Organization role-playing game in kindergarten Pedagogical advice - interactive game (for preschool teachers)

Municipal preschool educational institution combined kindergarten No. 79

Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Khabarovsk Territory

deputy head

on educational and methodological work

“Plot-role-playing game”


Goal: to systematize teachers’ knowledge about role-playing games, to improve teachers’ skills in organizing and conducting role-playing games role playing games.

Slide navigation

  • Change presentation slides by clicking the left mouse button
  • Selecting a question on the game field is done by clicking on the number (cost of the question), after which a slide with the question appears.
  • To go to the correct answer slide, click on the “Correct Answer” link.
  • To go to the game field, click on the “Home” icon
  • For questions in the “Pedagogical Situations” category, correct answers are not provided.

Rules of the game

  • Teachers are divided into 3 teams. The discussion is conducted in teams, with one person answering.
  • Playing field – slide number 6, which presents categories, questions and tasks different levels difficulties. Each question has a point value.
  • The beginning of the game is determined by drawing lots (pulling out a piece of paper with the number 1, 2 or 3).
  • The sequence of task selection is determined in the order of elongated pieces of paper with numbers.
  • You are given 1 minute to think about a theoretical question, and 3 minutes for a pedagogical situation.

Rules of the game

  • If the answer is correct, the cost of the question is counted towards the team’s treasury; if the answer is incorrect, points will be deducted. (The jury keeps a record: counting the points of each team, both correct and incorrect). If the answer is incomplete, the jury may reduce the score.
  • If the answer is incorrect, the other team can answer and earn points.
  • Getting into the “Pig in a Poke” sector means a common task for all teams (time to complete the task is 10 minutes).
  • The winner is the team that scores large quantity points.
Pedagogy of the game - 10 Name the components of a role-playing game

Correct answer

Components of a role-playing game:

  • plot
  • content
  • game actions
  • playful use of objects (substitution)
  • real relationships between children
Pedagogy of play - 20 What are the conditions for the development of play activities in kindergarten?

Correct answer

Conditions for the development of play activities in kindergarten:

  • place
  • time
  • subject environment
  • management
  • interaction with family
Pedagogy of play - 30 Name the stages of formation of a role-playing game.

Correct answer

Stages of forming a role-playing game:

  • Subject-game actions
  • Role-playing and interaction
  • Plot summary
Pedagogy of play - 40 How does the game's plot differ from its content?

Correct answer

Game plot- this is the area of ​​reality that is reproduced by children in the game (hospital, store, etc.)

Pedagogy of play - 50 Pedagogy of play - 50 What is the comprehensive guidance of a role-playing game?

Correct answer

Comprehensive role-playing game guidance:

  • Getting to know your surroundings
  • Enriching the gaming experience
  • Organization of the subject-game environment
  • Activating communication between the teacher and children
Game Guide – 20 Game Guide – 20 Name main principle organizing role-playing games in kindergarten

Correct answer

The basic principle of organizing a role-playing game:

In order for children to master gaming skills, the teacher must play with the children.

Game Guide – 30 Game Guide – 30 Name three positions of a teacher when guiding a preschooler’s role-playing game.

Correct answer

Positions of the teacher when leading a role-playing game:

  • The teacher is a partner, a bearer of gaming skills and skills of organized communication in the game.
  • Teacher – coordinator of children’s play plans and communication
  • A teacher is an observer of children’s games and a consultant in case of difficulties.
Cat in a poke Cat in a poke Game planning - 30 Game planning - 30 Assignment to all teams Compose short plan comprehensive guidance for role-playing games (on separate forms) Game Guide – 50 Game Guide – 50 Name direct and indirect methods of managing the game.

Correct answer

Leadership Techniques Children's games can be conditionally divided into: methods of indirect influence and methods of direct guidance.

Indirect techniques- without direct intervention in the game (bringing in toys, creating a play environment before the start of the game).

Direct techniques- direct involvement of the teacher in the game (role-playing participation in the game, participation in the collusion of children, explanation, help, advice during the game, suggestions new topic games, etc.).

Game Guide – 60 Game Guide – 60 What does the teacher’s playing position include?

Correct answer

The teacher’s playing position includes:

  • The teacher’s pronounced interest in children’s games;
  • Reflection as the ability to see a real situation from the outside and identify game opportunities in it;
  • Infantilization as the ability to establish a trusting relationship with others;
  • Empathy as the ability to feel the game states of other people;
  • Creativity as the ability to find non-standard ways to achieve a goal.
Pedagogical situation – 25 Pedagogical situation – 25 Analyze pedagogical situations and make your suggestions. Masha fenced the toy chickens with cubes - it turned out to be a poultry yard. Plays, rejoices, feeds the chickens. Alyosha took aim with the ball: bang-bang! And there is no yard! Alyosha stands proud - he hit the target! He’s only sorry that the guys didn’t see him. What should the teacher do? How to teach how to play without ruining your neighbor's game? Pedagogical situation – 30 Pedagogical situation – 30 Analyze pedagogical situations and make your suggestions. The teacher organized the game “Bus”. The children sat down, bought tickets and went. During the game, the bus stopped at two stops, where more than half of the children got off and stood watching as the remaining children prepared to get off at the third stop. A minute later the bus turned out to be empty, the driver was upset that he had no one to carry, and the rest of the children scattered throughout the group. Why didn't the game work out? What should the teacher have done? Pedagogical situation – 35 Pedagogical situation – 35 Analyze pedagogical situations and make your suggestions. Maxim quickly took toys for himself to play “Space Travel: a control panel, a commander’s helmet, a tablet with a map, and “space power,” and “ solar panels" to recharge the engines. "What should we play with? Once you have taken everything, then play it yourself. “We won’t play with you,” the guys said. What should a teacher do in this situation? What work can be done with children to prevent possible similar situations? Pedagogical situation – 40 Pedagogical situation – 40 Analyze pedagogical situations and make your suggestions. The teacher introduced a new construction set to the group. Vova (5 years old) began to lay out the details of the construction set with great pleasure. “What do you want to build?” asked the teacher. “What... what will happen,” answered Vova. - How? - I will build from cubes and bricks. Starts to build. I put the cubes and bricks on them. - No, I’d rather build a rocket... He stacks the cubes one on top of the other. The column is swinging. He tries to hold it with his hand, but the entire structure collapsed. He leaves, leaving behind a pile of construction parts. The teacher says: “Try again.” Another failure. How to evaluate the actions of a teacher? What should a teacher do before giving a child a construction set? Pedagogical situation – 45 Pedagogical situation – 45 Analyze pedagogical situations and make your suggestions. Masha, Vanya and Kirill decided to play "Sea Voyage". “Cheers, I’m the captain of the ship,” says Vanya. “Yesterday you were a captain. You are a captain every day,” Masha and Kirill protested. How can a teacher be allowed this situation? What rule can you come up with so that other participants in the game have the right to interesting roles? Psychology of the game - 10 Psychology of the game - 10 What is the peculiarity of a role-playing game and its difference from other types of games?

Correct answer

The main feature of a role-playing game is the presence of an imaginary situation in it. The imaginary situation consists of a plot and roles.

Psychology of the game - 20 Psychology of the game - 20 Game is the leading activity of the child preschool age. What is leading activity?

Correct answer

Leading activity is an activity in which: major changes(new formations appear) in individual mental processes; the child’s personality as a whole develops; new forms of activity are emerging.

Psychology of the game - 30 Psychology of the game - 30 What are the new formations in the child’s psyche that arise in role-playing games?

Correct answer

New formations of the child’s psyche and personality in the game:

  • Visual-figurative thinking
  • Imagination
  • Arbitrariness of behavior
  • Formation of self-awareness. Subordination of motives
Psychology of the game - 40 Psychology of the game - 40 What types of relationships between children develop in the game?

Correct answer

There are two types of relationships in the game - gaming and real. Game relationships are relationships based on plot and role, real relationships are relationships between children as partners, comrades who perform a common cause.

Psychology of the game – 50 Psychology of the game – 50

Correct answer

Fill the table. Children age 4 – 5 years

Well done!



List of sources used

  • Solntseva O.V. Preschooler in the world of play. Accompaniment of role-playing games for children. – St. Petersburg: Rech, 2010
  • Akulova O.V., Solntseva O.V. Educational field “Socialization. A game". How to work according to the “Childhood” program. - SPb.: CHILDREN'S PRESS, 2012

“Plot-role-playing games for modern children”


Blokhina N.V.

senior teacher

Welcomes you senior group "DROPPLE"

Educational field "SOCIALIZATION" Development of gaming activities; Introduction to generally accepted norms and rules of relationships with peers and adults; Formation of gender, family, citizenship, a sense of belonging to the world community.

Role-playing games

Improve and expand gaming ideas and skills;

Develop the ability to coordinate their actions

with the actions of partners;

Contribute to strengthening sustainable children's play associations;

They teach you to develop the plot of the game based on knowledge;

Develop skills to agree on the theme of the game, distribute roles, prepare the necessary conditions, agree on

sequences of joint actions.

“In our beauty salon, stylists will give you the most fashionable hairstyles”

Role-playing game


Expands knowledge

children about profession


stylist, educates



to each other

“If a master gets down to business, it means things are going well.”

Role-playing game

"Car service"

Introduces children to the profession

car mechanic, fosters respect

to male labor, desire

finish what you start

“We live together happily, we don’t care about all the troubles!”

Role-playing game

“Mothers and Daughters”, “Home”, “Family”

Forms an idea of ​​the content

zhaniya social roles men and

women, helps to realize the meaning

reduction of parents' work around the house,

learn business skills


“If a policeman is standing, remember the path is closed”

Role-playing game

"DPS Post"

Strengthens children's knowledge about

traffic rules,

road signs, signals

traffic lights, children getting acquainted

with the work of employees

road guard


“We all have a nice doctor the treatment is just great!”

Role-playing game


Clarifies children's ideas about work

doctor, his duties, equipment

necessary for work, educates

respect for people in this profession

"Captain, captain, smile, after all, a smile is a ship’s friend!”

Role-playing game

"We are sailors"

Expands children's knowledge about

male professions: captain,

sailor, cabin boy, educates

courage, masculinity,

responsibility for assigned


“In our superstore, behind the counter, finally, Everywhere we go, you meets the seller!

Role-playing game


Forms ideas about

labor actions of the seller,

develops communication skills with

buyers, educates

respect for the work of adults

“The master’s work is afraid!”

Role-playing game

"Carpentry Workshop"

Introduces children to men's

carpenter profession, various

carpentry tools,

instills hard work,

responsible attitude

to men's responsibilities

"At the center of the Young Reader" Joy and dreams await you: lines of the magic alphabet, wondrous beauty fairy tales!

Role-playing game "Library"

Promotes the establishment of role interaction and the assimilation of role relationships: librarian-reader, fosters respect for the work of a librarian, creates awareness of the importance of this profession

“A steam locomotive rushes along the rails...”

Role-playing game


about the driver's work. Develops

moral and volitional qualities,

typical for boys

forms an adequate gender

behavior pattern

“I love my kindergarten, it full of guys"

Role-playing game


Expands children's understanding

about teaching professions

kindergarten employees. Introduces

with working conditions and labor

responsibilities, fosters kindness

kind attitude towards each other

“Our plane flies like a bird, and is not afraid of obstacles!”

Role-playing game

"We are pilots"

Introduces children to the profession

pilot, educates

respect for the people of this

professions, develops


courage and responsibility

Thus, long-term creative role-playing game contains enormous opportunities for the development of children's thinking. In such games, the child shows more independence, imagination and creativity in choosing actions when distributing roles and using substitute objects. And the active participation of children in the distribution of roles contributes to the formation of collectivist feelings. Children learn to respect opinions peers, taking into account the possibilities and each other's desires.


Pedagogical support for role-playing games for modern preschoolers

There are no cunning sciences

Not at all tricky one:

Recognize from children's games,

What is the country concerned about?

"Go back to your childhood,

Stay with us in it,

And best friends

we'll call adults"

« A game not empty fun. It is necessary for the happiness of children, for their health and proper development.”

D.V. Medzherinskaya

Role-playing game consists in children’s reproduction of the actions of adults and the relationships between them.

Role-playing game is an activity in which the child recreates various types human activity.


L.S. Vygotsky, P.P. Blonsky, S.L. Rubinstein, A.N. Leontyev, D.B. Elkonin, A.V. Zaporozhets D.V. Mendzheritskaya and others.

  • the child masters the basic cultural methods of activity, shows initiative and independence in various types of activities
  • game, communication, cognitive and research activities, design, etc.;
  • able to choose his occupation, participants according to joint activities;
  • the child actively interacts with peers and adults, participates in joint games.
  • is able to negotiate, take into account the interests and feelings of others, empathize with failures and rejoice in the successes of others, adequately expresses his feelings, including a sense of self-confidence, tries to resolve conflicts;
  • the child has a developed imagination, which is realized in various types of activities, and above all in play;
  • child owns in different forms and types of play, distinguishes between conditional and real situations, knows how to obey different rules and social norms;
  • the child speaks quite well orally, can express his thoughts and desires, can use speech to express his thoughts, feelings and desires, construct a speech utterance in a communication situation.

Features of the development of a child’s play activity :

  • in infancy (2 months - 1 year ) direct emotional communication with an adult, manipulation with objects...;
  • at an early age (1 year - 3 years ) - object-based activities and games with composite and dynamic toys... communication with an adult and joint games with peers under the guidance of an adult...;

- for preschool children (3 years - 8 years) - gaming activities, including role-playing games, games with rules and other types of games, communicative (communication and interaction with adults and peers).

Human game -

this is the kind of activity

in which they recreate

social relations between

people outside the conditions


utilitarian activity

(D.B. Elkonin )

It develops:

  • imagination abilities;
  • voluntary regulation of actions and feelings;
  • gaining experience in interaction and

mutual understanding with others.

Meaning of the game

Role-playing game for preschoolers

role (imaginary game rules

behavior) action situation

playful use real relationships

objects between players

"Let the children play, as long as the game makes them happy, attracts and at the same time brings they benefit greatly!” E.A. Pokrovsky

A good game is like a good job bad game looks like a bad job A.S. Makarenko

Methods and forms of systemic enrichment of plots

games and gaming methods.

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, the issue of social development is resolved within the framework of educational areas:


“cognitive development”;

“speech development”;

"artistically aesthetic development»;

"physical development".

Types of activities according to Federal State Educational Standards



Cognitive and research.

Perception fiction and folklore.





  • Conversations.
  • Looking at illustrations.
  • Observation.
  • Excursions.
  • Writing stories.
  • Didactic games and exercises.
  • Finger games.
  • Familiarization with fiction.
  • Visual activity.
  • Construction.
  • Musical activity.
  • Solving problem situations.
  • Outdoor games.

Gaming technologies

Technology - (translated from Greek language"The Science of Mastery" .

Gaming technology - extensive a group of techniques for organizing the pedagogical process in the form of various pedagogical games .

Gaming technology

It is built as a holistic education, covering a certain part of the educational process and united by common content, plot, and character.

It includes sequential games and exercises that develop the ability to identify the main, characteristic features objects, compare, contrast them;

Groups of games to generalize objects according to certain characteristics;

Groups of games, during which preschoolers develop the ability to distinguish real from unreal phenomena;

Groups of games that develop self-control, speed of reaction to words, phonemic awareness, ingenuity, etc.

At the same time, the game plot develops in parallel with the main content of training, helps to intensify the educational process, and master a number of educational elements.

Stages of pedagogical technology

Stage 1

Enriching ideas about the sphere of reality that the child will display in the game - observations, stories, conversations about impressions.

Stage 2

Organization of a role-playing game (“game of preparation for the game”):

Determining situations of interaction between people, thinking through and combining events, the course of their development in accordance with the theme of the game;

Creation of an object-based play environment based on the organization of children’s productive and artistic activities, co-creation with the teacher, and children’s collecting;

Joint play activities between the teacher and children.

Stage 3:

Independent play activities of children. Organizing a role-playing game with an imaginary partner for whom the child speaks.


Activation of children's free independent play through the transfer of gradually more complex gaming skills to them.

The general strategy of behavior of the teacher when organizing the game and the specific tactics of his interaction with children in the game at different stages of preschool childhood: methods of developing conditional play action in children (2-3 years), role behavior (3-5 years), methods of creative plotting (5 -7 years).

Technologies for developing role-playing games


Technology formation of play as an activity (N.Ya. Mikhailenko and N.A. Korotkova)


1. The teacher must play with the children.

2. The teacher should play with children throughout preschool childhood, but at each stage the game should be developed in such a way that the children immediately “discover” and assimilate a new, more complex way of constructing it.

3. Starting from early age and further, at each stage of preschool childhood, when developing gaming skills, it is necessary to simultaneously orient the child both to the implementation of a gaming action and to explaining its meaning to partners - an adult or a peer.

Game plot:

At the stage of formation of conditional game actions - one-theme, one-character plots.

At the stage of formation of role behavior - a multi-character plot.

At the stage of developing the skills to construct new game plots - multi-themed plots.

The pedagogical process of organizing the game is two-part: 1. moments of formation of gaming skills in the joint game of the teacher with the children;

2. creating conditions for independent children's play.

Technologies for developing role-playing games


Games during the adaptation period:

Objectives: Establish a trusting relationship with each child, give the kids moments of joy, try to induce in children a positive attitude towards kindergarten

Forms and methods of implementation:

  • frontal games;
  • using copies of real objects in games, rather than their substitutes. Offering the same items to everyone.

Technologies for developing role-playing games


Technology N.F. Tarlovskaya (Rainbow program) 2000s.

A game younger preschoolers(2-3 years).

Introduce children to a variety of play goals.

Encourage children to set game goals on their own and take the initiative.

Gradually lead children to independently search for means and ways to achieve goals.

Practice games with two or three interconnected goals.

Technologies for developing role-playing games


Technology N.F. Tarlovskaya (Rainbow program) 2000s.

Game for children 3-5 years old.

Areas of work:

1. Continued work to prepare children to take on the role.

Organized observations of children of the professional actions of adults.

Teacher's observations of children's independent play.

2.Enrichment of the child’s individual role play.

  • Acceptance of a parallel role by adults.
  • Introduction of new attributes into the child’s game.
  • Expanding the range of roles accepted by the child.

A joint game between an adult and several children at the same time.

4. Preparing the child for role interaction.

A joint game between an adult and children. The main goal of an adult is to maintain role-playing dialogue during the game, and to reduce game actions to a minimum or eliminate them.

Technologies for developing role-playing games


Technology N.F. Tarlovskaya (Rainbow program) 2000s.

Game for children 5-7 years old.

1. Help in organizing the interaction of children in joint play.

The teacher carries out hidden control of the game, taking on a special role that is constant for all games - a dispatcher or a sorceress.

2. Enrichment of the event side of the game content.

  • Acceptance by the teacher of the role of “dispatcher” or “sorceress”.
  • Creating conditions that encourage children to come up with new events themselves: joint activities of adults and children to create thematic books for games (“library” of games).

3. Stories from the teacher from personal experience about how they played in childhood.

3. Creation of a gaming environment.

Technologies for developing role-playing games


Technology of integrated play management for preschoolers S.L. Novoselova (80s)

Complex method includes the following components:

  • systematic enrichment of life experience;
  • joint educational games between the teacher and children, aimed at imparting gaming experience and gaming skills to children;
  • timely study of the gaming environment, taking into account enriching life experience;
  • activating communication between an adult and children during their play, aimed at motivating and independent use children new ways to solve game problems, to reflect new aspects of life in the game.

Technologies for developing role-playing games


Technology D.V. Mendzheritskaya (70-80s of the 20th century)

The main way a teacher influences children’s play and educates children in the game is by influencing its content, that is, on the choice of topic, plot development, distribution of roles and the implementation of game images.

The work of a teacher to enrich the emotional and sensory experience of children in the process of direct interaction with objects and phenomena outside world, with other people.

The teacher is a play partner. He takes on a role (mostly a secondary one).

Principles of organizing role-playing games in preschool childhood:

1. The teacher must play with the children.

2. The teacher should play with children throughout preschool childhood, but at each stage the game should be developed in such a way that the children immediately “discover” and assimilate a new, more complex way of constructing it.

3. Starting from an early age and further at each stage of preschool childhood, when developing gaming skills, it is necessary to simultaneously orient the child both to the implementation of a gaming action and to explaining its meaning to partners - an adult or a peer


  • Any role-playing game must comply modern activities person.
  • The development of scientific and technological progress provides humanity with a lot of new things for people’s lives, so the teacher’s task is to create conditions for reflecting reality in children’s games.
  • Teachers need to focus on modern social and family roles, only in this case will the social development of the preschooler’s personality be ensured.

Some useful tips on organizing children's play activities

  • Do not replace play with other activities
  • Collect children's favorite games as special value: educational, communicative, therapeutic, competitive, improvisation games.
  • Include play in all areas of your child’s life.
  • Be happy if a child invites you to a game, this is good sign trust and acceptance on his part.
  • When playing with children, try not to be adults.
  • Do not punish your child by depriving him of play.
  • If a child breaks the rules of the game, try to take it calmly, this can be a reason for a friendly conversation and explanation.
  • Don't discourage children from joining together of different ages into a single gaming community, a walk is the best condition for this.
  • Avoid forced distribution of roles; the best psychological help is familiarization with various spheres of reality.
  • As you prepare for the next working day, remember that a new game is best gift children.


Stories about professions introduce children to labor activity of people.

A story using illustrations encourages children to use the tools used in the profession and perform actions with them.

An adult’s stories, which are specifically aimed at reproducing a situation (“How I went to the hairdresser”, “How I bought toys in a store”, etc.), ensure naturalness of perception and belief in the authenticity of the event.

Targeted excursions and walks promote close acquaintance of children with representatives of a certain profession, provide an opportunity to observe the activities of adults.

Conversations clarify children's ideas about life situations, reveal children’s opinions about the development of the plot. Involving children in dialogue and using leading questions develops children's speech activity. Conversations on certain topics develop the ideas of the game and their storyline.

Didactic games contribute to the development of game actions and role-playing behavior. Didactic games and exercises develop in children the ability to follow rules, be organized, and demonstrate leadership qualities.

Dramatizations and theatrical games They will teach children to play out ready-made plots, promote the development of artistic abilities, and the ability to be expressive in various roles. Children learn to implement a certain game plan, which is provided in advance.

Looking at plot paintings allows you to consolidate everything previously seen and heard by children. Looking at paintings evokes emotional experiences in children, vivid images of the characters depicted make children want to imitate them, perform certain actions, and use work attributes for their intended purpose.

Reading fiction instills a love of reading. Listening to poetic texts, stories, fairy tales, the ability to distinguish between good and bad deeds is developed.

Fine art and design shapes children's creative abilities in creating expressive images various items visual means accessible for this age.

Guessing riddles allows children to figuratively perceive poetic texts and highlight the main features of objects.


The manual provides monthly card planning as a model of joint activity of a teacher and children 4-5 years old in the framework of mastering a role-playing game, including preliminary work to enrich the gaming and life experience of preschoolers based on the role-playing games "Hospital", "Family", "Shop", " Kindergarten ", "Chauffeurs", "Builders". Tabular placement of material will help the teacher holistically distribute and effectively plan the system of children’s play activities for the entire academic year . Maps-plans are developed based on the content of educational areas corresponding to the Federal State Educational Standard for Education: " Social and communicative development ", "Cognitive development", "Speech development", " Artistic and aesthetic development ", "Physical development"; allow the teacher to provide social development of preschool children .

"Hospital", "Family", "Shop", "Barbershop", "Chauffeurs". Tabular placement of the material will help the teacher holistically and effectively plan work to enrich the gaming and life experience of pupils, consistently and expediently distribute the proposed forms and types of activities during the school year.

“A game is a huge bright window through which a life-giving stream of ideas and concepts about the surrounding world flows into the child’s spiritual world.”

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

Let your childhood happen!

Let your childhood play!

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

1 slide

Slide description:

Organization of a plot-role-playing game in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education Performed by: Valeeva Milyausha Khusainovna Teacher first qualification category

2 slide

Slide description:

Play is the main activity of children, as well as a form of organizing children's activities. The game is a cross-cutting mechanism of child development, through which the content of five educational areas is realized: “Social and communicative development”; "Cognitive development"; “Speech development”; “Artistic and aesthetic development”; “Physical development” (clause 2.7. Federal State Educational Standards for Additional Education)

3 slide

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One of the target guidelines is “at the stage of completing preschool education,” the child must master different forms and types of play, distinguish between conventional and real situations, and be able to obey different rules and social norms.”

4 slide

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The main source that feeds the role-playing game is the world around it, the life and activities of adults and peers. What surrounds our children? What is the source for the game?

5 slide

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The plot-role-playing game is the queen of games. The general motive of the HRE is the child’s desire for joint social life with adults. The main feature of the HRE is the presence in it of an imaginary situation (“As if”) What does an imaginary situation consist of?

6 slide

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Main features of HRE: Compliance with rules Social motive Games Going emotional development of the child The child’s intelligence develops (how?) 5. Imagination and creativity develops 6. Speech development

7 slide

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Tasks for developing children's skills in role-playing games: - 2nd junior group - enriching children's gaming experience through joint games with adults, the formation and development of game actions, simple game interaction, understanding the conventions of a game situation - Middle group - mastering and developing role-playing behavior, support for children's play associations, enrichment of play interaction, expansion of the thematic focus of story games, enrichment of children's play experience -Senior group- enriching the gaming experience by developing and complicating the game plot, organizing the subject space of one’s own game through joint games with the teacher in subgroups; creating conditions and supporting children’s amateur play -Preparatory group- formation and pedagogical support children's group as a children's playing community, support for independence and initiative in the choice and implementation of different types of games by children; support for the transition to dialogue games, fantasy games, games in a home-made subject environment

8 slide

Slide description:

Levels of development of a role-playing game: Stage 1 – the main content of the game is action with objects. Children's actions are monotonous and often repeated. The stimulus for the emergence of a game is a toy or a substitute object that was previously used in the game. Stage 2 – the main content of the game – action with objects. Actions unfold in accordance with the role, which is already indicated by the word. The same game is repeated many times.

Slide 9

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Stage 3 – the main content of the game is also action with objects. However, they are complemented by actions aimed at establishing various contacts with playing partners. Roles are clearly defined before the game begins. Toys and objects (most often during the game) are selected in accordance with the role. Stage 4 – the main content of the game is a reflection of the relationships and interactions of adults with each other. The game is of a collective nature. The game clearly highlights the preparatory work: distribution of roles, selection of game material, and sometimes production

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11 slide

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Enriching life experience Goal: to give children vivid impressions of the environment, to create the basis for the development and enrichment of the content of the game (children’s understanding of the purpose of objects, the meaning of actions, people, etc.) - Observations, targeted walks - Examination of paintings, illustrations, photographs - Examination, experimenting with objects -Reading, storytelling, memorizing text -Free communication -Listening to CDs, audio recordings -Children's full participation in the work activities of adults -Productive types of children's and joint activities with adults

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Development of communication skills with children and the teacher during the game Goal: development of independent play, search for new game problems and ways to solve them, development of communication skills with adults and with each other - Paired assignments - Creation of problem situations - Encouragement to role-playing statements -Telephone conversations-Game exercises -Cross-cutting role -Maintaining role dialogue

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Creating a subject-based play environment Goal: creating conditions for independent play that are adequate to the level of development of children’s play skills and the content of play activities. - Toys - characters: attributes, dolls, figurines of people, animals - Playing space markers: these are toys (game material) indicating the place of action, the environment in which it occurs (for example, a toy stove, a house-teremok, a rocket frame, frame depicting the bow of a ship or the front wall of a bus, etc.) - Operating objects: toys imitating real objects that allow you to recreate the meaning of a real action (iron, hammer, steering wheel, etc.) - Substitute objects - Zoning rooms: modules, screens , podiums

There is no and cannot be complete without play mental development. A game is a huge bright window through which a life-giving stream of ideas and concepts flows into the child’s spiritual world. The game is a spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness and curiosity. V.A. Sukhomlinsky. Role-playing games are games that are created by children themselves; the activity in children’s games is aimed at fulfilling the plan and developing the plot. Any game contributes to the development of not one, but several qualities, and requires participation various organs and mental processes, causes a variety of emotional experiences. The game teaches the child to live and work in a team, develops organizational skills, will, discipline, perseverance, and initiative.

Free story play is the most attractive activity for preschool children. In play, the child experiences an internal subjective feeling of freedom and internal emotional comfort. The game develops the ability to imagine and think creatively. While playing, the child tries on different roles. Masters the rules of interaction and learns to explain his actions and coordinate them with others. Principles for organizing a story game 1. The teacher must play with the children (the “playing partner” position) 2. The teacher must play with the children throughout preschool childhood. 3. At each stage of preschool childhood, develop play skills, orienting the child to carry out a play action and explain its meaning to a play partner. 4. Availability of attributes.

Method of integrated management of the game 1. the child’s experience should be systematically enriched, on the basis of which he develops the idea of ​​the game and its content is constantly enriched; 2. it is necessary to use specially educational games; 3. it is necessary to change the play environment in a timely manner, primarily through the introduction of substitute toys; 4. During the game, it is necessary to communicate with an adult who offers children new and more complex content of the game. Basic principles of the concept gradual formation Ways to Play In order for children to master play skills, an adult should play with them. Starting from an early age and further at each stage of preschool childhood, when developing gaming skills in a child, it is necessary to orient him to interaction with a peer partner, “provide” him with ways to coordinate actions with partners. An adult, playing with children throughout the entire preschool period, must, at each of its stages, develop the game in such a way that the child “discovers” and assimilates specific, gradually becoming more complex ways of constructing one or another type of game.

Components of a role-playing game The plot of a game is a sphere of reality that is reproduced by children, a reflection of certain actions, events from the life and activities of others. The content of the game is what is reproduced by the child as a central and characteristic moment of activity and relationships between adults in their everyday life, work and social activities. A role is a play position; the child identifies himself with some character in the plot and acts in accordance. Prerequisites for role-playing games The first stage is an introductory game. The adult organizes the child’s object-based play activities using a variety of toys and objects. The second stage is a display game. The child’s actions are aimed at identifying specific properties object and to achieve a certain effect with it. The third stage is a plot-display game. Children actively reflect impressions received in everyday life.

Conditions for activating independent play 1. Formation of gaming skills in joint play between the teacher and children. 2. Creating conditions for independent children's play. When leading a game, the teacher must always remember that it is necessary to develop the initiative and independence of children, to preserve their spontaneity and the joy of play. Any kind of coercion should be excluded from the methods of managing the game, never fantasize for the child, do not invent a game for him. It is necessary to very delicately influence the development of interests, the feelings of children, and direct the work of their thoughts and imagination. Help your child develop an idea. Only with such guidance does gaming creativity develop successfully. The teacher’s participation in children’s role-playing games cannot be limited to organizing the environment and selecting game materials. He should show interest in the game process itself, give children new words and expressions associated with new situations; talking to them about the essence of their games, influence the enrichment of their language.

Thus, pedagogical activities in organizing role-playing games for children comes down to the following: 1. Organize a place for play that corresponds to the age and number of children playing on it. 2. Consider the selection of toys, materials, manuals and constantly monitor their updating in accordance with the needs of the developing gameplay and general development children. 3. Guide the children’s observations to promote display in the game. positive aspects social and work life. 4. Ensure that the grouping of children in the game (by age, speech development, speech skills) promotes the growth and development of the language of weaker and lagging children. 5. Show interest in children’s games through conversations based on their content, guide the game and, in the process of such guidance, exercise the children’s language. In mode children's day For role-playing games, a certain time should be allocated, corresponding to their significance.

Increasing complexity in planning tasks for teaching preschool children role-playing games. 1st junior Develop the ability to deploy conditional actions with a plot toy, a substitute object and an imaginary object, connect 2-3 actions into a semantic chain, verbally designate them, continue the meaningful action started by a partner - an adult, and then a peer. 2nd junior Develop the ability to perform play actions in play exercises such as “Dress the doll”, perform several interrelated play actions (washed and dressed the doll, fed it, put it to bed), stimulate interest in joint games with adults and children. Medium Encourage participation in games with adults and peers, offer simple plots for games, teach how to distribute roles between play partners, select the necessary attributes, and reproduce behavior patterns of adults and children in games.

Senior Learn to organize games, independently offer several stories to choose from, use attributes, toys, objects variably, distribute them among children in accordance with roles, accept roles worthy men and women. Develop the ability to develop a plot based on existing knowledge. Preparatory To develop the ability to organize role-playing games together with other children, negotiating, distributing roles, proposing game plots and their variants, coordinating one’s own play plans with the play plans of other children; negotiate, discuss, plan the actions of all players, combine storylines in the game, expand the composition of roles.

Features of the management of plot-role-playing games in the 1st junior group Planned: - in the process directly - educational activities in the shape of game exercise, individual play, joint play with a teacher, with peers, in a steam room, in small group- during routine moments - in the independent activities of children. The role of the teacher: The main thing actor– involves in the game, presents children with the opportunity to choose (type of game, plot, role, stimulates children to use substitute objects, promotes an emotionally rich atmosphere in the game. Features of management and planning of plot-role play in the 2nd junior group Planned: - in the process directly - educational activity in the form of a play exercise, individual play, joint play with a teacher, with peers, in a pair, in a small group (50 minutes - 1 hour); - during routine moments (20 - 25 minutes); - in independent activities of children. The role of the teacher: - when conspiring to play - the main character - stimulates, directs the play communication of children. Offering the child a toy, asks the child with whom he would like to play, encourages children to communicate. Helps distribute roles, select the necessary attributes. - Turns on into the game in a secondary role.

Features of management and planning of a plot-role-playing game in middle group It is planned: - in the process of direct educational activities in the form of individual play, joint play with a teacher, with peers, in a pair, in a small group (1 hour - 1 hour 10 minutes); - during regime moments (minutes); - in independent activities of children in the form of joint play with peers. The role of the teacher: - when planning a game - helps to distribute roles and develop new storylines in familiar games, teaches you to remember the most interesting things from your life - to bring them into the game. - when discussing the content of the game - with a remark, advice, reminder, updates them personal experience. - Included in the game in a secondary role.

Features of leadership and planning of plot-role-playing games in senior and preparatory school groups It is planned: - in the process of direct educational activities in the form of individual play, joint play with a teacher, with peers, in a pair, in a small group (1 hour 40 minutes); - during regime moments (45 – 50 minutes); - in the independent activities of children in the form of individual play and joint play with peers. The role of the teacher (secondary during the game): Takes into account the friendships between children when organizing joint games; Unites individual playing groups with a common plot, develops the ability to negotiate, share toys, take turns; Includes shy children in the game; promotes gender-role socialization of boys and girls in the game Helps children acquire new skills in a complicated way building the game - through joint plotting. (Mikhailenko N.Ya)

Methods of influencing play activities that contribute to the development of children's games: · enriching children's impressions in order to diversify play plans; · training in didactic games, work assignments, detailed game actions; · introduction of substitute items into the game; encouraging children to “do” with imaginary objects; enrichment of the subject gaming environment with generalized gaming material; · encouragement to accept a variety of adult roles with the transfer of actions and relationships; participation in children's games in order to demonstrate play actions and play statements; · demonstration and training in theatrical games of emotionally expressive movements, gestures, facial expressions; · encouragement in a game setting for role-playing dialogue on the initiative of an adult participant in the game; · training in the game and encouragement to independently demonstrate the ability to set each other a game goal, accept it, and negotiate with each other; · encouragement to increase the duration of games through the variety of game ideas and expansion of gaming experience.

Techniques aimed at fostering determination and activity in games: · showing the teacher various actions with toys and objects in accordance with a particular role; · participation of the teacher in children’s games with the adoption of various main roles; · introduction of a variety of main and minor roles; · observing the games of active, enterprising children; · compiling a story “How you can play this game”; · training in game planning; · talking with children and playing out the situation during and after excursions and reading literature; · use of theatrical games with different types theaters; · production and subsequent playing out of attributes for different story games; · playing out various plots in director's games; · construction and subsequent playing out of various plot buildings; · analysis and encouragement of individual children and play groups who play without conflicts or who know how to independently avoid conflicts.

Techniques used to develop positive emotions in children during play: · showing the teacher new ways of playing with the same objects; · creation of diverse game situations arising from objective actions and continuing them together with the teacher; · inclusion of children in the development of the plot situation with the inclusion of specific game actions and the accompaniment of emotional cues; · encouraging children to repeat or pronounce a plot speech in a play situation; · selection of themes for games with emotional expressiveness of game actions and characters; · theatrical dialogues; · plot actions with a theatrical toy, accompanied by role-playing commentary; · sample and repetition by the child of remarks in accordance with the plot; · exercise in intonation expressiveness of speech dialogues; · reading works of art with the presence of emotional dialogues; introduction into the game of special sets of figurative toys with pronounced emotional content; · selection of games with different aspects of emotional experience; · selection of games with mandatory emotional contacts between participants; · role participation of the teacher in the game; · telling and acting out fairy tales with images and ideals; · use of literary images that are close to children in character and personal properties.

Educators need to remember that the game, like any activity, has its own structure. The main points of the methodology for using a role-playing game: 1. Selecting a game. Determined by a specific educational task. 2. Pedagogical development of a game plan. When developing a game, the teacher must strive to maximize its saturation with game content that can captivate the child. This is on the one hand. On the other hand, it is important to determine the intended roles and means of play organization that would contribute to the implementation of the intended educational tasks. 3. Familiarize children with the game plan and refine it together. The teacher should strive to conduct the conversation in such a way as to involve children as much as possible in discussing the game plan and developing the content of role-playing actions. 4. Creating an imaginary situation. Preschoolers always begin role-playing games with the endowment of surrounding objects figurative meanings: chairs - train, bushes - border, log - ship, etc. Creating an imaginary situation is the most important basis for the beginning of a creative plot-role-playing game.

5. Distribution of roles. The teacher must, strives to satisfy the play needs of children, that is, he gives everyone the desired role, suggests the order of playing roles varying degrees activity, seeks opportunities to assert the child’s position in the team through a play role. 6. Start of the game. To evoke a positive perception of the game in children, you can use some methodological techniques, for example, preparing a group of children to act out a game episode. Another methodological technique could be this: at the beginning of the game, the main roles are distributed among active children with a well-developed creative imagination. This allows you to set the tone and show the children an example of interesting role-playing behavior. 7. Saving the game situation. There is a certain condition for children to maintain a strong interest in the game: a) an adult is obliged to set the tone in dealing with playing children, using conventional gaming terminology (in paramilitary games - clarity and conciseness of commands, demand a response: “there is a comrade commander!” report on the completed assignment ); b) the teacher should try to play up any task of the children’s team; c) all measures of pedagogical influence on children - requirements, encouragement, punishment - the teacher must carry out in a playful manner without destroying the game situation; d) during a role-playing game, it is advisable to include extensive creative games or local games with identical plots; e) during the game, the teacher can organize a collective competition between small groups of the playing group.

8. End of the game. When developing a game plan, the teacher outlines the expected ending in advance. It is necessary to take care of such an ending to the game that would make the children want to preserve in the life of the team all the best that the game brought with it. When planning work to guide children’s role-playing games, the teacher must provide for enriching the content of the game and expanding the children’s gaming experience. The teacher should pay great attention to the development of children’s creative abilities and the formation of positive relationships.