
Producer Andrei Razin survived terrible tragedy: On March 10, 2017, his son Alexander passed away.

A 16-year-old boy died suddenly while walking on the street in the center of Moscow. The guy suddenly felt ill while he was walking with his girlfriend. A friend urgently called an ambulance, but the doctors could not help - Sasha died of cardiac arrest.

Andrei Razin lost his son, how did Sasha Razin die: cause of death: how did he die?

The last minutes of Alexander’s life were recorded by a street surveillance camera. The young man felt ill on March 10 at about 21:00 Moscow time on Bolotnaya Square, where he was walking with a girl.

Razin walked, staggering a little. The couple managed to cross the road, after which the guy fell...

Among those who rushed to help was Alexey Kashcheev, a doctor at the Scientific Center for Neurology. According to him, before the ambulance arrived, it was possible to restore the heart rhythm twice, but it broke down.

To the hospital of the producer's son" Happy May"delivered in good condition clinical death. The young man could not be saved. Alexander Razin is buried at Troekurovskoye Cemetery March 14th.

The examination revealed a severe pathology in the young man. It turned out that he had a heart defect since childhood, but the disease was asymptomatic.

Andrei Razin lost his son, how Sasha Razin died: cause of death

On January 20, Sasha turned 16 years old: the heir to the producer of “Tender May” grew up as an active guy - he rode motorcycles, went to parties, loved to swim. It seemed that nothing foreshadowed this disaster...

Since the death of the son of the producer of “Tender May,” all sorts of versions have been checked: doctors tried to understand what caused the death of the young guy, and finally, the doctors rendered a verdict.

On his Instagram page, Andrei Razin announced the doctors’ conclusion: his son died due to complications after ARVI.

The showman published a certificate issued by doctors at the clinic: the doctors diagnosed the boy, but, nevertheless, discharged him and allowed him to attend classes. Apparently, the disease caused complications on the heart, and because of this, Sasha died.

This disease led to acute myocarditis (instant cardiac arrest) and caused the death of my son,” the grief-stricken father succinctly commented on the certificate.

The doctor’s diagnosis came as a complete surprise to the producer of Tender May...

Andrei Razin lost his son, how Sasha Razin died: about family

Sasha’s mother is the third wife of producer Maritan, she is not a public person and does not give comments. The personal life of Andrei Razin is confused and shrouded in darkness: the showman does not like to talk about it.

Maritana gave birth to Sasha while Razin was married to his second wife Faina. The producer saw a spectacular blonde on the embankment in Sochi and could not resist.

Then Andrei divorced Faina and married Maritana (their son Sasha was already six years old at that time). And then he divorced Maritana and remarried Faina, who eventually became his second and at the same time fourth wife. This is Santa Barbara.

Sasha lived alternately with his father and then with his mother. Andrei adored his son and was always very close to him.

Andrei Razin lost his son, how Sasha Razin died: life after the death of his son

In July of the same year, the producer baptized the baby, named after his deceased heir. Andrey Razin spoke about important event in life.

Friends of an orphaned man asked him to become a foster child little boy named Sasha.

In the life of the producer of “Tender May” Andrei Razin, perhaps the first joyful event occurred after the tragedy that happened in March of that year.

Andrei Razin again found his son Sasha. The musician became godfather your friends' baby. The young parents named their child in honor of their deceased son Andrei Razin.

The producer spoke about the wonderful event on his microblog, publishing touching photographs taken in the temple during the sacrament. In them, Andrei Razin holds little Sasha in his arms with tenderness and trepidation.

Fans of the creator of the group " Tender May“They immediately began to congratulate him on this event, expressing confidence that a better godfather than Andrei Razin could not be found. “Andrey, this is wonderful! Godfather of Sasha’s son!”, “That’s very nice. Now you have a godfather son, Sashenka. God bless the baby,” “Congratulations, Andrey, now you have one more person to take care of,” these are the comments left by his subscribers on Razin’s microblog.

The baby’s mother also thanked the producer for agreeing to become her son’s godfather. “My son Sasha is very lucky to have such a godfather! Thank you, our dear Andrey Alexandrovich! Love you!" — the woman wrote in the comments.

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The day before it became known that Andrei Razin lost his 16-year-old son. The producer's wife, Natalya Granovskaya, reported on her social network page that trouble had come to their house. Razin himself did not disclose the details of what happened, limiting himself to a short post on the microblog. " Last photo with my son. The kingdom of heaven, Sashulya,” Andrey signed a joint photo with his son. As it became known, at the time of the tragedy the young man was on a date with a girl. While walking with a companion, Sasha had a heart attack. By coincidence, among strangers passers-by who saw the boy in last minutes his life turned out to be the doctor Alexey Kashcheev.

On the same day, he spoke about what happened on his microblog. It is interesting that at that time the man did not even know who he was trying to help. According to the doctor’s recollections, the guy managed to temporarily restore his heart rhythm twice, but both attempts were unsuccessful. After some time, he was transferred to the ambulance.

Alexey Kashcheev did not know that on that fateful day the life of the son of producer Andrei Razin was cut short. That's why he gave his readers practical recommendations how to behave in a situation that he personally witnessed. He wanted to make it clear to followers how to more effectively provide assistance when the patient’s condition worsens. Probably, the doctor made such conclusions because in his professional practice he often encountered such cases. Let us note that after some time Kashcheev posted another post on his page. He noted that he was very surprised to learn that it was Sasha Razin who provided assistance that day.

“I never tire of being surprised by the coincidences that happen in life. It turns out that the young man whom I tried to revive on the street the night before yesterday is the son of Andrei Razin, producer of the group “Tender May”. Unfortunately, it was not possible to save him later,” Alexey wrote on the microblog.

Meanwhile, in in social networks the boy’s relatives and friends continue to express their condolences and publish joint pictures with Sasha on their accounts. For everyone who knew him, this news came as a real shock. Relative young man Anna shared several frames in which Razin Jr. smiles and demonstrates his love for life with his whole appearance.

The teenager’s friends also did not stand aside, they also published several photos with their friend. It’s still hard for them to talk about what happened; they can’t believe that this could even happen. “I have no words”, “How is this even possible! I can’t believe it,” “Sanya, you best person, was. AND a true friend! May you rest in peace!” – the guy’s friends wrote on the Internet.

“It really hurts me to say anything. I didn’t know Sasha that well, but we communicated periodically, he was always such an attentive, interesting conversationalist. He constantly invited me to go for a walk, sometimes I managed to get out, but not always. I don’t know, he probably had a lot of plans. I regret that I didn’t have time to get to know him better. I sympathize with your loved ones!” – Sasha’s friend Kristina told StarHit.

The boy's relatives claim that the guy did not have any health problems. On the contrary, he led an active lifestyle, played several sports and tried not to miss school. Sasha had plans to enter Moscow State University, he went to a school with in-depth study in English. Among other things, the producer’s son was even interested in art. Most recently he managed to paint two paintings.

Only after the death of his son did it become known about the secret wife of the creator of Tender May

Andrei RAZIN was orphaned for the second time in his life - he lost his beloved son Sasha. The teenager felt unwell while walking with his girlfriend. Alexander’s companion immediately called an ambulance, but Unfortunately,The doctors were powerless, and the 16-year-old boy died.The cause of death was heart disease. The disease was asymptomatic and no one knew about it.

The musician’s second wife, Faina, is called Sasha’s mother. In fact, she was Razin’s third wife - beautiful girl With beautiful name Maritana. Before the tragedy happened Almost no one knew about its existence.

It’s no wonder to get confused in the wives of Andrei Razin. Except civil marriages then its first official wife was Natalia Lebedeva, and second - Faina Razina, who is mistakenly called Sasha’s mother. The misunderstanding arose due to the fact that real mom Alexandra is Razin’s third wife, Maritana, who gave birth to the producer while he was still married to Faina. The fact is that all of Razin’s weddings and divorces took place in strict secrecy. Andrei Alexandrovich first secretly divorced Faina, and then secretly married Maritana. After living with Maritana for a couple of years, he divorced her and secretly married Faina again. Thus, Faina became his fourth wife. Although everyone considers her the second, since no one knew about Razin’s intermediate third marriage with Maritana.

Love at first sight

They met Maritana in 2000. Seeing her walking along the Sochi embankment, Razin could not muster up the courage to speak, and could not think of anything better than sending his guard after her. He later told friends that for the first time in his life he felt timid. He was delighted not so much by the girl’s appearance, but by the wave of some unearthly charm emanating from her.

In the first month of dating, he lost 12 kilograms because of love. This is how he won the beauty’s young heart. Back to the old days physical fitness, Andrey took her to Miami for their honeymoon, and then Sasha was born.

Crazy with happiness, Razin rushed between unexpected fatherhood and active construction political career. Membership, participation in gubernatorial elections Stavropol Territory- all this did not fit in with his desire to go on stage and shout into the microphone about his new love. My son and additional wife had to be hidden from everyone.

For a divorce from Faina and secret wedding He decided with Maritana only after being elected to another parliamentary term. Sasha was already six years old.

At the wedding ceremony in Moscow, only the closest people were present, mainly from Maritana’s side. Many of them then saw Sasha for the first time - a cheerful blond boy, exact copy Andrei, whom he doted on.

At some point, Razin was so carried away with raising his son that he lost his wife. The divorce, like the wedding, took place in complete secret. Since then, Sasha lived with each of his parents in turn. He considered himself very lucky because both his mother and father tried to love him for both of them.

“My pain of loss is unbearable,” Andrei Alexandrovich wrote on his page on the social network when he learned about the death of his son.

Fake documents

In the hospital when examining things in a purse Razin Jr. found driver's license with his photo, but the owner was recorded as Razin Alexander Andreevich, born in 1996. The second document turned out to be social card Muscovite in the name of Alexander Andreevich Razin, born in 2001, which corresponded real age young man.

There is no mystery here. Sasha’s license was real, and the years that gave the teenager the right to drive a car were given to him by traffic police officers interested in improving their standard of living.

By the way

Andrei Razin has a 32-year-old son, Ilya, from a fleeting relationship with a fan, whose existence the producer learned about only in 2003.

In contact with


Alexander Razin, son famous producer group “Tender May” by Andrei Razin, died yesterday at the age of 16. Andrei’s wife Natalya Grozovskaya reported this on her Facebook page.

U music producer"Tender May" famous Andrey Razin’s 16-year-old son Alexander died, who, for still unknown reasons, died suddenly on the street from a heart attack.

This sad news was reported by famous singer Natalya Grozovskaya, who is the current life partner of the ex-soloist and producer of the group “Tender May”. The sudden death of a 16-year-old teenager came as an incredible shock to everyone.

"Friends, we have great sorrow. Our son Andrei Razin has died. Beloved Sasha Razin. Please pray for the repose of his soul."

Andrei was incredibly close to Sasha and really looked forward to his son turning 16 years old. The producer posted last photo with my son on Instagram. “The last photo with my beloved son. The kingdom of heaven is yours, Sashulya,” the father signed the frame. Razin’s subscribers cannot absolutely believe what happened and leave words of condolences in their comments.

Natalya did not hide probable cause Alexander's death: " Heart attack. I was walking calmly down the street, tripped and fell.” Razin’s son turned 16 only recently in January. Friends and fans of Andrei Razin are perplexed and express their most sincere sympathy to him.

As you know, Alexander was born to Razin’s third wife, Faina, in 2001. In addition, Andrei has another son, Ilya, from his first marriage.

“Andrey Alexandrovich, I personally knew Sasha. I just can’t believe it... A huge loss and an irreparable loss,” “Hold on... There are no words to calm your soul,” “The kingdom of heaven be upon him,” “Losing a child is the worst thing that can happen to a person in life. I sincerely sympathize with your grief,” wrote users of the social network.

Alexander Razin lived in Moscow and led an active lifestyle. Judging by his page on social networks, he was fond of sports. On January 20 he turned 16 years old.

Let us recall that the youngest heir of Andrei Razin, Sasha, was born in 2001 in the marriage of the producer with the musician’s third wife, Faina. The man met his wife back in 1984, and only in the late 90s did the couple begin serious relationship. After the artist’s chosen one gave birth to a boy, Andrei tried everything free time devote to his upbringing. In one of the conversations with journalists, the producer’s ex-wife admitted that their son would definitely follow in the footsteps of his famous dad and make it successful musical career. And although Andrei divorced his chosen one in 2012, he still continued to support warm relations with Sasha and before last day I tried to be close to his life and also help the heir in everything.

As we previously reported, the 16-year-old son of “Tender May” producer Andrei Razin, Alexander, died on the street, presumably of a heart attack.

Andrei Razin himself wrote about his son’s death on social networks. Singer Natalya Grozovskaya reported on her page what exactly happened: “Friends, we are in grief. Andrei Razin's son Sasha Razin has died. Please pray for the repose of his soul... Heart attack. I was walking down the street and fell.”

Most people believe that heart attacks occur mainly in older people, and in childhood and adolescence it's almost impossible. In fact, as pediatric cardiologist Anna Armaganova said, no one is immune from this.

Firstly, the child may have an undiagnosed pathology. For example, this is a heart defect (although gross heart defects are usually still detected) or congenital disorders of cardiac rhythm and conduction.

Secondly, heart problems (which do not make themselves felt for a long time, but exist) can arise due to a previous illness.

Banal acute respiratory infections and the flu could lead to a complication of the heart, carditis, which at first did not manifest itself in any way, said Anna Armaganova.

Carditis is an inflammatory lesion of the heart that can occur for many reasons, including allergies to medications, viral infections (eg, rubella, Coxsackie virus), bacterial infection(for example, sore throat, scarlet fever).

Perhaps nothing happened. Heart disease may occur for the first time in life and end immediately fatal. No one is immune from this,” said Anna Armaganova.

According to her, with arrhythmia (occurring from birth or recently), sudden ventricular fibrillation (unequal contraction of the ventricles) can occur. muscle tissue heart), or ventricular tachycardia, which turns into fibrillation.

However, sudden death occurs in adolescence not only due to heart problems. The cause may be a congenital cerebral aneurysm. This is a pathological local expansion of the lumen of the cerebral artery. Rupture of an aneurysm causes death or neurological damage varying degrees gravity.

Reason sudden death It could also be a broken blood clot.

A thrombus (blood clot) could form in a blood vessel,” said Anna Armaganova. - It could come off and clog blood vessel. The result is a pulmonary infarction or heart attack.

The doctor told us what symptoms parents should pay attention to in order to avoid a possible tragedy.

You need to be careful: for example, if a child often complains about headache“, it’s better to check with a doctor (at least once) what the reason might be, and not say right away that he’s lazy and doesn’t want to do his homework,” said Anna Armaganova.