Kulikova Maria Grigorievna is such a sought-after actress that she is probably known by sight in every home where they watch TV. At the same time, Maria can rarely be seen on popular television shows, or on programs where they talk about her personal life. Maria does not talk about her personal life either on the Internet or in the press.

The beautiful, popular actress has a lot of fans who constantly follow her successes in cinema and in her personal life. From the latest news for 2017-2018, it is known that Maria Kulikova has a new fan and is very happy with him.

For a long time, Maria was married to Denis Matrosov. Fate brought them together on the set of the television series “Two Fates”. They lived together for almost 14 years. The couple was inseparable from the first day they met. We lived for several years without formalizing the relationship. Maria dreamed of a child. Despite her busy work schedule, the hope of becoming a mother did not leave her. The actress even made a note on the refrigerator for this purpose.

They were the brightest and strong couple in Russian cinema. But love boat crashed into everyday life. Hoping to build a strong and cozy family nest, Denis and his wife began building a house. Denis was literally on fire with construction. He so desired warm family evenings by the fireplace that he was ready to rush in and lay the bricks himself. Maria, on the contrary, was, as always, completely passionate about her work. Actress lived longer the present, not the future, and did not want to waste time on boring little things related to construction. Apparently, at this time the marriage showed its first crack.

After several years life together It turned out that the couple did not have the same views on life. Denis dreamed of a home fairy waiting for her husband with a pot of borscht and ironed shirts, but his wife did not imagine herself as a housewife. In 2015, the couple announced their divorce.

In marriage, Maria gave birth to a son, Ivan. Now he lives with her. But he sees his father regularly. Denis and Maria maintained warm friendly relations. They live not far from each other, so nothing prevents their son from meeting his dad. In addition, Maria believes that a child should know and feel the presence of a mother and father.

Life after divorce

After Maria Kulikova broke up with Matrosov, her personal life became a complete mystery. In 2017-2018 last news talked about the actress’s numerous novels. But none of them have been confirmed.

For a long time there were rumors about her affair with Andrei Chernyshov. They also met on the set of “Two Fates!” But then Denis stood between them. All this time, Chernyshov remained partial to the spectacular actress and wanted to have an affair with her. Maria, naturally, did not even think about betrayal. Subsequently, they met more than once at film set, but the romance never happened. Maria claims that they are nothing more than friends.

And Chernyshov has long-standing friendly relations with Denis. It is alarming that Andrei never connected his fate with anyone. Despite the fact that he has a reputation as a “ladies man” and he often appears in society accompanied by another beautiful girl, no one has taken his heart yet.

After the sensational TV series “Sklifosovsky,” many attributed her to an affair with Maxim Averin. They played the role of a loving couple so believably that fans have no doubt that on-screen love grew into real love. But both actors categorically rejected these rumors. True, Maria claims that she succumbed to Maxim’s charm about 20 years ago, when she studied at the Shchukin School.

But at that time she was having a serious affair and resisted the temptation. Doctor Bragin himself believes that their relationship can hardly even be called friendly. Because they meet and communicate only for work. Maxim is very glad that Maria became his partner in Sklif. It's easy to play with her; the actress is very efficient and friendly. During filming, they charged each other with positive energy.

Last fall, the actress Once again intrigued fans by posting a photo online wedding dress. On it she is with Roman Polyansky. The prudent Maria hastened to reassure her subscribers that the photo and wedding were stills from a new film.” From hatred to love.” Although the faces of the actors are so happy as if they were real newlyweds.

Maria's personal life today

After the divorce, Maria is busy working and raising her son. As a mother, she respects her child’s hobbies, the main one of which is volcanology. But in the future I would like to see him as a competent surgeon.

More recently, Maria, who for so long tormented her admirers with obscurity, revealed the secret of her personal life. It turned out that she now has a man. So far, the actress has not revealed the secret of the name of her new lover. But, aware of her ever-growing popularity, Maria decided not to move away from people who respect and love her talent. In addition, she believes that if you constantly create a secret around yourself, the yellow press will certainly attribute to her a lot of new novels, which will quickly become overgrown with non-existent details.

From the latest news it turns out that Maria Kulikova’s intense personal life in 2017-2018 is coming to its logical conclusion - marriage.

Maria said that her life had become much more interesting. Before this man appeared in her life, she lived in a home-work - work-home mode. Now she travels all over the world.

According to the actress, the conversation about legitimizing the relationship has already taken place. But if the wedding does take place, it will be a modest celebration and only with family. But according to her admission, she does not feel much enthusiasm for the ceremony. Maria is satisfied with the relationship that exists. And I don’t really want to put a stamp on them. The ideal wedding in her understanding is to quickly get married and fly off to Honeymoon. This confirms the seriousness of the couple's relationship.

Who is her mysterious chosen one? In 2015, the film “Too beautiful wife”, in which Maria played together with Vitaly Kudryavtsev. At the time of filming, the actor was free. There are persistent rumors that a romance broke out between the actors while working on the film. Vitaly is probably the mysterious man who so diligently hides his face behind his hat in the photo in Greece. She visited this magical country with her lover, who revealed to her A New Look to the world. Before him, Maria did not often go abroad and travel did not bring her such unforgettable impressions.

It is obvious that the actress is in love and very happy. She introduced her son to her future husband a long time ago and, apparently, their relationship worked out well. The actress explained to journalists that if she had not been confident in the man, she would never have introduced her to her son. Now they are raising Ivan together, spending free time in active recreation.

Now the actress is vacationing in Thailand with her son. It is unclear whether her chosen one went with them.

But it became known that the couple had the whole of 2018 planned out. For example, they are going to visit Stockholm, where their favorite band will give a concert. They also booked a house in Spain, where they are planning a holiday with colleagues.

For fourteen years this couple was one of the most beautiful in Russian show business, and their relationship seemed ideal, so the news that Maria Kulikova’s husband cheated on her with another actress, which was the reason for their divorce, sounded like a bolt from the blue.

Personal life of Maria Kulikova - the story of meeting her future husband

Maria met Denis on the set of the series “Two Fates”. At that time, the actress was not going through the most best period her biography - a disagreement with her lover was the reason for her depressed mood, and meeting a charming colleague slightly improved her mood.

In the photo - Maria Kulikova and Denis Matrosov

Matrosov also didn’t have everything going well in his personal life at that time - after the scandal with common-law spouse actress Lyudmila Tatarova, who did everything possible to deprive him of the opportunity to see his recently born children, the actor was in a depressed mood.

The romance between Denis and Maria broke out almost immediately - after the first day of filming, their first date took place in a cafe, where they poured out their souls to each other and shared their troubles. Their relationship developed rapidly, they began to live together, but were in no hurry to formalize their relationship. It is unknown how long this “free” love would have continued if one day Maria had not decisively invited Denis to become her legal husband.

Kulikova received a marriage proposal on her birthday, but submitting an application to the registry office still didn’t work out - either it was closed, or they didn’t have time to get there before closing, until one of Denis’s friends came to them early in the morning and took them there himself them at the registry office.

Children of Maria Kulikova

In-demand actors Maria Kulikova and Denis Matrosov immediately after starting a family thought about children, but put it off for ten years happy event– their busy work schedules did not give them the opportunity to choose the time to become parents. In addition, they wanted their children to start their lives in the new house that Maria and Denis built in the hope of a happy future.

In the photo - the actress with her husband and son

A year after moving into the family nest, son Ivan was born, but the marital happiness after that lasted only three years, and then the actress filed for divorce, which came as a complete surprise to Maria Kulikova’s husband, although it was he who was to blame.

Why did Maria Kulikova's marriage collapse?

In fact, the relationship in this family was not as ideal as it seemed from the outside; quarrels and disagreements between Maria and her husband began from the moment they started thinking about construction own home. For Denis, this became a real end in itself, for the sake of which he was ready to disappear for months on set in order to save up funds for construction. Masha wanted simple family happiness, and was ready to live in ordinary apartment, if only my husband was at home more often.

The construction exhausted her so much that several times she was ready to give up everything and earn money just to live happily, rather than invest all the money she earned in the family nest under construction. Not in the best possible way their personal lives were also influenced by their work - Maria and Denis were busy in endless TV series, where, according to the plot, they had explicit scenes with partners on the set, and, despite the fact that both were actors and perfectly understood the specifics of their work, they tormented each other friend with scenes of jealousy.

But it turns out that Kulikova’s jealousy was not groundless - she heard rumors that her husband was cheating on her with someone else. Maria Kulikova’s husband began an affair with his colleague in the series “My Love” Irina Kalinina. At first, Masha did not pay attention to the fact that Irina, who was married at that time, paid much more attention to her husband than was required by the role.

When Denis found out that Masha had filed for divorce, it came as a real shock to him. He tried to improve the relationship, but his wife was adamant.

Personal life of Maria Kulikova and her ex-husband after divorce

Their divorce was long and complicated - Denis tried to persuade Masha for a long time, including at court hearings, but this did not change anything. After the divorce, the former spouses decided that their separation should not affect the life of their son - Ivan should not suffer because his parents no longer live together. At first, Maria lived with Denis under the same roof, and then she and Ivan moved to another house, two kilometers from the one she and Matrosov built. This was very convenient, since the son could be passed from hand to hand when the parents had to leave for filming.

Maria Kulikova’s husband remained with his ex-wife after the divorce warm relations– when Masha’s mother died, he was the first to come to her aid in this difficult situation. Kulikova is grateful to Denis for not only supporting her morally, but also taking on all the organizational troubles. She never allows herself to speak badly about her ex-husband in front of the child, especially since Ivan’s great relationship with Father.

During the time that elapsed after the divorce, Maria Kulikova’s ex-husband managed to once again become a father - apparently, Maria was not in vain in suspecting Denis of his love of love! Having become a free woman, Masha learned to look at life differently, cope with many responsibilities, and became stronger and more confident in her own abilities. She still has many fans, but now the actress is more demanding of her suitors and watches how a man treats not only her, but also her child.

Representatives creative professions It is common to often come under fire from the Amur. Actors, getting used to the roles of happy lovers, sometimes play so hard that they destroy own families, causing pain to your loved ones. Due to the inconstancy of her loving husband, artist Denis Matrosov, Russian actress Maria Kulikova suffered. The personal life of the theater and film star collapsed instantly, as House of cards. Family drama didn't break the strong lady. After the divorce, Maria Kulikova continues to work, create, laugh and believe in love.

Maria Kulikova in the film “Let me kiss you”

Denis Matrosov and Maria Kulikova: beautiful love and bitter separation

Denis Matrosov, ex-husband of Maria Kulikova

Maria Kulikova and Denis Matrosov

A rich biography of Maria Kulikova: husband, children, home, filming, novels.

Maria Kulikova and Denis Matroso

Maria Kulikova and ex-husband Denis Matrosov

Son Vanya - a reward for love

Denis Martynov, Maria Kulikova and their son Vanya

Maria Kulikova and Andrei Chernyshov: working together in 2016 and hints of a secret romance

Maria Kulikova and Andrei Chernyshov, frame from the series “Two Fates”

Maria Kulikova and Maxim Averin: game or love?

Maria Kulikova and Maxim Averin in the TV series “Sklifosovsky”

These secrets of Maxim Averin’s personal life shocked everyone - see here

Maria Kulikova: personal life after divorce


Maria Kulikova, biography, news, photos!

Name: Maria Kulikova

Place of Birth: Moscow

Eastern horoscope: Snake

Activity: theater and film actress

Photo: Maria Kulikova

Do you like Maria Kulikova?

Biography of Maria Kulikova

Maria was born in musical family. The actress’s grandmother was the dean of the vocal department in Gnesinka, her father, the owner of a thick bass, performed on the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company for many years, and later began singing in a church choir. Maria's mother is an engineer at MADI.

The family, and even my “techie” mother, lived by music and in music. And all the more surprising is the fact that Maria has not mastered a single musical instrument. Growing up, she often regretted that she had not learned to play the piano.

At the age of ten, Maria enrolled in a theater studio. The parents insisted on this, fearing that the girl would spend too much time on the street in the company of unfamiliar teenagers. For the first time Masha appeared on stage in the image of a little Baba Yaga.

At school, the girl was an average student, she was more of a humanist - she was always good at literature, but in algebra and geometry she only got C's with a stretch.

In her senior year, Maria was faced with the question: what profession to choose? The girl's choice fell on the Faculty of Law - at that time this profession was in demand. Kulikova said goodbye to the theater group, entered courses at Moscow State University and studied intensively with tutors. But the granite of legal science did not give in, and the girl decided to try her luck at an audition for the Shchukin Theater School and, effortlessly beating many applicants for a place, became a student in Evgeniy Knyazev’s course.

Actor career

By the way, at first they wanted to cast her in the role of Vera, and she was already trying on the “age image”. But on the last day before the start of filming, the directors, Vladimir Krasnopolsky and Valery Usov, decided to give her the main role of Nadia.

The first part of the series “Two Fates” was filmed in the apartment of Maria Kulikova’s parents. This is because little funds were allocated for the film, and the artists could not find an apartment where the “spirit of the 70s” was preserved. Then Maria offered to rent in her parents’ apartment. The family did not live richly, so the interior was just right.

Now Maria drives a car smartly, but during “Two Fates” she had no idea how to distinguish the gas from the brake. At the same time, she often drove a car in the frame. In fact, the car was standing on a platform; in fact, it was not necessary to know how to drive. And on general plans The actress was replaced by a stunt double.

The incredible success of the first part of the series “Two Fates” brought popularity to the actress, and the filmmakers decided to continue. Three years later, the following parts of the series were released: “Two Fates-2. Golden Cage" and "Two Fates-2. Blue blood" Three years later, the third part appeared, entitled “ New life" And Maria was called out by fans on the streets for a long time: “Yes, this is the same Nadya who was rolled into concrete!”

From 2003 to 2005, Maria took part in the project of the German conductor Gerd Albrecht - a theatrical production of “Eugene Onegin” with music by Sergei Prokofiev.

Personal life of Maria Kulikova: husband Denis Matrosov, Maxim Averin, children of the actress

Maria Kulikova became famous after the film “Two Fates”. The film became fateful in every sense of the word: the actress gained fame and met her future husband.

Maria Kulikova's husband - Denis Matrosov

The promising artists met during the first filming of the film. The girl remembers those days with a smile, although she had no time to laugh then.

“We worked in 35 degree heat for 10 hours a day. I was very nervous: the role was difficult and unusual for me.”

The celebrity recalls that she smoked 2 packs of cigarettes a day. A charming guy approached her and said that she shouldn’t do this. He suggested drinking coffee at a nearby cafe instead of cigarettes.

Actress Maria Kulikova

From the first meeting, the young people were inseparable. Soon they began to live in a civil marriage, but did not formalize their relationship. According to the media, Maria proposed marriage. Denis did not think it was necessary, but gave in to his beloved. The wedding took place in 2003.

Maria Kulikova and Denis Matrosov

Many years later, in 2011, they were born long-awaited child- son Ivan. Kulikova already despaired of becoming a mother, and called her pregnancy “a real gift of fate.” After Vanya was born, she and Denis became even closer, but not for long.

In January 2015, the artists officially divorced. They don't talk about the reasons. Maria stated that they parted as friends, without reproaches or insults.

“We have a son growing up who will have a loving mom and dad. We are no longer husband and wife, but we continue to work together and raise a child.”

The press says that Matrosov had another woman, and Kulikova could not come to terms with the role of a deceived wife. By the way, after the divorce, the actor married again and became a father again.

Children of Maria Kulikova

After the divorce, Ivan stayed to live with his mother. Maria does not forbid him to see his father, but only welcomes it.

The boy studies in a good school with a humanitarian focus, studying English and German. He has a hobby - Space. Vanya loves to look at the stars and planets.

In addition, the child is interested different types transport, or more precisely – the principle of their operation. Kulikova is very proud of her son: “I’m sure he’ll grow into a a real man“brave, reliable and loving.”

Life of Maria Kulikova after divorce

Officially famous actress was not in a romantic relationship after her divorce from Denis Matrosov. She works a lot, travels, and raises her son. However, fans speculate that she had several affairs.

Maxim Averin

The actors have been working together for almost 6 years in the series “Sklifosovsky”. According to the plot of the drama, they play lovers, and fans are sure that real life there is a connection between them too.

“We enjoyed the communication outside the set. »

Maria met Maxim Averin back in student years.

This is how we work...

“We have been friends for many years, there is no romance between us. The flirting didn’t go beyond the work site.”

Actor Andrei Chernyshov

They say that actor Andrei Chernyshov fell in love with the talented artist during the filming of the series “Two Fates.” Then Kulikova preferred Matrosov to him, but long years Chernyshov did not lose hope. In 2016, celebrities worked together on the film “Secrets of the Big House.”

Maria Kulikova and Andrey Chernyshov

They spent a lot of time on and off the set: they were seen several times in cafes and entertainment centers. Maria assures that there is no love affair between them: “Andrey is just a friend: very sincere, faithful, but only a friend.”

Other novels by Kulikova

According to the media, for the last year the actress has been in a relationship with a wealthy businessman. They vacationed together in Greece, Spain, and Asian countries.

Maria hides her chosen one and tries not to talk about him. The girl only noted that she was glad to break out of the “triangle” of “home-work-home” over many years.

Maria Kulikova today in 2018

The actress lives by the principle: “At 40, life is just beginning.” In 2018, films with her participation “From Hate to Love”, “Lydia”, “Adoption Clinic” were released. In 2017, the third part of the melodrama “Perfumer” was filmed. The audience especially liked this work. The girl likes acting in TV series: “I’m not the actress without whom serious cinema would be lost.”

"14 years ago, I starred in the fairy tale “The Forest Princess”. »

Maria takes part in television projects. In the culinary program “Smak” with Ivan Urgant, the celebrity established herself as a good cook: “I have nothing against cooking, but I’m not ready to do it every day yet.”

Still from the program “Smak” with Maria Kulikova

During family life the actress built with Denis Matrosov for several years Vacation home. After the divorce, she moved to a comfortable mansion with an area of ​​170 square meters. m. She also received a plot of land in the prestigious cottage village of Veshki and about 15 million rubles. The house they were building went to Matrosov.

The cottage where Maria and her son now live is located near the house of her ex-husband Denis Matrosov. The actress says that they did this on purpose to make it easier to raise a child together.

“Vanya, we have a challenge banner! He lives either with me or with his father. This is very convenient: the child feels the love of both parents.”

Maria Kulikova starred in 70 films. Her personal life is not as busy as her career. The girl has a reputation as a serious, thoughtful actress, and fleeting connections have no place in her life.

Maria Kulikova: personal life 2017-2018

The star of the series “Sklifosovsky” for a long time preferred not to advertise her new relationship. Rumors and hints that appeared on the Internet prompted fans of Maria Kulikova to once again become interested in the actress’s personal life in 2017-2018, actively checking the latest news.

Personal life of the actress today

In an interview for the glossy magazine, Maria Kulikova revealed not only the latest news from her personal life in 2017-2018, but also shared her biggest secret - she told more detailed information about my son Ivan. For a long time, the actress spoke little about her personal life, and later, sharing her impressions of a trip to Greece, Kulikova posted romantic photos with her secret lover.

The face of the man who suddenly appeared in her life is hidden by a hat, as if not wanting to attract undue attention to him. Such frankness gave rise to many assumptions and rumors that had no solid basis. Kulikova was credited with an affair with Maxim Averin, justifying the assumption by the fact that in the sixth season they look at each other with not at all friendly glances.

With actor Maxim Averin

Maria has known a bright and attractive man, according to the artist, since 1994. It was this year that they graduated from the Shchukin School together. According to the actress, if “chemistry” did not arise between them then, then many years later it is simply impossible. And even if it had arisen then, their romance would not have ended well.

Maria Kulikova was credited with a romantic relationship with Maxim Averin

After all, despite the interesting footage in the series “Sklifosovsky,” which has been going on for five years, in real life the actress is interested in completely different men. Averin and Kulikova have a strong friendship that lasts for many years. According to the actress, if she dated every prominent man who came her way, it would be unhealthy behavior.

The beginning of family life

Maria Kulikova in Shchuk did not pay attention to Maxim Averin as a possible candidate for husband, but always admired his demeanor and performance on stage. During her student years, the artist met with another actor, Philip Grigoryan, who is currently a recognized master of his craft. The man greatly influenced his girlfriend.

He, along with members of his family, helped Kulikova overcome stage fright and get rid of “stiffness.” Also parents young man helped the young artist fill the gaps in her education. With them she learned a lot of new and interesting things about painting and music genres. But a few years later, Philip and Mary’s romance ended, and their paths diverged in different directions.

WITH ex-husband Denis Matrosov

It was hot July outside, and the team of actors was getting ready for a trip out of town. Denis, who arrived at the gathering place, tried to guess which actress would play the role of Nadya, with whom he would be paired. Maria stood in the shade of the trees and smoked a lot, with her cap pulled down over her eyes. The modest and insecure actress tried to isolate herself from the outside world in this way.

The actress with her mother and her son

During filming, the boat Denis was in capsized and he seriously injured his leg. It was Maria Kulikova who was the first to rush to the actor’s aid, and the young man’s heart skipped a beat. Sailors decided that the time had come to act, and invited the girl to a cafe. And the next day they went on a date to the cinema. After three meetings, the actor and actress had already begun spending the night together in their friends’ homes or at their dachas. And after two weeks of dating, Denis confessed his love to Maria.

Three years later, already living in a shared apartment, the actors decided to get married. This event happened spontaneously, under the influence of friends who asked why the lovers had not yet visited the registry office. They went to register their relationship the same day, wearing regular jeans and T-shirts. And ten years later, in an official marriage, the couple had a son, Ivan.

After his divorce from Maria, Denis Matrosov married a second time

After such long business trips that both of them had, they began to feel a growing chasm of misunderstanding between them. After some time, the couple realized that their feelings had faded and filed for divorce. After breaking up, Maria and Denis continue to communicate and maintain friendly relations, doing co-parenting son Ivan.

As a mother, Maria Kulikova is proud that her son has a hobby. Ivan is interested in space, studying not only the stars and planets, but also the telescopes with which they are viewed. He is also interested in technologies that allow us to explore the vastness of our universe. The boy is also interested different kinds transport and the principle of their operation.

Lifting the veil of secrecy

The actress decided to keep silent about her relationship and the beginning of her affair with her mysterious chosen one. The actress justified her decision not to allow journalists into her personal life further than required with a simple argument. In her opinion, it is possible to tell the details of your life in youth, when the feelings filling your heart want to shout to the whole universe.

And at the age of forty, when you are already a respectable woman, this is not cultural and wrong. Yes, you can reveal superficial information, but no more. Every relationship should have the right to privacy, especially public people.

Actress Maria Kulikova has a new romantic relationship

Maria Kulikova was prompted by her popularity to become frank, revealing the latest news of 2017-2018, letting journalists into her personal life. The actress understands that, being public figure, she must maintain her image and make contact with fans. Otherwise, the “personal” will begin to acquire incredible rumors and details. And this is not always pleasant.

According to Maria Kulikova, with the appearance of a new man in her life, everything became much more interesting. In the past, a woman preferred to devote time to other interests, living in her own little world. It was built according to the same principle: “Home-work”. Now, together with her chosen one, she has changed her point of view, and regularly travels to famous tourist places planets.

On vacation with a new lover, whom the actress hides from the public

With her lover, actress Kulikova learned to enjoy life and significantly expanded her horizons. She feels absolutely comfortable and cozy traveling with him, so the popular actress is not afraid to go to foreign and unfamiliar countries.

The son of Maria Kulikova has already managed to meet his mother’s new man. Ivan spends his free time with him, because the mysterious man takes part in raising the child. The actress admits that she would not introduce her son to this person without being sure of the seriousness of their relationship.

Kulikova revealed the secret that she and her lover had already talked about legitimizing their relationship. But the actress does not plan to organize a magnificent celebration, with numerous guests and a banquet hall. If lovers go to the registry office, then quietly and without unnecessary witnesses.

Latest photos of actress Maria Kulikova

To tell the truth, the actress is scared by the word “wedding”, and she absolutely does not want to plunge into the selection of wedding paraphernalia in real life. IN last years Maria regularly played roles where she had to be a bride. Therefore, Kulikova expresses her opinion about a modest and quiet event that may end their relationship.

Maria Kulikova admitted at the end of 2017 that she and her lover planned a vacation in other countries of the world for the whole of 2018, so the latest news about her personal life will again be replenished with numerous rumors. In the spring they are going to Stockholm for a concert of their favorite band. For the fall, they booked a house in Spain, where they are planning a joint vacation with work colleagues. The artist is more pleased by the thought of sharing breakfasts and hours spent together than by thinking about a hypothetical wedding.

Maria Kulikova biography, husband and children (photos and videos)

In nineteen seventy-seven in the city of Moscow, on the fourth of August, a girl named Maria Kulikova was born. Her biography is very interesting and unusual. She grew up in a very intelligent family. Maria's grandmother was the dean of the vocal faculty of Gnesinka. Masha's father was professional singer. He worked for many years at the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. Then he left there to join the church choir. Mom Natalya Ivanovna had nothing to do with creativity; she held the position of engineer. Despite the different professions of all family members, they loved music very much.

When Maria was 10 years old, she went to a theater club. She began her acting career with the role of Grandma-Yoshka.

After graduating from school, Maria decided to go to study as a lawyer; in those days, the Faculty of Law was very popular. She began attending courses, which later helped her understand that the legal profession was absolutely not suitable for her. After thinking, she decided to choose an acting career. She secretly from her family enters the Shchukin School.

Films with Maria Kulikova

After graduating from drama school, Maria receives an invitation to play a minor role in the series. Then she starred in the detective film directed by Yegor Konchalovsky, “The Recluse.” Maria Kulikova also took part in the filming of the acclaimed film “Empire Under Attack.” All these roles were insignificant and not so bright. Maria became truly popular after filming the TV series “Two Fates.” She played the main role there. Fate itself led her to this role; she went to audition for a completely different project and mistakenly walked into a different door. Following this series, Masha received a role in the film “Silver Lily of the Valley-2”, “My Fair Nanny”. She played the main role in the drama "Blood Sisters". And this is not the entire list of films in which Maria took part; her hard work has always surprised and still surprises. She is a very capable actress. The number of roles she played increases every year.

Maria also starred in a TV series with a medical focus, “Sklifosovsky”, she plays the role of surgeon Marina Narochinskaya. Many consider this work one of the brightest in Maria’s entire career. Now Masha is participating in the filming of several projects.

Despite her workload, Maria manages to act in performances of the Moscow Academic Theater of Satire. Her heroines have different character, but one thing connects them - the style in which the actress plays and Maria’s beautiful appearance.

Personal life of Maria Kulikova

Participation in the TV series “Two Fates” changed my acting career, but most importantly it changed it privacy, Masha never thought that thanks to this series she would have a husband and children in her life. On the set, Masha met her chosen one. It was the actor Denis Matrosov. They haven't been apart for almost a minute since they met each other. In two thousand and eleven, the first son, Vanechka, was born. Masha and Denis were the brightest couple of Russian cinema. They were considered the ideal of love and family happiness. They worked together to build a house in the countryside.

The year two thousand and fifteen shocked everyone with the news that Masha and Denis had made a serious decision to divorce. Their marriage lasted fourteen years. The reasons for the divorce are still unknown to anyone to this day. Denis continues to see his son. Maria tried to maintain friendly relations with her ex-husband, save that family atmosphere, which was earlier. A child should feel that there is both a mother and a father in his life.

Maria Grigorievna Kulikova. Born on August 4, 1977 in Moscow. Russian actress theater and cinema.

Her grandmother was the dean of the vocal department of the Gnesinsky School.

Father - Grigory Vladimirovich Kulikov - a professional singer who worked for a long time on the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, and later was a singer in a church choir.

From the age of 10 she played in a theater studio, her first role was Baba Yaga.

At first I was preparing to become a lawyer - I enrolled in courses at the Moscow state university, intensively studying with teachers. Secretly from her parents, she entered the Higher Theater School named after B.V. Shchukin, course E.V. Knyazeva.

In 1998 she graduated from a theater university.

From 1998 to 2011 - actress of the Moscow Academic Theater of Satire.

Since 2016 he has been collaborating with the Independent Theater Project.

Theater works Maria Kulikova:

“We’re still funny” - Presenter
“Not a centime less!” - Wildi
"Eight loving women" - Suzon
"An Ideal Husband" - Mabel Chiltern
"The Threepenny Opera" - Lucy
"Secretaries" - Secretary musical
"Time and the Conway Family" - Hazel Conway
“Talents and fans” - Alexandra Negina

Enterprises: “Khanuma” - Sona, “A Streetcar Named Desire”.

Participated in performances of the Independent Theater Project in the production “Name” (Margarita).

After graduation, she played a small role as Lena Rogozina in the series “Turn of the Key.”

In 1999, she starred in Yegor Konchalovsky’s detective film “The Recluse,” and then in feature film Sergei Gazarov and Andrei Malyukov “Empire under attack”, detective series by Sergei Snezhkin and Evgeniy Aksenov “ destructive force 3".

The young actress was noticed by Vladimir Krasnopolsky and Valery Uskov, who were choosing actresses for the main role in a melodramatic series "Two Fates". This series made her famous. Her husband Denis Matrosov also starred with her.

Maria Kulikova in the series "Two Fates"

Interestingly, the first part of the series “Two Fates” was filmed in the apartment of the actress’s parents.

“In the evening the film crew was leaving, and my relatives walked among the cameras and lighting fixtures. It became an adventure for them. And it was funny to me. I'm sitting on my couch, left hand- Dmitry Shcherbina (father Stepan), on the right is Lika Volskaya (mother Lida), and I play their daughter. In my own apartment!” she said.

In February 2003, together with her husband Denis Matrosov, she participated in a unique project by the famous German conductor Gerd Albrecht. This is a concert version of “Eugene Onegin” with music by Sergei Prokofiev, which the composer wrote back in 1936 for the play by Alexander Tairov.

She starred in the films “Two Fates 2. The Golden Cage”, “Two Fates 2. Blue Blood”, “Two Fates 3. New Life”, played the main role of Princess Marya in the film by Teimuraz Esadze and Alexander Basov based on Russian folklore “The Forest Princess” . Then she starred in the drama “Silver Lily of the Valley 2”, the ironic detective story “Dasha Vasilyeva: Lover of Private Investigation” and the sitcom “My Fair Nanny”.

I remember her work in the TV series “Sunday in the Women’s Bath”, “One’s Own Truth”, “Let Me Kiss You”, “Flight of Fancy”, “Inheritance”, “Scarlet Rowan Clusters”, “Winter Woman” and many others.

In the series “Perfumer”, Maria Kulikova played the chief technologist of a provincial perfume factory, Natalya Baranova, who aspires to the position of director and dreams of creating new collection spirits

Maria Kulikova in the series "Perfumer"

In 2017, the 16-episode melodramatic television film “The Hornet’s Nest” was released, in which the actress played one of the main roles - Kira Maltseva. Her heroine lives in big house with his mother and three daughters. At some point, Kira finds out that she ex-lover started a relationship with his daughter and even expresses his intention to marry her. At the same time, she knows very well that this man does not need her daughter, but an inheritance, in particular, a painting by the famous Van Gogh.

At the beginning of 2018, viewers saw the TV series “Happy Hearts Hotel,” in which the actress played main character- I believe. She is beautiful, smart, an independent woman, a strict mother of two adult daughters. Several years ago, her beloved husband went missing in Africa, and since then Vera has been leading the family alone and family business- a small hotel.

In February 2018, the melodrama “From Hate to Love” with Maria Kulikova in the title role was released. Her heroine is Natalya Orlova. She's attractive and self-sufficient woman, owner own business and the bride of a loving, trusted childhood friend. Anyone would envy her ideal life, but Natalya is missing something. A modern businesswoman keeps everything under control: her work, her personal life, and her teenage daughter. But in a series of identical events, she realizes that she is not truly happy and decides to radically change her destiny. In the daily routine of affairs and preparations for the wedding, she suddenly meets the man of her dreams.

Maria Kulikova - star life

Maria Kulikova's height: 174 centimeters.

Personal life of Maria Kulikova:

In September 2017, Maria was again in a relationship. However, she did not disclose details about her new chosen one. Later it became known that this is an actor. They met on the set of the series “Too Beautiful a Wife.”

Since 2018, the couple began to live together.

Although they did not get married, they began to build common Home in the village of Veshki near Moscow. The actress said about Vitaly Kudryavtsev: “I just enjoy my current state. I feel like a truly happy woman. Our divorce with Denis “gave birth” not to two unhappy people, but to four happy ones. Glad my baby's father found one that makes his face glow. My man and I love to travel. For the first time, I began to adjust my work to my personal life, and not vice versa. Together we have already traveled half the world."

Filmography of Maria Kulikova:

1999 - Recluse
1999 - Turn of the Key - Elena Rogozina
2000 - Empire under attack
2002 - Two destinies - Nadezhda Rozanova
2003 - Baby goat in milk - student Lucy
2004 - Forest Princess - Marya, Forest Princess
2005 - Sunday in the women's bathhouse
2005 - Two Fates 2 - Oksana Gorlenko
2005 - New Russian romance - Alena
2006 - Main caliber - Anna, wife of Sergei Gorodetsky
2006 - My Fair Nanny - Angelina Rode (episode 118 “Angel in the Flesh”)
2006 - It happened in Gavrilovka
2006 - Rails of Happiness - Nadya, conductor
2006 - Blood Sisters - Dominika Nikitina
2007 - Scammers - Yulia Nekrasova, psychologist
2007 - She said “Yes” - Tanya
2007 - Squirrel in a wheel - Irina Belkina, flight attendant
2008 - Two destinies-4. New life - Oksana Gorlenko
2008 - Inheritance - Daria Mikhailovna Korolenko, daughter of Elena Grigorievna
2008 - Flight of Fantasy - Anya Buzova
2008 - Let me kiss you - Natalya Kiseleva, ensign
2008 - Your own truth - Marina Gusko
2008 - Ukhna
2009 - First attempt - Larisa, Mary’s friend
2009 - Landing - Zoya
2009 - Scarlet bunches of rowan trees - Anastasia
2009 - Winter Woman - Polina Moroz
2010 - Lawyers - Larisa Serebrennikova / Oksana Alasheyeva
2010 - Greetings, Cosanostra - Manya
2010 - I'm happy! - Natalya Polushkina
2010 - Acceptable Victims - Katya
2011 - Summer of Wolves - Varvara
2011 - Golden skies - Daria Vitalievna Lelikova
2011 - Milkmaid from Khatsapetovka 3 - Katya
2011 - Dove - Kaleria Podolskaya (after marriage - Drobysheva)
2012 - Let me kiss you... again - Natalya Kiseleva, ensign
2012 - This is my dog ​​- Irina
2012 - It’s not harmful to dream - Marina
2013 - Sklifosovsky 2 - Marina Vladimirovna Narochinskaya, surgeon
2013 - His love - Sveta
2013 - Necklace - Marina Loginova
2013 - Looking for a man - Irina
2013 - Perfumer - Natalya Pavlovna Baranova
2013 - Let me kiss you... at the wedding - Natalya Kiseleva
2013 - Tasks of special importance. Operation Typhoon - Seraphim
2014 - Sklifosovsky 3 - Marina Vladimirovna Narochinskaya, surgeon / chief physician
2014 - Leave to return - Katya
2014 - Husband for an hour - Karina
2014 - Where does love go - Natalya
2014 - When the dawn comes - Sofia
2014 - Visiting fellow - Larisa
2014 - Let me kiss you... father of the bride - Natalya Vlasova
2014 - Late Flowers - Vera
2015 - Sklifosovsky 4 - Marina Vladimirovna Narochinskaya (Bragina)
2015 - Theory of Improbability - Irina
2015 - Two plus two - Alexandra
2015 - Too beautiful wife - Elena
2016 - Three roads - Valeria
2016 - From first to last word- Tatyana Krasnova, talk show host
2016 - Pearls - Anna Vasilievna

Maria Kulikova is not only a very talented actress who was able to win the sympathy of many television viewers and continues to do so. But she is also simply a charming woman who can easily arouse the sympathy of any man. In addition, she not only acts in films, but also performs in various theater productions.

Over the course of her career, she has starred in approximately sixty films and TV series, and these, apparently, are not her last works. Fans of her talent will be able to admire Maria’s acting for a long time. And look forward to her new films.

Height, weight, age. How old is Maria Kulikova (actress)

Many fans of this actress are interested in facts such as her height, weight, age. How old Maria Kulikova (actress) is is not so difficult to calculate. This woman was born in 1977, which means that she is now 40 years old. And she is still young and attractive. Well, it’s true what they say is that at 40, life is just beginning.

The height and weight of this wonderful actress are also no secret. At quite high for the average Russian woman She is 174 centimeters tall and weighs about 60 kilograms. However, weight often varies depending on the role, so you can’t give exact numbers here.

Biography of Maria Kulikova (actress)

Maria Kulikova was born in early August 1977. She was born in Moscow. Maria's family was very intelligent and cultured. For example, her grandmother was a dean at the Gnessin School, and her father was a talented singer. He first worked in radio and then began performing in a church choir. Only the girl’s mother, who was engaged in engineering, was not connected with music. But even despite this, everyone in the Kulikov family loved music. Interesting fact: Maria had the opportunity to learn to play the piano, but she was never able to do it, which she now deeply regrets.

The biography of Maria Kulikova (actress) began to sparkle with new colors when she entered a drama school at the age of ten. The little actress remembered her life for the rest of her life. debut role Baba Yaga. After graduating from school, Kulikova decided to go to study to become a lawyer. Moreover, at that time it was very prestigious. However, after walking around for a while training courses, the girl was able to understand that this profession was not for her, and decided to become an actress. After her graduation from school, she secretly submitted documents to the Shchukin School and entered there with success.

From this very moment it begins actor career Maria. Just a year after graduating from college, the young actress was offered a role in a series called “Turn of the Key.” This was far from the main role, but the girl accepted the offer with great enthusiasm. Although later she began to worry that nothing would work out for her. Moreover, the scene had to be filmed from the very first take. But it was too late to turn back. Maria was worried in vain. Everything went great and the young actress no longer experienced panic attacks. Later there were a couple more small supporting roles in TV series, which, however, did not bring her either fame or glory.

Debut leading role Maria Kulikova got a role in the TV series “Two Fates”. Moreover, it is worth noting that she got to this casting by chance. But, as you know, nothing happens in life for nothing. Kulikova was supposed to become a participant in a completely different project, but she simply entered the wrong door. When she realized that she had made a mistake, she went to her casting, but she was not accepted there. One way or another, a few days later they called her from the casting of “Two Fates” and offered her a role. For Maria this was a real surprise, and she agreed without hesitation.

Here's another one interesting fact. The first episodes of the project were filmed in the apartment of Maria’s parents. The fact is that the budget of the series was limited, and it was really difficult to rent an apartment decorated in the style of the seventies for little money. Then the actress suggested to them parents' house. The role in this series brought Kulikova stunning success and real fame. The series gained enormous popularity, so after some time it was decided to film a couple more seasons.

It’s no wonder that after such success, Maria Kulikova simply began to receive offers for roles. So she starred in the films “The Forest Princess”, “Little Goat in Milk” and many other films.

In 2006, she played a role in the incredibly popular series at that time called “My Fair Nanny.” That same year, she starred in three more films, which later became popular.

Surprisingly, Maria Kulikova tried to work to the limit of her strength. For example, in 2007, she played roles in several more films with her husband. Over the course of a couple of years, she starred in twelve films, and played leading roles in most of them. In addition, over the following years she was involved in nine more films.

The second surge of fame came after filming the insanely popular series “The Milkmaid from Khatsapetovka 2” at that time. The success was simply stunning. And in 2011, Maria starred in the continuation of this series.

According to the actress herself, the most successful project for her was called “Sklifosovsky”. He brought her such fame and popularity that she has been part of the cast for the third season. Although Kulikova does not hide the fact that the character was not easy for her. After all, she herself has a completely different character in real life. And yet she was able to cope with this image perfectly.

In addition to TV series, the actress also managed to star in large quantities films, but listing them in full would be very troublesome.

Kulikova's fans are really looking forward to her new works and the continuation of her already favorite film adaptations. And they hope that Maria will not delay this.

Despite the busy filming schedule, Maria does not forget about theatrical productions, in which she also plays significant roles.

Personal life of Maria Kulikova (actress)

On the Internet you can find a lot of different information about Maria Kulikova’s new hobbies and novels. But none of them have been proven reliably. The actress was married, but is now divorced and raising her son alone. The personal life of Maria Kulikova (actress) is not easy to build now. She loved her husband very much and finding a replacement for him turned out to be difficult. But she is still young and attractive, so there is no reason to worry.

For example, there was a rumor that during the series “Sklifosovsky” she met with Maxim Averin, but the couple denied these rumors, assuring the media that their relationship had only been friendly for twenty years. Her son remains her favorite man. Maria Kulikova: personal life after divorce does not work out at all. It is also known that her husband wanted a quiet and calm wife, but Maria is far from being like that. The family broke up in 1015. But they maintained friendly relations and are raising common child together.

Family of Maria Kulikova (actress)

At the moment, the family of Maria Kulikova (actress) consists of herself and her beloved son. Of course, the actress is still quite young and very beautiful. If we talk, for example, about her figure, then Maria definitely has something to brag about. So, it is likely that she will soon be able to meet her love again for the rest of her life, and her family will finally be complete again.

We can only hope that Maria Kulikova will really be able to meet worthy man, who will be real hope and support for her. Fans undoubtedly wish for this simple female happiness for the actress.

Children of Maria Kulikova (actress)

The children of Maria Kulikova (actress) are something that the woman’s fans can only dream about for now. After all, now Mary has only one son from her first marriage. But we can hope that he will not be her last child. After all, the woman is still only forty years old, and she can still give birth to as many healthy babies as she wants.

It's no secret that Maria herself dreamed of a big and friendly family. True, first you need to find a good man, who could become a father both for these children and for those already born son actresses - Vanechka. Maybe one day the boy will have more brothers or sisters.

Son of Maria Kulikova - Ivan Matrosov

After a rather painful divorce from her husband, she is currently the only man In the life of the actress there was and remains the son of Maria Kulikova - Ivan Matrosov.

Since, today, the actress does not have any officially confirmed novels and Serious relationships, one can only express great hope that in the future the actress, in addition to her beloved Vanechka, will have more children. And although Vanya is now being raised in a single-parent family and lives with his mother, he does not feel any inferiority, because he is not deprived of his father’s love. The man takes great pleasure in spending as much time as possible with his son.

Former husband of Maria Kulikova (actress) - Denis Matrosov

The couple met on the set of the series “Two Fates” - the same one that brought Maria popularity. The young people fell in love with each other at first sight. The couple lived for about three years civil marriage, but then they decided to legitimize the relationship. Despite her busy work schedule, she really wanted children. And in 2011, they had a boy, Vanya.

The ex-husband of Maria Kulikova (actress) Denis Matrosov fell in love with his son very much. Among the actors, their relationship was considered the strongest, but this turned out not to be the case. The actors took on the task of building a private house for their family. Denis took the construction too seriously, and this is where all the conflicts began. He could disappear at a construction site for whole days. And this, of course, could not but have an impact on their relationship with Maria. They say that family relationships They only become stronger if the couple survives a joint renovation. In a sense, the construction of a family nest can be attributed to a similar case. And it was his family of actors who could not stand it.

Photo of Maria Kulikova (actress) in Maxim magazine

Unfortunately or not, there is no photo of Maria Kulikova (actress) in Maxim magazine, and never has existed. If somewhere you can watch this woman, for example, in a swimsuit, then perhaps in the films and TV series where she starred. In addition, it is worth noting that Maria Kulikova never appeared on the set completely naked. And there are no candid photos in her collection of photo shoots either.

Thus, if you want to admire the excellent (for a forty-year-old woman) figure of this charming actress, watch films and TV series with her - in any case, you will not regret it.

Instagram and Wikipedia Maria Kulikova (actress)

Like most modern artists, Maria can also be found in in social networks. She has profiles on a variety of sites. Including Instagram and Wikipedia Maria Kulikova (actress) have a place. It is very important for her to communicate with her fans. And share the events that happen in her life.

You can look it up on Wikipedia short biography actress, information about her personal life. And among other things, Maria’s complete filmography, as well as a list of performances. Both lists indicate the roles she performed. The woman regularly posts new photos on her Instagram.