Farewell letter to colleagues upon dismissal becomes an integral part of corporate ethics. Whatever the reasons for dismissal, the process of leaving an employee always carries with it some sense of loss both for the person leaving and for the entire team. This is not surprising, since most A person spends his life at work and gets used to the people with whom he works. A farewell letter upon dismissal will help brighten up your departure.

How to write a farewell letter?

When composing a farewell message, you should first decide on the nature of the letter, which can be humorous or thank you. It is also necessary to determine target audience: either this will be an appeal to the entire department, or to each employee individually.

You can write a message to each colleague and leave it on your desktop; mailing by email is also acceptable. e-mail. If you decide to write general circulation, nevertheless, it would be better to address each colleague in it. For example, write that it was very pleasant to work with each of them and note the individual qualities of each.

The main purpose of a farewell letter is to leave a good impression of yourself. Therefore, even if there were some conflicts with colleagues during the work process, it is better not to mention it.

Depending on your mood, you can choose any style of address, even in poetic form.

An example of a poetic form.

This sample can be adjusted and rephrased in your own way.

Example of an official letter

I, Nikolai Petrovich Ivanov, am resigning from the position of head of the sales department. Thank you, Dear Colleagues, behind working together. Only thanks to you I learned patience and endurance, as well as making informed, wise decisions.

I wish you professional growth and prosperity. I hope to maintain business relations with you and will be glad to be of assistance.

Example of friendly treatment

Dear friends! I am very sad to part with you, but due to moving to another city, I am leaving our wonderful team. Thank you for putting up with me for 5 years as an inventory accountant. Together with you, I grew professionally and became a real specialist in my field. Thanks to this work, I made many true friends, whom I will miss so much in the new city.

In parting, I want to wish you all all the best, and may all your wildest dreams come true. Support and help each other, because only a team of like-minded people can achieve real success.

Should you write a letter to your boss?

Regardless of the relationship between the employee being fired and management, it is best to leave a positive message for the boss as well. When starting a new job, new employers often call the employee’s previous place of work in order to collect as much information as possible not only about his professional skills, but also about his human qualities. Therefore, a message to the boss is a kind of guarantee of successful work in a new place.

It is important to leave only pleasant memories about yourself, so you should not criticize colleagues and management in your message. There is no need to overload your farewell letter with regrets or problems that occurred at work.

Example of a letter to management

Dear Alexander Ivanovich! I am sorry that I have to quit my favorite job, but circumstances have developed in such a way that I am forced to leave. It has been a pleasure working under your leadership, and despite our frequent disagreements, I am grateful for the experiences and lessons I have learned.

I wish you further career growth and prosperity. I will be glad if I can be useful to you in the future.

When the time came to leave the company where I had worked for almost a year, I came up with the idea of ​​writing a farewell letter to my colleagues. In a farewell letter, I wanted to inform my colleagues about my departure, talk about the reason for leaving and summarize the results of my work. Now you can read my farewell letter to my colleagues.

My Dear friends, I want to inform you that today I am officially leaving the TechHom company, where I worked as a site editor. The reason for leaving was an employment offer received from the Montana company. Starting tomorrow I will work as an SEO specialist in this company.

During my work at TechHome, I gained invaluable experience and knowledge. Initially, my work was related to filling out product cards, but after 3 weeks, due to circumstances (special thanks to Dmitry Skosyrsky, Denis Chekharov and Ekaterina Prokopova), I began writing articles for our website. Subsequently, working in the marketing department as a copywriter allowed me to very quickly master web page markup languages ​​and the basics of SEO promotion (special thanks to Maxim Razuvaev, Denis Kantepkin and Max Makhotkin). Thus, after a few months I was allowed to work related to the content filling of the site, and soon my responsibilities already included editing various sections of the site. During my time at the company I wrote great amount articles and news, mastered Photoshop from scratch, web analytics services: Liveinternet and Google Analytics, Html and CSS markup languages ​​and many other internal programs. The experience gained allowed me not only to fulfill my job responsibilities, but also to create several of my own websites, write a large number of prose miniatures and poems and enter Moscow State University. Thank you all very much for this)))

I wish each of you to grow only upward, strive only forward and achieve everything that is planned. WITH today will fulfill my duties. Her coordinates.

Farewell letter upon dismissal. Farewell letter upon dismissal. Sample farewell letter.

Farewell letter to colleagues upon dismissal (samples)

I am leaving the company Without Borders, where I worked for five years, with hope for the best and at the same time with sadness. I will remember the years spent in our friendly team with warmth and joy.

I was pleased to meet you! I wish you success in our difficult professional field.

I am leaving our company not because I was dissatisfied with the team or management, but because I came to the conclusion that I needed to find a job with less stress.

Colleagues, I sincerely wish you good luck and prosperity!

I am grateful to you for your support and friendliness.


Petr Ivanov.

I am sincerely grateful to the entire team of Delo.ru LLC for the opportunity to work in this company. Working in the advertising department, I learned a lot for my future career.

How to write a farewell letter upon dismissal

The tradition of sending farewell letters to colleagues came from abroad and is now becoming increasingly popular in domestic companies. As a rule, such a message is written in order to leave a mark in memory and put a beautiful end to work in this company.

You can hardly hope that thanks to a farewell letter, people will remember you all their lives. Still, it will give you a basic opportunity to say goodbye and thank your colleagues for the time you spent together.

First of all, you need a letter to put an end to yourself, to draw a line between two stages of your life. Maybe at this point you can rethink your achievements and relationships with employees.

Some employees find it unnecessary to leave a farewell message to their colleagues. Often such a decision is made under pressure from management. Many companies completely close the possibility of such mailings to their ex-employees, especially if the person leaving had difficulties leaving. The conflicter's letters are blocked and do not reach the recipient. And in some places such letters are not officially prohibited, but are not welcomed. This attitude towards farewell letters develops among managers who perceive the voluntary departure of an employee as a personal insult.

It’s not worth fighting with your former boss - you won’t achieve anything by doing this, you’ll only bring the boss’s wrath on the colleagues closest to you. If you still feel the need to say goodbye, arrange an informal meeting outside the office.

Employees who have had serious disagreements with the team rarely write farewell letters. In such cases, psychologists often advise expressing everything openly in a letter. However, practice shows that there is very little meaning in such a gesture. If, for example, your bosses did not want to implement your innovative ideas and you decided to leave, you should not express your grievances and complaints to your colleagues.

If conflicts with colleagues were on personal grounds, it makes no sense to express your dissatisfaction in a public letter. First of all, you won't get feedback, and secondly, ruin your relationships with people once and for all.

Don’t forget that the world is a very small place: you don’t know if this is the last time you will see your colleagues and your manager. There are no guarantees that an incorrectly stated reason for dismissal will not affect your professional activity in another place and at another time.

Irina Kandaurova

Do I need to write a farewell letter to colleagues when leaving?

Dismissal is not only an organizational procedure.

If we take into account that various relationships develop between team members during work, then this process takes on a different shade. For example, saying goodbye to every colleague is a sign good upbringing. But how to do this if the number of staff is greater than the occupants of one office?

Corporate rule of good manners

Large corporations are companies with big amount personnel whose economic activities are carried out through the coordinated work of each team member. Any society, large or small, has its own rules of behavior, standards, traditions and rituals.

Large corporations have a set of such rules called corporate ethics. These include:

  • The presence or absence of a dress code (uniform or established style of clothing).
  • Subordination.
  • Special gestures of greeting and farewell.
  • Morning and evening meetings aimed at bringing team members closer together and towards their unity.
  • Corporate and personal congratulations on holidays.
  • Rituals for joining the team when joining a job or a new position.
  • Farewell letters to employees when they change jobs or transfer to another department, and much more.

The last point remains the most controversial: “writing farewell letters to work colleagues.” What it is? Why and how to write them? Should I write at all? Let's start with the fact that a farewell letter is written to work colleagues if there is no opportunity or desire to say goodbye personally. In addition, it is quite difficult to monotonously repeat the same thing dozens of times.

The letter is written when you change jobs or positions; you may simply not have enough time to say goodbye, as you already have enough worries.

Writing farewell letters to co-workers is widespread in Western countries, where corporations have been developing for decades. In our country large organizations are still at the stage of their formation and are adopting experience from their Western colleagues. Thus, writing farewell letters has not yet become widespread in corporations in the post-Soviet space, but the process has already begun and the point of no return has been passed.

Why write a message?

Changing jobs is always stressful. Leaving your comfort zone and starting over is a serious matter and requires preparation. Considering the fact that the number of corporation employees can exceed several hundred, it is unlikely that it will be possible to say goodbye to everyone personally. And this must be done.

Even if you do not take into account corporate ethics, the rules of good manners should still be followed.

Ever since we were little, our mother teaches us: say hi, say bye, say thank you. Politeness beautifies a person and helps him in all areas of life.

Dismissal due to bankruptcy is a separate personnel procedure. Find out more here.

Another important point, which should be taken into account is maintaining friendly and business relations with his former colleagues. The connections you’ve developed over the years will help you build your career more effectively in the future, so don’t burn any bridges when you leave. Write a farewell letter and send it out via internal mail. This is what most employees do who value their good name and reputation.

Is this necessary?

Let us answer right away - no, not necessarily. No one can stop you from leaving in English without saying goodbye.

A farewell letter does not apply to mandatory documents for the dismissal of an employee from his position, the transfer of official duties and affairs.

This is from a legal point of view. As for universal human rules and your own mercantile interests, saying goodbye to your colleagues will significantly increase your chances of success. This is described in more detail in the section “Why write a message?”.

How to write a farewell letter to colleagues?

To understand how to write a farewell letter to employees, put yourself in the reader’s shoes. Compose the letter in such a way that it does not require much time to read, the text should be easy to understand and find a response in the soul of the addressee.

Stick to structure. To begin, indicate your position and your job responsibilities. Notify the reader that you are changing jobs. Not all company employees may be aware of this; for some, your disappearance may come as a surprise. Then you can explain why you decided to do this, what factors influenced your decision and who will take your position (the contact information of your successor will also help).

If you would like to remain silent about the reasons for leaving, then do not mention it in your letter, do not even give a hint.

Understatement will only lead to speculation, not always positive. Remember the main objective- this is to leave behind a pleasant impression and secure the reputation of a well-mannered, tactful, consistent specialist who adequately perceives himself and those around him. Then tell the reader what you have learned and achieved while working for the company. Emphasize the importance of the team in this process, thank employees for their participation in their development as a professional.

Try to express your thoughts in a positive way. If you want to express some negative work aspects or point out imperfections in management, then do it as delicately as possible, based only on facts. Do not write your conjectures and do not get personal. If there are suggestions for improving any aspects related to economic activity company or relationship within the team, then, without hesitation, you can include them in your message. Just everything has to be to the point, otherwise you’ll make yourself look bad. better light.

In the end, wish your now former colleagues success, tell them about your desire to maintain friendly and working relationships, and leave your contact information. Remember, the letter should not be too emotional. You should not clutter the already busy heads of your employees with unnecessary hysterical attacks. This will show your moral instability, unprofessionalism and bad manners. Only losers do this. Moreover, this is only your subjective attitude to what is happening and, perhaps, has nothing to do with the real state of affairs. Below is a sample farewell letter.

Examples of farewell letters

A farewell letter can be written in different ways and using various literary techniques and techniques.

There are no specific rules for writing a farewell message to employees, other than maintaining structure.

Not only dry business statements and formal wishes are allowed, you can also joke, only delicately, without outlandish humor. Or you can write an entire ode in verse, which will once again demonstrate your creative abilities, education and creativity.


Dear Colleagues!

Effective June 1, I will be leaving my position as Head of Public Relations, which I have held for the past five years. This personnel decision accepted by senior management and related to my promotion to financial director.

My successor to the position of head of the public relations department will be V.V. Petrov. His contact details: 077 - 555 -55 -55, [email protected].

I am grateful to the PR team for their contribution to our common cause. Under my leadership, we achieved good results, which allowed me to achieve a promotion. Thank you for responsibly fulfilling your job responsibilities. I count on your competence for further fruitful work.

With uv. Tikhonov Viktor Veniaminovich.

With humor

Dear Colleagues!

I'm finally leaving! Yes, you heard right, I won’t be at work from the 1st. The reason for this is simple - I found a position where I can fully realize my creative potential. Now I will not be a sales manager, I am promised a career as a designer. They will hire another good person for my position, whom I don’t know myself, but I’m sure you’ll get along with him.

I want to thank you for making me understand that trading is not my thing. I appreciate the experience you shared with me, it will be useful to me in the future. I am grateful to the management of the Nova company for supporting my even attempts to become the best salesman of the year, even though the goal was so close. Many of you have become my friends. I'm glad that life brought us together under one roof.

In verse

I'm writing a letter farewell to colleagues and friends.

In moments of parting I want to confess to you:

The decision to quit came to me a long time ago.

I pushed away that useless thought, but it still came back.

It tormented me at night and did not let me sleep.

“Go away! - I shouted to her - “get away”, sliding under the bed.

Like the best detective in England, she found me.

“Quit, you restless one,” she told me,

Find yourself something more worthy to do for your soul,

Come to your senses, you lost one, sit down and write poetry.

I quit all my studies, take up pen and canvas,

I scratch and mutter under my breath.

Something works out, and I like the result.

I am touched by myself, I feel delighted.

I haven't felt anything like this same place I.

You will be known in the future as my friends.

I hope for reciprocity

Poet Seryozha Stakh.

With a negative connotation

To put it bluntly, sending out a message that even on paper throws lightning bolts is not recommended. But in any case, if you’re already boiling over and want to vent your bitterness, you can write a farewell letter upon dismissal of this type:

Is it acceptable to send a letter to your manager?

Of course, it is acceptable, even preferable. Moreover, the manager should write a personal farewell letter. In it, thank him for the opportunity to realize your potential in your position, for the experience that you have gained. Emphasize the manager's positive personal qualities and how this helps in their work. Note his high qualifications (even if you don’t think so). If you were fired, a farewell letter is a way to explain yourself, to dot all the i's, in a word - an opportunity to smooth out a conflict situation.

Do not forget that at your new job you may be required to provide a recommendation from your previous place.

Even if this requirement is not received, the availability positive characteristics from a previous place of work can become a powerful argument for an employer in making personnel decisions.

Interesting cases in the practice of personnel services

There was one case when the girl Lena was slandered by envious employees. The matter became public and reached management. On the same day, a decree was written about her dismissal from her position. Lena was bitter that her innocent person was being deprived of the only thing she had - her favorite job.

Since Lena was a true professional, following corporate etiquette, she wrote a farewell letter to her employees and manager. In it, she explained the current situation, did not ask for forgiveness, did not beg to return her to work, but simply wanted to explain herself and save her good name. Coincidentally, her manager read a farewell letter from the corporate mailing list, something he had never done before.

The story of an unfairly fired employee touched a nerve. The next day, using his informants, he collected diverse information and conducted an analysis. On the same day, he called Lena on her mobile phone and admitted that the corporate system was imperfect. He said. that he understood the situation and those responsible were punished, and offered her to return to work. Given the difficult economic situation, his proposal was a ray of hope. Lena currently works as Deputy Commercial Director. This is what it means to comply with the rules of corporate ethics. If she had not written a letter then and left, offended, all this would not have happened, and justice would not have prevailed.

Stories where writing a farewell letter turned the course of a procedure are far from common. But in any case, your colleagues will be pleased to receive a message from you. Who knows under what circumstances we will meet in the future.

There are no specific writing rules. The main thing is to maintain the general structure.

Farewell letter template something like this:

Dear friends, colleagues!
I want to warn you that with... ( exact date your dismissal) I officially leave ... (name of company), where as ... (name of position) I performed ... (short description of your responsibilities), and move to ... (place of new work) to the position of ... (name).

At the company ... (name of the company from which you are leaving), my duties will now be performed by ... (name, surname). Its coordinates...

I thank everyone for their work and hope for future cooperation.

To write a farewell letter you can use various styles, literary techniques and techniques.

Here is an example of a standard farewell letter upon dismissal

Farewell letter

My dear friends, I want to inform you that as of August 1, I am resigning and officially leaving the Turservice company, where I worked as an accountant. The reason for leaving was an offer received from the Magistral company. I was offered the position of chief accountant and I accepted.

During my time working at Tourservice, I gained invaluable experience and knowledge. Initially, I started working as a customer service manager, but after 2 months, due to circumstances (special thanks to Alexander Zavaliev, Mikhail Dobrovolsky and Svetlana Alaeva), I began working in a position corresponding to my specialty - an accountant. I gained experience and my professional level quickly increased (special thanks to Natalia Isachenko and Valentina Kutishenko). In addition, during my work at the company, I mastered new computer programs necessary for my work. Thanks to you, I acquired invaluable knowledge, skills and experience. Thank you all very much for this.

I wish each of you successful career growth, move forward and achieve your goals. From today, my duties will be performed by Tamara Nikolaevna Galenko. Her contacts:...

I will miss you very much. I hope that we will continue to meet with you, and not only at work, but also in an informal setting. My contacts:

Best regards, Irina Levchenko

A farewell letter should not be too formal. However, there are exceptions. Let's give an example of an official farewell letter.

Farewell letter

Dear Colleagues! Effective April 1, I am resigning and leaving my position as Head of Sales, which I have held for the past seven years. Senior management decided to promote me to the position of financial director, which is what led to my dismissal.

I am grateful to the sales team for their contribution to our common cause. Under my leadership, we have achieved good results; in the last three years alone, sales levels have increased 4 times. Thanks to our successes, I was able to achieve a promotion. Thank you for the responsible and conscientious performance of your duties. I count on your competence and professionalism for further fruitful work.

My successor as head of the sales department will be Leonid Grigorievich Kushnirenko. His contact details: ***.

With uv. Alexandrovsky Stanislav Vladimirovich.

But a farewell letter does not necessarily have to include only dry business statements and formal wishes. You can joke, but only correctly and delicately, so as not to offend anyone. Or you can write a letter in verse, once again demonstrating your creative abilities and education. The main thing is that your letter to your colleagues is pleasant to read, so that it brings a warm smile to the lips of the reading employee.

Example of a farewell letter with humor

Farewell letter

Dear Colleagues! Well, I'm leaving! Yes, you heard right, I’m quitting on March 1st. The reason for my dismissal is simple - I found new job where I can fully realize my creative potential. Now I will no longer be a salesman; I am promised a career as a stylist and makeup artist. Another employee will come to work in my place. I don't know who it will be, but I'm sure it will be good man and you will get along with him.

I want to thank you for making me understand that trading is not my thing. I appreciate the experience that I gained thanks to you; it will definitely be useful to me in the future. I am grateful to the management of the Skazka company for supporting my even, but, unfortunately, futile attempts to fall in love with the sales profession. Many of you have become my friends. I'm glad that our life paths crossed paths.

I wish each of you good luck and success. Come to my new job for tea and cookies.
My contacts:

With uv. Ivanova Alina.

IN Lately It has become a tradition to write a farewell letter to colleagues upon dismissal. It is customary to express gratitude for cooperation and leave warm wishes to the team. If your organization does not have such a custom, or an employee wants to say farewell words to colleagues when leaving work in person, then a suitable poem or prose can be selected below. The words you like can be included in a farewell letter if you settled on a written message. Farewell to colleagues upon dismissal in verse When leaving the team, I want to say to you: “Thank you for your support, for your participation - There was a lot of happiness with you, There were a lot of arguments and serious conversations with you. I will remember our team with sadness and ... miss you!” I am leaving the team, I will say, colleagues, thank you for your help, for your support, for correcting mistakes.

Farewell letter to colleagues upon dismissal.

  • Farewell letter - good opportunity maintain relationships with colleagues and leave your new contacts for business communication;
  • an honest and respectful letter to the boss will help smooth out the conflict, understand the situation that led to the dismissal, and, perhaps, express interesting ideas on the organization of work, which in the future will have a positive impact on the reputation in professional circles;
  • Finally, thinking about farewell words is an effective psychological remedy against stress: you can analyze your previous activities, noting their pros and cons, relationships with colleagues, your own behavior at the place of work, find the reasons for past failures in order to start work more successfully in a new place.

How to say goodbye to colleagues correctly If the company is small and the team is small, farewell words can be said verbally one-on-one or at the last meeting.

Farewell letter to colleagues upon dismissal

Interesting cases in practice personnel service There was one case when the girl Lena was slandered by envious employees. The matter became public and reached management. On the same day, a decree was written about her dismissal from her position. Lena was bitter that her innocent person was being deprived of the only thing she had - her favorite job.


Since Lena was a true professional, following corporate etiquette, she wrote a farewell letter to her employees and manager. In it, she explained the current situation, did not ask for forgiveness, did not beg to return her to work, but simply wanted to explain herself and save her good name. Coincidentally, her manager read a farewell letter from the corporate mailing list, something he had never done before.

The story of an unfairly fired employee touched a nerve.

How to write a farewell letter to colleagues when leaving

I say goodbye to my colleagues and drag myself home. Do not forget the workdays you have lived together. You will be immortal in my history. You will be known in the future as my friends. I hope for reciprocity Poet Seryozha Stakh. With a negative connotation Frankly speaking, sending out a message that even on paper throws lightning is not recommended.
But in any case, if you are already boiling over and want to vent your bitterness, you can write a farewell letter upon dismissal of this type: Colleagues! I am resigning from my position as an accountant due to unacceptable working conditions for me. The main reason is the lack of additional payments for overtime. By decision of the management, an intern, a part-time student, was appointed to my position.


I will work in a similar position in the Zima organization. If you have any work questions, I’m ready to help. you are very Friendly team, there are many professionals among you.

I hope to maintain business relations.

Examples of farewell letters to colleagues upon dismissal

The farewell letter should not contain boasting, gloating, or expressions of superiority.

  • Lack of criticism or presenting it as proposed opportunities for the development of the company. This emphasizes the competence and integrity of almost former employee companies.
  • Prohibition on calling for dismissal of other employees and advertising a future place of work.

Letter structure A letter to employees upon dismissal is not a strict document, but has a mandatory structure:

  • Indicate the name and position of the sender at the beginning of the letter. As a rule, not all employees of a large company are aware of your decision; for many, this news may come as a surprise.
  • Notice of resignation indicating the circumstances of dismissal.
    The reason is explained essentially, without hints that give rise to intrigue and investigation.

Farewell letter of dismissal to colleagues: example

Formal Dear colleagues! Effective June 1, I will be leaving my position as Head of Public Relations, which I have held for the past five years. This personnel decision was made by senior management and is related to my promotion to CFO. My successor to the position of head of the public relations department will be V.V. Petrov.

His contact details: 077 – 555 -55 -55, I am grateful to the team of the public relations department for their contribution to our common cause. Under my leadership, we achieved good results, which allowed me to achieve a promotion.

Thank you for responsibly performing your duties. I count on your competence for further fruitful work. With uv. Tikhonov Viktor Veniaminovich.

Cool farewell letter to colleagues upon dismissal

For many ordinary citizens in our country, especially those who have worked for many years at one large manufacturing plant, writing goodbye words to your colleagues when changing jobs may seem quite strange and not a necessary act. In our country, during our common Soviet past, we have become accustomed to communicating dryly and to the point, with a small number of people, without expressing our emotions and feelings. Remember, no one can force you to deviate from your life rules; a letter to former colleagues is not a mandatory document.

In any case, they will make a payment and give you personal documents ( work book). If the opinion of your former colleagues, support of friendly and business relationships, is important to you, especially if you are not sure that in the future you will not need help and recommendations, then it is better to spend a little time, think over the text and write a letter.

A beautiful farewell letter to colleagues upon dismissal

Why write a letter? Almost all of us have changed jobs at least once. The dismissal of an employee, as a rule, is accompanied by certain farewell rituals provided for by the corporate ethics of companies to create a positive atmosphere in the team even in such a sad moment. One of necessary rituals- writing a letter of resignation.

This is an important ritual. Writing a letter will not only allow you to say goodbye to colleagues, but will also help a person answer the questions of why he wants to leave, what he has achieved in this place and what he is striving for. Many people find it psychologically difficult to come up with text last letter colleagues upon dismissal. The reason lies in the fear of change, which is common to all people.
When specifying a new work phone number, a new position is also indicated. The written letter should not be overly emotional. You do not have the right to hurl emotional statements at your former colleagues. This will put you in a bad light, showing your lack of self-confidence and low level professionalism.
Farewell letter to the manager When asked whether it is worth writing a letter to the manager before leaving, the answer is clearly positive:

  • This characterizes you as a polite and well-mannered person.
  • This gives you a chance to say goodbye gracefully, leaving a positive impression of yourself. If in your area further work accepted to take business recommendations, then a good relationship you won't be harmed by your former boss.
  • This is an opportune moment to declare your professionalism if you have not had such an opportunity before.

Beautiful farewell letter to colleagues upon dismissal, examples

I wish you all success, good luck, peace and warmth in the team under the new leadership, happiness in your personal and family life. I hope to continue our business cooperation. I promise to provide support and assistance to each of you when contacting me in the future. Sincerely, Full Name, Deputy Director of the retail chain “...”.
E-mail: … . Telephone:…". Friendly option A resignation letter can be written in a friendly, humorous tone: “My dear, beloved colleagues, I am writing to you, a shop worker finished products children's toy factory "Your best doll" Petrova Dasha. I was happy to work with you long years, months and days! Now my life begins new stage, which I was looking forward to more than anything else. I finally got married and am going to leave for maternity leave! I'm not leaving you forever! Remove the tears from your eyes, as there is no need to cry and sob.

If you were fired during a crisis,
Time to test yourself!
If you give up, you will lose everything!
Luck will forget you!
If you can handle it, then you are the best.
There will be something to tell everyone.
Maybe later memoirs,
You will write about this!

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Wishes from colleagues on dismissal

So you're exhausted! As they say, don’t be sad about what hasn’t come true, but smile about what will come true ahead. Dismissal is not a reason for sadness, it is a reason to dream and create your own happiness, we, your colleagues, want to wish you! Do not lose optimism, hard work and faith in yourself. And then everything will definitely come true for you!

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Wishes upon dismissal

First of all, I wish you not to hang your nose. There is still a place as good as this! Secondly, I wish not to forget the team. The team with whom I flew unnoticed work week, with the people from whom it was so fun to spend the weekend. And, of course, I wish you good luck and success in your search for a new job.

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Wishes for someone leaving

As you go forward, don’t look back at what you left behind. Remember that there is always something better ahead. So, when you quit your old job, know that you are opening for yourself those roads that were previously closed. So have more fun sailing your ship on the sea of ​​life. And don’t be discouraged when quitting your job!

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Wishes and congratulations to those leaving

Leave, leave the team and workplace, a little sad, because there is so much good associated with all this. But since it’s your fate to leave, you shouldn’t hang your nose. All the changes now are only for the better, and there will also be a cozy workplace and a new, friendly team! We sincerely wish those leaving today, great success and conquering new heights.

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Wishes to the departing manager from the company

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May good luck always be with you,
We are all sorry to part with you!
But we know that you will be happy
And you will work with your soul!
We wish you a new place,
Be successful and grow in your career!
And we hope you won't forget,
Our close-knit, large team!

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Wishes for a retiring employee

You are leaving us for free swimming. We would like to wish you that on your way you will not meet evil shark colleagues, financial shoals and reefs, vile and evil pirate bosses. May the sun of success always shine on you and a fair wind blow, carrying you to promotions.

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Poem wishes to colleagues from someone resigning

Well, guys, I'm leaving,
I take dismissal calmly!
But I sincerely feel sorry for our team,
After all, I’ve gotten used to it over the years!
Work successfully and, of course, amicably,
Call if you need anything,
And don’t forget about me,
And, if you want, visit!
I will be happy to meet anyone
I will always find a word for everyone!
And I’ll treat you to tea, or maybe something stronger,
And we will all live - great!

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