Archaeologists are still finding prototypes of edged weapons that served primitive people. Of course, they look primitive and far from the modern look, but in those distant times there was simply no other way. It was a means for hunting, butchering animal carcasses, and also for protection from attacks from other tribes and wild animals. Over time, it improved, and modern, familiar species appeared.

Before the development of firearms, cold was the main thing in defense, attack and simply helping a person. Now edged weapons serve as auxiliary, complementary capabilities small arms. Also, edged weapons can serve as equipment for a military uniform and national costume, or can be a reward.

Russian edged weapons

As long as humanity has existed, so many cold weapons have existed. Each century is marked by a certain type of weapon, a club, a club, spears, daggers made of stone and bones. A huge breakthrough in the development of edged weapons occurred after the discovery of copper. Thanks to the hardness, ductility and lightness of the metal, swords arose that became necessary in hand-to-hand combat. And in a fight with a beast, a sword was not at all superfluous. The spears now have metal tips.

Over time, the bow gained wide popularity, and the mace and club began to lose their positions. Under the Roman Empire, the bow was replaced by a crossbow, but with the use of armor, chain mail, and helmets, it also lost its effectiveness in use. Therefore, the iron sword becomes the main weapon for some time.

The emergence of small arms reduced its main role, and the primacy passed to sabers, as a complement to small arms. The encyclopedia of edged weapons describes in detail its varieties, starting with primitive clubs and ending modern types.

I would like to pay special attention to Russian edged weapons.

From ancient times until the 14th century, they armed princely warriors and people's militias. In Rus' they used not only swords, spears, saber blades, but also widely used different types axes, striking weapons, such as:

  • clubs;
  • mints;
  • six-feathers;
  • pernachi;
  • maces;
  • flails.

The same Russian epics tell of heroes who were armed with heavy clubs. The work “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” describes the battle, “how sabers rattled against helmets, and Haraluz spears cracked.”

In a battle with the Swedes in 1240 on the Neva River, the Novgorod warrior used only an ax. Also used were konchars, thin boot sharp knives, which easily penetrated the chain mail. Over time, konchars were replaced by swords, and boot knives were replaced by daggers.

Even after centuries, interest in edged weapons has not been lost; they are still relevant today.

Each type of edged weapon has gone through its own historical path in development. It was modified in conjunction with combat techniques and improvement firearms.

Some weapons turned out to be more durable, others were no longer used. For example, spears of the prehistoric era were an ordinary pointed stick, then a stick with a stone tip, and later an iron one. They reached the beginning of the twentieth century in the form of pikes, which were used by the lancers and Cossacks. The swords with which the princely warriors were armed eventually became broadswords and were used by heavy cavalry in the 18th and 19th centuries.

The saber turned out to be durable. It began to appear in Russian cavalry in the 10th-12th centuries. Subsequently, the saber came to the forefront in armament and, although it took on the appearance of a checker, it is still in battle formation. Devices that deliver blows in battle were eliminated from weapons in the 17th century. Russian edged weapons are considered:

  • sword, broadsword, konchar, epee, rapier, saber, half-saber, checker, cleaver, dirk, knives, dagger - this is the so-called “ white weapon»;
  • spear, pike, spear, axe, reed, halberd, protazan, esponton - these are polearms;
  • club, oslop, shestoper, pernach, mace, flail, axes, klevtsy - these are shock weapons.

Since almost all of them went out of use, they naturally turned into antique edged weapons.

What is a bladed weapon and what is not?

The official definition of this type of weapon is given by legislation No. 150-FZ “On Weapons” dated December 13, 1996. However, some citizens, consciously or not, confuse household products with bladed weapons.

According to the law, a bladed weapon is a device that is designed to hit a target using human muscle power through direct contact with the target.

This includes:

  1. Knife, dagger, Finnish knife.
  2. Saber, dagger.
  3. Swords.
  4. Checkers.
  5. Swords.
  6. Brass knuckles.
  7. Stylet.

The standard characteristics of edged weapons are indicators that are defined in special documents:

  • blade with a length of at least 90 mm;
  • butt thickness 2.6...6 mm;
  • blade with a hardness of more than 42 units according to the Rockwell method;
  • safety handle;
  • double-edged blade.

There are also throwable bladed weapons, but they should not be confused with a throwing device, which cannot be classified as a bladed weapon.

Throwable products are designed to hit the enemy at long, ultra-long distances and in hand-to-hand combat. The most common of them are:

  1. Sling.
  2. Chakra.
  3. Boomerang.
  4. Shureken.
  5. Dart.
  6. Tomahawk.

According to the definition of legislation, the type of bladed weapon does not include household appliances, such as pen, garden, kitchen knives, however, they can also cause injury to humans.


Melee weapons have a variety of classifications, and there is no generally accepted order.

In common parlance, they often use definitions that apply law enforcement agencies in its activities:

  • as intended. Divided into combat and civilian. In the first version, these weapons are used in military, combat, operational and service operations by state paramilitary organizations. In the second version, it is used by some subjects for self-defense, hunting, and while playing sports. Serves as an addition to the national costume of some nationalities of the Russian Federation;
  • manufacturing method. Can be produced in several ways: at the factory - the product meets technical requirements, standards, a marking is applied to the product, by handicraft method - made by gunsmiths in accordance with a certain standard, sample, the manufacturer can put his own brand, homemade - people without special professional skills are engaged in manufacturing or, they remake the weapon by adding elements to it or eliminating existing ones;
  • by location of production. This weapon produced by domestic and foreign manufacturers;
  • according to the established standard. There are standard and non-standard products;
  • By damaging effect. There are chopping bladed weapons, piercing-cutting, piercing, piercing-cutting, impact-crushing, throwing weapons, combined action;
  • according to the features of the structural device. There are non-bladed and bladed melee weapons;
  • according to the design features of the blade. Weapons come with one blade or two blades.

Scientific literature uses other classifications of edged weapons. For example, famous weapons experts E.L. Smolin, A.I. Ustinov, K.V. Asmolov, the founder of the Israeli hand-to-hand combat I. Lichtenfeld proposed his own classifications of edged weapons. Most likely, the creation of a unified classification in this area will be left to future generations.



In private collections and specialized retail outlets You can find an incredible number of dangerous objects. But do all of them belong to edged weapons? Chemical weapons have characteristics that are clearly stated in legislative acts and GOSTs, and have their own classification. But what kind of knife or dangerous object is considered a bladed weapon in Russia?

In contact with

What is considered a bladed weapon?

All products related to the hunting, military or sports field, the action of which is not associated with any energy carriers or explosives, capable of cause death or injury to a person, are classified as edged weapons.

This definition does not include kitchen, stationery, garden, penknives and other household tools. If you look at it, injury can be caused by any object.

The production, storage, and use of all weapons is regulated by Federal Law No. 150. This legislative act clearly defines what is a bladed weapon, who, where and how has the right to use it. In Art. 1 Federal Law No. 150 states that edged weapons are a product used to hit a target in close contact with it and using muscular strength. Current legislation clearly defines the circle of persons who have the authority to use such items to solve certain problems.

Permits for storing and carrying bladed weapons are not always required, for example, if such weapons are classified as sports weapons. A license is required if a citizen purchases piercing and cutting objects as a hunter or “wearer” of national costumes. AND bright that examples include the Cossacks, whose constant attribute is the Cossack saber; representatives of the nationalities inhabiting the Caucasus, where youth It is customary to carry a dagger.

If the hunter has a license to carry and store a gun, then this document will be enough for the smooth acquisition of a full-fledged hunting knife. The following may carry edged weapons without violating the legislation of the Russian Federation:

  1. Professional athletes.
  2. Hunters and reindeer herders.
  3. Law enforcement officers (on duty).
  4. Military personnel, including those who are on well-deserved rest. If these persons have an award or trophy bladed weapon, then they can only carry it if they have permits.
  5. Security guards and forwarders involved in the protection or transportation of inventory items.
  6. RAS employees carrying out some types of work.
  7. Antique collectors who take part in any specialized events.

Important! If the rules for wearing chemical weapons on its owner are not observed, according to Art. 20.8 of the Administrative Code, penalties are imposed. The fine varies from 500 to 2000 rubles. Dangerous object subject to confiscation.

Signs of edged weapons

In Russia they are regulated by GOSTs: R51500-99 and R51548-2000.

Signs of edged weapons are a whole list of parameters:

Types of bladed weapons

Melee weapons are classified according to several criteria. For example, it can be domestic or imported; civil, combat, service; contact or thrown (or thrown); standard, combined, disguised; manufactured industrially, homemade, remade.

The classification of edged weapons looks like this:

Attention! There is a chemical substance that cannot be classified as a specific type or species, because it can fit several definitions at once. For example, a spear is a polearm throwing and piercing weapon simultaneously.

Which knife is considered a bladed weapon?

Not all types of knives are related to chemical weapons. In order for a product to be recognized as such, it must have all the design features inherent in this type of weapon. That is blade length of 9 cm or more, a certain thickness, hardness and sharpness of the blade etc. Sometimes, in order to determine which knife is considered a bladed weapon, the intervention of experts is required. For example, a folding knife with a blade even 15 cm long does not qualify as a chemical weapon, nor does a product with a hook on the butt or without a point (it is deliberately filed down so that it is impossible to identify the item as prohibited).

There is a whole list of items related to chemical weapons that are completely prohibited for use on the territory of the Russian Federation, and there are items that are subject to some restrictions.

It follows that even with permission, a citizen does not have the right to purchase them and use these products for their intended purpose. This applies to both ordinary citizens and law enforcement officers.

Prohibited types of weapons not sold in stores legally , and these include a boomerang, flail, shuriken, brass knuckles and other dangerous objects intended for throwing and having a shock-crushing effect. The sports core is not one of them.

“Butterfly” and “butterfly” knives with a blade length of more than 9 cm are illegal. It is worth taking into account that knives and similar dangerous objects cannot be taken with you when going to places with large crowds of people, and such things are also prohibited from being sent to postal items.

If a citizen is the owner of an antique stiletto, dagger, ax or other item made before 1945, then he does not need any permission to store them, since all this is antique bladed weapon. A more complete definition of this can be found in Federal Law No. 113. Hunting knives and other certified weapons purchased with licenses have serial number.

Important! Melee weapons of this type are stored in a safe, and control over compliance with the conditions is entrusted to the local commissioner. Wearing chemical weapons within the limits settlement is prohibited and no license grants such a right.

Useful video: types of edged weapons

Knives without a point, with a blade less than 9 cm and a shaped blade are not edged weapons. However, products without a handle are classified as such, and shining example that's a bayonet. In order not to have problems with the law, you must comply with all its requirements. And if possible, you should avoid carrying any knife, especially when going to a crowded place.

In general, we could limit ourselves to a simple quotation federal law about weapons:

Edged weapons are weapons designed to hit a target using human muscular power in direct contact with the target... Edged weapons do not include products certified as household and industrial products, sports equipment, structurally similar to weapons.

But this definition includes absolutely everything that can be used to harm a person through a blow. Even a banal stone is “a projectile guided by the movement of a person’s muscular power.” Alas, it has not yet been possible to ban stones by law, so the definitions had to be expanded a little.

Therefore, concepts such as throwing weapon and cold bladed weapon. They say that a stool leg and a randomly picked up stick are not exactly something that should be regulated by law. But what had to be purposefully manufactured is very good.

It’s just that not everything is clear with cold bladed weapons. There are ordinary bladed weapons, which will be discussed a little later. There is hunting and sporting weapon, which, despite the fact that it has all the typical characteristics, does not fall under the law. And there are also edged weapons designed to be worn with national costumes. And it is also regulated by completely different laws.

But for a standard bladed weapon there are clearly defined criteria. On this moment, a knife is considered a melee weapon if it has the following parameters:

  1. Blade length- more than 90 mm.
  2. Blade spine thickness- from 2.6 to 6 mm.
  3. Blade hardness- more than 42 units on the HRC scale.
  4. Presence of a finger stop or the depth of the finger grooves, if any, is at least 4 mm each.
  5. Availability of sharpened blade.

Officially, a knife is considered a full-fledged edged weapon only if it meets all five points on the list. Which opens up a lot of room for maneuver. And such knives can well be used for self-defense.

However, if there is at least one sign, they may already be interested. The last point is especially interesting - about “sharpening”. According to GOST, a knife is considered sharpened if it cuts 6 times without problems, chips or nicks. birch branch approximately 12 mm thick. But this is according to GOST, which still needs to be checked. And so, they can cling to the wording: “cutting paper means sharp.”

  • Knife without a point. It is either rounded or functions as a screwdriver or something similar. A piercing blow is impossible - not a melee weapon.
  • A knife whose tip is located 5 mm above the butt. It is also extremely difficult to deliver direct piercing blows with such a tool.
  • A knife with a spine deflection of more than 5 mm. Derivative of the previous point. It is believed that such knives are not suitable for direct stabbing attacks.
  • The blade is 5 mm below the butt for lengths up to 180 cm, and 10 mm for more than 180 cm. Again, the displacement of the center line complicates stabbing.
  • If there is a hook for ripping the skin at less than 1/3 of the point. Purely hunting weapon, Yes.
  • Blade length less than 90 mm.
  • The tangent to the edge of the blade and the butt line form an angle of more than 70°.
  • Knives with a handle that does not provide grip when pricking.
  • Knives with a handle less than 70 mm. Yeah, they don't count as melee weapons.

And a number of other signs. To put it simply, any knife that cannot be used to stab normally is not a bladed weapon. It doesn’t matter how well you can chop with it - a machete, for example, doesn’t pass most of these points. It sounds paradoxical, but yes. From the point of view of the law, a machete is a household tool. True, I don’t think that employees internal organs You will love it if you swing this instrument on the street. And even demonstrate it. And even with a certificate. They may well confiscate it for examination. According to the results, of course, nothing will happen to you, but it is not a fact that the instrument will be returned. And if, of course, this is a real examination, and there is no urgent need to “increase disclosure” or an order from above to “do this.”

Therefore, it is better to generally protect yourself from unnecessary fuss and attention, and use a more “peaceful” knife. And leave more serious specimens for trips to nature and generally to places where there are fewer people =)

The task of classical weapons is to perform defensive or offensive actions. Since the Stone Age, humanity has evolved to create models whose purpose was both specific and unique. Thus, the masters of antiquity developed special unusual edged weapons.

How did it all begin?

The history of edged weapons stretches back to the Paleolithic. Products of that time were widely used during hunting and in internecine battles. These are clubs and clubs. Daggers and knives were also created. Stone products were soon replaced by flint and bone ones. The first edged weapon of the Paleolithic was the bow, which at that time was considered the most advanced of all types of weapons and was indispensable both in hunting and in battle. With the discovery of copper and bronze, swords, maces, knives and daggers were created. New era bladed weapons began in the era of the Roman Empire, when the main role in battles was given to the saber.

Edged weapons of the Middle Ages

In the 9th century, the evolution of the weapons of European countries was influenced by their geographical location. Due to the similarity of folk cultures, the technology for creating edged weapons by craftsmen different countries had a lot in common. The legacy of the Roman Empire made a significant contribution to this process. Also European countries borrowed some elements Asian species weapons. Melee weapons of the Middle Ages, used in close combat, were classified according to the principle of action. As it was in ancient times.

Types of bladed weapons

Historians distinguish the following types of edged weapons:

  • Shock. It includes a mace, a club, a club, a chain, a flail and a pole.
  • Pricking. This type of bladed weapon can be hand-held (dirks, daggers, rapiers, stilettos and swords) or polearm (spears, pikes, spears and tridents).
  • Chopping. It includes: a battle axe, a scythe and a sword.
  • Piercing-cutting: saber, scimitar, halberd.
  • Piercing and cutting. It includes various


Expanding knowledge about the properties of metal and technologies for working with it gave gunsmiths the opportunity to experiment. Very often, weapons were made to order. This explains the presence large quantity products various forms and properties. The development of gunsmithing was influenced by the emergence of manufacturing production: special attention of gunsmiths was now paid to combat qualities, and not to the decorative component. Nevertheless, ancient edged weapons are not without their individuality. Each such product, depending on the workshop in which it was made, had its own special feature: markings or stamps.

Any model is made for a specific purpose: for defense or offense. There are also unusual melee weapons designed to cause the enemy as much pain as possible. The geography of such creations by masters is very wide. It covers territories from Asia to Egypt and India.

What is khopesh?

This unusual bladed weapon is a sickle, based on Sumerian and Assyrian swords and axes. Khopesh was produced in Ancient Egypt.

Iron or bronze was used for work. In its design, this unusual bladed weapon had a wooden handle and a sickle, which made it possible to disarm an enemy by clinging to a shield. Also, with the help of khopesh, chopping, piercing and cutting blows were carried out. The design of the product ensured the efficiency of its use.

The khopesh was mainly used as an ax. It is very difficult to prevent a blow from such a bladed weapon; in addition, it is capable of breaking through any obstacle. In the entire blade, only its outer edge was subject to sharpening. Khopesh easily pierced the chain mail. back side was capable of breaking through a helmet.

Unusual Indian dagger

An unusual bladed weapon was created on Indian territory - the Qatar. This product is a type of dagger. This unique bladed weapon differs from daggers in that its handle is shaped like the letter "H" and is made of the same material as the blade.

As a support for the hand, the catarrh has two parallel thin bars. Used as being able to pierce chain mail. Possession of a catarrh indicated the high status of a warrior.

Ancient Nubian throwing knife

Klinga - this is the name given to the unusual bladed weapon used by the warriors of the Azanda tribe, which was located on the territory of ancient Nubia. This product is throwing knife consisting of several blades.

The blade size was 550 mm. The design of this bladed weapon consisted of three blades extending in different directions from the handle. Klinga was intended to inflict the most painful blows on the enemy. The Nubian served as a very effective weapon. In addition, it was a distinctive sign confirming high status owner. Klinga was used only by experienced and honored warriors.

Unique Chinese crossbow

Before the conflict with Japan (1894-1895), the warriors of China were equipped with a unique and very formidable weapon of that time - the cho-ko-nu repeating crossbow. This product used tension and release of the bowstring. The whole structure worked with one hand: the bowstring was pulled, the bolt fell into the barrel and a descent was made. Cho-ko-nu was a very effective and fast weapon: within twenty seconds, a Chinese warrior could fire about ten arrows. The distance for which this crossbow was intended reached 60 meters. In terms of its penetrating ability, cho-ko-nu gave low indicators. But at the same time, the weapon had high speed. Various poisons were often applied to the arrow tips, which made the arrows truly deadly weapon. If we compare this ancient Chinese product with modern similar models, then in its simplicity of design, rate of fire and ease of use, the cho-ko-nu has much in common with the Kalashnikov assault rifle.

What are macuahutl and tepupigli?

Macuahutl - this is the name given to the one used in battles by the Aztecs. In addition to the material from which it was made, the macuahutl differed from other similar weapons in the presence of pointed pieces. They were located along the entire length of the wooden blade. The size of the sword ranged from 900 to 1200 mm. Due to this, the wounds from the macuahutl were especially terrible: pieces of glass tore the flesh, and the sharpness of the blade itself was enough to cut off the enemy’s head.

Tepuspilly is another one formidable weapon Aztecs. In its design, this product resembled a spear, consisting of a tip and a handle. The length of the handle reached the height of a person. The palm-sized blade, like the macuahutl, is equipped with very sharp pieces of obsidian. Compared to the Aztec wooden sword, the spear had a larger blast radius. A successful blow from a tepusaw could easily pierce a person's armor and body. The design of the tip was designed in such a way that if it entered the flesh of an enemy, the tip could not be immediately removed from the wound. By design gunsmiths, the jagged shape of the tip was supposed to cause as much suffering as possible to the enemy.

Non-lethal Japanese kakute

War rings or kakute are considered unique military items that were widely used by warriors in Japan. Kakute is a small hoop that covers the finger. The Japanese combat ring is equipped with one or three riveted spikes. Each warrior used predominantly no more than two such battle rings. One of them was worn on thumb, and the other - on the middle or index finger.

Most often, the kakute was worn on the finger with the spines inward. They were used in situations where it was necessary to capture and hold the enemy or inflict minor damage. Combat rings with spikes turned outward became serrated brass knuckles. The main task of the kakute is to suppress the enemy. These Japanese fighting rings were very popular among ninjas. Kunoichi (female ninjas) treated kakute spines with poisons, which gave them the ability to carry out fatal attacks.

Gladiator's Armlet

IN ancient Rome During gladiator fights, participants used a special armlet, which was also called a scissor. This unique metal product was worn at one end on the gladiator's hand, and the other end was a semicircular point. Scissor did not weigh down the hand, since it was very light. The length of the gladiator armlet was 450 mm. Skissor gave the warrior the opportunity to block and strike. Wounds from such metal armlets were not fatal, but were very painful. Each missed blow with a semicircular tip was fraught with profuse bleeding.

The history of ancient peoples knows many more types of unusual, specific weapons, which were made by ancient craftsmen in order to cause the enemy as much suffering as possible and were particularly sophisticated and effective.

There is currently a huge selection of knives in stores. Some of them are household items, others are bladed weapons. It is the latter that we would like to talk about. So, for example, if you want to buy a household knife for the kitchen, then this is not a problem, but if you intend to buy a knife related to edged weapons, then you should think several times before.

No permission (for smooth, rifled, traumatic weapon), does not allow you to walk down the street with bladed weapons. In other words, you won’t be able to carry it in the city like a keychain or a gas can... You can transport it to a workshop to sharpen it, or to a hunt, where you can use it as an auxiliary tool.

Thus, carrying bladed weapons in the city is prohibited! You can purchase it, store it, transport it and use it for hunting. areas only when hunting is permitted.

Cold steel is a weapon intended to hit a target by applying human muscular force in direct contact with the target.

Do you know, ? No? In this case, do not miss our article.

What kind of knife is considered a cold weapon in Russia?

Let's try to figure out which weapons are considered “cold” and which are “warm”, and which knife you can use in the city.

The Karambit knife is not a bladed weapon

According to GOST of the Russian Federation, the following knives are not considered edged weapons:

  • Folding knives, provided that the length of the blade is less than 15 cm. That is, if you purchased a folding knife, measure the length of the blade, and if the length is less than 15 cm, then this knife refers to household goods.
  • The blade length of a fixed knife is less than 9 cm.
  • If the handle of the knife does not provide safety for the hand during a stabbing blow. Regardless of whether it is a folding knife or a fixed knife.
  • Butt design. For example, if there is a hook on the butt.
  • If there is a deflection of the cutting edge, the knife also belongs to the household knife.
  • If the tip of the blade is located 5 mm above the butt line.
  • No point. Some manufacturers deliberately file off the tip and make it in the form of a “screwdriver head,” thereby depriving the knife of one of its characteristic features inherent in edged weapons.
  • A handle limiter (guard) with a thickness of less than 3.5 mm is considered traumatic and, therefore, the knife is not a chemical weapon.
  • Blade thickness less than 2.4 mm.

Signs classifying edged weapons are described in GOST R 51500-99.

Any household knife can be used as a bladed weapon (for example, in self-defense), but this does not mean that it is one. In order for a knife to be considered a weapon, it must simultaneously contain all design features XO.

Currently, in order to purchase edged weapons, in accordance with the Federal Law “On Weapons”, you must have a license and registration with the Ministry of Internal Affairs. However, in September 2016, a decision was made to simplify the acquisition and sale of chemical weapons. Those. in order to buy hunting knife or a replica antique weapons, you will no longer need to obtain a license. In our opinion, this is a reasonable action, because if you judge, a knife related to household use is no less dangerous than a knife related to a bladed weapon. And, manufacturers have long learned to circumvent the laws... (it is enough to make the dagger shorter by 1 cm or cut off the tip, and this knife is already “household.”). These amendments will make it possible to freely purchase, for example, high-quality Japanese kitchen knives, which have all the features of edged weapons.

Now you can determine which knife is considered a bladed weapon and which is considered a household weapon, and, if necessary, prove this for a number of reasons.