The tooth fairy is a character typical of Western culture, successfully penetrated into Russia. According to legend, a lost tooth should be placed under the pillow in the evening. At night a fairy will come to the child and take away baby tooth and will leave a small amount of money or another gift in its place. Modern parents, wanting to make their task easier, are increasingly telling their children that the tooth should be left in a glass of water on the bedside table. This makes it much easier to make a change without disturbing the child. The story of the tooth fairy allows children to withstand the unpleasant sensations associated with the loss of baby teeth.

Tooth as a keepsake

Many parents keep in a treasured box a tag from the maternity hospital, a cast of the baby’s foot, a lock of hair cut from their child’s head. If you have such treasures, your child’s first tooth that falls out may well go to them. Perhaps in a few years you and your now grown-up child will be interested in looking at it. And in a jewelry store you can even buy a special tiny box designed to store the first lost baby tooth.


The tooth fairy is a fairly new character, but in Russia most often the tooth is given to the mouse. To do this, they hide it in a secluded place in the house (under a closet, baseboard, in a gap between the floorboards. You can also ask a child on the street to throw the tooth behind his back. In this case, you can ask the mouse to give the baby new strong teeth.


Some people believe that a child's first tooth that falls out is a strong talisman, which protects the family, brings it happiness and prosperity and prevents it from falling apart. If you believe in omens and want to protect your loved ones in this way, just put the tooth in a secluded place and believe in the power of this talisman.


Fans of non-trivial jewelry can make one from a fallen tooth. To do this, you can even take it to a workshop, where it will be framed in silver. The tooth will make a very extravagant pendant. However, be careful - some people believe that such products are related to black magic and can cause harm.

Throw away

If you are not sentimental, and your child has never heard of a fairy who brings gifts, you can simply throw away the lost tooth. It doesn’t matter whether you bury it under a rose bush in the country or throw it in the trash. Do what makes you comfortable, and your baby’s new molars will grow in any case.

Changing baby teeth is a real event, both for the baby and his parents. A natural question in this case is what to do with a lost baby tooth. Let's look at the most popular options.

Lost baby tooth

What to do with your child's first lost baby tooth?

Parents who are not particularly superstitious keep them as a reminder of their child’s childhood. To do this, you can sew a special bag or buy a beautiful box. In addition, sometimes parents make a special album for the baby, in which they describe the most significant moments in the baby’s life, including the change of teeth. Moreover, they can be put into such an album and stored for many years.

If you are superstitious enough, you can prepare a whole ritual for your child, which the child will definitely remember for the rest of his life. Perhaps your son or daughter, upon becoming adults, will pass on the tradition to their children. So, below you will find the most popular and interesting signs that will help you make the right decision.

Is it possible to store baby teeth?

A few centuries ago it was believed that storing such things was Bad sign. People believed that witches and sorcerers could secretly steal children's teeth for all sorts of conspiracies and rituals. Nomadic peoples, for example, buried children's teeth, believing that this would not only protect the child from damage, but would also bring him later life happiness. Today, the view on this issue has changed dramatically.

Lost baby teeth are a real treasure trove of stem cells. Instead of throwing away such treasures or storing them aimlessly in a box, they can be donated to a stem cell bank. What are they needed for? Everything is very simple! The fact is that the potential of such stem cells, which are much more powerful than cells taken from the umbilical cord, is several times higher. They can be used for a variety of conditions, ranging from retinal problems to complex fractures.

Thus, storing baby teeth can be of great benefit. If you have this opportunity, why not take it? Despite the fact that the technology for collecting stem cells in this way is quite young, a great future is predicted for it.

Tooth Fairy

Folk traditions and beliefs about baby teeth

Each country has its own signs and superstitions associated with the main event in a child’s life. Sometimes, the customs of peoples are radically different from each other. If this happens to your baby an important event, you have the right to act in accordance with any traditions.

American traditions

In America there is a belief about a mysterious fairy who flies at night and takes away baby teeth. To do this, they are placed under the pillow, in the hope of finding a long-awaited coin in return. Perhaps this tradition can be considered one of the most famous and widespread.

English traditions

More complex traditions developed among the northern English. There it was believed that a lost tooth must be burned. Firstly, this eliminated the possibility of using it for the purpose of inducing witchcraft and damage, and secondly, they believed that a stronger and healthier one would take the place of the burnt tooth.

Another equally interesting English tradition associated with these things states that a baby tooth must be destroyed in any way so that no animal can swallow it. If this happens, the child will have an ugly smile, or the exact same fangs as those of the animal that swallowed him.

Traditions of Slavic peoples

The Slavs had several interesting signs. Most often, the loss was given to the mouse, which was supposed to take it for itself and bring a new one in its place. They also threw their teeth behind the stove and asked the brownie to take them for themselves.

Gypsy traditions

If a child lost a tooth, they either buried it, reciting special spells, or threw it to the moon. It was believed that in this way one could attract good luck, which would accompany the child throughout his life, protecting him from ill-wishers and various troubles.

Dental traditions in Asia

In order for a new tooth to grow in place of a lost tooth, Asian countries There was a funny belief. At the same time, the fallen upper teeth they threw them onto the roof of the house where the baby lives, the lower ones were hidden under the porch, and the parents repeated a special spell that was supposed to provide the baby with protection from the evil eye.

Folk signs about baby teeth

  • If a child had a gap between his front teeth, they said that he would grow up to be a real joker and a merry fellow, as well as the soul of any company.
  • The kids were not allowed to spit out the window. It was believed that in this case the teeth could become very sick.
  • If a child was already born with teeth, a great future was predicted for him. Usually they said about boys that they would become great commanders and warriors, and girls would be able to marry extremely successfully.
  • When the baby cut his first tooth, he was given a silver spoon, which later became his amulet for life.
  • If a child had a gap through which a coin could easily pass, it was believed that such a child would be rich or a successful entrepreneur. In addition, they believed that such a person would lead in all financial matters.

Mouse, mouse, take away the milk tooth, and bring me a new one, bone and durable.

Why give away a tooth?

The tradition of giving a tooth to spirits, fairies or mice goes back to extreme antiquity. Moreover, each tradition has its own special history. It is believed that by giving away the loss, the baby will receive a gift. Thus, we can say that the task of such a ritual is to create a special mood in the child and please the baby.

Where did the tradition of giving the tooth to the fairy come from?

This tradition is associated with the name of the Spanish writer Luis Colom, who lived in the 18th century. When the young king of Spain lost his first baby tooth at the age of 8, the writer was asked to compose for the boy an interesting fairy tale. It’s not difficult to guess that the story was about a fairy who takes away lost baby teeth at night if you put them under the pillow, and in the morning leaves a small gift in their place.

Why give a tooth to a mouse?

Our grandmothers also taught us, when throwing out a milk tooth, to say: “Mouse, mouse, take away the milk tooth, and bring me a new one, bone and durable.” It is very difficult to say now what this sign is connected with. It is believed that the incisors of rodents are very strong, which is why, by giving the loss to a mouse, the baby expects that he will grow the same strong teeth.

In addition, it was the mouse that was addressed, since small rodents were frequent guests in the villages. They lived behind the stoves and under the floorboards. That is why in the village they threw the tooth into the stove or into the cellar so that the mouse could find the treasured gift for sure. It is interesting that the tradition of giving a mouse as a gift existed not only in Russia, but also abroad. For example, in Germany, if such a long-awaited event occurred for a child, mothers told the children to go to the darkest corner of the house and throw the loss there so that the mouse could find it and take it for itself.

It is important to understand that despite traditions and signs, when changing teeth, you need to consult a dentist, who will not only help facilitate this process, but also tell you how to care for the wound in order to avoid the risk of infection.

Changing teeth is undoubtedly a significant and exciting event in the life of the whole family, indicating that your child is becoming an adult. At the same time, you should not suffer from superstitions and signs. Do what you see fit in this situation.

If your child has not yet crossed the age of 8, you are probably already anticipating such an event as the loss of the first baby tooth.

However, parents are more concerned not about the physiological process itself, but about the fact that they do not know what to do with the fallen baby tooth. Many superstitions and signs attach great importance to the tooth, as a symbol that was the first to fall out in a child. Due to the many beliefs associated with baby teeth and the fear of misusing them, parents simply do not understand how to act correctly in such a situation.

A baby tooth fell out - how to explain this to a child

Children aged 5-6 years should have 20 baby teeth. Of course, the child does not even suspect that sooner or later they will begin to fall out. As a rule, temporary teeth resolve in the same order as they began to appear. And one day, the earliest milk “sprout” that has become on the line of the dentition will definitely fall out.

Before this happens, children may feel anxious. For some of them, the resorption period is painless. However, unexpected situations often occur. Typically, baby teeth that are about to fall out create some discomfort in the child’s mouth. They can loosen, stagger and when chewing or biting food cause unpleasant sensations in the form of aching or acute pain. Of course, a child, experiencing all these symptoms, enters a state of fear and misunderstanding of what is happening to his teeth. Some children can tell adults about their problem, others, not knowing what is really happening to them, can hide their experiences from their parents. They also don't understand what to do with the first tooth that falls out.

Therefore, parents are advised to prepare their child for this event in advance. It is important to explain that one day, his teeth will begin to fall out one by one and this is considered an absolutely normal phenomenon, and not as scary and confusing as he thinks.

Ask your child not to keep it from you if he feels discomfort in the mouth. And, of course, explain that this process of shedding is necessary for the formation of strong and healthy permanent teeth. If the child is aware of this important stage in his life in advance, he will perceive it less anxiously. this phenomenon, and fallen milk teeth will no longer bother the baby so seriously.

The tooth fairy - who is she and how is she related to the loss of baby teeth

The legend of the tooth fairy penetrated into Russian culture from Western countries. Many parents have taken notice of this fairy tale character and practice this tradition with their child. What is the mission of the tooth fairy? This sorceress brings children a coin or a gift in exchange for their lost baby tooth. In order for the fairy to appear, you need to put the baby tooth under the pillow or in a secluded place. As a rule, the fairy must take the lost tooth and leave a coin in its place.

A deal with a fairy will be very funny and exciting. Despite the fact that this activity is entertaining and encouraging, it is important to understand that there is a mystical meaning behind this game. Perhaps it is through the tooth fairy that your child first learns about magic as a secret power. Overly impressionable children need to be protected from such games, as their acquaintance with magic may continue with the search for stronger magic, which can be dangerous for the child’s psyche.

Losing a baby tooth in superstitions

What to do with a lost baby tooth? How to properly dispose of it so that it does not negatively affect the child’s life in the future? These questions are often asked by parents who are shrouded in fears inspired by superstitions about baby teeth.

It so happened that in our modern society following Slavic beliefs is deeply rooted and eastern philosophy. It is important to emphasize that the spiritual Old Church Slavonic culture and Eastern traditions often contradict each other. For example, in Slavic superstitions, something that flew into a house bat is a harbinger of trouble, and in Eastern legend - a harbinger of prosperity. A similar dissonance occurs with the symbolism of baby teeth. In Slavic superstitions, significance is attached not just to the tooth, but also to its shape, length and condition. If the first milk tooth was rotten, crooked or loose, all this indicates difficult collisions and failures in future life child. Moreover, according to Slavic belief, a fallen tooth is only allowed to be taken and disposed of right hand. It is necessary to throw a baby tooth in a place where no one else will find it. If someone picks him up, you should expect trouble.

In the Old Slavic worldview, great importance was given not only to the first tooth that fell out. The fang, and the entire deciduous dentition, in the understanding of our ancestors, had a close mystical connection with each other.

In Eastern philosophy, the significance of a lost baby tooth is given from the point of view ancestral karma. If it was healthy before it fell out, the better the fate will be for the bearer of this tooth. If defects are found on the tooth, then its owner needs to correct bad karma or cleanse it.

All these folk legends create some confusion for parents. They do not fully understand what to do with their fallen milk teeth, and which belief system is true: Old Slavonic or Ancient Eastern? And is it even worth following these superstitions and worrying about where to put baby teeth? Indeed, some parents are not at all worried about this and do not feel at all negative impact on the life of their child.

Children who were born in religious families, do not succumb to superstitious influence from parents. The teachings of the world's most famous religions, such as Judaism, Christianity and Islam, condemn belief in folk tales, equating them with a deadly sin

What do psychologists think about this? Is it dangerous for the lives of children if parents ignore superstitions?

Psychologists speak disapprovingly of folk legends, because human consciousness is formed on the basis of freedom of choice. Caught in superstition, the individual is no longer aware of this unique right. In addition, the individual’s subconscious is too susceptible to this kind of views. A person’s belief in superstitions can provoke negative events in his life through self-hypnosis. Fear, based on the idea that failure to follow folk traditions can lead to troubles, can be deeply imprinted on the subconscious

But what then can be done with 1 lost milk tooth? If you don't want to get rid of it, keep it as a keepsake. Let this tooth become a symbol of your child growing up.

When a child appears in the family, the peace of parents comes to an end. The baby experiences dental problems especially hard. At first, their appearance, which parents really look forward to, causes discomfort. Another problem is changing dairy products to regular ones. The teeth gradually begin to fall out one by one. This is where the question arises: what to do with a lost baby tooth?

When do baby teeth fall out?

The process of developing a permanent bite occurs individually for each child. Drop times may also vary slightly. In most cases, it falls at the age of 6-7 years, but slight deviations from the norm are possible. Everything will depend on the development of the child’s jaw apparatus and how healthy the baby teeth are.

The milk teeth begin their formation in the womb, but the permanent bite begins its development after the birth of the child. The period of change from primary to permanent teeth will depend on how quickly the rudiments of permanent teeth are formed.

Many parents are lost and do not know at all what to do with their beloved child’s already fallen milk teeth. Some people, not knowing where to put the first baby tooth that falls out, simply hide it in a box with memorabilia. Others give their teeth to a mouse or fairy.

Milk and permanent teeth also differ from each other. In a primary dentition, a child grows only 20 teeth, 10 on each jaw. When a permanent bite is formed, the jaw grows and expands. Permanent teeth is already 32 years old. Many parents believe that changing the bite is quite painful for the child. But the whole point is that before they fall out, all the roots in the milk bite dissolve.

The teeth loosen on their own and fall out completely painlessly. However, when changing teeth, there is also a danger of the child swallowing it.

If a child swallows a baby tooth, you should immediately consult a doctor who will help solve the problem.

In what order do they appear?

When understanding the question of where to put a baby tooth that has fallen out for the first time, you need to know exactly when they begin to fall out. Most often this happens at 6-7 years of age. This process happens differently for everyone. However, the sequence of this is always the same for everyone. The sixth teeth grow first.

They are not dairy. Then the lower incisors begin to loosen, then the upper ones. Next are the first and second premolars. The very last to change are the fangs. Later the second molars erupt. By the age of 14, a child’s permanent bite is fully formed. Therefore, parents will have enough time to figure out where to put all their child’s lost baby teeth.

There are situations when the teeth do not grow quite evenly or there are small gaps between them. This scares many parents. But such a situation in the primary occlusion does not mean at all that permanent teeth will grow in the same uneven manner. Baby teeth will fall out sooner or later, and permanent teeth will grow depending on how much space there is for them in the jaw. If they are large or the child has a small jaw, then it is quite possible for some pathologies to develop in the formation of a permanent bite. However, with proper attention and prevention of jaw abnormalities, all bite problems can be avoided.

Signs regarding teeth

Returning to the question of where to put all the fallen milk teeth of their beloved child, many parents pay attention to folk signs. Where can you put the first tooth that falls out? To calm an agitated child, parents are even ready to come up with all sorts of fairy tales and entire rituals. This is becoming a very popular question about what to do with the first baby tooth that just fell out. Everyone decides for themselves what to do with this miracle. But the most famous are the signs that all lost teeth should be given to the mouse. Moreover, the tooth must be given to the mouse as quickly as possible. Then she will bring the baby a new good tooth. He will be strong and healthy.

There is also an opinion that the most unnecessary tooth falls out first. Therefore, it needs to be buried deeper and not found again, so that all other teeth are very strong and completely healthy.

Thus, what to do if a baby tooth falls out, parents decide based on their imagination and the emotional state of the child. Everything must be done to calm the child as quickly as possible and convince him that the new tooth will grow even better than before. In most cases, such fairy tales help the child quickly forget about a lost tooth, but there are also situations when it is simply impossible to calm the child down. Then you can show him your permanent teeth and tell the story of how you got them.

The child will be interested to listen and he will be able to understand that not everything is as scary as it may seem at first glance. Then the baby will be able to quickly calm down and even give the mouse his own tooth. You can also come up with a fairy tale about a kind housekeeper who collects the teeth of all members of your family, and then compares who has the healthiest and most beautiful teeth. The main thing is to interest the child and make him forget about such an unpleasant situation.

If a baby tooth does fall out

The actions of parents at the moment when the child’s first baby tooth falls out should be aimed at fast recovery normal emotional state of the child. This is especially true for situations where a child has swallowed this tooth.

If the question arises about what to do if a child has swallowed a tooth, it is advisable to immediately consult a doctor to find out whether the entire tooth has fallen out or just a piece of it. Some children do not even notice that they have swallowed a tooth until their parents themselves notice its absence.

So what should you do when your child loses his first baby tooth? In such an unforeseen situation, parents may also be very worried about the baby’s wound bleeding.

This can only be explained by the fact that there is enough a large number of blood vessels, which simply burst when changing teeth. But even such bleeding must be stopped as quickly as possible. To do this, form a napkin from gauze and let the child bite it. If the bleeding stops after a few minutes, then everything is fine. If bleeding continues, this may indicate a problem with blood clotting. In this case, you should immediately contact your pediatrician.

Many parents, due to their ignorance, give their child to rinse his mouth with ordinary hydrogen peroxide. But this is a wrong action. In the first days, the wound should be rinsed only with a weak saline solution. If a tooth falls out, but you didn’t notice it and don’t know what to do, if the child swallowed a lost baby tooth, then it is also better to contact a pediatrician or a pediatric dentist about this problem. However, if the baby does not make any complaints, then most likely the swallowed tooth will simply leave the body naturally.

Each family has its own traditions and understanding of what to do with lost baby teeth. But for a child, the process of changing teeth should not be associated with something painful and unpleasant. Parents, first of all, do not need to panic and think about what to do when the child’s first tooth has already fallen out. You need to calm both yourself and the baby. Sometimes it's not that simple. Therefore, the magic of the tooth fairy should still be present in every family.