The proposed book is a collection of psychological procedures (exercises, games and fairy tales) that are aimed at helping children 3-9 years old understand themselves, become more confident, improve relationships with others, and reduce their anxiety. The procedures described can be used in group sessions with children or in individual meetings. The book also includes a program psychological work with children aged 5-9 years, that is, pupils of older and preparatory groups kindergartens and schoolchildren in grades 1-2. This is a training program that can be used for both correctional and psychoprophylactic purposes. It involves working with children's emotions, self-awareness and role behavior. The book is equipped with illustrations that can be used in working with children. Addressed to psychologists, teachers, parents.



Part 1. “I”


1. “Hello, I’m a cat!”

The presenter holds in his hands a soft toy - a kitten (it is very good if it is a doll that fits on the hand). He invites the children to take turns saying hello to the kitten. Each child shakes his paw and introduces himself, calling himself by an affectionate name, for example: “Hello, kitten, I’m Sasha.”

2. “The cat caresses”

Target. promote the development of self-esteem in children.

As in the previous exercise, the leader holds a soft toy - a kitten - in his hands and strokes each child’s head with his paws with the words: “Good Sasha, good Mashenka,” etc. Then the children take turns picking up the kitten and caressing each other with its paws. The presenter helps them pronounce the appropriate phrases (“Good Sasha”, “Good Mashenka”).

3. “One-two-three, hare, freeze!”

Children walk around the room. The presenter tells them: “Now you will turn into those animals that I will name. When I give the command: “One-two-three, freeze!” - you will need to stop moving and freeze. For example: “Jump like hares. And now - “One-two-three! Hare, freeze!” At the leader’s command, the children freeze in the hare pose. For young children, the presenter himself shows the pose; older children come up with poses on their own. Next, the presenter can ask the children if they are afraid of turning into some big animals - wolves, bears, and after that give them the command “One-two-three! Bear (wolf), freeze!”

4. “Turn into plasticine”

Target. promote children's spontaneity.

The presenter selects one child and invites him to imagine that he is a piece of plasticine and something can be molded from it. But in order to do this, you first need to knead the plasticine. The presenter kneads, rubs the plasticine child and “sculpts” some kind of animal from him. The rest of the guys guess what animal was sculpted.

Target. promote the development of self-esteem in children.

One child turns his back to the group - he is lost in the forest. Others take turns shouting “Oy!” to him. The “lost” child must guess who called him, who took care of him.

6. “Show your feelings with your tongue”

The presenter asks the children to stick out their tongues, and then show everyone how the tongue is happy, angry, and afraid.

7. “Who lives in the house?”

Target. promote the development of self-esteem in children.

Children “climb” into the houses - to do this, each child closes his hands with a corner above his head in the form of a roof. The presenter “knocks on every house” with the words: “Who lives in the house?” The child says his name. Then the presenter asks each child: “What do you love most?”, “What are you the best at?” etc., and the child answers these questions.

8. “Show your feelings with your hands”

  • promote children's spontaneity;
  • develop reflection of emotional states.

The presenter invites the children to imagine that their hands have become alive and can be happy, afraid, angry, etc. Then the children, looking at the leader (he sets the pattern of movements), show how their hands jump on the table (rejoice), push, bite each other (angry), curl into lumps and tremble (afraid).

9. "Cookware Store"

Target. develop children's imagination and self-esteem.

The presenter tells the children that he came to the dishware store and wants to buy himself very beautiful things: a spoon, a fork and a knife. To do this, he asks the guys to turn into spoons (hands in a semicircle up), forks (hands upside down) and knives (hands clasped at the top). First, all children turn into the same object, then into different ones. Then the presenter can say that all the spoons, forks and knives in the store are so wonderful, so beautiful that you can’t choose the best, so he won’t buy anything.

10. “What did the guests give?”

The presenter lays out 3-4 large toys on the floor. One child is blindfolded. He must guess what toys the guests brought him as a gift by feeling them with his foot. Before starting the game, younger children look at the toys that they will then feel. Older children can “recognize with their feet” previously unfamiliar toys.

11. “Toy store”

Target. promote children's self-expression.

The presenter selects several children and “transforms” them into different toys: a car, a doll, a ball, a stroller, etc. (at the same time, he whispers in each child’s ear what kind of toy he is “turning” into). The guys portray them, and the rest guess what they “turned” into. In an advanced group, you can ask one of the children not to “turn into anything”, but, after looking at the “toys,” perform some actions with them, for example, pet a doll, drive a car, etc.

12. “Fingers and mice”

Target. promote children's self-expression.

Children turn their fingers into little mice and quietly run them across the table, then over their knee, then over their neighbor’s knee.

13. “Repeat after me”

Target. promote the development of self-esteem in children.

Children are invited, repeating after the leader, to show and stroke their legs, arms, cheeks, and fingers.

14. "We are soldiers"

Target. promote children's self-expression.

The presenter asks the children to imagine that they have become soldiers defending their country, and they need to strictly follow the commands of their commander. When the command “On horseback!” sounds - they must stomp loudly, on the command “Reconnaissance!” - whisper: “shh”, on the command “Attack!” - shout “Hurray!”, at the command “For machine guns!” - clap.

15. “Who is in front of you, look through the hole”

Target. promote the development of self-esteem in children.

A hole with a diameter of 1 cm is plucked out of a large sheet of paper. Children take turns approaching the hole, looking through it at the others and calling out the names of the children they saw.

16. “The Name Whispers in the Wind”

Target. promote the development of self-esteem in children.

The presenter asks the children to imagine that a breeze wants to make friends with them. He calls them by name. The children all pronounce the name of each child together as a breeze would, that is, quietly: “Van-ya-ya, shur-shur-shur.” Then the children come up with ideas about how rain or pebbles on the road might call them.

17. “Droplet, piece of ice, snowflake”

Target. promote children's self-expression.

With the help of the leader, children depict a droplet (arms at the top in a semicircle, free), a piece of ice (arms clasped at the top, tense), a snowflake (arms to the sides, free, very soft).

18. “The girl got lost”

Target. promote the development of self-esteem in children.

The children sit in a circle, the presenter “makes an announcement on the radio”: “Attention, attention, a girl (boy) is lost...” - and then describes the appearance and clothing of one of the children. Anyone who recognizes himself needs to shout loudly: “I found myself (found myself), I came to see you in kindergarten (came).”

19. “Role gymnastics”

  • expand the role repertoire and role flexibility of children;
  • promote children's spontaneity;
  • ease the expression of feelings of anger.

Option 1. Children learn to take on the roles of various scary heroes of fairy tales and films (wolf, Godzilla, Dragon). Since it can be difficult for children to do this on their own, you can first show them pictures of some scary hero and ask the children to show him (you can show him with movements, voice, body, etc.). After some training, the children themselves think of a character and portray it. The rest try to guess who they are portraying. At the same time, the adult in every possible way encourages the children to show aggression on behalf of the characters, that is, to utter remarks in a scary voice like “Now I’ll eat you!” and so on.

Option 2. Children take turns portraying various animals, and in such a way that these animals combine contradictory qualities - for example, they are large and cowardly (cowardly eagle, cowardly lion) or small and brave (for example, brave mouse, brave sparrow).

20. “Gingerbread Doll”

Target. promote the development of a positive self-image in children.

In this game, an adult “sculpts” a gingerbread doll from a child. To do this, the child lies down on a mattress (or on the teacher’s table) and turns into dough. First, the adult “kneads the dough” - strokes the child’s body, then he adds various qualities and characteristics to the dough (at the child’s request), such as beauty, intelligence, good friends, etc. After this, he begins to sculpt the “doll”: he sculpts the arms, legs, body, and head. He does this with light stroking movements, saying something like: “What wonderful hands they turned out, and the head is even better!” When the “doll” is ready, the adult breathes life into it with the words “Doll, live!” Then the adult invites the child to go to the mirror and see what a wonderful doll it turned out to be.

This exercise can also be done in a group. In this case, not only the adult, but also all the children take part in the “sculpting”.

21. “Mimic gymnastics”

Target. promote children's spontaneity.

Children take turns depicting certain feelings: fear, anger, resentment, rage, love, etc. At the same time, it is as if they are looking in a mirror. The role of the “mirror” is played by the rest of the group. Children repeat (“mirror”) the feeling depicted by the child.

22. "I'm very good"

The presenter invites the children to repeat a few words after him. Each time the presenter pronounces the word at a different volume: whisper, loud, very loud. Thus, all children whisper, then pronounce, then shout the word “I”, then the word “very”, then the word “good”.

23. “Say kind words to Mishka”

Target. help improve children's self-esteem.

Children throw a ball and remember what good qualities people have. Then the presenter “invites” a teddy bear to the lesson. Children come up with good words for him, ending the sentence “You are... (kind, diligent, cheerful).” Then everyone takes turns “turning into a bear” (at the same time picking it up), and the rest of the children say kind words to the child in the role of the bear.

24. "Naughty Pillows"

Target. provide the child with the opportunity to “legally” display disobedience.

An adult tells the children that naughty pillows have appeared in their study room. When you throw them at each other, they utter “naughty” words, for example: “I don’t want to study... I won’t eat...”, etc. Then the presenter invites the children to play with such pillows. The game takes place as follows: a couple plays - an adult and a child, the rest watch what is happening. All the children take turns playing.

It is very important that “naughty” words are spoken not only by the child, but also by the adult.

25. "Monkeys"

Goal: To promote the development of spontaneity in children.

The presenter invites the children to play monkeys, who love to make faces and imitate each other. Everyone “turns” into monkeys. One person (first the leader, and then all the children in turn) becomes the driver - he begins to grimace, and everyone else repeats his movements. At first, the driver only grimaces, then he adds antics with his body, voice, and breathing.

26. "Colored Snow"

Target. promote children's self-expression.

If classes are held in winter, you can collect snow in a tray and invite the children to make a city (fortress, house, etc.) right in it and paint it with gouache. And then write a story about what happened. All this can be done individually, or in subgroups.

27. “School of Bad Habits”

  • promote the manifestation true feelings child;
  • provide the child with the opportunity to gain experience in an unfamiliar situation.

The presenter invites the children to play “school of bad habits.” This school is special, they teach bad habits and they give good marks for bad behavior. In this school, all students and teachers are animals. Each child becomes an employee of this school - he decides who he is in the school and what kind of animal he is. In this role, he introduces himself to the group and carries out some actions (says something, moves in a special way, etc.). We must remember that every child must demonstrate bad behavior. For example, a school principal might say, “Let's give someone a bruise.”

28. "Bragging Competition"

Target. promote the child’s awareness of his positive qualities.

An adult invites children to compete in their ability to brag. They boast in turns, for example, one says: “I am beautiful,” another: “I am brave,” the next: “I am friendly,” etc. The adult encourages the children. You need to strive to say as much good things about yourself as possible.

29. “I can!”

Target. promote the development of self-esteem in children.

Children throw a ball around and loudly list what they can do well. For example: “I can swim well!”, “I can draw well!”, etc.

30. "Interview"

Target. help improve children's self-esteem.

The child driver becomes an Adult. He stands on a chair, the presenter helps him take an adult pose and an appropriate facial expression. Then the presenter becomes a “newspaper or magazine correspondent” and interviews the child, asking him about work, family, children, etc.

31. Drawing “My adult future”

Target. help improve children's self-esteem.

Children are invited to draw themselves in the future. After the drawings are finished, everyone discusses what allowed the children to achieve such a wonderful future. What efforts did they have to put into this?

32. "Mainland"

Target. help build trust in the group.

The child driver lies on his stomach. He is a continent (or just land, if the child is small). There are two states on it: on the head and on the legs. States begin to fight with each other, and first one, then the other wins. The battlefield is the child’s back, on which the leader depicts battle scenes with his hands. Only the continent (earth) can stop the war. He creates an earthquake (the child tries to throw off the leader’s hands). The warrior hands of different states first go home, then meet again on the field (back), make peace and thank the continent (earth) for its help.

33. “What do I like?”

Target. help increase children's self-esteem and establish an atmosphere of trust in the group.

Children throw a ball to each other and say: “I like to do...”

34. "Wings"

Target. promote children's self-expression.

Children close their eyes and pretend to be wings with their hands. The presenter asks the children to imagine that they have wings and can now fly. Where will they fly? With whom? What will they see? Children, without opening their eyes, come up with ideas, and then open their eyes and tell the group about their fantasies.

Target. promote children's self-expression.

The presenter prepares cards in advance with drawings of a cat, dove, pig, etc. Children take cards from a pile and voice the animal that is drawn on their card. First, you need to pronounce these sounds with neutral intonation, and then - conveying some feeling with your voice (anger, joy, tenderness, etc.). The rest of the participants guess what feeling each child is portraying.

36. “Express your feelings with your eyes”

Target. promote children's self-expression.

The child and the adult take turns thinking about a feeling and trying to express it only with their eyes. Other children try to guess what feeling this or that child is expressing. The rest of the face must be covered with something, for example, you can make a mask with a slit for the eyes for this exercise.

37. “I want to be happy”

Target. promote the development of self-esteem in children.

The presenter tells the children a fairy tale:

“Once upon a time there was a kitten who was very worried whether he would grow up happy, and therefore often asked his mother:

Mom! Will I become happy?
- I don’t know, son. “I would really like this, but I don’t know myself,” my mother answered.
- Who knows? - the kitten asked.

Maybe the sky, maybe the wind. Or maybe the sun. “They are far away, high up, they know better,” my mother answered, smiling.

And then our kitten decided to talk to the sky, wind, and sun himself. He climbed the tallest birch tree in their yard and shouted:

Hey sky! Hey wind! Hey sun! I want to be happy!

If you want to be happy, then you will be happy!”

After the children listen to the story, they act it out. Everyone takes turns standing on a chair in the center of the circle and shouting loudly last words kitten, and the group loudly replies: “If you want to be happy, then you will be happy.”

38. “Meditation for happiness”

Target. promote the development of self-esteem in children.

The presenter asks the children to close their eyes and imagine themselves - completely happy. Let the children mentally look around and try to see who is next to them, where all this is happening. Then the children take albums and draw themselves - the way they saw themselves.

39. "Rocket"

Target. promote the development of self-esteem in children.

Children are encouraged to “launch a rocket into space.” All children stand in a circle, one child becomes a rocket - he stands in the center of the circle. All the children squat down and whisper “oooh”. At the same time, the child and the group around him gradually rise, increasing the volume of his voice. Then with a loud cry of “whoa!” everyone jumps and raises their hands up. The child, in the role of a rocket, is asked to buzz the loudest and jump the highest.

40. "Ship"

Target. help increase the child’s self-esteem and establish relationships of trust in the group.

The child driver lies on his back and turns into a ship. First, the ship finds itself in a strong storm: the leader “rocks” the “ship” (pushes the child), accompanying the actions with the words: “It’s difficult for the ship, but it will survive. The waves want to drown him. But he will still stand because he is strong.” The storm ends, now the waves gently stroke the ship and tell it: “We love you, you are so big and strong” (the presenter gently rocks and strokes the child).

This procedure can be done with several children.

41. "Happy Dream"

Target. promote self-expression and development of optimism in children.

Children close their eyes and remember their happiest dream or invent it if they have not yet had such a dream. Then they tell it to the group and draw it.

42. "Wrong drawing"

Children are asked to draw an incorrect picture. If they try to clarify what this means, then the presenter should under no circumstances give any specific instructions about this, nor give examples, etc. After the drawings are made, the children explain why their own drawing can be called incorrect, from whose point of view it is incorrect.

43. “Make the wrong drawing out of the right one.”

Target. help reduce children's fear of possible mistakes.

Black and white drawings are prepared in advance, which depict the child in situations familiar to children: in class, with mom on a walk, etc. You can use the drawings given in the Appendix (see Fig. 1, 2, 3). Each child receives a card with a picture, and he must complete it so that it becomes “wrong.”

44. "Let's get it dirty"

Target. contribute to the expansion of role repertoire.

The presenter asks the children to come up with as many ways as possible to get their school notebook dirty (put a pie on it, wipe dirty hands, etc.). In order to give the exercise a competitive character, you can announce a competition - who can come up with the most ways? A variation of the same exercise: the presenter asks the children to figure out how to clean up the biggest mess in the room in 5 minutes. After this, the children draw what they have come up with.

45. “One day in the life of a bad- good boy(girls)"

  • promote the manifestation of children's true feelings;
  • provide children with the opportunity to gain the “bad child” experience.

A child is selected to play the role of driver. He must depict one day in the life of a bad boy (girl): he sleeps (lies on chairs), wakes up, goes to school, returns, plays, goes to bed, etc. The presenter and other participants help fill each time period with their own content, playing the roles of a bad mother, teacher, father, etc. (if necessary), while stimulating the manifestation of aggression on the part of the child (they condemn him, punish him, etc.).

After the situation is played out, the same child depicts one day in the life of a good boy (girl), respectively, the other children play along with him, portraying his loving mother, father, teacher, etc.

46. ​​“Name Drawing”

The adult asks the children to imagine that they have already grown up and become someone a famous navigator, someone a doctor, maybe a famous scientist or writer. It was decided to release a beautiful album in honor of everyone. This album should have the name of the celebrity written on it, and it should be decorated with interesting drawings. Each of the children, with the help of an adult, comes up with what drawings can be placed in the album next to his name, describes them orally, and then writes his name beautifully on a piece of paper and draws what he has planned. (If children cannot write, an adult helps them.)

47. “I convey with my gaze”

Target. help improve children's self-esteem.

An adult thinks of a quality that he likes in a particular child. Then he looks carefully into his eyes, “conveying this feeling” (eye contact is very important). The child needs to guess what quality is intended.

The leader addresses all children in turn. The exercise can be repeated several times.

48. “Sculpture of my good qualities”

Target. help improve children's self-esteem.

The child leader, together with the adult and the group, remembers his good qualities and selects plasticine of a certain color for each. Then he defines his main good quality, thinks about what it looks like, how it can be sculpted. After that, he adds all his other good qualities to the sculpture.

49. “I transmit by touch”

Target. help improve children's self-esteem.

An adult thinks of some quality that he likes in a child, touches him, and the child guesses what qualities he has in mind. Thus, the leader addresses all the children in turn. This exercise can be repeated several times.

50. “4 questions - 4 pictures”

The presenter distributes sheets of paper to all children, divided into 4 equal parts. The rules of the game are as follows: the leader asks the children 4 questions (for example: “What does your mother like about you?”, “What do you like to do in the evening?”), to which they answer with small drawings. The children then take turns showing their drawings to the group, who try to guess which drawings correspond to which questions. At the same time, children discuss the content of their drawings, compare them with each other, find similarities and differences in the drawings of different children.

51. "Words"

Target. help children express their own point of view on a significant issue.

Children take turns taking cards from the deck on which words that are meaningful to them are written, for example: “Anger”, “Five”, “Late”, “Punishment”, “Fear”, “Two”, etc. Then they come up with what those words mean to them. For example, children say: “Fear is when mom scolds me,” “Punishment is when dad punishes me,” etc.

52. “Portrait of my good self”

Target. Help children realize their positive qualities.

For each child, a sheet of paper is prepared in advance, designed like a photo frame (you can use Fig. 4 for this - see Appendix). The child takes this sheet and, with the help of an adult, writes down his positive qualities on it. After class, he takes this sheet with him to show it to his mother.

53. "Magic Parrot"

Target. help increase self-confidence.

For the game, the presenter prepares “tickets” in advance, on which he writes encouraging statements addressed to the children. For example: “Your movements have become smoother and more restrained,” “It’s noticeable how you are growing up and getting smarter,” “Other children will soon respect you even more,” etc. It would be good if there was a toy parrot that would “give tickets to children.” During the game, each child draws a ticket from the parrot and decides who this or that statement is suitable for.

54. "Candle"

Target. Help your child talk about experiences that are significant to him.

During this exercise, it is very good to use a candle: light it, extinguish the light, and offer to look at it carefully until everyone sees in the flame something that can help in difficult situation exactly to him. Then the children tell the group what they saw in the candle flame.

55. “What will I be like when I grow up?”

Target. help improve children's self-esteem.

Children are given the instruction: “Close your eyes. Try to see yourself as adults. Consider how you are dressed, what you are doing, what kind of people surround you. These people love you very, very much. Why do they love you? Maybe for your responsiveness, for your sincerity, for your honesty? Maybe for something else? Now open your eyes and tell us what you will be like when you grow up? What qualities of yours will others like?” All children take turns telling the group about what they imagined.

56. "Goo-gu"

Target. promote children's self-expression.

The presenter prepares cards in advance with various syllables written on them, for example, “gu-gu” or “gur-gur”, etc. Children take turns taking one card at a time and reading their syllable with with different feelings, for example, with feelings of anger, fear, joy, surprise, etc.

57. "Steps of Truth"

Target. help increase children's reflection.

The presenter cuts out traces from paper in advance and places them on the floor - from one wall to another. One of the children becomes the driver. When addressing him, the adult names some quality that he believes is inherent in him. If the child agrees with this, then he takes a step forward in the footsteps. If not, then it stays where it is. We must strive to follow the trail all the way, while remaining honest.

58. “They say that you look alike...”

Target. help improve children's self-esteem.

One of the children (the driver) goes out into the corridor. The presenter tells the others something like this: “Let’s think together whether this child reminds us of anything pleasant. Maybe some object or some event... For example, Alyosha reminds me of the spring sun, and Masha reminds me of chocolate ice cream. What reminds you of... (the child who came out)?” Children come up with positive images. When the driver returns, one of the children lists the images invented by the group members. He must determine who is the author of a particular image.

59. “I want - they want - I do”

Target. promote children's awareness of the motives of their behavior.

The adult asks one or another situation that is significant for the child, for example: “It’s time to go to bed” or “You need to decide what clothes you will wear to school today.” Three sheets of paper are laid out on the floor, on one is written in large letters“I want”, on the other - “they want”, on the third - “I act”. Each child in turn stands on each of the sheets and talks about how he usually wants to act in this situation, what others (mother, teacher) want from him, how he usually acts in reality.

60. “What do you think?”

Target. Help children understand the value of their own opinions.

To play, you need to come up with problem situations that are significant for children of this age and describe them on pieces of paper. For example: “Natasha forgot her eraser at home, and the Russian language teacher scolded her.” On back side These pieces of paper should contain the words: “What do you think, is this fair?” The presenter and the child take turns pulling out pieces of paper, reading what is written on them, and expressing their opinion about the actions of one or another actor. This exercise creates a situation in which the child gains experience in expressing his own opinion and having it accepted by others.

61. “I protest...”

Target. promote children's self-expression.

The presenter asks the children to clench their lips tightly and, feeling their tension, stay in this state for some time.

After this, the children throw the ball around, taking turns finishing the phrase: “I protest against bad grades!” In this case, the child must speak very loudly, practically scream.

62. “I decide - I don’t decide”

Target. To help children understand the significance of their own choices.

Children throw a ball, each completing two sentences: “I decide for myself...”, “I don’t decide for myself...”

63. “Who are you?”

Target. promote the development of reflection in children.

Children stand near the wall, turning their backs to it. The leader throws the ball to each child in turn and asks him the question “Who are you?” Having received the ball, he must quickly answer the question and take a step forward. For example: I am a student, I am a son, I am a person, etc. If the child cannot do this, he remains where he is. At the end of the game, it is determined who managed to advance the furthest.

64. "Before - Now"

Target. help children understand the process of their change and growing up.

The children are given tablets that they fill out themselves, and then a general summary table is filled out on the board.

After the table is filled out, the presenter invites the children to see what has changed in them. As a result of the discussion, it is concluded that a person is constantly changing for the better.

65. “Tell with your eyes”

Target. promote children's self-expression.

The presenter prepares cards in advance on which the phrases are written: “Love me,” “I don’t love you,” “I don’t understand you,” “I trust you,” “I can’t open up to you,” “I hate you.” First, what is written on the cards is read aloud, and then they are placed in the deck with the inscriptions down. Children take turns taking cards, covering the lower part of their face with paper and conveying the content of the inscription on the card only with their eyes. The rest need to “hear” the child’s message and guess what phrase is written on his card. For this exercise, you can make a special mask.

66. “Coquette eyes”

Target. promote children's self-expression.

Just as in the previous exercise, covering the lower part of their face with paper, the children take turns “speaking with their eyes” to each other phrases written on cards: “I am very angry,” “I love you,” etc. Children can make their own masks. In this case, after completing the exercise, eyelashes are drawn on the mask and the children, putting it on, “flirty” with the presenter.

67. "Counting Sticks"

Target. promote children's self-expression.

For this exercise you need at least 30 counting sticks.

The counting sticks fall into a pile. Children take turns pulling out one stick at a time so that the pile does not collapse, while naming this or that feeling of the person and the situation in which this feeling arises.

68. "Icons"

Target. promote children's self-expression.

The presenter prepares a box with different icons in advance. During class he gives it to the children. Without looking into the box, the children take turns taking one badge out of it. They look at what is depicted on it and tell why the picture depicted is close to their soul. If the child can do this, he keeps the badge; if not, he puts it back in the box. At the end of the game, how many badges each child has collected is counted. Children’s statements about this or that icon can serve as the basis for a subsequent conversation with a psychologist.

For example, Masha (10 years old, parents are divorced) pulls out a badge with a picture of winter and says:

Snow is close to my soul. I like to walk near the forest so that there is snow nearby. It feels like I was there. It's like I'm at home.
- And at home?
- And I feel good at home.
- And when is it bad?
- It's bad in someone else's house. If we go to visit someone, there is insomnia.
- Why?
- It's just an unfamiliar place.
- And it seems to you...

Seems dangerous.

Pulls out an icon with a picture of mountains. Says:

Mountains are freedom. It's important for me. During the holidays I went with my mother to a holiday home and felt like a bird in a cage.
- Because everything is foreign?
- Yes, it’s a little tight.
- Where do you feel free?

In the country. At home.

He pulls out a badge with a picture of a horse. Says:

I love horses and other animals.
- What do they give you?
- Kindness. I also love myths and legends.
- Do they allow you to dream?
- Yes.
- What are you like in them, in your dreams?
- I'm next to the horse.
- How do you feel?
- Like next to a forest, with mountains.
- Free?
- Yes.
- Or maybe strong?

The lesson is coming to an end. I'll try to generalize:

Masha, correct me if I'm wrong. It seemed to me that the feeling of freedom is very important for you. But it does not depend on how much or little space there is around you. There was a lot of space in the holiday home, but you didn’t feel freedom. You feel free if people or animals close to you are nearby.

Yes, that is right...

Section I. Psychological games and exercises

Part 1. “I”. Exercises aimed at increasing the child’s self-esteem and developing spontaneity

Part 2. “My difficulties.” Exercises aimed at reducing aggression and fears in children

Part 3. “Me and others.” Exercises aimed at improving relationships with others

Section II. Therapeutic tales-metaphors

Section III. Methodological materials for conducting psychological classes in kindergarten and primary school

Part 1. Emotional block. Working with Emotions

Part 2. Cognitive block. Working with Self-Awareness

Part 3. Behavioral block. Working with role behavior





This book is a collection of psychological procedures (exercises, games and fairy tales) that are aimed at helping a child understand himself, become more confident, improve relationships with others, and reduce his anxiety.

Educators and teachers can include the proposed games in lessons, which helps to increase the emotional tone of children, relieves fatigue, and increases performance.

Psychologists can use the proposed exercises in group classes or in individual meetings. These exercises can serve as the beginning of a child’s long journey together towards self-knowledge and strengthening his “I”.

Parents You will find tasks in this book that you can do with your child at home. These tasks will help parents better understand their child and be surprised at the wealth and at the same time fragility of his soul. And some games can be used when organizing a holiday, and not necessarily for children.

The book also includes a program of psychological work with children aged 5–9 years, that is, pupils of senior and preparatory groups of kindergartens and students of 1–2 grades of school. This is a training program that can be used for both correctional and psychoprophylactic purposes. The program is addressed to teachers and psychologists working with children.

Which difficulties may arise when performing certain tasks from this book? Are there any pitfalls here? Undoubtedly. First of all, these are the age characteristics of children.

Children 3-4 years old prefer outdoor games. They are prone to imitation, so they will strive to repeat the actions and movements of the leader, it is difficult for them to sit for a long time without moving, it is difficult to maintain attention, so you should not leave them in a static state for a long time. You must also remember that three- and four-year-olds are easily overexcited, and you should not allow this to happen.

Children 5-6 years old are already capable of some control over their behavior. As a rule, after several lessons they can describe their emotional states and briefly engage in a discussion of issues that interest them. However, of course, they also like to play and move more than talk. Each of them really wants to be a leader, so they may be offended by the leader if it seems to them that they are rarely appointed as leaders. In this regard, it makes sense to choose drivers using rhymes.

Children 7-8 years old able to perform verbal tasks. They enjoy drawing and showing their drawings to others. They already analyze their inner world, although such analysis requires external motivation.

Children 9-10 years old are in pre-adolescence. They themselves strive to explore the inner world, but are much less open. They have difficulty performing tasks that require touching others, especially those of the opposite sex.

Typically classes are held once a week.

Duration activities is determined by the age of the children.

The youngest children (3-4 years old) can usually work no more than 14-20 minutes.

With preschoolers 5-6 years old, you can conduct half-hour lessons, with schoolchildren - 45 minutes.

Age also affects optimal number of children in a group: from 7-8 if you work with preschoolers, to 14-15 if with schoolchildren. Age also determines how it is preferable to seat children.

Preschoolers It’s more convenient to plant him in a “parachute”, so that everyone can clearly see the adult. In this case, the adult takes the place of the “paratrooper”. It is better to seat the little ones on high chairs. If you plant them on the floor, they will very quickly spread in different directions.

For older preschoolers You can suggest imagining yourself as beads in a necklace, sitting on a string previously laid out like a “parachute” on the floor. At the same time, they unlearn the rule that during classes they cannot touch the rope with their hands.

Pupils can sit in a circle. If there are more than 15 people in a group (and this happens if classes are held with a whole class), it is permissible to leave children at their desks. Are there any special requirements for the presenter who uses the proposed procedures in their work? The main condition for successful work is the leader’s ability and desire to play with children. It’s good if he himself enjoys the game, not considering it a secondary and unnecessary activity, if he knows how to laugh contagiously, because laughter and joy always stand next to love. A professional presenter is never afraid to look funny or not serious enough in the eyes of children. If the leader has all this, then classes with children will definitely be successful and effective. Children will shout that psychology is their favorite lesson, and the teacher is their favorite adult.

It is difficult for me to find words to express the depth of gratitude to my amazing colleagues - Yu. B. Perminova and E. M. Kozlova - for their help in preparing this book, to the students of the Moscow Open social university and Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology of Moscow Pedagogical state university behind great help in our work and the bright and warm fairy tales they created.

Thanks to all of them. And also thank you to you who are reading this book!


We love our children very much. We buy educational toys for them and carefully teach them reading and counting. We are intensively preparing for school, testing the degree of this readiness with a battery of assignments and tests. We place in lyceums and gymnasiums, we train foreign language, check the reading pace. In general, we do everything to make our child become smarter and smarter. But we rarely think about it future life. Why does he need all this knowledge?

“Enroll in a prestigious institute, get a highly paid profession,” many will say. And it's all? As a rule, this is where thinking about the child’s future ends.

And I would like my children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren to be able not only to count and write, but also to love. What and who to love? Loving the sky, wind, stars, waves is very important. But the main thing is that they know how to love people: all together and every single person who meets on their way.

However, this is a very difficult skill to master. And learning it is more difficult than reading and writing, because to do this, first of all, you need to learn to love yourself. And it’s so difficult to realize your imperfection and accept it, allowing yourself not to be a god, but to develop throughout your life. It is also difficult to preserve children's spontaneity and creativity.
Not pushing your feelings deep into yourself, but realizing and expressing them is also not an easy task. And learning to manage your anger and fear is extremely difficult. Even if all this succeeds, those who want to learn to love others still have to long haul. They need to be able to trust the world and the individual. To see his bright qualities in any person, even not a very good one - they are in everyone, aren’t they? Be able to work with others and collaborate with them. But the main thing is to strive not only to receive something from people, but also to give them at least a drop of yourself, your joy, your warmth. And be sure to warm the closest people with your light: mom and dad.

Maybe you also want the children you work with to be able to love, feel their hearts and live in consultation with them? Then this book will be interesting and useful for you. I wish you success!

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Psychological game for children “If you like it, then do it!”

Children stand in a circle, one of them shows any movement, saying the first words of the song “If you like it, then do it like this...”, the rest of the children repeat the movement, continuing the song: “If you like it, then show it to others, if you like it, then do it this way...” Then the next child shows his movement, and so on until the circle is completed.

Psychological game for children “I’m throwing a ball at you.”

To relax and lift your spirits, you can offer a game with a ball. In a circle, everyone will throw the ball to each other, calling the name of the person to whom they are throwing it, and saying the words: “I am throwing you a flower (candy, elephant, etc.).” The one to whom the ball was thrown must respond with dignity.

Psychological game for children “Broken Phone”

Participants take turns passing proverbs to each other, which the presenter calls into the ears of those sitting at both ends. Then each of them reports a proverb that was transmitted to him from the other end.

There is no such person who can live forever without sin

Every untruth is a sin

You can't escape fate

Risk is a noble cause

If you make money, you will live without need

When money talks, truth is silent

And steal wisely - trouble cannot be avoided

Once you steal, you become a thief forever

Who is stronger is right

Whoever you hang out with, that's how you'll gain

A smart lie is better than a stupid truth

If he ran away, he was right, but if he got caught, he was guilty.

4.Game “Understand Me”

At the same time, all participants pronounce their word loudly, and the driver repeats all the words that were heard.

Psychological game for children “Fair of Virtues”

Participants in the game each receive 2 sheets with the names “sell” and “buy.” The presenter suggests that on one sheet, under the inscription “I sell,” write all his shortcomings that he would like to get rid of, and on the other sheet, under the inscription “buy,” write the advantages, which he lacks in communication. Then the sheets are attached to the chests of the game participants, and they become visitors to the “Fair”, begin to walk around and offer to buy (or sell) what they need. The game continues until everyone has gone through and read all the possible options for buying and selling the qualities required for him.

Psychological game for children “Name the emotion”

Passing the ball around, participants name the emotions that interfere with communication. Then the ball is passed to the other side and emotions are called that help communication. Emotions can be expressed in different ways - through movement, posture, facial expressions, gestures, intonation.

Method “Your name”

Participants stand in a circle, and one, passing the ball to a neighbor, calls howl full name. The task of others is to name, passing the ball around the circle, as many variations of his name as possible (for example, Katya, Katyusha, Katerina, Katenka, Katyushka, Ekaterina). The task is repeated for each participant. Then everyone shares how they felt when they heard their name.

Game-exercise “Garbage Bin”

Children write their negative thoughts, unpleasant incidents, stories, situations on sheets of paper, crumple the sheets and throw them into a bucket (forgetting it forever).

Psychological game for children "BURIME"

It’s easy to write poetry, said the poet Tsvetik. The main thing is that there is meaning and rhyme. Everyone takes a sheet of paper and a pen and writes any line that comes to mind, even vaguely reminiscent of a poem in its rhythmic pattern. Next, all the pieces of paper are passed to one person in a circle and another line is written as a continuation of the previous line, preferably in rhyme, and so on. For an element of surprise, it is better to wrap the sheet in a tube, leaving only the last three lines visible. When all the sheets have gone through one, two or three circles, everyone takes the sheet that started and expressively recites it to the laughter of the audience.

Psychological game for children “FLY”

A game for concentration and testing it. Those who show poor attention and concentration are not accepted as astronauts. Everyone sits in a circle or at a table. Leader's instructions. Imagine a tic-tac-toe field, three by three squares. A fly sits in the center. We will move the fly one by one. There are only four moves: up, down, right, left. A mistake would be reversing: up and down, and the fly leaving the field. The task is to all together, in a circle, mentally move the fly, voicing your move and not making mistakes. If someone makes a mistake, reset and again the fly is in the center. You can enter penalty points for mistakes for the competitive element.

Volumetric fly. This is a more complex option, no longer available to everyone, but only to the most attentive. Imagine a three-dimensional field for playing tic-tac-toe - a three-by-three Rubik's cube. We add two more moves - to ourselves and from ourselves. It is important not to lose the fly, carefully monitor its movements and not make mistakes.

Psychological game for children “THREE”

There is one simple game to test your attention and concentration. Instructions. We will rhythmically count the natural numbers in a circle: one-two-three-four-five and so on. The difficulty is that according to the rules of the game, the number “3”, numbers ending in three, for example “13”, and numbers divisible by three, for example “6”, are not spoken, but clapping. An error is considered to be the error itself and the failure of the rhythm. If there is an error, everything is reset and starts over (“One”) from this participant in any direction in a circle.

Despite the apparent simplicity of the game, not all teams manage to reach at least twenty. If you reach thirty, this indicates good concentration. Simplification or complication of the game is possible by slowing down or speeding up the rhythm.

Psychological game for children “ZOO”

Game on acting. 7-8 people participate, everyone chooses any animal: sheep, horse, pig, cat, dog, crocodile, platypus, jackal in winter, deer during mating season, etc. Further introduction: everyone in a circle expressively demonstrates to the others the characteristic movement of this animal. After this, in turn, you must first show “yourself”, and then any other “animal” present. This “animal” gets a move, shows itself further than another animal. And so on. Then you can declare a “super zoo”. This is when all the animals are demonstrated in the most exaggerated and bright way! You can play right through. If you made a mistake in passing the move, you are out of the game.

Psychological exercise for children “THE PRINCESS AND THE PEA”

Only women participate in the game. You need to place stools (or chairs without upholstery) in a row according to the number of expected participants (preferably 3-4). A certain number of round caramels are placed on each stool (there are such candies, shaped like small koloboks), or buttons on the stem (preferably larger ones). For example, on the first stool - 3 candies, on the second - 2, on the third - 4. The top of the stools is covered with opaque plastic bags. The preparations are complete. Those interested are invited. They are seated on stools. The music turns on. Usually for this competition the song "Move Your Booty" is included. And so, while dancing while sitting on a stool, the participants must determine how many candies are underneath them. The one who does it faster and more correctly will win.

Psychological game for children “NEW YEAR TREE”

For the game you need: 1 stool or chair, 1 girl, a lot of clothespins. Clothespins are attached to the girl's dress, the girl is placed on a stool, 2 young men are selected from among the company (you can generally divide into 2 teams), who remove the clothespins from her blindfolded. The one who removes the last clothespin, or the one who has the most clothespins, takes the girl off the chair and kisses her as many times as there are clothespins. The game can be played in reverse, i.e. a guy stands on a stool.


"Mom and Cub"

Target:develop empathy, self-control, expressiveness of movements, speech.

Progress of the game.Children are divided into pairs. One in a pair plays the role of mother, the other - the cub.

The teacher names the animals (a family of cats, monkeys, crows, dogs, etc.) and the actions that mothers can perform in relation to the cubs: caress, punish, save them, etc.

Children play out the actions of the “mothers” and the reactions of the “cubs”. Then they change roles in pairs and the game is repeated.

"Dr. Aibolit"

Target:develop imagination, expressiveness of movements and speech, group cohesion, empathy; teach techniques to help relieve emotional stress.

Progress of the game.The teacher or child plays the role of Doctor Aibolit. The rest depict sick monkeys. The doctor approaches each monkey, takes pity on it, and treats it. After the doctor has visited everyone, the monkeys recover and are glad that nothing hurts them.

"Butterflies and Elephants"

Target:develop imagination, expressiveness of movements, communication skills.

Progress of the game.The teacher invites the children to turn first into elephants (children walk around the room, pretending to be elephants, and communicate with each other when they meet), and then into butterflies (children easily “flutter” around the room and communicate).


Target:develop imagination, empathy, communication skills.

Progress of the game.The teacher plays the role of a journalist, and the children act as mothers. The journalist asks the mother to tell about her child: what she likes most about him and what she is not happy with, what his hobbies are, and how she feels about them.

"Fairytale Hares"

Target:develop communication skills, expressiveness of speech and movements, observation.

Progress of the game.The teacher invites the children to remember fairy tales whose heroes are hares (“Fox, Hare and Rooster”, “Bragging Hare”. “Kolobok”, “Teremok”, “Zayushkina’s Hut”. “Hare and Hedgehog”), and tell what they are like. hares, or depict how they behave without naming the tale.

The rest of the children guess which fairy tale the hare is from.

"Stand up, all those who..."

Target:develop attention, form a positive “I-concept”.

Progress of the game.Children sit in a circle. The teacher addresses them: “Stand up, all those who...

Loves to run;

loves sweets;

who has a sister,” etc.

Then, summing up, the teacher asks one of the children:

Who in the group has a sweet tooth?

Who in the group has a sister? Etc.

"Describe a friend"

Goal: to develop visual memory, coherent speech, empathy, group cohesion.

Progress of the game.Children are divided into pairs.

1stoption: one child looks through binoculars and describes a friend,

2ndoption: children look at each other for 2-3 seconds, then turn their backs and describe each other.

"I can"

Target:develop coherent speech, activate the vocabulary with verbs; form a positive “I-concept”.

Progress of the game.Children stand in a circle and take turns saying what they can do. Each skill can only be named once.


Target:develop attention, imaginative thinking, group cohesion, color perception.

Progress of the game.Children move to cheerful music, pretending to be clowns. At the signal “Stop!” they stop, and the teacher puts on one of the children a dreamer’s hat (paper cap) and asks: “What doesn’t happen in the world?” The child must answer quickly (for example, a flying cat).

The child who answers correctly and quickly receives a medal.


Target:develop visual memory, attention, group cohesionvalue,color perception.

Progress of the game.Children wear hats with beads on their headsred,yellow or green (the number of colors depends on the level of development and age of the children).

Teachercollects “beads on a string”, rhythmically alternating colors. The child driver looks and remembers the order of the “beads”.

Then the “thread” breaks and the “beads” begin to move. At the presenter’s signal “Stop!” they stop. The child leader must collect the beads on a string in the order in which they were originally.


Target:develop memory, thinking, perception, group cohesion, color perception.

Progress of the game.Children stand in a circle. Each person has a colored circle (about 5 colors) attached to their clothes - red, orange, green, blue, yellow, purple.

The child driver is in the center of the circle and depicts an arrow. Children pronounce words in chorus, along with which the “arrow” rotates:

Arrow, arrow, spin around,

Show yourself to all the circles

And which one is dearer to you,

Tell us quickly!


The “arrow” stops and names the color of the circle it is pointing at (facial expressions, pantomimes), and asks questions. For example:

What vegetables and fruits orange color?

What flowers don't exist of blue color? And so on.

Card index of psychological games.

A game for children is not only and not so much entertainment. For a child, play is the main activity. She helps him develop and learn about the world around him. Therefore, parents and teachers often use psychological games for children in raising a child. We will share some of these games with you.
Psychological games for children can be aimed at developing memory, reaction, ingenuity, attention, imagination, and ear for music. They will help identify leaders in children's team, make friends and unite the team, overcome shyness and develop self-confidence. The advantage of psychological games for children is that the child will play with pleasure, without even suspecting that at that moment he is being raised. Let's look at some types of psychological games for children.

"Funny drawings." The game is intended for younger children school age and trains memory for the names of objects. On ten sheets of paper you need to draw funny non-existent objects - fruits, vegetables, animals, etc. Each subject is invented unusual name. Then the children are shown the drawings and told the names of each of them, having previously been warned that they need to be remembered. Then the drawings are removed, and after a few seconds they are shown again, and the children guess their names. If you play with one child, then he will simply have to guess as many objects as possible. If there are several, arrange a competition, awarding one point for each item guessed or giving a reward. If the players are very small, you need to come up with a simpler name and make fewer cards with pictures.

"Taster". This game for preschoolers and primary schoolchildren develops taste and visual memory. You can play it with a group of children, or you can play it alone with your child, then you will be the leader. Children are shown a basket with different fruits that they need to remember. Then they are asked to leave the room, and the presenter makes a salad from the fruits, finely chopping them and seasoning them with sour cream. You don’t need to use all the fruits, but hide the basket. Children try the salad, and then try to name those fruits that were not included in the salad, but were in the basket. You can play this game with vegetables too. It allows you to kill two birds with one stone: train your memory and feed your child healthy and tasty vegetables and fruits.

"How to connect two words?" This game develops imagination and the ability to establish associative (semantic) connections. It is intended for children of middle school age. The referee-leader in this game is an adult. He names any two words, for example, “parsley” and “grandmother.” Children must explain how these words are related to each other. The options can be very different: grandma grows parsley on the windowsill; Grandma has curly hair like parsley, etc. For each option the player is awarded one point. You can additionally encourage interesting and unusual options, but they still should not be devoid of meaning and logic.

"Whose rainbow is brighter?" This game for children of primary and secondary school age not only develops imagination, but also helps them learn to give emotional coloring their statements and competently express thoughts in writing. Each child receives a piece of paper with a sentence written on it. This is the beginning of the story. Players need to complete the story themselves and use interrogative and exclamatory sentences - the more, the better. Starting sentences should be fairly simple (be sure to consider the age of the players), but they should contain an idea that can be easily developed.

"Our hairdresser" Some children have complexes about their hairstyle - they may not like the length of their hair or the color of their hair, the fact that their hair is curly or straight, while for others it’s the opposite. The game "our hairdresser" will help them get rid of this complex. It is better to play it with children of middle school age. The players are divided into pairs, each pair has a “client” and a “hairdresser”. The “hairdresser” must give the client an original hairstyle. To do this, you can use different elastic bands and hairpins, foams, gels, and mousses. But all products should be easily washed off with water. It is not recommended to use hairspray - it can get into your eyes, and its smell is not always pleasant. Scissors are prohibited - a bad haircut is difficult to fix. When all the hairstyles are ready, you can hold a competition of hairdressers and models and determine the most unusual hairstyle, or you can encourage each couple. Then the players in pairs change roles.

Often children's complexes, shyness and self-consciousness are associated with the fact that the child does not know how to behave correctly in a given situation, does not know the rules of good manners. This game for children of middle and high school age will help cope with this complex. The presenter (better if it is an adult) invites the children to stage different situations from Everyday life. What to do if you are invited to visit? Or vice versa, did guests come to you? After those interested have shown their skits, you can discuss them and decide what to do correctly.

"Do it once, do it twice." Game for schoolchildren. The presenter says that on his command, all children must simultaneously do some action. On the command “do it once,” they raise the chairs up and hold them until one of them says to lower the chairs. At the leader’s command “do two,” the players begin to run around the chairs. When one of the players gives the command, they must sit down at the same time. Those children who gave commands to lower the chairs and sit down are most likely leaders, especially if it was the same person.

"Counting books." Game for teenagers. The players close their eyes and their task is to count to ten. It is necessary to count at random, i.e. one player cannot say two numbers in a row, you cannot negotiate. If two players speak at the same time, the game starts again. The leader is most likely the player who names the most numbers.

Psychological game for children “If you like it, then do it!”

Children stand in a circle, one of them shows any movement, saying the first words of the song “If you like it, then do it like this...”, the rest of the children repeat the movement, continuing the song: “If you like it, then show it to others, if you like it, then do it this way...” Then the next child shows his movement, and so on until the circle is completed.

Psychological game for children “I throw you a ball.”

To relax and lift your spirits, you can offer a game with a ball. In a circle, everyone will throw the ball to each other, calling the name of the person to whom they are throwing it, and saying the words: “I am throwing you a flower (candy, elephant, etc.).” The one to whom the ball was thrown must respond with dignity.

Psychological game for children “Broken phone”

Participants take turns passing proverbs to each other, which the presenter calls into the ears of those sitting at both ends. Then each of them reports a proverb that was transmitted to him from the other end.

There is no such person who can live forever without sin

Every untruth is a sin

You can't escape fate

Risk is a noble cause

If you make money, you will live without need

When money talks, truth is silent

And steal wisely - trouble cannot be avoided

Once you steal, you become a thief forever

Who is stronger is right

Whoever you hang out with, that's how you'll gain

A smart lie is better than a stupid truth

If he ran away, he was right, but if he got caught, he was guilty.

Psychological game “Understand me”

At the same time, all participants pronounce their word loudly, and the driver repeats all the words that were heard.

Participants in the game each receive 2 sheets with the names “sell” and “buy.” The presenter suggests that on one sheet, under the inscription “I sell,” write all his shortcomings, which he would like to get rid of, and on the other sheet, under the inscription “buy,” write the advantages, which he lacks in communication. Then the sheets are attached to the chests of the game participants, and they become visitors to the “Fair”, begin to walk around and offer to buy (or sell) what they need. The game continues until everyone has gone through and read all the possible options for buying and selling the qualities required for him.

Psychological game for children “Name the emotion”

Passing the ball around, participants name the emotions that interfere with communication. Then the ball is passed to the other side and emotions are called that help communication. Emotions can be expressed in different ways - through movement, posture, facial expressions, gestures, intonation.

Methodology " Your name»

Participants stand in a circle, and one, passing the ball to a neighbor, calls his full name. The task of others is to name, passing the ball around the circle, as many variations of his name as possible (for example, Katya, Katyusha, Katerina, Katenka, Katyushka, Ekaterina). The task is repeated for each participant. Then everyone shares how they felt when they heard their name.

Game-exercise “Garbage Bin”

Children write their negative thoughts, unpleasant incidents, stories, situations on sheets of paper, crumple the sheets and throw them into a bucket (forgetting it forever).

Psychological game for children “BURIME”

It’s easy to write poetry, said the poet Tsvetik. The main thing is that there is meaning and rhyme. Everyone takes a sheet of paper and a pen and writes any line that comes to mind, even vaguely reminiscent of a poem in its rhythmic pattern. Next, all the pieces of paper are passed to one person in a circle and another line is written as a continuation of the previous line, preferably in rhyme, and so on. For an element of surprise, it is better to wrap the sheet in a tube, leaving only the last three lines visible. When all the sheets have gone through one, two or three circles, everyone takes the sheet that started and expressively recites it to the laughter of the audience.

Psychological game for children “FLY”

A game for concentration and testing it. Those who show poor attention and concentration are not accepted as astronauts. Everyone sits in a circle or at a table. Leader's instructions. Imagine a tic-tac-toe field, three by three squares. A fly sits in the center. We will move the fly one by one. There are only four moves: up, down, right, left. A mistake would be reversing: up and down, and the fly leaving the field. The task is to all together, in a circle, mentally move the fly, voicing your move and not making mistakes. If someone makes a mistake, reset and again the fly is in the center. You can enter penalty points for mistakes for the competitive element.

Volumetric fly. This is a more complex option, no longer available to everyone, but only to the most attentive. Imagine a three-dimensional field for playing tic-tac-toe - a three-by-three Rubik's cube. We add two more moves - to ourselves and from ourselves. It is important not to lose the fly, carefully monitor its movements and not make mistakes.

Psychological game for children “THREE”

There is one simple game to test your attention and concentration. Instructions. We will rhythmically count the natural numbers in a circle: one-two-three-four-five and so on. The difficulty is that according to the rules of the game, the number “3”, numbers ending in three, for example “13”, and numbers divisible by three, for example “6”, are not spoken, but clapping. An error is considered to be the error itself and the failure of the rhythm. If there is an error, everything is reset and starts over (“One”) from this participant in any direction in a circle.

Despite the apparent simplicity of the game, not all teams manage to reach at least twenty. If you reach thirty, this indicates good concentration. Simplification or complication of the game is possible by slowing down or speeding up the rhythm.

Psychological game for children “ZOO”

Acting skills game. 7-8 people participate, everyone chooses any animal: sheep, horse, pig, cat, dog, crocodile, platypus, jackal in winter, deer during mating season, etc. Further introduction: everyone in a circle expressively demonstrates to the others the characteristic movement of this animal. After this, in turn, you must first show “yourself”, and then any other “animal” present. This “animal” gets a move, shows itself further than another animal. And so on. Then you can declare a “super zoo”. This is when all the animals are demonstrated in the most exaggerated and bright way! You can play right through. If you made a mistake in passing the move, you are out of the game.

Psychological exercise for children "THE PRINCESS AND THE PEA"

Only women participate in the game. You need to place stools (or chairs without upholstery) in a row according to the number of expected participants (preferably 3-4). A certain number of round caramels are placed on each stool (there are such candies, shaped like small koloboks), or buttons on the stem (preferably larger ones). For example, on the first stool - 3 candies, on the second - 2, on the third - 4. The top of the stools is covered with opaque plastic bags. The preparations are complete. Those interested are invited. They are seated on stools. The music turns on. Usually for this competition the song "Move Your Booty" is included. And so, while dancing while sitting on a stool, the participants must determine how many candies are underneath them. The one who does it faster and more correctly will win.

Psychological game for children “NEW YEAR TREE”

For the game you need: 1 stool or chair, 1 girl, a lot of clothespins. Clothespins are attached to the girl's dress, the girl is placed on a stool, 2 young men are selected from among the company (you can generally divide into 2 teams), who remove the clothespins from her blindfolded. The one who removes the last clothespin, or the one who has the most clothespins, takes the girl off the chair and kisses her as many times as there are clothespins. The game can be played in reverse, i.e. a guy stands on a stool.

Psychological game “Cacti grow in the desert”.

Everyone stands in a circle, holds hands, walks and says:

“Cacti grow in the desert, cacti grow in the desert...” The leader stands in the center of the circle, sometimes turning. Suddenly, one of the players jumps out of the circle and shouts: “Oh!” He must do this in such a way that the presenter does not see him at this moment, and the players adjacent to him immediately clasp their hands. If the leader sees someone about to jump out, he touches him on the shoulder, and he remains in the general circle.

The presenter asks: “What’s wrong with you?”

The player comes up with any answer related to the cactus (for example: “I ate a cactus, but it is bitter” or “I stepped on a cactus”).

After this, the player returns back to the circle, and others can jump out. The most important condition is not to repeat yourself when answering the presenter’s question.

Those children who most often find themselves outside the circle are the most active and have greater leadership abilities.

Psychological game "Cubs on a walk"

It is useful to involve children of preschool and primary school age in such a game. It can be played in kindergarten or at a party in elementary school.

First, the presenter says: “You are all little bear cubs, you are walking through the meadow and picking sweet strawberries. One of you is the eldest, he watches over everyone else.”

Cheerful music plays, children walk around the room and pretend to be bear cubs - they waddle, pretend to pick berries, and sing songs.

At this time, the presenter selects one player and, when the music stops, announces that he is the eldest bear cub. His task (announced in advance) is to check as quickly as possible whether all the cubs are in place, that is, to touch the shoulder of each player.

After he makes sure that no one is lost, the game resumes, and after a few minutes the leader appoints another senior. The game is on until everyone has played this role. The one who completes this task the fastest is declared the fastest and oldest. Naturally, this will only work for those who act calmer and more organized than others. At the end of the game, the host explains why the winner was able to complete the task better than the others. Allows children to learn to quickly respond to a task and organize their actions correctly. It can be carried out quite often, changing bear cubs to kittens, chickens, elephant calves, etc.

Psychological game “Far, far away, in a dense forest...”

The game is for preschoolers. In this age leadership skills manifest themselves quite clearly, usually they are directly related to mental or physical superiority. With age, these qualities may disappear if they are not developed.

The players sit on chairs, close their eyes, and the presenter explains the rules: the phrase “far, far away, in a dense forest... who?” One of the players answers, for example: “little foxes.” If several answers are pronounced at the same time, the presenter does not accept them and repeats the phrase again. Sometimes it is difficult for the players to decide who should answer, but the leader should not interfere and let the children figure it out themselves.

When the only answer is received, the presenter says the following phrase: “Far, far away, in a dense forest, fox cubs... what are they doing?” Answers are accepted according to the same rules.

You can play this game for quite a long time until you get bored. Or - when the first phrase becomes long enough, you can start over. The only condition: all phrases must begin the same: “Far, far away, in a dense forest...”

It usually turns out that one or more players answer the most. It is worth paying attention to them - they are the ones who have the most developed leadership abilities.

Psychological game “Shipwreck”

The game is for children of preschool and school age.

The presenter announces: “We sailed on big ship, and he ran aground. Then he got up strong wind, the ship refloated, but the engine broke down. There are enough lifeboats, but the radio is damaged. What to do?"

The situation may be different, the main thing is that there are several ways out of it.

The kids discuss the current situation and consider all possible ways out of it. Some people offer one way out, others another. It is important to pay attention to who takes the most active part in the discussion and defends their opinion.

As a result of the discussion, the players tell the presenter their way out of the situation, and he tells them what came out of it. Naturally, the result must be successful. The presenter must not allow a “split” among the players, that is, the fact that one half of the children will choose one option, and the other half will choose another.

Psychological game "Fire brigade"

At the beginning of the game, a leader is chosen. The remaining players represent the “fire brigade”. The presenter must send them to put out the “fire”. Players must run, fuss and perform some stupid actions. The leader’s task is to be able to “gather” them and force them to “put out the fire.” As a result, each player gives his assessment of the leader’s behavior on a five-point scale.

Then the players change places - someone else becomes the leader. The game repeats itself. Next, each player again gives his assessment of the leader’s behavior. The game continues until each player is in the leader's place. The winner will be the one who received the most points.

Psychological game “Photographer”

Game for preschoolers.

At the beginning of the game, a leader is selected - the “photographer”. The presenter must take interesting “photos,” which means he must seat the rest of the guys at his discretion. The “Photographer” will have to act quickly and clearly. He can offer the role of a teacher to one of the participants in the game - therefore, he needs to take the appropriate pose. Someone can become a “policeman”, someone an “actress”, someone a “magician”.

Each player gives his or her assessment of the “photographer’s” actions on a five-point scale. Then the players change, and another one becomes the “photographer”. The game continues until all the guys have played the role of “photographer”. And to make the game even more interesting, you can take a Polaroid and take snapshots. The best “photographer”, accordingly, will have better quality photographs, which means he is better than others at ensuring that those around him fulfill his requirements, and is a leader.

Psychological game “I’m the best, and you?”

For children preschool age.

All children should feel unity and receive a dose of encouragement and approval, and in an atmosphere of mutual understanding and good mood, children will forget about their fears and doubts for a while. The game is designed for the participation of not too many children (from 3 to 5).

One of the children is hoisted onto a chair amid universal cheers of approval, and for a while the dream of being on stage and receiving enthusiastic applause becomes a reality. The rest surround the chair in a tight ring and clap their hands.

Each of the players should visit this place of honor, and both those for whom applause is heard and those who applaud receive pleasure from the game.

Psychological game “Along the Main Street with an Orchestra”

For preschool children.

The game helps children get rid of negative emotions and also imagine themselves as an important orchestra conductor. This exercise not only invigorates, but also creates a feeling of cohesion. For the game, you will need a cassette with a recording of perky and cheerful music that children would like and evoke positive emotions in them.

All the children must remember the conductor and the movements that he performs in the orchestra pit. Everyone needs to stand together in a common circle, imagine themselves as conductors and “conduct” an imaginary orchestra. All parts of the body should be involved: arms, legs, shoulders, palms...

Psychological game "Gardener"

For children of preschool and primary school age; It is desirable that the number of participants be at least 10.

Choose a presenter. It often becomes an adult.

All children take color names for themselves. The leader begins the game by saying next text: “I was born a gardener, I was seriously angry, I was tired of all the flowers, except ...”, and names one of the flowers chosen by the children. For example, “...except for the rose.” “Rose” should immediately respond: “Oh!” The presenter or one of the players asks: “What’s wrong with you?” “Rose” answers: “In love.” The same player or presenter asks: “With whom?” “Rose” answers, for example, “Into the violet.” “Violet” should immediately respond: “Oh!” etc. If you did not respond when you named your flower, or you yourself “fell in love” with someone who is not here, then you lose and the game starts over.

Psychological game “Nose, mouth...”

For preschool children. It teaches the ability to quickly react to a situation, develops their attention and the ability to quickly switch it from one subject to another.

Usually the leader is an adult. Sit facing the children, seating them in a semicircle. Start the game by saying: “Nose, nose, nose, nose...”. At the same time elongated index finger touch your nose. Children should do the same. Suddenly change the word: “Nose, nose, mouth...”, but you should not touch the mouth, but another part of the head, for example, the forehead or ear. The children's task is to touch the same part of the head as you, and not the one you named. The one who makes more than 3 mistakes leaves the game.

The winner is the player who remains in the game the longest.

Psychological game “Food Base”

For children of preschool and primary school age.

A presenter is selected. He will be the “director of the product base.” Another one is “store director.” The remaining players are “sellers”. The essence of the game is this: one “salesperson” comes to the “director of the food base” and asks him what products are available. The “base director” gives him a specific list, for example: “There is ice cream, Ostankino sausage, Salami sausage, smoked sausages, Dutch cheese, Indian tea, milk, butter, margarine.”

The “seller” must remember everything and pass it on to the “store director.” The difficulty is that you cannot write down the names of products, you can only remember them. At the same time, the presenters themselves may well write down what they said in order to check the players later. For each correctly named product, the player receives a point. Those who collect the most win.



A game for children is not only and not so much entertainment. For a child, play is the main activity. She helps him develop and learn about the world around him. Therefore, parents and teachers often usepsychological games for childrenin raising a child. We will share some of these games with you.

Psychological games for children can be aimed at developing memory, reaction, ingenuity, attention, imagination, and ear for music. They will help identify leaders in the children's team, make friends and unite the team, overcome shyness and develop self-confidence. The advantage of psychological games for children is that the child will play with pleasure, without even suspecting that at that moment he is being raised.Let's look at some types of psychological games for children.

Psychological games for children. Memory development

"Funny drawings."The game is intended for children of primary school age and trains memory for the names of objects. On ten sheets of paper you need to draw funny non-existent objects - fruits, vegetables, animals, etc. Each item has an unusual name. Then the children are shown the drawings and told the names of each of them, having previously been warned that they need to be remembered. Then the drawings are removed, and after a few seconds they are shown again, and the children guess their names. If you play with one child, then he will simply have to guess as many objects as possible. If there are several, arrange a competition, awarding one point for each item guessed or giving a reward. If the players are very small, you need to come up with a simpler name and make fewer cards with pictures.

"Taster". This game for preschoolers and primary schoolchildren develops taste and visual memory. You can play it with a group of children, or you can play it alone with your child, then you will be the leader. Children are shown a basket with different fruits that they need to remember. Then they are asked to leave the room, and the presenter makes a salad from the fruits, finely chopping them and seasoning them with sour cream. You don’t need to use all the fruits, but hide the basket. Children try the salad, and then try to name those fruits that were not included in the salad, but were in the basket. You can play this game with vegetables too. It allows you to kill two birds with one stone: train your memory and feed your child healthy and tasty vegetables and fruits.

Psychological games for children. Development of thinking and imagination

"How to connect two words?"This game develops imagination and the ability to establish associative (semantic) connections. It is intended for children of middle school age. The referee-leader in this game is an adult. He names any two words, for example, “parsley” and “grandmother.” Children must explain how these words are related to each other. The options can be very different: grandma grows parsley on the windowsill; Grandma has curly hair like parsley, etc. For each option the player is awarded one point. You can additionally encourage interesting and unusual options, but they still should not be devoid of meaning and logic.

"Whose rainbow is brighter?"This game for children of primary and secondary school age not only develops imagination, but also helps them learn to add emotional coloring to their statements and correctly express thoughts in writing. Each child receives a piece of paper with a sentence written on it. This is the beginning of the story. Players need to complete the story themselves and use interrogative and exclamatory sentences - the more, the better. Starting sentences should be fairly simple (be sure to consider the age of the players), but they should contain an idea that can be easily developed.

Psychological games for children. Getting rid of complexes

"Our hairdresser"Some children have complexes about their hairstyle - they may not like the length of their hair or the color of their hair, the fact that their hair is curly or straight, while for others it’s the opposite. The game "our hairdresser" will help them get rid of this complex. It is better to play it with children of middle school age. The players are divided into pairs, each pair has a “client” and a “hairdresser”. The “hairdresser” must give the client an original hairstyle. To do this, you can use different elastic bands and hairpins, foams, gels, and mousses. But all products should be easily washed off with water. It is not recommended to use hairspray - it can get into your eyes, and its smell is not always pleasant. Scissors are prohibited - a bad haircut is difficult to fix. When all the hairstyles are ready, you can hold a competition of hairdressers and models and determine the most unusual hairstyle, or you can encourage each couple. Then the players in pairs change roles.

"Ability to behave in society."Often children's complexes, shyness and self-consciousness are associated with the fact that the child does not know how to behave correctly in a given situation, does not know the rules of good manners. This game for children of middle and high school age will help cope with this complex. The presenter (better if it is an adult) invites the children to stage different situations from everyday life. What to do if you are invited to visit? Or vice versa, did guests come to you? After those interested have shown their skits, you can discuss them and decide what to do correctly.

Psychological games for children. How to identify a leader?

"Do it once, do it twice."Game for schoolchildren. The presenter says that on his command, all children must simultaneously do some action. On the command “do it once,” they raise the chairs up and hold them until one of them says to lower the chairs. At the leader’s command “do two,” the players begin to run around the chairs. When one of the players gives the command, they must sit down at the same time. Those children who gave commands to lower the chairs and sit down are most likely leaders, especially if it was the same person.

"Counting books." Game for teenagers. The players close their eyes and their task is to count to ten. It is necessary to count at random, i.e. one player cannot say two numbers in a row, you cannot negotiate. If two players speak at the same time, the game starts again. The leader is most likely the player who names the most numbers.

“If you like it, then do it!”

Children stand in a circle, one of them shows any movement, saying the first words of the song “If you like it, then do it like this...”, the rest of the children repeat the movement, continuing the song: “If you like it, then show it to others, if you like it, then do it this way...” Then the next child shows his movement, and so on until the circle is completed.

Psychological game for children"I'm throwing you the ball."

To relax and lift your spirits, you can offer a game with a ball. In a circle, everyone will throw the ball to each other, calling the name of the person to whom they are throwing it, and saying the words: “I am throwing you a flower (candy, elephant, etc.).” The one to whom the ball was thrown must respond with dignity.

Psychological game for children"Broken phone"

Participants take turns passing proverbs to each other, which the presenter calls into the ears of those sitting at both ends. Then each of them reports a proverb that was transmitted to him from the other end.

There is no such person who can live forever without sin

Every untruth is a sin

You can't escape fate

Risk is a noble cause

If you make money, you will live without need

When money talks, truth is silent

And steal wisely - trouble cannot be avoided

Once you steal, you become a thief forever

Who is stronger is right

Whoever you hang out with, that's how you'll gain

A smart lie is better than a stupid truth

If he ran away, he was right, but if he got caught, he was guilty.

4.Game “Understand Me”

At the same time, all participants pronounce their word loudly, and the driver repeats all the words that were heard.

Psychological game for children “Fair of Virtues”

Participants in the game each receive 2 sheets with the names “sell” and “buy.” The presenter suggests that on one sheet, under the inscription “I sell,” write all his shortcomings, which he would like to get rid of, and on the other sheet, under the inscription “buy,” write the advantages, which he lacks in communication. Then the sheets are attached to the chests of the game participants, and they become visitors to the “Fair”, begin to walk around and offer to buy (or sell) what they need. The game continues until everyone has gone through and read all the possible options for buying and selling the qualities required for him.

Psychological game for children"Name the emotion"

Passing the ball around, participants name the emotions that interfere with communication. Then the ball is passed to the other side and emotions are called that help communication. Emotions can be expressed in different ways - through movement, posture, facial expressions, gestures, intonation.

Method “Your name”

Participants stand in a circle, and one, passing the ball to a neighbor, calls his full name. The task of others is to name, passing the ball around the circle, as many variations of his name as possible (for example, Katya, Katyusha, Katerina, Katenka, Katyushka, Ekaterina). The task is repeated for each participant. Then everyone shares how they felt when they heard their name.

Exercise game "Bin"

Children write their negative thoughts, unpleasant incidents, stories, situations on sheets of paper, crumple the sheets and throw them into a bucket (forgetting it forever).

Psychological game for children"BURIME"

It’s easy to write poetry, said the poet Tsvetik. The main thing is that there is meaning and rhyme. Everyone takes a sheet of paper and a pen and writes any line that comes to mind, even vaguely reminiscent of a poem in its rhythmic pattern. Next, all the pieces of paper are passed to one person in a circle and another line is written as a continuation of the previous line, preferably in rhyme, and so on. For an element of surprise, it is better to wrap the sheet in a tube, leaving only the last three lines visible. When all the sheets have gone through one, two or three circles, everyone takes the sheet that started and expressively recites it to the laughter of the audience.

Psychological game for children"FLY"

A game for concentration and testing it. Those who show poor attention and concentration are not accepted as astronauts. Everyone sits in a circle or at a table. Leader's instructions. Imagine a tic-tac-toe field, three by three squares. A fly sits in the center. We will move the fly one by one. There are only four moves: up, down, right, left. A mistake would be reversing: up and down, and the fly leaving the field. The task is to all together, in a circle, mentally move the fly, voicing your move and not making mistakes. If someone makes a mistake, reset and again the fly is in the center. You can enter penalty points for mistakes for the competitive element.

Volumetric fly. This is a more complex option, no longer available to everyone, but only to the most attentive. Imagine a three-dimensional field for playing tic-tac-toe - a three-by-three Rubik's cube. We add two more moves - to ourselves and from ourselves. It is important not to lose the fly, carefully monitor its movements and not make mistakes.

Psychological game for children"THREE"

There is one simple game to test your attention and concentration. Instructions. We will rhythmically count the natural numbers in a circle: one-two-three-four-five and so on. The difficulty is that according to the rules of the game, the number “3”, numbers ending in three, for example “13”, and numbers divisible by three, for example “6”, are not spoken, but clapping. An error is considered to be the error itself and the failure of the rhythm. If there is an error, everything is reset and starts over (“One”) from this participant in any direction in a circle.

Despite the apparent simplicity of the game, not all teams manage to reach at least twenty. If you reach thirty, this indicates good concentration. Simplification or complication of the game is possible by slowing down or speeding up the rhythm.

Psychological game for children"ZOO"

Acting skills game. 7-8 people participate, everyone chooses any animal: sheep, horse, pig, cat, dog, crocodile, platypus, jackal in winter, deer during mating season, etc. Further introduction: everyone in a circle expressively demonstrates to the others the characteristic movement of this animal. After this, in turn, you must first show “yourself”, and then any other “animal” present. This “animal” gets a move, shows itself further than another animal. And so on. Then you can declare a “super zoo”. This is when all the animals are demonstrated in the most exaggerated and bright way! You can play right through. If you made a mistake in passing the move, you are out of the game.

Psychological exercise for children"PRINCESS ON THE PEA"

Only women participate in the game. You need to place stools (or chairs without upholstery) in a row according to the number of expected participants (preferably 3-4). A certain number of round caramels are placed on each stool (there are such candies, shaped like small koloboks), or buttons on the stem (preferably larger ones). For example, on the first stool - 3 candies, on the second - 2, on the third - 4. The top of the stools is covered with opaque plastic bags. The preparations are complete. Those interested are invited. They are seated on stools. The music turns on. Usually for this competition the song "Move Your Booty" is included. And so, while dancing while sitting on a stool, the participants must determine how many candies are underneath them. The one who does it faster and more correctly will win.

Psychological game for children"CHRISTMAS TREE"

For the game you need: 1 stool or chair, 1 girl, a lot of clothespins. Clothespins are attached to the girl's dress, the girl is placed on a stool, 2 young men are selected from among the company (you can generally divide into 2 teams), who remove the clothespins from her blindfolded. The one who removes the last clothespin, or the one who has the most clothespins, takes the girl off the chair and kisses her as many times as there are clothespins. The game can be played in reverse, i.e. a guy stands on a stool.

Psychological games for preschoolers

"Cacti grow in the desert"

The game is intended

Everyone stands in a circle, holds hands, walks and says:

“Cacti grow in the desert, cacti grow in the desert...” The leader stands in the center of the circle, sometimes turning. Suddenly, one of the players jumps out of the circle and shouts: “Oh!” He must do this in such a way that the presenter does not see him at this moment, and the players adjacent to him immediately clasp their hands. If the leader sees someone about to jump out, he touches him on the shoulder, and he remains in the general circle.

The presenter asks: “What’s wrong with you?”

The player comes up with any answer related to the cactus (for example: “I ate a cactus, but it is bitter” or “I stepped on a cactus”).

After this, the player returns back to the circle, and others can jump out. The most important condition is not to repeat yourself when answering the presenter’s question.

Those children who most often find themselves outside the circle are the most active and have greater leadership abilities.

"Teddy bears on a walk"

It is useful to involve children of preschool and primary school age in such a game. It can be played in kindergarten or at a party in elementary school.

First, the presenter says: “You are all little bear cubs, you are walking through the meadow and picking sweet strawberries. One of you is the eldest, he watches over everyone else.”

Cheerful music plays, children walk around the room and pretend to be bear cubs - they waddle, pretend to pick berries, and sing songs.

At this time, the presenter selects one player and, when the music stops, announces that he is the eldest bear cub. His task (announced in advance) is to check as quickly as possible whether all the cubs are in place, that is, to touch the shoulder of each player.

After he makes sure that no one is lost, the game resumes, and after a few minutes the leader appoints another senior. The game continues until everyone has played this role. The one who completes this task the fastest is declared the fastest and oldest. Naturally, this will only work for those who act calmer and more organized than others. At the end of the game, the host explains why the winner was able to complete the task better than the others.

The game “Teddy Bears for a Walk” allows children to learn how to quickly respond to a task and correctly organize their actions. It can be carried out quite often, changing bear cubs to kittens, chickens, elephant calves, etc.

"Far, far away, in a dense forest..."

The game is for preschoolers. At this age, leadership qualities manifest themselves quite clearly, usually they are directly related to mental or physical superiority. With age, these qualities may disappear if they are not developed.

The players sit on chairs, close their eyes, and the presenter explains the rules: the phrase “far, far away, in a dense forest... who?” One of the players answers, for example: “little foxes.” If several answers are pronounced at the same time, the presenter does not accept them and repeats the phrase again. Sometimes it is difficult for the players to decide who should answer, but the leader should not interfere and let the children figure it out themselves.

When the only answer is received, the presenter says the following phrase: “Far, far away, in a dense forest, fox cubs... what are they doing?” Answers are accepted according to the same rules.

You can play this game for quite a long time until you get bored. Or - when the first phrase becomes long enough, you can start over. The only condition: all phrases must begin the same: “Far, far away, in a dense forest...”

It usually turns out that one or more players answer the most. It is worth paying attention to them - they are the ones who have the most developed leadership abilities.


The game is for children of preschool and school age.

The presenter announces: “We were sailing on a large ship, and it ran aground. Then a strong wind arose, the ship refloated, but the engine broke down. There are enough lifeboats, but the radio is damaged. What to do?"

The situation may be different, the main thing is that there are several ways out of it.

The kids discuss the current situation and consider all possible ways out of it. Some people offer one way out, others another. It is important to pay attention to who takes the most active part in the discussion and defends their opinion.

As a result of the discussion, the players tell the presenter their way out of the situation, and he tells them what came out of it. Naturally, the result must be successful. The presenter must not allow a “split” among the players, that is, the fact that one half of the children will choose one option, and the other half will choose another.

"Fire brigade"

For preschool children.

At the beginning of the game, a leader is chosen. The remaining players represent the “fire brigade”. The presenter must send them to put out the “fire”. Players must run, fuss and perform some stupid actions. The leader’s task is to be able to “gather” them and force them to “put out the fire.” As a result, each player gives his assessment of the leader’s behavior on a five-point scale.

Then the players change places - someone else becomes the leader. The game repeats itself. Next, each player again gives his assessment of the leader’s behavior. The game continues until each player is in the leader's place. The winner will be the one who received the most points.


Game for preschoolers.

At the beginning of the game, a leader is selected - the “photographer”. The presenter must take interesting “photos,” which means he must seat the rest of the guys at his discretion. The “Photographer” will have to act quickly and clearly. He can offer the role of a teacher to one of the participants in the game - therefore, he needs to take the appropriate pose. Someone can become a “policeman”, someone an “actress”, someone a “magician”.

Each player gives his or her assessment of the “photographer’s” actions on a five-point scale. Then the players change, and another one becomes the “photographer”. The game continues until all the guys have played the role of “photographer”. And to make the game even more interesting, you can take a Polaroid and take snapshots. The best “photographer”, accordingly, will have better quality photographs, which means he is better than others at ensuring that those around him fulfill his requirements, and is a leader.

“I’m the best, and you?”

For preschool children.

All children should feel unity and receive a dose of encouragement and approval, and in an atmosphere of mutual understanding and good mood, children will forget about their fears and doubts for a while. The game is designed for the participation of not too many children (from 3 to 5).

One of the children is hoisted onto a chair amid universal cheers of approval, and for a while the dream of being on stage and receiving enthusiastic applause becomes a reality. The rest surround the chair in a tight ring and clap their hands.

Each of the players should visit this place of honor, and both those for whom applause is heard and those who applaud receive pleasure from the game.

"On Main Street with an Orchestra"

For preschool children.

The game helps children get rid of negative emotions and also imagine themselves as an important orchestra conductor. This exercise not only invigorates, but also creates a feeling of cohesion. For the game, you will need a cassette with a recording of perky and cheerful music that children would like and evoke positive emotions in them.

All the children must remember the conductor and the movements that he performs in the orchestra pit. Everyone needs to stand together in a common circle, imagine themselves as conductors and “conduct” an imaginary orchestra. All parts of the body should be involved: arms, legs, shoulders, palms...


For children of preschool and primary school age; It is desirable that the number of participants be at least 10.

Choose a presenter. It often becomes an adult.

All children take color names for themselves. The presenter begins the game by saying the following text: “I was born a gardener, I got really angry, I’m tired of all the flowers, except ...”, and names one of the flowers chosen by the children. For example, “...except for the rose.” “Rose” should immediately respond: “Oh!” The presenter or one of the players asks: “What’s wrong with you?” “Rose” answers: “In love.” The same player or presenter asks: “With whom?” “Rose” answers, for example, “Into the violet.” “Violet” should immediately respond: “Oh!” etc. If you did not respond when you named your flower, or you yourself “fell in love” with someone who is not here, then you lose and the game starts over.

Nose, mouth...

For preschool children. It teaches the ability to quickly react to a situation, develops their attention and the ability to quickly switch it from one subject to another.

Usually the leader is an adult. Sit facing the children, seating them in a semicircle. Start the game by saying: “Nose, nose, nose, nose...”. At the same time, touch your nose with your extended index finger. Children should do the same. Suddenly change the word: “Nose, nose, mouth...”, but you should not touch the mouth, but another part of the head, for example, the forehead or ear. The children's task is to touch the same part of the head as you, and not the one you named. The one who makes more than 3 mistakes leaves the game.

The winner is the player who remains in the game the longest.

"Product base"

For children of preschool and primary school age.

A presenter is selected. He will be the “director of the product base.” Another one is “store director.” The remaining players are “sellers”. The essence of the game is this: one “salesperson” comes to the “director of the food base” and asks him what products are available. The “base director” gives him a specific list, for example: “There is ice cream, Ostankino sausage, Salami sausage, smoked sausages, Dutch cheese, Indian tea, milk, butter, margarine.”

The “seller” must remember everything and pass it on to the “store director.” The difficulty is that you cannot write down the names of products, you can only remember them. At the same time, the presenters themselves may well write down what they said in order to check the players later. For each correctly named product, the player receives a point. Those who collect the most win.

The psychology of the game has a unique specificity, since the subject’s attention is more captured by the process itself than by a specific goal. If computer game captivates a teenager or even an adult, he can mentally delay its final completion due to the desire to enjoy his stay in the virtual universe longer. Social and psychological games are no less entertaining, and parents should pay attention to the intellectual development of the child, giving him the opportunity to participate in such training at least once.

What the game allows you to do with high degree effectiveness to form in the child a number of positive changes in mental properties, as well as the ability to communicate and empathy for others - proven in theory and confirmed practical experience fact. The basic functions of gaming activity are:

  • uplifting, entertainment;
  • identifying deviations in the development and behavior of the child;
  • discovering talents and acquiring useful skills;
  • positive transformation of personality at the structural level;
  • socialization of the child, simplifying it later life in society.

Exists great amount various psychological games: organizational and educational, aimed at developing mental activity, innovative, positional and many others. Living games allow you to comprehend fundamental personal values ​​and the ability to respect the point of view of your interlocutor. Project games develop personal criticality, as well as the ability to set specific goals and achieve them through competent planning and systematization.

Psychological games: basic rules

Psychologist's sessions with teenagers and children are most effective if they are presented to a young audience in the format of a game in which all the assembled participants are involved. The game allows you to comprehend certain aspects of human psychology and adapt in the most effective way within society. The organizer of such events must have practical experience and adhere to the following basic rules on working with children of primary school and adolescence:

  1. Explain in accessible language the rules and goals of each psychological training. Examples of real life situations with similar psychological mechanism actions.
  2. It is important to constantly monitor the emotional state of all group members. To do this, it is recommended to maintain the dynamics of the process at the proper level, avoiding procrastination and a boring atmosphere.
  3. Participants in the gameplay need motivation. The organizer must be able to not only interest the children, but also demonstrate to them the benefits of psychological training using examples of specific situations.
  4. It is important to explain to children that collective work is built on the principles of mutual respect, warmth and tolerance for the shortcomings of others.

After each psychological game, you need to have a collective discussion in which everyone should be involved. Such steps allow you to build an optimal algorithm for classes that are interesting the largest number children and teenagers. The organizer should not position himself as a stern adult, capable of punishing for certain offenses. On the contrary, the most effective is the model of a kind and patient assistant, ready to help in any difficult or conflict situation.

Psychological games for children enable the child to overcome accumulated fears and complexes, and also have the following positive potential:

  • allow the child to feel a sense of unity with a group of peers;
  • increase self-esteem and strengthen self-esteem;
  • help children learn respect for themselves and others;
  • teach the child to effectively overcome difficulties and obstacles;
  • teach children coordinated group work;
  • develop empathy and the ability to empathize with others in the child.

It is very important for the leader of psychological trainings for teenagers to learn how to create a cozy and friendly atmosphere in which even an introverted child will feel comfortable. When a new group of children gathers, unfamiliar with each other, they may feel a certain constraint, the task of overcoming which lies with the organizer of psychological games.

Psychological games for preschool children

Trainings in game form for preschool children should be short in time, since children’s attention dissipates very quickly. It is preferable to play three or more games in one lesson with breaks of 5-15 minutes between them.

Baby dragon biting its own tail

The purpose of this game is to get rid of obsessive neuroses and deep-rooted fears. It is necessary to select musical accompaniment in advance, and the playlist should consist mainly of cheerful major songs and melodies. The game is played as follows: children line up one after another in the form of a living chain. Each of the guys should hold on to the shoulders of his friend in front. The task of the first baby, personifying the head of the dragon, is to catch the child who closes the chain as quickly as possible.

Exercises to improve self-control

Psychological training is important for children to help them deal with negative emotions. Preschool children should be reminded as often as possible about the destructive nature of anger, and if they are overcome by anger, they need to pause and then do it. Then, standing up straight, you need to count to 10 in your head and smile from ear to ear. Anger and irritability cannot tolerate calm and goodwill. At the same time, it is necessary to remind the child that only by learning to direct his own emotions in a constructive direction will he be able to become an adult and independent person.

Psychological games for primary school children

Psychological games for primary schoolchildren should be aimed at working through internal problems and teaching them steps to overcome them independently. IN psychological trainings For children aged 6 to 9 years, the following elements should be included:

  1. Role-playing games. To fully immerse yourself in the plot, you need appropriate props. For example, for role playing game As construction workers, children will need plastic shovels, scoops, buckets, tape measures and other equipment purchased at a toy store.
  2. Exercises for relaxation and achieving a peaceful psychological state.
  3. Art therapy. Similar therapy the best way Suitable for hyperactive children and children prone to depressive disorders and experiencing psychological discomfort within the children's group.

Art therapy is a complex various techniques. Isotherapy is intended for children who experience certain difficulties with self-expression and who are trying to convey their own experiences, feelings and thoughts to the people around them. Choreographic practices are suitable for children of both primary and secondary school age who are prone to hyperactivity and aggressive behavior. Music therapy is the most universal technique and covers almost everything age groups. Psychological games for children 6–9 years old are based on modeling various situations and playing out possible behavior options in them.

What do you like to do?

This game is suitable for getting acquainted with new group, where most of its participants actually know nothing about each other. It is necessary to call one person at a time from among the young spectators, who will be given the following task: without using words, but only movements, facial expressions and gestures, tell the assembled children about your own hobby. For example, a child who comes out freely demonstrates his hobby to those around him, after which they are obliged to guess it. The kid who manages to do this first goes on an impromptu stage and

Make Princess Nesmeyana laugh

A chair is placed in the center of the room, on which one participant in this unusual competition is seated. The one who emerges is awarded the title “Princess Nesmeyana”, which he is obliged to justify 100% and retain for as long as possible. Those around them begin to provoke the imperturbable participant in every possible way, and as soon as a smile appears on his face, the next participant takes over the post of “Nesmeyana”. The winner is the child who can last the longest without laughing.

Tell me what you like

Children form a circle, sitting comfortably on pre-prepared chairs or stools. By voting or drawing lots, it is determined who starts the game first. The starter turns towards the child left side on his own behalf and speaks publicly about the traits that he likes most in his neighbor. A compliment can concern a beautiful eye color, an elegant profile, or any other feature, sympathetic. The only condition is that you can’t bend your heart and emphasize those features of appearance or character that you really don’t like.

Ball racing

The exercise is suitable for both hyperactive and calm young children. The organizers form teams consisting of pairs of guys. Each participant must, holding a balloon together with a partner, run to finish line, then touch the control point and return back in the same way, passing the ball to the next pair. The team that completes the relay first wins. It is prohibited to touch the ball during racing.

Important information! The psychological game for preschoolers “Race with Balls” allows you to establish mutual understanding in pairs and, in a playful way, learn to work well within a single team.

Psychological games for children 10–12 years old

Chained by one chain

In order to perform the exercise, you need props in the form of a thin long rope and an ordinary key, which is attached to one of the ends of the rope. Participants sit in a circle and take turns passing an improvised chain so that it is threaded from above through the collar and comes out below waist level. When all members of the group find themselves connected with each other, the leader invites them to perform a small one in the form of squats, bends and other simple exercises.

Interesting information! After completing the exercise, you should invite the children to make the key a symbol of friendship and mutual assistance. The training has a metaphorical meaning and allows children to understand the importance of support from others.

Funny pantomimes

When listing psychological role-playing games for children aged 10–12 years, one cannot ignore “Funny Pantomimes”. The organizer prepares the props in advance in the form of various items like a children's synthesizer, drumsticks, guitar, wooden horse, running boots and more. Each participant is randomly given the number of an object with which he is obliged to perform a pantomime with musical accompaniment or without it.

Important information! The exercise helps develop imagination and acting talents in children.

Truth or lie

The group settles down in a comfortable environment, after which the organizer announces the conditions of the game: he reads out various fun facts, then they decide whether what is said is true or clean water fiction. The child who answers the question correctly receives 1 point. For an incorrect answer, 1 point is also deducted; the one who first raised his hand offers his version. The child who has the highest score at the end of the game wins. large quantity points.

This is interesting! This psychological game is designed to develop analytical thinking in children aged 6 to 12 years.

Psychological games and exercises for teenagers

Psychological exercises for teenagers should be aimed at gaining self-confidence, developing determination and improving communication skills. Thanks to participation in psychological games, a teenager’s academic performance increases, and leadership qualities are also formed.

Living mirrors

The organizer will need to unite all teenagers present at the training into subgroups of three people. After the music turns on, one member of each group dances, and the rest play the role of living mirrors, copying all his body movements. When the music stops, the leaders in the subgroups change. The game continues until all participants try themselves as a “projector”. The exercise helps to unite the team and lift the spirits of everyone present.

Mysterious rhymes

The facilitator divides all participants into two teams, after which he hands one of the parties sheets of paper on which simple and common words like “face”, “laziness” or “bridge” are written. The task of the first team is to come up with as many rhymes as possible and read them to the second group in such a way that they can guess the original words. You cannot point to any external objects or clothing details. The game takes place in several rounds, during which the groups change roles.

Important information! The winner is the team that demonstrates best time in solving rhyming riddles. This exercise is suitable for developing non-verbal expression, observation and the ability to creatively and unconventionally express one’s own thoughts. The training develops the ability to perceive the interlocutor at the level of gestures, facial expressions, as well as associative verbal thinking.


And teenagers in popularity these days are confidently headed by “Mafia”. The creator of this role-playing game is Moscow University student Dmitry Davydov, who drew up the basic rules back in the mid-eighties of the twentieth century. Their essence boils down to the following:

  1. A group of 7 to 16 participants is recruited, each of whom is given cards in random order. It is by them that one is determined to belong to civilians, a sheriff or a mafia group terrorizing ordinary citizens.
  2. The game changes between day and night. Their alternation is closely monitored by a leader selected in advance from among those present or by card drawing. At night, members of the mafia kill their next victim, and when day comes, everyone present chooses which of them is the criminal.
  3. The game is played until complete victory, when everyone is killed civilians, including the sheriff, or the identities of all the bandits are revealed.

Playing “Mafia” directly involves even children and adults who are unfamiliar with each other in lively discussions and teaches them to find compromises, and also contributes to the development of talents, analytical thinking, intelligence and useful team interaction skills. The rules of the game are so simple that it takes no more than a few minutes to familiarize yourself with them. In the process, participants need to engage in communication, conduct heated debates and clearly demonstrate their degree of diplomatic skill.

The organizer divides everyone present into pairs and explains the task: during the first three minutes, the partners look for as many similar qualities and character traits as possible. The partners spend the next three minutes searching for differences. The team that can boast the most impressive score wins. After the end of the game, the presenter needs to convey the idea in a form accessible to the teenage audience that all people are very different, but at the same time have a lot in common.


Psychological trainings for teenagers often end with the following exercise: the facilitator distributes the players into teams of 5–10 participants, after which a director is randomly selected from each group. The rest of the guys will have to become real actors. The director's task is to distribute roles among his team and prepare a short theatrical production that parodies a popular film or book. If the director chose competition work"Alice in Wonderland", he is obliged to explain to the audience why this or that member of his group was chosen for a certain role. The team that best copes with the task wins.

Psychological classes for teenagers

Individual lessons allow you to make adjustments to the behavior model of both a difficult and withdrawn child who has problems communicating with peers. The task of a savvy and knowledgeable specialist is to competently select an individual approach to the child and involve him in the game process, which will form a positive behavioral pattern, as well as relieve obsessive fears, anxiety and complexes.

A noteworthy psychologist and practicing hypnologist is Nikita Valerievich Baturin. The hypnotist has an impressive number of session consultations, as a result of which the lives of their participants radically changed: problems that had accumulated over the years were resolved, self-esteem increased, relationships with others and achievements in the field of career and private business improved. For example, in this video Nikita Baturin talks about how to get rid of self-doubt and body pressure, which is very important for most teenagers.