Our hero today is humorist Sergei Svetlakov, whose filmography and biography interests many fans. Do you want to get the most truthful information about his person? Then you should read the article.

Sergei Svetlakov: biography

The famous comedian was born on December 12, 1977. He is a native of the city of Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg). What family was our hero brought up in? Let's start with the fact that his parents have nothing to do with the stage and humor. Sergei's father and mother are hereditary railway workers. They love their job very much.

Seryozha grew up as a mischievous and active boy. In the summer, he and his older brother Dima vacationed in the village with their grandparents. The boys caught butterflies with a net and fished in the local river.

School years

Film career

Sergei Svetlakov also agrees with this expression. His filmography dates back to 2010. It was then that the comedy “Our Russia” was released. Eggs of Destiny." Viewers had the opportunity to watch the adventures of famous characters - guest workers Ravshan and Dzhumshud, as well as their boss (foreman).

Released in 2010 modern version painting "The Diamond Arm". Semyon Semenovich Gorbunkov was played by Sergei Svetlakov. The films he stars in always bring only positive emotions. This is noted by both viewers and film critics.

Let's list the most striking and memorable films with Sergei Svetlakov:

  • “Christmas trees” (2010) - Evgeniy;
  • “Bedouin” (2011) - doctor;
  • “Stone” (2012) - Petr Naydenov;
  • "Bitterly!" (2013) - toastmaster;
  • “Ambulance “Moscow-Russia” (2014) - Seryozha;
  • “Christmas trees 1914” (2014) - Zhenya.

Sergey Svetlakov: personal life

A tall and handsome blond man has always attracted the attention of representatives of the opposite sex. While still in high school, he was having an affair with beautiful girls. ABOUT serious relationship at that time there was no talk.

With my future wife Sergei met within the walls of the university. Julia immediately captivated him with her natural beauty and an amazing sense of humor. Svetlakov courted her for a long time and persistently. As a result, the girl’s heart melted. Seryozha offered her to live together. Julia agreed.

Soon the couple got married and moved to Moscow. Svetlakov was the main breadwinner in the family. And Julia took on the responsibilities of running the household.

In December 2008, the couple had their first child - a charming daughter. The baby was named Anastasia. Sergei showed himself as a loving and caring father. He swaddled her and bathed her himself.

The relationship between Nastya and Seryozha was tested by lack of money, everyday life and fame. At some point, the wife realized that she did not want to share her husband with millions of his fans. And our hero was not going to give up the success to which he had been working for so long. As a result, the couple went to different apartments. Julia took her daughter Nastya with her. And Seryozha overnight became a Sunday dad. At the end of each week he saw the baby, walked with her and played. In 2012, the couple officially divorced.


The comedian did not have the status of a bachelor for long. In 2012, in Krasnodar, he met a spectacular brunette. The girl worked as deputy director of a film company. As you can see, everything is no coincidence. After all, Svetlakov began collaborating with this company in 2012. He brought his film “Stone” to Krasnodar. It was at the premiere of this film that he met Antonina. But their relationship began a few months later, during Sergei’s second visit. He moved his beloved to Moscow and proposed marriage to her.

The couple secretly got married at the Riga embassy. Even close friends and relatives of the young people did not know about this. They also hid interesting situation» Antonina. On July 18, 2013, there was a new addition to the Svetlakov family. An heir was born - son Ivan.


Now you know where Seryozha Svetlakov was born, studied and with whom he lives today. The filmography of this actor was also announced in the article. Let us wish him good health, creative inspiration and family happiness! Let everything that Sergei Svetlakov dreams of come true. Films with his participation should be released more often.

It's worth being in a relationship once famous person how life becomes completely different. After a celebrity breaks up with his significant other, this significant other remains in the center of everyone's attention, everyone follows the development of the future fate of this person. Svetlakov’s first wife, Yulia, was no exception. We will tell you in this article how her fate turned out after her divorce from the famous showman.

The beginning of a relationship with Sergei Svetlakov

Yulia Svetlakova and Sergei met at a student disco in 1997. They studied at the same Ural Institute of Transport, only Yulia was two years younger.

Sergei Svetlakov at that time was a well-known KVN player at the institute. The handsome and cheerful man attracted the girl’s attention. Serezha also liked the young student, so they started dating.

Yulia Svetlakova, at that time Voronchikhina, accepted Sergei’s offer to marry him three years after the start of the relationship. In 2000, they officially registered their marriage.

Moving to Moscow

Svetlakov, having received his diploma, already knew that he further fate will be associated with television and humor. He invited his wife to move to the capital in order to have more prospects for development. Julia, of course, agreed.

While the husband and Galustyan were moving from one film set on the other, Yulia Svetlakova, the wife of Sergei Svetlakov, was establishing family life. She did not sit at home, she got a job as a realtor in a large real estate company.

Sergei’s filming and Yulia’s work brought in good income, so soon the couple were able to think about purchasing their own home.

They chose an apartment on Rublevskoye Highway - a large, three-room apartment, since the couple was thinking about having children soon. Yulia was in charge of choosing an apartment, and Sergei agreed with her opinion.

Birthday gift for husband

The most the best gift In his life, Sergei considers the birth of his daughter Nastenka. Svetlakov’s wife, Yulia Svetlakova, gave birth to a daughter in 2008, on December 12. On this December day, Sergei himself turned 31 years old. This is how the wife unintentionally gave her husband a gift, which they called Anastasia.

The daughter looks very similar to her dad, and this is a sign that her fate will be happy. She grew up as a smart little girl, from the very beginning early age She loved to read poetry and speak in public - her character was also her father’s.

Divorce of the Svetlakovs

Yulia Svetlakova took the news that her husband was having an affair with producer Tonya Chebotarova hard, but did not create scandals, she reacted to this with all wisdom.

Yulia believed that he would lose his temper and everything would be fine again, but life in the same apartment became more and more difficult every day. After long conversations about saving the family, the couple decided that their relationship could not be returned and decided to divorce.

The first thing the parents did was prepare their four-year-old daughter for such a change in their family. But Nastya, to their surprise, took the news that dad would no longer live with them quite normally, without questions or tears.

In 2012, when their marriage was already twelve years old, the Svetlakovs divorced. Nastenka does not feel abandoned by her father, because Sergei regularly comes to her, they walk together and go on vacation abroad. Grandmother and grandfather, after their son Sergei had a child from his second wife, also do not forget about their beloved granddaughter. They give her gifts and call her. In general, the child’s life did not become worse with the parents’ divorce.

New relationships of Yulia Svetlakova

After divorcing her husband, Yulia Svetlakova got busy with her career. Opened her own design studio jewelry. All products are produced under her brand; she herself loves to craft from gold and pearls. All yours free time she dedicated it to her daughter, but didn’t even think about a new novel.

About a year after the divorce, Julia meets a man who began to show sympathy for her. This is Vladimir Vasiliev - an entrepreneur, a person far from the world of art. As Yulia Svetlakova says, she was attracted by Vladimir’s beard, so she agreed to go on a first date with him! The couple dated for about two years, after which they decided to try living together.

Nastya received Vladimir with joy; the girl immediately liked him for his kindness and attention. And so a new happy family began to be built.

Some time later, Yulia posted on Instagram a photo of her hand with a gorgeous ring, this piece of jewelry contains a diamond. Svetlakova signed the photo, stating that she answered “yes” to Vladimir’s marriage proposal.

Friends and acquaintances began to shower Yulia with congratulations on this event and were sincerely happy for her and her future husband.

Sergei Svetlakov took the news that his ex-wife was getting married again quite normally. He commented on this by saying that she is a free woman and has the right to a happy life.

Svetlakov also states that they did the right thing by getting divorced because their family was not very happy. Having decided to take such a step, they were able to create their own new life filled with love.

On December 12, the daughter of TV presenter, actor and producer Sergei Svetlakov, Nastya, turned 8 years old. Sergei shared the good news on Instagram: he posted a photo with his daughter, succinctly commenting on the photo: “Only once a year.”

Fans rushed to congratulate the young beauty on the holiday, and also noted the similarity between father and daughter: “How similar, they have the same eyes,” “One to one! Incredibly similar! Happy birthday! May your dreams always come true and may your inspiration never leave you!”, “So similar to your dad,” “ Father's daughter! Beautiful, happy birthday!” (Spelling and punctuation hereinafter are the author’s. — Note edit.).

Anastasia is a child from the first marriage of Sergei Svetlakov and Yulia Svetlakova, which lasted 15 years. In 2011, at the presentation of the film “Stone,” Svetlakov met new love- Antonin Chebotarev. Sergei and Antonina did not have a wedding in the classical sense - the lovers signed tracksuits on the way to go fishing, and six months later they took 20 relatives to Thailand. In 2013, their son Ivan was born.

Let us remind you that Sergei Svetlakov’s wife Antonina does not often go out with her star half. But the premiere of the film “Groom”, produced, written and performed by leading role which is her husband, she could not miss.

Sergei’s life now is full of moving, flying, filming. Of course, he lives in two countries. And he furnished a house in Jurmala (Latvia) earlier than housing in Moscow, where “Antenna” met him and his wife.

We use the apartment as a transit point if I’m filming and need to be on site early in the morning. And in December last year, they completed construction of a house in the Moscow region, which I bought four and a half years ago. However, after all sorts of events in his life (the actor is referring to his divorce from his first wife in 2012. - Note by Antenna) he decided to sell it without repairs, it was put up for sale for a year, but then Antonina appeared in my life (in 2013 Svetlakov married Antonina Chebotareva. - Note “Antennas”), and changed his mind about selling the house. Now I'm incredibly happy. On the eve of 2016, we moved here, we still don’t know where the switch is and where the hot water is. cold water. Because we didn’t really have time to live: in winter we try to go to Thailand for at least a month, and we traditionally spend the summer in Jurmala.

At first it was not easy for me to jump from place to place like that. Before Seryozha, I had a measured life: all things were on the shelves, I knew where everything was. And then every time you come to a new place and don’t understand where to buy food or what you need for your home. Moreover, we usually travel with children (son Vanya, 3 years old, and Sergei’s daughter from his first marriage Nastya, 7 years old. - Antennas’ note), which means we must not forget our favorite book, toy, and so on. Seryozha and I don’t need much, we took a suitcase and went. But children should have everything they need.

Three times a year our family turns into a gypsy camp. We carry 10 suitcases each. But the most difficult thing is to collect them, then I take the question upon myself. I’m a fussy person in this regard; I never skimp on comfort. They will take us to the airport, carry our things, and meet us. These are not spontaneous trips; I carefully prepare for each trip. I already know a month in advance when and how we will go.

I only think about not forgetting anything and being prepared for any situation. With such a rhythm of life, it is simply impossible to do otherwise. For example, in Latvia, antibiotics or even eye drops cannot be bought in a pharmacy without a prescription. What if they are urgently needed? It’s easier to bring several tubes with you than to go to the doctor and ask for a prescription.

In this regard, Tosya is a crazy mother, she needs to foresee everything, so we always have a bunch of bottles with us, in case we want milk, and what if the cafe doesn’t work. She has with her a patch, a tablet, a burner, and porridge. This is a house on wheels.

But I know for sure that if, by coincidence of some circumstances, we have to spend the night in the forest in a car, we will have everything.

And an inflatable dinner and a flush toilet.

Quiet holiday

Five years ago, around these same days that we are talking to you now, Tosya and I saw each other for the first time...

Well, not quite. It was towards the end of the year.

Since the two of us don’t remember exactly, let’s round it up: in the fall of five years ago I came to Krasnodar with the premiere of the film “Stone.” Tosya then worked as deputy director of a large film company. And on July 10 we celebrated our third wedding anniversary.

Well, as noted, no special events...

Why? We had a family dinner with the Nezlobin and Urgant couple. With all our children. We sat in a beautiful restaurant on the river, drank a bottle of wine for everyone and went home. There was neither strength nor time for more. I had a job. But on July 16, I came from Svetlogorsk, where the KVN music festival was held, by car to Jurmala and from that day my vacation began. On July 18, we celebrated the birthday of our son Vanya with all the solemnity. Friends arrived, our Latvian neighbors “biked”, and we walked on the seashore and children's party, and an adult. Everything was cool and I think all participants will remember it.

Vanya is three years old. The age when a child should actively develop. In Jurmala he went to the pool all summer, learned to swim with fins, dive, he really likes it. Now we are solving the problem of where our son can continue his studies in Moscow. Plus Vanya will go to kindergarten, which turned out to be not so easy to find. There is a large selection, both with an English twist and without.

At the family council, we decided that we do not want this to be a specialized English or American kindergarten, since the teaching methods there are tailored to Europe or America.

We were in a British kindergarten, everything there was wonderful, sweet, sincere. And the teachers are cheerful and native speakers. But I see: children are drawing Big Ben, playing with double-decker English buses...

But we don’t want our child to be, as they say, without a nesting doll in his head. We want to raise a Russian, and then whatever happens. Learn English language and he will be able to fall in love with another culture at a later age.

The main thing for us is that the kindergarten is close to home, so as not to carry the child for an hour in the car, and that it is suitable in terms of the educational part.

It seems that we found one option that seemed the most interesting to us. Vanya will be going there for the next three months. If you don’t like it, we’ll continue searching.

Don't destroy the balance of love

Tosya and I, like all parents, do not know the answers to many questions, we do not have a clear understanding of how to raise children, everything is born spontaneously in real time.

Sometimes, of course, we turn to literature. We read “The Most important book for parents" by Julia Gippenreiter.

Sometimes we consult with our parents and ask how it was with us. But their answers are not always helpful, because time has changed. In general, all advice needs to be adapted specifically to our lives. Plus I have my own vision, Tosya has his own. It often doesn’t match with us. We are constantly arguing among ourselves about the extent of what is permissible, when we should say “yes” and when “no”, so as not to violate total balance love. Where to go through the tears, but to do right choice, and where to achieve results with multiple explanations.

Seryozha sometimes says that I allow too much. Vanya, like a boy, is trying to win back his territory, he is our obvious leader, he tries to get everything under him, and I often surrender to him. But I listen to Seryozha when he says that a man should directly influence the boy, be an example. If dad talks to him and says what he should do and what he shouldn’t, it’s hard for me to listen to it, and I try to leave the room. I reassure myself that the boys must sort things out among themselves. Vanechka listens, dad is an authority for him, he really loves all his dad’s activities: fishing and hunting, he has a set of tools, he’s constantly repairing something, he’s an active guy. And what I like is that he is accustomed to order: he knows where which toys are and puts things in their place himself.

Working for my husband

Do I want to go to work... When Vanya goes to the garden, he will have more free time.

What other job?

As Seryozha says, he is my main job. And I really try to help him in everything, to be involved in all processes, this is really interesting to me, I was connected with cinema and I know how its system works. Perhaps in the future I would like to have a business for myself, but for now I don’t even feel like I have the time for it. I’m not ready to do something to the detriment of my family.

Now Tosya and I will go together to Vladivostok with the film “The Groom”, then to St. Petersburg with the premiere. Her presence is important to me. All the time. My family goes with me to filming. Last fall, when they were working on the film “The Groom” in Gelendzhik, Tosya and Vanya lived nearby in a hotel. I came to them either at 6 in the morning or for lunch - whenever I could. Then he also brought his parents so that they could be treated at sea, and at the same time celebrated my mother’s anniversary - on October 18 she turned 70 years old. I adjusted my schedule so that on the night from 17 to 18 I had my last shift. And on the morning of the 18th I woke up empty, but happy. I rented a restaurant in the rock, Tosin’s parents arrived by car from Nalchik, invited almost the entire film crew, and in such a circle, about 40 people celebrated my mother’s birthday. When the legendary “Pesnyary” appeared on stage, my mother could no longer hold back her tears. We will all remember this evening for a long time.

Sergey Svetlakov

Zodiac sign:

Place of Birth:
Sverdlovsk (Ekaterinburg)

actor, screenwriter, TV presenter

80 kg

189 cm

Biography of Sergei Svetlakov

Russian actor and showman Sergei Svetlakov was born on December 12, 1977 in Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg) into a family of hereditary railway workers. Since the time trains were invented, the Svetlakov family has been working on the railroad.

Sergey Svetlakov is from Sverdlovsk
His father, Yuri Venediktovich Svetlakov, worked as an assistant driver, his mother, Galina Grigorievna Svetlakova, was a cargo transportation engineer in the management of the Sverdlovsk Railway.

The childhood of Sergei Svetlakov

Every summer the whole family went to the village, where Sergei and his father went fishing. Svetlakov retained his passion for this hobby throughout his life. At the age of seven, Sergei went to regular Yekaterinburg school No. 2, where he was known as a leader.

At school, Sergei Svetlakov was the ringleader
He knew how to win people over, he knew how to cheer and lead. Svetlakov was often the initiator of outings, lessons and mischievous pranks, and Sergei was also a master at telling jokes. Even the 16-year-old girls from his older brother’s company did not take their eyes off the first-grader.
Nevertheless, studying was easy for Svetlakov, he studied almost “excellently”. He connected his future with sports. Sergei was seriously interested in handball, becoming a candidate for master of sports, and loved basketball and football. But the parents saw in their son the “Minister of Railways”, insisting on a “serious” education.

Winning the Knight of the Institute competition was just the beginning
After receiving his matriculation certificate, Sergei went to Ural University communication routes. And, to everyone’s amazement, already in his first year he won the “Knight of the Institute” competition. His photograph was on the stand. This event “carried” Svetlakov to a completely different future.

Sergei Svetlakov could become Minister of Railways

Sergei Svetlakov in KVN

As soon as the KVN student team appeared at the university, Svetlakov was appointed captain. "Barabashki" performed for a couple of years in assembly hall University, then changed the name to “Park of the current period” and went to Sochi for the KVN festival.
The performance was shown on TV, and the KVN players instantly became the coolest kids in Yekaterinburg. Svetlakov began to skip lectures, but the university management did not dare to expel the “star”.
As a result, in 2000, Sergei graduated from the Faculty of Commerce with a degree in Economics railway transport" Next, the future artist went to work at a freight forwarding company. Svetlakov worked there for several years, and at the same time played in his KVN team. The artist composed numbers for “Ural Dumplings,” which were already popular in the country.

Sergei Svetlakov played in “Ural Dumplings”
Next, Svetlakov faced a choice. I had to either quit my job and move to Ural Dumplings, or leave everything as it was. The artist decided to radically change his life and quit. So, he became part of the champion team “Ural Dumplings”. The guys gave twenty concerts a month, but the future was still sad: a couple of years of touring, and then their own humorous program on local television.
Ural dumplings. Jurmala 2004
Sergei Svetlakov, having decided to give up touring, moved to Moscow and began writing scripts together with the KVN team: Garik Martirosyan, Javid Kurbanov, Semyon Slepakov, Artur Temasyan and Sergei Ershov. The guys rented a two-room apartment and wrote humorous numbers all day long.

Sergey Svetlakov - leading member of the Comedy Club team
The texts were for the Premier League and partly for the Major League. But gradually the team began to create their own humorous variety show, which was called Comedy Club.

Sergey Svetlakov and Our Russia

In 1999, Svetlakov appeared on the television program “Laughter Federation,” but he wanted to have his own independent project. Two years later, the artist began to assemble a team of writers, cameramen and directors. When the necessary team was recruited, work began on the show “Our Russia”.

In Our Russia, Sergei Svetlakov created many memorable images
The main characters Sergei Svetlakov and Mikhail Galustyan immediately became favorites of the public.
In this sketch show, the artist played everyone: foreman, TV viewer Sergei Yuryevich Belyakov, professor Zvyagintsev from St. Petersburg, sports doctor Valera, gay milling operator Ivan Dulin, football referee, teenager Slavik, prostitute Elvira, deputy Yuri Venediktovich, traffic police inspector , teacher Snezhana Denisovna, a homeless person from Rublyovka. “I didn’t laugh at myself in KVN, but here I laughed to tears,” says the actor.
The collapse of fame in 2004 brought “a real generator of ideas” new job. Sergey became a screenwriter for the department special projects during service general director Channel One.
Honest traffic police officer Laptev

Svetlakov in the program "ProjectorParisHilton"

In May 2008, she appeared on Channel One new transmission With interesting name SpotlightParisHilton.

Sergey Svetlakov in the program “ProjectorParisHilton” on Channel 1
Four witty young men - Garik Martirosyan, Ivan Urgant, Sergei Svetlakov and Alexander Tsekalo - joked in the studio on political, secular, sports and other topics. Jokes, at the same time, were born spontaneously. The audience watched 30 minutes of the program on a weekend evening without stopping.

Sergei Svetlakov in cinema

Charming Sergei Svetlakov began to be invited to films, and big roles appeared. In 2010, he starred with Vera Brezhneva and Ivan Urgant in Timur Bekmambetov’s film “Yolki”, playing the role of an actor in the Yakut theater. Then, together with Mikhail Galustyan, he worked on a full-length film, a continuation of the comedy series “Our Russia. Eggs of Destiny”, followed by participation in the film “Cod” in 2011. In 2012, viewers saw Sergei in the leading role in the drama “Stone”, as well as in the comedy “Jungle”.

Sergey Svetlakov and . Still from the comedy "Jungle"

“Workshop of a good mood” by Sergei Svetlakov

Sergei considered it necessary to combine creativity and commerce together. Therefore, together with the “dumpling” Sergei Isaev in hometown he created the "Workshop" Have a good mood" This is a store of exclusive gifts and holiday creations.

“Workshop of a good mood” by Svetlakov and Isaev
For example, on the counter you can see a pillow in the shape female breast, a toilet brush like a police baton, things for a masochistic hamster - these are tiny handcuffs and a leather collar, the composition “Khrushchev and Kuzkina’s Mother”, bottles of “Smells of Our City” with the smell of “Uralmash”.

Personal life of Sergei Svetlakov

At the university, Sergei Svetlakov met a student from the same university, Yulia. She became his wife and traveled around the country with her troubled husband. In Moscow, a woman began working as a realtor. In December 2008, the couple had a daughter, Nastya. By the way, she was born on Sergei’s birthday.

Sergei Svetlakov with his first wife Yulia
Svetlakov treats his daughter very kindly. How a real man, he is sure that fathers should be able to do everything that mothers do. Despite his busy schedule, he often got up at night and swaddled his daughter. In 2011, at the presentation of the film “Stone,” Svetlakov met a new love, Antonina Chebotareva. They formalized their relationship, and in 2013 Sergei became a father for the second time. The son was named Ivan.

Svetlakov, his second wife Antonina and daughter from his first marriage Nastya

Interesting facts about Svetlakov’s work

- Sergey Svetlakov has the nickname “Svetly”.
- The name and patronymic of the viewer from Taganrog from Nasha Rashi coincides with the name and patronymic of the comedian.
- Deputy Yuri Venediktovich (another hero of the artist) is named after Sergei’s father.
Sergei Svetlakov and Vera Brezhneva together?
●As soon as Sergei played the gay milling operator, the director of the Chelyabinsk pipe rolling plant immediately called the film crew and said that people with non-traditional sexual orientation not at the factory.

Sergei Svetlakov as Ivan Dulin

Sergey Svetlakov now

Sergei Svetlakov is actively developing as a showman, actor and producer. He is invited to new films and commercials. Since 2013, Svetlakov has been collaborating with mobile operator Beeline, becoming the face of the brand. Without any doubt, we will enjoy Sergei's new projects, which will certainly be no less successful than everything he has already done.
Beeline advertising