It is not always possible to reveal hidden secrets, emotional experiences and feelings that torment us from the inside to our loved ones. And then we begin to trust our secrets to our personal diary. Paper will endure anything. After many years, you will leaf through such a diary like a chronicle, so today we will discuss how to decorate the inside of the LD beautifully.

To be or not to be: why keep a diary?

A personal diary is a universal diary in which you can reflect all your thoughts, feelings, emotions experienced during the day, significant events or shocks. Or maybe you just can't trust to a loved one or a friend about your experiences. In this case, it is better to write them down. The paper does not turn red, but you can get rid of accumulated negativity. Your soul will immediately feel lighter - this is what psychologists say.

A personal diary can play the role of an organizer. You will write down your goals, achievements, height and weight table, training schedule, diet. And if you take up creativity and write poetry, then your personal diary will become your manuscript. Depending on the content personal diary and carry out its registration.

Design ideas

To create a personal diary you need to buy any notebook. If you are worried about the safety of your information, you can purchase a notebook with a lock and always carry the key with you.

Particular attention should be paid to the cover. She can be anyone. It all depends on the height of your imagination. The following materials are often used to design LD:

  • textile;
  • skin;
  • suede;
  • cardboard;
  • corrugated paper;
  • clippings from glossy magazines;
  • photo paper;
  • various accessories.

But inside you will already design a personal diary at your discretion. Every event in life can be accompanied by illustrations that match the mood. If you had a great evening in the company of girlfriends and drank a cup of coffee, the design of the mug will be symbolic.

You can simply color the pages in different colors. Psychologists say that color therapy also helps to express your emotions and relieve tension. Flowers may bloom on the pages of your diary. Write down any information and even poetry. You can paste a portrait of the author or symbolic drawings above the lines of your favorite work.

It is impossible to describe all the ideas for designing a personal diary. Each person has a purely individual approach to this issue. But it’s simply necessary to give a couple of ideas about the design of the cover and individual pages.

Cover - the face of the diary

In a few years you will look at your personal diary and remember bright events own life. This will already be a story that is treasured on paper pages. When designing a LD, special attention should be paid to the cover. It should be durable and beautiful. And then every time you pick up a diary, you will be overwhelmed by warm, pleasant and tender emotions.

Necessary materials:

  • notebook;
  • textile;
  • sewing machine;
  • needles;
  • threads;
  • chalk or a piece of soap;
  • measuring tape;
  • scissors;
  • buttons;
  • lace.

Clouds - white-winged horses

Many girls trust their diary with their most intimate secrets and secrets. How to design an LD page in an original way? We offer you a small master class. The result will surprise you.

Necessary materials:

  • notebook;
  • blue watercolor or gouache paints;
  • brushes;
  • colored paper;
  • glue;
  • patterns of flowers and bows;
  • cotton wool;
  • markers or colored pencils.

Step-by-step description of the creative process:

A personal diary that is made and decorated with your own hands is much more valuable than a purchased one.

Of course, you can buy any diary; now there are a lot of different options in stores for any age. There are ones for little princesses and older girls. Some come with intricate designs and graphics, and some even have a key that will hide any girl's secrets from prying eyes. But you can make a storage of thoughts with your own hands.

What can such a diary be made from:

  • use a ready-made product and simply adjust it to suit you;
  • remake any notebook;
  • use an envelope and put sheets of paper written with your thoughts into it;
  • clean pages office paper fasten in any way and make your own personal repository for secrets;
  • print blanks with the desired design and connect them together.

Personal diary for a girl plus box (video)

How to make a personal diary with your own hands: a few ideas

Crafts are always interesting and individual. Just what you need for a personal diary. Ideas for creating it can be very diverse.

Office paper

The diaries from it are light and simple, and each girl chooses the design for herself. The paper can be left in A4 format and simply stitched with beautiful threads or ribbon. It is enough to make holes in it with a hole punch and connect. Decorate title page Can beautiful inscription, and to give it a shape, either make it out of cardboard, or glue several sheets together.

You can also decorate it with origami or print out beautiful and interesting drawings that suit your mood. At the beginning or end of the product, attach an envelope into which you can put memorable and expensive things.

These diaries are easy to make.

The title and final pages of the diary can be laminated, so the printouts will not lose their appearance, and the product itself will be stronger.

Notepad redesign

Even if you have the opportunity to buy the most beautiful notebook that will become a repository of secrets, you always need to customize it to suit yourself.

The modification options directly depend on the original, but they can be done as follows:

  • transfer to the pages the sweetest and most expensive pictures and clippings from your favorite magazines or newspapers;
  • make bright bookmarks that will make it easier to find the necessary information;
  • for older girls, you can make a schedule of the menstrual cycle to control this process, because now it may be unstable;
  • glue envelopes that will store your favorite little things or even your first decorations;
  • pages can be decorated to suit your mood, with paint, colored paper or even colored tape;
  • rewrite your favorite poems or catchphrases that reflect feelings or thoughts.

Origami for decorating a personal diary

Pictures from your favorite diary can be made using the origami technique. This could be an envelope or a more complex figure that will not be easy decorative element, but a secret that keeps a secret.

You can give them any shape to suit your mood:

  • flower;
  • animal;
  • fan;
  • box;
  • waterfall and the like.

Making a fan

It is most often placed either between the title and the initial page, or you can decorate with it the page that is most important. For a fan you need to take colored paper, a glue stick or double-sided tape, and a ruler.

The rest of the decorations can be done as desired, starting from the base, which is formed like this:

  1. Cut out a sheet of such a width that will not exceed 2/3 of the main sheets of the diary.
  2. Its length should be at least 3-4 times greater than its width.
  3. Using a ruler, bend the sheet into a fan.
  4. Connect its lower part with glue.

Making a fan

Glue the edges of the fan to the diary pages, as close to their connection as possible.

Making a waterfall

In fact this beautiful sheets for notes that are pasted on the main sheet. In this case, the lower leaf should be half covered by the upper one. The number of such sheets can be anything. Most often, something general is written on the top sheets, and the secret is written on the part that will be closed to them.

They can be made from colored paper, plain paper, and decorated the way you like.

You can make some sheets colored and some white, alternating them in a checkerboard pattern.

Crafts for a personal diary

Here you are also limited only by your imagination, but the following options are considered the most popular:

  • a beautiful bow or heart, which can be made using the origami technique or in its natural form, or ribbons or other decorative elements;
  • bookmarks of any shape and color, both from paper and other available materials;
  • palm-shaped heart;
  • pumpkin head for Halloween;
  • funny postcard;
  • a drawing of your favorite character from a cartoon, book or film;
  • envelope.

When it comes to diary crafts, the only limit is your imagination.

How to make an envelope for a personal diary?

There are a lot of options here too. You can use a beautiful ready-made envelope from the office, which will need to be glued to the diary on one side.

Sometimes a sheet of colored paper folded into an envelope can be an excellent alternative to a store-bought item.

You can also sew it, knit it like a pocket, which will need to be attached to the diary in any way. The easiest way is to take a square sheet and fold its edges towards the center, carefully going over them with a ruler.

For a diary, you can make not only an envelope, but also a pocket

You can make a pocket, which you will not only need to glue to the diary, but also make a top flap for it so that things do not spill out if the diary is turned over.

Page designs and cute printables for your diary

It is best to make diary pages themed. For example, one of them will be dedicated to friends, the second to your favorite book or movie.

Secret information can be marked with a special design. So, love moments can be decorated in pink and red colors, with different hearts or floral elements.

Information about the school and its successes can also be highlighted with thematic elements. This could be a notebook sheet, a drawn ruler or desk, a printout or sticker with a school theme.

Everything related to health can be marked with a red cross or a doctor’s clipping. Whatever is chosen is personal and should be dear to the heart.

Ideas for a personal diary for a girl (video)

The girl's personal diary is the keeper of her past. Years will pass, and all experiences can be “updated” by re-reading the diary. More often than not, what was so serious and global at a young age only brings a smile. Little secrets, big secrets - everything that is so important to the heart of a little princess. Therefore, do not skimp on ideas for a personal diary, because it will be a personal portal to the past.

In this article we will look at what ideas you can use for your personal diary to make it beautiful and stylish.

After all, not every person likes to take notes in a regular notebook.

Adults also write down thoughts on paper. Imagine that something happened at work and you are thinking about what to do. Having written your thoughts in a notebook, you go to bed. In the morning, having calmed down, you re-read what you wrote and come to completely different conclusions.

And some people write poems that they don’t show to anyone. If you just write them down on pieces of paper, you might lose them. A separate notebook is needed. Moreover, you can sign your thoughts to the poems.

How to design a cover?

First, you should buy a notebook. Simple notebooks, without drawings, but with a thick cover, will do. And then everything will depend on your imagination. You can take ideas from the Internet, but it’s better to come up with a design yourself so that the diary has no analogues.

A cover made of fabric will look interesting and unusual. It should not be firmly attached to the notebook, as it will get dirty and will have to be washed. For decoration, it is better to take cotton fabric, as it is easier to work with.

Some craftswomen embroider designs on fabric using threads or beads. Undoubtedly, such covers will appeal to all owners of a notebook with secrets. Why not a gift idea? It will be useful for any girl or girl.

The tradition of creating and decorating personal little books comes from the last century. Then threads, pins, buttons, pieces of fabric, lace, and beads were used. You can borrow the ideas of our great-great-grandmothers. Use your imagination and create a miracle with your own hands.

First page

After designing the cover, you need to figure out how to decorate the spread. On the first page you should provide information about yourself. Not only your date of birth or place of residence can be written here, but also information about what you love. For example, tell us about your favorite actors, films and your hobbies. Attach your photo next to it.

On the second page you can write your favorite aphorism or poem. Perhaps you have a motto? Then feel free to write here. Or maybe you are a talented poet or artist? If so, report it!

Original drawings on the first two pages will not only decorate the diary, but also reflect your personality. You can borrow ideas from artists or come up with some drawings yourself. For example, doodling and zentangle are popular now. Drawings in these styles will not only serve as decoration, but will also help you relax and forget about problems while drawing.

Decoration inside

Our grandmothers and mothers turned common notebooks into diaries. Decorations included various clippings from newspapers and magazines, candy wrappers and chewing gum. They wrote down their thoughts with multi-colored pens, pencils, and felt-tip pens. It's almost 2017 and there are more opportunities for creativity.

In order for each page to attract the attention of the hostess, you need to make them colorful. You can use the traditional style and simply write with different colored pens. If you don’t want to write anything down, you can cut out and paste a picture from a magazine that characterizes your mood.

Some people decorate notebook sheets with paints. It is best to do this with watercolors. With its help, you can create patterns that will be not only beautiful, but also unique. Just remember to glue the two sheets together before coloring them. Then the paper will not warp.

Imagine how beautiful the notes will look with small images attached after them. When reading magazines, save cool pictures. They will definitely be useful to you. Some people cut out cards from colored paper or cardboard. They write on them beautiful quotes, thoughts or own events. You can find cards online and print them out. They look very original on paper.

Do it yourself

You don't have to buy a notebook. You can use your imagination and create your own masterpiece. It is important for a girl to be able to make something with her own hands, so it is best to make a diary yourself. Moreover, the stores offer a huge selection of goods for creativity.

So, in order to create your creation, you will need colored paper. We require sheets of the same size. If they are all different, then measure the required size and cut it out. Fold them in half and set them aside. Now let's get to the cover. You will need cardboard for it. We will cover it with any fabric. Cool covers are obtained if you use felt and lace for this. We will also fold the cover in half.

Now you need to sew all the sheets and the cover at the fold. You can do this multi-colored threads. We decorate the cover in any way. You can just stick on some cute card. There is another option for connecting the sheets together. No need to fold. We attach them to each other from the side using laces or light, small rings. The ends of the laces can be decorated with beads.

Calendar in a diary

You decide what you will write. Agree, it’s boring to just describe your life every day. In such a diary, important entries will be difficult to find. Therefore, you need to dilute them with something. A calendar drawn in a diary will look interesting. It is not necessary to write down each month with numbers. Simply writing the seasons is enough. For example, it's winter now. This means that before you write down your thoughts, you need to indicate this time of year.

Attach a beautiful picture of winter views to decorate the page. You can list winter months, making a drawing for each. Or maybe you will be inspired to write a poem. If not, then rewrite a poem by your favorite poet. Fantasy here can be limitless.

By the way, soon New Year, which means it's time to prepare gifts. Why not write a list of gifts for family and friends in your personal notebook? Very often we forget what we gave to our friends. By writing this list, you will not only not forget, but will also be able to quickly decide on gifts. You can devote a separate page to each holiday, be it Christmas, birthday or Halloween. Do beautiful signatures Use colored pens or felt-tip pens to draw. This way you won't get lost in your notes. Moreover, colorful pages attract attention.

What else can you add to your notes?

In the life of every person there are not only positive moments, but also sad ones. Each page with similar entries can be highlighted in different ways. If you are writing about a sad topic, then place an image of a rainy day or a sad girl. If something pleasant happened, then draw something funny. Dedicate separate pages for all your adventures.

For those girls who play sports, you can take notes about your sporting achievements, supporting them with photographs. If you are planning to set some kind of record, then private photos will come in handy. You can use them to track how you went towards your goal.

Esoteric lovers can indicate information about their horoscope in their diary. Write down at the beginning of the month what the stars predict for you. At the end of the month you will be able to check whether something matched or not. The same can be done with predictions for the year.

Keeping a diary requires a positive attitude. Do not sit down to design it in bad mood, because you can ruin everything. The main thing is that you like this masterpiece yourself. Only in this case will you receive a charge of vivacity and positivity from your recordings.

When you take notes, never lie to yourself. You must write down your innermost thoughts. No one will see them except you, so say everything you think is necessary. What secrets can there be from yourself?

Ideas for a personal diary, as you understand, can be different. Don’t forget, the more colorful your secret notebook is, the more interesting it will be to re-read it. Come up with some notes that will match your mood. These could be stickers or some small drawings.

When decorating, do not miss a single detail. These can be various little things that will transform the diary beyond recognition. After all, any person is interested in reading not a continuous text, but diluted with drawings, photographs and other interesting things. You can even draw some diagrams.

You should not just take notes, adding something colorful, but put your soul into your creation. If you don’t have any thoughts, then it’s better not to write anything. Without desire, you cannot create a masterpiece. Get inspired, come up with something new and everything will definitely work out.

Ideas for a personal diary: how to spice up your daily entries

The beauty of a personal diary is that you can do whatever you want inside. There is no need to restrain your imagination when filling out the notebook; you are free to decorate it with drawings, funny newspaper headlines or quotes from your favorite writer. We tell you how to beautifully design a personal diary if you have no ideas, and what unnecessary things will be useful in this type of creativity.

The easiest way to transform your personal diary is to buy ready-made stickers. They are sold in stationery stores, children's stores, on specialized websites and on portals with Chinese goods. The price of stickers on a sheet of 10*15 sentiments varies from 15 to 150 rubles. The selection of pictures will satisfy the needs of even the most demanding artist: there are images for every taste, inscriptions, arrows, lined lists and reminders.

By the way, you don’t have to spend money on them. It’s better to spend 10 minutes searching for ready-made sets of stickers to print on the Internet and transfer them to paper using a color printer. These homemade stickers will not have an adhesive part; you will have to stock up on office glue, but you will have more design options.

Another diary method for the lazy is to stick decorative tape. These are images, inscriptions and signs printed on adhesive tape. Sold among the same office, especially big choice presented on websites with goods from China. Buy a set of 4-5 pieces - it will cost about 300 rubles - and decorate the pages, highlight important elements, seal the excess in a minute.

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A personal diary is created primarily to preserve warm memories. At the same time, evidence of joyful events themselves turns into material for decorating pages. You can decorate the diary inside with tickets from concerts and film shows, pieces of maps from travel, small photographs with loved ones, notes, the wrapper of your favorite chocolate bar from childhood and other things with positive energy. Cut it out if necessary, attach it to the pages in a chaotic manner - and opening the notebook will become even more pleasant.

A small bouquet saved from the last date will also fit into a diary you created with your own hands. Dry the petals and leaves, if these are large flowers, or the entire small bud. To do this, clean the plant from rotten and wilted parts, place it between the pages of a book and forget for a week or two. Then carefully take the dried flower and glue it to the pages with a glue gun or instant glue.

If it is not possible to find live plants, choose images of neat flowers on the Internet. Print the pictures in color, cut out along the outline and glue to the pages. These delicate paper plants look great as text frames.

Nobody said that embroidery can only be done on fabric. The pages and cover of a personal diary are also suitable for this type of creativity. Just choose the silhouette you like, sketch it in pencil on the page and sew it with colored floss using the simplest stitches. Reverse side cover the embroidery with a sheet of paper or cardboard - this way you can hide the flaws and knots.

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This method will especially appeal to those who like to save money and protect nature by using coated paper that is “expensive” for the ecosystem. reuse. Collect the magazines you read around the house, flip through it again and select all the photographs and inscriptions you like. Cut out what you have selected, paste it on the required pages and that’s it – the practically free decor is ready.

For a 3D installation you will need a whole spread of a notebook, a sheet of white or colored paper for the base, a sheet for creating decorations, glue and scissors. The instructions used a 10*15 centimeter notebook, scale the parameters to your size.

To begin, take a sheet for the base. Cut out 2 strips from it: 7*11 and 5*8 centimeters. Bend 0.5 centimeters along the long sides of both - these are allowances that will later be glued to the page. Bend the strips themselves in half lengthwise.

Open the diary so that the spread is a 90° angle. Take a large strip and glue it in the middle of the spread. Place the second one above the first one, also fix it. While the glue is still wet, make sure that the notepad closes easily - the strips inside should fold. On the spread they look like stairs.

Now take the second sheet and cut out anything you like from it: hearts, stars, flowers, the figure of your favorite hero (cuttings will also come in handy here). Glue the cutouts onto the steps in a random order. Just make sure that the installation does not interfere with the notepad opening and closing.

For many girls, a personal diary is a real treasure. It contains all the secrets, dreams and desires. Any girl wants to make her personal diary the best, and for this she needs ideas. In this article ld personal diary ideas for a personal diary, we have collected for you several ideas for designing pages of a personal diary.

ld personal diary ideas

Start designing your ld from the cover - the cover is the face of the diary. We advise you to sew a beautiful cover from fabric, or carefully glue the cover beautiful pictures from magazines.

Next comes the first page of the ld. On the first page, many write about themselves and post their photo. Some post their details, such as name, phone number and email. For what? And if you lose your diary... how can we find you later?

By the way, if you don’t want strangers to read your diary, “READING IS PROHIBITED” is placed on the first page! Or they come up with all sorts of other “scares”.

If you don't want anyone to be able to open your diary without your knowledge, consider buying a notebook with a lock.

LD personal diary ideas: how to keep and design

What ideas are there for a personal diary and what can you write or draw in it? The answer is simple - whatever you like! After all, this is your business! Design and decorate exactly the way you like.