Heaven heard the prayers of all the relatives of “Miss Mordovia 2004” Alena Gavrilova! ex girlfriend Tatarstan billionaire and owner of Russian Standard Bank Rustam Tariko and the mother of a handsome boy married another member of the list of the richest people in Russia! This was reported by Andrei Malakhov’s magazine “Star Hit”.

According to ubiquitous journalists, the wedding is resounding with all the flowers at the Agalarov Estate near Moscow. A tent was erected there especially for the celebration, which was decorated with white fresh flowers. The chosen one of 30-year-old Alena is 39-year-old Emin Agalarov, a singer and vice president of the Crocus Group company. One of the most promising Russian businessmen, personally acquainted with US President Donald Trump. Friend of Grigory Leps, Svetlana Loboda, Ani Lorak and other equally prominent figures.

The publication reports that the first rumors about the artist’s new romance appeared two years ago, when he appeared at a social event with his beloved. The fact that there was not a fleeting flirtation between the young people, but a serious romance, became clear when Emin introduced Alena to his relatives - his father and sons. Agalarov invited his beloved to relax with his relatives in Saint-Tropez that same summer. At the same time, Emin admitted in an interview that his heart was now occupied.

Previously, the heir to billions was already officially married. The first time the vice president of Crocus Group married the daughter of the President of Azerbaijan, Leyla Aliyeva, was in 2006. Despite the fact that many considered this marriage to be a kind of business project, an agreement between high-ranking parents, during the wedding the young people glowed with happiness. Two years later, Leila gave birth to twins - the boys were named Ali and Mikail. But the couple increasingly spent time separately - she in London, he in Moscow and Baku. Their marriage became formal and in May 2015, Leila and Emin announced their separation. They promised their fans that the divorce would not affect the children in any way, and they still try to keep their word. Staying good friends, close people, Agalarov and Aliyeva continue to raise their children together and spend a lot of time with them. Emin became dear to adopted daughter his ex-wife- 4-year-old Amina.

On April 20, 2017, Emin released a video for the song “Good Love”, in which Alena Gavrilova starred. On the YouTube channel it collected just over 2.3 million views. Many then realized that Agalorv was not just infatuated with the Saransk native.

Secular chroniclers specify that the newlyweds were congratulated by family, friends and colleagues. It is not specified who was present at the celebration on the bride’s side. But, according to “Capital S”, all her Saransk relatives dreamed of Gavrilova’s marriage. “How long can you be the companion of billionaires,” “initiated” representatives of the elite whispered in local viper houses, secretly hoping that the beauty would wander around without her until the end of her life. wedding ring. And now they are all put to shame.

Whether Emin’s tour to Saransk will take place in connection with this is still unknown. But somehow the sultry Azerbaijani will make his mark in Mordovia. The same Rustam Tariko left a branch of the Russian Standard Bank, which is already working on the street, as a souvenir. Botevgradskaya. And one more question haunts the public - has Alena converted to Islam?

On August 7, Alena will turn 31 years old. This is the right age to calmly set up a family nest and continue giving birth...

Married his 30-year-old sweetheart Alena Gavrilova. The celebration took place in the Moscow region at a country golf club owned by the groom's family. Only native couples and closest relatives were invited to the celebration star friends, who shared the first shots from the wedding.

The ceremony, which took place on the territory of the Agalarov Estate in the open air, was entrusted to Andrey Malakhov. Father's answer to the bride at the altar. The celebration turned out to be intimate, but luxurious: Emin and Alena took vows to each other under an arch of white roses and peonies. On the wedding day, the singer wore a black tuxedo, and the model chose a fitted, flowing white dress and a classic veil.

Timati, Anastasia Reshetova, Valery Meladze, Bakhtiyar Aliev and Grigory Leps were invited to the celebration. Also present at the celebration Denis Klyaver with his wife, who shared the first shots and congratulated his friend on his microblog on Instagram (spelling and punctuation of the authors hereinafter are given without changes. - Note ed.) : “Bitter! Hooray!!! Advice and love to you, @eminofficial & @agavrilova777 Remember this moment forever!” Later, the newlyweds were also congratulated by Valeria and Joseph Prigozhin, who received an invitation but were unable to attend the wedding. “Dear Emin and Alena! Congratulations on such a grandiose event - your wedding day. You are a wonderful couple in every way. You have found each other, and we are happy for you as for ourselves! May love never fade away, but only fuel your creative energy!” - wrote Valeria. “Dear @eminofficial and Alena! We sincerely congratulate you on this significant date. Be happy all your life! With love and joy, always yours @valeriya and I,” the husband joined the singer.

After the official part of the ceremony, the guests, along with Emin and Alena, were invited to the golf club, where the tables were already set and the equipment was ready for the performances of the star guests. Last night Timati, Grigory Leps and Valery Meladze took the stage. At the end of the evening, the bride changed her white dress to a less formal flowing dress in soft blue. The celebration ended with a tasting of a six-tier cake and fireworks.

The first footage from the wedding of Emin Agalarov and Alena Gavrilova appeared

Let us recall that the romance between Emin Agalarov and Alena Gavrilova was first discussed two years ago, when the lovers first appeared in public together. Then the singer introduced his chosen one to his family, children and friends, and in June of this year he proposed to the model. This is not the first marriage for the artist: Emin was married to the daughter of the President of Azerbaijan Leyla Aliyeva who bore him sons Ali And Mikaila. Alena also had serious relationship with a billionaire Rustam Tariko, to whom she gave birth to a son, but the couple never legalized the relationship.

The first footage from the wedding of Emin Agalarov and Alena Gavrilova appeared

The first footage from the wedding of Emin Agalarov and Alena Gavrilova appeared

The first footage from the wedding of Emin Agalarov and Alena Gavrilova appeared

The first footage from the wedding of Emin Agalarov and Alena Gavrilova appeared

Emin Agalarov is one of those who causes envy among many young people. And this is not surprising! The young man is rich, has a good appearance, sings well, has connections in the highest echelons of power in several countries and enjoys the attention of women. Moreover, he has a huge army of fans who are interested in everything related to their idol. After his divorce from Leyla Aliyeva, everyone was curious who would become his girlfriend. Finally, in the summer of 2016, reports appeared in the media that Emin Agalarov and Alena Gavrilova were a couple. This article will tell you about the personal life of lovers before they met each other and how their romance developed.

Who is Emin Agalarov

The singer's name has been on everyone's lips for a long time. Emin is 37 years old and released his first album in 2006. It is difficult to list all the singer’s professional awards. Among the most significant are the Golden Gramophone, Song of the Year, Fashion People awards, etc.

In addition, Emin is successful businessman and the son of one of the richest people in Russia - Aras Agalarov. He serves as the first vice president of his father's group of companies, the Crocus Group.

Emin Agalarov’s biography, personal life and creativity are constantly in the spotlight of thousands of fans, both in his homeland (Azerbaijan), and in Russia, and in neighboring countries.

who is she and what does she do

Both Emin Agalarov and his new girlfriend learned early what fame was. However, if the springboard to success young man became his parents’ money, then in the case of the girl, her father and mother rewarded her with model appearance.

In general, about the youth of Emin Agalarov’s current girlfriend, Alena Gavrilova, on this moment practically nothing is known.

The girl was born in the capital of Mordovia, Saransk, in 1987. She was graduating from the most ordinary high school when I decided to take part in a beauty contest. Unexpectedly for everyone, Alena received the title “Miss Saransk” and the right to take part in republican competitions. After a long preparation, which included training in stage behavior, working with a choreographer, etc., the long-awaited performance took place at main stage capital of Mordovia. To the delight of friends and relatives, Alena was recognized as the most beautiful girl republics. Now she was waiting for an all-Russian competition and a trip to Moscow.

Life in the capital

Although the country was recognized by another participant in the Miss Russia 2004 competition, Alena Gavrilova was among the 10 finalists. The charming girl was noticed by representatives modeling business. After the completion of the competition, Alena received an offer from several well-known agencies and remained to work in the capital.

Although to be among the most famous top models Gavrilova did not succeed in Russia; she regularly posed for glossy magazines and demonstrated toilets from famous Russian designers. In particular, the girl repeatedly participated in shows of Valentin Yudashkin’s collections.

Personal life (civil marriage)

During the All-Russian beauty contest, Alena Gavrilova was noticed not only by representatives of modeling agencies. She drew the attention of the owner of the Russian Standard holding, Rustam Tariko, whose fortune at that time was estimated at 5 billion US dollars. At that time, he was on the verge of divorce from Tatyana Osipova, who gave him two daughters - Anna and Eva.

There were rumors that Tariko had cheated on his wife before, but the last straw in the woman’s cup of patience was her husband’s relationship with Alena Gavrilova. Be that as it may, the businessman divorced and began to live with a beautiful model, who was not at all embarrassed by the fact that the man was 25 years older than her. True, Tariko had no intention of marrying Alena. At least during the entire time they were together, Rustam never proposed to her.

Birth of a child

In 2007, the girl gave Tariko a son, Ruslan. For him, as a Muslim, the birth of a boy was a great joy, and he literally idolized the baby.

In addition, the businessman spoiled Gavrilova as best he could. In 2008, he made a beautiful, broad gesture by purchasing at Natalia Vodianova’s charity ball for $320,000 the right to name an orchid recently discovered in Madagascar, Alena.

However, the fairy tale did not last long. In 2009, reports appeared in the media about the breakdown of relations between Tariko and Gavrilova. The way Alena treated Osipova came back to her like a boomerang. Journalists learned that the businessman had an affair with an even younger beauty, Sofia Rudyeva, who received the title “Miss Russia 2009.” The most interesting thing was that Gavrilova, thanks to the patronage of Tariko, herself participated in the organization of this beauty contest.

Personal life of Emin Agalarov

While Alena Gavrilova was building a relationship with Rustam Tariko, the singer was not alone either. In 2006, he married This marriage was a union of equals, since both families were not inferior to each other in either wealth or influence. Of course, it was rumored that the young people united their destinies at the request of their parents, but wedding photos both the bride and groom were glowing with happiness. Leila gave Emin two sons. However, the appearance of children did not strengthen this union. His wife moved with the boys to London, and Emin very soon got tired of living in two countries. When Leila and Emin realized that they were better off without each other than together, the marriage broke up. However, the singer and his ex-wife remained friends, often meet and raise children together.

The beginning of a new novel

The first reports that Alena Gavrilova and Emin Agalarov were together appeared in the summer of 2016. However, subsequently the young people reported that they had been dating since the spring.

The seriousness of the relationship between Alena and Emin Agalarov, whose biography and personal life are constantly discussed in the press, can be evidenced by the fact that the young man introduced the girl to his father and sons. He went with her on vacation to Saint-Tropez, where his relatives were. There, in a private setting, the Agalarovs celebrated Alena’s birthday, who simply glowed with happiness.

Good love

In April 2017, Emin Agalarov and Alena Gavrilova appeared before the audience in the singer’s new video. The song it was filmed on was called Good love. The filming of the video, directed by him, took place in several villas in Beverly Hills. During the work, a curious incident occurred. The police arrived, called by neighbors. They were frightened by the noise coming from the villa, where someone was constantly being “drowned” in the pool.

Anniversary in purple tones

Your 30th anniversary new love Emina Agalarova - Alena Gavrilova - celebrated August 7, 2017. The party was organized on a grand scale. 3 dresses were ordered for this event. First, Alena dazzled everyone with her chic pale lilac dress. In it, she posed against the backdrop of a stand completely strewn with roses and decorated with the initials AG. Then the girl came out to the guests in golden, short dress. Emin Agalarov and Alena Gavrilova danced a slow dance. At the same time, the singer repeatedly kissed his girlfriend in front of the guests. A photo of Emin tenderly hugging Alena was published on Instagram and greatly pleased the performer’s fans and those who like his new girlfriend. They began vying with each other to make assumptions about how soon Emin would propose to Alena. However, the year is already ending, and information that the young people are going to get married still has not appeared.

Now you know what kind of relationship connects model Alena Gavrilova and Emin. How long their relationship will last and whether it will develop into something more is unknown. In the meantime, the young people are happy and feel good together.

He is young, rich, educated, successful. And free again. Vice President of the Crocus Group and popular singer Emin Agalarov gave HELLO! the first interview after a divorce with his wife, the daughter of the President of Azerbaijan, Leyla Aliyeva, talking about changes in life, raising sons and the ability to achieve one’s goals.

Emin, today an artist of the international music label Warner Music International, just recently finished a large tour of Europe and America - Miami, New York, London, Paris, Madrid, Berlin, Dublin met the artist with full houses. But just recently they didn’t want to play his songs on the radio in Russia and knew nothing at all about him abroad. We met Emin in Baku - more precisely, 30 kilometers north of the capital of Azerbaijan, in the town of Nardaran. Here, on the shores of the warm and windy Caspian Sea, Emin spent his summers as a little boy at his parents' dacha. Many years later, it was here that he returned to build the Sea Breeze resort complex with luxury villas, a hotel and gourmet restaurants and big house next door for himself and his sons.

Emin's mansion at the very edge of the sea - with countless rooms, wide balconies and beautiful verandas - looks fabulous, but not very cozy. Maybe because no one lives here permanently: both the owner himself and his children, six-year-old twins Ali and Mikail, only visit. This time Emin was alone - the children were with their mother in London. Agalarov flew in for a few days to give a traditional summer concert at the Green Theater in Baku.

On May 30 this year, Emin and Leyla Aliyeva announced their divorce. On its pages in in social networks they published identical messages in three languages ​​- Russian, English and Azerbaijani. It is no secret to many in Azerbaijan that my marriage with Emin/Leyla last years was of a formal nature. We have been living separately for a long time, in different cities. It was time to make our divorce official, which we did. We remain friends.

Emin, last week the video premiere for your song “Forget You” took place. In the video you have a wife and two children and you sing: “Let me forget you, let me stop loving you...” The viewer has direct associations with you and your life...

This is just a song, which also came to me completely by accident. I usually don't sing other people's songs, but this one turned out to be special. It was written by the talented author Oleg Vladi. The song is about how love can pass, but some feeling still remains that keeps a person awake at night. As for the video, I trusted the director Alexei Golubev, but I suggested the idea for the script myself. I’m glad that Alexey managed to film the story deeply, emotionally and with drive. But I repeat, it has no direct connection to personal life.

And yet you announced a divorce. Your official statement was the first line in all news feeds and was broadcast in prime time on federal channels. Few people expected that you and Leila would announce your separation so openly.

I have a very simple position: I want to be honest - to myself, to people, to representatives of the media. It makes life easier. I don’t want to find myself in a situation where the interlocutor, be it a journalist or just a person on the street, asks: “Why don’t you live with your wife? Are you divorced or not? But there are rumors...” Leila and I just decided that As soon as we get divorced, we will immediately notify the public about it. We consulted, agreed on the form and did it. It is necessary to give each other a chance for personal happiness. It can be for both of us only if absolute freedom. If two people do not have a personal relationship, it is stupid to imitate family life, it’s easier to get a divorce, maintain friendship, raise children... Leila and I divorced by mutual desire, we simply did not have a family in the full sense of the word. None of us betrayed the other, did not offend, we did not do anything bad to each other at all. And now our relationship is even better than it was in marriage, very good. And most importantly, for our boys, essentially nothing has changed. If there is an opportunity, then we are together - we walk, we go somewhere. Our goal is to raise children together and do everything for their sake.

-Are you ready to fall in love again?

I do not think about it. It seems to me that one cannot be prepared for this. The feeling of falling in love completely changes your worldview, paints your life with bright colors, and completely different music is composed. But emotional experiences also contribute to creativity and give rise to unexpected melodies.

- What kind of woman might you like? Beautiful, talented?

Any. In general, it is impossible to explain. As soon as you put it into pieces - why I love you, what I want for - everything ends. Sometimes you look at a couple and understand that they love each other. You may not understand what he sees in her or why she is with him, but they are together and they love. They just love it and that's it.

- Do you agree with the statement that it is more difficult to be happy than to be unhappy?

Agree. Because to be happy in marriage, in love - big job over each spouse. You have to not pay attention to some little things, constantly fight with yourself...

- What character trait can prevent you from being happy?

I'm boring. Not as sweet as it seems. With complaints for any reason. I remember everything, I can’t stand being late, I’m impatient, I need everything at once. It's very difficult with me.

- And with whom is it easy... With whom is it easy for you?

It's easy with my children. (Smiles.)

Emin, you have such a busy life - big business, musical career. Today there are negotiations in Moscow, tomorrow there is a concert in Paris. When and how do you raise children?

I try to spend at least two days a week with the children. I’m flying to where my sons are - to Baku, for example, for the weekend. And these Saturdays and Sundays I wake up with them and put them to bed myself. I will compensate for the time away. It is clear that I cannot come, burst into their lives and start raising them. But I'm trying to do everything right.

- What do they want from dad?

Mostly iPad. I resist: “Son, you haven’t seen me for a week, let’s play without the iPad.” “No, I don’t want to play with you, I want to play on the iPad. And you play with Alishka,” says Mika.

- Is it offensive to hear this?

Well, like this. We agree. An hour or two on the iPad, then a walk, riding in cars... You know, I see myself in both of them. I was also very touchy. I put myself in a corner, like I was punished.

Emin Agalarov with his sons

- For what?

Because they used to take me out of kindergarten. IN kindergarten There were these multi-colored cubes that could be used to build all sorts of things. I waited until all the children had played enough. And only when everyone was taken away, it was my time. But as soon as I sat down alone to build a giant palace out of blocks, my grandmother came.

- Wasn’t it possible to play with other children? Or forcefully take away all the cubes from others?

No. I was a well-mannered boy, I didn’t do that. Everyone has their own way of achieving what they want. Mine is to wait.

- So, to be a winner, you have to wait?

And wait too. And also to be a little more cunning than others, faster. But the main thing is not to be afraid to work hard and hard.

- What questions do your sons ask that you don’t always know how to answer?

- "Why are you leaving?" What can I say? “Because I have to work,” I say. "Why can't you work here?" - they ask. Honestly, you can’t answer a child that, in principle, you leave, work, record songs, perform on stage only because you yourself want it all, and not because you need to. I can afford not to work at all, just sit at home with the children. But I want to realize myself, achieve my goals, that’s why I work.

Well, you've achieved a lot, and not just in business. You release albums and perform in Europe and America. Do you like that the foreign press calls you Russia's Ricky Martin?

I don't care. But if they compare, then let it be with someone who is talented, rather than with some mediocrity.

- Is it difficult to break into the Western scene?

For Russian artist It has never been easy to achieve recognition abroad. But I can say I was lucky. I won the World Music Awards before I was awarded my first Golden Gramophone. In principle, everything is understandable: I started my professional musical career in London, worked for a long time with producer Brian Rawling and received his first radio rotations abroad long before the Russian ones. And, besides, in Europe, in America, I’m just the singer Emin, they don’t know my father as well as in Russia, and my surname does not cause bias towards my music, which once was in Russia and, perhaps still present. But the music should speak for itself!

- You don’t do music for the sake of money. But for the sake of fame?

No, I don’t do music for the sake of money, my creativity is for the sake of creativity. It seems to me that I just learned how to monetize it correctly. As for fame, I only recently began to go on stage with the realization that I want to please the people in the audience, only now I began, as they say, to bask in applause. I’m already 35, and I’m only now getting sold-out concerts. I have always wanted this so sincerely, I have been passionate about this, I have dreamed about this since childhood and I consider myself very lucky. And every time I go on stage, I remember this. But if I choose whether to popularize myself or my music, I bet on the latter. And I don’t think that I have achieved great heights, I’m just at the beginning of my journey. Haven't done much yet. There are still songs to be sung that will remain and will not disappear into the sand...

- Modesty is not your main virtue?

Probably, someone can dream modestly, but this is not my case. Think big! Only if you put impossible tasks and strive for big goals, you can achieve some success. I dreamed of concert activity. And the concert means a full house, otherwise how? It's like a restaurant. If you want to open a restaurant, you plan to always have it full of people. How can you dream of a half-empty concert or a half-filled restaurant?

- What achievements are you proud of today?

Definitely, having two sons. Not by what they simply are, but by how they grow. Smart, well-mannered. At the age of six, they speak three languages ​​fluently - Russian, Azerbaijani and English, and add three- and four-digit numbers in their heads. You know, I’ve set up houses, but ask me where my house is, I won’t be able to answer right away. Probably now my home is where my children are. Today in Baku, tomorrow in Moscow, and the day after tomorrow somewhere else.

Emin Agalarov through the lens of Vladimir Shirokov

Today everyone is actively discussing current news from their personal lives and details of the biography of model Alena Gavrilova. According to the latest data, she is the lover of the famous Russian singer and is even expecting a child from him. What is known from the beauty’s past? Who was her first husband? Where is Alena from and why does she fascinate famous businessmen? All the most interesting things are in the article.

School years

From early biography Little is known about model Alena Gavrilova (born 1987). She was born in Saransk, the capital of the Republic of Mordovia, in a completely ordinary Soviet family. I studied, like many schoolchildren, in secondary secondary school. The only thing that distinguished her from many was her expressive appearance. ABOUT school life Almost nothing is known about Alena, and it is unlikely that there was anything more or less remarkable there.

Another modern Cinderella

A story similar to the plot of a famous fairy tale began in the biography of model Alena Gavrilova when she was already 17 years old. Possessing truly model qualities and a very attractive appearance, she decided to take part in the Miss Mordovia 2004 beauty contest. Alena became the winner of this regional stage and the next year she represented her native republic at All-Russian competition"Miss Russia 2005".

The young miss from Saransk failed to win in Moscow, but she still made it into the top ten beauties. The capital's beauty contest was an excellent start to further professional activity.

Doors to the modeling business

Despite the fact that another woman ascended to the top of Olympus of beauty, thanks to her appearance, in the biography Alena Gavrilova(the height and weight of the model are 180 cm and 57 kg, respectively) began new page. At a competition in Moscow, she was noted by potential employers, owners and impresarios of fashion houses and modeling agencies, who then offered her work.

Everyday life of beauties

The beauty's expressive appearance ensured constant employment. Alena took part in fashion shows famous couturiers of Russia, including Valentin Yudashkin. Constant filming for advertising, photo shoots and endless catwalk shows filled the everyday life of model Alena Gavrilova. Photos of the girl appeared in fashion magazines and gossip columns. Our heroine began to appear at bohemian parties and turned into a high society lady.

Rustam Tariko

Soon the next stage began in the biography of model Alena Gavrilova. Even at a beauty contest in Moscow, she was noted by a member of the jury - a billionaire, head and owner of the Russian Standard concern, founder of the vodka brand of the same name and commercial bank Rustam Tariko.

Their relationship cannot be called a fleeting affair. For the sake of Alena, Rustam divorced his wife Tatyana Osipova. The divorce was a serious test for their family. Tatyana was forced to go to court to resolve financial issues. However, the decision was not made in her favor. The court left the two daughters to the father, and she was obliged to pay alimony for them. Later the relationship between ex-spouses things got better and the girls returned to their mother. Now the father pays serious money for their maintenance.

Despite all these difficulties, and also not attaching importance to the huge age difference (and it is no less than 25 years), Alena loved Rustam. And in 2007 she gave birth to his only son.

The relationship between Alena and Rustam seemed strong, although the marriage was not officially registered. They appeared together at events and parties and it seemed that they were going to destroy the stereotypes about such misalliances. But in 2016 (after 9 years of living together), the couple announced their separation. According to rumors, Rustam Tariko is shelling out a tidy sum for raising their son.

A new milestone in the model’s biography

Perhaps the explanation lies in the fact that the woman is in love, and the feeling is in the photo in the press with her new lover Emin Agalarov - heir to the Crocus Group empire and its current vice president, as well as one of richest Russians. However, the common man knows him more as a singer.

A little earlier, in 2015, Emin divorced his first wife - by the way, the daughter of the President of Azerbaijan. Their children together are raised by Leila, but thanks to the fact that the couple managed to maintain friendly relations, the father is actively involved in their lives.

Recent events in the life of the couple

In the spring of 2017, a video was released for Emin Agalarov’s song Good love. Directed this screen love story by A main role it was performed by model Alena Gavrilova, whose biography, photos and facts from life even then very vividly began to disturb the interest of Emin’s fans. Then the first rumors appeared about the emerging relationship between them. By the way, in this black and white video, Alena plays a sexy but cruel seductress, to whom Emin’s hero submits in the finale. The clip itself is gorgeous, like any of Badoev’s creations.

This summer, the lovers visited St. Tropez. Beach photos of Alena Gavrilova indicate that she is in in great shape and getting prettier every day. By the way, to confirm his serious intentions, Emin introduced his new girl with his father Aras and sons from his first marriage - Ali and Mikael. They also vacationed in St. Tropez. It seems that Alena managed to charm all the men of the Agalarov family, and her birthday was celebrated here in a narrow family circle.

And just recently, to the judgment of numerous fans, Emin posted on social networks a photo with Alena Gavrilova from a restaurant in the capital. In the photo, both look absolutely happy.

And the singer’s words, published on his microblog, that he was in love, completely disappointed his admirers. Now they have nothing to hope for and can only discuss the upcoming wedding date of their idol with the beauty from Mordovia.

The story of Alena Gavrilova in the show is a continuous holiday, where social events alternate with bohemian outings. She did not graduate from a prestigious university and did not get a job as a cashier or teacher. She doesn’t need to dine at the nearest dumpling shop and count money before payday, borrowing from friends and acquaintances if necessary. No, she became the companion of one of the most successful, rich and attractive billionaires in Russia. They dine at the best restaurants in Moscow and other world capitals, and spend joint vacations on Cote d'Azur in France.

If everything is really so, then we can only hope that this time Alena Gavrilova, a girl from Saransk, will be lucky and her relationship with Emin will be as if eastern prince thousand and one nights will continue like in a fairy tale, happily ever after.