house in the Talashkin house, the creative atmosphere, which collects many famous artists, musicians, scientists here. Here are often I.E. Repin, MA Vrubel, A.N. Bakst, sculptor p.p. Trubetskaya and many others. By the way, surrounded by Mary Claudiyevna there have always been a lot of art people, but for some reason the atmosphere of idleness and bohemity has never arose.

Vrubel MA Portrait of Princess M.K. Tenisheva in the image of Valkyrie (1899)

But the most expensive school has become a school on Flenovo Flenovo near Talashkino, for rustic children. In September 1895, a new school building with bright classes, hostel, dining room, kitchen opened its doors. Wishing to be a lot. The advantage in admission to the school had orphans, whom Tenisheva took to complete the provision. Huge attention is paid to the selection of teachers. According to her ideas, a rural teacher should not only know the subject, but also to be a mentor and other for a child, an example in life.

Teremok in Flenov

Next to the school building on the sketch of Malyutina rebuilt a fairy-tale house, decorated with carvings and painting; Here are a library and teacher. From the capital and foreign trips, the best books, textbooks, albums in art, magazines are brought here.

Door-portal in the internal decoration of the Teremka

Another pearl of the Flena school became a children's balalana orchestra, famous for the whole Smolensk region. A new school also appeared in Talashka with the latest equipment, a publicly available library, a number of educational and economic workshops, where the locals, mostly young people, were engaged in wood processing, metal, ceramics, coloring fabrics, embroidery. Practical work began on the revival of folk crafts. A lot of local residents were drawn to this process. For example, only a Russian national costume, weaving, knitting and collapse of the fabric were busy women from fifty surrounding villages.

Products of Talashkan masters

All this was received in the Open Tenisheva store in Moscow. "Spring". There were no postboot from buyers. Orders came from abroad. This success was not random. After all, Tenisheva invited to live in Talashkino, to create, work and those who amounted to the art elite of Russia at the time. In the workshops, the village boy could use the advice of MA Vrubel. Patterns for embroidery came up with V.A. Serov. M.V. Nesterov, A.N. Benoita, K.A. Korovin, N.K. Roerich, V.D. Polenov, sculptor p.p. Trubetskoy, singer F.I. Shalyapin, musicians, artists - this land became for many masters of the studio, workshop, scene.

The princess wanted things to be created by the old beauty covenants, went into the life and life of citizens and changed their taste, accustomed to cheap fakes under the European style. And she really wanted to participate in the new artistic process to also local peasants. After all, in the Smolensk province, the impact of the centuries had a lot of handicrafts, but the beauties were already moved from the beauty of folk arts, there were rude, alpasic, patterns; The peasants tried to improve them, but, without seeing and not knowing good samples, they worked primitively and sold their products at low prices. Tenishev believed that with the right and love approach, you can revive the original traction of the Russian person to beauty.

And the princess was fond of enamel - the branch of the jewelry, which stalled in the XVIII century. She decided to revive her. Maria Claudiyevna held entire days in the Talashkin workshop, near the furnaces and galvanic baths.

It is thanks to the works of Tenisheva and its quest, an enamel business was revived, together with the artist Jacin, more than 200 tones of the opaque (oakaya) enamel were developed and obtained, a method for manufacturing "lazy" enamel was restored.

"Overseas guests". Sketch for this enamel was made by N.K. Roerich at the request of M.K. Tenisheva. The plate was performed in 1907, it was abroad and was sold at Sothewis auction in Geneva in 1981.

Her work was exhibited in London, Prague, Brussels, Paris. In Italy - in the homeland of the art of Enamel - it was elected by an honorary member of the Roman archaeological society. European experts were distinguished by Tenisheva in the field of enamel business "one of the first places among the modern masters." And at home, Maria Claudiyevna defended her thesis on the topic "Enamel and Inlay". She was offered the Department on the History of Emaler Business at the Moscow Archaeological Institute.

Dishes and Solonka with Siberian Stone Orlets, brought to the gift of Emperor Nicholas II

In 1903, the husband dies - Prince Tenishev. At this time, NK arrives in Talashkino Roerich. Friendship with him became an important page in the life of Mary Claudiyevna: "Our relationship is the fraternity, the affinity of the shower, which I so apply and in which I believe so. If people often approached each other as me with him, then a lot in life could make a good, beautiful and honest. "

In 1905, she presented her colossal collection of art objects in the city of Smolensk. The authorities did not want to provide it with the room for her show. Moreover, they were not in a hurry to take the gift of Prinugini. Then Tenisheva bought a piece of land in the center of the city, built a museum room for his funds and placed the collection there.

But, not having time to open, the museum was in danger. In the city and the villages began arson, the proclamations flew there and here, someone had already seen the thrown icons and people with a red flag in their hands. On the gatherings they shouted about "bloodshots", called for "robberry bourgeois". Secret at night, packed by the collection, Tenisheva took her to Paris. And soon the exhibition opened in the Louvre, about which all European newspapers opened. Paris as if he went crazy, flooding five big halls. Here it was possible to meet the entire intellectual elite of the capital: scientists, writers, politicians, collectors, guests, specially arrived at the obstacious spectacle. "And is it all from Smolensk? Where is it?" The French from the times of Napoleon did not hear about such a city and could not imagine that all this abundant luxury "comes from a quiet province.

Bronze candlesticks

Tenisheva was very proud of the fact that Russian folk dresses shown by it in Paris "strongly reflected in the mods and accessories of the women's toilet." Susceptible to all innovations from the world of clothes, French frangians have been adopted by the Smolensk peasantry. "I noticed," Mary wrote, "the explicit influence of our embroidery, our Russian dresses, sundresses, shoes, headdresses, zipunov ... Even the name" Blouse Rus "appeared, etc. Our Russian creativity was also reflected on jewelry, which was so pleased with me and there was a reward for all my work and costs. "

Wooden endow. In fig. kn. MK Tenisheva.

"What a freshness of forms, the wealth of motives! - obsessed readers with unprecedented venice reviewers. - This is delight, present revelation! " For the abundance of exclamation marks delicately loomed one questionnaire: "Is it really done in Russia?" The princess of Tenisheva The first opened the door to the original, unlike the world of Russian artistic creativity.

Balalaika painted by Vrubel

For the collection of balalalacs, painted with head and wood, Maria Claudian offered an astronomical amount. The newspapers of those years wrote that the collection would never return home: her show in different countries of the world could be for the owners of a real golden bottom. But Smolensk returned to one thing.

But with the revolution, life in the "Russian Athens" (the contemporaries of Talashkino) were interrupted. The arsons began, propaganda was carried out at school, and Tenisheva could not understand why the created it was destroyed. In the Church of the Holy Spirit, built Tenisheva and painted by N.K. Ryrich, stored potatoes. The printed peasants paid for the princesses to her black ungratefulness: the prince's body was illuminated for a hundred years, buried in three coffins, in 1923 he drove into the pit.

March 26, 1919 Tenisheva, together with the closest girlfriend E.K. Svyatopolk-Four and close friend and assistant V.A. Lidin leaves Russia forever and left the Crimea to France.

Chest and suspension inlaid enamel enamel. Work mk Tenisheva.

For the past ten years, Tenishev has been conducted in emigration in emigration, in a small estate vaultson, which friends called "Small Talashkino". Here, already hard pain, in a small workshop on Avenue Duchen, she continues to work on enamels, earning a living by his own difficulty. Also, Maria Claudiyevna, I pleasantly accepted the offer to work at the costumes to the Snow Maiden opera.

"The performance of it was amazing, - recalled E.K. Svyatopolk-Four. - Until his last sigh, she did not throw the brushes, feather and spatulas. "

Maria Claudian Tenisheva died in the spring of 1928. I buried her on the Cemetery of St. Geneviev de Boua.

Princess, public figure, collector, patron, artist Emaler. The fate of her brilliantly and tragic: giving Russia everything that she had, from capital to talent, she died in oblivion.

The exact year of birth is not known (between 1857 and 1867), only the number is considered to be reliable - on May 20. It happened from the metropolitan nobles, but was illegitimate.

It was hard for illegitimate Mary in the mother's family. They said that Mrs. von Desten, who had a very difficult character, could not forgive the daughter of her unwanted appearance on the light (even rumors were that the father of Masha was Emperor Alexander II). No, the lack of any Maria did not feel, but felt lonely. She studied in one of the best educational institutions in St. Petersburg - the gymnasium with aptive, which successfully graduated.

At the age of 16, the girl was married to Rafail Nikolayev and gave birth to Mary's daughter, but this marriage was unsuccessful. "Everything was so gray, ordinary, vaguely" - She wrote later. Husband, avid gambler, after the next loss, climbed on the couch in the sofa in the usual inaction, indifferent to everything in the world. Maria Claudiyevna was unbearable to see how he was humiliated, leaving money from relatives or mother-in-law. And - what was even worse - forced his wife to take money from foreign people.

From 1881, she studied in Paris: took music lessons, vocal, wanting to become a professional singer, a lot was engaged in drawing. The daughter left with her husband was subsequently given by the Father "to the Institute" (which assumed the boarding school) and strongly moved away from the mother, without having to her and in the mature age of her aspiration for self-realization to the detriment of the care of the family and her.

For three years before that, she studied Matilda Markesei from the famous vocal teacher of Matilda, her performances listened to S. Gunov, A. Tom and A. G. Rubinstein. In Paris, Maria takes drawing lessons in the Louvre at the artist Gabriel Zhilbera.

For the summer, Maria Claudian returned from France to Russia and lived in the estate A.N. Nikolaev (Uncle Husband) near Smolensky. It was there that for all his life her friendship with a neighbor, owner of the estate Talashkino, E.K. Svyatopolk-Fourstream ("Whale") - a woman in close fate, similar views on life and aesthetic tastes.

In the spring of 1885, Maria Claudiyevna finally returns to Russia and successfully performs on stage, performing arias and romances. She became a professional singer, tried to get a professional scene, listened to the Mammont Opera, but unsuccessfully. However, this did not stop her - she continued to participate in concerts. At the same time he was engaged in drawing, wrote the paintings, mastered the art of painting. It began collecting works of Russian and European graphics, objects of public life.

Next to Talashkino was also the land of Prince V.N.Tenisheva - the largest Russian industrialist, subsidizing the construction of the first car plant in Russia, one of the hostels of electromechanical production. In Smolensk, he came to hunt, was 22 years old as Maria Claudiyevna, but the age difference did not gainive importance when the soul mate was found. After a quick divorce of the prince with the first wife and termination of marriage Maria Claudia, they in 1892 married. She was twenty-sixth year, he was forty-eight.

V.N.Tenishev gave his wife, in addition to his last name (however, his native "Nadridannant" did not recognize, and the pedigree did not hit the princes of the Tenis Princess), the spiritual support, the princely title, a great condition and the opportunity to realize himself as an enlightener and patrons .

In 1889, immediately after the wedding, the wife of Tenishevs move to the city of Bezhitsa near Bryansk, where the prince led the rail rolling plant. The next four years of his life Maria Claudian Tenisheva called the first "Brahi field." Faced with the life of the plant, Tenisheva draws attention to the life and living conditions of the workers. Overtowered barracks, exploitation of child labor, drunkenness and illness, lack of schools and kindergartens.

"A whole picture of the true situation of workers in the factory has become gradually in front of me. I discovered that besides the fought Matron and the fastened indifferent figures, there were still small people, hubborn, fallen by the fire of casting furnaces, stunned by endless blows of the hammer, could rightfully be embittered, coarse, but still touching, deserving at least a little attention and concern about Their needs ... The deeper I delve into the factory life, the more convinced what a wide field of action in this huge and complex car. "

08:47 PM - Maria Claudian Tenisheva (1858-1928)
I remember when I warm my pregnant belly on foreign southes about three and a half years ago, reading all kinds of interesting art journals, I first pierced the idea that in the formation of a creative person, patients are sometimes equally important than teachers, Wife and mistress, and sometimes more ....
Then, I remember, I read the article about Great Tenischev, the fate of which was brilliant and tragic: giving Russia everything that she had, from capital to talent, she died in complete oblivion. ... And the other day I stumbled upon her portrait of the brush Repin involuntarily wanted to write a post ...

Contemporaries called Princess Tenishev "Pride of all Russia". She was lucky, she communicated with the people who are brought by the people of his era - Repin, Turgenev, Tchaikovsky, Mammoth, Vrubel, Korovin, Roerich, Benoit, Dyagilev, Malyutin, Serov ...

Portrait of Repin

In many sources, it is written that the exact year of the birth of Tenisheva is unknown (between 1857 and 1867), but 1858 is specified in Wikipedia, which I carried out in the title of post, only the number is considered to be reliable.
It happened from the metropolitan nobles, but was illegitimate. Family legend has kept different versions of the one who was her father.

After the end of a private gymnasium, the girl was married to Rafail Nikolayev's law and gave birth to Mary's daughter, but this marriage turned out to be unsuccessful ("Everything was so gray, everybody, vaguely," she wrote later).

From 1881, she studied in Paris: took music lessons, vocal, wanting to become a professional singer, a lot was engaged in drawing. The daughter left with her husband was subsequently given by the Father "to the Institute" (which assumed the boarding school) and strongly moved away from the mother, without ate her in the mature age of her aspiration for self-realization to the detriment of the care of the family and her.

For the summer, Maria Claudian returned from France to Russia and lived in the estate A.N. Nikolaev (Uncle Husband) near Smolensky. It was there that for all his life her friendship with a neighbor, owner of the estate Talashkino, E.K. Svyatopolk-Fourstream ("Whale") - a woman in close fate, similar views on life and aesthetic tastes. By little thinking about who and what she teaches at that moment her daughter, a tireless princess, supported by China, organized in 1889 in Talashkino, the first "school of diplomas" for local peasants.

Next to Talashkino, the land of Prince V.N. Tenishev - the largest Russian industrialist, subsidized the construction of the first car plant in Russia, one of the implications of electromechanical production. In Smolensk, he came to hunt, was 22 years old as Maria Claudiyevna, but the difference in the age did not matter when the soul mate was found. After a quick divorce of the Prince with the first wife and termination of Marriah Clavdyevna, they in 1892 were married.

V.N.Tenishev gave his wife, in addition to his last name (however, his native "Nadridannant" did not recognize, and the pedigree did not hit the princes of the Tenis Princess), the spiritual support, the princely title, a great condition and the opportunity to realize himself as an enlightener and patrons . Having received funds to exercise projects, Tenishev soon opened the school of handicraft students near Bryansk (where her husband was headed by a joint-stock company), several primary folk schools in St. Petersburg and Smolensk.
In the same years, her acquaintance was held with I.E. Repin, whom she fascinated the idea of \u200b\u200borganizing drawing schools for gifted children from the people, as well as courses for training teachers of drawing.
The whole life of MK Tenisheva became Talashkino

At the turn of the centuries, Talashkino turned into a spiritual and cultural center of Russia, the "artistic nest", similar to the near Moscow Abramtsevo - a meeting place for prominent cultural figures, inspired by the idea of \u200b\u200b"New Russian Renaissance". Neorussian style in art - "Rod" from Talashkino.

The educational idea attracted many outstanding Russian artists in Talashkino. V.D. Polenov, V.M. Vasnetsov, M.V. Vrubel, K.A. Korovin, V.A. Serov, N.K. Roerich stayed and worked in the estate of Princess, offering their drawings for the painting of balalak, chests, furniture.

In 1901, Tenishev spent in Smolensk the exhibition of applied art products made in Talashkin, opening at the same time in Moscow, in the tabletower lane, the store "Spring" for their sale. During these years, the Telmok Cabinet was built in Talashkin, all the items of which were made in workshops.

In Flenov, on her initiative, the temple of the Holy Spirit with paintings and mosaic NK was built. Roerich.

Marriage gave Princess the opportunity to satisfy her passion to collecting. Making an extensive collection of watercolors of Russian and foreign artists, the systematization of which was instructed by A.N. Benouua, Tenisheva staged an exhibition of his meeting in 1897, from which about 500 works presented the Russian museum then preparing for the opening.

S.P. Dyagilev, with whom Tenisheva met at this time, fascinated her ideas to create a magazine "The World of Art", which she established and (together with S.I. Mammoth) financed in 1898-1904. In 1899, she was among the organizers of the first exhibition "Miriskusnikov" in St. Petersburg.

Idyll. Cartoon Scherbova P. E.1899. L.S. Bakst (Rooster), S.P. Dyagilev (Doit Cow), D.V. Philosophers, M.V. Nesterov, MK Tenisheva (cow), I.E. Repin, S.I. Mammoth

The joy is immeasurable. Caricature (pair caricature "Idiili") 1900. V.V. Staso, M.K. Tenisheva (cow), I.E. Repin, M.V. Nesterov (for Easel), S.I, Mamontov (Mamont), SP, Dyagilev

Meanwhile, Nicholas II appointed in 1900 V.N. Tenisheva Head Commissioner of the Russian Department at the World Exhibition in Paris. This section produced a furor - largely due to the works of Mary Claudiyevna. Man versatile educated, husband M.K. Tenisheva did not share part of her hobbies and did not approve of her friendship with artists, wanting to see his wife only a secular lady. And yet he helped her, subsidizing all her undertakings, and she forced him to sound his name as a patron and philantop.

In 1903, Tenisheva did not. Now she has already ordered a huge capital to her inheritance.

In 1906, she helped S.P. Dyagilev in the device of the exhibition of Russian art on the "Autumn Salon" in Paris, and the important section of the exhibition was made by the most objects of Russian folk arts collected it. Subsequently, this collection was the basis of the first in the country of the Museum of Russian Decorative and Applied Arts "Russian Starina", which in 1911 was transferred to the princess to Smolensk.

At the same years, the princess actively participated in the works on the historical and archaeological study of Smolensk and the surrounding area, contributed to the opening of the branch of the Moscow Archaeological Institute in the city.

In 1912, she received the title of honorary citizen of the city of Smolensk; Her name was called one of the streets of the city.

At the same time, she was a wonderful enamer artist. Among her works were both a large (hand-held cross in silver and gold for the church of the Holy Spirit, the door decor with the image of George Victorious in Teremka in Flelenov, a double portal from valuable wood with enamel inlays) and very thin, small work sizes ( A dish with a multi-colored enamel, bought by the Museum of the Luxembourg Palace in Paris, enamel portraits of King Mikhail Fedorovich and Emperor Nicholas II with Heir-Zesarevich for a gift to a sovereign in honor of the 300th anniversary of the House of Romanov).

MK Tenisheva exhibited his work in the salon of the National Society of Fine Arts in France (1906-1908), the Union of Decorative Arts.

In 1914, she showed Enamel in Rome, receiving a diploma and honorary membership in the Roman Archaeological Society. Two years later, she defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic "Enamel and Inlaudation" in the Moscow Archaeological Institute. (The text of work lost in the years of the revolution was restored by her students in Prague in 1930.)

As an artist, a collector and explorer, the art of Tenishev was elected by a member of several European academies.

The 1917 revolution forced MK Tenishev emigrate to France, where she lived together everything with the same "Whale" and his daughter from the second marriage of Liza in the voctern near Paris from 1918 to his death. For ten emigrant years, women managed to establish a matter of learning enamel art among children of emigrants.

E.K. Svyatopolk-Fourstarts retained diaries and memories of Tenisheva. She also handed over the equipment of the Tenishevskaya workshop, materials and technological recipes of the shaded of its emigrant girlfriend and like-minded T.N. Rodzianko, who organized after receiving this gift "School of enamel art" in Prague.

Princess Maria Claudian Tenisheva - Matssenat, Collector, Emaler Artist, Public Worker

When she was young and yet known to anyone, I somehow told Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev. He, thinking, answered: "Eh, sorry that I was sick and did not know you before. What an interesting story I wrote ... "

Maria Claudiyevna Tenisheva (Born Pytkovskaya, according to stepfather - Maria Morithovskaya von Desten) was born on May 20, 1858, in St. Petersburg.

The girl was illegitimate and grew in a rich home stepfather perfect Richkom, despite the abundance of governess, nannies and teachers. From her demanded full obedience and restraint. The mother was cold to her, obviously, tieting with this child those moments of life that wanted to forget.

"I was alone, abandoned. When everything dropped in the house, I was silent, I made my way into the living room, leaving shoes behind the door. There are my friends pictures ... these good, smart people call artists. They must be better, the kinder of other people, they probably have a heart cleaner, the shower is noble? ... ".

When Maria was 16 years old, after the end of a private gymnasium, the young lawyer R. Nikolaev made her an offer. Of course, the idea that marriage will give her freedom, pushed her to give consent. Early marriage, birth of daughter. And the husband turned out to be an avid player. "Everything was so gray, everybody, vastly," she wrote later.

A trifle case gave hope: she was told that her strong "opera" voice had a beautiful timbre. We must go to study in Italy or to France.

Easy to say! What is it like that? Where's the money? Where is the passport? After all, at that time, the wife fits into the passport of her husband. Mother refused to help money. But Maria gathered money as he could, selling the situation of her room. It was much more difficult to snatch from her husband permission for departure. But it turned out to be overcome. ... a lonely woman with a little daughter in her arms and with skinny luggage sat on a train, who promised not Paris - a new life.

"It is difficult to describe what I experienced, feeling myself, finally, free ... Swinging from the influx of uncontiguous feelings, I fell in love with the universe, fell in love with life, grabbed it."

Sokolov A.P. Portrait of Mary Claudia Tenisheva (1898)

Maria begins to learn from singing from the famous Matilda Market. Also begins to take the lessons of visual art from the famous Graphics of J.G. Victor, later in St. Petersburg visits the classes of Baron Stiglitz, showing bright abilities and on this field. Starts deeply studying the history of the arts, the clock is spent behind books and museums.

Another passion, brightly manifested in his youth and playing an important role in her further fate, is love for old, thrust for all the ancient. "Modern exhibitions left me indifferent, pulled to ancient. I could expound the ancient objects at the windows. "

Her rare beauty mezzo-soprano fascinated Parisian. Markesei was sure that her Russian student was waiting for the fame of the opera singer. She was offered a tour of France and Spain. But the entrepreneur, as it turned out, believed that in addition to the percentage of a young and beautiful woman in charge of him than to thank him for a profitable surgent. The arbitrariness on the market of talents, dependence on money bags, whose grip Mary felt immediately, felt on it as a cold shower. "A woman ... can only be put forward by a miracle or ways, nothing to do with the art of not having, her every step is given with incredible efforts."

There, in Paris, she will feel that the theater, the scene is not for her. "Singing? It is fun ... I don't want this fate. "

M. K. Tenisheva. Portrait of I. Repin (1896)

In the meantime - return to Russia, lack of money, ambiguous position in society. The husband actually took away his daughter, giving it into a closed educational institution. The artistic plans of the wife responded: "I do not want my name of the poster of the posters in the fences!" But long, the exhausting divorce after all took place. As a result, the daughter was strongly moved away from the mother, not asking her and in the mature age of her aspiration for self-realization to the detriment of care for the family and about it.

At the critical moment of life, Maria Claudiyevna is looking for her best friend of childhood Ekaterina Konstantinovna Svyatopolk-Four. The Fourthist will play a very big role in her life. Girlfriend calls her own generic estate Talashkino.

Ekaterina Konstantinovna Svyatopolk-Four

On some friendly party, she was asked to sing. A person took an accompanying, in the appearance of which, if not a surtuk, who squeezed the hand of an expensive Parisian tailor, was something peasant, a detachment, almost a bearish. Cello in his hands sounded perfectly! So she met Prince Vyacheslav Nikolayevich Tenisheva.

TO nyaz V.N. Tenishev. Leon Bonnat (1896)

He began with the service technician on the railroad with a boost. By the time of the meeting with Maria, he had a huge fortune, steadily growing thanks to its fantastic energy, enterprise, excellent knowledge of the commercial and financial world. He managed to become famous as the author of several serious books on agronomy, ethnography, psychology. He was knew as a generous benefactor and a serious figure at the Niva Enlightenment. And he was divorced.

In the spring of 1892, Maria and Prince Tenishev married. Their marriage was not simple and cloudless. She was thirty-fourth year, he was forty-eight years old. Two strong independent nature, in many respects similar and at the same time very different, with the already established principles and views on life. She was not enough for her to love her only as a woman, she always wanted to see her identity in her, were considered with her opinion and principles.

Together with the spouse, the princess moved to the town of Bezhetsk, where Tenishev managed the affairs of a large plant.

School, open Tenisheva in Bezhetsk

Tenishev recalled: "A whole picture of the true situation of workers in the factory turned out to be in front of me. I discovered that besides the fought Matron and the fastened indifferent figures, there were still small people, hubborn, fallen by the fire of casting furnaces, stunned by endless blows of the hammer, could rightfully be embittered, coarse, but still touching, deserving at least a little attention and concern about their needs. After all, these were also people. Who, if not they, gave these figures, and me with my husband, well-being? .. "

Repin I.E. Potted Knyagini MK Tenisheva (1896)

Maria Claudiyevna becomes the trustee the only one in the Bezhitsky school, then basics a few more schools in the city and surrounding villages. All schools were created and kept on the capital of Tenishev. Maria Claudiyevna goes further: organizes a national dining room with high-quality lunches and for a reasonable fee. Also made it possible that the workers' families give up to temporary use of empty lands - began to resettle from close and stuffy barracks, dirt and disease raids. But it is not all. Another important problem is the leisure of workers who could be an alternative to drunkenness and idleness. Tenisheva organizes the theater in Bezhitsky, where the arrivals of the artists will perform, evenings and concerts.

When Tenishev comes out of the Board by Bryansk plants, the family leaves for St. Petersburg.

House Tenishevy on the English Embankment in St. Petersburg

In the music salon, the famous composers and performers, Scriabin, Arsenyev are in the House of Tenishev. The voice of the lounge salon then delight Tchaikovsky.

M. K. Tenisheva. Portrait of Serov's work. (written in the living room of Knyagini in St. Petersburg)

Maria Claudievna creates a workshop for serious painting, but immediately inspired by the idea of \u200b\u200bI.E. Repin organize a studio to prepare future students to enter the Academy of Arts and gives under the studio his workshop. Repin himself is taught. Soon this place began to enjoy the great popularity of young people. From those who wanted there was no choice, the workshop was stuck to refusal, "worked at five o'clock a day, not paying attention to the tightness and stool." Tenisheva tried to help students: training in the studio was free, all necessary for classes were bought, free teas were bought, student work was acquired. Among the students of the Tenishevsk Studio - I.Ya. Bilibin, M.V. Dobuzhinsky, Z.E. Serebryakova, E.V. Consight and many other artists famous in the future.

Maria Claudievna becomes one of the founders of the magazine "The World of Art".

Cover magazine "World of Art"

Tenisheva's gambling captured another passion - gathering. On trips with her husband in Europe, the princess, not limited to the means, bought Western European painting, porcelain, marble sculpture, decorations, things, which are historical value, products of the masters of China, Japan, Iran. The artistic taste was given to her from nature. Much learned and understood it from communicating with people of art. Reading, lectures, the exhibitions tried the case - Maria gained a sharp sense of conveyance and knew how to evaluate the resulting in his hands. And when they and her husband went on the old Russian cities: Rostov, Rybinsk, Kostroma, in the Volga villages and monasteries, before the princess, the man-made beauty of obsolete masters appeared - the original, unimaginable forms and color, and perfectly performed. An already new collection from the objects of utensils, clothes, furniture, decorations, dishes and crafts was born - things of the striking beauty extracted from a stealless hut or abandoned barn.

Portrait of Princess Tenisheva M.K. Korovin K.A. (1899)

In 1893, Maria Claudian persuades his girlfriend to sell her Talashkino. As in St. Petersburg, she very quickly creates a hospitable house in the Talashkin house, the creative atmosphere, which collects many famous artists, musicians, scientists here. Here are often I.E. Repin, MA Vrubel, A.N. Bakst, Ya.F. Izglinsky, sculptor p.p. Trubetskaya and many others. By the way, surrounded by Mary Claudiyevna there have always been a lot of art people, but for some reason the atmosphere of idleness and bohemity has never arose.

Vrubel MA The port of Knyagini M.K. Tenisheva in the image of Valkyrie (1899).

But the most expensive school has become a school on Flenovo Flenovo near Talashkino, for rustic children. In September 1895, a new school building with bright classes, hostel, dining room, kitchen opened its doors. Wishing to be a lot. The advantage in admission to the school had orphans, whom Tenisheva took to complete the provision. Huge attention is paid to the selection of teachers. According to her ideas, a rural teacher should not only know the subject, but also to be a mentor and other for a child, an example in life.

Teremok in Flenov

Next to the school building on the sketch of Malyutina rebuilt a fairy-tale house, decorated with carvings and painting; Here are a library and teacher. From the capital and foreign trips, the best books, textbooks, albums in art, magazines are brought here.

Door - Portal in the internal decoration of the Teremka

Another pearl of the Flena school became a children's balalana orchestra, famous for the whole Smolensk region.

Talashka Orchestra of Balalalachnikov.

A new school also appeared in Talashka with the latest equipment, a publicly available library, a number of educational workshops, where the locals, mostly young people, were engaged in wood processing, metal chasing, ceramics, coloring fabrics, embroidery. Practical work began on the revival of folk crafts. A lot of local residents were drawn to this process. For example, only a Russian national costume, weaving, knitting and collapse of the fabric were busy women from fifty surrounding villages.

Products of Talashkan masters

All this was received in the Open Tenisheva store in Moscow. "Spring". There were no postboot from buyers. Orders came from abroad. Even the famous London became interested in products of Talashkinsky craftsmen. This success was not random. After all, Tenisheva invited to live in Talashkino, to create, work and those who amounted to the art elite of Russia at the time. In the workshops, the village boy could use the advice of MA Vrubel. Patterns for embroidery came up with V.A. Serov. M.V. Nesterov, A.N. Benoita, K.A. Korovin, N.K. Roerich, V.D. Polenov, sculptor p.p. Trubetskoy, singer F.I. Shalyapin, musicians, artists - this land became for many masters of the studio, workshop, scene.

I wanted the things created by the old beauty covenants, entered the life and life of citizens and changed their taste, accustomed to cheap fakes under the European style. And she really wanted to participate in the new artistic process to also local peasants. After all, in the Smolensk province, the impact of the centuries had a lot of handicrafts, but the beauties were already moved from the beauty of folk arts, there were rude, alpasic, patterns; The peasants tried to improve them, but, without seeing and not knowing good samples, they worked primitively and sold their products at low prices. Tenishev believed that with the right and love approach, you can revive the original traction of the Russian person to beauty.

And the princess was fond of enamel - the branch of the jewelry, which was stood in the XVIII century. She decided to revive her. Maria Claudiyevna held entire days in the Talashkin workshop, near the furnaces and galvanic baths.

It is thanks to the works of Tenisheva and its quest, an enamel business was revived, together with the artist Jacin, more than 200 tones of the opaque (oakaya) enamel were developed and obtained, a method for manufacturing "lazy" enamel was restored.

"Overseas guests". A sketch for this enamel was made by N. K. Roerich at the request of M. K. Tenisheva. The plate was performed in 1907, it was abroad and was sold at Sothewis auction in Geneva in 1981.

Her work was exhibited in London, Prague, Brussels, Paris. In Italy - on the homeland of this case - it was elected by an honorary member of the Roman archaeological society. European experts were distinguished by Tenisheva in the field of enamel business "one of the first places among the modern masters." And at home, Maria Claudian defended her thesis called "Enamel and Inlay". She was offered the Department on the History of Emaler Business at the Moscow Archaeological Institute.

Dishes and Solonka with Siberian Stone Orlets, brought to the gift of Emperor Nicholas II

In 1903, the husband dies - Prince Tenishev.

At this time, NK arrives in Talashkino Roerich. Friendship with him became an important page in the life of Mary Claudiyevna: "Our relationship is the fraternity, the affinity of the shower, which I so apply and in which I believe so. If people often approached each other as me with him, then a lot in life could make a good, beautiful and honest. "

In 1905, she presented her colossal collection of art objects in the city of Smolensk. The authorities did not want to provide it with the room for her show. Moreover, they were not in a hurry to take the gift of Prinugini. Then Tenisheva bought a piece of land in the center of the city, built a museum room for his funds and placed the collection there.

The building of the Museum "Russian Starina" in Smolensk.

But, not having time to open, the museum was in danger. In the city and the villages began arson, the proclamations flew there and here, someone had already seen the thrown icons and people with a red flag in their hands. On the gatherings they shouted about "bloodshots", called for "robberry bourgeois". Secret at night, packed by the collection, Tenisheva took her to Paris. And soon the exhibition opened in the Louvre, about which all European newspapers opened. Paris as if he went crazy, flooding five big halls. Here it was possible to meet the entire intellectual elite of the capital: scientists, writers, politicians, collectors, guests, specially arrived at the obstacious spectacle. "And is it all from Smolensk? Where is it?" The French from the times of Napoleon did not hear about such a city and could not imagine that all this abundant luxury "comes from a quiet province.

Bronze candlesticks

Tenisheva was very proud of the fact that Russian folk dresses shown by it in Paris "strongly reflected in the mods and accessories of the women's toilet." Susceptible to all innovations from the world of clothes, French frangians have been adopted by the Smolensk peasantry. "I noticed," Mary wrote, "the explicit influence of our embroidery, our Russian dresses, sundresses, shoes, headdresses, zipunov ... Even the name" Blouse Rus "appeared, etc. Our Russian creativity was also reflected on the jewelry, which was so pleased with me and there was a reward for all my works and costs.

Wooden endow. In fig. KN.M.K. Tenisheva.

"What a freshness of forms, the wealth of motives! - obsessed readers with unprecedented venice reviewers. - This is delight, present revelation! " For the abundance of exclamation marks delicately loomed one questionnaire: "Is it really done in Russia?" The princess of Tenisheva The first opened the door to the original, unlike the world of Russian artistic creativity.

Balalaika painted by wood.

For the collection of balalalaks painted in the head and wood, Maria Claudian offered an astronomical amount. The newspapers of those years wrote that the collection would never return home: her show in different countries of the world could be for the owners of a real golden bottom. But Smolensk returned to one thing.

Exhibit from the collection of "Russian Starina"

But with the revolution, life in the "Russian Athens" (the contemporaries of Talashkino) were interrupted. The arsons began, propaganda was carried out at school, and Tenisheva could not understand why the created it was destroyed. In the Church of the Holy Spirit, built Tenisheva and painted by N.K. Ryrich, stored potatoes. The tomb of V.N.Tenishev was ruined, and his dust was thrown.

But the school in Talashkin existed only ten years, workshops and is less - four and a half years old!

On March 26, 1919, Tenishev, together with the closest girlfriend E. K. Svyatopolk-Ftream and close friend and assistant V. A. Lidin, left Russia forever and left the Crimea to France.

Chest and suspension inlaid enamel enamel. Work M.K.Tenisheva.

For the past ten years, Tenishev has been conducted in emigration in emigration, in a small estate vaultson, which friends called "Small Talashkino". Here, already hard pain, in a small workshop on Avenue Duchen, she continues to work on enamels, earning a living by his own difficulty.

Also, Maria Claudiyevna, I pleasantly accepted the offer to work at the costumes to the Snow Maiden opera.

"The performance of it was amazing, - recalled E.K. Svyatopolk-Four. - Until his last sigh, she did not throw the brushes, feather and spatulas. "

Maria Claudian Tenisheva died in the spring of 1928. I buried her in the cemetery of St. Geneviev de Boua.

Wrote in August 27th, 2018

Quitate the message of Otilda

Princess Maria Tenisheva - Petshenate and artist

Princess Maria Tenisheva - a patron and artist who admired Repin and Turgenev.

Sokolov A.P. Portrait of Maria Claudia Tenisheva (1898).

Maria Claudiyevna Tenisheva (Born Pytkovskaya, according to stepfather - Maria Morithovskaya von Desten) was born on May 20, 1858, in St. Petersburg.

The girl was illegitimate and grew in a rich home stepfather perfect Richkom, despite the abundance of governess, nannies and teachers. From her demanded full obedience and restraint. The mother was cold to her, obviously, tieting with this child those moments of life that wanted to forget.

Maria Tenisheva in childhood.

"I was alone, abandoned. When everything dropped in the house, I was silent, I made my way into the living room, leaving shoes behind the door. There are my friends pictures ... these good, smart people call artists. They must be better, the kinder of other people, they probably have a heart cleaner, the shower is noble? ... ".

Maria Claudievna Tenisheva.

In the eyes of a little Mary, artists were people very clever and special, kind and good compared to others, and how otherwise they would have managed to create such beauty that even in the pictures looked alive and real. At the age of 16, the girl married a man who did not leave the track in history, it is only known that his name was Rafail Nikolaevich. Marriage turned out to be speedless, which is completely not surprising, because the goal of marriage was freedom, which was often practiced before.

Teacher Maria Claudian Tenisheva.

He wrote about her narrowed Tenisheva: clean, blonde and high, he was 23 years old. They saw only a few times before the wedding, after which he made her an offer. When Mary asked questions about the feelings for Rafail, whether she loves him, then her answer was evasive. She had no idea what love was, but she loved his dream in this man. He seemed to her a good and decent person, but that she attracted more in him, so this is a symbolism of freedom that he was for her.

Fast marriage brought with me and motherhood. Shortly after the birth of the daughter of Maria, along with her will go to Paris, where the vocals will be trained at Matilda Markesei. After that, she will return to their homeland, where he will get acquainted with Tenishev Vyacheslav Nikolayevich.

Tenishev Vyacheslav Nikolaevich.

In the spring of 1892, Maria and Prince Tenishev married. Their marriage was not simple and cloudless. She was thirty-fourth year, he was forty-eight years old. Two strong independent nature, in many respects similar and at the same time very different, with the already established principles and views on life. She was not enough for her to love her only as a woman, she always wanted to see her identity in her, were considered with her opinion and principles.

Together with the spouse, the princess moved to the town of Bezhitsa, where Tenishev managed the affairs of a large plant.

School, open Tenisheva in Bezhitsa.

Tenishev recalled: "A whole picture of the true situation of workers in the factory turned out to be in front of me. I discovered that besides the fought Matron and the fastened indifferent figures, there were still small people, hubborn, fallen by the fire of casting furnaces, stunned by endless blows of the hammer, could rightfully be embittered, coarse, but still touching, deserving at least a little attention and concern about their needs. After all, these were also people. Who, if not they, gave these figures, and me with my husband, well-being? .. "

Repin I.E. Potted Knyagini MK Tenisheva (1896).

Maria Claudiyevna becomes the trustee of the only skilled school, then the following schools in the city and surrounding villages. All schools were created and kept on the capital of Tenishev. Maria Claudiyevna goes further: organizes a national dining room with high-quality lunches and for a reasonable fee. Also made it possible that the workers' families give up to temporary use of empty lands - began to resettle from close and stuffy barracks, dirt and disease raids. But it is not all. Another important problem is the leisure of workers who could be an alternative to drunkenness and idleness. Tenisheva organizes the theater in Bezhitsky, where the arrivals of the artists will perform, evenings and concerts.
When Tenishev comes out of the Board by Bryansk plants, the family leaves for St. Petersburg.

House of Tenishevy on the English embankment in St. Petersburg.

In the music salon, the famous composers and performers, Scriabin, Arsenyev are in the House of Tenishev. The voice of the lounge salon then delight Tchaikovsky.

M. K. Tenisheva. Portrait of Serov's work. (written in the living room of Knyagini in St. Petersburg).

Maria Claudievna creates a workshop for serious painting, but immediately inspired by the idea of \u200b\u200bI.E. Repin organize a studio to prepare future students to enter the Academy of Arts and gives under the studio his workshop. Repin himself is taught. Soon this place began to enjoy the great popularity of young people. From those who wanted there was no choice, the workshop was stuck to refusal, "worked at five o'clock a day, not paying attention to the tightness and stool." Tenisheva tried to help students: training in the studio was free, all necessary for classes were bought, free teas were bought, student work was acquired. Among the students of the Tenishevsk Studio - I.Ya. Bilibin, M.V. Dobuzhinsky, Z.E. Serebryakova, E.V. Consight and many other artists famous in the future.
Maria Claudievna becomes one of the founders of the magazine "The World of Art".

Cover magazine "World of Art".

Tenisheva's gambling captured another passion - gathering. On trips with her husband in Europe, the princess, not limited to the means, bought Western European painting, porcelain, marble sculpture, decorations, things, which are historical value, products of the masters of China, Japan, Iran. The artistic taste was given to her from nature. Much learned and understood it from communicating with people of art. Reading, lectures, the exhibitions tried the case - Maria gained a sharp sense of conveyance and knew how to evaluate the resulting in his hands.

M. K. Tenisheva. Portrait of I. Repin (1896).

And when they and her husband went on the old Russian cities: Rostov, Rybinsk, Kostroma, in the Volga villages and monasteries, before the princess, the man-made beauty of obsolete masters appeared - the original, unimaginable forms and color, and perfectly performed. An already new collection from the objects of utensils, clothes, furniture, decorations, dishes and crafts was born - things of the striking beauty extracted from a stealless hut or abandoned barn.

Portrait of Princess Tenisheva M.K. Korovin K.A. (1899).

In 1893, Maria Claudian persuades his girlfriend to sell her Talashkino. As in St. Petersburg, she very quickly creates a hospitable house in the Talashkin house, the creative atmosphere, which collects many famous artists, musicians, scientists here. Here are often I.E. Repin, MA Vrubel, A.N. Bakst, Ya.F. Izglinsky, sculptor p.p. Trubetskaya and many others. By the way, surrounded by Mary Claudiyevna there have always been a lot of art people, but for some reason the atmosphere of idleness and bohemity has never arose.

Vrubel MA The port of Knyagini M.K. Tenisheva in Valkyrie (1899).

But the most expensive school has become a school on Flenovo Flenovo near Talashkino, for rustic children. In September 1895, a new school building with bright classes, hostel, dining room, kitchen opened its doors. Wishing to be a lot. The advantage in admission to the school had orphans, whom Tenisheva took to complete the provision. Huge attention is paid to the selection of teachers. According to her ideas, a rural teacher should not only know the subject, but also to be a mentor and other for a child, an example in life.

Teremok in Flenov.

Next to the school building on the sketch of Malyutina rebuilt a fairy-tale house, decorated with carvings and painting; Here are a library and teacher. From the capital and foreign trips, the best books, textbooks, albums in art, magazines are brought here.

Door - portal in the internal decoration of the Teremka.

Another pearl of the Flena school became a children's balalana orchestra, famous for the whole Smolensk region.

A new school also appeared in Talashka with the latest equipment, a publicly available library, a number of educational workshops, where the locals, mostly young people, were engaged in wood processing, metal chasing, ceramics, coloring fabrics, embroidery. Practical work began on the revival of folk crafts. A lot of local residents were drawn to this process. For example, only a Russian national costume, weaving, knitting and collapse of the fabric were busy women from fifty surrounding villages.

Products of Talashkin masters.

All this was received in the Open Tenisheva store in Moscow. "Spring". There were no postboot from buyers. Orders came from abroad. Even the famous London became interested in products of Talashkinsky craftsmen. This success was not random. After all, Tenisheva invited to live in Talashkino, to create, work and those who amounted to the art elite of Russia at the time. In the workshops, the village boy could use the advice of MA Vrubel. Patterns for embroidery came up with V.A. Serov. M.V. Nesterov, A.N. Benoita, K.A. Korovin, N.K. Roerich, V.D. Polenov, sculptor p.p. Trubetskoy, singer F.I. Shalyapin, musicians, artists - this land became for many masters of the studio, workshop, scene.

I wanted the things created by the old beauty covenants, entered the life and life of citizens and changed their taste, accustomed to cheap fakes under the European style. And she really wanted to participate in the new artistic process to also local peasants. After all, in the Smolensk province, the impact of the centuries had a lot of handicrafts, but the beauties were already moved from the beauty of folk arts, there were rude, alpasic, patterns; The peasants tried to improve them, but, without seeing and not knowing good samples, they worked primitively and sold their products at low prices. Tenishev believed that with the right and love approach, you can revive the original traction of the Russian person to beauty.

And the princess was fond of enamel - the branch of the jewelry, which was stood in the XVIII century. She decided to revive her. Maria Claudiyevna held entire days in the Talashkin workshop, near the furnaces and galvanic baths.

It is thanks to the works of Tenisheva and its quest, an enamel business was revived, together with the artist Jacin, more than 200 tones of the opaque (oakaya) enamel were developed and obtained, a method for manufacturing "lazy" enamel was restored.

"Overseas guests". A sketch for this enamel was made by N. K. Roerich at the request of M. K. Tenisheva. The plate was performed in 1907, it was abroad and was sold at Sothewis auction in Geneva in 1981.

Her work was exhibited in London, Prague, Brussels, Paris. In Italy - on the homeland of this case - it was elected by an honorary member of the Roman archaeological society. European experts were distinguished by Tenisheva in the field of enamel business "one of the first places among the modern masters." And at home, Maria Claudian defended her thesis called "Enamel and Inlay". She was offered the Department on the History of Emaler Business at the Moscow Archaeological Institute.

Dishes and Solonka with Siberian Stone Orlets, brought to the gift of Emperor Nicholas II.

In 1903, the husband dies - Prince Tenishev.

At this time, NK arrives in Talashkino Roerich. Friendship with him became an important page in the life of Mary Claudiyevna: "Our relationship is the fraternity, the affinity of the shower, which I so apply and in which I believe so. If people often approached each other as me with him, then a lot in life could make a good, beautiful and honest. "

In 1905, she presented her colossal collection of art objects in the city of Smolensk. The authorities did not want to provide it with the room for her show. Moreover, they were not in a hurry to take the gift of Prinugini. Then Tenisheva bought a piece of land in the center of the city, built a museum room for his funds and placed the collection there.

The building of the Museum "Russian Starina" in Smolensk.

But, not having time to open, the museum was in danger. In the city and the villages began arson, the proclamations flew there and here, someone had already seen the thrown icons and people with a red flag in their hands. On the gatherings they shouted about "bloodshots", called for "robberry bourgeois". Secret at night, packed by the collection, Tenisheva took her to Paris. And soon the exhibition opened in the Louvre, about which all European newspapers opened. Paris as if he went crazy, flooding five big halls. Here it was possible to meet the entire intellectual elite of the capital: scientists, writers, politicians, collectors, guests, specially arrived at the obstacious spectacle. "And is it all from Smolensk? Where is it?" The French from the times of Napoleon did not hear about such a city and could not imagine that all this abundant luxury "comes from a quiet province.

Bronze candlesticks.

Tenisheva was very proud of the fact that Russian folk dresses shown by it in Paris "strongly reflected in the mods and accessories of the women's toilet." Susceptible to all innovations from the world of clothes, French frangians have been adopted by the Smolensk peasantry. "I noticed," Mary wrote, "the explicit influence of our embroidery, our Russian dresses, sundresses, shoes, headdresses, zipunov ... Even the name" Blouse Rus "appeared, etc. Our Russian creativity was also reflected on the jewelry, which was so pleased with me and there was a reward for all my works and costs.

Wooden endow. In fig. KN.M.K. Tenisheva.

"What a freshness of forms, the wealth of motives! - obsessed readers with unprecedented venice reviewers. - This is delight, present revelation! " For the abundance of exclamation marks delicately loomed one questionnaire: "Is it really done in Russia?" The princess of Tenisheva The first opened the door to the original, unlike the world of Russian artistic creativity.

Balalaika painted by wood.

For the collection of balalalaks painted in the head and wood, Maria Claudian offered an astronomical amount. The newspapers of those years wrote that the collection would never return home: her show in different countries of the world could be for the owners of a real golden bottom. But Smolensk returned to one thing.

Exhibit from the collection of "Russian Starina"

But with the revolution, life in the "Russian Athens" (the contemporaries of Talashkino) were interrupted. The arsons began, propaganda was carried out at school, and Tenisheva could not understand why the created it was destroyed. In the Church of the Holy Spirit, built Tenisheva and painted by N.K. Ryrich, stored potatoes. The tomb of V.N.Tenishev was ruined, and his dust was thrown.

But the school in Talashkin existed only ten years, workshops and is less - four and a half years old!

On March 26, 1919, Tenishev, together with the closest girlfriend E. K. Svyatopolk-Ftream and close friend and assistant V. A. Lidin, left Russia forever and left the Crimea to France.

Chest and suspension inlaid enamel enamel. Work M.K.Tenisheva.

By 1919, Mary Tenisheva's husband had already passed away, and she herself left Russia, having left for his girlfriend and a faithful assistant to Paris, where he wrote her memoirs. For the past ten years, Tenishev has been conducted in emigration in emigration, in a small estate vaultson, which friends called "Small Talashkino". Here, already hard pain, in a small workshop on Avenue Duchen, she continues to work on enamels, earning a living by his own difficulty.

Also, Maria Claudiyevna, I pleasantly accepted the offer to work at the costumes to the Snow Maiden opera.

"The performance of it was amazing, - recalled E.K. Svyatopolk-Four. - Until his last sigh, she did not throw the brushes, feather and spatulas. "In 1928, it did not become. Then Bilibin wrote in his obituary in his necrologist: "I dedicated my own Russian art, for whom I did something wrong.

Grave Prince M.K. Tenisheva in the cemetery of the village of Sel Saint-Cl.

Etude portrait M. K. Tenisheva, Hood. Repin I.E.