The life of any society is a complex, multifaceted process that is associated with big amount controversial situations. There are socially vulnerable or problem groups people who require help, material and moral support, human participation. Previously, these functions were distributed between law enforcement agencies, educational and healthcare institutions. But since 1991, a profession has appeared in our country Social worker, the activities of whose representatives are aimed at helping and supporting those in need.

Areas of activity

  • Therapy social nature at the individual or family level, aimed at social adaptation individual or permission of various kinds conflict situations in his environment. This area includes working with a problem child, with his parents, supporting a family member in case of domestic violence, help for a lonely pensioner, etc.
  • Working with population groups. They may vary by gender, age, interests or problems (single fathers, retirees, etc.). Often, a social worker has to deal with disadvantaged groups, or with those who have problems with crime - alcoholics, drug addicts, difficult teenagers who are registered with law enforcement agencies and require monitoring and rehabilitation.
  • Community work. Most often it is required in small, fairly close teams (for example, in a village). Aimed at creating and strengthening interpersonal connections in the team, organizing mutual assistance.
  • The special field of activity of professionals is social projects. This could be an organization of assistance to civilians during natural disasters, during military conflicts. As an example, it is worth mentioning the collection of donations, necessary things or food for refugees.

Specifics of the profession

Social work is superficially similar to charity, which is voluntarily provided by certain people to those in need. However key point in the activities of professionals, the theoretical basis and practical skills that are the main component of the specialty are considered. Those who want to become social workers study at universities at the faculties of the same name. The disciplines that are basic for students are pedagogy, psychology, sociology. Practice occupies a special place during training. Without it, the young specialist will have little idea of ​​what awaits him. The practical basis will help in both employment and professional development.

Social work is defined as qualified assistance to groups of people and individuals in solving their life troubles and problems. Because complexities and communities vary, work requires a range of skills and knowledge. This profession can be described as having an integral nature. That is, it combines knowledge, skills and abilities from related disciplines.

To diagnose the problems of his client, a social worker uses psychological techniques, to resolve the problem can apply legal knowledge (if necessary) or pedagogical knowledge (in the case of working with a teenager, a child from problem family). Sometimes social work is directly related to helping the patient: for example, rehabilitation in case of irreversible injury or serious illness.

Special mention should be made of activities in the case of interaction with a person who has experienced violence or lost a loved one. Two aspects are important here: firstly, theoretical knowledge and skills from the field of psychology, which allow you to find the right approach to the ward, and secondly, sensitivity, tact, participation and a sincere desire to help.

The scale of activity of a social worker can be very different. He can contribute to the transformation of the client’s personality, or he can manage an entire social sphere.

Approaches to activity

  • Educational. A social worker acts as a teacher and advisor. He models situations, the behavior of his ward, establishes with him feedback and gives advice.
  • Advocative. The specialist acts as a lawyer. He helps in collecting documentation, in arguing that he is right, and helps the client achieve success in a particular problem area (for example, correcting certificates for disability benefits).
  • Facilitative. An approach that involves helping to overcome personal apathy and disorganization. A professional models behavior, encourages, looks for optimal options for your client.

Categories of social work

The specialty involves many options for activity, the main ones being the following:

  • Social politics. The broadest direction, which involves improving the life of society in this area, a number of measures aimed at solving problems, creating conditions to meet the vital needs of certain groups of the population.
  • Social protection. This direction is necessary to ensure the active existence of citizens and normal living conditions.
  • Social services. Provides household, material, medical, psychological and other assistance to people in difficult life situations.
  • Social insurance. Includes protections for the working population under federal laws.
  • Social guarantees. This is the implementation of a system of measures aimed at maintaining normal life support for citizens.
  • Social rehabilitation. A special area in the specialty that helps restore partially or completely lost social functions personality. This includes loss loved one, shock after a disaster, violence, sometimes restoration of the ability to live in society after imprisonment, etc.

Requirements for a specialist

A description of the profession would be incomplete without mentioning personal qualities, which are necessary for a social worker. Since the object of his activity is man, formal attitude, callousness, commercialism and indifference are incompatible with such work. You should not only understand and realize the importance of your own specialty, but also sincerely feel sorry for the one who ended up in difficult situation, try to help him with all my heart. Only in this case will the activity bring real results.

The concept of social ethics also deserves special mention. This is one of the most important components of the profession, without which productivity is impossible. Ethics is important because a social worker deals with issues of vulnerable segments of the population, as well as people who come to him with problems - alcoholics, drug addicts, former prisoners, the poor. Respectful and humane treatment is an integral part of the profession.

Social work is a field that pays modestly. Unfortunately, in our country the salary of a worker in this field is low. On average it is 12 thousand rubles. It is possible to take on part-time jobs, receive small increments and bonuses, and sometimes there is a chance to go into management, where the rewards are higher. In general, a social worker is one for whom the first place is not salary, but the work for which he came into his profession.

Social worker is a profession that plays a big role in modern society. It is no secret that the country's population is aging, and the material level and, for the most part, health status do not allow older people to live actively. Sometimes circumstances are such that the only person, which connects an elderly person with outside world, is precisely the person representing social service. In fact, it is thanks to this service that older people who have no one to rely on in life have the opportunity to communicate, purchase food and medicine, necessary items hygiene and everyday life.

It’s good when a social worker has an education or higher professional education, but, unfortunately, at present, people who have no professional training are involved in servicing elderly citizens and the disabled. This job requires many spiritual qualities and people most often come to this profession at the call of their heart.

The social worker must be fully aware state laws, regulations and regulations on social services for disabled people and citizens. He must also impeccably comply with labor rules internal regulations And job descriptions. Guided by labor protection rules and basic safety rules, sanitation standards and fire safety, a social service worker can provide all possible help at the place of residence of their wards. It is very important that this is done not only without causing discomfort or irritation on the part of the elderly person, but also competently.

In his work, a social worker uses special knowledge, for example, the basics of psychology of older people. In addition, he must know the basics of first aid medical care.

The responsibilities of a social worker are primarily to identify among the population of the area allocated to them disabled people and elderly citizens who cannot independently do housework and are in dire need of service. Workers in this field constantly conduct surveys among the elderly, pensioners and disabled people in the territory entrusted to them, explaining to them their rights, which they can count on.

The duties of the social worker include paperwork, as well as contact with the relatives of the wards and the attending physician. He must maintain confidentiality in relation to his wards, arrange for financial assistance that is due by law to disabled people and pensioners. If necessary, he must take prescriptions from the clinic for medications at preferential prices, which is provided for this category of citizens. This is also part of his direct responsibilities.

The social worker is eagerly awaited, because he is often the only helper in the house. He buys groceries and brings receipts, monitors his health and tells them good words on weekdays and holidays.

His responsibilities include maintaining reporting documents. Report your disability in advance, as this will allow you to find a replacement for the duration of your illness. We must not forget that this is an almost irreplaceable position - a social worker. His responsibilities are not limited to this; he takes an active part in the lives of his wards. Caring people who have chosen this profession completely manage the household for incapacitated people, replacing relatives who are absent or far away and cannot help their loved ones every day. They will lovingly prepare or heat up food, brew aromatic tea and help make the bed, and this is so important for a lonely person who is impatiently waiting for the call to ring and the social worker to come. His responsibilities include ensuring that there is water and, of course, warmth in the homes of their wards. If problems arise, they can contact the housing and communal services department and resolve issues on behalf of the person they are entrusted with looking after.

In addition, they hand over things for washing, dry cleaning and deliver them back, pay for writing letters at the request of pensioners, and bring newspapers and magazines. They are also faithful companions when organizing and can accompany an elderly person to events that the authorities organize specifically for this category of citizens.

The social worker, whose job responsibilities will be discussed further, is hired and dismissed by the head of the CSO. Withdrawal from the state is carried out in accordance with the procedure established in articles 77-81 of the Labor Code.

General information

Persons who have:

Persons who do not have training in their specialty may be involved in activities. The people who are to be served are called wards. Persons acquire this status when applying to the Veterans Council, Central Social Security Center or Social Protection Committee, as well as when a social worker identifies those in need of care during a special round. Persons in their care who have completely lost the ability to self-care are sent to a nursing home.

Social worker: responsibilities, employee salary

A CSO employee can carry out certain instructions for his wards. They may not be included in the list of responsibilities of a social worker, but they arise from the general meaning of his activities. Its essence is to provide support and assistance to lonely people and disabled people. For example, an elderly woman has difficulty moving due to serious problems with health. A social worker can take her to a bathhouse, after which the person will feel better and will be able to take care of himself. The day of a CSO employee begins with phone call ward. The responsibilities of the social worker include finding out the instructions that need to be carried out and the list of necessary products. All information is recorded in a special notebook for each ward. At the end of the year, based on an assessment of the employee’s performance, he is assigned or not assigned a rank. In the first case, among other things, he can count on a salary increase. After another three years, the premium will be 10, and after five years - 30%.


The following categories are established:

  • Fifth category. It is assigned to an employee who has a professional (primary) education. However, there are no requirements for his experience. Also, category 5 are employees with complete secondary (general) education. In this case, they must carry out activities in their profile for at least three years.
  • Sixth and seventh categories. To obtain this category, an employee may have professional higher education. In this case, there are no requirements for his experience. An employee may also have a specialized secondary education. In this case, he must remain in the state for at least three years.
  • Eighth category. It is assigned to employees whose work experience is at least five years and they have a higher education in their specialty.

Important points

The functional responsibilities of a social worker include providing everyday services to people in need of help. The CSO employee is directly subordinate to the head of the department, deputy director, and head of the center. An employee needs to know the regulations and laws of the federal, local and regional levels, and other regulations related to the regulation of his activities. A social worker, whose job responsibilities are contained in the relevant instructions, is responsible for his activities before the law. He must comply with the rules of the CSO, know the norms and regulations on labor protection, industrial sanitation, safety precautions, and fire protection. An indispensable condition for the high-quality execution of tasks is compliance with the requirements for organizing consumer services for the elderly and disabled. The employee needs to know the basics of the psychology of the wards and master first aid techniques.

Basic instructions

The professional responsibilities of a social worker include:

  • Provision of services that are included in the list of state-guaranteed services.
  • Compliance with the visiting schedule.
  • Identification of citizens in need of service and support.
  • Conducting a survey at the enterprise among employees.
  • Participation in the preparation of documents for employees who need it.
  • Informing employees about their responsibilities, rights and conditions for the provision of services.
  • Maintaining confidentiality in relationships with wards.
  • Execution of orders and instructions from the management of the Central Security Service.
  • Coordinating your activities with your superiors.
  • Timely warning of the onset of disability.
  • Petition for allotment financial assistance employees who need it.
  • Filling out documentation in accordance with business management recommendations, making timely additions and changes.
  • Participation in public life CSO.

The rights and responsibilities of a social worker are regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.


In case of violation labor discipline The employee is subject to the provisions of Art. 419 TK. Timely execution job responsibilities social worker guarantees effective assistance people who need it. This attitude towards one’s activities has a beneficial effect on the atmosphere within the team, the ability to work and the interests of employees. The duties of a social worker must be performed conscientiously and clearly. In many ways, not only the general condition of the ward, but also his life often depends on the timeliness of assistance.

Defining Criteria

To perform the duties of a social worker, it is not enough to have certain skills or knowledge. An employee must also have certain personal qualities. Formed moral and moral beliefs, objectivity in assessing the problems of the ward, honesty, tact, justice, attentiveness, creative thinking, sociability, adequacy of self-esteem, tolerance, humanity, willpower, kindness, patience - this is not the whole list of qualities that a social worker should be endowed with.

Methods used in activities

Responsibilities of employees social protection consist not only of providing necessary assistance ward. To carry out their activities most effectively, employees are required, in accordance with the Instructions, to develop and implement various methods, allowing you to study problems in more depth and detail and choose the optimal means of solving them. Thus, a social worker in a school, whose responsibilities are related to helping children, must act, among other things, as a consultant and, in some way, a teacher. Using an educational approach in his work, the employee gives recommendations, teaches demonstration and modeling of correct behavior, uses role-playing games, establishes interaction between student and teacher. The responsibilities of a social worker in a hospital deserve special attention.

In this case, a great responsibility rests on his shoulders. A person in a medical institution requires maximum sensitivity, care, and help. In this case, the social worker not only fulfills his duties in serving the ward. He also plays the role of a supporter or mediator in overcoming personal disorganization and apathy in cases where it is not possible for a sick person to do this on his own. The facilitative approach is aimed at explaining the situation, encouraging and focusing on mobilizing existing internal resources ward. During the recovery or rehabilitation period, this is of fundamental importance. There is also an advocacy approach to the activities of a social worker. In this case, the employee acts as a representative of the ward or a group of people in need. In this case, the duties of the social worker include, among other things, assistance in putting forward arguments and selecting justified charges.

Employee capabilities

The rights and responsibilities of a social worker are two categories that are closely related to each other. Using his powers, an employee can effectively carry out his activities, the purpose of which is to provide timely assistance to those in need. The rights of a social worker are established in Articles 1, 379-380, 353-369, 209-231 of the Labor Code. Its capabilities are also defined in collective agreement and the rules of the CSO. In the process of performing his activities, a social worker has the right:

  • Involve loved ones and relatives in providing assistance that goes beyond the scope established by the Instructions.
  • Receive information from clients about their health status and relationships with other family members.
  • Use the client’s personal data when filling out the necessary documentation.

International practice

Summarizing all of the above, we can conclude that the basis of the activities that a social worker performs are responsibilities. Ukraine, Russia and many other countries are taking part in a large-scale humanitarian program to eliminate poverty, provide primary education, stable support for the most disadvantaged segments of the population. As the experience of foreign countries shows, the need for a multifaceted, comprehensive social work especially high during periods of crisis. At these moments, there is a significant deterioration in the well-being of the majority of citizens. Ukraine, like Russia, has experienced such periods more than once throughout its history. However, the governments of these countries always strive to eliminate emerging problems. A special role in the implementation of this task belongs primarily to the social protection service.

Role of the State

On the issue of providing citizens real help The state today occupies a side, secondary position. At the same time, a social worker, on the one hand, serves people. It helps to overcome one or another specific problem. On the other hand, he is also in the service of the state. Power through CSO employees reduces social tension. To put it bluntly, the state, using a social worker, “calms down” the needy population. In this case, the employee is in sufficient difficult situation. Due to duty – professional and human – a social worker acts primarily in accordance with the principle of humanism. At the same time, he is responsible for the execution state task to maintain balance in society.


To perform his duties most efficiently, a social worker must possess various skills, abilities, and knowledge in such areas as psychology, medicine, sociology, and others. Only in this case can he be considered a worthy implementer of the set state goals. The skills and knowledge that a social worker possesses, in combination with his individual qualities, must be assessed using appropriate methods. Analysis of the results, correction of shortcomings, filling in missing information will undoubtedly contribute to more effective execution your duty. The desire for improvement is manifested not only in the desire to acquire more voluminous practical experience, theoretical knowledge. Of no small importance is the improvement of personal qualities, overcoming shortcomings, especially those that negatively affect his activities. The individual qualities of an employee act as the basis for successful interaction with a mentee and are considered an essential condition for his professional suitability.

Young, ambitious, full of energy, those who feel that their whole life is ahead of them, the phrase “social worker” is not particularly clear or interesting. An acquaintance with a social worker occurs when a person loses his strength, illnesses, age set in, and there is no one nearby who could support or simply give everyone the well-known glass of water.

Who are social workers?

The profession of a social worker requires from its owner a lot of knowledge, skills and certain spiritual qualities. Caring for elderly or infirm people is hard and often unrewarding work. A social worker visits his client at least twice a week, buys groceries, prepares food, cleans the house, does laundry, calls a doctor, takes him to the clinic, and more. Sometimes it’s very difficult with your own old people, but what can we say about completely strangers’ grandparents.

Satisfied with life old man, living in friendly family, or lonely, but still full of strength, is unlikely to seek help from social services. The main contingent of social protection bodies consists precisely of lonely and not very happy elderly people. This is a rather complex population group, and for positive communication and cooperation, a social worker must be a psychologist, a negotiator, a cook, and an artist.

With, to put it mildly, very modest wages, it would be strange to assume that people with all these abilities and professional training are lining up to become a social worker. Therefore, in social centers there is a very high staff turnover, a large percentage of random people who are not inclined to this field of activity.

But what attracts people to the profession of social worker? A fairly flexible work schedule, the opportunity not to be stuck in the office from call to call, combination, solving your problems during the day, and just love and compassion for the old, infirm, in need of support and help, complete strangers.

So, until the social worker’s salary is raised to a decent level, we can only rely on those who love their work, who need these “nobody’s” old people.

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