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Based on the Federal Law "On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population" dated March 30, 1999 N 52-FZ (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, N 14, Art. 1650) and the Regulations on State Sanitary and Epidemiological Standardization, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 24, 2000 N 554 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2000, N 31, Art. 3295), I declare:

1. To put into effect from June 15, 2003 the sanitary and epidemiological rules and standards "Hygienic requirements for the placement and disposal of production and consumption waste. SanPiN", approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation on April 30, 2003.


I approve

Chief state

sanitary doctor

Russian Federation,

First Deputy

Minister of Health

Russian Federation









Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and Regulations


I. Scope

1.1. These sanitary and epidemiological rules (hereinafter sanitary rules) have been developed in accordance with the current Federal Law "On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Well-Being of the Population" dated March 30, 1999 N 52-FZ (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, N 14, Art. 1650) and " Regulations on the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Russian Federation "approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 24, 2000 N 554 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2000, N 31, Art. 3295).

1.2. These sanitary and epidemiological rules establish hygienic requirements for the location, arrangement, technology, operation and reclamation of places of centralized use, neutralization and disposal of production and consumption waste (facilities).

1.3. The requirements of these rules are intended for legal entities and individuals whose activities are related to the design, construction, reconstruction, operation of facilities and land reclamation.

1.4. These requirements do not apply to:

Radioactive waste disposal sites;

Landfills for solid household and mixed waste;

Burial grounds for organic matter and animal corpses;

Warehouses of expired and unusable medicines and pesticides.

1.5. Neutralization and burial of corpses of dead animals, confiscated and waste of veterinary hospitals and meat processing plants is carried out in accordance with the current rules of the veterinary and sanitary service, and in cases of epidemiological danger - in accordance with the sanitary and epidemiological conclusion.

1.6. The criteria for the hygienic safety of the functioning of operated or closed storage facilities are the maximum permissible concentrations of chemicals in the air of the working area, atmospheric air, in the water of open reservoirs and in the soil, as well as the maximum permissible levels of physical factors.

II. General Provisions

2.1. The purpose of this document is to reduce the adverse impact of production and consumption waste on public health and the human environment by:

Introduction of modern low-waste and non-waste technologies in the production process;

Minimizing their volume and reducing their hazard during primary processing;

The use of semi-products and wastes of the main workshops of the enterprise as secondary raw materials in the production cycles of auxiliary workshops or at special processing plants;

Prevention of their scattering or losses during reloading, transportation and intermediate storage.

2.2. Waste management processes (waste life cycle) include the following stages: formation, accumulation and temporary storage, primary processing (sorting, dehydration, neutralization, pressing, taring, etc.), transportation, recycling (neutralization, modification, disposal, use as secondary raw materials), storage, burial and incineration.

2.3. The handling of each type of production and consumption waste depends on their origin, state of aggregation, physical and chemical properties of the substrate, the quantitative ratio of components and the degree of danger to public health and the human environment.

The degree (class) of waste hazard is determined in accordance with the current regulatory document by calculation and experiment.

2.4. Temporary storage of production and consumption wastes is allowed, which at the current level of development of scientific and technological progress cannot be disposed of at enterprises.

2.5. There are the following basic storage methods:

Temporary storage in production areas in open areas or in special rooms (in workshops, warehouses, open areas, in tanks, etc.);

Temporary storage in the production areas of the main and auxiliary (subsidiary) enterprises for the processing and disposal of waste (in barns, storage facilities, storage facilities); as well as at intermediate (receiving) collection and accumulation points, including terminals, railway yards, river and sea ports;

Storage outside the production area - at improved industrial waste landfills, sludge storages, waste rock dumps, waste heaps, ash dumps, as well as in specially equipped complexes for their processing and disposal;

Storage at sites for dewatering sludge from sewage treatment plants.

The full version of the document is available only to members of the National Association of Printers. You can receive the document upon request by e-mail.

You can also download the standard on the website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology.







1. Developed by: R. S. Gildenskiold, I. S. Kiryanova, A. V. Tulakin, M. M. Sayfutdinov, N. A. Gorelenkova (Federal Scientific Center for Hygiene named after F. F. Erisman); N. V. Rusakov, I. A. Kryatov, N. I. Tonkopiy (A. N. Sysin Research Institute of Human Ecology and Environmental Hygiene, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences); B. G. Bokitko, A. V. Bormashov (Department of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Ministry of Health of Russia); O. L. Gavrilenko, O. A. Gildenskiold, A. A. Kosyatnikov (State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Center in the Moscow Region); V. I. Evdokimov, V. V. Fetter, V. I. Pivnya, G. I. Kovaleva (State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Center in the Belgorod Region); M. I. Chubirko, Yu. S. Stepkin (State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Center in the Voronezh Region); NP Mamchik (State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Center in Voronezh); V. V. Sboev, V. A. Musikhin (Center of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision in the Perm Region); S. A. Rybakova, L. F. Loktionova (Center of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision in the Rostov Region); A. M. Spiridonov, V. A. Zhernova, N. S. Leushkina, L. A. Ksenofontova (State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Center in the Samara Region); L. I. Shishkina, A. Yu. Khozhainov (State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Center in the Tula Region).

3. Approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation G. G. Onishchenko on April 30, 2003.

4. Entered into force by Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation No. 80 of April 30, 2003, from June 15, 2003. Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on May 12, 2003, Registration No. 4526.

5. Introduced instead: "Sanitary rules for the design, construction and operation of landfills for disposal of non-recyclable industrial waste" No. 1746-77; "Procedure for the accumulation, transportation, disposal and disposal of toxic industrial waste" (SP) No. 3183-84; “Limiting amounts of accumulation of toxic industrial waste on the territory of an enterprise (organization)” No. 3209-85; “The maximum amount of toxic industrial waste allowed for storage in storage facilities (at landfills) of solid household waste (regulatory document)” No. 3897-85.

the federal law

"On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population"

52-FZ from 30.03.99

"State sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations (hereinafter - sanitary rules) - regulatory legal acts establishing sanitary and epidemiological requirements (including criteria for the safety and (or) harmlessness of environmental factors for humans, hygienic and other standards), failure to comply with which creates threat to human life or health, as well as the threat of the emergence and spread of diseases ”(Article 1).

"On the territory of the Russian Federation, there are federal sanitary rules approved and enacted by the federal executive body authorized to carry out state sanitary and epidemiological supervision in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation."

"Compliance with sanitary rules is mandatory for citizens, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities" (Article 39).

“Disciplinary, administrative and criminal liability is established for violation of sanitary legislation” (Article 55).



04/30/03 Moscow No. 80

On the introduction of sanitary

epidemiological regulations

and standards SanPiN

Based on the Federal Law "On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population" dated March 30, 1999 No. 52-FZ and the Regulation on State Sanitary and Epidemiological Standardization, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 24, 2000 No. 554


To put into effect from June 15, 2003 the sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations “Hygienic requirements for the placement and disposal of production and consumption waste. SanPiN ", approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation on April 30, 2003.

G. G. Onishchenko

Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation



04/30/03 Moscow No. 81

About sanitary standards

invalidated: SP No. 1746-77,

SP No. 3183-84, 3209-85, ND No. 3897-85

Based on the Federal Law "On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population" dated March 30, 1999 No. 52-FZ and the Regulation on State Sanitary and Epidemiological Standardization, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 24, 2000 No. 554


1. Since the introduction of the sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations "Hygienic requirements for the placement and disposal of production and consumption waste. SP ", from June 15, 2003 shall be considered invalid SanPiN 1746-77" Sanitary rules for the design, construction and operation of landfills for disposal of non-recyclable industrial waste "; SP No. 3183-84 "Procedure for the accumulation, transportation, disposal and disposal of toxic industrial waste"; No. 3209-85 "Limiting amounts of accumulation of toxic industrial waste on the territory of an enterprise (organization)"; ND No. 3897-85 "The maximum amount of toxic waste allowed for storage in storage facilities (at landfills) of solid domestic waste."

G. G. Onishchenko


Chief State Sanitary

doctor of the Russian Federation,

First Deputy Minister

health care of the Russian Federation

G. G. Onishchenko


Hygienic requirements for placement and disposal
production and consumption waste

Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and Regulations


1 area of ​​use

1.1. These sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations (hereinafter - sanitaryregulations) developed in accordance with the current Federal Law "On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population" dated March 30, 99, No. 52-FZ (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, No. 14, Art. 1650) and the Regulations on the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Russian Federation, approved by the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 24, 2000 No. 554 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2000, No. 31, Art. 3295).

1.2. These sanitary rules establish hygienic requirements for the location, arrangement, technology, mode of operation and reclamation of places of centralized use, neutralization and disposal of production and consumption waste (objects).

1.3. The requirements of these rules are intended for legal entities and individuals whose activities are related to the design, construction, reconstruction, operation of facilities and land reclamation.

1.4. These requirements do not apply to:

· Radioactive waste disposal sites;

· Landfills for solid household and mixed waste;

· Burial grounds for organic substances and animal corpses;

· Warehouses of expired and unusable medicines and pesticides.

1.5. Neutralization and burial of corpses of dead animals, confiscated goods and waste from veterinary hospitals and meat processing plants is carried out in accordance with the current rules of the veterinary and sanitary service, and in cases of epidemiological danger in accordance with the sanitary and epidemiological conclusion.

1.6. The criteria for the hygienic safety of the functioning of operated or closed storage facilities are the maximum permissible concentrations of chemicals in the air of the working area, atmospheric air, in the water of open reservoirs and in the soil, as well as the maximum permissible levels of physical factors.

2. General provisions

2.1. The purpose of this document is to reduce the adverse impact of production and consumption waste on public health and the human environment by:

· Introduction of modern low-waste and non-waste technologies in the production process;

· Minimization of their volume and reduction of their hazard during primary processing;

· Use of semi-products and wastes of the main workshops of the enterprise as secondary raw materials in the production cycles of auxiliary workshops or at special processing plants;

· Prevention of their dispersion or losses during reloading, transportation and intermediate storage.

2.2. Waste management processes (waste life cycle) include the following stages: formation, accumulation and temporary storage, primary processing (sorting, dehydration, neutralization, pressing, taring, etc.), transportation, recycling (neutralization, modification, disposal, use as secondary raw materials), storage, burial and incineration.

2.3. The handling of each type of production and consumption waste depends on their origin, state of aggregation, physical and chemical properties of the substrate, the quantitative ratio of components and the degree of danger to public health and the human environment.

The degree (class) of waste hazard is determined in accordance with the current regulatory document by calculation and experiment.

2.4. Temporary storage of production and consumption wastes is allowed, which at the current level of development of scientific and technological progress cannot be disposed of at enterprises.

2.5. There are the following basic storage methods:

· Temporary storage in production areas in open areas or in special rooms (in workshops, warehouses, open areas, in tanks, etc.);

· Temporary storage in the production areas of the main and auxiliary (subsidiary) enterprises for the processing and disposal of waste (in barns, storage facilities, storage facilities); as well as at intermediate (receiving) collection and accumulation points, incl. at terminals, railway yards, river and sea ports;

· Storage outside the production area - at improved industrial waste landfills, sludge storage facilities, waste rock dumps, waste heaps, ash dumps, as well as in specially equipped complexes for their processing and burial;

· Storage at sites for dewatering sludge from treatment facilities.

3. Temporary storage and transportation of waste

3.1. Temporary storage and transportation of production and consumption waste is determined by an industrial enterprise development project or an independent waste management project.

3.2. Temporary storage of production and consumption waste is allowed at:

· Production area of ​​the main producers (manufacturers) of waste;

· Collection points for the collection of secondary raw materials;

· The territory and premises of specialized enterprises for the processing and disposal of toxic waste;

· In open areas specially equipped for this.

3.3. Temporary storage of waste at the production site is intended for:

· Selective collection and accumulation of certain types of waste;

Use of waste in the subsequent technological process with the purpose of neutralization (neutralization), partial or complete processing and disposal in auxiliary industries.

3.4. Depending on the technological and physicochemical characteristics of the waste, it is allowed to temporarily store them in (on):

· Production or auxiliary premises;

· Non-stationary storage facilities (under inflatable, openwork and hinged structures);

· Reservoirs, storage tanks, tanks and other ground and buried specially equipped containers;

· Wagons, cisterns, trolleys, on platforms and other vehicles;

· Open sites adapted for waste storage.

3.5. Open storage of bulk and volatile waste in premises is not allowed.

In closed warehouses used for temporary storage of wastes of I - II hazard classes, spatial isolation and separate storage of substances in separate compartments (chests) on pallets should be provided.

3.6. The accumulation and temporary storage of industrial waste in the production area is carried out according to the workshop principle or centrally.

The conditions for collection and accumulation are determined by the hazard class of waste, the packaging method and are reflected in the Technical Regulations (project, enterprise passport, technical specifications, instructions), taking into account the state of aggregation and the reliability of the container.

At the same time, storage of solid industrial waste of class I is allowed only in sealed reversible (replaceable) containers (containers, barrels, tanks), II - in securely closed containers (plastic bags, plastic bags); III - in paper bags and chests, cotton bags, textile bags; IV - in bulk, in embankments, in the form of ridges.

3.7. During the temporary storage of waste in non-stationary warehouses, in open areas without containers (in bulk, in bulk) or in an unsealed container, the following conditions must be observed:

· Temporary warehouses and open areas should be located on the leeward side in relation to residential buildings;

· The surface of waste stored in bulk or open storage receptacles must be protected from the effects of atmospheric precipitation and winds (cover with tarpaulin, equipment with a canopy, etc.);

· The surface of the site must have an artificial waterproof and chemically resistant coating (asphalt, expanded clay concrete, polymer concrete, ceramic tiles, etc.);

· Along the perimeter of the site, an embankment and a separate network of storm drains with autonomous treatment facilities should be provided; its connection to local treatment facilities is allowed in accordance with technical conditions;

· The entry of contaminated storm water from this site into the city-wide rainwater drainage system or discharge into the nearest water bodies without cleaning is not allowed.

3.8. Storage of finely dispersed waste in open form (in bulk) on industrial sites without the use of dust suppression means is not allowed.

3.9. Disposal of waste in natural or artificial relief depressions (excavations, pits, quarries, etc.) is allowed only after special preparation of the bed on the basis of pre-design studies.

3.10. Low-hazard (IV class) waste can be stored both on the territory of the main enterprise and outside it in the form of specially planned dumps and storages.

3.11. In the presence of various hazard classes in the composition of waste, the calculation of their maximum amount for one-time storage should be determined by the presence and specific content of the most hazardous substances (I - II class).

3.12. The maximum accumulation of the amount of waste on the territory of the enterprise, which is allowed to be placed on its territory at a time, is determined by the enterprise in each specific case on the basis of the balance of materials, the results of the inventory of waste, taking into account their macro- and microcomposition, physical and chemical properties, incl. aggregate state, toxicity and levels of migration of waste components into atmospheric air.

3.13. The criterion for the maximum accumulation of industrial waste on the territory of an industrial organization is the content of harmful substances specific for this waste in the air at a level of up to 2 m, which should not be higher than 30% of the MPC in the air of the working area.

The maximum amount of waste during open storage is determined as the mass of waste accumulates in the prescribed manner.

3.14. The maximum amount of waste accumulation in industrial areas is not standardized for:

· Solid waste, concentrated liquid and pasty waste of I hazard class, packed in a completely sealed container in a closed room, excluding the access of unauthorized persons;

· Solid bulk and lumpy waste of class II and III, stored in appropriate reliable metal, plastic, wood and paper containers.

In these cases, the maximum temporary amount of waste on the territory is established taking into account the general requirements for the safety of chemicals: fire and explosion hazard, the formation of more hazardous secondary compounds in open or semi-open storage conditions.

3.15. The frequency of removal of accumulated waste from the territory of the enterprise is regulated by the established limits for the accumulation of industrial waste, which are determined as part of the project for the development of an industrial enterprise or in an independent project for waste management.

3.16. Waste is subject to immediate removal from the territory if one-time accumulation limits are violated or if the hygienic standards for the quality of the human environment (atmospheric air, soil, groundwater) are exceeded.

3.17. The movement of waste on the territory of an industrial enterprise must comply with the sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the territories and premises of industrial enterprises. When moving waste in enclosed spaces, use hydraulic and pneumatic systems, autocars.

3.18. For bulk waste, it is preferable to use all types of pipeline transport, primarily pneumatic vacuum. For other types of waste, belt conveyors, other horizontal and inclined transmission mechanisms, as well as in-plant automobile, narrow-gauge and conventional rail transport can be used.

3.19. Transportation of industrial waste outside the enterprise is carried out by all types of transport - pipeline, rope, road, rail, water and air.

Waste transportation from the main enterprise to auxiliary production facilities and to storage sites is carried out by specially equipped vehicles of the main manufacturer or specialized transport companies.

The design and operating conditions of specialized transport should exclude the possibility of accidents, losses and environmental pollution along the route and during the transfer of waste from one mode of transport to another. All types of work related to the loading, transportation and unloading of waste in the main and auxiliary industries must be mechanized and, if possible, sealed.

The rules establish hygienic requirements for the location, arrangement, technology, mode of operation and reclamation of sites for centralized use, neutralization and disposal of production and consumption waste (facilities). The requirements do not apply to: radioactive waste disposal sites; landfills for solid household and mixed waste; burial grounds for organic substances and animal corpses; warehouses of expired and unusable medicines and pesticides.

Designation: SanPiN
Russian name: Hygienic requirements for the placement and disposal of production and consumption waste
Status: acts
Replaces: SanPiN 1746-77 "Sanitary rules for the design, construction and operation of landfills for disposal of non-recyclable industrial waste" 3183-84 "Procedure for the accumulation, transportation, disposal and disposal of toxic industrial waste (sanitary rules)" the territory of the enterprise (organization) "SanPiN 3897-85" The maximum amount of toxic industrial waste allowed for storage in storage facilities (at landfills) of solid household waste (regulatory document) "
Date of text update: 05.05.2017
Date added to the database: 01.09.2013
Effective date: 15.06.2003
Approved by: 04/30/2003 RF (Russian Federation Chief Public Health Officer)
Published: Federal Center for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Ministry of Health of Russia (2004)
Download links:





1. Developed by: R. S. Gildenskiold, I. S. Kiryanova, A. V. Tulakin, M. M. Sayfutdinov, N. A. Gorelenkova (Federal Scientific Center for Hygiene named after F. F. Erisman); N. V. Rusakov, I. A. Kryatov, N. I. Tonkopiy (A. N. Sysin Research Institute of Human Ecology and Environmental Hygiene, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences); B. G. Bokitko, A. V. Bormashov (Department of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Ministry of Health of Russia); O. L. Gavrilenko, O. A. Gildenskiold, A. A. Kosyatnikov (State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Center in the Moscow Region); V. I. Evdokimov, V. V. Fetter, V. I. Pivnya, G. I. Kovaleva (State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Center in the Belgorod Region); M. I. Chubirko, Yu. S. Stepkin (State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Center in the Voronezh Region); NP Mamchik (State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Center in Voronezh); V. V. Sboev, V. A. Musikhin (Center of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision in the Perm Region); S. A. Rybakova, L. F. Loktionova (Center of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision in the Rostov Region); A. M. Spiridonov, V. A. Zhernova, N. S. Leushkina, L. A. Ksenofontova (State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Center in the Samara Region); L. I. Shishkina, A. Yu. Khozhainov (State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Center in the Tula Region).

3. Approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation G. G. Onishchenko on April 30, 2003.

4. Entered into force by Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation No. 80 of April 30, 2003, from June 15, 2003. Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on May 12, 2003, Registration No. 4526.

5. Introduced instead: "Sanitary rules design, construction and operation of landfills for disposal of non-recyclable industrial waste "No. 1746-77; "Procedure for the accumulation, transportation, disposal and disposal of toxic industrial waste" (SP) No. 3183-84; “Limiting amounts of accumulation of toxic industrial waste on the territory of an enterprise (organization)” No. 3209-85; “The maximum amount of toxic industrial waste allowed for storage in storage facilities (at landfills) of solid household waste (regulatory document)” No. 3897-85.

the federal law

"On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population"

No. 52-ФЗ dated 30.03.99

"State sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations (hereinafter - sanitary rules) - regulatory legal acts establishing sanitary and epidemiological requirements (including criteria for the safety and (or) harmlessness of environmental factors for humans, hygienic and other standards), failure to comply with which creates threat to human life or health, as well as the threat of the emergence and spread of diseases ”(Article 1).

"On the territory of the Russian Federation, there are federal sanitary rules approved and enacted by the federal executive body authorized to carry out state sanitary and epidemiological supervision in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation."

"Compliance with sanitary rules is mandatory for citizens, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities" (Article 39).

"Disciplinary, administrative and criminal liability is established for violation of sanitary legislation" (Article 55).



04/30/03 Moscow No. 80

On the introduction of sanitary

epidemiological regulations

and standards SanPiN

Based on the Federal Law "On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population" dated March 30, 1999 No. 52-FZ and the Regulation on State Sanitary and Epidemiological Standardization, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 24, 2000 No. 554


To put into effect from June 15, 2003 the sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations “Hygienic requirements for the placement and disposal of production and consumption waste. SanPiN ", approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation on April 30, 2003.

G. G. Onishchenko

Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation



04/30/03 Moscow No. 81

About sanitary standards

invalidated: SP No. 1746-77,

SP No. 3183-84, 3209-85, ND No. 3897-85

Based on the Federal Law "On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population" dated March 30, 1999 No. 52-FZ and the Regulation on State Sanitary and Epidemiological Standardization, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 24, 2000 No. 554


1. Since the introduction of the sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations "Hygienic requirements for the placement and disposal of production and consumption waste. SP ", from June 15, 2003, to consider as invalid SanPiN 1746-77" Sanitary rules for the design, construction and operation of landfills for disposal of non-recyclable industrial waste "; SP No. 3183-84 "Procedure for the accumulation, transportation, disposal and disposal of toxic industrial waste"; No. 3209-85 "Limiting amounts of accumulation of toxic industrial waste on the territory of an enterprise (organization)"; ND No. 3897-85 "The maximum amount of toxic waste allowed for storage in storage facilities (at landfills) of solid domestic waste."

G. G. Onishchenko


Chief State Sanitary

doctor of the Russian Federation,

First Deputy Minister

health care of the Russian Federation

G. G. Onishchenko


Hygienic requirements for placement and disposal
production and consumption waste

Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and Regulations


1 area of ​​use

1.1. These sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations (hereinafter - sanitary regulations) developed in accordance with the current Federal Law " On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population"Dated March 30, 99 No. 52-FZ (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, No. 14, Art. 1650) and the Regulations on the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Russian Federation, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 24, 2000 No. 554 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2000, No. 31, Art. 3295).

1.2. These sanitary rules establish hygienic requirements for the location, arrangement, technology, mode of operation and reclamation of places of centralized use, neutralization and disposal of production and consumption waste (objects).

1.3. The requirements of these rules are intended for legal entities and individuals whose activities are related to the design, construction, reconstruction, operation of facilities and land reclamation.

1.4. These requirements do not apply to:

· disposal sites for radioactive waste;

· landfills for solid household and mixed waste;

· burial grounds for organic substances and animal corpses;

· warehouses of expired and unusable medicines and pesticides.

1.5. Neutralization and burial of corpses of dead animals, confiscated goods and waste from veterinary hospitals and meat processing plants is carried out in accordance with the current rules of the veterinary and sanitary service, and in cases of epidemiological danger in accordance with the sanitary and epidemiological conclusion.

1.6. The criteria for the hygienic safety of the functioning of operated or closed storage facilities are the maximum permissible concentrations of chemicals in the air of the working area, atmospheric air, in the water of open reservoirs and in the soil, as well as the maximum permissible levels of physical factors.

2. General provisions

2.1. The purpose of this document is to reduce the adverse impact of production and consumption waste on public health and the human environment by:

· introduction of modern low-waste and non-waste technologies in the production process;

Minimization tion of their volume and reduction of their hazard during primary processing;

· the use of semi-products and wastes of the main workshops of the enterprise as secondary raw materials in the production cycles of auxiliary workshops or at special processing plants;

· preventing their dispersion or losses during reloading, transportation and intermediate storage.

2.2. Waste management processes (waste life cycle) include the following stages: formation, accumulation and temporary storage, primary processing (sorting, dehydration, neutralization, pressing, taring, etc.), transportation, recycling (neutralization, modification, disposal, use as secondary raw materials), storage, burial and incineration.

2.3. The handling of each type of production and consumption waste depends on their origin, state of aggregation, physical and chemical properties of the substrate, the quantitative ratio of components and the degree of danger to public health and the human environment.

The degree (class) of waste hazard is determined in accordance with the current regulatory document by calculation and experiment.

2.4. Temporary storage of production and consumption wastes is allowed, which at the current level of development of scientific and technological progress cannot be disposed of at enterprises.

2.5. There are the following basic storage methods:

· temporary storage in production areas in open areas or in special rooms (in workshops, warehouses, in open areas, in tanks, etc.);

· temporary storage in the production areas of the main and auxiliary (subsidiary) enterprises for the processing and disposal of waste (in barns, storage facilities, storage facilities); as well as at intermediate (receiving) collection and accumulation points, incl. at terminals, railway yards, river and sea ports;

· storage outside the production area - at improved industrial waste landfills, sludge storage facilities, waste rock dumps, waste heaps, ash and slag disposallakhs, as well as in specially equipped complexes for their processing and burial;

· storage at sites for dewatering sludge from treatment facilities.

3. Temporary storage and transportation of waste

3.1. Temporary storage and transportation of production and consumption waste is determined by an industrial enterprise development project or an independent waste management project.

3.2. Temporary storage of production and consumption waste is allowed at:

· production area of ​​the main producers (manufacturers) of waste;

· collection points for the collection of secondary raw materials;

· the territory and premises of specialized enterprises for the processing and disposal of toxic waste;

· in open areas specially equipped for this.

3.3. Temporary storage of waste at the production site is intended for:

· selective collection and accumulation of certain types of waste;

· use of waste in the subsequent technological process with the purpose of neutralization (neutralization), partial or complete processing and disposal in auxiliary industries.

3.4. Depending on the technological and physicochemical characteristics of the waste, it is allowed to temporarily store them in (on):

· production or auxiliary premises;

· non-stationary storage facilities (under inflatable, openwork and hinged structures);

· reservoirs, storage tanks, tanks and other ground and buried specially equipped containers;

· wagons, cisterns, trolleys, on platforms and other vehicles;

· open sites adapted for waste storage.

3.5. Open storage of bulk and volatile waste in premises is not allowed.

In closed warehouses used for temporary storage of wastes of I - II hazard classes, spatial isolation and separate storage of substances in separate compartments (chests) on pallets should be provided.

3.6. The accumulation and temporary storage of industrial waste in the production area is carried out according to the workshop principle or centrally.

The conditions for collection and accumulation are determined by the hazard class of waste, the packaging method and are reflected in the Technical Regulations (project, enterprise passport, technical specifications, instructions), taking into account the state of aggregation and the reliability of the container.

At the same time, storage of solid industrial waste I class is allowed only in sealed reversible (replaceable) containers (containers, barrels, tanks), II- in a securely closed container (plastic bags, plastic bags);III - in paper bags and chests, cotton bags, textile bags; IV - in bulk, in embankments, in the form of ridges.

3.7. During the temporary storage of waste in non-stationary warehouses, in open areas without containers (in bulk, in bulk) or in an unsealed container, the following conditions must be observed:

· temporary warehouses and open areas should be located on the leeward side in relation to residential buildings;

· the surface of waste stored in bulk or open storage receptacles must be protected from the effects of atmospheric precipitation and winds (cover with tarpaulin, equipment with a canopy, etc.);

· the surface of the site must have an artificial waterproof and chemically resistant coating (asphalt, expanded clay concrete, polymer concrete, ceramic tiles, etc.);

· a collapse should be provided along the perimeter of the sitedexterity and a separate network of storm drains with autonomous treatment facilities; its connection to local treatment facilities is allowed in accordance with technical conditions;

· the entry of contaminated storm water from this site into the city-wide rainwater drainage system or discharge into the nearest water bodies without cleaning is not allowed.

3.8. Storage of finely dispersed waste in open form (in bulk) on industrial sites without the use of dust suppression means is not allowed.

3.9. Disposal of waste in natural or artificial relief depressions (excavations, pits, quarries, etc.) is allowed only after special preparation of the bed on the basis of pre-design studies.

3.10. Low-hazard (IV class) waste can be stored both on the territory of the main enterprise and outside it in the form of specially planned dumps and storages.

3.11. In the presence of waste of different hazard classes in the composition of waste, the calculation of their maximum amount for one-time storage should be determined by the presence and specific content of the most hazardous substances (I - II Class).

3.12. The maximum accumulation of the amount of waste on the territory of the enterprise, which is allowed to be placed on its territory at a time, is determined by the enterprise in each specific case on the basis of the balance of materials, the results of the inventory of waste, taking into account their macro- and microcomposition, physical and chemical properties, incl. aggregate state, toxicity and levels of migration of waste components into atmospheric air.

3.13. The criterion for the maximum accumulation of industrial waste on the territory of an industrial organization is the content of harmful substances specific for this waste in the air at a level of up to 2 m, which should not be higher than 30% of the MPC in the air of the working area.

The maximum amount of waste during open storage is determined as the mass of waste accumulates in the prescribed manner.

3.14. The maximum amount of waste accumulation in industrial areas is not standardized for:

· solid waste, concentrated liquid and pasty waste I hazard class, packed in a completely sealed container in a closed room, excluding access by unauthorized persons;

· solid loose and lumpy waste II and III class, stored in appropriate reliable metal, plastic, wood and paper containers.

In these cases, the maximum temporary amount of waste on the territory is established taking into account the general requirements for the safety of chemicals: fire and explosion hazard, the formation of more hazardous secondary compounds in open or semi-open storage conditions.

3.15. The frequency of removal of accumulated waste from the territory of the enterprise is regulated by the established limits for the accumulation of industrial waste, which are determined as part of the project for the development of an industrial enterprise or in an independent project for waste management.

3.16. Waste is subject to immediate removal from the territory if one-time accumulation limits are violated or if the hygienic standards for the quality of the human environment (atmospheric air, soil, groundwater) are exceeded.

3.17. The movement of waste on the territory of an industrial enterprise must comply with the sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the territories and premises of industrial enterprises. When moving waste in enclosed spaces, use hydraulic and pneumatic systems, autocars.

3.18. For bulk waste, it is preferable to use all types of pipeline transport, primarily pneumatic vacuum. For other types of waste, belt conveyors, other horizontal and inclined transmission mechanisms, as well as in-plant automobile, narrow-gauge and conventional rail transport can be used.

3.19. Transportation of industrial waste outside the enterprise is carried out by all types of transport - pipeline, rope, road, rail, water and air.

Waste transportation from the main enterprise to auxiliary production facilities and to storage sites is carried out by specially equipped vehicles of the main manufacturer or specialized transport companies.

The design and operating conditions of specialized transport should exclude the possibility of accidents, losses and environmental pollution along the route and during the transfer of waste from one mode of transport to another. All types of work related to the loading, transportation and unloading of waste in the main and auxiliary industries must be mechanized and, if possible, sealed.

4. Requirements for the placement, arrangement and maintenance of objects

4.1. The choice of a site for the placement of objects is carried out on the basis of the functional zoning of the territory and urban planning solutions.

4.2. Objects are located outside the residential area and in isolated areas with the provision of regulatory sanitary protection zones in accordance with the requirements of sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations.

4.3. Placement of a storage facility is not allowed:

On the territory of I, II and III zones of sanitary protection zones of water sources and mineral springs;

· in all zones of the sanitary protection zone of the resorts;

· in zones of mass suburban recreation of the population and on the territory of medical and health-improving institutions;

· recreational areas;

· in places where aquifers are pinched out;

· within the established water protection zones of open water bodies.

4.4. Storage facilities for production and consumption waste are intended for their long-term storage, provided that the sanitary and epidemiological safety of the population is ensured for the entire period of their operation and after closure.

4.5. The choice of a site for the placement of the object is carried out on an alternative basis in accordance with the pre-design studies.

4.6. The site for the disposal of a toxic waste landfill should be located in areas with a groundwater level at a depth of more than 20 m with a filtration coefficient of the underlying rocks of no more than 10 -6 cm / s; at a distance of at least 2 m from agricultural land used for growing industrial crops that are not used for food production.

4.7. The placement of landfills in swampy and flooded areas is not allowed.

4.8. The size of the site is determined by the productivity, type and hazard class of waste, processing technology, estimated service life of 20-25 years and the subsequent possibility of using waste.

4.9. The functional zoning of the sites of the objects depends on the purpose and capacity of the object, the degree of waste processing and must include at least 2 zones (administrative and economic and production).

4.10. On the territory of the objects it is allowed to place an autonomous boiler room, special installations for waste incineration, washing facilities, steaming and disinfection of machine mechanisms.

4.11. Waste disposal on the site is carried out in various ways: terraces, waste heaps, ridges, in pits, in trenches, in tanks, in containers, storage bins, on maps, on platforms.

4.12. Waste storage and disposal at the facility is carried out taking into account hazard classes, state of aggregation, water solubility, hazard class of substances and their components.

4.13. Waste disposal I hazard class containing water-soluble substances should be produced in pits in container packaging, in steel cylinders with double control for tightness before and after filling them, placed in a concrete box. Waste-filled pits are insulated with a layer of soil and covered with a waterproof coating.

4.14. When burying waste containing poorly soluble substances Ihazard class, additional measures should be provided for waterproofing the walls and bottom of the pits, ensuring the filtration coefficient is not more than 10 -8 cm / s.

4.15. Solid pasty waste containing soluble substances II- III hazard class, are subject to burial in pits with waterproofing of the bottom and side walls.

Burial of solid and dusty waste containing waste of II - III hazard class, insoluble in water, is carried out in pits with soil compaction and filtration coefficient not more than 10 -6 cm / s.

Solid waste IVhazard classes are stored on a special card with layer-by-layer sealing. This waste, in accordance with the sanitary and epidemiological conclusion, can be used as an insulating material.

4.16. Waste from production and consumption of III - IV hazard class is allowed to be stored together with MSW in a ratio of not more than 30% of the mass of MSW if they contain chemicals in their aqueous extract, the complex effect of which in terms of oxygen consumption (BOD20 and COD) does not exceed 4000 - 5000 mg / l, which corresponds to the solid waste filtrate.

4.17. Industrial waste is accepted and used as an insulating intermediate layer for landfills without limitation in quantity IVhazard classhaving a homogeneous structure with a fraction size of less than 250 mm, provided that the level of biochemical oxygen consumption (BOD20) remains in the filtrate at a level of 100 - 500 mg / l, COD is not more than 300 mg / l.

4.18. Industrial waste allowed for joint storage with solid waste must meet the following technological requirements - not explosive, spontaneously combustible and with a moisture content of no more than 85%.

The types of industrial waste allowed for storage at solid waste landfills are given in Appendix. ...

The main types of solid and sludge-like toxic industrial wastes, the placement of which at solid waste landfills is unacceptable, are given in Appendix. ...

4.19. The facilities must be provided with centralized water supply and sewerage networks, it is allowed to use imported water for household and drinking purposes in accordance with the sanitary and epidemiological conclusion. For the purification of surface runoff and drainage water, local treatment facilities are provided.

4.20. To intercept surface runoff in the landfill storage area, a system of upland ditches and rainwater drainage are provided, and a drainage system is provided to drain the leachate.

4.21. In the landfill design, an annular channel and an annular shaft with a height of at least 2 m should be provided along the entire perimeter of the burial zone.

4.22. Storm and melt water from the landfill map areas where toxic waste is buried is not allowed to enter any territory, especially used for economic purposes. The collection of this water is carried out on special maps - evaporators inside the landfill.

4.23. To prevent the ingress of contaminants into the aquifer, the soils provide for waterproofing the bottom and walls of the bed with compacted clay, soil-bitumen-concrete, asphalt concrete, asphalt-polymer concrete and other materials with a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion.

5. Composition of pre-design and design documentation

5.1. The placement of objects is carried out in accordance with urban planning solutions through the development of pre-design and project documentation.

5.2. Pre-design, design documentation for each facility must be presented in a volume that allows an assessment of the adopted design decisions on their compliance with sanitary standards and rules.

Annex 1

Types of industrial waste, the disposal of which is allowed together with household

Waste type

Industry or enterprise where waste is accumulated

I group

Expandable polystyrene plastics (solid waste production)

Association "Plastpolymer"

Cutting rubber

Footwear industry

Getinaks electrical sheet 111-08 (departure from the production of electrical insulating materials)

Sticky tape LSNPL-O.17 (waste in the production of electrical insulating materials)

Electrical industry

Polyethylene tube PNP (waste production of electrical insulating materials)

Electrical industry

Suspension production of styrene copolymers with acrylonitrile or methyl methacrylate (solid waste)

Association "Plastpolymer"

Suspension production of polystyrene plastics (production of solid waste)

Association "Plastpolymer"

Suspended and emulsion polystyrene (solid waste production)

Association "Plastpolymer"

Glass-lacquered cloth LSE-O.15 (waste in the production of electrical insulating materials)

Electrical industry

Glass fabric E 2-62 (waste in the production of electrical insulating materials)

Electrical industry

Electrotechnical sheet textolite B-16.0 (waste in the production of electrical insulating materials)

Electrical industry

Phenoplast 03-010432 (waste in the production of electrical insulating materials)

Electrical industry

Emulsion production of acrylonitrile butadienonitrile plastics (solid waste)

Association "Plastpolymer"

II group

Wood and sawdust waste (does not include sawdust used for sprinkling floors in industrial premises)

Engineering Plants

Non-returnable wooden and paper containers (do not include oiled paper)

Aviation industry enterprises

III group

(mixing with solid household waste in a ratio of 1:10)

Chrome flap (light industry waste)

Footwear industry

Bleaching earth (food waste)

Fat processing plants

IV group

(mixing with solid household waste in a ratio of 1:20)

Activated carbon for vitamin B-6 production

Vitamin factories

Trim leatherette

Shoe industry, car factories

Appendix 2

The main types of solid and sludge-like toxic industrial waste, the placement of which on solid waste landfills is unacceptable

Waste type

Harmful substances contained in waste

Industries chemical industry


Graphite sludge from the production of synthetic rubber, chlorine, caustic

Methanol waste from plexiglass production

Sludge from the production of salts of monochloroacetic acid

Hexachlorane, methanol, trichlorobenzene

Paper bags

DDT, urotropine, cineb, copper trichlorophenolate, thiuram-D

Sludge from copper trichlorophenolate production


Spent catalysts for plastic polymer production

Benzene, dichloroethane

Coagulum and omega polymers


Trichlorobenzene resin for fertilizer production

Hexachlorane, trichlorobenzene

Chrome connections

Sodium Monochromate Production Slurry

Hexavalent chromium

Sodium chloride production of potassium dichromate


Zinc ash Zinc

Artificial fiber

Dimethyl terephthalate, terephthalic acid, zinc, copper

Waste from caprolactam filtration


Waste from the methanolysis plant


Films of varnishes and enamels, waste from equipment cleaning

Zinc, chromium, solvents, oxidizing oils

Zinc, magnesium


Waste from hyposulfite production

Waste from the production of anhydrous sulphite

Waste of magnetic varnish, collodion, paints

Butyl acetate, toluene, dichloroethane, methanol


Cured resin

Nitrogen industry

Sludge (tar) from a coke oven gas treatment plant

Carcinogenic substances

Waste oils from the synthesis and compression shop

Distillation residue from monoethanolamine distillation


Oil refining and petrochemical industry

Aluminosilicate adsorbent for cleaning oils, paraffin

Chrome, cobalt

Sour tars with sulfuric acid content over 30%

Sulphuric acid

Fus and fusosmolny residues of coke production and semi-coke gasification

Iron-chromium catalyst KMS-482 from the production of styrenes

Waste clay

Waste from the filtration process from plants of alkylphenol additives

Spent catalysts K-16, K-22, KNF

Mechanical engineering

Sediment of chromium-containing effluents

Cyanide sludge

Core mixtures on organic binder

Sediment after vacuum filters, neutralization stations of electroplating shops

Zinc, chromium, nickel, cadmium, lead, copper, chlorophos, thiokol

Medical industry

Waste from synthomycin production

Bromine, dichloroethane, methanol

Waste enrichment and sludge

Heavy metal salts

Appendix 3


An indicative method for determining the maximum amount of solid waste on the territory of an enterprise (organization)

The limiting amount of waste during their open storage can be established empirically as the mass of waste accumulates. At the measurement points, the concentrations of all harmful substances subject to control are determined, followed by the construction of a regression line y (M), whereYi- the sum of the ratios of the concentration of harmful substancesCito the relevantMPCi

M is the mass of waste, determined according to the graph by the continuation of the regression line until it intersects with a straight line parallel to the abscissa axis and passing through a point Y = 0.3.

The found empirical dependence makes it possible to predict the release of harmful substances into the air and limit M to the value of Mx, corresponding to the intersection of the regression line with a straight line parallel to the abscissa axis:

Calculation example: On the territory of the enterprise, at the temporary storage site, there is solid waste from the electroplating workshop in the amount60 kg containing ethylenediamine. It is required to determine the maximum amount of waste allowed for temporary storage.

Calculation: MPC of ethylenediamine in the air of the working area = 2 mg / m 3, 0.3 MPC = 0.6 mg / m 3.

Air analysis results at a height of up to 2.0 m above the mass of waste, mg / m 3: 0.4; 0.6; 1.0; 0.2; 1; 0.

Weighted averageCi = 0,64


Thus, the stored amount of waste is limited and must be removed immediately.





1... Designed by: R.S. Gildenskiold, I... S. Kiryanova, A. V. Tulakin, M. M. Saif utdino V., N.A. Gorelenkova (Federal Scientific Center for Hygiene named after V.I. F ... F. Erisman); N.V. Rusakov, I.A.Kryatov, N.I. Tonkopiy (Research Institute of Human Ecology and Environmental Hygiene named after A.N. NS Sina RAMS); B.G.Bok itko, A. V. Bormashov (Department of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Ministry of Health of Russia); O. L. Gavrilenko, O. A. Gildenskiold, A. A. Kosyatnikov (State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Center in the Moscow Region); V. I. Evdokimov, V. V. Fe ttera, V. I. Pivnya, G. I. Kovaleva (State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Center in the Belgorod Region); M. I. Chubirko, Yu. S. Stepkin (State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Center in the Voronezh Region); N.P. Ma m chik (State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Center in Voronezh); V. V. Sboev, V. A. Musikhin (Center of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision in the Perm Region); S. A. Rybakova,LF Loktionova (Center of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision in the Rostov Region); A. M. Spiridonov, V. A. Zhernova, N. S. Leushkina, L. A. Ksenofontova (State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Center in the Samara Region); L. I. Shishkina,A. Yu. Khozhainov (State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Center in the Tula Region).

3... Approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation G. G. O beggar nko on April 30, 2003

4... Enacted by the order of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation No. 80 from April 30, 2003, from June 15, 2003 d. Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation May 12, 2003 d. Registration number 4526.

5... Introduced to replace: "Sanitary rules for the design, construction and operation of landfills for disposal of non-recyclable industrial waste" No. 1746-77; "Procedure for the accumulation, transportation, neutralization and disposal of toxic industrial waste" (SP) No. 3183-84; "The maximum amount of accumulation of toxic industrial waste on the territory of the enterprise (organization) "No. 3209-85 ; "The maximum amount of toxic industrial waste allowed for storage in storage facilities (at landfills) of solid household waste (regulatory document) "No. 3897-85.

the federal law

"On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population"

52-ФЗ dated 30.03.99

"State sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations (hereinafter - sanitary rules) - regulatory legal acts that establish sanitary and epidemiological requirements (including criteria for the safety and (or) harmlessness of environmental factors for humans, hygienic and other standards), failure to comply with which creates threat to human life or health, as well as the threat of the emergence and spread of diseases "(article 1).

"On the territory of the Russian Federation, there are federal sanitary rules approved and enacted by the federal executive body authorized to carry out state sanitary and epidemiological supervision in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation."

"Compliance with sanitary rules is mandatory for citizens, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities" (Article 39).

"Disciplinary, administrative and criminal liability is established for violation of sanitary legislation" (Article 55).



30. 04. 03 Moscow No. 80

On the introduction of sanitary

epidemiological regulations

and standards SanPiN

30March 1999 No. 52 24 July 2000 No. 554


Implement with 15June 2003 d. sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations “Hygienic requirements for the placement and disposal of production and consumption waste. SanPiN ", approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation April 30, 2003

G. G. Onishchenko

Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation



30... 04.03 Moscow No. 81

About sanitary standards

invalidated: SP No. 1746-77,

SP No. 3183-84 , 3209-85, ND No. 3897-85

Based on the Federal Law "On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population" from 30March 1999 No. 52 -FZ and the Regulations on State Sanitary and Epidemiological Regulation, approved by the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation from July 24, 2000 No. 554


1.Since the introduction of the sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations “Hygienic requirements for the placement and disposal of production and consumption waste. Joint venture 2.1. 7.1322-03 ", from June 15, 2003 d. consider invalid SanPiN 1746-77 "Sanitary rules for the design, construction and operation of landfills for disposal of non-recyclable industrial waste"; SP No. 3183-84"Procedure for the accumulation, transportation, disposal and disposal of toxic industrial waste"; No. 3209-85"The maximum amount of accumulation of toxic industrial waste on the territory of the enterprise (organization) "; ND No. 3897-85 "The maximum amount of toxic waste allowed for storage in storage facilities (landfills) of solid household waste."

G. G. They u Yenko


Chief State Sanitary

doctor of the Russian Federation,

First Deputy Minister

health care of the Russian Federation

G. G. Onishchenko

30april 2003G.


Hygienic requirements for placement and disposal
production and consumption waste

Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and Regulations


1 area of ​​use

1.1.These sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations (hereinafter - sanitary regulations) developed in accordance with the current Federal Law "On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population" from March 30, 99 No. 52 -FZ (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, No. 14, Art. 1650 ) and the Regulations on the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Russian Federation, approved by the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 24, 2000 No. 554 (Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation, 2000, no. 31, art. 3295).

1.2... These sanitary rules establish hygienic requirements for the location, arrangement, technology, mode of operation and reclamation of places of centralized use, neutralization and disposal of production and consumption waste (objects).

1.3... The requirements of these rules are intended for legal entities and individuals whose activities are related to the design, construction, reconstruction, operation of facilities and land reclamation.

1.4... These requirements do not apply to:

· disposal sites for radioactive waste;

· landfills for solid household and mixed waste;

· burial grounds for organic substances and animal corpses;

· warehouses of expired and unusable medicines and pesticides.

1. 5... Neutralization and burial of corpses of dead animals, confiscated goods and waste from veterinary hospitals and meat processing plants is carried out in accordance with the current rules of veterinary-san it arny service, and in cases of epidemiological danger in accordance with the sanitary and epidemiological conclusion.

1. 6... The criteria for the hygienic safety of the functioning of operated or closed storage facilities are the maximum permissible concentrations of chemicals in the air of the working area, atmospheric air, in the water of open reservoirs and in the soil, as well as the maximum permissible levels of physical factors.

2. General provisions

2. 1.The purpose of this document is to reduce the adverse impact of production and consumption waste on public health and the human environment by:

· introduction of modern low-waste and non-waste technologies in the production process;

Minimization c their volume and reduction of their hazard during primary processing;

· the use of semi-products and wastes of the main workshops of the enterprise as secondary raw materials in the production cycles of auxiliary workshops or at special processing plants;

· preventing their dispersion or losses during reloading, transportation and intermediate storage.

2. 2... Waste management processes (waste life cycle) include the following stages: formation, accumulation and temporary storage, primary processing (sorting, money id walkie-talkie, neutralization, pressing, taring, etc.), transportation, recycling (neutralization, modification, utilization, use as secondary raw materials), storage, burial and incineration.

2. 3... The handling of each type of production and consumption waste depends on their origin, state of aggregation, physical and chemical properties of the substrate, the quantitative ratio of components and the degree of danger to public health and the human environment.

The degree (class) of waste hazard is determined in accordance with the current regulatory document by calculation and experiment.

2. 4... Temporary storage of production and consumption wastes is allowed, which at the current level of development of scientific-technical progress could not T ь disposed of at enterprises.

2. 5... There are the following basic storage methods:

· temporary storage in production areas in open areas or in special rooms (in workshops, warehouses, in open areas, in tanks, etc.);

· temporary storage in the production areas of the main and auxiliary (subsidiary) enterprises for the processing and disposal of waste (in barns, storage facilities, storage facilities); as well as at intermediate (receiving) collection and accumulation points, incl. at terminals, railway yards, river and sea ports;

· storage outside the production area - at improved industrial waste landfills, sludge storage facilities, waste rock dumps, waste heaps, ash and slag disposall ah, as well as in specially equipped complexes for their processing and disposal;

· storage at sites for dewatering sludge from treatment facilities.

3. Temporary storage and transportation of waste

3.1.Temporary storage and transportation of production and consumption waste is determined by an industrial enterprise development project or an independent waste management project.

3. 2... Temporary storage of production and consumption waste is allowed at:

· production area of ​​the main producers (manufacturers) of waste;

· collection points for the collection of secondary raw materials;

· the territory and premises of specialized enterprises for the processing and disposal of toxic waste;

· in open areas specially equipped for this.

3. 3.Temporary storage of waste at the production site is intended for:

· selective collection and accumulation of certain types of waste;

· use of waste in the subsequent technological process with the purpose of neutralization (neutralization), partial or complete processing and disposal in auxiliary industries.

3. 4... Depending on the technological and physicochemical characteristics of the waste, it is allowed to temporarily store them in (on):

· production or auxiliary premises;

· non-stationary storage facilities (under inflatable, openwork and hinged structures);

· reservoirs, storage tanks, tanks and other ground and buried specially equipped containers;

· wagons, cisterns, trolleys, on platforms and other vehicles;

· open sites adapted for waste storage.

3. 5.Open storage of bulk and volatile waste in premises is not allowed.

In closed warehouses used for temporary storage of waste I - II hazard classes should provide for spatial isolation and separate storage of substances in separate compartments (chests) on pallets.

3. 6... Accumulation and temporary storage of promo T moves in the production area are carried out according to the workshop principle or centrally.

The conditions for collection and accumulation are determined by the hazard class of waste, the packaging method and are reflected in the Technical Regulations (project, enterprise passport, technical specifications, instructions), taking into account the state of aggregation and the reliability of the container.

At the same time, storage of solid industrial waste I class is allowed only in sealed reversible (replaceable) containers (containers, barrels, tanks), II - in a securely closed container (plastic bags, plastic bags); III - in paper bags and chests, cotton bags, textile bags; IV - in bulk, in embankment, in the form of ridges.

3. 7... During the temporary storage of waste in non-stationary warehouses, in open areas without containers (in bulk, in bulk) or in an unsealed container, the following conditions must be observed:

· temporary warehouses and open areas should be located on the leeward side in relation to residential buildings;

· the surface of waste stored in bulk or open storage receptacles must be protected from the effects of atmospheric precipitation and winds (cover with tarpaulin, equipment with a canopy, etc.);

· the surface of the site must have an artificial waterproof and chemically resistant coating (asphalt, expanded clay concrete, polymer concrete, ceramic tiles, etc.);

· a collapse should be provided along the perimeter of the sitel ovka and a separate network of storm drains with autonomous treatment facilities; its connection to local treatment facilities is allowed in accordance with technical conditions;

· the entry of contaminated storm water from this site into the city-wide rainwater drainage system or discharge into the nearest water bodies without cleaning is not allowed.

3. 8... Storage of fine waste in open form (in bulk) at the industrial site SCH adkah without the use of funds NS no suppression is allowed.

3. 9... Waste disposal in natural or artificial relief depressions (excavations, pits, quarries, etc.) is allowed only after special preparation of the bed on the basis of pre-design s studies.

3... 10. Low-hazard ( IV class) waste can be stored both on the territory of the main enterprise and outside it in the form of specially planned dumps and storages.

3. 11.In the presence of waste of different hazard classes in the composition, the calculation of their maximum amount for one-time storage should be determined by the presence and specific content of the most hazardous substances ( I - II class).

3.12... The maximum accumulation of the amount of waste on the territory of the enterprise, which is allowed to be placed on its territory at a time, is determined by the enterprise in each specific case on the basis of the balance of materials, the results of the inventory of waste, taking into account their macro- and microcomposition, physical and chemical properties, incl. aggregate state, toxicity and levels of migration of waste components into atmospheric air.

3.13... The criterion for the maximum accumulation of industrial waste on the territory of an industrial organization is the content of harmful substances specific for this waste in the air at a level of up to 2m, which should not be higher 30% of MPC in the air of the working area.

The maximum amount of waste during open storage is determined as the mass of waste accumulates in the prescribed manner.

3.14... The maximum amount of waste accumulation in industrial areas is not standardized for:

· solid waste, concentrated liquid and pasty waste I hazard class, packed in a completely sealed container in a closed room, excluding access by unauthorized persons;

· solid loose and lumpy waste II and III class, stored in appropriate reliable metal, plastic, wood and paper containers.

In these cases, the maximum temporary amount of waste on the territory is established taking into account the general requirements for the safety of chemicals: fire and explosion hazard, the formation of more hazardous secondary compounds in open or semi-open storage conditions.

3.15... The frequency of removal of accumulated waste from the territory of the enterprise is regulated by the established limits for the accumulation of industrial waste, which are determined as part of the project for the development of an industrial enterprise or in an independent project for waste management.

3.16... Waste is subject to immediate removal from the territory if one-time accumulation limits are violated or if the hygienic standards for the quality of the human environment (atmospheric air, soil, groundwater) are exceeded.

3.17... The movement of waste on the territory of an industrial enterprise must comply with the sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the territories and premises of industrial enterprises. When moving waste in enclosed spaces, use hydraulic and pneumatic systems s, autocars.

3. 18... For bulk waste, it is preferable to use all types of pipeline transport, primarily pneumatic vacuum. For other types of waste, belt conveyors, other horizontal and inclined transmission mechanisms, as well as in-plant automobile, narrow-gauge and conventional rail transport can be used.

3.19... Transportation of industrial waste outside the enterprise is carried out by all types of transport - pipeline, rope, road, rail, water and air.

Waste transportation from the main enterprise to auxiliary production facilities and to storage sites is carried out by specially equipped vehicles of the main manufacturer or specialized transport companies.

The design and operating conditions of specialized transport should exclude the possibility of accidents, losses and environmental pollution along the route and during the transfer of waste from one mode of transport to another. All types of work related to the loading, transportation and unloading of waste in the main and auxiliary industries must be mechanized and, if possible, sealed.

4. Requirements for the placement, arrangement and maintenance of objects

4. 1.The choice of a site for the placement of objects is carried out on the basis of the functional zoning of the territory and urban planning solutions.

4. 2... Objects are located outside the residential area and in isolated areas with the provision of regulatory sanitary protection shitn s x zones in accordance with the requirements of sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations.

4. 3.Placement of a storage facility is not allowed:

On the territory of I, II and III zones of sanitary protection zones of water sources and mineral springs;

· in all zones of the sanitary protection zone of the resorts;

· in zones of mass suburban recreation of the population and on the territory of medical and health-improving institutions;

· recreational areas;

· in places where aquifers are pinched out;

· within the established water protection zones of open water bodies.

4. 4... Storage facilities for production and consumption waste are intended for their long-term storage, provided that the sanitary and epidemiological safety of the population is ensured for the entire period of their operation and after closure.

4. 5... The choice of a site for placing an object is carried out on an alternative basis in accordance with the pre-project NS mi elaborations.

4. 6... The site for the disposal of a toxic waste landfill should be located in areas with a groundwater level at a depth of more than 20m with a filtration coefficient of the underlying rocks no more 10 -6 cm / s; at a distance of at least 2m from agricultural land used for growing industrial crops that are not used for food production.

4. 7... The placement of landfills in swampy and flooded areas is not allowed.

4. 8... The size of the site is determined by the productivity, type and class of hazardous waste, processing technology, and the estimated service life for 20 - 25years and the subsequent possibility of using waste.

4. 9... Functional zoning of sites of facilities depends on the purpose and capacity of the facility, the degree of waste processing and should include at least 2zones (administrative and industrial).

4.10... On the territory of the objects it is allowed to place an autonomous boiler room, special installations for waste incineration, washing facilities, steaming and disinfection of machine mechanisms.

4. 11... Waste disposal on the site is carried out in various ways: terraces, waste heaps, ridges, in pits, in trenches, in tanks, in containers, storage bins, on maps, on platforms.

4.12... Waste storage and disposal at the facility is carried out taking into account hazard classes, state of aggregation, water solubility, hazard class of substances and their components.

4.13... Waste disposal I hazard class containing water-soluble substances should be produced in pits in container packaging, in steel cylinders with double control for tightness before and after filling them, placed in a concrete box. Waste-filled pits are insulated with a layer of soil and covered with a waterproof coating.

4.14... When burying waste containing poorly soluble substances I hazard class, additional measures should be provided for waterproofing the walls and bottom of the pits, ensuring the filtration coefficient is not more than 10 -8 cm / s.

4. 15... Solid pasty waste containing soluble substances II - III hazard class, are subject to burial in pits with waterproofing of the bottom and side walls.

Burial of solid and dusty waste containing waste II - III hazard class, insoluble in water, are carried out in pits with soil compaction and a filtration coefficient of not more than 10 -6 cm / s.

Solid waste IV hazard classes are stored on a special card with layer-by-layer sealing. This waste, in accordance with the sanitary and epidemiological conclusion, can be used as an insulating material.

4.16... Waste from production and consumption III - IV hazard class is allowed to be stored together with solid waste in a ratio of no more than30% of the mass of MSW with the content in their aqueous extract of chemicals, the complex effect of which in terms of the level of oxygen consumption (B PK20 and X PC) does not exceed 4000 - 5000 mg / l, which corresponds to the solid waste filtrate.

4. 17... Industrial waste is accepted and used as an insulating intermediate layer for landfills without limitation in quantity. IV hazard class,having a homogeneous structure with a fraction size less than 250mm, provided that the level of biochemical oxygen consumption (BP K20) at the level 100 - 500 mg / l, COD - no more 300 mg / l.

4.18... Industrial waste allowed for joint storage with solid waste must meet the following technological requirements - not be explosive, spontaneously combustible and with a moisture content of no more than 85%.

The types of industrial waste allowed for storage at solid waste landfills are given in Appendix. ...

The main types of solid and sludgeNS x toxic industrial wastes, the placement of which on solid waste landfills is unacceptable, are given in Appendix. ...

4. 19... The facilities must be provided with centralized water supply and sewerage networks, it is allowed to use imported water for household and drinking purposes in accordance with the sanitary and epidemiological conclusion. For the purification of surface runoff and drainage water, local treatment facilities are provided.

4. 20... To intercept surface runoff in the landfill storage area, a system of upland ditches and rainwater drainage are provided, and a drainage system is provided to drain the leachate.

4. 21.In the landfill design, an annular channel and an annular shaft with a height of at least 2 m.

4. 22... It is not allowed to get storm water and melt water from areas of the landfill maps where toxic waste is buried into any territory, especially used for economic purposes. The collection of this water is carried out on special maps - evaporators inside the landfill.

4. 23... To prevent the ingress of contaminants into the aquifer, soils, the bottom and walls of the bed are waterproofed with compacted clay, soil fog concrete mi, asphalt concrete, aspha l polymer concrete NS mi and other materials with a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion.

5. Composition of pre-design and design documentation

5.1.The placement of objects is carried out in accordance with urban planning solutions through the development of pre-design and project documentation.

5. 2... Pre-design, design documentation for each facility must be presented in a volume that allows an assessment of the adopted design decisions on their compliance with sanitary standards and rules.

Annex 1

Types of industrial waste, the disposal of which is allowed together with household

Waste type

Industry or enterprise where waste is accumulated


Foaming u yes polystyrene NS e plastics (solid waste production)

Association "Plastpolymer"

Cutting rubber

Footwear industry

Getinaks electrical sheet 111- 08(departure from the production of electrical insulating materials)

Adhesive tape LSNPL-O.17

Electrical industry

Polyethylene tube MON P (waste production of electrical insulating materials)

Electrical industry

Suspension production of styrene copolymers with acre iloni trilom or meth ilmetacr il atom (solid waste)

Association "Plastpolymer"

Suspension production polystyrene NS x plastics (solid waste production)

Association "Plastpolymer"

Suspended and emulsion polystyrene NS (solid waste production)

Association "Plastpolymer"

Ste clolakcloth LSE-O.15

Electrical industry

Glass cloth E 2- 62(waste in the production of electrical insulating materials)

Electrical industry

Electrotechnical sheet textolite B-16,0(waste in the production of electrical insulating materials)

Electrical industry

Phenoplast 03-010432 (waste in the production of electrical insulating materials)

Electrical industry

Emulsion production acre iloni tr ilbutadienoni tr ilov s x plastics (solid waste)

Association "Plastpolymer"


Wood and timber e waste (does not include sawdust, go SCH not for sprinkling floors in production premises)

Engineering Plants

Non-returnable wooden and paper containers (do not include oiled paper)

Aviation industry enterprises

III group


Chrome flap (light industry waste)

Footwear industry

Bleaching earth (food waste)

Fat processing plant


(mixing with solid household waste in the ratio 1: 20)

Activated carbon for the production of vitamin B- 6

Vitamin factories

Trim leatherette

Shoe industry, car factories

Appendix 2

The main types of solid and sludge-like toxic industrial waste, the placement of which on solid waste landfills is unacceptable

Waste type

Harmful substances contained in waste

Industries chemical industry


Graphite sludge from the production of synthetic rubber, chlorine, caustic


Methanol waste from plexiglass production


Sludge production of monochromatic salts l oracetic acid

Hexachloran, methanol, tr their lorbenzene

Paper bags

DD T, urotropine, cineb, tr them l copper orphenolate, t iuram-D

Production slimes tr of copper lorfenolate

Tr their lorfenol

Spent production catalysts plastopolymers

Benzene, dichloroethane

Koa gu lum and omega polymers

X loroprene

Resins tr them l orbenzene fertilizer production

Hexachlorane, trichlorobenzene

Chrome connections

Sodium Monochromate Production Slurry

Hexavalent chromium

Sodium chloride production b potassium ihromate



Zinc ash Zinc

Artificial fiber


Dimet ilterefta lat, terefta leva i acid, zinc, copper

Waste from caprolactam filtration


Waste from the methanolysis plant



Films of varnishes and enamels, waste from equipment cleaning

Zinc, chromium, solvents, oxidizing oils


Zinc, magnesium

X imiko-pho tographic

Waste from hyposulfite production


Waste from the production of anhydrous sulphite


Waste of magnetic varnish, collodion, paints

Booth ooze acetate, toluene, dichloroethane, methanol


Having cured resin


Nitrogen industry

Sludge (tar) from a coke oven gas treatment plant

Carcinogenic substances

Waste oils from the synthesis and compression shop


Distillation residue from monoethanolamine distillation


Oil refining and petrochemical industry

Alumos ilkatn s nd adsorbent for cleaning oils, paraffin

Chrome, cobalt

Sour tar s with sulfuric acid content over 30 %

Sulphuric acid

Foos NS and fusosmolyan NS e residues of coke production and semi-coke gasification


Zhelezochromes NS th catalyst K M WITH- 482from styrene production


Waste clay


Waste from the filtration process from plants a l kilfenol NS x additives


Spent catalysts K-16, TO- 22, CNF


Mechanical engineering

Chromium-containing precipitate and x drains


Cyanide sludge


Core mixtures on organic binder


Sediment after vac woo mf silt b T ditch, neutralization stations of galvanic workshops

Zinc,chromium, nickel, cadmium, lead, copper, chlorophos, thiokol

Medical industry

Waste from synthomycin production

Bromine, dichloroethane, methanol

Waste enrichment and shl am NS

Heavy metal salts

Appendix 3


An indicative method for determining the maximum amount of solid waste on the territory of an enterprise (organization)

The limiting amount of waste during their open storage can be established empirically as the mass of waste accumulates. At the measurement points, the concentrations of all harmful substances subject to control are determined, followed by the construction of a regression line y (M), whereYi - the sum of the ratios of the concentration of harmful substancesCi to the relevantMPC i

M is the mass of waste, determined according to the graph by the continuation of the regression line until it intersects with a straight line parallel to the abscissa axis and passing through a pointY = 0, 3.

The found empirical dependence makes it possible to predict the release of harmful substances into the air and limit M to the value of Mx, corresponding to the intersection of the regression line with a straight line parallel to the abscissa axis:

Calculation example: On the territory of the enterprise, at the temporary storage site, there is solid waste from the electroplating workshop in the amount60kg containing ethylenediamine. It is required to determine the limit for the amount of waste,valid for temporary storage.

Calculation: PDC ethylenediamine in the air of the working area = 2mg / m 3 , 0, 3 MPC = 0, 6mg / m 3 .

Air analysis results up to2, 0m above the mass of waste, mg / m 3:0, 4; 0, 6; 1, 0; 0, 2; 1;0.

Weighted averageCi = 0,64


Thus, the stored amount of waste is limited and must be removed immediately.