Such a concept as free possession of weapons establishes several degrees of access for the population - a complete ban, permission to own and permission to carry weapons.

The publication Vlast analyzed, using open sources, the state of affairs in 24 countries around the world, in which the degrees of freedom to own weapons vary significantly. In some, citizens can not only purchase, but also carry short-barreled weapons (pistols and revolvers), including open carrying in crowded places. In others, the law establishes restrictions, for example, in some places it is forbidden to have a weapon in the city center, but in a sparsely populated rural areas- Please. In some places, purchasing a pistol is not prohibited by law, but in others, to legally purchase a weapon you have to resort to tricks. Moreover, in almost all countries where private individuals are allowed to own weapons, similar conditions for issuing permits are established. A person must explain why he is acquiring a weapon, and also provide the licensing authorities with an identity card, certificates confirming physical and mental health, absence of drug or alcohol addiction, make the required payments and pass the exam (test) on the basics safe handling with weapon.

Turnover civilian weapons in Russia

The circulation of weapons in Russia is regulated by the federal law “On Weapons”, adopted on December 13, 1996, and the corresponding government decree (dated July 21, 1998). According to the law, weapons are divided into three types: combat (hand-held and bladed weapons), service and civilian. The latter, in turn, includes hunting weapon, sports, signal, self-defense and bladed weapons. Citizens of Russia can use long-barreled smooth-bore weapons as self-defense weapons, incl. firing traumatic cartridges, barrelless firearms with gas, traumatic and light-sound cartridges, gas weapons and electroshock devices. Carrying only long-barreled self-defense weapons is prohibited. It is also prohibited to carry other types of long-barreled weapons, the magazine capacity of which exceeds 10 rounds, and the barrel length is less than 500 mm with a total length of the weapon less than 800 mm. Rifled sporting firearms may only be stored at sporting venues.

In Russia, the right to purchase weapons is granted to citizens over 18 years of age. A license to purchase weapons can be obtained by submitting an application and a medical certificate to the licensing authorities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs special form and ID. If a self-defense weapon is purchased by a private person for the first time, the person is required to pass a test on knowledge of the requirements regarding the safe handling of weapons.

Some relaxation in the rather strict weapons legislation of Russia is provided only for citizens who own a premium short-barreled weapon. firearms. In particular, in Art. 20.1 of the Law “On Weapons” lists on what grounds a citizen can receive an award weapon: this is a presidential decree or a corresponding resolution of the Russian Cabinet of Ministers, decrees of heads of foreign countries or governments of foreign states, and in addition - orders from the leadership of “state paramilitary organizations”. To obtain permission to carry and store award-winning weapons, it is enough to submit a medical certificate to the police. The list of award weapons approved by the Government of the Russian Federation on December 5, 2005 includes 14 items, most of which are 9 mm caliber pistols, as well as a TT pistol and a Nagan system revolver (both 7.62 mm caliber).

At the beginning of 2001, Russian citizens owned 5.269 million weapons, including 1.2 million gas weapons. At the same time, on beginning III millennium, according to experts, Russians owned about 10 million illegal weapons, and this figure increased by an average of 1.4% every month. According to Rosstat, the number of crimes related to illegal arms trafficking is decreasing in the country. If in 2001 there were 69.47 thousand of them registered, then in 2007 - 30.22 thousand.


The right of citizens to own guns in the United States is enshrined in the 2nd Amendment to the country's Constitution, introduced in 1791. It states that the security of a free state requires a well-organized militia (militia), therefore the right of the population to keep and bear arms should not be infringed. In addition to the 2nd Amendment, in the United States the rules for owning and using weapons are regulated by a number of federal laws, at the same time, the basis of gun legislation is laws adopted at the state level. Currently, the circulation of weapons in the United States is regulated by about 2.5 thousand legislative and regulatory acts of various levels. Citizens of the country have the right to own short-barreled and long-barreled rifled or smoothbore weapons, as well as semi-automatic. Until 1986, US citizens could even own automatic weapons (machine guns and machine guns). The later ban was not supported by all states, and in addition, it does not apply to weapons purchased before 1986.

On September 13, 1994, the US Congress passed the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act, which became the country's most serious attempt to limit gun trafficking. Part of it was a legislative act banning assault weapons(Federal Assault Weapons Ban), which introduced a ban on the production and possession of semi-automatic weapons (19 types, which included: semi-automatic modifications of the AK, UZI and Galil of Israeli production, a civilian version assault rifle M16, Colt AR-15), and the magazine capacity of all civilian species weapons was reduced to 10 rounds. This law expired in September 2004, but the US Congress did not renew it. Open carry is now legal in 23 of the 50 states. Without restrictions, concealed carry is legal in 38 states, and Alaska and Vermont do not require a concealed carry permit at all. Wisconsin and Illinois have the strictest approach, with Illinois having a complete gun ban. Residents of Washington, the capital of the United States, received the right to bear arms only on June 26, 2008, when the ban, which had been in force for 32 years, was lifted Supreme Court USA.

US federal law sets a minimum age potential owner long-barreled weapons at 18 years old, and short-barreled weapons at 21 years old.


In Norway, the Weapons Act was passed on June 9, 1961. Citizens of the country from the age of 18 are allowed to own long-barreled firearms, and from the age of 21 - short-barreled firearms. You can become the owner of a shotgun or rifle even from the age of 16, but this requires the approval of your parents (guardians) plus permission from local police authorities. The main reasons for the police issuing gun permits in Norway are sport shooting and hunting. Licenses for short-barreled self-defense weapons are very rarely issued. To become a weapon owner, you must obtain permission from the police, as well as pass an exam on the basics of using weapons - legal, theoretical and practical.

Norwegian law allows the ownership of many types of firearms, with the exception of automatic weapons. To become the owner of a pistol or revolver, the applicant must be a member of a shooting club for at least six months, and after receiving permission, take part in competitions at least occasionally. Wearing is allowed in the country short-barreled weapons. Norwegian weapons legislation treats the issue of storing weapons quite strictly: the safe in which they are stored must be attached to the floor or wall.

In some regions of Norway, the population is required by law to carry weapons. In particular, in 2007, schoolchildren and students living on the islands of the Spitsbergen archipelago were prohibited from leaving the territory of populated areas without weapons and ammunition due to the high risk of attack by polar bears.


First legal act The weapons plan in Brazil was a presidential decree of 1934, which affected only the production of weapons, but did not affect the use of weapons by the population. These decrees were somewhat expanded by the act of January 28, 1965: it introduced a requirement for the sale of weapons only upon presentation of permission from the local police department; Citizens, in turn, were required to register purchased weapons with the police.

On October 17, 1980, by decree of the Ministry of Defense, the first serious restrictions were introduced regarding the number of guns in the possession of citizens. Thus, a citizen had the right to own no more than two pistols or revolvers, as well as two rifled and smooth-bore hunting rifles. Also, the minimum age for purchasing weapons was set at 21 years and some other restrictions. After the disarmament law came into force on December 23, 2003, another change in legislation took place regarding small arms. Such measures were caused by the doubled number of murders in the country between 1980 and 2002 (from 11.4 to 28.4 per 100 thousand people, and specifically in Sao Paulo - from 17.5 to 53.9). Moreover, in 68.8% of cases, the cause of death was a firearm. The new rules established by the law included: an increase in the minimum age for purchasing a weapon to 25 years and a requirement to justify the intention to purchase a weapon. The police are also required to submit certificates of integrity certified by federal, regional, military and judicial authorities. New law introduced a ban on the carrying of firearms by Brazilian citizens, except residents rural regions country (this is 20% of the population, or about 37 million people). The latter must prove that there is a threat to the life and health of both the owner and family members. The owner of any weapon, including short-barreled weapons, is registered as a hunter.

On October 23, 2005, Article 35 of the disarmament law, which introduced a ban on the sale of weapons and ammunition, became the topic of a nationwide referendum, during which supporters of the ban on the sale of weapons managed to gain only 36.06% of the votes of the participants.

The article discusses next questions: storage, use and carrying of weapons in Russia. This problem is very acute in our society. Increasingly in the territory Russian Federation crimes committed with the use of any weapon occur.

The acquisition and carrying of weapons in Russia is strictly monitored by law enforcement agencies. Due to numerous crimes on the territory of our state, the law regarding this issue has been tightened. We will pay special attention to this problem. Let's start by looking at the types of weapons.

Types of weapons

Carrying weapons in Russia is strictly prohibited by law. Regardless of the purpose for which it was purchased.

All weapons existing today can be divided into the following groups:

  • cold;
  • firearms;
  • pneumatic;
  • throwing;
  • weapon mass destruction;
  • signal;
  • microwave pulses.

The first group of weapons is intended for hand-to-hand combat. That is, infliction of injury is possible only with the application of physical force. Although carrying weapons in Russia is prohibited in most cases, the distribution of these weapons is quite difficult to track.

Air guns are very often used for self-defense. Even if you shoot from a distance, you can cause serious injury to the enemy. For proper self-defense with these means, you need to know human anatomy. For air guns a cylinder of compressed air is needed, its energy will motivate the projectile to move.

The next group includes throwing spears, shurikens, boomerangs, bows, crossbows, and so on. Before the advent of firearms, it occupied the main place in combat. Now these species are used mainly for hunting or sporting competitions for accuracy.

Weapons of mass destruction are divided into biological, chemical and nuclear. This species is capable of causing quite severe injuries over a distance of many kilometers. The use of weapons of mass destruction leads to the death of all life around the epicenter.

Next on the list presented above is a signal weapon, which is not intended for combat. It is used in various competitions. Special rocket launchers are found on board aircraft and ships.

The last group is the weapon of the future. IN this moment it is being finalized, scientists are trying to increase the length of microwaves, which can damage electronics and dangerous objects, while remaining invisible. Microwaves are the most dangerous weapon humanity.


Carrying firearms in Russia is impossible without a license. It will be discussed in this section. First, here is a list of weapons that can be purchased legally:

  • self-defense weapons;
  • sports;
  • signal;
  • hunting;
  • bladed (attribute to the national costume).

Not everyone can get a license. Here are two factors that need to be taken into account: age (over 18 years), the absence of contraindications to carrying weapons. There are few contraindications, but they must all be taken into account:

  • mental illnesses;
  • addiction;
  • substance abuse;
  • visual impairment.

Tightening rules for purchasing and wearing

In this section we will highlight the new rules for purchasing weapons and carrying weapons in Russia. In the last paragraph, we said that a license is given to people who are over eighteen years old and have no contraindications to wearing.

Due to the fact that criminal acts using weapons have become more frequent, the law had to be tightened. Currently, to obtain a license you need to provide a whole list of certificates. You will be refused if:

  • there is no medical certificate that confirms that you can;
  • there is an outstanding criminal record (intentional crime);
  • are currently serving a sentence for a crime;
  • committed an administrative offense during the year (attack on public order, safety);
  • are engaged in trafficking in drugs or psychotropic substances;
  • No permanent place residence;
  • are registered in a psychiatric or drug treatment clinic.

Procedure for obtaining a license

To obtain a license, you need to collect a package of documents. Then go with him to the police department, there is special service, which deals with licensing and List of required documents:

  • statement;
  • medical report;
  • 2 photos.

The application must be submitted in a special form. This document contains the applicant’s passport details and information about the purchased weapon.

After providing all the documentation, you must undergo special training and pass an exam. Only after these steps will you be able to use the weapon. But there are nuances. For example, with a gun for hunting. In addition to the above documents, a hunting license must be attached to the application. If you are purchasing a sporting weapon, confirm this fact with a sporting passport.

After receiving the license and purchase, visit the police department again. This is necessary for registration and inspection of weapons. Within a month after submitting your application, you will be able to receive a license.

The next stage is obtaining the right to store and carry. This document is not always needed, we will look at this a little later. If necessary, you will receive permission within two weeks.


After receiving a license, you can purchase a weapon. If this is not done within 6 months, then the document must be submitted. The license is valid for six months, but it can be extended. The same package of documents is collected for renewal. You must re-take the training and pass the exam. The right to keep and carry is issued for a period of five years. To renew your license, you must undergo a medical examination again.

Steel arms

Carrying knives is allowed in Russia. If you violated the storage or carrying rules, you may receive an administrative penalty. It varies from five hundred to two thousand rubles. Confiscation of bladed weapons does not occur in all cases.

You can end up in jail for using it. It all depends on the circumstances. If you defended yourself from a robber, then there may be no punishment. If you are not in self-defense, then criminal penalties will follow. The deadlines can be clarified in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Storage and use

We have clarified what is needed to legalize the carrying of weapons in Russia, now a little about the rules of storage and use. If you currently have a registered weapon, then police officers may periodically visit you to check the quality of storage. The best place- safe or separate room with alarm. No one should have access to the storage area. Under no circumstances should you take someone else's weapon for storage.

You can use weapons that belong to you to protect your life or property. You cannot harm third parties, disabled people, women and children (unless there is a group attack or the use of weapons on their part).

Is it possible to get a weapon without a license?

What are the wearing rules traumatic weapons? It can be purchased without a license for the purpose of playing sports, provided that the muzzle energy exceeds 3 J. You can also purchase without a license: a stun gun, edged weapons (for sports), (for the same purposes).

Carrying a pneumatic weapon in Russia requires purchasing a license, you can learn about this in the next section.

What documents are required for each type of weapon?


Right of storage

Gas weapon

Firearm barrel (self-propelled)

Gunless gun (self-propelled)

Stun gun

Firearm (rifled barrel)

Firearm smoothbore



Okhotn. with rifled barrel



Pneumatic (25 J)

Bladed (hunting)


Cold blade

In this table you can see what documents are required for acquisition, storage and carrying different types weapons.

It is allowed to purchase: self-defense weapons, sports weapons, signal weapons, hunting weapons and bladed weapons bladed weapons, which is worn with a Cossack uniform or national costume.

Who can get a license?

A license will not be given to anyone who has not submitted a medical certificate confirming that there are no contraindications to owning a weapon. Those who have an unexpunged or outstanding conviction for an intentional crime, as well as those who are serving a sentence for a crime, will not be able to obtain a license; those who, within a year, have repeatedly committed an administrative offense that encroaches on public order and public safety, or an offense in the field of illicit trafficking in drugs and psychotropic substances. Persons without permanent residence or registered in a psychoneurological or drug treatment clinic will not receive a license.

How do you obtain a license and permit?

You need to provide a certain package of documents to the licensing and permitting service of the local police department. This package includes an application in a special form, which indicates the applicant’s passport details, his place of residence and information about the weapons he has. Also provided are two 3x4 photographs and a medical certificate confirming the absence of contraindications.

A citizen will be issued a license only after he has undergone special training, during which he will be taught the rules of safe handling of weapons. Then the citizen must pass an exam and thus confirm the acquired knowledge.

If a person wants to buy a hunting weapon, he must submit to the Department of Internal Affairs a document giving the right to hunt. Such a document is a hunting license.

Acquiring sporting weapon must certify that they participate in sports that involve the use of firearms. You can use your sports passport as proof.

After the weapon has been purchased, it must be brought back to the police department, where licensing and permitting service officers will inspect it. The weapon will be registered. After this, you can apply for a permit to keep and carry weapons, if required.

The applicant's documents for a license are reviewed within one month from the date of submission of the application. Permission to carry and store weapons can be obtained in about two weeks.

How long is the license valid?

A license to purchase weapons is given for half a year. If it has not been purchased during this time, the license must be returned. If the weapon is purchased and registered, a document is issued that allows you to carry and store the weapon within five years.

The license can be renewed, but to do this, the owner of the weapon must reassemble everything Required documents, undergo training and provide a medical certificate confirming that there are no contraindications to owning a weapon.

How many weapons can you purchase with a license?

Can be purchased and registered no more than 5 weapons belonging to the same category.

Can someone get a gun without a license?

Yes. These are citizens serving in state paramilitary organizations. This includes law enforcement and military personnel. Law enforcement agencies themselves purchase weapons and issue them to their employees for a certain period of time. Security organizations and private security companies buy weapons under license and issue them to employees who have undergone special training and who have permission to store and carry weapons from the Department of Internal Affairs.

When is it allowed to use weapons?

Citizens are allowed to use weapons that belong to them to protect their lives, health and property. At the same time, I am able necessary defense must not cause harm to third parties. You cannot use weapons against women, disabled people and minors, unless they attacked you in a group and with weapons. Athletes can use weapons during shooting and competitions, and hunters can use weapons during hunting.

Those who legally own weapons are prohibited from carrying them during various mass events such as rallies, meetings, demonstrations, entertainment events and religious ceremonies. The exception is law enforcement officers; they are allowed to carry weapons to ensure safety.

During public events, Cossacks and event participants who represent different nationalities and wear national costumes can have edged weapons.

In 2005, more than 60% of Brazilian adults voted against a ban on the sale of firearms in a referendum. According to local law, any respectable Brazilian who has reached the age of 25 has the right to own weapons for hunting and self-defense, but only residents rural areas can wear it freely. Permission to purchase and own weapons is given by the police, and it must be renewed every three years (the fee is about $30). Vending machines are prohibited.

Brazil has a developed weapons industry, but 80% of the weapons produced are exported and then returned illegally to their homeland. Currently, Brazilian citizens are in possession of between 15 and 18 million firearms, at least half of which are illegal. The number of licensed citizens barely exceeds a million people. The referendum on the free sale of guns had a lot to do with solving the crime problem, but the attempt to combat street violence rather failed. The statistics of murders from firearms have not changed significantly over the decade: every 15 minutes a murder is committed in the country, about 35-37 thousand people die per year.


Switzerland is one of the most armed countries in Europe and the world. As in Mexico and the United States, the right to own firearms is enshrined in the Constitution. In addition, residents of the country may also possess military firearms. All men aged 19 to 31 are required to complete a basic military training, after which they are transferred to the reserve. Reservists are required to keep their military weapon: the state issues a SIG SG-550 rifle and 50 rounds of ammunition for it. The condition of weapons and ammunition is regularly checked by regulatory authorities to prevent illegal use.

IN weapons issue The state is pursuing an ultra-liberal policy. Thus, the government sponsors weapons training, as well as shooting competitions among adult citizens, regardless of gender. Sports shooting in shooting ranges and shooting clubs is a popular hobby. As a result, in Switzerland there are up to three million firearms in the hands of the population (that is, one barrel for two citizens, and the number of combat rifles issued by the state does not exceed half a million). However, to freely carry weapons in public places, you still need to obtain a permit valid for five years (in practice, it is issued only to security company employees who have passed special exams). Swiss citizens also cannot purchase heavy machine guns and man-portable air defense systems.

Every year, about 250 people die from firearms in the country. 90% of incidents are suicides: the murder rate has been steadily declining since the early 90s and only counts a couple of dozen cases a year.


Estonia is one of the most advanced countries on the planet: citizens use electronic passports, vote, transfer taxes and interact with government services via the Internet, and also do not pay for travel in Tallinn public transport. Weapons have also been legalized in Estonia; a million residents of this small country have 120 thousand guns in their hands.

Since 2001, adult citizens of the country have been able to buy, store and carry concealed pneumatic, gas and smooth-bore pistols. To do this, you need to take a shooting course, which will result in a license being issued (however, it can be revoked due to offenses, such as drunk driving). Collectors also have access to military weapons. True, if a citizen has more than eight pistols and rifles, he will have to organize a weapons room at home, equipped with an alarm system.

After guns were legalized, the murder rate dropped fivefold and police personnel were cut in half. Less than a hundred people die from firearms in the country every year (most of the cases are suicides).

Estonia is not the only country in the post-Soviet space that has legalized weapons. Permissive laws have been introduced in Latvia, Lithuania and Moldova. The reforms also led to a decline in violent crime.


In the United States, the right to own guns for civilians has been enshrined in the Constitution since the 18th century. As of 2007, only 5% of the population lived in the States globe, these people owned half of all the firearms in existence. While two-thirds of the country's firearms are in the hands of civilians, the police and army use only a third of officially registered weapons.

According to official statistics, every year about 100 thousand times firearms are used for self-defense. The government believes that the legalization of weapons has a positive effect on the crime situation and provides figures according to which the number of crimes has decreased by 30–40% since the 90s. Numerous cases of mass shootings in schools and offices are causing opponents of gun legalization to raise their voices. They seek stricter legislation in the field of legalization of weapons and bring their

However, a beginner, as a rule, does not navigate the process of obtaining permits to own weapons with enough confidence. My article is intended to help with this and protect more experienced “squires” from unpleasant nuances that may occur in practice.

Firearms are a last resort, very risky means of self-defense. Its use must be adequate to the threat. The licensing and permitting departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia at the place of residence of the citizen (OLRR) are in charge of issuing permits to store and carry weapons.

Thank God, as long as no one can legally obtain weapons from us. There is a strict procedure for checking citizens regarding impeccable behavior in the past (even administrative penalties may be a reason for refusal to issue a permit), testing of knowledge and skills in handling weapons, it is necessary to undergo a special medical commission, where special attention is paid to the conclusion of a psychiatrist and psychologist.

A citizen can obtain permission to store a smooth-bore weapon even without being a hunter - for self-defense - and keep it in a safe at his place of residence. This same legal norm is actively used by those who want to have traumatic or gas self-defense weapons (pistols, revolvers, special devices) with the ability to carry them.

For hunters who have a hunting license, obtaining a permit for smooth-bore weapons is somewhat easier. The candidate submits the “test” for the hunting minimum directly to the hunting collective that issues the membership card (hunting and fishing license), therefore, the licensing system submits only a medical report in form 046, copies of the passport and hunting license, an application, 3 photographs 3x4 on matte paper, receipts for payment of the license fee (30 rubles) and a report from the district police officer on the conditions for storing weapons at home. (The report, certified by the seal of the police department, indicates the date of the inspection, the presence and size of the safe, the thickness of the metal, all weapons available at the time of the inspection - if the license is renewed, the presence of double doors and an alarm system, the last two parameters are welcome). In practice, the rectangular stamp of the operational inspector on duty, which will be given to you at the duty station, is quite suitable as a seal of the police department.

A storage place (safe) with a metal thickness of 3-4 mm, with two internal locks is required, and it must be prepared (purchased, made independently) in advance. This does not have to be an all-metal safe, but a metal-lined box (usually found in rural areas) will do just fine.

Permission ( open license) is issued for 5 years. To purchase a smooth-bore (traumatic, gas) weapon, you will need to visit the OLRR again, where, after verification, you will be given a permit to purchase (sell) weapons (valid for a limited period). A citizen who wants to sell you weapons should have approximately the same permission. If the seller and buyer find each other on their own, which often happens when communicating over common interests, then they formalize the transaction in OLRR. If a citizen buys a weapon in a specialized store, all the paperwork is filled out there, and then the weapon must be shown again to the OLRR when submitting a previously issued permit to purchase a weapon. Any other arms trafficking is considered illegal.
Cartridges (ammunition) are purchased in specialized stores without special notice to the OLRR - upon presentation of a license (permit to carry, store weapons).

So, you have purchased a smooth-bore weapon. After 5 years of flawless ownership of it, you can contact the OLRR (in cities there are different departments, in rural areas there is one territorial one), which is in charge of permits for rifle. Here, the collection of documents is approximately the same, but there are some differences: a photograph must be pasted on the medical report stating that the citizen has no contraindications for owning a weapon, a certificate from the OLRR at the place of registration about the experience of owning a smooth-bore weapon and the absence of violations of the rules of arms circulation must be added, a license fee is 200 rubles.

Two important points

When traveling to another area, for example, for hunting for more than 3 days, even if you have temporary registration there, you must notify in advance (register) with the local OLRR. The same is true if you go to live in the countryside for the summer and take a gun with you. Otherwise, your actions are considered a violation of the rules for the circulation of weapons in the Russian Federation. If you change your place of permanent registration (permanently move), the procedure is different, more serious.

Before you apply for a license (permit) for a rifled weapon, do not rush to sell your old, smooth-bore weapon; first get a new permit and buy a rifled one. Otherwise, you will lose continuous experience in owning a smooth-bore weapon and de jure lose the right to obtain a permit for a rifled weapon (many people have gotten into trouble with this).

Regarding hunting and hunters on the territory of Russia, it is prohibited:

application small caliber rifles and carbines chambered for side-fire for amateur hunting;
use of hunting firearms not registered with the internal affairs bodies;
the use of tape recorders and other devices that reproduce beckoning sounds, as well as light devices for catching birds;
the use of motorized transport devices for the pursuit and extraction of any species of animals, as well as shooting from all types of motorized vehicles, with the exception of shooting from floating vehicles with the engine turned off.

The following are considered gross violations of hunting rules:

hunting without a membership hunting and fishing card or with an invalid ticket;
hunting outside the hunting periods this type animal;
hunting in prohibited places (reserves, sanctuaries);
hunting without a license (for the type of game where it is needed).

Administrative responsibility is provided for:

being with a loaded gun in populated areas;
shooting at a distance closer than 100 meters from any housing;
participation in hunting or being intoxicated with collected weapons;
being on any motor vehicle with a loaded weapon (except for hunting from boats and boats with the engine turned off);
transportation of assembled, unsheathed weapons on cars, tractors, tractors and motorcycles.

Protect yourself, but... remember the limits of necessary self-defense, and to do this, regularly re-read the Russian Federation Law “On Weapons”, legislative news and, preferably, judicial practice.

Improve your skills and learn (it’s never too late to learn) self-defense techniques without weapons, that is, keep your body in good shape and your mind sober.

Do not flaunt your weapon or draw it unnecessarily. Until the last opportunity, try to resolve the conflict peacefully, but if you are still forced to use (use) weapons, and there are sufficient reasons for this, do it boldly. In police practice there is still an expression: “If you get it, shoot.”

Try not to defeat the attacker in life. important organs. Otherwise, if this happens, in subsequent explanations law enforcement agencies justify your actions in accordance with the adequacy of the threat; This will avoid (mitigate) liability for unintentional harm.

If you were forced to defend yourself, record witnesses to the incident, independent people who will confirm your testimony. The practice of such cases is such that during the proceedings, the attacking party often turns out to be very influential in terms of “connections” and legal knowledge.