Thomas Edison said: "Displeased the first condition of progress." The degree of "discontent" of the Great Inventor speaks 1093 patent for the invention, which gave him the patent office. No one in the United States has never received such a quantity. To make the world more convenient, Thomas Edison invented the phonograph, built the world's first public plant in the world, improved the telegraph and telephone, the incandescent lamp ... Thanks to his discontent, the world became more comfortable.

Thomas Edison was born on February 11, 1847 in the family owner of the shop of joinery. However, when Tomas turned 7 years old, the father went bankrupt, and the future inventor tasted all the inconvenience of the world of poverty. But from Early Years, Edison showed himself an indispensable wrestler with circumstances, not wanting to accept the fall of his family. Edison with his head went to study. True, the school has passed to say goodbye in 8 years - the school situation was too limited. Mother, former school teacher, continued his studies at home. At 10, Thomas plunged into chemical experiments and created his first laboratory in the basement at home.

At 12, Edison went making money. He sold newspapers, fruits and candies in trains. In order not to lose the time of time, suffered a chemical laboratory in the luggage car granted at his disposal and conducted the trains on the train. At 15 years old, Thomas acquired a printed machine on saving money and began to make his own newspaper directly in the luggage car of the train, in which he worked and sell it to passengers.

However, Edison attracted everything innovative, so in 1861 he changes the railway to a more progressive telegraph. From the very first days of work by the telegraphist, he thinks about how to improve the telegraph apparatus. In 1868, the inventive genius of Edison issues an electric recorder of the number of votes. True, there were no buyers for patent, and then Thomas decided to work only on inventions with guaranteed demand.

The following invention gave the long-awaited rise for Edison. Thomas expanded the boundaries of the telegraphic apparatus features: now he could transmit not only SOS signals, but also information about stock exchange courses. At this invention, Edison earned 40 thousand dollars and soon organized a workshop on which automatic telegraph devices and other electrical equipment made.

In 1877, Thomas Edison patents a new invention - a phonograph. By the end of the life, he will consider it a favorite invention and the main lift in his own inventive career. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe phonofefe, there were sounds, similar to an inseparable speech, who once from the telegraph repeater. The press called the phonograph "The greatest opening of the century," and Edison himself suggested a lot of ways to use: dictation of letters and documents without the help of stenographer, playback of music, recording of negotiations (in combination with the phone), etc.

In 1891, Edison shook the world with a new breakthrough invention, without which modern civilization cannot be submitted. He created a device for demonstrating successive photos of moving objects - a kinescope. On April 23, 1896, Edison held the first public movie show in New York, and in 1913 there was already a movie with synchronous sound accompaniment.

By the end of the life, Thomas Edison was engaged in improving this world. For 85 years of life, dying, he told his wife: "If there is something after death, this is good. If not, too good. I lived my life and made the best thing that could ... ".

See also: Choice of the editorial office "Russian grades"

Thomas Edison is a legend man, the expusriculus of the rules and canons, which became the world-famous inventor, but contrary to.

Judge for yourself. He was a junior child in a large family of a bankrupt merchant. Neither the parent state, nor higher education, Thomas had no. But it was inquisitive, inquisitive and unusually able-bodied.

There is a legend that Thomas was kicked out of school after the first four months of study, the teacher said that he mentally retard. Geniyev is often underestimated, so it was with Esstein and with the Eternal Opponent.

But Edison literally had a passion for inventive and entrepreneurial talent.

Al, as they called him in childhood, was a little growth, looked weak and little mobile (he loved to watch: for the work of the port, behind the steamers, etc.). The teacher school considered him limited, and after one of the teachers called him backward, the mother took it from the school and began to teach him at home.

Mothers very often turn out to be the most influential people in the life of talented businessmen (, for example), from here a lesson: Be patient to your children, do not be concerned about public opinion.

Edison education received in the library. He opened his first scientific book at 9 years old. It was "Natural and Experimental Philosophy" Richard Green Parker, telling about scientific and technical achievements. Later, Edison did almost all the experiments specified in the book.

The first money, he began to earn in the 12th age - sold apples and candy in the train cars, where he was allocated a car. The revenue funds boy spent on chemical experiments that spent in his own laboratory equipped in a luggage car. In the same place, he published his own newspaper and implemented its passengers.

Passion for inventions

At the age of 16, he works by a telegraph in a notorious. This is the time of brand boom, everyone wants to connect and Thomas travels a lot around the country. He sees how people live, he has a wide circle of communication. In 1868, he stops for a long time in Boston. Here the device is patented - the voting recorder and gets the most important lesson.

It is necessary to say that being in Boston, Alva gets acquainted with the works of Faraday and is fond of the idea of \u200b\u200belectricity.

Never get out something that there is no demand. This rule Edison followed the whole life after the electric meter invented by them did not find use. But all subsequent inventions brought him wide fame and admiration. We still use them, unaware of authorship.

Telegraph is one of the most important inventions of the 19th century. Edison greatly improved him - made faster and more affordable.

Edison fearlessly taken for the realization of the most bold ideas. Exchange tickker brought the first 40 thousand dollars. By this money, the laboratory for the release of the telegraph apparatus for transmitting stock quotes has continued to improve this type of communication, the result of which the quadruple telegraph has become the result.

Esison is gaining its standard diagram: the laboratory is first created in which a certain prototype is developed, after workshops are organized. Where the new invention "stamps" for a wide sale.

In 1876, in the town of Menlo-Park Edison equipped a laboratory for testing, improving existing technologies, which scored the staff of capable employees. The creation of this laboratory is also considered to be the invention - it has become a prototype of modern Research Institute, it was called "thoughts boiler", in modern interpretation - a cerebral center. Edison attracted people to work under to themselves - capable of working, without looking around at watches, thinking bold and not afraid of non-standard solutions.

One of the first inventions created in the Menlo Park was telephony. Western Union paid Thomas 100 thousand dollars for developing an effective telephone microphone with sound amplification.

Edison ideas

The list of ideas that became a reality thanks to the genius of Thomas Edison is impressive. This is a phonograph for the first time reproduced by human speech; Electrovoza; talking dolls; Alkaline rechargeable battery; The method of enrichment of iron ore, etc.

The most revolutionary invention has become the usual light bulb now. Rather, its improvement. Edison achieved that the thread of incandescent worked effectively, the lamp did not burn too quickly, consumed a small amount of current and was available at a price. And then developed a system of consumption of electricity, "Running" to start the city district.

It is mistaken to believe that Slava Thomas has gained thanks to only the lamp. No, his genius went wherever: he thought over the organization of the electrical system (with its components - from the power station to the ways to deliver consumers) and in fact - he launched the age of electricity.

How it happened:

  • In December 1879, an electric lighting system in the Menlo Park is demonstrated.
  • In 1882, the first commercial power plant was launched (Pearl Street in Lower Manhattan).

Two of these demonstration projects literally blew up the world. Electric companies grow at a huge speed. Not only enthusiasts are invested in them, but also the largest banks of the world.

Page from the patent, with the drawings of the electrical lamp.

Two gentlemen on the pier. Henry Ford and Thomas Edison are people who changed the world.


The state of Thomas Edison was estimated at $ 15 billion (). Most of the revenue funds, he put in his case, spending on personal needs quite a bit.

Fanatical performance, dedication, the unfortunateness of thoughts, huge erudition, despite the lack of classical education, courage and determination - that are the constituent of the success of the Great Inventor. He believed: "To invent something really incredible, sometimes it is better not to know that experts consider it impossible."

"I have to do with your success that I never kept at the workplace of the clock" - This phrase Edison is that only work can be achieved by significant results. And he knew what he said - for 60 years, Thomas Edison patented 1093 inventions.

The legacy of the Great Improvement formed the basis of the company.

Quotes of Thomas Edison

  • I did not tolerate defeats. I simply found 10,000 ways that do not work.
  • Success is ten percent of luck and ninety percent of the sweating.
  • Most people are ready to work immensely, just to get rid of the need to think a little.
  • I did not have business days and days of rest. I just did and received pleasure from it.
  • Most people misses the opportunity. Because it is dressed in a jumpsuit and looks like a job.


Edison owned a patent for a 35 millimeter format of film banks. He had a system, workers, agents who were engaged in protecting patent rights, looking for those who illegally use inventions.

So in 1908, from more than 800 cinemas of New York was closed about half a pioneer for using the above filth format without deductions to Edison.

We often joke that cinematographers fled away from Edisson and stopped at another coast, in the hope that Thomas's long hands were not overtaken there.

Thomas Edison on Wikisklad



In 1804, the son of Samuel Jr., the future Father Thomas A. Edison, was born in the family of senior son John Samuel. In 1811, near the current Port Barvell in Canada, the Family of Edison receives a large plot of land and is finally justified in the village of Vienna. In 1812-1814, Captain Samuel Edison-senior, the future grandfather of Thomas Alva, takes part in the Anglo-American War. In subsequent years, the family of Edison flourished, and their hospitable manor on the banks of the river was known to the entire district.

In 1828, Samuel Jr. married Nancy Eliot, the daughter of a priest who received good upbringing and education and a teacher who worked in a Vienna school. In 1837, in Canada, under the influence of the economic crisis and an indigestion, an uprising broke out, in which Samuel Jr. took part. However, government troops suppressed the rebellion and Samuel was forced to flee to Majilan (Ohio, USA) to avoid punishment. In 1839 he managed to transport Nancy with children. Edison cases went successfully. It was during this period of the life of Edison in Mailane he was born (February 11, 1847) Son Thomas Alva.


In young years

As a child, Thomas Alv was called al, he was a little growth and looked a little sick. However, he was very interested in surrounding his life: watched steamers and barges, behind the work of carpenters, for the descent of boats on the shipyard or quietly sat for hours in the corner, copying the inscriptions on the signs of warehouses. At five years, Al with his parents visited Vienna and met with his grandfather. In 1854, Edison moved to Port Huron (Michigan), located at the bottom of Lake Huron. Here Alva visited the school for three months. Teachers considered him "limited." Parents asked to pick up a child from school. The mother took him and already at home gave him the first education.

Edison often visited Port Guron's People's Library. Up to the twelve-year-old age, he managed to read the "History of Wings and Decidation of the Roman Empire" Gibbon, the "History of Great Britain" of Yum, "The History of Reformation" of Berton. However, his first scientific book read the future inventor to nine years. It was "natural and experimental philosophy" Richard Green Parker, containing almost all scientific and technical information of that time. Over time, he did almost all the experiments described in the book.

Since childhood, Edison helped mother selling fruits and vegetables. However, pocket money earned in this way was not enough for its experiments, especially chemical. Therefore, in 1859, Thomas is arranged by a newspaper on the railway line connecting Port Huron and Detroit. Earnings of the young Edison reached $ 8-10 per month (about $ 300 at the prices of 2017). It continues to be carried away by books and chemical experiments, for whom it seeks permission to arrange their laboratory in the luggage carriage of the train.

Edison enjoyed any opportunity to increase the demand for the newspapers sold by him. So, when in 1862, the Commander-in-Chief of the Northern Army suffered a serious defeat, Thomas asks the telegraphist to convey a brief message about the battle in Port Huron and at all intermediate stations. As a result, he managed to increase sales of newspapers at these stations several times. A little later, he becomes publisher of the first train newspaper. Also at this time, Edison had an interest in electricity.

In August 1862, Edison saves the head of the head of one of the stations from a moving wagon. The boss was proposed to teach him a telegraph case in gratitude. Thus took place his acquaintance with the telegraph. He immediately suits his first telegraph line between his home and the comrade house. Soon, a fire happened in Thomas car, and the conductor threw Edison with his laboratory.

Wrong telegraphist

In 1863, Edison becomes a telegraph night shift at a station with a salary of $ 25 per month. Here he can automate part of the work and sleep in the workplace, for which he soon gets a strict reprimand. Soon, by his fault, two trains almost encountered. Tom returned to Port Huron to parents.

All this time, Edison takes little care about clothes and life, spending all the money on books and materials for experiments. It was in Boston, Edison first met with the works of Faraday, who were of great importance for all his future activities.

In addition, it was during these years Edison "is trying to get his first patent in the Patent Bureau. It develops an "electric balloting device" - a special device for calculating the informed votes "yes" and "no". The demonstration of the apparatus in front of the particular Parliamentary Commission ended unsuccessfully due to the unwillingness of the parliament to abandon the paper calculation. In 1868, Edison goes to New York to sell there another of its invention - the device for automatic recording of exchange courses. However, these hopes were not justified. Edison returns to Boston.

Moving to New York

At the received money, Edison buys equipment for the manufacture of exchange tickers and opens its own workshop in Newark, not far from New York. In 1871, he opens two more new workshops. All the time he devotes work. Subsequently, Edison told that until the fifty-year-old age he worked an average of 19 and a half hours a day.

The New York Society of Automatic Telegraph offered Edison to improve the automatic telegraph system based on paper perforation. The inventor solves the task and receives instead of the maximum transmission rate on the manual apparatus, equal to 40-50 words per minute, the speed of automatic devices is about 200 words per minute, and later up to 3 thousand words per minute. While working on this task, Thomas gets acquainted with his future wife Mary Stillwell. However, the wedding had to postpone, because in April 1871 the mother of Edison died. The wedding of Thomas and Mary took place in December 1871. In 1873, the pair had a daughter, which was called Marion in honor of the older sister of Tom. In 1876, the son was born, which Thomas Alva Edison Jr. was named.

After a brief stay in England, Edison begins to work on duplex and quadruplex telegraph. The principle of the quadruplex (double duplex) was known earlier, but practically the task was permitted by Edison in 1874 and is the greatest invention. In 1873, the Remigton brothers bought an improved model of the typewriter of the Scholz system and subsequently began to launch the typewriters under the brand name "Remington". For three years (1873-1876) Thomas forty five times appealed to new patents for their inventions. Also during these years, Edison's father moved to him and took over the role of the economic assistant to his son. For inventive activity, a large, well-equipped laboratory was needed, so in January 1876 its construction began in the Menlo-Park not far from New York.

Menlo Park

Menlo-Park is a small village, where Edison moved in 1876, - over the next decade, he acquired world fame. Edison gets the opportunity to work in a real, equipped laboratory. From this point on, invention becomes its main profession.

Telephone transmitter

The first works of Edison in the Menlo-Park include telephony. The company "Western Union", concerned about the telegraph threatening competition, appealed to Edison. Having tried a lot of options, the inventor created the first practically current telephone microphone, and also introduced the induction coil into the telephone, which significantly increased the sound of the phone. For his invention, Edison received 100 thousand dollars from Western Union.


In 1877, Edison registered a phonograph to the Bureau of inventions. The appearance of the phonograph caused universal amazement. The demonstration of the first device was immediately implemented in the editorial office of Sintfik Amerikhan magazine. The inventor himself saw eleven promising areas for the use of phonograph: recording letters, books, eloquence, playing music, family notes, voice recording, area advertisements and ads, hours, study of foreign languages, recording lessons, connection with the phone.

Electric lighting

Edison incandescent lamp in Meers Encyclopedia 1888

In 1878, Edison visited Ansonia William Valas, who worked on electrical arc lamps with coal electrodes. Valace presented Edison Dynamo Machine with a set of arc lamps. After that, Thomas begins to work towards the improvement of lamps. In April 1879, the inventor established the decisive value of the vacuum in the manufacture of lamps. And on October 21, 1879, Edison finished work on the incandescent light bulb with coal thread, which became one of the largest inventions of the XIX century. The greatest merit of Edison was not in the development of the idea of \u200b\u200bincandescent lamp, and in the creation of a practically feasible, widely propagated electrical lighting system with a solid filament, with a high and stable vacuum and with the possibility of simultaneous use of a set of lamps.

On the eve of 1878, speaking with speech, Edison said: "We will make electricity so cheap that only the rich will burn candles." In 1878, Edison, together with J. P. Morgan and other financiers, founded Edison Electric Light in New York, which by the end of 1883 produced 3/4 incandescent lamps in the United States. In 1882, Edison built the first distribution substation in New York, served by the Pearl Street street and 59 customers in Manhattan, and founded the company Edison General Electric for the manufacture of electric generators, light bulbs, cables and lighting devices. To conquer the market, Edison installed the sale price of the light bulb 40 cents at its cost of 110 cents. Four years, Edison increased the release of light bulbs, reducing their cost, but tolerated losses. When the cost of the lamp fell to 22 cents, and their release rose to 1 million pieces, it covered all costs in one year. In 1892, Edison united with other companies in General Electric.

Work with Nicholas Tesla

In 1884, Edison took the work of the young Serbian engineer Nikola Tesla, whose duty was the repair of electric motors and DC generators. Tesla offered for generators and power plants to use alternating current. Edison has perceived the new ideas of the Tesla pretty coldly, disputes constantly arose. Tesla argues that in the spring of 1885, Edison promised him 50 thousand dollars (at the time, the amount of approximately equivalent to 1 million modern dollars), if it succeeds to constructively improve the DC electric machines invented by Edison. Nikola was actively at work and soon presented 24 types of Edison Machine on alternating current, a new switch and a regulator, significantly improving performance. I approved all the improvements, in response to the question about the remuneration, Edison refused Tesh, they say the emigrant so far poorly understands American humor. Insulting Tesla immediately quit [ ]. After a couple of years, Tesla discovered his own "Tesla Electric Light Company" next to Edison. Edison began a wide information campaign against alternating current, arguing that he was dangerous for life.


A kinetoscope (from the Greek "Kinetos" - moving and "Skopio" - watch) - an optical device for showing moving pictures, was invented by Edison in 1888. The patent described the format of the film with perforation (35 mm wide with perforation along the edge - 8 holes per frame) and the mechanism frame broach. Watch the movie could one person through a special eyepiece - it was a personal cinema. The cinema brothers Lumiere used the same type of film and a similarly extended mechanism. In the US, Edison began the "War of Patents", justifying his priority to film with perforation and demanding for its use of deductions. When Georges Mel's sent a few copies of his movie to the moon in the US, Edison has relocated the film and began to sell copies to dozens. Edison believed that thus reimburses a fee for a patent, since Mel's films were removed on a purple with perforation. "Journey to the Moon" made it possible to open the first permanent cinema in Los Angeles, one of the offenders was called Hollywood.

Edison, Lodody, Göbel, Yust, Khanaman and Kulidge

It is mistaken to be mistaken by the creator of the incandescent lamp only Edison. Honor of the invention also belongs to the German Is Kistant Henry Göbel, Göbel was the first who guessed to dig air from the glass tube flask; To the Russian inventor Lododdyna Alexander Nikolayevich, he was the first to propose a thread of incandescent to do not from coal or charred fibers, but from the refractory tungsten. But only in 1904, Austro-Hungarian specialists Shandor Yust and Fano Canaman were the first to use tungsten thread in the lamps and such lamps, published through the Hungarian company Tungsram in 1905. In 1906. William Kulidge Invents the improved method of production of tungsten thread. Subsequently, tungsten thread displaces all other types of threads.

But it was Edison that came up with a modern shape of a lamp, a screw base with a cartridge, a plug, a socket, fuses. He made a lot for the massive use of electrical displacement.

Dates of later life

  • 1880 - Dynamo machine, device for magnetic sorting ore, experienced railway
  • 1881 - three-wire electrical lighting system
  • 1884 - Death of Wife Mary
  • 1885 - Trained Induction Telegraph
  • 1886 - Wedding Edison and Mina Miller
  • 1887 - Laboratory in West Ordzh, the birth of daughter Madellen
  • 1890 - The birth of the Son Charles, the improvement of the phonograph
  • 1892 - Plant for the enrichment of ore, enhancement of phonograph
  • 1896 - death father
  • 1898 - Birth of the son of theodore
  • 1901 - Cement factory
  • 1912 - Kinetopophone
  • 1914 - production of phenol, benzene, aniline oils and other chemical products
  • 1915 - Chairman of the Maritime Consultative Committee
  • 1930 - Synthetic rubber problem, Edison Election by an honorary member of the USSR Academy of Sciences

Spiritic experiments

Family friend Edison John Egglston ( John Eggleston.) argued in the journal Banner of Light From May 2, 1896, that the parents of the inventor were convinced spirits, and arranged courtyard sessions at home, when their son was a child. In the mature age, Edison called similar sessions naive, and believed that if the connection with those who left our world is possible, it can be established by scientific methods. When Elena Blavatskaya, the founder in New York Theosophical Society (1875), sent Thomas Edison, as the inventor of the phonograph, his published book "Exposed Isis" published in 1877, putting a form for entry into society, Edison responded positively and his statement The entry was obtained by theosophical society on April 5, 1878.

For the past 10 years of life, Thomas Edison was particularly interested in what was called "Okkultism", and the afterlife and conducted appropriate experiments. Together with the colleague William Denida ( William Walter Dinwiddie., 1876-1920) I tried to record the voices of the dead and concluded with him the "electric pact", according to which both swarwise promised that the first deceased of them would try to send another message from the world who had gone. When the DINWIDDIE colleague died in October 1920, 73-year-old Edison gave an interview with Journalist Forbus, in which he notified the public about his writings to create an apparatus for communication with the dead - "Nekrophon". This is also evidenced by the last chapter of his memoirs - "otherworldly the kingdom" (USA, 1948), published by a separate book in France (2015). In it, Edison affects the existence of the soul, the origins of the human life, the functioning of our memory, spiritualism and technical capabilities of communication with the deceased.

According to the inventor's plan, the necrophone was supposed to record the last words of the newer, - his "living components", just diverted in the etheric space before they are grouped together to form another living creature. Edison necrophon is not preserved, as well as his drawings, which gave the opportunity to some biographers to express doubts about its existence and even in the sincerity of Edison's words against this project. After the death of Edison (1931), the engineers and psychologists who knew his engineers and psychologists formed "Society of Essential Research" (Eng. SOCIETY FOR ETERIQUE RESEARCH) To continue its work on the technical creation of a necrofon and methods of communications with the left physical world.

Tomas Edison's grave


Thomas Edison died of complications of diabetes mellitus on October 18, 1931 in his house in West Ordzhe, New Jersey, which he acquired in 1886 as a wedding gift for Miller Miller. Edison was buried in the backyard of her house.

Video on the topic

Famous inventions

Edison Patent Title List on Electric Lamp 1880

Among them:

Invention year
Aeroophone 1860
Electric voice meter in elections 1868
Ticker apparatus 1869
Coal telephone membrane 1870
Quadruplex (quadruple) telegraph 1873
Mimeograph 1876
Phonograph 1877
Coal microphone 1877
Incandescent lamp with coal thread 1879
Magnetic separator of iron ore 1880
Kinetoscope 1889
Iron-nickel battery 1908


Edison was distinguished by amazing purposefulness and efficiency. When he led the search for a suitable material for the incandescent filament of the electric lamp, he went over about 6 thousand samples of materials until he stopped on a carbonized bamboo. Checking the characteristics of the coal chain of the lamp, he spent about 45 hours without rest in the laboratory. Up to the oldest age, he worked for 16-19 hours a day.


In astronomy

In honor of Edison, the asteroid (742) Edison, opened in 1913, was named.

To the cinema

  • Mystery of Nikola Tesla / Tajna Nikole Tesle (Yugoslavia 1979, director: Cresst Papic) - In the role of Thomas Edison Dennis Patrick.
  • My XX Century (Hungary / Germany, 1989) - in the role of Thomas Edison Peter Andorai.

see also


  1. identifier BNF: open data platform - 2011.
  2. SNAC - 2010.
  3. Find a Grave. - 1995. - ED. Size: 165000000.
  4. Tsvereva G. K. Edison Thomas Alva // Big Soviet Encyclopedia: [at 30 tons] / Ed. A. M. Prokhorov - 3rd ed. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1978. - T. 29: Chagan - ex-les-bin. - P. 566-567.
  6. EDISON'S PATENTS - THE EDISON PAPERS (eng.). Checked on September 8, 2012. Archived October 15, 2012.
  7. 1073 Edison inventions created without co-authors. 20 inventions are created in conjunction with other inventors. In total, Edison had 13 co-authors.
  8. See incandescent lamp: The history of the invention.
  9. Edison Thomas Alva - Historical Help (rus.) (02.12.2002). - "Honorary Member C 02/01/1930 - USA." Checked January 4, 2016.
  10. , from. five.
  11. , from. 6.
  12. , from. 7-8.
  13. , from. 9-11.
  14. , from. 12-14.
  15. , from. fifteen.
  16. Wolphram Alpha. (Neopr.) . Wolphram Alpha..
  17. , from. 16-18.
  18. , from. 25-27.
  19. , from. 27-29.
  20. , from. 31-33.
  21. , from. 33-40.
  22. , from. 40-41.
  23. , from. 42-48.
  24. , from. 49-54.
  25. , from. 55.
  26. , from. 55-58.
  27. , from. 58-65.
  28. , from. 66.
  29. , from. 74-87.
  30. , from. 87-94.
  31. , from. 94-126.
  32. Samokhin V. P. Memory of Thomas Alva Edison
  33. $ 50,000 (1885) \u003d $ 1 082 008 (2006) The Inflation Calculator (English)
  34. Cheney, Margaret (2001). Tesla: man out of time. Simon and Schuster. ISBN 0-7432-1536-2.

Thomas Edison Brief biography is presented in this article.

Thomas Edison Brief Biography

Thomas Alva Edison - American inventor who received 1093 patents in the United States and about 3 thousand in other countries; creator of the phonograph; Improved telegraph, telephone, film equipment, developed one of the first commercially successful options for an electric incandescent lamp. It was he who suggested using the word "Hello" at the beginning of a telephone conversation.

Thomas Edison was born on February 11, 1847 in the city of Milen State of Ohio in the family owners of the shop of joinery. When he was 7 years old, the family went bankrupt and moved to Michigan.

Training is entirely fascinated by little Thomas. Especially he was interested in a variety of experiences, and at the age of 10, he arranged his laboratory at home. For experiments, money was required, so he got a job as a railway newspaper. Over time, his laboratory is transferred to the luggage car train, where he continues to conduct experiences. In 1863, he was fond of telegraph, and for the next five years it works by the telegraph. At this work, he applied his first invention - a telegraph answering machine that allows young Tomas to sleep at night; At 22, I founded my own company for the sale of household electrical engineering.

His first invention Edison patented in 1869. It was an electronic recorder of votes during running. Buyers for this patent was not. However, for the invention of the exchange tickker (telephone apparatus transmitting stock quotes) in 1870, he received 40 thousand dollars. On the reversed money, he opened the workshop in New Jersey and began to produce tickkers. In 1873, Edison opened a duplex, and then four-sided telegraph. In 1876, he created a new enhanced laboratory for commercial purposes. This type of industrial laboratory is also considered to be the invention of Edison. In the late 1870s, a coal telephone microphone was invented here. The following product laboratory has become phonograph. At the same time, the scientist began to work hard to implement the most important invention - incandescent lamps.

In 1882, the first Edison Power Station was opened in New York. Moreover, he seriously thought about the union of his companies in a single concern. In 1892 he managed to attach his largest opponent in the field of electricity, forming the world's largest industrial concern "General Electric Company". For her life, Edison was married twice and from every marriage had three children. The scientist progressed the deafness due to the scarletna suffered in childhood.

Incredible facts

Without a doubt, our life would be completely different without the inventions of Thomas Edison. This amazing creator changed our culture countless paths. Edison was born in the United States, in the state of Ohio in 1847, he received his first patent for 22 years. The last patent in his name was issued two years after his death in 1933. In his entire lives, he received only in the United States 1033 patents and 1200 patents in other countries. Biographers calculated that on average every two weeks of their working life Edison received a new patent. Although many of his inventions were not unique, and he was often suused with other inventors who "borrowed" ideas, however, his marketing skills and his influence often helped him.

Most of the inventions of Edison can be divided into eight categories: rechargeable batteries, electric lighting, phonographs and sound recording, cement, mining industry, moving images (cinema), telegraphs and telephones. However, despite the fact that he is remembered for its main inventions - cinema, an incandescent lamp and a phonograph, his tireless fantasy issued a few more ideas that are not so well known and who were not welcomed by the public.

10. Electrographic Voting Recorder

Edison was a 22-year-old telegraph, when he received his first patent for the apparatus, which he called the electronic recorder for voting. He was one of several inventors during the development of methods for improving the work of legislative bodies, such as the US Congress, which tried to improve the process of counting the votes of congressmen for one or another bill.

In Edison's recorder, the device was connected to the table of each employee. There was a sign on the table with the name of each legislator, and two metal columns with inscriptions "Yes" and "No". Congressmen included a device by moving the handle in the appropriate side (yes or no), thereby served an electrical signal to the clerk table, which spoke of their opinions. After completing the voting, the clerk laid a sheet of paper treated with a special chemical solution over the metal device and pressed it with a roller. Next, all "for" and "against" manifested on paper, thereby counting the votes did not make himself wait.

Odison friend, another telegraph named Dewitt Roberts, showed interest in Tomas's office, bought it for $ 100 and brought to Washington. However, Congress did not want to make any devices that can speed up the voting process, since thereby disappear for political fraud. Thus, this Edison device was sent to a political cemetery.

9. Pneumatic handle-stencil

Edison invented the prototype of the device, which is currently making tattoos - a pneumatic handle-stencil. This apparatus, which Edison patented in 1876, used the steel tip in its work to perforate paper for the printed process. This invention was important in itself as one of the first devices that could effectively copy documents.

In 1891, Samuel's Tattoo Master of Railley (Samuel O "Reilly) received a first patent for a tattoo machine - a device that was allegedly based on the invention of Edison. O "Railil, apparently, made only one car for his personal use, because no records about the marketing system have been preserved.

Oh "Reilie immigrated to New York from Ireland in 1875. After he created his device, his store began to visit a lot of people, since the process of knocking the tattoo was much faster with the help of the device. After death about" Railil in 1908 , one student took possession of his car and continued to work with her until the 1950s.

8. Magnetic iron ore separator

Probably, one of the largest financial failures of Edison was a magnetic iron ore separator. The idea, experiments with which Edison spent in his laboratory in the 1880s and 1890s, was to allocate iron ore from unusable low-grade ores using magnets. This meant that abandoned mines can be a very profitable business, because of them you can still extract ore, because at the time, the prices for iron ore rose very much.

Edison's laboratory was engaged in creating a separator and introducing it into life. Thomas acquired the rights to 145 abandoned mines and at the Ogden mine in New Jersey created a pilot project. Edison invests a lot of money in implementing his idea. However, technical problems were never settled, and the prices of iron ore fell, as a result, Edison had to abandon this idea.

7. Electric meter

All sorts of questions begin to arise when you do something that no one before you did, like, for example, control an electrical device that counts energy consumption among enterprises and residential buildings. You need a way to know how much energy is consumed in order to set the corresponding account.

Edison decided this problem, patented its website Websometer in 1881. It contained two or four electrolytic cells with zinc coating electrodes. Zinc electrodes passed to each other at a certain speed of information when electricity was used. However, zinc electrodes after each reading of the amount of energy consumed were to be replaced with new ones.

6. Method of conservation of fruit

Another invention of Edison saw the light during experiments with glass vacuum tubes in the development of incandescent lamps. In 1881, Edison applied for a patent for the storage of fruits, vegetables and other organic products in glassware. The essence of his idea was that from the container in which the fruits and vegetables were stored, the air was satisfied with a special pump through a special glass tube, which was attached to the dishes.

Another invention associated with food, waxed paper, also attributed to Edison, however, it was created in France in 1851, when Edison was still a completely child. The inventor used the wax paper in his work on a recordable device, probably from here and born this kind of assumption.

5. Electric car

Edison believed that cars would eat electricity and in 1899 he began developing an alkaline battery, which, in his opinion, would feed them. As a result, by 1900 about 28 percent of more than 4,000 cars produced in America worked on electricity. Its purpose was to create a battery on which a car without recharging can drive 100 miles. Edison refused his idea 10 years later, because gasoline appeared, which was much cheaper in use.

However, the work of Edison was not a gift - rechargeable batteries became its most profitable invention and were used in mining helmets, railway signals, etc. His friend Henry Ford also used Edison batteries in his TS car model.

4. Concrete house

Not satisfied that he improved the life of the Middle American, creating electric lighting, films and phonographs, Edison decided at the beginning of the 20th century, that the time of urban slums passed, and the family of each working person should get a strong flame retardant house that can be built by Relatively inexpensive prices and in mass order. What will these houses be made from? Of course, from concrete, the material of the Cement company Edison in Portland. Edison stressed, recalling his working education that if something intelligent came out of his venture, he would not even think to pretend to this.

The Edison plan was influencing concrete into large wooden beams of specific shapes and sizes. As a result, it turned out a separate house, with a pipeline system, a bathroom and many other advantages, which was sold for $ 1,200, which was about a third of the price that people had to lay out for buying a house at a time.

But, despite the fact that Cement Edison was used in the construction of many structures around New York during the construction boom at the beginning of the 1900s, concrete houses did not come true. Molds and special equipment required for the construction of houses demanded large financial resources, and only a few construction companies could afford it. However, there was another problem: few families wanted to move to houses that were advertised as new housing for those who lived in slums. Another reason: houses were just ugly. In 1917, 11 such houses were built, but they were not well accepted and understood, so no one built more such houses.

3. Concrete furniture

Why should a young couple get into debt to buy furniture that will serve them only a few decades? Edison suggested filling the house by eternal concrete furniture in half the amount. Edison concrete furniture, covered with a special foam-filled foam and can retain weight several times more than wooden furniture, was supposed to be neatly polished and painted or finished with mirrors. He argued that the whole home could furnish with furniture less than 200 dollars.

In 1911, Edison, as stated, made several elements of furniture in order to present it in New York at the annual show of the cement industry, but Edison did not appear, as, however, and its furniture. Suspect that the cabinets did not stand the journey.

2. Phonograph for dolls and other toys

As soon as Edison patented his phonograph, he began to develop ways to use it. One of the ideas that first sounded in 1877, but not patented up to 1890, was to minityarization of the phonograph for doll or other toys, giving her voice earlier to the volapos. The phonograph was placed in the casing of the doll, which appeared outside as an ordinary doll, but it was now already 10 dollars. Little girls recorded children's poxes and songs, which then laid down the fact that he said or sang a doll.

Unfortunately, the idea of \u200b\u200bspeaking dolls was far ahead of those present at that time in the technology market required for its implementation. Sound recording was in the infancy, therefore, when the Miloid Dolls talked with hissing and whistling voices, it looked very looked. "The voices of these little monsters are very unpleasant to listen," said one of the customers. Most dolls practically did not play or played too weak so that they could be heard. And one thing is that this thing was intended for the game of the child, already said that a delicate appeal, as the phonograph required, it will not clearly receive.

1. Spirit phone

Having come to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe phone and telegraph a little later, Edison announced in October 1920 that he was working on the creation of a car, which would bring communication to a new level. In the period after the First World War, Spiritism is experiencing a revival, and many people hoped that science would be able to provide them to communicate with the souls of the recently dead. The inventor, who considered himself the agnostic, which implies the lack of faith in the existence of the spiritual world, spoke of his desire to create a car that will read, according to his "Life units", which the Universe is filled after the death of people.

Edison communicated with the British inventor Sir William Cook (Sir William Cooke, who claimed that he managed to fall in the photograph. These photos, allegedly, inspired Edison, however, he never imagined the general public any car, which he said could communicate with the dead, and even after his death in 1931, no car was found. Many people believe that they just joked with journalists when he spoke about his "oven".

Some followers of Edison claim that in the session of communication with the spirit of the inventor in 1941, he told them the secret and plan for building the car. The car was reportedly built, but never earned. Later, on another session, Edison, allegedly, proposed to make some changes and improvements. The inventor J. Gilbert Wright (J. Gilbert Wright) was present at the session, and later he worked on the creation of a car up to his death in 1959, but, as far as he is known, he never used it in order to contact perfumes.